Tuesday, April 30, 2019

The Greatest German of All Times


Great men have arisen for the German folk over the course of its history. The greatest German of all times is Adolf Hitler. The coming millennia will be an immortal monument to his deeds, to his exemplary life, to his teaching and to his human leadership. His work now already points beyond all concepts of time familiar to us. It is not deification, when the German folk gives this man unshakable faith as their leader. It is only self-evident that the folk leadership created by Adolf Hitler can count on the faith of the German folk for all the future.

-Anton Holzner, Master Life

Saturday, April 27, 2019

As a Shade Above this Land...


Farewell old Brother Kaldrad. You are with Ulv Gegner Irminsson in the Blazebirth Halls now! 


National Socialism

- Charles Maurras of Action Francaise

"A socialism liberated from the democratic and cosmopolitan element fits nationalism well as a well made glove fits a beautiful hand..."

- Charles Maurras of Action Francaise

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Life and Death of My Father, Rudolf Hess


A Son's Struggle for His Father's Honor

The Life and Death of My Father, Rudolf Hess

Wolf Rüdiger Hess
(Presented by videotape at the Eleventh IHR Conference, 1992)

When my father flew to Scotland on May 10, 1941, I was three-and-a-half years old. As a result, I have only very few personal memories of him in freedom. One of them is a memory of him pulling me out of the garden pond. On another occasion, when I was screaming because a bat had somehow gotten into the house. I can still recall his comforting voice as he carried it to the window and released it into the night.

In the years that followed, I learned who my father was, and about his role in history, only bit by bit. Slowly, I came to understand the martyrdom he ured as a prisoner in the Allied Military Prison in Berlin-Spandau for 40 long years--half a life-time.

Growing Up in Egypt and Germany

My father was born in Alexandria, Egypt, on April 26, 1894, the first son of Fritz Hess, a respected and well-to-do merchant. The Hess family personified the prosperity, standing and self-assurance of the German Reich of that period. They also personified all those things that aroused envy, fear and a combative spirit on the part of Britain and other great powers.

Fritz Hess owned an imposing house with a beautiful garden on the Mediterranean coast. His family, which came from Wunsiedel in the Fichtelgebirge region of Germany, owned another house in Reicholdsgr_n, in Bavaria, where they regularly spent their summer holidays. The source of this wealth was a trading firm, Hess & Co., that Fritz Hess had inherited from his father, and which he managed with considerable success.

His eldest son, Rudolf, was a pupil at the German Protestant School in Alexandria. His future appeared to be determined by both family tradition and his father's strong hand: he would inherit the property and the firm, and would, accordingly, become a merchant. Young Rudolf, though, was not very inclined toward this kind of life.

Instead, he felt drawn toward the sciences, above all physics and mathematics. His abilities in these fields became obvious as a student at the Bad Godesberg Educational Institute, a boarding school for boys in Germany that he atted between September 15, 1908, and Easter, 1911. In spite of this, his father insisted that he complete his secondary school education by passing an examination that would permit him to enter the _cole Sup_rieur de Commerce at Neuch_tel in Switzerland, after which he became an apprentice in a Hamburg trading company.

Read more here

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Italian Social Republic: 12 September 1943 - 25 April 1945


During the Italian Social Republic (RSI) Mussolini, freed from realpolitik within the reactionary regime, moved to bring Fascism back to it's revolutionary, pro-labor, syndicalist roots and forged a stronger alliance with former Communist and long-time fellow-traveler of Fascism Nicola Bombacci.

Some of the economic measures devised included socialization of every occupation and industry exceeding X number of employees or X amount of finances or assets, and the widespread imposition of profit-sharing. Fascist socialization destroyed monopoly via the re-distribution of property and the investment of industrial and occupation self-government through the syndicates, whereas Bolshevist socialization preserved monopoly and endorsed the proletarianization of the masses, establishing the so-called Dictatorship of the Proletariat, really a dictatorship OSTENSIBLY on behalf of the proletariat, truly imposed upon and against the proletariat by parasitic state functionaries, not unlike the opportunist politicians and labor leaders of the social-democratic movement.

So naturally, the Communist partisans commenced in fighting for socialism by allying themselves with the global liberal-capitalist order, with whom Moscow had aligned prior, and actively broke-up socialization projects in the RSI via violence against the workers-collectives.

Understand that the Communists and the Social-Democrats aren't our friends anymore than the bourgeoisie. But put that into context, stand on a nuanced critique of Communism, not the knee-jerk anti-Communism ingrained in Western populations during the Cold War. Recognize that not all Marxists are created equal, and the movement is worth studying as the antithesis of our own, or at least a poor false-front.

Patriotic Socialism


Below is a quote from Enzo Pezzato in the Fascist Republic, 22 April 1945.

