Friday, August 31, 2018

Adrien Arcand on Jews


"The Jew comes uninvited and declines to go when dismissed. He spreads and yet holds together. He penetrates the bodies of the nations. He invisibly organizes his own nation among alien peoples. He creates laws beyond the law. He denies the conception of << partie >> but has a << partie >> of his own which wanders and settles with him. He scoffs at other people's conception of God and yet builds churches of his own everywhere. He laments the fallen walls of Jerusalem and drags the ruins invisibly with him. He complains of his isolation but builds secret ways as arteries of the boundless city which has by new spread practically throughout the world. His connections and communications reach everywhere. Otherwise how can it be possible that his finances and his press should, wherever they may be centered, strive for the same goal all over the world ? How is it that his racial interests are identical in a Ruthenian village and in the heart of New York ? He praises one individual, and the praise rings over the globe. He condemns another, and that man's ruin begins wherever he be. Orders are given in mysterious secrecy. What the Jew finds ridiculous in other people he keeps fanatically alive in himself. He teaches anarchy and rebellion only to the Gentiles, he himself obeys blindly the directions of his invisible leaders."

***Adrien Arcand (October 3, 1899 – August 1, 1967) was a Montreal journalist who led a series of fascist political movements between 1929 and his death in 1967. During his political career, he proclaimed himself the Canadian Führer.

Greatness of Soul: Six Characteristics of Aristotle’s Ideal Person


 JULY 15, 2018

Before the small-souled bugman, there was Aristotle’s small-souled person. In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle describes the small-souled person as someone a bit too weak, a bit too eager to self-depreciate. The kind of person who “seems to have something bad about him” (probably because he thinks something’s bad about him).

In contrast to this small-souled person is the highest type of person, the one who has greatness of soul. Aristotle says “Now a person is thought to be great-souled if he claims much and deserves much.” So he is a person who: 1) is worthy of great honor, and 2) acknowledges he’s worthy of great honor. Honor in ancient Greece meant you were worthy of respect from your peers due to having virtues like courage, temperance, wisdom, generosity, strength, and justice. So the great-souled person is one who has these traits, and takes a healthy pride in having cultivated them. It’s somewhat a foreign concept to current-year Western societies, where humility is admired (just look at the ridicule of President Trump for being so forthright in his achievements).

Before delving more into what constitutes greatness of soul, let’s further define the small-souled person for contrast. Aristotle says the “most small-souled of all would seem to be the man who claims less than he deserves when his deserts are great.” This is the person who blows off big achievements as no big deal. He who mumbles “sorry” when he’s not in the way and doesn’t know how to accept a compliment without contradictions. She apologizes for the state of her house, when no one would have noticed any untidiness. Whether his accomplishments are large or small, the small-souled person doesn’t have the confidence or perhaps good sense to own them. Being small-souled has another negative side effect: Their low self-opinion may cause them to pass up opportunities to be virtuous.

Defining Greatness of Soul

Aristotle called greatness of soul “a sort of crown of the virtues” (NE IV.3.1124a1–3), and it’s obvious he thought it one of, if not the most, important of all the virtues. It seems especially important to study this now, given how the Left attributes every success to privilege rather than someone’s own efforts. Actually, the Left’s whole agenda could be described as trying to convince whites to be small-souled.

Aristotle’s Golden Mean comes into play here. Roger Crisp, in his essay in The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, reminds us that an emotion like anger “can be experienced too much or too little, and in both ways not well. But to have [it] at the right time, about the right things, toward the right people, for the right end, and in the right way, is the mean and best” (NE 1106b20–22). Likewise, he says, “the great-souled person will think himself worthy of great honor at the right times, for the right reasons, and so on.”

What about the person who claims much without deserving it? Aristotle calls him foolish, and remind us that “no one of moral excellence is foolish or senseless.” Later, he calls this type vain. Then, of course, there’s the person who deserves little and claims little; Aristotle calls him modest or temperate, but there’s nothing great about him.

One interesting characteristic of a great-souled person is little regard for possessions—whether those be money, good looks, a noble birth, noble children, good friends, or political power—viewing them as “instruments” to be used in the exercise of virtue. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t cultivate these things; in fact, greatness of soul is also called megalopsuchia, that is, magnanimity, in Aristotle’s earlier writings. Such generosity would certainly require some material wealth or leisure time. Crisp explains that while the great-souled person may possess “external goods,” they don’t occupy his thoughts in the same way as the average person:
Most people make a lot of emotional and practical investment, if they can, in acquiring and retaining wealth, to the point that wealth can become to them, at the very least, a quasi-end-in-itself. The great- souled person has no concern for wealth or even life as ends in themselves, and his thoughts will not be greatly occupied by them. Indeed, if he is required to give up all his money or even his life, for the sake of honor (or rather for the sake of virtue and the noble), he will do so, without any great sense of loss.

Of course, it takes more than wealth to make greatness of soul. Throughout his writings Aristotle is clear that “external goods” (money, friends, power) without virtue should not be honored. To the contrary, Crisp says, “they make their possessors viciously supercilious and arrogant.”

6 Characteristics of a Great-Souled Person

Here are the six main characteristics of the great-souled person. (The Aristotle quotes were taken from Crisp’s essay, though I’ve changed his category names.)

Avoids danger, except for the sake of great honor  
The great-souled person, because he does not value anything highly, does not enjoy danger. He will avoid trivial dangers, but will face great ones, and, again because of his attitude to goods, will be unsparing even of his own life.

