Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Left Hand Path, the Path of the Ariya

[caption id="attachment_5553" align="aligncenter" width="495"]Der Sonnenmensch”, Ludwig Fahrenkrog ” Der Sonnenmensch - Ludwig Fahrenkrog[/caption]

I have on a number of occasions referred to the Left Hand Path within some of my articles so I feel that it would be helpful to clarify what I mean by this term and how it may be distinguished from the Right Hand Path and how this path relates to the Aryan Weltanschauung which we espouse and practice.

The Left Hand Path consists of spiritual or magical practices which are concerned with imposing one`s own subjective Will upon the known objective universe. By comparison the Right Hand Path is concerned with the harmonisation of the subjective will in conformity with the known objective universe.

The Left Hand Path is the path of free Will and differentiation from what we regard as the `divine`. We do not seek to be merged with `god` but rather to become gods or more accurately to quote from Stephen E. Floweres, PhD:

"a kind of independent existence on a level usually thought of as divine."[Lords of the Left-Hand Path].

In the Right Hand Path religions man seeks to know and understand the divine laws of the cosmos in order that he or she may conform to them. On the other hand we impose our Will upon the cosmos, albeit not for selfish ends but for the betterment of our race. This is how the struggle waged by the sons/suns of light is to be fought in the Kali Yuga.

The monotheistic semitic religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Right Hand Path religions whose goal is to accomplish the union of the self with the divine and thus annihilate the self. The same can be said for modern interpretations of Buddhism. At this point I must direct my readers to obtain a copy of Julius Evola`s The Doctrine of Awakening which reinterprets Buddhism as an Aryan Left Hand Path spiritual practice not the distorted Left Hand Path religion that it has subsequently become.

Buddhism is not a religion: it is a spiritual practice. Furthermore it is not intended for the masses but for the Aryan elite:

"the doctrine is spoken of as accessible and intelligible, not to the common crowd, but only to the ariya."[Evola]

Baron Evola defines the term ariya in a Buddhist context and corrects the false notion that it equates to the term `saint` , `noble` or `sublime` as interpreted by western scholars generally. On the contrary he states:

"They are all later meanings of the word, and they do not convey the fullness of the original nor the spiritual, aristocratic, and racial significance, that nevertheless, is largely preserved in Buddhism."[Evola]

Right Hand Path religions tend to enslave the masses although they claim to liberate them. This concept is most clearly evident in the term Islam which means `submission`. In the Wodenist religion of our Saxon forefathers we do not submit to our Gods. We give them due reverence as a child reveres his or her parents but we do not live in fear or submission. We love our Gods and Goddesses for we are part of them and they are part of us. We move within them as they move within us. They are our divine ancestors and the founders of our race. We learn from them and seek to recover that lost divinity which they originally gifted to us. We do not seek union with them-only communion.

The Left Hand Path is concerned with methods of attaining spiritual and psychological individuation. We seek to become complete men or women whose individual consciousness will survive physical dissolution of the body. There is a common misconception that the corporeal elements of man perish or separate after death whilst the non-corporeal survive. This is an over simplification. Just as it is an over simplification to assume that each personality reincarnates. `Survival` beyond death is purely dependent on the the degree of individuation that the individual acquires. Permament survival is not the norm for the great mass of people.
Spiritual practices that can be utilised for the purpose of meaningful individual survival of death may be found in Introduction to Magic: Ritual and Practical Techniques for the Magus by Julius Evola and the UR Group.

The semitic monotheistic religions seek the annihilation of the individual personality with the promise of full absorption into the divine. They are basically cthonic religions that are ultimately destructive to us collectively and individually. The Ariya, the Sonnenmensch seeks no such absorption but individuation, a separate existence on a divine level. This is in fact the true Aryan path which those who hear the call of the blood and the call of the Gods respond to and tread.

"Essentially the left-hand path is the path of non-union with the objective universe. It is the way of isolating consciousness within the subjective universe and, in a state of self-imposed psychic solitude, refining the soul or psyche to ever more perfect levels."[Flowers]

In the Left-Hand Path we seek the development of the Self and in Rune Magic and Rune Yoga the basic starting point is the mastering of the Isa/Is Rune which is concerned purely with the Self, Self-Mastery and Self-Consciousness. I would direct my readers to start first with the mastering of this Rune. This the foundation of the rest of the Futhark/Futhork. By developing the Self we obtain difference and a separate existence from the masses. We become individuals. We become Ariya. We become Sonnenmenschen.
Before mastering others we must first master our Selves.

Abir Taha in her recently published Nietzsche`s Coming God develops this concept from the philosophy of Nietszche but unlike her other books not in a purely biological racial way. I would point out that she did in fact write this book prior to Nietzsche, Prophet of Nazism: The Cult of the Superman; Unveiling the Nazi Secret Doctrine and The Epic of Arya: In Search of the Sacred Light. Race is the substance from which the Herrenvolk will emerge but it would indeed be wrong to assume that all of a given race are necessarily destined and capable of becoming Masters: they are not. Hierarchy is to be found within all races as well as between races. This is one of the problems associated with Nationalisms, which are purely materialist and non-spiritual responses to the effects of the malaise of the Kali Yuga. Nationalism sometimes has the tendency to posit the view that there is in existence an equality between members of an individual ethno-nation or race.

The purpose of the race or ethne is the production of a caste of Masters. We preserve our race and ethne for this reason not purely for the sake of sentimental attachment: it has a role to play!

Wotans Krieger

Spiritual Races


"A short time ago we referred to a ‘quite special race of spirit’. We must explain this point and, together with it, the specific place of the Ariya. The touchstone, as we have said, is the vision of universal impermanence, of dukkha, and anatto. Now, it is not said that the realization that something is impermanent is so eo ipso a motive detaching from and renunciation of it. This depends, rather, on what we have elsewhere called the ‘race of the spirit’, which is at least as important as that of the body. Here are some examples. A ‘Telluric’ spirit may consider quite natural a dark self-identification with becoming and with its elementary forces, to such an extent that it does not even become aware of its tragic aspect— as sometimes occurs among the Negroes, savage peoples, and even among certain Slavs. A ‘Dionysian’ spirit may consider universal impermanence of little account, opposing it to carpe diem, the joy of the moment, the rapture of a corruptible being who enjoys from instant to instant corruptible things, a joy so much more acute in that— as the well-known Renaissance has it— ‘di woman non v e certezza. A ‘Lunar’ spirit, religiously inclined, may in its turn see in the contingency of life an atonement or a test, in face of which it should behave with humility and resignation, having faith in the impenetrable divine will and maintaining the feeling of being a ‘creature’ created by it out of nothing. By others still this death of ours is considered as a completely natural and final phenomenon, the thought of which should not for a moment disturb a life turned towards earthly aspirations. Finally, a ‘Faustian’, ‘Titanic’, or Nietzschean spirit may profess ‘tragic heroism’, may desire becoming, and may even desire the ‘eternal return’…”

--- Julius Evola ("The Doctrine Of Awakening", ch#7: "Determination Of the Vocations")

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Never Forget...