The context is the Italian Social Republic and the Republican Fascist Party, which were formed by Mussolini after he was deposed by the traitor King and his reactionaries.

"Our programs are decidedly revolutionary, our ideas belong to those that in the democratic regime would be called 'Left'; our institutions are a direct result of our programs; our ideal is the State of Labor.

On this there can be no doubt: we are the proletarians in struggle, for life and death, against capitalism.

We are the revolutionaries looking for a new order. If this is true, addressing the bourgeoisie by shaking the red danger is an absurdity. The true bogeyman, the authentic danger, the threat against which we struggle unabated, comes from the Right.

Therefore, we are not interested in having any ally, against the threat of red danger, the capitalist bourgeoisie: even at best it would only be a treacherous ally, which would try to make us serve its purposes, as it has already done more than one time with some success.

Wasting words for it is perfectly superfluous. Indeed, it is harmful, because it makes us confuse, by authentic revolutionaries of any color, with the men of the reaction we sometimes use the language."


Giovinezza - Italian Social Republic Anthem

Hail, people of heroes,
Hail, immortal Fatherland,
Your sons were born again
With the faith and the Ideal.
Your warriors' valour,
Your pioneers' virtue,
Alighieri's vision,
Today shines in every heart

Youth, Youth,
Spring of beauty,
In the hardship of life
Your song rings and goes!
And for Benito Mussolini,
And for our beautiful Fatherland,

In the Italian borders,
Italians have been remade
Mussolini has remade them
For tomorrow's war,
For labour's glory,
For peace and for the laurel,
For the shame of those
Who repudiated our Fatherland

The poets and the artisans,
The lords and the countrymen,
With an Italian's pride
Swear fealty to Mussolini
No poor neighbourhood exists
That doesn't send its hordes
That doesn't unfurl the flags
Of redeeming Fascism


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Adolf Hitler: A Last Appeal To Reason

[caption id="attachment_8780" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-2004-1001-501_Berlin_Reichstagssitzung_Adolf_Hitler1-595x793 The Kroll Opera House 19th July 1940: Hitler made a Victory speech lasting over two hours, during which he saluted each of the twelve newly promoted Field Marshalls.[/caption]

Here lie the accounts of Adolf Hitler's pleas to the world during the largest bloodshed in mankind's history, World War 2.

Adolf Hitler's most poignant orations which had been buried for almost a century are now available for the world to hear. Visit the voices of the past to bear witness their side of history. The unaltered Adolf Hitler, who tried incessantly to avoid the senseless war and its continuation. Star contrast to what the Western Allies and their pet Communist regime in the East had in plans for Europe and the rest of the world.

They said Adolf Hitler was a warmonger who wanted to rule the world and subjugate all non-Germanic people. They lied.

The whole speech here:

[archiveorg youtube-1RfwBR_hcG8 width=640 height=480 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]




I have summoned you to this meeting in the midst of our tremendous struggle for the freedom and the future of the German nation. I have done so, firstly, because I considered it imperative to give our people an insight into the events, unique in history, that lie behind us, secondly, because I wished to express my gratitude to our magnificent soldiers, and thirdly, with the intention of appealing, once more and for the last time, to common sense in general.

If we compare the causes which prompted this historic struggle with the magnitude and the far- reaching effects of military events, we are forced to the conclusion that its general course and the sacrifices it has entailed are out of proportion to the alleged reasons for its outbreak - unless they were nothing but a pretext for underlying intentions.

The program of the National Socialist Movement, in so far as it affected the future development of the Reich’s relations with the rest of the world, was simply an attempt to bring about a definite revision of the Treaty of Versailles, though as far as at all possible, this was to be accomplished by peaceful means.

This revision was absolutely essential. The conditions imposed at Versailles were intolerable, not only because of their humiliating discrimination and because the disarmament which they ensured deprived the German nation of all its rights, but far more so because of the consequent destruction of the material existence of one of the great civilized nations in the world, and the proposed annihilation of its future, the utterly senseless accumulation of immense tracts of territory under the domination of a number of states, the theft of all the irreparable foundations of life and indispensable vital necessities from a conquered nation. While this dictate was being drawn up, men of insight even among our foes were uttering warnings about the terrible consequences which the ruthless application of its insane conditions would entail - a proof that even among them the conviction predominated that such a dictate could not possibly be held up in days to come. Their objections and protests were silenced by the assurance that the statutes of the newly created League of Nations provided for a revision of these conditions; in fact, the League was supposed to be the competent authority. The hope of revision was thus at no time regarded as presumptuous, but as something natural. Unfortunately, the Geneva institution, as those responsible for Versailles had intended, never looked upon itself as a body competent to undertake any sensible revision, but from the very outset as nothing more than the guarantor of the ruthless enforcement and maintenance of the conditions imposed at Versailles.