The great-souled person doesn’t enjoy danger for its own sake, since that could thwart his ability to do virtuous actions. And since a trivial danger is trivial, the great-souled won’t bother with it anyway. One cannnot imagine the great-souled person sky-diving, except to save the life of a friend. He does have courage, inspired by honor, and for honor he would face any danger.

Gives readily, but doesn’t take 
The great-souled person is inclined to help others readily, but he is ashamed to be a beneficiary, since it is a sign of inferiority. If he is benefited, he will repay with interest, to ensure that his benefactor becomes a beneficiary. He will remember with pleasure benefits he has conferred, but will forget those he has received and feel pain on being reminded of them.

He doesn’t pay people back due to gratitude or needing to do “what’s right,” but to once again even the playing field and restore his position of superiority. He doesn’t reminisce about how nice others were to him, but how nice he was to others.

Proud, but not to those beneath him
The great-souled person will be proud [megas] in his behavior toward people of distinction, but unassuming toward others. For superiority over the former is difficult and impressive, while over the latter it is easy and vulgar.

For “people of distinction,” meaning those held in honor, the great-souled person maintains a healthy sense of pride. He may even come across as supercilious, but Crisp notes this is due to his virtue: “To someone to whom nothing much matters except virtue, the lives of those lacking virtue will seem not to matter much.” Others might consider him vain, an incorrect characterization because vanity implies excessive pride, whereas the great-souled person has just the right amount. But to people not of distinction—i.e., those beneath him—he will be modest, since lording one’s superiority over one’s inferiors is vulgar.

Crisp notes that this pagan morality isn’t in harmony with Christianity: “Also problematic within a Christian or post-Christian perspective is the great-souled person’s direction of attention toward himself rather than toward others. He is indeed especially concerned with the noble. But his concern is that nobility be instantiated in his life. Further, any concern he does have for others seems to consist largely in how he appears (albeit veridically) to them.”

Uninterested in activities and pursuits of the masses 
The great-souled person avoids things usually honored, and activities in which others excel. He is slow to act except where there is great honor at stake, and he is inclined to perform only a few actions, though great and renowned ones.

The great-souled person is concerned with the greatest honor. Everything else is of little concern to him. As stated above, he cares little for the external goods and social niceties that engage the average person. He may not do a whole lot and be slow to start things, unless it’s related to great honor. He doesn’t take such mundane things seriously and isn’t anxious about them.

Frank and truthful in speech
Because the great-souled person cares little for what people think, he is open in his likes and dislikes. And because he is inclined to look down on people, he speaks and acts openly, except when using irony for the masses.

Because his only concern is honor, and thus truthfulness, the great-souled person speaks his mind. He has no concern for what others think of him, and certainly doesn’t put their opinions above his own, so he doesn’t censor his speech. Crisp said he lacks a sense that other people are automatically deserving of respect or concern. But to the masses, the great-souled person will use humor or irony to mask his meaning. This frankness extends to other areas of his life. He doesn’t act to suit others, but for himself, to avoid living life as a slave.

Independent, self-sufficient, and expects little from others 
The great-souled person will not depend on another, unless he is a friend, because to do so would be servile. Because nothing matters to him, he is not inclined toward admiration, resentment, gossip, praise of others, or complaining. His possessions are noble rather than useful, because this is consistent with self-sufficiency. Again because nothing matters to him, he will not be rushed: His movements are slow, his voice is deep, and his speech is measured.

The great-souled person cares little for external goods and other people, except his friends. He cares so little about these things that he has no interest in gossip, doesn’t feel resentment, and doesn’t complain about trivialities. He doesn’t have high expectations for other people, so doesn’t bear grudges. He is also noble in his speech, movements, and mannerisms, avoiding the hastiness and shrillness caused by anxiety.


Aristotle’s person with greatness of soul is someone concerned only with nobility who embodies a kind of tempered master morality. Why bother studying it today, or trying to embody it? Modern Western culture, due to a combination of Christian morality and liberalism, has forsworn such pride as vanity, and now its populations suffer from an epidemic of low self-esteem. This is reaching epic proportions as the people of Europe and America destroy their civilizations because the smallness of soul encouraged by the media and universities doesn’t allow them to feel pride in their nations’ achievements. Reviving an interest in greatness of soul can not only help you in business and your personal life, it has the potential to save civilizations.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

First World Values or Tribal Values? On Jax, Tara & the Sons of Anarchy


By Jack Donovan

The First World has a plan for you.

You’re supposed to go to college. Learn what to do, what to say, what to think, how to feel. Someone gives you a good grade, pats you on the back and tells you that you’re a “critical thinker.” Then you get a job, pay back your loans. You work to buy a house or a condo that you’ll never really own and fill it with new appliances and tasteful furniture and lots of nice things. On Fridays, you meet your interchangeable co-workers and fair weather friends for top shelf foo-foo drinks at that new restaurant you read about in your local lifestyle magazine.

It’s not so bad. It’s what people do. Even the commies in China are getting McMansions now.

I feel the pull of it. I like nice things. Sometimes I want one of those fake Craftsman houses in Happy Valley with the caramel shag carpet. I want to fill it with chunky Crate & Barrel furniture. I want a home theater and a garage with a brand new set of tools. I want to go to Home Depot and do home improvement projects. Build a deck. Remodel the bathroom. I’d even mow the lawn.