Struggle is the Ultimate Law

[caption id="attachment_5541" align="aligncenter" width="564"]Siegfried fighting the Dragon Stories from Northern Myths. New York The Macmillan Company. Facing page 190. Published in 1914, artist unknown. Siegfried fighting the Dragon. Stories from Northern Myths. New York: The Macmillan Company. Published in 1914, artist unknown.[/caption]

"We know from Heraclitus that life is a struggle, and that peace exists only in death. Our religion is first and foremost a worship of heroes, warriors and athletes. Since the Greeks we still honor the difference and inequality of the people. Our world is a world of Struggle and Will: the universe is not a limit, but an Order. Nature differentiates, separates, establishes Hierarchies. Free and strong individuality becomes the center of the world. The greatest worth of the individual is his Pride - an ultimate contradiction with the foreign religion. In our tragic perception of life, the Struggle is the Ultimate Law: a continuous mountain range connects Prometheus with Siegfried. Only the one who undertakes such an earthshaking mission is an authentic man."

Jean Mabire

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Sol Invictus

[caption id="attachment_5538" align="aligncenter" width="440"]Sol Invictus by Jake Baddeley Sol Invictus by Jake Baddeley[/caption]

“In AD 274 the emperor Aurelian dedicated a great temple to the Sun (Sol) which was famed in antiquity for the richness of the offerings and dedications it contained … The cult of the Sun can have clear associations with eastern religions: the full title of the God Elagabalus was, in fact, Sol Invictus Elagabalus – Invincible Sun Elagabalus; and here it is often assumed that the particular form of the cult derived from the cult of Ba’al at Palmyra in Syria, after Aurelian’s successful campaign there … At the same time, however, its significance had Roman roots too. So, for example, a regular sacrifice to Sol is marked on 9 August of several Augustan calendars; and there had been a longstanding identification in both the Greek and Roman worlds of the God Apollo with Sol (or Greek Helios) … Besides, the imagery of the God – at least on the few contemporary coins on which it is shown – is strongly Graeco-Roman, rather than oriental (contrast the explicit eastern imagery attached to Elagabalus’ cult) and the priesthood founded to serve the cult was given the very Roman title of ‘pontifices of the Sun’ [M Beard et al, Religions of Rome: Volume 1 at 259].”

“… in the years after [Emperor] Gallienus’ death in 267, a series of strong and efficient emperors managed to stabilise the Roman empire … Foremost among them was Aurelian. Much more than his predecessors he laid emphasis on the fact that a God had invested him as emperor. After his victory over Palmyra in the summer of 273 he established the cult of Sol Invictus (Invincible Sun) in Rome. The God received his own magnificent temple, the templum Solis, and the priesthoods were restructured in order to give the priestly college of Sol a special rank … This cult had an air of monotheism, insofar as there was a central God, but it did not exclude the veneration of other Gods. It was new, but remained within the framework of traditional religious practice and could happily co-exist with the older cults  the worship of Sol was one of the key cults in the fourth century … The [polytheistic] emperor Julian (361-3 CE) ... was especially devoted to the Sun and viewed him as the supreme God … [J Rüpke, A Companion to Roman Religion at 102-114]”.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

In the Hands of Fate

[caption id="attachment_5535" align="alignnone" width="700"]14-book-iv-now-to-the-ascent-of-that-steep-savage-hill-satan-hath-journied-on-pensive-and-slow1 Lucifer contemplating the dawn by Gustave Dore.[/caption]

Men of any worth or value soon come to see that they are in the hands of Fate, gratefully submit  to be moulded by its teachings, and recognise that the fruit of life is experience.

In their search for  gold, the alchemists discovered other things ( gunpowder, china, medicine, laws of nature). There is a sense in which we are all alchemists.

From beginning to end, under a law of necessity we just do what appears right and proper. It is only afterwards, when we come to look back at the whole course of our life and its general result, that we see  the why and wherefore of it all.

Artur Schopenhauer

Die And Become (Stirb Und Werde)


“Everything goes, everything returns,
Eternally rolls the wheel of life,
Everything dies, everything blooms again.
Eternally rolls the wheel of life.
Everything breaks, everything is mended,
Eternally builds the house of life.
Everyone parts, everyone meets again,
Eternally the cycle of life stays true.” – F. Nietzsche

Thursday, December 21, 2017

We are the Sun!


This is an ode to the Sun
The Sun for war and desire
The Sun for the fuel of life
This is for you, this is for me
This is an ode to the One
The One who leads our desire
The One who will take us to Light
This for you, this is for me

We are the Sun

This is an ode to the Sun
The sun for war and desire
The sun for the Legion of Light
This is for you, this is for me
This is an ode to the One
The One who will lead us to triumph
The One who will take us to life
This is for you, this is for me

We are the Sun

This is an ode to the Sun
The Sun for war and desire
The Sun for the Sunwheel to rise
This is for you, this is for me
This is an ode to the One
The One who leads our desire
The One who will take us to war
This is for you, we are the Sun!

We are the Sun!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Kurt Eggers on War


Kurt Eggers was the editor of the SS newspaper Das Schwarze Korps and an SS war correspondent. After he was killed on the Russian front in 1943, an SS regiment was named after him: theSS-Standarte Kurt Eggers. In short, Kurt Eggers was a true National Socialist warrior-poet, whose works provide a fascinating look into the soul of the ideal SS warrior. 

”War is like the white-hot fire of the crucible. The slags turn into charcoal and encrust, smoke and glisten, and only the metal that is genuine and true and pure remains.”

”War reveals the genuine values, values that are independent of the daily stock-market fluctuation of pseudo-values. Manliness, discipline, overcoming, service and sacrifice, devotion and greatness, those are the values about which war asks, by which human hearts are measured, affirmed or rejected.”

”It is not true that war makes men coarse, at most it rips the mask from the face, and the cowards are recognized as cowardly, the coarse as coarse and the noble as noble.”

”Woe to the folks who, satiated on booty, begin to live a life of pleasure without struggle: the seed of decay is laid in them and long illness, painful death awaits them.” 


Monday, December 18, 2017

Dawn of Satya Yuga


Coverartwork for upcoming Split 7" EP of Nordwind and Der Stürmer

Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Army

[caption id="attachment_5482" align="alignnone" width="792"]General Wlassow mit Soldaten der ROA General Vlasov and soldiers of the RLA[/caption]

Most people know about the second World War and the battle the Soviet Union had fought against it’s Nazi occupants, although very few know what happened between the front lines. What many don’t know is that a large number of Ex-Soviet citizens joined the Axis in the hope of ridding their countries of the oppressive Communist government.

One such group was the Russian Liberation Army, which sought to create an army mighty enough to take on Joseph Stalin himself. While not an army per se, the term was instead used as a name for several groups of ex-partisans serving on the side of the third Reich both on the land and in some cases, the air.

The Army has it’s start during the early months of the war between the USSR and Germany, when Soviet POWs would do volunteer work in return for being released from the prison camps and avoid death by starvation. These volunteers, or Hilfswilliger in German, were an experiment by the third Reich to test their usefulness. The volunteers were given basic jobs such as storekeeping, sentry work, drivers and so on. Most of the volunteers weren’t able to receive proper uniforms and instead performed work in their old partisan uniforms.

РОА (123)

The experiment displayed excellent results. The Germans, realizing their potential abilities, armed them as military police and as a new way to combat the Red Army. Records say that there were as much as 200,000 volunteers by 1942 and even later, a million. The downside to all of this was most of the volunteer troops were disorganized and there was no central command to give orders.