All attempts made by democratic Germany to obtain equality for the German people by a revision of the Treaty proved unavailing.

World War Enemies Unscrupulous Victors

It is always in the interests of a conqueror to represent stipulations that are to his advantage as sacrosanct, while the instinct of self-preservation in the vanquished leads him to reacquire the common human rights that he has lost. For him, the dictate of an overbearing conqueror had all the less legal force, since he had never been honorably conquered. Owing to a rare misfortune, the German Empire, between 1914 and 1918, lacked good leadership. To this, and to the as yet unenlightened faith and trust placed by the German people in the words of democratic statesmen, our downfall was due.

Hence the Franco-British claim that the Dictate of Versailles was a sort of international, or even a supreme, code of laws, appeared to be nothing more than a piece of insolent arrogance to every honest German, the assumption, however, that British or French statesmen should actually claim to be the guardians of justice, and even of human culture, as mere effrontery. A piece of effrontery that is thrown into a sufficiently glaring light by their own extremely negligible achievements in this direction. For seldom have any countries in the world been ruled with a lesser degree of wisdom, morality and culture than those which are at the moment exposed to the ragings of certain democratic statesmen.

The program of the National Socialist Movement, besides freeing the Reich from the innermost fetters of a small substratum of Jewish-capitalist and pluto-democratic profiteers, proclaimed to the world our resolution to shake off the shackles of the Versailles Dictate.

[caption id="attachment_8782" align="aligncenter" width="400"]The British, like the Americans after them, truly enjoyed destroying their own German brethren on behalf of the jews. The British, like the Americans after them, truly enjoyed destroying their own German brethren on behalf of the jews.[/caption]


Friday, April 19, 2019

130 - From Braunau to Eternity


“Invisible in the blue sky above the little frontier-town, the stars formed, on the 20th of April 1889, at six o’clock eighteen in the afternoon, a definite pattern marking the return to earth of Him Who comes back; of the divine Man “against Time” — the incarnate collective Self of superior mankind, — Who, again and again, and every time more heroically, stands alone against the ever-accelerated current of universal decay, and prepares, in hard, bloody struggle, the dawning of the following Time-cycle, even if he be, for some years or decades, apparently bound to fail. For the newly born Babe was none other than He.”

Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dominique Venner: A Fiery Spirit


"During an age of anxiety, it is healthy to repel happy illusions; it is salubrious to practice the virtues of active pessimism … But it is just as necessary to reject the kind of pessimism that turns into fatalism."

Dominique Venner ᛉ 16 April 1935 – 21 May 2013  

Monday, April 15, 2019

Damnatio memoriae


[caption id="attachment_8766" align="aligncenter" width="638"]tumblr_pq0s25jTWv1y8ap82o1_640 look at the smile in their faces. The future of Europe.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_8767" align="alignnone" width="614"]Sergei Chepik (Russian,1953- 2011), Les Gardiens de Notre Dame [The Guardians of Notre Dame]. Oil on canvas, 116 x 89 cm. Sergei Chepik (Russian,1953- 2011), Les Gardiens de Notre Dame [The Guardians of Notre Dame]. Oil on canvas, 116 x 89 cm.[/caption]

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Under the Flag of Lucifer

[caption id="attachment_8761" align="aligncenter" width="540"]Satan awakening his legions (c.1913) Estella Canziani Satan awakening his legions (c.1913) Estella Canziani[/caption]

“I am German, but for Jesuits, 'there cannot be a separation of peoples into nations and races; for them there are only people who struggle under the flag of Lucifer and people who fight under the flag of Christ.’ Concerning my own faith, I am fighting under the flag of Lucifer.”

Otto Rahn - “Lucifer's Court: A Heretic's Journey in Search of the Light Bringers”

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Jung and the Völkisch Movement


Jung vs. the Freudian "Jewish Spirit"

Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), in founding Analytical Psychology did so as a break and a contradistinction from the psychological school of his mentor Sigmund Freud. The Jungian and the Freudian stand as the contrasts between the Germanic and the Jewish world-views in the realm of psychology. Indeed it has been suggested that Freud's observations were largely derived from mainly Jewish patients.

Jung commented: "... It is a quite unpardonable mistake to accept the conclusions of a Jewish psychology as generally valid."

The Jewish spirit that infuses Freudianism has been remarked upon by others qualified to speak, both Jew and Gentile. The Jewish historian Howard Sachar considered the chief motivation of the Jewish Freudians to be, "the unconscious desire of Jews to unmask the respectability of European society which closed them out... The B'nai B'rith Lodge of Vienna for example delighted in listening to Freud air his theories." (Sachar, The Course of Modern Jewish History).

Thomas Szasz, professor of psychology, State University, NY, wrote of Freud's "anti-Gentilism" as being "an important aspect of his personality and predilections."