It sounds nice. Comfortable. Safe. I used to install home gyms in houses like that. Those people seemed happy enough. Could I be like them if I wanted to? Maybe I could.

A lot of guys I know feel that tug. If you’re reasonably intelligent and well-spoken, you know you have the keys to that world. And for a while, there’s time. As you get older, doors start to close. Sometimes you make a decision that closes a door forever. Eventually, after enough doors have closed, you realize that your life in Happy Valley was just a daydream, and that you will never be the kind of man who lives in that house.

* * *

After five seasons, Sons of Anarchy is about a lot of things, but one of the major recurring themes of the show is the conflict between normal First World America and the violent, patriarchal, tribal world of a criminal motorcycle gang. The Tribal World exists within First World territory, like some kind of outlaw reservation, a state folded into a state. The Sons are outsiders within, expatriates adrift in the same world whose rules and norms they rejected. Some members of the gang were born into the life, like the gang’s leader, Jackson (Jax) Teller. Various other characters, including several law enforcement officers, move between worlds, as intermediaries. Tara, as Jax’s wife and the mother of one of his children, is the main character who is trying to keep a foot planted firmly in each world. Tara is a pediatric surgeon—an unlikely profession for an “old lady.”

Tara is everything the First World wants us to be. She’s an educated, highly skilled woman who works in healthcare. She could work and be well paid anywhere in the world. Tara has all of the keys to a safe, comfortable, socially respectable bourgeois lifestyle.

Tara was Jax’s high school girlfriend, but she left their home town of Charming to escape his gang’s influence and seek a First World life. However, after becoming a physician, she returns to Charming to escape an abusive romantic relationship with an obsessive ATF agent. She seeks help from Jax, who murders her abuser, and the couple is reunited by this act of violence. Eventually, Tara gives birth to Jax’s second son, Thomas.

Over the course of her involvement with Jax and the Sons of Anarchy, Tara is constantly forced to make choices that could end her medical career. She tends to the wounds of club members involved in shootings and beatings. Club members and enemies harass her or interrupt her at the hospital, and create tension with her supervisor, Margaret Murphy. In one episode, she and Margaret are hostage together by one of Jax’s enemies. In a later episode, Tara’s hand is broken in another kidnapping attempt, and for some time it is uncertain whether she will ever be able to operate again. Still, as she becomes more deeply involved with the club, she takes greater risks, even using her professional identity to “volunteer” at prison and interact with a former member of the club.

In early episodes of the show, Tara is highly conflicted, and her “sensible” First World rationales guide her arguments and decision-making. She maintains a cautious distance from the gang, and is still frightened and emotionally traumatized by the criminal, tribal, violent activities of the gang. She is a traveler from the First World, just passing through the Sons’ tribal world, always trying to lure Jax away from the gang to a safer life with her. However, as she becomes increasingly involved with the gang, as she sees things she can’t un-see, as she bonds with Jax’s mother Gemma and others, as she becomes more a part of their world than part of the First World, she starts making more and more decisions for the good of the gang. She becomes more willing to do whatever is necessary, and she makes fewer First World arguments against the Jax’s activities. Global morality gives way to tribal morality. What happens to outsiders is less consequential, and the well-being of insiders becomes more important. She comes closer and closer to going “all-in.”


However, all of this is predicated, at least in theory, on the idea that Jax and Tara are eventually going to wrap up club business and retreat back to the First World. In the fifth season, as the body count rises and it becomes increasingly evident to Tara that the violent dramas of the club will keep pulling Jax back into the mix, she tries to force an exit. She receives an offer from the Providence medical group in Oregon, and she tentatively accepts it. In the final episode of the last season, Tara is implicated in a murder as a result of her club business at the prison, and arrested. After this, her future in the First World seems uncertain.

* * *

For Jax and Tara, Oregon offers a normal, safe life. If Tara manages to beat the rap for her part in facilitating a prison murder, her offer with Providence (a real hospital here in the Portland area) may stand. Jax and Tara could, conceivably, run away to Oregon and buy a house—maybe one of those homey craftsman deals with the caramel shag carpet. Maybe I’d catch a glimpse of them at the New Seasons or the Whole Foods when I make my Sunday morning run for my favorite local brand of kombucha and check out what organic produce is on sale. Jax could trade in his kutte for an REI version of same, his motorcycle boots for a comfy pair of Keens, and maybe hold on to those chilly weather thermals.

But, while it might be a tempting daydream, what does life in Happy Valley really offer Jax? Who would he be?

Sure, he could work at a motorcycle repair shop, maybe even start his own. But he wouldn’t be the President and leader of a motorcycle Männerbund. He may escape danger, but he would also give up power, authority, and exploit. He would give up adventure, because adventure dies in the absence of danger. With the Sons, he’s the chief of a tribe that lives and dies with him. The Sons aren’t merely an activity group, they are a complete world, a family more connected and interdependent than most families in the First World—who maintain a polite distance—could ever be. He has the love and respect—and occasionally the hatred—of men who he has gone to battle with and gone to prison with. He’s never going to get that from casual conversations during group hikes in the gorge with Bob the insurance agent or Ken the green architect. He’s never going to get that from the kind of couples who mix socially with physicians. If Bob or Ken ever found out about Jax’s life with the Sons, about his prison stints, about the men he’d killed…they’d keep at arm’s length. One wonders if they’d even want him as a Facebook friend. He’s already closed a lot of doors in the First World, if he ever had the keys at all. He’ll always be an outlaw. He knows too much.