The first true organized form of anti-partisans on the German side was the Russian National People’s Army in 1942, which was a small group of Russian anticommunists (Estimated between 3500-4000) that was later disbanded for failing to provide any meaningful assistance against the Soviets (The troops attempted to reason with the partisans rather than go to battle).

[caption id="attachment_5490" align="aligncenter" width="320"]Lieutenant General T. N. Zhilenkov (Right) and colonel I. K. Saharov Lieutenant General T. N. Zhilenkov (Right) and colonel I. K. Saharov[/caption]

A second, but failed, attempt was the Russian National Liberation Army under the leadership of Bronislav Kaminski. Although the RNLA fought in more battles than the RLA, it met it’s end after poor leadership during it’s actions in the Warsaw Uprising leading to the Ochota Massacre.

Meanwhile, The Soviets were attempting to reclaim Leningrad and mounted an offensive using the 2nd Shock Army, under the command of the Soviet general Andrei Vlasov. The attack eventually failed and Andrei Vlasov fled for a nearby barn in the old believer’s village of Tyhovezhi which he and small amount of surviving partisans hid in for ten days.

[caption id="attachment_5491" align="aligncenter" width="620"]Young volunteers prior to RLA Young volunteers prior to RLA[/caption]

He was later captured by the Germans after they were informed by a local villager. Imprisoned, he met Wilfried Strik-Strikfeldt who encouraged him to start the Russian Liberation Movement himself after previous attempts in 1941 by Marshal von Bock to create a self-governed army of 200,000 volunteers in Smolensk had failed.Vlasov was later sent to Berlin along with other ex-Soviet officers to being drafting plans for the army.

Vlasov himself was an interesting person, General Vlasov was the son of a Russian Kulak peasant, born in the village of Lomaniko. Vlasov’s first education began in the Russian Orthodox Seminary where he briefly studied before joining the Red army in 1919. After a several week term in regiment, Vlasov was sent to an officers school and finished a four-month course, gaining a commission.He would later join the Communist Party in 1930 to further his military career.

Eight years later, he was sent as an advisor to China for Chiang Kai-Shek, also escaping Stalin’s various purges of military leadership. Vlasov returned to the USSR in 1939 and was placed in command of several military positions during the defense of Moscow and the battle for Kiev. Shortly after he reaffirmed his anticommunist beliefs and became an important part in the creation of the Russian Liberation Army.

[caption id="attachment_5492" align="aligncenter" width="274"]General Vlasov as Soviet General General Vlasov as Soviet General[/caption]

Back in the Eastern Front, Vlasov began organizing the existing volunteers into what would be the RLA. Vlasov began writing a leaflet to convince the partisans of the Red Army to switch sides and fight Communist oppression. In the leaflet and throughout his career in the German armies, he encouraged strong nationalism amongst the Eastern troops, this did not bode well with the Nazi leadership, as such, the Gestapo were often given warrants for Vlasov’s arrest. Nevertheless, the leaflet was approved and made into thousands of copies which the Luftwaffe eventually airdropped over Soviet troops on the Front Lines.

During this, the Soviets broke through major German lines of defense during 1943, Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel wrote exaggerated documents to Hitler blaming the Russian volunteers for the defeats. This angered the leader, he later gave the order to move 80,000 volunteers to mine for coal in France. Although after realizing this was unrealistic, later disbanded the front divisions.

A.A. Vlasov speaks to Russian workers and former war prisoners, 1944. All of them will then be enrolled in the Russian Liberation Army, valiantly fighting Bolshevism.

Nevertheless, the airdrop had great results, literally thousands of Soviet deserters came over to the German side in the hopes of joining Vlasov’s army. The general was taken to a trip across various prison camps and occupied villages in the cities of Smolensk, Mohylev, Bobruisk, Borisov, Orsha, among others to give speeches to the population, later gaining thousands of supporters to his movement Vlasov’s German allies realized that the RLA needed some sort of organized self-government, this is when in 1944, the Committee for the Liberation of the People’s of Russia and the army that served under the committee was officially formed in Prague on November 14 as Vlasov read the Prague Manifesto, which states:

  1. The equality of all peoples of Russia and a real right for national development, self determination, self rule, and governmental independence.

  2. The confirmation of a popular worker front, before which the interests of the government are subordinate to the goals of raising the well-being and development of the nation.

  3. The preservation of peace and the establishment of peaceful relations with all nations of the world, an all round development of international collaboration.

  4. Wide ranging government actions for the strengthening of the family and marriage. A true equality for women.

  5. The liquidation of forced labor and the granting to the laborers a real right to free labor which creates their material well-being, the confirmation of a wage for all types of labor in an amount that can support an appropriate standard of living.

  6. The liquidation of collective farms, the free return of land to the private ownership of farmers. The freedom to determine labor land usage. The freedom to use the products of one’s personal labor, the abolishment of forced requisitions, and the cancellation of all debts to the Soviet government.

  7. The establishment of protected private labor ownership. The reestablishment of trade, crafts, domestic industry, the granting of the right of private initiative and an opportunity for it to participate in the economic life of the nation.

  8. Granting the intelligencia the opportunity to freely create for the well-being of their people.

  9. Granting social justice and defense of laborers from any exploitation, regardless of their origin and former activities.

  10. The creation for all without exception the real right for free education, medical care, vacation, and senior welfare.

  11. The destruction of the regime of terror and force. Liquidation of forceful repopulations and mass exiles. The establishment of a true freedom of religion, conscience, speech, assembly, press. A guarantee of the protection of person, property, and home. The equality of all before the law, the independence and clarity of the court.

  12. The liberation of political opponents of Bolshevism and the return to the motherland from the jails and camps of all who were repressed for their battle against Bolshevism. No revenge and persecution for those who stop their battle for Stalin and Bolshevism, regardless of whether this was done by necessity or by conviction.

  13. The reestablishment of national property ruined during the war – cities, villages, factories, and plants at cost to the government

  14. Government support of invalids of the war and their families.

Even with the committee issuing orders and dealing with the army’s affairs itself, all decisions and actions had to be approved by the local German leadership. Either way, the Prague manifesto inspired many hoping to work for a better future without Bolshevism, in fact, on the first day since the publication of the manifesto, the committee received over 60,000 applications for service in the RLA, much more than Vlasov expected.

Ranks of the Russian Liberation Army

[caption id="attachment_5498" align="alignnone" width="764"]Vlasov and a RLA soldier Vlasov and a RLA soldier[/caption]

  1. Soldier

  2. Corporal

  3. Unteroffizier

  4. Feldwebel

  5. Second Lieutenant (подпоручик)

  6. Senior lieutenant (поручик)

  7. Captain

  8. Major

  9. Lieutenant Colonel (подполковник)

  10. Colonel ( полковник)

  11. Major General

  12. General

At the time, there were about 113 battalions serving under Vlasov, 42 (Roughly 14,000 people) of these were later sent to  Poland, Italy, Belgium, Finland, the Balkans and most notably, France where a number of them fought against the allies on the battle of D-Day. On the Eastern Front, two divisions were already created those being the 600th German Infantry led by Sergei Bunyachenko and the 650th German Infantry led by Mikhail Meandrov.

