Friday, June 30, 2017

Insanity is what I am...


The painted skulls of the Bone House in Hallstatt, Austria


In a remote region of Austria, between mountains and a lake, lays the picturesque town of Hallstatt.  Because of the town’s geography, the people started to run out of space to bury their dead in the early in the 18th century. So they built a charnel house, or beinhaus (bone house)near the cemetery, in which they stored the bones of their loved ones.

When a family member died, the body was buried in the cemetery for 10 to 15 years.  Then the remains were exhumed and the bones were left out and sun-bleached, then stacked in the Hallstatt Charnel House next to the bones of other family members.


The tradition of painting the skulls began in the 1720’s, as a way for the deceased to maintain their identity.  Today there are more than 1200 skulls stacked in the Hallstatt Charnel House, with about 610 of them lovingly painted.  After the body was exhumed and the bones bleached by the sun, the gravedigger would paint the crania with the deceased’s name, birth and death dates, and symbolic designs.  The skulls belonging to women were painted with colorful floral designs, and skulls belonging to men were decorated with an ivy motif.

The last skull to be placed in the Beinhaus belongs to a woman who died in 1983, and she requested that her bones be laid to rest in the charnel house. Her skull was placed in the ossuary in 1995 as she wished.



The main reason of triumph of Christianity was a deceive about afterlife

[caption id="attachment_2790" align="aligncenter" width="600"]hermann-hendrich-e2809cder-kampf-um-den-ruhme2809d Hermann Hendrich “Der Kampf um den Ruhm”[/caption]

Why Early Christianity gained adepts so quickly and, to some point of history, they outnumbered pagans? The nature of the apparently "strongest" point of Christianity against ascendant religions it’s related with the different conceptions about what happens after death and how to reach the “Eternal Glory”.

The spiritual aspects of Indo-European societies were centered on the notion of duty, honor, heroism, sacrifice, asceticism and effort, especially on the battlefield. Those who were brave and were killed in combat are elevated to the Divine category and they become worthy of worship.

Thus, Indo-European religions conceived two main ways to reach the “Eternal life”: The "path of the gods" ("to remain for glory"), and the "path of the fathers" ("to survive by offspring"), which entails the absence of survival (Oblivion) for those who left behind no deeds, no memories, no posterity, no offspring, and also excludes individual survival.

This Indo-European conception was in some way profoundly unsatisfactory and distressing to some kind of mediocre individuals who either were unable to gain glory on their own merits or their selfishness could not conceive their own existence without their own individual survival. This deceptive promise of "eternal salvation" regardless you were worthy or not according Indo-European worldview was finally offered by the various mystery cults that appeared later (Dionysus, Mithraism, Orphism, Pythagoreanism, Platonism and Neoplatonism), which later, during the final period, they ended up competing against the main mass religions, foreigners to Indo-European world specially Christianity (but also Judaism, Buddhism and Islam) thus they found in them an alternative that appeased their anguish to death.

These "religions of salvation" were extremely popular because such a promise was not associated with merit, success or heroism in battle, but with a simple moral behavior (a distorted one indeed), and even in some cases, just by believing, so the world of the afterlife became not only something more accessible for anyone, but also in something that lost its mythic-symbolic meaning and acquired a literal meaning. The Easy Heaven was very tempting to the masses of lower classes. This was the main cause of the first massive conversions to Christianity in Europe and that gradually led to the dissolution of the Indo-European world.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Antiochus Epiphanes' treatment

[caption id="attachment_2776" align="aligncenter" width="600"]tumblr_oqijs6psPg1u7fk6co1_1280 Destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, by Francesco Hayez. This imaginative depiction centers on the Altar of Burnt Offerings.[/caption]

“ We see the religion of the Jews occupy the lowest place among the dogmas of the civilized world, which is wholly in keeping with the fact that it is also the only religion that has absolutely no doctrine of immortality, nor has it even any trace thereof […] The impression left on me after studying the LXX (Septuagint translation of Hebrew Bible) is one of cordial affection and deep veneration for the μέγας βασιλεὺς Ναβουχωδονόσορ (the great King Nebuchadnezzar), although he was somewhat too lenient with a people whose God gave or promised them their neighbours’ lands. They then obtained possession of these by murder and rapine, and there erected a temple to God. May every people, whose God makes neighbouring countries ‘land of promise’, find their Nebuchadnezzar in good time and their Antiochus Epiphanes as well, and may they be treated without any more ceremony! ’’