If Jax follows Tara to Oregon, to safety and a life in Happy Valley, can he ever be more than…Tara’s husband? The tag-along kitchen bitch of a successful pediatric surgeon? That doesn’t sound like living, it sounds like retirement.

But then, Portland is where young people go to retire . . .

* * *

The First World—the global world—espouses universal values. It is a capitalist technocracy. Men and women are merely a mobile collection of skills and assets to be traded. If you follow the plan and you don’t challenge the values that make all men and all women equally exchangeable, you can access its wealth and enjoy the measured indulgences and the comfort and security the First World offers.

Tribal values are specific values. What is good for everyone, or good for the system, matters less than what is good for the survival and prosperity of the tribe and its members. The tribe is “us,” and the tribe cares about what is best for “us.” What is best for “them” —for the global citizens, for the global system—is a secondary consideration.


The First World and everything it offers have a buy-in price. In the First World, your status as a global citizen must outweigh your commitment to family, to friends, and to your tribe. If members of your family or your tribe commit a prohibited act, you are expected to betray your personal allegiances and inform the proper authorities. Commitment to the values of the global system must supersede commitment to anything or anyone else. First World relationships are more disposable than tribal relationships, so human connections tend to be more superficial. After all, you may receive a job offer in another city or even another country that offers a career or lifestyle upgrade. Deep ties will only hold you back. Relationships are “for now.”

The Tribal World comes at the price of closed doors. If you’re not following the plan, your motives will (understandably) be considered suspect to everyone who is following the plan. Your interests may come in conflict with First World interests. You aren’t part of the global “us.” For Jax, and this has been the case with Tara and others on the show, the violence and criminality of his tribal world can splash out into the First World and burn anyone he is close to. However, for members of the tribe, identity comes not from an occupation or even a skill set so much as a place in the tribal hierarchy and a sense of belonging, a sense of collective identity. There is all of the Shakespearean drama, plotting and backstabbing that attends passionate human relationships, but those relationships are “forever.” When former club president Clay was excommunicated from the group for his treachery, there was a tremendous sense of loss as one of the sons blacked out his tattoos and the rest observed. Without the club he gave his life to, he is “just some guy,” another disposable man adrift in the First World sea.

Some men, like Jax or other men surrounded by gangs or involved in some sort of separatist group, are born into a Tribal World. The First World can never be more than a daydream or a form of early retirement.

Those of us who were born into the First World, who have or who started out with the keys to open its doors, face Tara’s dilemma. The comforts of the First World are all around us, and we may feel somehow attracted to them, even entitled to them, but something about the Tribal way also beckons. Like Tara, we may eventually have to decide if we are all-in or out. It may be decided for us. Or, as doors to the First World close, we may slowly come to the realization that we will never be the kind of people who live in Happy Valley.

Note: I thought a lot before sharing this article. Having watched and the 7 seasons of Sons of Anarchy, I am of course aware of the general anti-white message, the distortion and lies concerning White Nationalists and White bikers' subculture etc. promoted in this series by its Jewish creator Kurt Sutter. But in life not everything should be seen as black & white. Besides the entertainment, someone with a slight awareness can find some right elements and values through all the greed, lies and betrayal of this MC story - like loyalty, brotherhood, friendship, duty, vengeance, sacrifice, survival of the fittest, living on the edge as an outcast and outlaw outside the norms of society fighting the world.. Judge for yourself.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Energy, Faith & Will

[caption id="attachment_6939" align="aligncenter" width="500"]tumblr_p8pp1kKp4m1r2qr2so1_500 Tisseron Yann - Ulysses among the corpses of the contenders, 2013[/caption]

"Then that day came when made our hearts pulsed all the way up into our throat. That great turning-point that seemed a miracle to all of us. But no miracle in the Christian-Biblical sense. Our miracles are not wares and magic tricks. They are the miracle of energy and faith, miracle of will."

Gott und Volk - Soldatisches Bekenntnis, Carl Schmitt

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Death and Destruction


"Death and destruction are necessary to the health of the world, and therefore as natural, and lovable, as birth and life. Only priests and born cowards moan and weep over dying. Brave men face it with approving nonchalance."

Ragnar Redbeard

Monday, August 27, 2018

Jack London: An American Racialist


"The proper function of man is to live, not exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."

Although at the time, he probably didn't realize it, Jack London would come to fulfill his own words during a life full of adventure, controversy and undeniable tragedy. Jack London was an adventurer stuck in a world of convention. He was the successor to a long line of Aryan warriors, intellects, and conquerors. In his 1914 novel, The Mutiny of the Elsinore, he wrote "I know, now, that my forebears were Vikings. I was seed of them in their own day. With them I have raided English coasts, dared the Pillars of Hercules, forayed the Mediterranean, and sat in the high place of government over the soft sunwarm peoples." Such Racial awareness as this is extraordinary no matter in what time it manifests itself. What made Jack London special, as you will see, was his ability to express in words what had taken centuries to ingrain in the Aryan soul.