Racial Collective Unconscious(es)

Hitler Youth commemorate the 1000-Jahr-Feier of Heinrich I (anniversary of the thousand years of Heinrich I) on the walls of Quedlinburg

Jung gave science an important contribution with his theory that there is not only an individual unconscious but also a collective unconscious, including a racial or ethnic unconscious impacting significantly upon the individual and determining his very Being and Identity. It was a scientific development and elaboration of the concept held by Germanic philosophers such as Johann Gottfried von Herder, postulating that each people, or nation, has its own "soul".

Jung stated: "No doubt on an earlier and deeper level of psychic development, where it is still impossible to distinguish between an Aryan, Semitic, Hamitic, or Mongolian mentality, all human races have a common collective psyche. But with the beginning of racial differentiation, essential differences are developed in the collective psyche as well."

Jung indicated what this means in practical terms, as for example when politicians and religious dogmatists try to impose a multi-racial society. Jung wrote: "For this reason we cannot transplant the spirit of a foreign race in-globo into our own mentality without sensible injury to the latter, a fact which does not however deter sundry natures of feeble instinct from affecting Indian philosophy and the like."

The Shadow Self


Another major contribution from Jung was his theory of individuation, or the Total Being brought into effect by integrating one's repressed unconscious into the conscious Self. To this process which is central to Jungian therapy Jung applied the German word Heilsweg, the "sacred way" of healing. On his way towards individuation, one confronts the repressed unconscious or Dark side of oneSelf referred to by Jung as The Shadow Self.

In keeping with Jung's theme of the collective unconscious, not only the individual but an entire nation or ethnos possess its own unique collective 'Shadow.' This is what Jung addressed to the Germanic nation when he wrote,
We cannot possibly get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots. But we shall receive it only if we go back behind our cultural level, thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop. How this is to be done is a problem I have been trying to solve for years... The existing edifice is rotten. We need some new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilized man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need; a new experience of God...

Völkisch Movement


Jung saw the primitive or Shadow of the Germanic folk repressed by a millennium of Christian moral bondage. When what is natural to an individual or an entire folk is repressed it will out eventually in some form or another. It was Jung's concern that the Germanic Shadow be brought to consciousness with the result of a collective individuation of the whole folk. He had stated in 1919, the very year Hitler joined the newly formed German Workers Party: "As the Christian view of the world loses its authority, the more menacingly will the 'blond beast' be heard prowling about in its underground prison, ready at any moment to burst out with devastating consequences."

Jung's desire to see the Germanic folk individuate brought him into contact with the energetic völkisch movements that had emerged during the late 19th century and were ever more determined with the humiliation of Germany and Austria following World War I. Likewise, these movements saw the compatibility of Jungian psychology with their own ideology.

One of the völkisch theorists was Jacob Hauer, founder of the Nordic Faith Movement. He became involved with Jungian conferences and associations during the 1930's. In 1934 he gave a lecture on number symbolism which had a great influence on Jung, and during the course of the same lecture Hauer used Jung's concept of the collective unconscious to suggest the existence of a racial unconscious with racial symbolism.

The year previously the National Socialists had assumed power, an Jung wrote his essay Wotan, stating that the NS Reich was summoning forth the repressed Shadow or Wotanic unconscious of Germany. In 1936 he wrote: "The depths of Wotan's character explain more of National Socialism than all the economic, political and psychological factors put together."

With rivalry for spiritual allegiance in NS Germany between the so-called "German Christians" who had Germanized Jesus, and the pagan, anti-Christian wing of the völkisch movement, Jung expressly condemned the former and urged Germans to throw their whole support behind Hauer's movement to bring forth that "new experience of God," of Wotan. He described Hauer as "god (i.e. Wotan) possessed," and Hauer's activities as "the tragic and really heroic efforts of a conscientious scholar."

To Jung, the Old Religion was very much alive, albeit underground and waiting to resurface. He wrote:
No, memories of the old German religion have not been extinguished. They say there are greybeards in Westphalia who still know where the old images of the gods lie hidden; on their death beds they tell their youngest grandchild, who carries the secret... In Westphalia, the former Saxony, not everything that lies buried is dead.

Present Day


In our present time, with the European soul buried beneath excessive materialism and superficiality, and the dying, putrescent vestiges of a thousand years of Judeo-Christian spiritual repression, Jung provides an insight whereby the European folk as a collectivity might find its way back to a sense of being. As that great exponent of European Being, the existentialist philosopher and supporter of National Socialism, Martin Heidegger himself has written:
The past of human existence as a whole is not a nothing, but that to which we always return when we have put down deep roots. But this return is not a passive acceptance of what has been, but its transmutation.