Arthur Schopenhauer, “Parerga and Paralipomena”

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

BOB MATHEWS by Richard Scutari—May 2017


“It is not easy to write something about Bob. I met him on 4th June 1984, and he was killed on 8th December of the same year. I only knew him for a short time. Be that as it may, he and I became very close during that short six months. We travelled together and lived together the whole time except for a few brief months. Bob was an exceptional individual whose life was dedicated to creating a White Homeland in the Pacific Northwest. He believed it so much that it only took four days after meeting him to convince me. Bob was the type of person whose drive drew others to him. He was the only one in the racial movement to be able to get so many different personalities (and egos) to work together. I used to laugh at how well he could manipulate people into doing what he wanted including when he was doing it to me. Bob truly cared about those following him and the men loved him for it. In my mind, Bob’s only fault was that he was too trusting. He could not picture in him mind anyone, who professed the same beliefs in our Race as his, betraying those beliefs. Tom Martinez is a perfect example of this. Bob also never thought he was a leader. He was always looking for someone to take over the leadership of The Order. No one at that time or today could have replaced him. My fondest memory of Bob was when we were on Whidbey Island and he would take me out from his busy schedule and play with Frank Silva’s and my daughters. He so loved the children of our Race, you could see it in the way he interacted with them. But you could also see the sadness of not being with his own. I’ll not go into his death as it has been told many times before. It was an honor to have had him as a friend and to have stood beside him in this struggle for the Fourteen Word Cause.”


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Highest Law


"Don’t shrink from nature’s brutal perfection. Take joy in it. Embrace it. Understand it and revel in it. Respect it’s strength, it’s wisdom, it’s brutality and it’s all-encompassing power. The highest law has always been, and shall be, nature."

Boyd Rice, Standing In Two Circles: The Collected Works Of Boyd Rice


DEATH’S HEAD – Vanguard Productions



James Hartung Madole (Father of Post-War Occult-Fascism)







Article by Kerry Bolton from The Nexus #2 - November 1995

Monday, June 26, 2017

Nae Ionescu - The mystical thinker of the Iron Guard


Nae Ionescu, born Nicolae C. Ionescu (June 16, 1890 – March 15, 1940) was an influential Romanian philosopher, logician, mathematician, professor, and journalist.

Nae Ionescu studied Letter at the University of Bucharest and became a teacher. Later, he continued studying at the University of Göttingen in Germany and was awarded a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Munich. He influenced many significant Romanian thinkers (most notably Mircea Eliade) with his studies in comparative religion, mysticism, and philosophy as well as his nationalist and right-wing concepts. He developed his own existentialist and mystical philosophy which he called Trăirism, which influenced the ideas of the Legionary Movement (also known as the Iron Guard. Ionescu was also editor of the influential conservative newspaper Cuvântul ("The Word"), which supported King Carol II. However, Ionescu became more and more anti-Jewish and eventually became an opponent of Carol and associated with the Legionaries. After King Carol II established himself as a dictator in 1938, he began a heavy persecution of the Legionaries and their supporters. It was in this period that Ionescu was imprisoned because he was involved with the Legion. He was assassinated by poisoning in prison in 1940 as an attempt to stop his pro-Legionary influence.