[caption id="attachment_6924" align="aligncenter" width="350"]London at the age of nine with his dog Rollo, 1885 London at the age of nine with his dog Rollo, 1885[/caption]

Jack was born out of wedlock to Flora Wellman and Professor William H. Chaney on January 22, 1876 in San Francisco, California. Flora, the estranged, somewhat rambunctious daughter of a wealthy Eastern family, would never marry Chaney. When Jack was eight months old, Flora married a working-class-man by the name of John London. He would be the only father Jack ever knew. His early years were filled with poverty. As a thirteen year-old, he worked along children of six and seven in a pickle cannery for 10 cents an hour, often sixteen hours a day. These early experiences would fuel his life long hatred for capitalism. He eventually quit his job and become an oyster pirate, sailing his own ship. Always the restless wander, at age 21 he set sail for the Klondike with the hope of striking it rich. His experience in the Klondike, though rather miserable, would greatly influence his later literary work.

When Jack returned to his home town of Oakland, he was determined to start his literary career. He would religiously write one thousand words per day, rain or shine. For several years he spent much of his money on postage stamps for the hundreds of manuscripts he sent to magazines around the country. Jack London could have wallpapered his house several times over with the rejection papers he received, but he didn't give up. His work was too brutally honest, with an emphasis on brutal, for most of the pulp magazines he was trying to write for. Finally in 1897, The Overland Monthly published one of his stories, for which he was paid five dollars. Jack soon realized that his fortunes would lay in the publishing of his books.


In 1903, Jack's first commercially successful book, The Call of the Wild, was published. The story is a deceptively simple one about a kidnapped dog, named Buck, who is taken to the Yukon and sold as a sled-dog. In truth, it's the story of race, the superiority of one race over the other, and the survival of the fittest. Although Jack is writing about a dog, his theories also relate to humans. Buck knew that, "he must master or be mastered; while to show mercy was weakness. Mercy did not exist in the primordial life. It was misunderstood for fear, and such misunderstandings made for death. Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, was the law; and this mandate, down out of the depths of Time, he obeyed." This excerpt sums up much of Jack London's philosophy. Genetics - the will to survive - was the all-determining factor in his view of life. It decided what race, species, or individual would survive to pass on their genes. Jack would revisit this topic over and over again in his work. As he expressed, the year earlier, in his sociological work The People of the Abyss, Jack had an incredible amount of compassion for the poor working-class. This compassion was not of the sniveling and charitable type, but of the steel fisted revolutionary sort. In 1905, while addressing a group of wealthy capitalists in New York, Jack said: "Look at us! We are strong! Consider our hands! They are strong hands, and even now they are reaching forth for all you have, and they will take it, take it by the power of their strong hands; take it from your feeble grasp." Jack believed that revolution was the only possible answer to the problem of capitalist domination. Jack wrote eight months before his death, "My final word is that liberty, freedom, and independence, are royal things that cannot be presented to, nor thrust upon, races or classes. If races and classes cannot rise up and by their own strength of brain and brawn wrest from the world liberty, freedom, and independence, they never...can come to these royal possessions."

"... Ours is a lordly history, and though we may be doomed to pass, in our time we shall have trod on the faces of all peoples, disciplined them to obedience, taught them government, and dwelt in the palaces ..."

In Jack's next novel, The Sea-Wolf, he would again consider the influence of genetics on the human condition. The novel tells the story of Humphrey Van Weyden who transforms himself from weakling to warrior during his stay on the Sea-Wolf. In the middle of a dangerous seal hunting expedition, Humphrey thinks to himself: "The youth of the race seemed burgeoning in me, over-civilized man that I was, and I lived for myself the old hunting days and forest nights of my remote and forgotten ancestry." A similar instance occurs in the short story In the Forests of the North. It follows, "He, alone, was full-blooded Saxon, and his blood was pounding fiercely through his veins to the traditions of his race." Jack was incredibly proud of his Racial heritage, and he was not afraid to express it through his novels and short stories.

[caption id="attachment_6926" align="aligncenter" width="350"]tumblr_n4l7xpZf8j1s3gesfo1_500 London writing, 1905[/caption]

With the Russio-Japanese War raging in the Far East, the Hearst newspapers offered Jack the assignment of covering the conflict for them. On January 7, 1904, he set sail for Yokohama, on board the S.S. Siberia. Upon arriving in Japan, Jack quickly disobeyed the orders of the Japanese government that no reporters be present at the Korean Front. He sneaked into Korea by chartering a rickety sampan to take him across the Yellow Sea. Once there he was immediately struck by the cruel treatment inflicted upon the Russian prisoners by the Japanese. In one of his dispatches he wrote, "These men were my kind." He also stated that he would have preferably joined the Russians "in their captivity, rather than remain outside in freedom amongst aliens." When Jack returned to America, many, including his fellow socialists, questioned his vehement attacks on the Japanese and the "yellow peril." He answered them simply: "I am first of all a white man and only then a socialist."

[caption id="attachment_6929" align="aligncenter" width="350"]tumblr_oa7j6pfYt71tg8xeso1_500 Jack London, Melbourne 1908[/caption]

In The Iron Heel, released in 1908, Jack records the events surrounding the rise of the working-class and their bloody attempt to destroy capitalism. The story is told by the wife of revolutionary, Ernest Everhard. Ernest is described as "...a superman, a blond beast such as Nietzsche described." The book was universally mocked by the critics and many socialists. The Independent concluded that "semi-barbarians, to whom this sort of stuff appeals, may possibly tear down our civilization." We certainly hope so. The most prophetic part of the book comes at the end. After a failed uprising in Chicago, many revolutionaries are murdered by the Iron Heel. In our own time we have seen mini coups at Whidbey Island, Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma City that have failed to ignite the multitudes in a national revolution. From the ashes of this failed revolution rise terrorists groups more radical than Ernest Everhard could have imagined. Jack describes some of these groups: "The Valkyries were women. They were the most terrible of all. No woman was eligible for membership who had not lost near relatives at the hands of the Oligarchy. They were guilty of torturing their prisoners to death. A companion organization to the Valkyries was the Berserkers. These men placed no value whatever upon their own lives, and it was they who totally destroyed the great mercenary city of Bellona along with its population of over a hundred thousand souls." I am sure one can name at least ten contemporary groups with similar goals. After the death of Robert Mathews and other comrades, the American government has made many in the revolutionary movement even more radical. The more something is suppressed, the more dangerous and powerful it becomes.