Kerry Bolton (published by White Order of Thule)

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Fascism Against Christianity: The Great Liberation


By Julius Evola (Translation from Imperialismo pagano, Atanor, Todi-Roma 1928) 

Let us conclude.

Today we must absolutely put a stop to Christianity.

Everything in it is incompatible with and contradictory to the ideals, the morals, the vision of the world and of man that would enable a race to bring about the resurrection of the empire.

Our sleep has lasted long enough. All the possible compromises and variations have been exhausted. It is time to say "Enough!" No more of Christianity embraced as a whole, in the totality of all its forms! The Latin race in particular must bitterly disavow any descent from the dark object that emerged from the Jewish slums of Palestine to contaminate us. Thus:

On an ideal and moral level, it is time to unmask Christianity's enormous doctrinal bluff and to refuse to allow it to continue to parade around loaded up with all the values that have been superstitiously and unconsciously attributed to it.

On a practical level, it is time to become aware of the European danger and the decline of the West and to respond by reviving in the modern world the political and sapiential values characteristic of the Mediterranean tradition.

Ethical and religious Christianity today is nothing more than a name and a habit, absolutely external to conscience; but nobody, or nearly nobody, has bothered to abolish the name itself and to put its content on trial again, so as to start right back at the beginning, rejecting the "fact" of Christianity, its "tradition" and all the rest.

This is precisely my intent: to hold such a trial, demanding that every account to be scrutinized with inflexible severity, that all cards be placed openly on the table, and that every way out and every compromise be barred in advance. At stake are not more or less anticlerical polemics but rather a serious, objective examination, unbiased by feeling and belief. A cool-headed examination should suffice to blunt the ecstatic thrill and to unmask the true poverty and inferiority of the Christian vision of the world and of man.

[caption id="attachment_8743" align="alignnone" width="600"]Nike carrying the fasces toward Mussolini's name Nike carries the "fasces," a bundle of rods, toward Mussolini's name near the mauseoleum of the Roman Emperor, Augustus.[/caption]

With regard to fascism I declare:

Fascism... will blaze the path toward breaking up the monstrous political connivance with the Catholic Church, abetted by the intrigues of that secret and illicit association, the Society of Jesus. It will become aware that it has fallen prey to a suckers' marketplace (marche' de dupes). The petty political advantages to be gained are trivial when compared to the Church's devious efforts to achieve monopoly control over Italy's conscience by mean of public education and clever sophistries that polarize the fascist regime against everything that is not Catholic. To have agreed that a crucifix should be placed not in the universities, not in the coliseum, but on the Campidoglio in place of the eagle and the fasces is a blot without precedent that it will take a lot to wipe away.

This transpired because fascism still lacks spirituality and culture of its own, as fresh and vibrant as the warrior forces that brought it into being. The result was that fascism's political triumph was unaccompanied by a spiritual-cultural triumph. This transpired because fascism is still crippled by a definition of empire as a simple political, economic, and military organization, based on the industrial-capitalist system and cast in the mold of British and German bourgeois and material imperialism. But such a definition has nothing in common with true imperialism, that spiritual, sacred, and heroic imperialism of ancient Rome, Byzantium, and Persia. The real explanation for the success of Catholic infiltration lies in fascism's actual (though concealed) indifference to spiritual questions, whereby it did not hesitate to embrace new members who could solidify the material structure of the new regime, even at the cost of accommodating the most strident of contradictions.

Once fascism transcends the bourgeois-industrial definition of empire, once it embraces imperiousness (imperialita') in the true, traditional sense, the problem will be resolved. Fascism will find its soul within itself, a fact that will paralyze all efforts to apply external pressure and render ever more acute the incompatibility between state and Church. "Incompatibility" not as understood by demagogic, anticlerical, or secular ideologies but in the sense that the empire would become the true spiritual reality, the immanent, powerful religion that ousts the dead hierarchies and empty devotional forms that have survived in Catholicism.

So if the "daring" that fascism regularly exalts is more than rhetorical bluster, here's a first task: deride the arrogance that did not hesitate to call the king of Italy a usurper from on the high at the Vatican and reaffirm the complete dominion of the state over the Church. The Church must be directly controlled by the state. Its every organization must require state approval and sanction... Above all, it must be denied any role in the education of souls during the period in which the will is not yet formed and the conscience is not yet clear. (Though its continuing presence can be tolerated as a feature of popular belief, but only on a temporary basis, until such a time as the Mediterranean and imperial sense of life has fully revitalized everyone's spirit, thanks to pedagogical training carried out over several generations.)

So much for Catholicism, which on a practical plane must distiguished from Christianity. The latter is mostly to be identified with the forms of Protestantism active in Anglo-Saxon liberal democracies. Here lies the true European danger from which we must protect ourselves, reacting ruthlessly to all the international, unionist, Masonic, anti-aristocratic, anti-Roman, socialist, humanitarian, moralist ferments with which it would seek to infiltrate Italy.