[caption id="attachment_5493" align="aligncenter" width="483"]The Western ROA Division in Normandy The Western RLA Division in Normandy[/caption]

An air force was also created during the RLA’s existence as a division of the Luftwaffe. The RLA air force was led by Aviation Colonel Viktor Ivanovich Maltsev, who personally selected pilots, radio specialists, mechanics, and navigators to be a part of the air division. In the beginning, the RLA’s air force was used for three purposes: delivery of newly-made planes from factories to airfields, repair (The engineer team consisted of about forty people.), and conducting tests with Soviet aircraft, but would later participate in hostile actions against the Soviets, mostly over Belarus.

This is when the air force was divided into the fighter, light bomber, and reconnaissance (Flak regiment, parachute battalion, and signal battalions, respectively.) Figures estimate 5,000 Vlasovites were involved in the air force. The technology the air force was given was mostly captured Soviet planes from an airfield in 1941 or whatever was claimed from the German invasion. This was beneficial in two ways: the first was it gave the Germans the ability to get to know the Soviet Union’s aerial technology and fighting qualities at a closer distance and the second reason being the volunteers were already familiar with the planes from their time prior to being captured.

The Luftwaffe had also donated several of their old planes which were more of a danger than the damaged Soviet ones, most were out-of-date models such as the Gotha Go-145 A (This was actually a wooden biplane used for training, it became obsolete even before the war had begun.), Heinkel Не-50, Heinkel He-46, or Fokker C.V. which is actually a Dutch model rarely used by the Luftwaffe themselves. Despite this, relations between the German Luftwaffe and the Russians were very warm, and they would often come together for what they called “beer meetings”. A quote from the RLA newspaper “Volunteer” (Доброволец) says this:

“You have met us, as brothers
You managed to warm our hearts
And today as one army
We fly to meet a new dawn
Let our homeland be oppressed
But Clouds cannot hide the sun
Together we fly our planes
So we may stand victorious over death and terror”

Several Soviet fighting aces were present in the RLA’s air force, those included Simeo Trofimovich Bychkov and Bronislav Romanovich Antilevsky. The air force was later disbanded in the July of 1944.

[gallery ids="5503,5504" type="rectangular"]

The arms and vehicles the RLA used came from both the Soviets and the Germans. Basic assault weapons were usually the PPSh-41 and the MP40, although some Mosin-Nagant rifles were being used as well. The DP machine gun and the MG 34 were both used, although the latter was only brought in the year of 1945. Tanks and armored vehicles were usually whatever the ex-partisans managed to bring or capture, this included the BA-64, BA-20, or T-34. Hetzers were also common during the Prague Uprising.

Uniform of a Private in the ROA (1942-1945)


  1. dutch field jacket with ROA collar tabs and shoulder straps, Heeres eagle on the right breast.

  2. M-40 trousers.

  3. Dog tag.

  4. M-34 forage cap with ROA badge.

  5. Boots.

  6. M-42 leggings.

  7. German main belt with ammo pouches.

  8. M-24 grenade.

  9. M-31 canteen.

  10. Bayonet.

  11. M-39 webbing.

  12. M-35 helmet with camouflage net.

  13. “Novoye Zhizn” newspaper for the “Eastern” volunteers.

  14. 7,62 mm Mosin 1891/30 rifle.

Back on the ground, the Russian Liberation Army only saw one major battle against the Soviets on the River Oder swamp where the first division was sent to attack a Soviet entrenchment covered by mortars and mounted guns. The battle ultimately ended in defeat, forcing them to retreat to the city of Prague. All the while, morale was low, and supplies even lower as requests for additional support went unanswered and the troops were forced to live off of whatever they brought with them or could capture from the Soviets. Knowing this, Vlasov was having second thoughts on allying with the Germans, this is when he decided he would call for the assistance of the Western Allies in his battle against Communism.

While he sent delegates to negotiate an agreement, the now-combined armies of the RLA were caught in the Prague uprising where several Czech insurgent groups were fighting against the Nazi occupation. Bunyachenko, leading the army, requested Vlasov to give permission to fight the Occupation and change sides once again. A definite reason was not given as to why the RLA switched sides once again, it may have been the fact that Bunyachenko had heard of the cries for help from the Czech people or it may have been his dislike of the national socialist ideology.

[caption id="attachment_5507" align="aligncenter" width="600"]ROA soldiers before the Prague Uprising ROA soldiers before the Prague Uprising[/caption]

For the next three days, The RLA fought it’s last battle with a total force of three T-34-72’s (2 1942 models, 1 1940 model, two of those were lost during the battle), two Panzer IV ausf. H’s, three Hetzers (One of these were lost), two Panzerjager model I’s (one of these were destroyed in battle as well), one StuG IV, one AMD 35 Panhard, four Sd.Kfz. 250’s, one Sd.Kfz.263,  two Sd.Kfz.232’s, one Sd.Kfz.234 Puma, two BA-20’s (One of which was destroyed), one BA-64, one BA-11, one Wespe, around ten loading trucks (A fifth of these were lost in the fighting) , and roughly the same number of light vehicles and jeeps at their disposal, a number of machine guns and artillery placements were also available. The battle later ended in victory for the Czech people and the Vlasov’s delegates returned without a definite answer. Not knowing this, Bunyachenko and his troops began leaving the city to escape to escape capture from the Communist partisans in the hope of being aided by the US Third Army.

[gallery ids="5502,5501" type="rectangular"]

Unfortunately, the Americans, in fear of angering the Soviet Union, held the surviving members, now including General Vlasov himself, in captivity. Soon after, Vlasov and his allies (Including refugee families) were later given over to the Soviets and sent to Moscow for evaluation, this was known as Operation Keelhaul. During this time, the general was given the opportunity to escape on a plane to war-neutral Spain, he refused the proposition, choosing instead to stay with his people and take on whatever lay ahead for him.

On August 1, 1946, Vlasov and eleven other officers were hanged in Moscow for betraying the Soviet Union. Several remaining leaders from the RLA’s Cavalry division later suffered the same fate. Most of the remaining low-rank soldiers were either hanged to send a message to would-be defectors or put to work in the Gulag for a minimum of 10 years. Interestingly, some of the troops from the second division were given jobs as armed guards in the Gulag instead.

Of the remaining RLA members, some managed to escape death, either by being released to safe zones through the pity of the Americans or by reaching war-neutral Liechtenstein. Constantine Kromiadi, Wilfried Strik-Strikfeldt, and Boris Holmston-Smylovskiy (two of which have written books on their experiences.) are the most prominent examples.

[caption id="attachment_5508" align="aligncenter" width="500"]olsanske_hrbitovy_ruska_osvobozenecka_armada Memorial to the RLA in Prague[/caption]

In modern opinion, Vlasov is seen by some as a traitor for betraying his government, although others see him as a hero because he went to great lengths to give his countrymen a better life. In retrospective, the movement was something the Russian people badly needed (This is shown at how fast the army was receiving volunteers) even if it made more problems than it solved and failed to bring upon a new Russia without Communism. Yet for some, the movement’s actions were an inspiration in the fight against oppression. Several monuments have been constructed to the army, one of those being in Nanunet, New York, where bi-annual church services are held in the army’s honor.