Another highly Racial novel was The Valley of the Moon. The two main characters are Billy Roberts and his wife Saxon. They are a working-class couple living in Oakland during the early 20th century. As life becomes increasingly difficult for the urban working class, and a revolutionary friend of theirs is murdered, Billy and Saxon decide to abandon city life and go in search of an unknown paradise in the countryside they call the Valley of the Moon. When Billy and Saxon first meet, she explains to him the origin of her unusual name: "My mother gave it to me ... the Saxons were a race of people - she told me all about them when I was a little girl. They were wild, like Indians, only they were white. And they had blue eyes, and yellow hair, and they were awful fighters." She continued: "They were the first English, and you know the Americans came from the English. We're Saxons, you an' me, an' Mary, an' Bert..." Racial pride is something Jack London's characters are always willing to exhibit. Also Racial loyalty, something we rarely see in the White man today, is a sub-plot in The Valley of the Moon.

Billy and Saxon's friend Bert becomes increasingly revolutionary in his thinking as the living conditions of the working-class in Oakland sink deeper into poverty. He said: "What chance have we got? We lose. There's nothin' left for us in this country we've made and our fathers an' mothers before us. We're all shot to pieces. We can see our finish-we, the old stock, the children of the White people that broke away from England..." After Billy asks Bert what we should do about it, Bert responds, "Fight. That's all. The country's in the hands of a gang of robbers." It is more true today than it was then.

One of Jack's last novels, The Mutiny of the Elsinore, was written in 1914. The main character is a young playwright, much like Jack London, who is a passenger on the Elsinore in route from Baltimore to Seattle. The novel is an allegory for the history of the White Man. I cannot add much to what is Jack's greatest Racial achievement therefore I will quote chapter 22 at length. It follows, "Every one of us who sits aft in the high place is blond Aryan. For'ard, leavened with a ten per cent. Of degenerate blondes, the remaining ninety per cent. Of the slaves that toil for us are brunettes." The struggle between the Aryan masters and the non-Aryan crew on board the ship represents the same universal struggle in miniature.


As far as I know, Jack London, in The Mutiny of the Elsinore, is the first articulate spokesman for racial separation in modern times. After the mutiny has occurred, the dark-skinned mutineers, which included Jews, are trapped by the blondes in the aft. The blondes keep themselves protected in the ship's forward with their cache of guns, ammo and food. The plan is to starve the darkies out until they surrender. After the mutiny, the young playwright notices a change in the mood of the Elsinore's passengers. He wrote, "All our voyage from Baltimore south to the Horn and around the Horn has been marked by violence and death. And now that it has culminated in open mutiny there is no more violence, much less death. We keep to ourselves aft, and the mutineers keep to themselves for'ard. There is no more harshness, no more snarling and bellowing of commands, and in this fine weather a general festival obtains." Jack was trying to explain how it is that Racial separation is the peaceful and human solution to the world's problems. When the races are separated, as on the Elsinore, there is much less conflict.
In one of his greatest insights, Jack summarizes the achievements, failures, and possible future of the Aryan race, "And I look at the four of us at table - Captain West, his daughter, Mr. Pike and myself - all fair-skinned, blue-eyed, and perishing, yet mastering and commanding, like our fathers before us, to the end of our type on the earth. Ah, well, ours is a lordly history, and though we may be doomed to pass, in our time we shall have trod on the faces of all peoples, disciplined them to obedience, taught them government, and dwelt in the palaces we have compelled them by the weight of our own right arms to build for us." Jack saw the future of our race as hopeful and full of possibilities. After the death of the Captain West and Mr. Pike, it is the Aryan playwright that, by superior intellect and by violence, takes back the Elsinore. In this instance, our race won.

As his fame grew, Jack traveled the world; always returning to the calming influence of the sea. His second wife, Charmian, now accompanied him. He also continued with his interest in politics, mainly socialism. His relationship with the Socialist Party had always been a rocky one. Jack's extreme revolutionary ideas, which were often violent in nature, and his racism brought him to constant blows with many other socialists. During his reporting of the Mexican Revolution in 1914, he referred to the revolutionaries as "stupid anarchists" and "half-breeds" mentally incapable of government rule. As the American Socialists did a slow burn back in the States, Jack continued to write scathing Racial articles about the Mexicans. He wrote, "the mixed breed always is - neither fish, flesh, nor fowl. They are neither White men nor Indians. Like the Eurasians, they possess all the vices of their commingled bloods and none of the virtues." As the alien hordes of mongrels have swept across Aryan lands, we have seen this statement become all too true. Jack believed that the natural resources of Mexico should be used for the betterment of the White Race. This infuriated the Socialists in America. Jack had carved an impasse between himself and the Socialist Party that would never be bridged. In 1916, the year of his death, he resigned from the Socialist Labor Party. At this point in his short life, almost sensing his premature death, he became a hard-core revolutionary. He felt that the Socialist Party had lost its "fire and fight."