In the properly cultural field, fascism ought to begin by promoting critical and historical studies, not partisan studies but cold surgical analyses of the essence of Christianity akin to Louis Rougier's work in France, published in his collection, Masters of Anti-Christian Thought. At the same time, fascism ought to promote studies and research on the spiritual side of paganism ( and work to diffuse such knowledge) studies extending from paganism's true vision of life to rigorously appropriate (because many are not) explorations of the Mediterranean tradition in its primitive and metaphysical nature.

Let the following be stated firmly, absolutely, and unambiguously. We are not destroyers but restorers. When we appear to be destroying we are in fact rearranging and replacing what is on the wane with higher forms, forms more vibrant and glorious. We possess a complete, total, positive system of values, developed in close connection with the forms of contemporary civilization, a system that provides us with a firm foundation and frees us from any fear of the void as we demolish all the the negatives of European decadence.

From the standpoint of its praxis, Fascism must not betray itself, which is to say, it must deeply embrace those values of affirmation, activity, will to power, antisentimentalism, and antirhetoricism whose imprint it bears (especially in its purest manifestations). Values that are essentially anti- Christian. Values to be raised to a higher internalized and spiritualized form and freed from the inferior and provisional approach based on mere violence and material domination.


And here there is a precursor, a misunderstood man, who waits in the shadows: Friedrich Nietzsche. The Nietzschean experiment is not yet exhausted because it hasn't even truly begun. What is worn out is the aesthetic-literary or firebrand(baionettista) caricature of Nietzsche found in characters like Corrado Brando, Stelio Effrena, or William II. But very much alive are values that Nietzsche heroically propagated despite no end of suffering, despite the rebellion of his entire being, which, after having given everything without complaint, simply collapsed. These values transcend his philosophy, his "humanity", even himself. They are of cosmic signifance, reflecting the power of the Aeion, the Ur, the terrible fire of magical initiations. These are the values that are still waiting to be understood and taken up. They encompass the sounding of an alarm, an appeal for disgust, the call for an awakening, and a summons to participate in the great struggle in which the destiny of the West will be decided, whether toward twilight or toward dawn. Fascism must begin here: by beginning the slow, tenacious construction of a new and wondrous race.

Accordingly, education will be reoriented toward pagan and Mediterranean values.

The "myth" of the crucified God-man who suffers and loves will be opposed that of the man-God, a being radiating light and power, the summit of an imperial ethos. To a dualistic and transcendental worldview will be opposed a vision of free and immanent unity, withdrawn into itself, matter for domination. To Christianity's race of "slaves and children of God" will be opposed a race of liberated and liberating beings who interpret God as a supreme power that one may freely obey or do battle against in manly fashion with one's head held high, immune to the taint of feelings, vacillations, and prayers. To feelings of dependence and lack will be opposed a feeling of sufficiency; to the will to equality, the will to difference, distance, hierarchy, and aristocracy. To the mystical communist promiscuity will be opposed firm individuality; to the need for love, happinesss, peace, and consolation, the heroic contempt for all this and law of pure will and absolute action. To Christianity's providential vision will be opposed the tragic conception whereby man stands alone facing the contigencies of nature such that either he must redeem himself or redemption will forever elude him. Do away with "sin" and "bad conscience" brashly heap all responsibilities upon one's shoulders, bar the door to any escape, fortify the innermost spirit.

No more "brothers" or "fathers" but instead a fully autonomous individuals, self-enclosed as if each were a separate world, rock, or peak, individuals clothed only in their strength or in their weakness, each and every one operating like an independent combat post that defends a distinctive quality, life, dignity, unequal strength, indomitable force. No more subjection to the need to "communicate", and to be "understood" or to fraternal bonds or to the sensual pleasure of loving and of feeling loved as equals. All are subtly corrupting and violent forces that weaken aristocracy and individuality. On the contrary, the incommunicability must be celebrated in the name of absolute purity and respect. Stronger forces and weaker forces, the one alongside or against the order, loyally, coldly, acknowledging one another thanks to the discipline of the spirit that burns within but produces an exterior rigid and tempered like steel, forces magnificently infused with the immeasurability of the infinite as found in feats of war and on the battlefield : (this is the ideal). A state of absolute generosity and absolute cruelty insure that some men and races ascend, while others fall with a thud. Nothing "infinite". Precise relations, order, cosmos, hierarchy. Solar and sufficient beings, masters who are far-sighted, fearful, distant, and solitary; who, instead of taking in, give out an overabundance of light and power, who resolutely incline toward ever more dizzying intensities within a hierarchical chain of being that comes not from above but from the dynamic natural interconnection between their natures.

