Friday, June 23, 2017

Defenders of the Cosmic Harmony


"…Everything in nature obeys ancient and unchangeable laws. Nothing happens apart from these natural laws. The laws strive toward harmony and construction. Every natural creature must obey some of these countless laws. It has a mission, thereby obeying its drives, its instincts, and its understanding, if nature has given it that. The opposite of harmony is chaos and disharmony. If racial community displays harmony in blood and nature, the Jew is the chaotic force in such human harmony. National Socialism wants to release energy by promoting communities of race and blood so that humanity can develop its abilities and virtues to the highest level. National Socialism thus strives for the highest level of culture. It respects beauty and joy, health and human satisfaction, strength, development, and progress. Each of these is insufficient by itself without the will to defend this ideal from the danger of chaos and destruction."

— Robert Ley, Pesthauch der Welt (Dresden: Franz Müller Verlag, 1944)

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