Many Jack London biographers and scholars have made the mistake of believing that as Jack grew older his racial views lessened in intensity. To support their theory they point to the fact that Jack and Charmian felt sympathy for the plight of the native Polynesians, then under White capitalist control. During their attempted around the world trek in 1907-1910, they witnessed the suffering of the natives. As Jack stated later in The Mutiny of the Elsinore, he and Charmian felt that Racial separation was to the betterment of the White, as well as, the dark races. Jack's last major novel, The Little Lady of the Big House, was published the same year of his death. He wrote "You are successes. Your muscles are blond-beast muscles, your vital organs are blond-beast organs. And from all this emanates your blond-beast philosophy. That's why you are brass tacks and preach realism, and practice realism, shouldering and shoving and walking over lesser and unluckier creatures who don't dare talk back."

Jack London's writings stand as a testimony to a dying breed of White man, determined to exert his Will to Power over those who would let him. London was a proud and loyal member of our Folk, and whereas he died young, his wisdom shall transcend time and endure as glints in the eyes of the young and old alike, warmed by his poetic expressions of Aryandom.

Jack London - A White Man Of Whom We Are Proud.

Source: by Joseph Carl Resistance Issue 6. 1996. p. 20-24.



Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Return of the Yuggothian Slayers!

New songs by Blood Storm for an upcoming full-length album!

Blood - The Shadow of the Soul


"Every defeat may be made the foundation of a future victory. Every lost war may be the cause of a later resurgence. Every visitation of distress can give a new impetus to human energy. And, out of every oppression, those forces can develop which bring about a new re-birth of the national soul - provided always that the racial blood is kept pure."
- Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf

There is a need for a New Order as the old collapses; a New Order that must reawaken the shadow soul of man, that he might live as a totality with the Light and the Dark returned to balance and Nature's imperative. There are few ideological expressions that capture this balance and that truly reflect the fundamental Laws of Nature.
National Socialism or Aryanism (whether called by that name or not) is the political expression of primal truths. It is an ideological perspective of the eternal, everlasting and timeless. As a political ideology, it arose as a revolt against the rationalism of the previous centuries. The First World War struck at the depths of the psyche. It tore up the manifestations of sub-human ethos, which was only challenged by the formations of the Black Legions. Given these premises, Aryanism occurs as a process, similar to cause and effect, such as the Order within Chaos. It is the cultural rebirth of the Western ethos in a moment when Western culture has reached its period of senility. By implanting Aryanism within society, it would be possible to establish a new equilibrium, where Western culture again becomes organic and set according to Wyrd.

It might seem contradictory to emphasise the connection between the Collective and the Individual, as it is something unique to Aryanism through its racial socialism. The authoritarian and totalitarian regime of the state has been, in fact, founded upon the few individualists. They have proved themselves greater in terms of strength of character, than by measurements of wealth and relations. This is one reason why they also gained multiple enemies among the wealthy, Masonic, representatives. These few individuals challenged both the proletarians and the wealthy upper and middle classes. Collectivity and unity was again determined by the individualism of race, culture and civilisation.

Leadership in the state should be found in the outstanding individuals, chosen because of their unique qualities. This is not the case in the parliamentary and democratic state, where leadership is totally dependent on the financial powers, thus leading to a certain mediocrity, conformity, and fear to lose control in the next election. Any leader in such a state is the willing tool of the real masters, the economic wealth and power of the Magi.

Unlike some suggest, the Sinister wish for rebellion and individualism is not antithetical towards Aryanism. The ideology of Aryanism is inherently a Sinister expression, and will lead towards the evolutionary process of fulfilling our cosmic potential. When studied on a larger scale it is clear that the formation of the Axis was a rebellion of genuine civilisation against the slavery of Plutocracy, Jewry and the herd-mentality of Bolshevism. This fight was a genuine rebellion against the degenerated age, thus it is incomprehensible for anyone, who is not able to understand these events in a metaphysical way, to grasp the true meaning of Individuality. It is in fact naïve to attempt to apply the phrase of individual choice in these matters. These 'choices' are only delusions in order to prevent any real change from occurring. In order to reorientate Western Civilisation towards its own ethos, personal 'choice' should not be a priority, nor individual lives nor individual happiness of fellow citizens. It is impossible to create any form of creative nobility from a sub-human mass that lacks the potential.

The National Socialist state in Germany was one of the few epochal rebellions in history. This rebellion was against the factors of time, decline and the degenerate states. The true meaning of this epoch will probably not unfold until the future has revealed its cosmic importance. The Third Reich was the prelude to something greater to come. National Socialism was a seeding of a collective psyche, which demanded to be manifested in the continuation of Aryanism. The cure established by the blood sacrifice of Aryanism exists within the unconscious not only present in the European folk, but also of its enemies whose hatred and persecution only empower it further. It has given the seed of conflict that could give birth to a new Imperium.

The aim of Aryanism is to create an entirely new type of society, which will enable life in order that the people develop in a physical and spiritual direction, that they begin to change themselves into a being which is better and more evolved. This evolution will take place as each society realises its own potential and ultimate destiny. This also extends to our personal lives and our own abilities, as we have to evolve our concepts of life. In this sense, Aryanism expresses an understanding of what is necessary to maintain and extend our humanity, thus giving us an answer to the question of our existence and explaining the foundation of how we could create a higher and more evolved civilisation and humanity.

