Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dominique Venner: A Fiery Spirit


"During an age of anxiety, it is healthy to repel happy illusions; it is salubrious to practice the virtues of active pessimism … But it is just as necessary to reject the kind of pessimism that turns into fatalism."

Dominique Venner ᛉ 16 April 1935 – 21 May 2013  

1 comment:

  1. R.I.P. Dominique Venner. This age is very afflicted and nihilistic. We are against the modern world so we are nostalgic, because what once was again shall be, but at least a bit of happiness is important too. There are still people who continue the fight for Europe and our values. In fact a lot of people are good, but they just need to see the truth and realize what is really wrong for our race.
