"The world is to be cleansed, returned to its pre-Christian state.
Accordingly, education will be reoriented toward pagan and Mediterranean values.
Christianity, denying classical harmony, the sense of autarchy and of absolute limit, the sense of Olympian superiority, of Dorian simplicity, has prepared the ground for a world of the obsessed and the shackled.
The new Asian faith was not the continuation of Rome, it deformed Rome - it did not often hesitate to identify the city of Caesar with the Beast of the Jewish Apocalypse and the Whore of Babylon.
We are finished with every compromise, with every weakness and with every indulgence toward everything that, derived from its Semetic-Christian root, has infected our blood and our mind.
Without the return to such a tradition there is no liberation, there is no true restoration, and the conversion to the true values of spirit, power, hierarchy and Empire is not possible.
The primordial forces of our race place us today, at this decisive phase for the history of the West, for the last time confronting the dilemma: loyalty or treason. Our restoration is an empty word if it is not, first of all, a "solar" restoration, a restoration of pagan spirituality.
Without the return to such a tradition there is no liberation, there is no true restoration, and the conversion to the true values of spirit, power, hierarchy and Empire is not possible.
This is our truth. This is the “myth” that we pagans oppose to the superstition of Galilee, the myth that we affirm today as central to the values of our race and to the restoration of the imperium in the West."
Julius Evola - "Imperialismo Pagano" (1928)
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