"What does liberalism mean? An individualistic mentality; Life forms reduced to the individual. The beginnings of this individualism was born of Protestantism, which is an individualistic way of living God. Property in the West, was an individual, and in the West was the formula: jus utendi, fruendi etabutendi. For us (Romanians) it is not. For example, rural property (is a family property)."
– Nae Ionescu, Fenomenul Legionar ("Legionary Phenomenon")

The New Barbarians

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"We cannot possibly get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots. But we shall receive it only if we go back behind our cultural level, thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop. How this is to be done is a problem I have been trying to solve for years… The existing edifice is rotten. We need some new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilized man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need: a new experience of God."
- Carl Gustav Jung

Inner Victory


“The inner victory against the deepest forces that surface in one’s consciousness during times of tension and mortal danger is a triumph in an external sense, but it is also the sign of a victory of the spirit against itself and of an inner transfiguration.“

Julius Evola -  Meditations on the Peaks: Mountain Climbing as Metaphor for the Spiritual Quest

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Feuerrituale part 2


The Unbroken Warrior: Richard Scutari


The Unbroken Warrior, Richard Scutari - retells the glorious story of The Order (Bruders Schweigen) and one of its finest members, Richard Scutari. In its pages, we hear from more than 20 different contributors who have something to say about Richard Scutari and The Order - contributors such as Tom Metzger and Ron McVan. This book contains the writings of Richard Scutari, along with new material that has not yet been seen. Overall, this is a book dedicated to the noble life and actions of Richard Scutari who remains incarcerated because he remains "Unbroken". A must read for the Wotanist Warrior.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ruins and desolation

[caption id="attachment_2682" align="alignnone" width="1123"]The Ruins of Fast Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland The Wolf_s Crag of the Bride of Lammermoor (1892) ~ William Trost Richards The Ruins of Fast Castle, Berwickshire, Scotland The Wolf’s Crag of the Bride of Lammermoor (1892): William Trost Richards[/caption]

"But I have been familiar with ruins too long to dislike desolation."

— Lord Byron, in a letter to Thomas Moore

Thulianism by Christos Beest


There is a current, and not unsurprising trend among certain groups within the 'Occult' to disassociate 'Ultima Thule' and National Socialism - the latter, of course, being presented as a 'perverse' form of the former. Such groups are usually concerned with resurrecting 'old folk beliefs' and, while quite knowledgeable about certain traditions, they show little insight into either the 'Occult' world or the 'real' world - that is, into what has been and is going on, on the esoteric and everyday levels.

National-Socialism was not a "perverted" form of Thulianism, but rather a practical manifestation of certain energies within and external to the Northern European psyche - energies which had, in the past, assumed various external guises in the form of what is now known as 'Northern Paganism' and the various esoteric doctrines deriving from this. Thus it was complimentary to those traditions - it was neither a revival of them nor a distortion of certain esoteric aspects of them. The essence of National-Socialism was that it created its own traditions, its own 'numen' - from the struggle for power, for instance. The past glories of Germany, or Northern Europeans, added to this, provided further inspiration, as did some of the old forms, like paganism and folkcustoms. Those who knew, knew National-Socialism as the embodiment of what Ultima Thule was and is, in all its forms (or on all the levels) - that is, it represented the essence.

What fundamentally mattered to National-Socialism was the reality - and dealing with it on the practical level. It was concerned with dealing with the problems faced by Europeans and solving them in a way compatible with the psyche or 'soul' of the European. This was, and is, the concern of those few genuine Initiates of the tradition that some describe by the title 'Thulianism'. The concern of these Initiates is not for some 'dreamy realm' of the kind familiar from Eastern mysticism, nor from the supposed 'esoteric' traditions and customs of the Northern Europeans. They are certainly not concerned with metaphysical speculation nor the pseudo-Occult mystifications most Occultists are so fond of. They seek, via their understanding, to change their peoples and the structures, such as societies and civilizations, which those people create or belong
to. To this end, certain things are used, or are useful. They seek to use or create those forms which can be used to achieve the goals which are necessary. In a very important sense, National Socialism was and is such a form - capable of transforming the peoples and their societies. The aim was not to resurrect old ways of living or doing or believing (such as Northern Paganism or beliefs) it was to use that form to create new ways which represented the essence of the psyche - ways appropriate to achieving new goals.

