“The prerequisite for action is the will and courage to be truthful.”
– Adolf Hitler
By Martin Kerr
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I was speaking with a friend of the NEW ORDER back in December. He asked me how our Fall Building Campaign was coming along. I told him that it had gotten off to a good start but that it had quickly faltered. It was unlikely, I said, that we would meet its $5,000 goal. I added that this is disappointing, not just because we need the funds, but because it makes the NEW ORDER look bad.
“That’s not a problem,” he responded. “No one except you will know what the actual total is. Just announce whatever you feel like – $6,000, $7,000 or whatever.
One thing that we were not going to do, I replied, was to falsify the results. First of all, making the NEW ORDER appear richer and stronger than it actually is sets up expectations among our supporters that we will be unable to meet. In the end, that will undermine the faith and confidence that our adherents have in us. But beyond that, lying to our followers weakens the integrity of the Movement. Our people must always know that we are telling them the truth, even if the truth is sometimes unpleasant.
The ugly reality is that we National Socialists are in a position of weakness. We do not have unlimited funds at our disposal, nor do we have limitless manpower. The mainstream media is not on our side, and in fact they are willing to work overtime to spread lies about us. We do not have the support of any of the key institutions in society, such as the military, the police, the unions, the churches or the universities. We have no followers either in the elected government or in the unelected deep state bureaucracy. And finally, we do not have a measurable base of support among the White population. Truly, we are in a position of fundamental weakness.
But we do possess a few important weapons that our enemies do not. Key among these is the Truth. Reality has a way of asserting itself, and eventually it will overcome the lies and unwholesome fantasies that the Jews and their allies represent. Another weapon that we have is our integrity.
The dictionary defines integrity as: “Firm adherence to a code of moral values: INCORRUPTABILITY …synonym: HONESTY.”
From the earliest days of the Movement a century ago, our enemies have consistently portrayed us as liars. This was something with which the Movement in Germany had to contend. In his book Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes (1965), French scholar Jacques Ellul commented on how Joseph Goebbels dealt with this:
“There remains the problem of Goebbels’s reputation. He wore the title of Big Liar (bestowed on him by Anglo-Saxon propaganda) and yet he never stopped battling for propaganda to be as accurate as possible. He preferred being cynical and brutal to being caught in a lie. He used to say: “Everybody must know what the situation is.” He was always the first to announce disastrous events or difficult situations, without hiding anything. The result was a general belief, between 1939 and 1942, the German communiqués not only were more concise, clearer, and less cluttered, but were more truthful than Allied communiqués (American and neutral opinion) – and, furthermore, that the Germans published all the news two or three days before the Allies. All this is so true that pinning the title of Big Liar on Goebbels must be considered quite a propaganda success.”

Unfortunately, the belief that National Socialist propaganda is untruthful is one that still persists among the broad masses of White people today. If we are to have any hope of changing this false perception, it is only by being rigorously honest on all occasions. Such integrity and honesty must include both our public outreach and our internal communications within the Movement. Everyone must know that they can trust us to tell the truth, both when the news is good and when the news is bad. Whatever else people may think about us, they must know that we National Socialists are men and women of integrity.
It is, in fact, our enemies who practice the politics of deception. Donald Trump has popularized the phrase “fake news,” but false news reports are merely the tip of the iceberg. The entire Old Order – the existing political-economic dispensation – is based on layer upon layer of falsehood: not just fake news, but fake history, fake science (at least as it applies to race) and above all fake politics. For if the White population knew the future that the political elites have in store for them and their children – White genocide – there would be an Aryan revolution tomorrow. But, in keeping with their deceptive ways, they keep this concealed from the broad masses. Instead, they brand us as the liars.
There will be other NEW ORDER fundraising drives in the future. We hope that we will be able to meet our goals at those times. But whatever the outcome may be on those occasions, the results that we announce will be factually accurate. Practicing the politics of truth is a matter of the Movement’s fundamental integrity.
This post is an extended version of an editorial that appeared in the print publication NEW ORDER UPDATE, February 2019.
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