"How beautiful they are, how pure are these free forces not yet corrupted by the spirit!" wrote the young Nietzsche after an ascent during a storm. In the place of Nietzsche's "not yet", I would substitute "no longer corrupted by the spirit" in the present context, the word "spirit" meaning the unreal: an outer crust of feelings, hopes, doctrines, beliefs, "values", sensations, words, sensual pleasures, and human emotions. But the meaning remains the same. The world is to be cleansed, returned to its pre-Christian state. It is to be returned to a free, overabundant, essential state within which nature is not yet nature or the spirit, in which "things" and "forms" do not exist except as powers; in which every instant of life is a heroic event, made up of acts, symbols, commands, magical gestures, and rituals, accompanied by great waves of sound, light, and terror.

This is our truth and this is the threshold of our great liberation: the end of faith and the world's emancipation from God. No "heaven" will hover over the land, gone will be "providence", "reason", "good", and "evil", masks for the terrified, pallid escapes for pallid souls. At last, those who think themselves men, unaware that they are sleeping gods, will be left to themselves: everything, all around, will return to a state of freedom; everything will finally breathe. The weak will collapse. The strong will assert themselves and will be rekindled as the "holy race of the kingless" of the ancient Gnostic oracles; the race of "those who are", of the unchained and the unburdened, of reedemed justifiers of the world, lords of necessity and suffering.

This is our truth. This is the "myth" that we pagans oppose to the superstition of Galilee, the myth that we affirm today as central to the values of our race and to the restoration of the empire in the West.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


“The prerequisite for action is the will and courage to be truthful.”

– Adolf Hitler

By Martin Kerr

[caption id="attachment_8734" align="aligncenter" width="500"]mk-03-81-nhq-mtg-room-arlington-e1541633155441 Martin Kerr[/caption]

I was speaking with a friend of the NEW ORDER back in December. He asked me how our Fall Building Campaign was coming along. I told him that it had gotten off to a good start but that it had quickly faltered. It was unlikely, I said, that we would meet its $5,000 goal. I added that this is disappointing, not just because we need the funds, but because it makes the NEW ORDER look bad.

“That’s not a problem,” he responded. “No one except you will know what the actual total is. Just announce whatever you feel like – $6,000, $7,000 or whatever.

One thing that we were not going to do, I replied, was to falsify the results. First of all, making the NEW ORDER appear richer and stronger than it actually is sets up expectations among our supporters that we will be unable to meet. In the end, that will undermine the faith and confidence that our adherents have in us. But beyond that, lying to our followers weakens the integrity of the Movement. Our people must always know that we are telling them the truth, even if the truth is sometimes unpleasant.

The ugly reality is that we National Socialists are in a position of weakness. We do not have unlimited funds at our disposal, nor do we have limitless manpower. The mainstream media is not on our side, and in fact they are willing to work overtime to spread lies about us. We do not have the support of any of the key institutions in society, such as the military, the police, the unions, the churches or the universities. We have no followers either in the elected government or in the unelected deep state bureaucracy. And finally, we do not have a measurable base of support among the White population. Truly, we are in a position of fundamental weakness.

But we do possess a few important weapons that our enemies do not. Key among these is the Truth. Reality has a way of asserting itself, and eventually it will overcome the lies and unwholesome fantasies that the Jews and their allies represent. Another weapon that we have is our integrity.

The dictionary defines integrity as: “Firm adherence to a code of moral values: INCORRUPTABILITY …synonym: HONESTY.”

From the earliest days of the Movement a century ago, our enemies have consistently portrayed us as liars. This was something with which the Movement in Germany had to contend. In his book Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes (1965), French scholar Jacques Ellul commented on how Joseph Goebbels dealt with this:
“There remains the problem of Goebbels’s reputation. He wore the title of Big Liar (bestowed on him by Anglo-Saxon propaganda) and yet he never stopped battling for propaganda to be as accurate as possible. He preferred being cynical and brutal to being caught in a lie. He used to say: “Everybody must know what the situation is.” He was always the first to announce disastrous events or difficult situations, without hiding anything. The result was a general belief, between 1939 and 1942, the German communiqués not only were more concise, clearer, and less cluttered, but were more truthful than Allied communiqués (American and neutral opinion) – and, furthermore, that the Germans published all the news two or three days before the Allies. All this is so true that pinning the title of Big Liar on Goebbels must be considered quite a propaganda success.”


Unfortunately, the belief that National Socialist propaganda is untruthful is one that still persists among the broad masses of White people today. If we are to have any hope of changing this false perception, it is only by being rigorously honest on all occasions. Such integrity and honesty must include both our public outreach and our internal communications within the Movement. Everyone must know that they can trust us to tell the truth, both when the news is good and when the news is bad. Whatever else people may think about us, they must know that we National Socialists are men and women of integrity.