It is unfortunate that few possess the over-view which is necessary - they cannot see the essence for the appearance: and believe the external form (such as runes) is the essence when it is only a form expressing the essence, and one which may be used to create something beyond itself. A simple example would be the use of the runes by the SS - the SS runes now mean National Socialism, particularly the heroism of the warriors of the Waffen-SS. Their historical origins are not as important as what they now represent in the practical sense. The symbols of National Socialism are symbols of National-Socialism, whatever their historical origins. As such, they represent the psychic energies of the Northern Europeans in a way which is much more significant, both on the practical level and the magickal, than their historical origins. By being derived from European sources, such symbols already to an extent 're-presented' this psyche - which was helpful, although not necessary. New symbols were created, and brought to life (ie. imbued with psychic energies) by being used in the struggle. Thus, these symbols became 'numinous', as mentioned above.


Naturally, I do not expect many of those who belong to such things as the "Rune Gild" or similar manifestations of what passed for or what others believed was, Northern Paganism, to understand this. Most will already be committed to believing such nonsense as National-Socialism was a "perversion" of Thulianism. The only powerful magick really suitable today for those of a Northern European descent (or even European descent) is that which uses the numinous symbols and forms of the genuine manifestation of Ultima Thule - one of which is National-Socialism. Those who do not understand this do not understand Aeonic forces at all - of what is really going on, both within the psyche of individuals and external to it; of what energies are really causing changes and influencing the psyche and the structures of societies and civilisation. The 'magick' which the symbols and forms of a resurrected Northern paganism possess enable only a limited and not very important self-transformation; more usually a self-delusion.

To cause significant change is necessary. The magickal forms of National-Socialism do not appear to be magickal or Occult - and that is one of the keys to understanding their power to transform. What exists, and has been created, appears to most to be 'political' or whatever - and this enables significant change, by others, in a way compatible with the modern world. For 'these others' for the most part are not and do not need to be 'Occultists'. Take a certain date in April - on this day, various celebrations are held by small groups of individuals or individuals alone, wherever there are Europeans. The form of these celebrations is different from one group to another. But the intent is the same - and in a very real and important sense, this day has become imbued with certain magickal energies because of this. It is, for those who belong to the Western civilisation, a day on which there are more real esoteric energies about than on most other days celebrated by a mostly non-Initiated Occult 'public' (such as "Beltaine") - energies more
representative of and important for Europeans than any conjured up by revived Norse or Celtic rites. One is concerned with and deals with, the reality of esoteric forces as they are," the other is concerned with and deals with what others believe those forces to be.

Those who deny this, as those who within NS circles deny the reality of Satanism, are in fact being manipulated by the very forces they seek to undermine.
(from The Flaming Sword No. 2, April 1994)
(c) 1994-1998 Realist Publications
PO Box 1627, Paraparaumu
New Zealand

Liberalism is the enemy


“Liberalism undoes nations and systematically destroys their sense of history, tradition, loyalty and value. Instead of helping man to elevate himself to the sphere of the superhuman, it divorces him from all ‘grand projects’ by declaring these projects ‘dangerous’ from the point of view of equality. No wonder, therefore, that the management of man’s individual well-being becomes his sole preoccupation. In the attempt to free man from all constraints, liberalism brings man under the yoke of other constraints which now downgrade him to the lowest level. Liberalism does not defend liberty; it  destroys the independence of the individual. By eroding historical memories, liberalism extricates man from history. It proposes to ensure his means of existence, but robs him of his reason to live and deprives him of the possibility of having a destiny.”

— Alain de Benoist

Friday, June 23, 2017

Better than all of your heaven


"A priest recently asked me: “But what about eternity…?”
I replied: “A day in National Socialist Germany is better for me than all of your heaven."

Robert Ley

Divinity of Destruction


“People ask: is there someone fit to be our leader? Our task is not to search for that person. Either God will give him to us or he will not come. Our task is to shape the sword that he will need when he comes.”

~ A. H.

“Whenever there is a decline of dharma (righteousness) and a prevalence of adharma (unrighteousness), the Supreme Lord appears, millennium after millennium, to deliver the pious and annihilate the dishonest, as well as to re-establish dharma.”

~ Bhagavad-gita 4.7-8

“Thereafter, at the conjunction of the two yugas, when the rulers of the earth have degenerated into plunderers, the Lord of the creation, Jagannatha-Vishnu, will appear as the son of Vishnu Yasa and be renowned by the name Kalki.“

~ Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.25

Equally Sun and Lightning


“They live and wait. Knowingly or unknowingly, they are waiting for Kalki; Kalki the last Man Against Time; the one whom Adolf Hitler foresaw in 1928; the Avenger who will give them– or their children– the world.