[caption id="attachment_5500" align="aligncenter" width="569"]OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Russians against Bolshevism.[/caption]

Saturday, December 16, 2017

As Shadow Kingdom Comes To My Sight

LAMENTATION - official patch available now


The "Fullmoon Over Faerhaaven" shirt had been repressed due the huge interest.



Dunkelheit Produktionen
Your Source for Occult Music and More

Friday, December 15, 2017

PANTHEON and ETERNAL STRIFE tapes out now!

PANTHEON - Jotunkrieg tape


The material on this tape originally appeared on disc 2 of the "Aryan Rebirth" double album, now pressed for the first time on a standalone tape. Co-released between Hypgnosis Records, Wotansblut Records, and Vinlandic Werwolf Distribution.

ETERNAL STRIFE - Vinlandic Hate Brigade tape


The debut EP from the Vinlandic Hate Brigade! Limited to 88 hand-numbered copies, out on Wotansblut Rex. For fans of Vaginal Jesus, Angry Aryans, and Mudoven.

A Sacrifice to Odin

[caption id="attachment_5465" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Ragnarok, por L. M. Moe (1898). Ragnarok, L. M. Moe (1898).[/caption]

"First of all, as is well-known, Valhalla is the centre of celestial immortality, reserved mainly for heroes fallen on the battlefield. The lord of this place, Odin-Wotan, is presented to us in the Ynglingasaga as having shown to the heroes the path which leads to the place of the gods, where immortal life flourishes. According to this tradition no sacrifice or cult is more appreciated by the supreme god, and none produces richer fruits, than that sacrifice which one offers as one falls fighting on the battlefield. In addition to this, behind the confused popular representation of the Wildes Heer this meaning is hidden: through the warriors, who, falling, offer a sacrifice to Odin the power is increased which this god needs for the ultimate battle against the Ragna-rökkr, that is, the “darkening of the divine”, which has threatened the world since ancient times. This illustrates clearly the Aryan motif of the metaphysical struggle."

Julius Evola, The Metaphysics of War

Major-General J.F.C. Fuller

Major General J.F.C. Fuller, who was to achieve fame as the "father of mechanised
warfare" and the blitzkreig strategy adopted by the armies of the Third Reich, was one of Aleister Crowley's original followers, whose enthusiasm for Crowley was later to be matched by his support for Sir Oswald Mosley, leader of the British Union of Fascists.


"[Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler] challenged the myth of Economic Man, the fundamental factor in Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism, and exalted in its stead the myth of Heroic Man. ...

"In Hitler's eyes the aims of international Capitalism and Marxism were one and the same. Both, he said, repudiated 'the aristocratic principle of nature'; both were destroyers of quality, not of things but of life. He held that both lacked the self-justification of sacrifice, fought against Nature, and were destroyers of the race. ...

"Unless the struggle between these two myths -- Economic Man and Heroic Man -- is accepted and understood, the cataclysm which in 1939 submerged the world is almost incomprehensible and the age to which it gave birth little more than the plaything of chance."

Major-General J.F.C. Fuller, "A Military History of the Western World" (1956)

British Major-General J.F.C. Fuller had good reason to be objective in his remarks. He was a member of Sir Oswald Moseley's British Union of Fascists, marched with Moseley during BUF parades in London, and stood for election to Parliament on that party ticket in the mid-1930s. He was a friend of both Mussolini and Hitler, and was personally invited by Hitler to attend the festivities in Berlin for Hitler's fiftieth birthday. Fuller sat in a reviewing stand directly across the street from Hitler's platform during the great parade that day and attended a reception at the chancellery afterwards, where he and the German Leader chatted. Yet, though one would imagine that such a background would suffice to force him into total obscurity after the Second World War, his reputation as a military strategist and historian was so great that he published his military histories without interruption, and by major publishing houses, until his death in 1966. The Royal United Services Institute awarded Fuller the Chesney Gold Medal in 1963 for "eminent work calculated to advance the military sciences and knowledge." He was, in other words, a truly distinguished man and his works should be studied by Men of the Right today.

John Butler

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Anton Bruckner 1824-1896

[caption id="attachment_5454" align="aligncenter" width="508"]Bruckner_Anton_Postcard-1910 Anton Bruckner Postcard 1910[/caption]

A humble native of Austria, Bruckner pursued music religiously and ambitiously throughout his life. He was an assidious student; unlike Mozart or Bach, he was not an acclaimed prodigy. Instead his compositions were written over long periods, and afterwards he would always habitually revise them, never feeling the sense of perfection for which he yearned, the piousness for which he prayed.

Bruckner lived during a time of division within the musical arena, one that ended up not only hurting his reputation, but more importantly his confidence and consequently his output. Brahms was the day's classicist; although the period at hand marked the beginning of the Romantic era, he brought along the traditional style of those such as Beethoven, who he was determined to succeed. Wagner was the opposite of Brahms, inovating music, mostly in the operatic form. Bruckner was one who stood behind Wagner, knowing the man personally and admiring him for his music.

It was not Brahms who put Bruckner down, however. Eduard Hanslick, a critic of music, revered Brahms as the Bach of their time; he was an ideologue of the classical form and style, and he took every chance he could to bash Bruckner's work. This certainly convinced much of the public that Bruckner, as a composer, was not able. Complaints were largely focused on the long length, instances of silence, and overall laggardness of his symphonies. His mental stability was of course affected by Hanslick's attitude, and this perhaps led to his persistant revision phases. Near the end of his life Bruckner's mental state frequently jumped outside the borders of sanity.

During his lifetime, the only respect he received was for his Symphonies No. 4 and No. 7 and for his religious choral work Te Deum. Unlike most other composers, he began writing middle-aged, near forty. He died before he was able to complete the final of the four movements of his Symphony No. 9, a work which surely would have been glorious.

It has been said that Bruckner considered the third movement of his Symphony No. 8 to be his best. Surely, if you listen to it several times, you will recognize the climax to be one of amazing length, one that keeps building and breaking, a burst of emotion only heard in such a form of music.

Klaus Vestlig

Bruckner and Adolf Hitler

According to Hitler and Goebbels, the three master composers that represented good German music were Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Wagner, and Anton Bruckner. All three composers lived prior to the 20th century.

Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 7 in E major (WAB 107) is one of his best-known symphonies. It was written between 1881 and 1883 and was revised in 1885. It is dedicated to Ludwig II of Bavaria.

Living philosophy


"In the modern world, we tend to think of philosophy as a purely intellectual activity, which we can practice from the comfort of our armchair. For the ancients, by contrast, philosophy was a full-body workout, which was taught and practiced in the gymnasium as much as the classroom. They were celebrated as much for their physical toughness as their mental acumen: Plato was a famous wrestler (his name means ‘broad-shouldered’), Cleanthes the Stoic was a boxer, Socrates was considered the toughest soldier in the Athenian army, while Diogenes the Cynic was so hardy he was content to live in a barrel. Their physical hardiness was proof that they lived their philosophy rather than just talking it."

Jules Evans, Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations.

Advice for a Dictator And for Those Who Want to Become One by Joseph Goebbels


1. A dictatorship requires three things: a man, an idea, and a following ready to live for the man and the idea, and if necessary to die for them. If the man is lacking it is hopeless; if the idea is lacking, it is impossible; if the following is missing, the dictatorship is only a bad joke.