It is, in fact, our enemies who practice the politics of deception. Donald Trump has popularized the phrase “fake news,” but false news reports are merely the tip of the iceberg. The entire Old Order – the existing political-economic dispensation – is based on layer upon layer of falsehood: not just fake news, but fake history, fake science (at least as it applies to race) and above all fake politics. For if the White population knew the future that the political elites have in store for them and their children – White genocide – there would be an Aryan revolution tomorrow. But, in keeping with their deceptive ways, they keep this concealed from the broad masses. Instead, they brand us as the liars.

There will be other NEW ORDER fundraising drives in the future. We hope that we will be able to meet our goals at those times. But whatever the outcome may be on those occasions, the results that we announce will be factually accurate. Practicing the politics of truth is a matter of the Movement’s fundamental integrity.


This post is an extended version of an editorial that appeared in the print publication NEW ORDER UPDATE, February 2019.


Monday, April 8, 2019

Blood Libel - This Time The World


Hate Propaganda Compendium
-Compilation of 2 demos:
A - This Time The World
B - Only One Way to Win Back Our Nations



Behold the Spirits of Death


[gallery ids="8725,8726" type="rectangular"]

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Steep Ascent

[caption id="attachment_8721" align="alignnone" width="500"]il_794xN.1722660482_mrrd Art Print of "Prometheus" by Jean delville, 1907[/caption]

I summon to the winding ancient stair; 
Set all your mind upon the steep ascent, 
Upon the broken, crumbling battlement, 
Upon the breathless starlit air, 
Upon the star that marks the hidden pole; 
Fix every wandering thought upon 
That quarter where all thought is done: 
Who can distinguish darkness from the soul?

William Butler Yeats

Thursday, April 4, 2019

A Splendid Crusade


A splendid crusade! It will go down as one of the most miraculous and remarkable phenomena in world history. And history will attempt to find analogues and parallels, but it will hardly find a parallel in which, beginning with such a birth, an entire Volk and a state could be totally conquered in so few years.

This miracle is something we have wrought. We are the fortunate ones who are not learning about it from books, but were chosen by Fate to live through it.

This is what joins us all and welds us together; coming generations will learn it one day. But we can say: we were there. That is our accomplishment! Other generations learn from heroic sagas and heroic crusades. We have lived this saga and marched in this crusade. Whether the name of a certain individual among us lives on in posterity is of no consequence. We are all bound together in a single, great phenomenon. It will live on.

Adolf Hitler - Speech of November 8, 1935. Quoted in Domarus

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Rise Above the common ways of life

[caption id="attachment_8709" align="aligncenter" width="564"]Youth Being Taken in Hand by Knowledge Youth Being Taken in Hand by Knowledge[/caption]

"Do not ally yourself either in affection or interest with any one who is not an earnest student of the higher life, unless you can completely dominate him, and even then be sure that you either recompense or chastise him according to his deserts; for the profane person hears many truths, but understands none; his ears are large but have no discretion. The profane passes his life in giddy risks, deluded with vain desires, listening to imaginary promptings, and with his eyes fixed on fancied sights. You may think he is pleased with your aims, but the truth is that he is absorbed by his own follies; the profane has no appreciation of the truth, and feels no real affection. The profane is imprudent and shameless; he discloses things which should be kept concealed, and attracts to himself brute forces which may devour him. That which he most neglects is himself; he wears his vices as a blazon, but they are an ever present burden to him, yet he does not recognize that they are a constant source of weakness. Make it a definite rule of life always to avoid:
- All men who show no courage, and all women who have not modesty.
- Those who do not maintain their friendships.
- Those who ask for advice, and then do not take it.
- Those who are never in the wrong.
- Those who are always seeking the impossible, and who are obstinately unjust to others.
- Those who, when danger is present, seek only their own safety.
All such persons are neither worthy of your confidence nor of your love. Fear contamination from them; avoid them. Yet even as you yourself must also avoid the follies of life, be careful not to put yourself in an attitude of superiority to the conditions of existence merely from a false pride, and never stoop to debase yourself to the level of the brute creation; rise above the common ways of life, and never become the slave of custom and conventionality. Treat the habits of ordinary life as others treat the weaknesses of childhood. Amuse the crowd to prevent personal injury, but never address it except in parables and enigmas; such has been the mode of conduct of all the great Masters of Magic, and in such an attitude there is wisdom."

Eliphas Levi

Monday, April 1, 2019

Eternal Stigmata

[caption id="attachment_8704" align="aligncenter" width="650"]Two Men Contemplating the Moon, 1798, Caspar David Friedrich Two Men Contemplating the Moon, 1798, Caspar David Friedrich[/caption]

“Romanticism is a grace, celestial or infernal, that bestows us eternal stigmata.”

Charles Baudelaire, from ‘Le Salon de 1859′