“The last incarnation of him-who-comes-back– the last Man Against Time has many names. Every great faith, every great culture, every true (living or obsolete) form of tradition as old as the fall of man has given him one…. the Christians behold him in Christ, present for the second time: no longer a meek preacher of love and forgiveness but the irresistible leader of the celestial white horsemen destined to put an end to this sinful world and establish a new heaven and a new earth. The Mohammedan world is awaiting him under the features of Mahdi, whom Allah shall send "at the end times”, to crush all evil through the powers of his sword– “after the Jews will once more have become the masters of Jerusalem” and after “the Devil will have taught men to set even the air they breathe on fire.” And the millions of Hindustan have called him from time immemorial and still call him Kalki, the last incarnation of the world-sustaining power: Vishnu; the one who will, in the interest of life, put an end to this age of gloom and open a new succession of ages.

“That last, great individual– an absolute harmonious blending of the sharpest of all opposites; equally sun and lightning– is the one whom the faithful of all religions and the bearers of practically all cultures await; the one of whom Adolf Hitler (knowingly or unknowingly) said in 1928: "I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so.”

“Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, he will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideological heretical, of the racially bastardized, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen ages.

"His companions at arms will be the last National Socialists; the men of iron who will have victoriously stood the test of persecution and, what is more, the test of complete isolation in the midst of a dreary, indifferent world in which they have no place; who are facing that world and defying it through every gesture, every hint– every silence of theirs and, more and more (in the case of the younger ones) without even the personal memory of Adolf Hitler’s great days to sustain them. They are the ones who will, one day, make good for all that Men Against Time have suffered in the course of history, like they themselves, for the sake of eternal truth: the avenging comrades whom the millions of 1945– the dying, the tortured, and the desperate survivors– called in vain; those whom all the vanquished fighters against time called in vain, in every phase of the great cosmic struggle without beginning, against the forces of disintegration, co-eternal with the forces of life.

"They are time bridge to supermanhood, of which Nietzsche has spoken; the last battalion, in which Hitler has put his confidence.

"Kalki will lead them, through the flames of the great end, into the sunshine of the new Golden Age.”

Defenders of the Cosmic Harmony


"…Everything in nature obeys ancient and unchangeable laws. Nothing happens apart from these natural laws. The laws strive toward harmony and construction. Every natural creature must obey some of these countless laws. It has a mission, thereby obeying its drives, its instincts, and its understanding, if nature has given it that. The opposite of harmony is chaos and disharmony. If racial community displays harmony in blood and nature, the Jew is the chaotic force in such human harmony. National Socialism wants to release energy by promoting communities of race and blood so that humanity can develop its abilities and virtues to the highest level. National Socialism thus strives for the highest level of culture. It respects beauty and joy, health and human satisfaction, strength, development, and progress. Each of these is insufficient by itself without the will to defend this ideal from the danger of chaos and destruction."

— Robert Ley, Pesthauch der Welt (Dresden: Franz Müller Verlag, 1944)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Maléfice - Rencontre avec la Bête


Nietzsche on Jews

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"The Jews are the most remarkable nation of world history because, faced with the question of being or not being, they preferred … being at any price: the price they had to pay was the radical falsification of all nature, all naturalness, all reality, the entire inner world as well as the outer. … Considered psychologically, the Jewish nation is a nation of the toughest vital energy which … took the side of all décadence instincts—not as being dominated by them but because it divined in them a power by means of which one can prevail against ‘the world.’ The Jews are the counterparts of décadents: they have been compelled to act as décadents to the point of illusion…. This kind of man has a life-interest in making mankind sick, and in inverting the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ ‘true’ and ‘false’ in a mortally dangerous and world-maligning sense."

— Friedrich Nietzsche

Mark Twain, Concerning the Jews


“By his make and ways, the Jew is substantially a foreigner wherever he may be, and even the angels dislike a foreigner. I am using this word foreigner in the German sense; meaning, stranger. You Jews will always be, by your ways, your habits, and your predilections, substantially strangers – foreigners – wherever you are, and that will probably keep the race prejudice against you alive.”