2. A dictatorship can rule against a parliament when necessary, but never against the people.

3. Sitting on bayonets is uncomfortable.

4. A dictator’s first task is to make what he wants popular, bringing the will of the nation in tune with his own will. Only then will the broad masses support him in the long run and join his ranks.

5. A dictator’s highest duty is social justice. If people sense that the dictator only represents a thin upper class that has nothing to do with them, they will see the dictator as a hateful enemy and quickly overthrown him.

6. Dictatorships will rescue a nation when they know better ways than the previous governmental forms that they are fighting, and when their power is so anchored in the people that they do not depend on weapons, but rather on their followers.

7. A dictator does not need to follow the will of the majority. He must however have the ability to use the will of the people.

8. Leading parties and masses is the same as governing a nation. He who ruins a party will lead a nation into the abyss. Political ability is not demonstrated by using treacherous methods to rise to a ministerial chair on the labor of others.

9. Dictatorships must be able to survive on their own spiritual reserves. It will not work if what is good in their ideas comes from their opponents, and what does not come from their opponents is bad.

10. The ability to speak is no shame. It is shameful only when actions do not follow words. To speak well is good. To act bravely is even better. The typical reactionary can neither speak nor act. He has somehow gained power, but has no idea what to do with it.

11. Nothing is more foreign to dictatorial thinking than the bourgeois concept of objectivity. A dictatorship is by its very nature subjective. It takes sides by its nature. Since it is for one thing, it must be against another. If it does not do the latter, it runs the risk of having people doubt its honesty about the first.

12. A dictatorship speaks openly about what it is and what it wants. Nothing is farther from it than to hide behind a facade. It has the courage to act, but also the courage to affirm.

13. Dictatorships that hide behind the law to give themselves an appearance of legality even if their actions disagree, are short-lived. They will collapse of their own incompetence, leaving behind chaos and confusion.

14. Only those who lack the courage to join a party value being above party. When worlds collapse, when foundations shake, when revolutionary fevers spread through peoples and nations, one must join a party, one must be for or against. He who stands between will be torn apart by the contradictions, a victim of his own indecisiveness.

15. It may sound grotesque, but it is true: The nature of a dictator must be clear from his name. One cannot rule with a name like Müller or Meier. And the claim to a title must be fought for. It can not be gained by swindle.

16. A true dictator depends on himself. His false counterpart hides behind the rules and depends on legal paragraphs to justify his actions.

17. Everything great is simple and everything simple is great. The little man likes to conceal his insignificance through complexity.

18. The army exists to defend the country against external threats, not to suppress the people in the interests of a thin layer of usurpers. A dictatorship that cannot defend itself with its own supporters deserves to be displaced.

19. Primo de Rivera fell because his power rested on guns, but he earned only hatred and scorn from the people.

20. Mussolini’s work is unshakable, for he is his people’s idol. He gave back to Italy what has always been the surest and best foundation of a state: confidence.

"Goldene Worte für einen Diktator und für solche, die es werden wollen,” 1932 article from Der Angriff

Every man is fighting

two_samurais_by_caponehun"These flames, dancing skyward on all sides, gave witness to the fury with which their comrades had struck. In their mind’s eye they saw the brave figures of their brothers in arms, forever faithful, moving through the swirling fire, each one smiting the foe with flashing blade. This was the hour for which they had so long checked their fierce rage and whetted their sword blades in secret. Otaguro’s bosom heaved with an ineffable surge of joy. ‘Every man is fighting,’ he murmured. ‘Every man"

Yukio Mishima - Runaway Horses (奔馬)

Saturday, December 9, 2017

December 9, 2000 - Daniel Wretström, Swedish Patriot murdered

[caption id="attachment_5438" align="aligncenter" width="547"]31703_1228420477 God forgives - We do not[/caption]

Daniel Wretström was a young Swedish boy who was brutally murdered in Salem, a suburb to Stockholm by a multicultural gang consisting of up to as many as 15 immigrants and at least 1 Swedish.

Daniel was waiting for the bus at the bus stop on Säbytorgsvägen, he is on his way home from a party, suddenly a multicultural gang shows up and screams and is shouting "Racist" as they approach Daniel, a Swedish girl with a foreign accent screams "****ing racist! Do you dare to stay?! Are you scared!?" "Beat him to death". The gang, encouraged by the knowledge that it is okey to assault Swedes who they suspect are racist. Only a few days earlier, the Swedish Prime minister Göran Persson stated in an article of one of Swedens largest newspapers that racism has to be crushed, the multicultural gang was determined to make these words reality.
As the gang approaches Daniel, he realizes his vulnerable position, alone against an entire mob of bloodthirsty immigrants armed with wooden sticks and anything they could find on the ground to be used as a weapon.
After being hit with sticks and other objects, and kicked a dozen of times, a car comes passing by on the road, Daniel tries to escape the gang by throwing himself up on the cars hood. "Please, help me" he says, hoping that the driver will keep on driving and take him to safety, instead one of the gang members shouts to the driver that he is a racist, and the car driver starts driving back and forward to try to shake off Daniel. Finally, the gang comes and drags him off the cars hood, and whilst the car just drives away the battering continues.
The gang keeps on kicking and hitting him repeatedly with planks and sticks against Daniels head and body. The boy is now almost lifeless, lying in the ditch. One of the attackers grabs a 1.5 meter long plank and hits the boy in the head with it over and over again, he does not stop until a teenage girl who passed by screams hysterically at him and begs him to stop. One of the girls who are participating in the battering of the boy then shouts back to the protesting girl that "The racist deserves it" and the gang member who is holding the plank is raising it towards the witness in a threatening gesture. At this stage one gang member who had left to get his bigger brother returns. He starts to jump on the head and neck of the almost lifeless boy. The older brother had come to help to take care of one of these detestable racists who murder “small children” and are a threat against “democracy” and he now feels his hatred boiling over. - Out of my way, I have got a knife! he shouts in excitement as he rushes forward towards the almost lifeless boy holding a carving knife.
The other gang members leave place for Khaled Odeh who sits astride on the boys back. He raises and lowers the large carving knife again and again. After stabbing the boy at least four times in the back, the blade brakes in half. Khaled then takes the boys head with his left hand to pull it backwards.
He feels a raging hatred for the mutilated young boy; a boy that he knows threatens democracy; a boy who murders small children, he knows that the boy must be crushed. So he decides what to do. “I will kill him”. The words go through his mind as he forces what is left of the knife into the throat of the boy.


Satisfied that he has liberated society from a racist he elatedly gets up on his feet. The blood which is covering his hands is still warm. He looks around and shouts to the people standing around him that no one has seen him. Then he runs away with his brother after him. The rest of the gang members walk their separate ways and disappear. “Crush racism”, someone shouts among the shadows.
But Khaled Odeh has been seen. The Swedish girl who witnessed the brutal assault approaches the boy with tears in her eyes. The boy is trying to raise his head but fails. His clothes are drowned with blood which is pumping out of his slashed neck artery. He is trying to gasp for breath, out of his mouth is heard a wheezing sound, when his head again falls to the ground in the cold ditch. The life runs out of Daniel Wretström as the girl desperately tries to save him.

