Wednesday, June 28, 2017

BOB MATHEWS by Richard Scutari—May 2017


“It is not easy to write something about Bob. I met him on 4th June 1984, and he was killed on 8th December of the same year. I only knew him for a short time. Be that as it may, he and I became very close during that short six months. We travelled together and lived together the whole time except for a few brief months. Bob was an exceptional individual whose life was dedicated to creating a White Homeland in the Pacific Northwest. He believed it so much that it only took four days after meeting him to convince me. Bob was the type of person whose drive drew others to him. He was the only one in the racial movement to be able to get so many different personalities (and egos) to work together. I used to laugh at how well he could manipulate people into doing what he wanted including when he was doing it to me. Bob truly cared about those following him and the men loved him for it. In my mind, Bob’s only fault was that he was too trusting. He could not picture in him mind anyone, who professed the same beliefs in our Race as his, betraying those beliefs. Tom Martinez is a perfect example of this. Bob also never thought he was a leader. He was always looking for someone to take over the leadership of The Order. No one at that time or today could have replaced him. My fondest memory of Bob was when we were on Whidbey Island and he would take me out from his busy schedule and play with Frank Silva’s and my daughters. He so loved the children of our Race, you could see it in the way he interacted with them. But you could also see the sadness of not being with his own. I’ll not go into his death as it has been told many times before. It was an honor to have had him as a friend and to have stood beside him in this struggle for the Fourteen Word Cause.”


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