Jewish Influence In the Lives of the British


I reread Evola's essay of late, and decided to comment on it.

In 1066, William "the Conquerer" brought with him and the Germanic peoples that had also come, the first Jews to the British isles. Thus it was that an historical accident and decision of one tribal leader to allow Jews to accompany him would establish the basis of inevitable conflicts of ethnic interest between the indigenous Germanic elements that created a nation and fragments of the Jewish people. This already revealed itself within a mere two centuries and King Edward I issued his famous edict: All Jews were expelled from Britain in 1290. In expelling Jews, medieval Britain echoed an archaic precedent in dealing with them.

The problem is that Jews coagulate and almost always find a way to return. A shiftless and rootless people, they cannot settle somewhere, grow, and from there, expand, in the way a normal people does. Instead, they insinuate themselves into a people, and from within, they undermine the national life of the people they absorb themselves into. This pattern is seen in ancient history, recurs in the Middle Ages, and revisits us in this modern era. Even with all their claims of atrocities in World War II, rather than immigrating wholesale to Israel or taking flight to the US, they reabsorbed themselves into European countries after the war.

In 1657, almost four hundred years later, Oliver Cromwell permitted the Jews to return. And so it was that another decision made in isolation from the native peoples of Britain led to the infusion of the Jewish people back into the life of the British people. This decision was to have momentous consequences, for from the time of their return in question through the early twentieth century, the decision to allow them to return would lead to a fatal intertwining of Jewish and British interests that would cost the British people an Empire their ancestors had built and lead to the decline of their nation and ethnic decay of native Britons.

In his essay, "Disraeli the Jew and the Empire of the Shopkeepers." Julius Evola argues that the decision to permit the Jews to return to Britain would lead to the creation of an Empire that, he claims, was a "travesty and a contradiction of a real Empire." A real Empire, Evola argues, is built on "heroic, aristocratic and spiritual values." The indigenous British qualities of martial prowess, proclivity to monarchy, and perseverance were corrupted by the Jewish elements that had been permitted to return. A clear demonstration of his point is the British role in fomenting and sustaining first World War I and, in two decades, World War II.

Evola observes:

The penetration of Judaism into England is not a thing of recent days alone. It was the English Revolution and Protestantism which threw open England’s doors. The Jews, who had been expelled by Edward I in 1290, were readmitted to England as a result of a Petition accepted by Cromwell and finally approved by Charles II in 1649. From this time forward, the Jews, and above all the Spanish Jews (the Sephardim) began to immigrate en masse to England, bringing with them the riches which they had acquired by more or less dubious means, and it was these riches, as we have just explained, which allowed them to accede to the centres of command within English life, to the aristocracy and to positions very close to the Crown.

This influence led to the primacy of commercial interests in the subsequent expansion of the British Empire. In short, Evola is arguing, the British Empire was itself a Jewish construct and wholly alien to the life and interests of the British people. An analogous argument was made regarding 'Americanism' within his book, The Jews and Modern Capitalism by Werner Sombart. He implies that the proximity of early settlers to incessant commercial activity and near ceaseless immersion in the "elements" of its interests, a byproduct of Jewish influence, resulted in a national predisposition that has ever since been fundamentally Jewish.

Evola's claim that the British Empire became an instrument of Jewish interests is accurate, but any implication that its creation was owed to Jewish influence is not. The British Empire originated in the period of initial rapid European exploration in the late 15th and early 16th centuries, when there were no Jews in Britain or Jewish influence on British political life. By the time that the Jews had been readmitted to Britain by Cromwell in 1657, an Empire had already been built and owed its origins to a combination of colonialism, commercialism and exploration. The British Empire was, primordially, the product of Britons, not of Jews.

Evola is also correct to stress that Benjamin Disraeli, the first Jewish Prime Minister in the history of Britain, solidified the British Empire's Jewification. However, to focus on Disraeli's tenure as Prime Minister and to stress the role he played in completing the Jewification of the British Empire is to again overlook its primordially British character. It was Sir Oswald Mosley and his British Union of Fascists that sought to reverse the Jewification of his nation. This unfolded on two levels: He wanted the British people to revitalize their country, and shift away from Jewish values, and also, he wanted to prevent an Anglo-German war.