[gallery ids="5441,5440" type="rectangular"]

When Daniel was still alive he gave his surrounding laughter and joy. Family and friends described him as considerate, kind and very much liked. The flame in his eyes was put out when he was only seventeen years old and had a whole life ahead of him. My son Daniel was a soft and delightful boy with a twinkle in his eye, his mother tells us. He really brightened life with his humour and his pranks. It wasn’t always sunshine but everything we went through together made us closer to each other. He found relaxation and calm when fishing, and he could sit in the boat for hours, just pondering and enjoying the peace. I soon learned to avoid letting Daniel into a fishing shop since it would take a long time before he came out of there. He loved to fish, to meet girls, to play drums and his family. In my eyes he was a wonderful guy that I was very proud of. If we would ever fall out, the words “I’m sorry” were very important. He often said “mummy, I love you.” and his friends listening was not embarrassing to him at all. Daniel was a boy who made very large impression on people that he met, and he won a lot of people’s hearts. Every time I look out my kitchen window and on Daniels little house I see a dark window, the lights are put out, and I wonder, why did they take your life?



No support for Israel


There are still far too many people who think of themselves as being Nationalists who are ignorant of the untold damage that Western support for Israel has caused not only in the Middle East in recent times, but also in Europe historically going back to WW1 and the Balfour Declaration. These same people seem incapable of understanding what is not only well documented, but what is glaringly obvious all around them. They fail to understand the vast network of pro-Israel lobbying groups that dictate through financial means the foreign policy of Western politicians. They fail to understand what group has been the driving force behind the leftist Cultural Marxist agenda and who have been the biggest supporters and campaigners for open borders and multiculturalism.

What Trump has done is to sweep under the carpet half a century of ethnic cleansing that has been the cause of so much trouble across the decades. If what Israel has done since 1948 was committed by any other state, then America and the rest of the hypocritical puppets masquerading as political leaders would likely have militarily intervened.

True European Nationalism understands this issue and does not endorse or support Israel. Not because of support for Muslims in the Middle East, but because of what Israel and their lobbying groups in the diaspora have done in using our nations and our troops to achieve its aims.

Occidental Revival

Crimes against Baltic nations

[caption id="attachment_5427" align="alignnone" width="323"]Deportees "Enemies of the people": 72% of deportees were women and children under the age of 16.[/caption]


Estonia was formally annexed into the Soviet Union on August 6, 1940 and renamed the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1941, some 34,000 Estonians were drafted into the Red Army, of which less than 30% survived the war. After it became clear that the German invasion of Estonia would be successful, political prisoners who could not be evacuated were executed by the NKVD, so that they would not be able to make contact with the Nazi government. More than 300,000 citizens of Estonia, almost a third of the population at the time, were affected by deportation, arrests, execution and other acts of repression. As a result of the Soviet takeover, Estonia permanently lost at least 200,000 people or 20% of its population to repressions, exodus, and war.

Soviet political repressions in Estonia were met by an armed resistance by the so-called forest brothers, mostly Estonian veterans of the Waffen-SS, Omakaitse militia and volunteers in the Finnish Infantry Regiment 200 who fought a guerrilla war, which was not completely suppressed until the late 1950s. In addition to the expected human and material losses suffered due to fighting, until its end this conflict led to the deportation of tens of thousands of people, along with hundreds of political prisoners, and thousands of civilians lost their lives.


[caption id="attachment_5428" align="alignnone" width="464"]Latvia_deportation_1941 Railcars with Latvians to be deported to the East[/caption]

In 1939, Latvia fell victim to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between the USSR and Nazi Germany, leading to its annexation and incorporation into the Soviet Union on 5 August 1940. The establishment of a brutal puppet-state, the Latvian SSR, resulted in mass terror, the destruction of civil liberties, the economic system, the Latvian culture. In all, over 200,000 people suffered from Soviet repressions in Latvia, of which some 60% were deported to the Soviet GULAG in Siberia and the Far-East. The Soviet regime forced more than 260,000 Latvians to flee the country.

Latvia was again occupied by the Soviet Union from 1944-91. Under the Soviet occupation thousands of Latvians were deported to Siberian camps, executed or forced into exile.

Many Latvians fled in fishermen's boats and ships to Sweden and Germany, from where until 1951 they drifted to various parts of the Western world (mostly Australia and North America). Approximately 150,000 Latvians ended up in exile in the West.

According to approximate estimates, as a result of the WWII the population of Latvia decreased by half a million (25% less than in 1939). In comparison with 1939 the Latvian population had diminished by about 300,000. The war also inflicted heavy losses on the economy – many historic cities were destroyed, as well as industry and the infrastructure.

World War II losses in Latvia were among the highest in Europe. Estimates of population loss stand at 30% for Latvia. War and occupation deaths have been estimated at 180,000 in Latvia.


[caption id="attachment_5429" align="alignnone" width="600"]Memorial to deported Latvian children who died in exile, 1941–1949. Memorial to deported Latvian children who died in exile, 1941–1949.[/caption]

Lithuania, and the other Baltic States, fell victim to the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. This agreement was signed between the USSR and Nazi Germany in 1939, leading first to Lithuania being invaded by the Red Army on 15 June 1940, and to its annexation and incorporation into the Soviet Union on 3 August 1940. The Soviet annexation resulted in mass terror, the destruction of civil liberties, the economic system, and Lithuanian culture. Between 1940-41, thousands of Lithuanians were arrested and hundreds of political prisoners were arbitrarily executed. More than 17,000 people were deported to Siberia in June 1941. After the German attack on the Soviet Union, the incipient Soviet political apparatus was either destroyed or retreated eastward. Lithuania was now occupied by Nazi Germany for a little over three years. In 1944, the Soviet occupation of Lithuania resumed following the German army's being expelled. Following World War II and the subsequent suppression of Lithuanian partisan resistance, Soviet authorities executed thousands of resistance fighters and civilians accused of aiding them. Some 300,000 Lithuanians were deported or sentenced to prison camps on political grounds. It is estimated that Lithuania lost almost 780,000 citizens as a result of Soviet occupation, of which around 440,000 were war refugees.

During the Lithuanian restoration of independence in 1990, the Soviet army killed 13 demonstrators in Vilnius.

[caption id="attachment_5430" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Monument_in_Vilnius_(Gedimino_Avenue)_03952 Monument of Lithuanian victims of Soviet occupation in Gediminas Avenue of Vilnius.[/caption]

In memory of millions of Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians whose lives were destroyed by USSR during entire 21st Century in whatever way, and also in memory of Forest Brothers who gave their blood fighting for their nations' freedom!

Eternal Strife - "American & Aryan" / "Segregation Legislation"

Two tracks from the upcoming ETERNAL STRIFE full length album, to be released in 2018.

A Prince Named Valiant

[caption id="attachment_5420" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Signed Prince Valiant print by Hal Foster, 1978. Signed Prince Valiant print by Hal Foster, 1978.[/caption]

Exiled as a boy from his native land of Thule, Prince Valiant grew up in the vast fens of fifth century Britain before discovering his calling and destiny as a knight of King Arthur’s storied Round Table. As inquisitive and intelligent as he is handy with a sword, Val rights wrongs and adventures across both the known and unknown medieval world. Along the way, he finds and marries the love of his life, Aleta, Queen of the Misty Isles, and fathers a family of equally adventuresome offspring. All of whom test his patience and bruise his ego to one degree or other such are families in any era.

