Friday, June 23, 2017

Equally Sun and Lightning


“They live and wait. Knowingly or unknowingly, they are waiting for Kalki; Kalki the last Man Against Time; the one whom Adolf Hitler foresaw in 1928; the Avenger who will give them– or their children– the world.

“The last incarnation of him-who-comes-back– the last Man Against Time has many names. Every great faith, every great culture, every true (living or obsolete) form of tradition as old as the fall of man has given him one…. the Christians behold him in Christ, present for the second time: no longer a meek preacher of love and forgiveness but the irresistible leader of the celestial white horsemen destined to put an end to this sinful world and establish a new heaven and a new earth. The Mohammedan world is awaiting him under the features of Mahdi, whom Allah shall send "at the end times”, to crush all evil through the powers of his sword– “after the Jews will once more have become the masters of Jerusalem” and after “the Devil will have taught men to set even the air they breathe on fire.” And the millions of Hindustan have called him from time immemorial and still call him Kalki, the last incarnation of the world-sustaining power: Vishnu; the one who will, in the interest of life, put an end to this age of gloom and open a new succession of ages.

“That last, great individual– an absolute harmonious blending of the sharpest of all opposites; equally sun and lightning– is the one whom the faithful of all religions and the bearers of practically all cultures await; the one of whom Adolf Hitler (knowingly or unknowingly) said in 1928: "I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so.”

“Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, he will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideological heretical, of the racially bastardized, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen ages.

"His companions at arms will be the last National Socialists; the men of iron who will have victoriously stood the test of persecution and, what is more, the test of complete isolation in the midst of a dreary, indifferent world in which they have no place; who are facing that world and defying it through every gesture, every hint– every silence of theirs and, more and more (in the case of the younger ones) without even the personal memory of Adolf Hitler’s great days to sustain them. They are the ones who will, one day, make good for all that Men Against Time have suffered in the course of history, like they themselves, for the sake of eternal truth: the avenging comrades whom the millions of 1945– the dying, the tortured, and the desperate survivors– called in vain; those whom all the vanquished fighters against time called in vain, in every phase of the great cosmic struggle without beginning, against the forces of disintegration, co-eternal with the forces of life.

"They are time bridge to supermanhood, of which Nietzsche has spoken; the last battalion, in which Hitler has put his confidence.

"Kalki will lead them, through the flames of the great end, into the sunshine of the new Golden Age.”

1 comment:

  1. You have been waiting for a long time. I miss you, too.