The subversion of British imperial influence to create the State of Israel was an extension of this usurpation of the native character of the Empire. Examined historically, 1) attendance of Jews with William the Conquerer in 1066, 2) the reabsorption of Jews by Oliver Cromwell in 1657 and 3) the entry of Britain into World War I, its outcome, and the formation of the State of Israel all mark significant historical junctures in the life of the British people. They made the entry of Britain into the worst catastrophe of all, World War II, feasible and possible. In view of their history, Britons can separate accidence, contingency and necessity.

It is important to appropriate realities in their proper historical context, because all outcomes of Jewish influence necessarily speak wholesale to the people or the object into which it has insinuated itself. In addition, some activities, conducts, or associations are natural on their own, untarnished but for their degeneration and exacerbation by Jewish influence. Property relations, and ultimately, industry and expansive commercial life are natural, and when they are properly situated in relation to the vital interests of a people, are desirable and good. We must separate Jewish distortion of an object or ideal from the object or ideal itself.


Raising the flag on Mt. Elbrus

Raising the flag on Mt. Elbrus

What an interesting find!

Argentinean police found a veritable hoard of Nazi artifacts in a home in Beccar, Buenos Aires, potentially the largest collection of National Socialist relics identified in the country's history.
The items, which include a bust of Adolf Hitler and eagles of the Third Reich, were found in the north of the country's capital.



(Delivered by Codreanu in 1938 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the founding of The Legion of the Archangel Michael)

Dear Comrades,
After fifteen years of struggle, persecution and sacrifices, the youth of Romania must know that the time of Legionary victory is not far.
All of the enemy's attempts against us will be crushed; all plans to tempt us, all attempts to buy our souls, all attempts to divide us, as well as any betrayals among ourselves, will fall to the ground.
Look them right in the eye - all your tyrants! Endure with resignation all blows, endure all pains, for our sacrifices will be the iron foundation, made of broken bodies, and of tortured souls, of our victory.
Those from among us who will fall, will have the names and graves of heroes! While those who will kill us, will bear the name of traitor and will be cursed from generation to generation.
From the depths, the Legionary emerges victorious! With his soul of rock! Those believing they can defeat him, as well as those who think they can buy him, will soon realize- but too late - that they were mistaken.

N.S. WAR METAL badge


Tuesday, June 20, 2017



[caption id="attachment_2541" align="aligncenter" width="815"]Neueste Zeitung vom 22. 6. 1939, S.4 Neueste Zeitung vom 22. 6. 1939, S. 4[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2538" align="aligncenter" width="813"]Neueste Zeitung vom 22. 6. 1939, S. 4 Neueste Zeitung vom 22. 6. 1939, S. 4[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2536" align="aligncenter" width="571"]Neueste Zeitung vom 22. 6. 1938, Seite 3 Neueste Zeitung vom 22. 6. 1938, Seite 3[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2535" align="aligncenter" width="518"]Innsbrucker Nachrichten vom 17. 6. 1939, Unterhaltungsbeilage, S. 1 Innsbrucker Nachrichten vom 17. 6. 1939, Unterhaltungsbeilage, S. 1[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2530" align="aligncenter" width="702"]Neueste Zeitung vom 24. 6. 1939, S. 3 Neueste Zeitung vom 24. 6. 1939, S. 3[/caption]

Flamme Empor!

Hails Sonnenwende! Hails Summer Solstice! The Fire still Burns!



[caption id="attachment_2523" align="aligncenter" width="564"]a2ad989cc9bbb46f372a5c6c9731380b Hitler Youth and League of German Girls members celebrating summer solstice, 1930s[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_2557" align="aligncenter" width="432"]G30 B063 Schwören am Flammenaltar, Deutsche zu sein. Sonnenwende der Hitlerjugend Schwören am Flammenaltar, Deutsche zu sein. Sonnenwende der Hitlerjugend[/caption]