Created in 1937 by the immortal Hal Foster, Prince Valiant continues strong to this day as the pinnacle of comic strip adventure storytelling. Balanced between the excitement and danger of medieval knightly derring-do and the domestic complexities surrounding a high-spirited family, Val has little time for rest and his devoted readership would have it no other way.


As representatives of Camelot, Val, Aleta and the roguish ladies’ man, Sir Gawain, have seen adventures taking them throughout barbarian-plagued Europe; from the wilderness of Pictland to crumbling Rome and prospering Byzantium; from far Cathay to the unnamed Americas; from Ab’Saba in limitless Africa to Jerusalem and the sands of the Holy Land.

Equally adept with both his brains and brawn, Prince Valiant carries forth the ideals of Camelot as beacons of light and civilization in an often dark and violent age. As such, he remains an instantly identifiable and much beloved hero for generation after generation.

[caption id="attachment_5419" align="alignnone" width="673"]OldBeyondYears Prince Valiant encounters Merlin for the first time in many years. "From the powers of night I asked for immortality," says the wizard, "but forgot to ask for youth." Art: John Cullen Murphy (November 1983). Text: Cullen Murphy. Source: The Sun Herald (Sydney, Australia); from the collection of Michael J. Bayly (1986).[/caption]

Friday, December 8, 2017

For the Might of Heathen Blood


Treze Listras Rex proudly presents

One of the most odious bands of the Greek scene.
Having for the first time its merchandising available in South America.

Printed white t-shirt of the two Landes
Limited to 30 units.

Interested contact us:

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Anti-Comintern Pact


Illustration from the German satirical magazine Kladderadatsch, December 1936, marking Germany’s and Japan’s signature of the Anti-Comintern Pact, directed against the Soviet Union. The agreement was also one of the early signs that Germany was turning away from its close relationship with China

Trench Hell


"Trench fighting is the bloodiest, wildest, most brutal of all … Of all the war’s exciting moments, none is so powerful as the meeting of two storm troop leaders between narrow trench walls. There’s no mercy there, no going back, the blood speaks from a shrill cry of recognition that tears itself from one’s breast like a nightmare."

Ernst Jünger, Storm of Steel 

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Wotan in reality never died


"When, for instance, the belief in the God Wotan vanished and nobody thought of him anymore, the phenomenon originally called Wotan remained; nothing changed but its name, as National Socialism has demonstrated on a grand scale. A collective movement consists of millions of individuals, each of whom shows the symptoms of Wotanism and proves thereby that Wotan in reality never died, but has retained his original vitality and autonomy. Our consciousness only imagines that it has lost its Gods; in reality they are still there and it only needs a certain general condition in order to bring them back in full force."

Carl Jung, letter to Miguel Serrano

Mussolini on the Jewish Role in Communism

[caption id="attachment_5403" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Illustration of Benito Mussolini leading Fascist blackshirts Illustration of Benito Mussolini leading Fascist blackshirts[/caption]

[Translator’s Note: I was unable to translate this entire article because it is long, but here are the best parts of an early and very important article by Benito Mussolini titled ‘The Accomplices‘, published in Il Popolo d’Italia on June 4, 1919. In the article the soon-to-be Duce speaks of how Leninist Communism is a negation of true socialism, and also discusses the role of western Jews in the Russian Revolution. The article was very significant for its time, as very few people had the insight and courage to address these issues in western Europe at that date. To put things in perspective, The Protocols of Zion were not published in English, German, or French until 1920, a year after this article was published.

The Duce also makes two correct prophecies in this article; first when he speaks of Jews making use of Communism only to prepare the way for capitalism; and second when he speaks of Communism coming to an end whenever the Jews decide to end it, as they are the ones who fund and control it. This is precisely what happened 25 years ago when, one by one, each Communist country in Europe suddenly collapsed (as if by design) and anti-communist forces ‘miraculously’ managed to take control, paving the way for new democracy and international capitalism.]

The Accomplices

By Benito Mussolini

The developed and conscious proletariat is shouting “Long live Lenin!“, thinking that they are shouting “Long live socialism!“. They do not realize that they are actually crying “Down with socialism!“. The false shepherds are deceiving the masses, who are ready to swear by and die for the new and distant ideals, believing that what has been established in Russia is socialism. This is a colossal lie! The government which has been established in Russia is only a fraction of the socialist party. The proletariat in Russia is labouring just as before, and they are being exploited just as before… We understand perfectly well that some writers coming from bourgeois circles have sympathy for Communism. In Russia there is a State, a Government, an order, a bureaucracy, a police force, militarism, and hierarchies. But socialism is not to be found. There is not even the beginnings of socialism; there is nothing resembling a socialist regime. Leninism is the perfect negation of socialism. It is the government of a new caste of politicians. That is why it is very difficult to find apologists of Leninism among the talking heads of Russian and Western socialism. The most violent reactions against Leninism did not come from the bourgeois, but from the very men who fought and suffered for the redemption of the working masses. These men are Plekhanov, the master of the Russian Marxists, and Kropotkin, the apostle of anarchy.


We reaffirm that Leninism has nothing to do with socialism, yet the official Italian socialists, with threatening shouts, are calling for aid to save Russia. But Russia does not need to be saved, because it is no danger whatsoever.


[caption id="attachment_5404" align="aligncenter" width="594"]RetrieveAsset Jewish Bolshevik defending America - poster produced in Italy in 1942[/caption]

If Petrograd (St. Petersburg) does not fall, if Denikin marks time, it is because the great Jewish bankers of London and New York so desire, linked up as they are by racial ties with the Jews who, in Moscow as in Budapest are taking revenge on the Aryan race which has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia 80% of the Soviet leaders are Jews. In Budapest 17 out of the 22 people’s commissars are Jews. Might it not be that Bolshevism is the vendetta of Judaism against Christianity? It is a subject certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that Bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever possesses the nations vaults controls their politics. Behind the puppets of Paris stand the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims, who are of the same blood as the masters of St. Petersburg and Budapest. Race does not betray race. Bolshevism is defended by international plutocracy. That is the essential truth. International plutocracy, dominated and controlled by the Jews, has a supreme interest in hastening all of Russian life through its process of molecular disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A paralyzed Russia, disorganized and hungry, will tomorrow be the place where the bourgeoisie—yes the bourgeoisie, my dear proletarians—will celebrate its spectacular abundance. The kings of gold believe that Bolshevism must live now, to better prepare the ground for the new business of capitalism. American capitalism has already obtained a great “concession” in Russia. But there are still mines, springs, land, workshops, which are waiting to be exploited by international capitalism.


The fate of Leninism does not depend on the proletariat of Russia or of France, much less that of Italy. Leninism will live for as long as the kings of finance so desire; it will die when the same kings of finance decide to kill it. The anti-Bolshevik armies, which from time to time are affected by a mysterious paralysis, will become simply overwhelming at a given time which will be chosen by the kings of finance. The Jews of the Soviets precede the Jews of the banks. The fate of St. Petersburg is not determined on the icy steppes of Finland, but in the banks of London, New York, and Tokyo.

To state that the international bourgeoisie now wants to destroy the Soviet Regime is to state a gross lie. If, tomorrow, the plutocratic bourgeoisie decides to destroy it, they will have no difficulty whatsoever because their “accomplices”, the Leninists, already sit and work for them in the Kremlin.