Aryanism expresses certain and fundamental spiritual truths that are based within Nature and according to Nature's evolutionary imperative. It is a teaching that does not renounce the physical world. Instead it tries to change it to become more spiritual and to enhance this life. It expresses the real and unique spirituality of the Aryan. As such, Aryanism is above and beyond politics. The political path is just a form, perhaps a necessary one for the current age. In another time it would appear in another shape, but with the similar inner truth. In essence, Aryanism seeks to create a new race of beings, which is done on the individual basis. In order to achieve this task, individuals have to become balanced within themselves, which will lead to transformation. By strong courage and idealism, people develop a noble character. For this, their ideology requires a noble vision, an ideal, to strive for. To follow this ideal is to follow a noble motivation. It explains the need for the noble individual and race. Aryanism also presents the ideal to create this nobler society, as it is fundamental to create free, independent societies for each race and for each race to follow through towards their individual destiny. Our enemies are not other races, nor their pursuit of following their destinies, but those who strive to eradicate the differences through enforcing Globalisation and Universalism.

Aryanism accepts the fundamental principle of Nature, and that this creative force exists through the evolution of species. This is one of the most significant ways in which Nature works. It is a conscious expression of the grandeur of struggle, evolution and survival. The vision of Aryanism raises us up from the pettiness of egotism, from the dishonour of Materialism, as a revolution, a force of change. It enables us to fulfil our potential as human beings, and to evolve beyond our current stage. Aryanism is the expression of the evolutionary imperative. It seeks to improve, and evolve to higher forms and levels. It proves that the existence of the individual has a meaning. Within this meaning there is found the belief in the spiritual salvation and physical survival of the individual race. Each race must follow its own destiny, and they must realise their destiny according to their ethos. It is a practical way of life, by the acceptance of race, individual character and noble idealism. It is not the hatred of other races, but the acceptance of differences and the struggle for their own individual race, culture, civilisation and nation. Fundamentally, Aryanism is an acceptance and celebration of the difference and diversity that Nature has produced, and it wants to nurture that diversity and difference and so keep alive, and keep evolving, those things which make us unique and 'human'. It seeks to preserve and extend that which is unique, each racial identity.

The principles and ideals of Aryanism are applicable to all races or ethnic groups. Thus the enemy of this creed is not found in other races, but in the systems, dogmas and ideologies that opposes the separate development of particular and unique races. This is without regard to the superiority of one race over another. Aryanism does not attempt to destroy other races because they are different to the Aryans. Instead it tries to restore the important value of racial uniqueness and racial development. This means the fundamental acceptance of difference, because this is Nature's imperative, to be and become evolved into a new species and to move into new territories.
There could never be an acceptance with someone who has attempted to destroy race, and Blood must be able to defend itself. According to the evolutionary plan of Nature, species and races should remain pure and develop after its own unique qualities, because this is the result and will of Nature. It is thus a matter of survival according to natural evolution. Survival must be assured, not only by the life of the individual, but by the life of the racial organism. Challenges and dangers will either; develop and evolve the race, or they will come to destroy it. In order to survive as a race, each particle down to each individual, must maintain strength and endurance. A race must be able to face a harsh reality and withstand the tests given by these circumstances. A race must be able to defend itself in order to increase its possibilities of remaining a living and vital organism. A race which does not want to survive, or would prefer comfort and stability before facing its enemies, are doomed to perish through annihilation. This also applies to the Aryan, as when we are no longer Aryan at heart and willing to fight for our own survival, we deserve to be erased by a more enduring and violent race. This is the Law of Nature.

This is what we see happening today. Our weaknesses stem from the problem that we are no longer Aryans at heart. We must awaken the storm to arise within us, make a total revolt against this society (Revolt against Modernity) that weakens our race and against our enemies, the Magi. We must return to our eternal values and these values are found within Aryanism.

Today we lack the true leader that embodies the traits of a priest-king. But if the masses generate a powerful energy in accordance with its ethos, it could bring forth a fire which would be able to consume the world. This force could be manifested in a specific individual. Persons with this powerful attribute, as leaders of armies, minds and hearts, are extremely rare.

The unique role of Adolf Hitler was to guide his people towards freedom from the chains created by the Magi and to show them the way towards a new Golden Age. In the later stages of the war, his view of himself was no longer as a German alone, but as a Pan-European and Aryan. He was an instrument of fate, of providence, to show our destiny and the path to achieve the set tasks. Destiny means fundamentally to continue our evolution as a race – to evolve into higher and nobler beings, thus fulfilling the purpose of our lives here on Earth. Hitler has been called a 'Shudibudishvabhaba' a boundless, unprecedented willpower.

By creating the National-Socialist movement and by creating the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler gave us, as Aryans, the means to achieve a balance without which our further evolution is impossible. In brief, he restored to us our unique racial psyche. Furthermore, he revealed the destiny of our whole human species, and made that future a possibility. That is, he revealed the truths about race, racial ethos and culture, individual excellence, and triumphing over adversity through using our will to change ourselves for the better.

Aryanism reflects in a modern way the ethos of Paganism. It is a movement and view of the world that is fundamentally anti-materialistic and timeless. It challenges the unnatural and distorted values present in our times. It is a practical alchemy of human matter, of masses and will. National Socialism reached to the Shadow of the European soul that had been repressed over the course of a century of Materialism, Liberalism, Rationalism and Cosmopolitanism. It sought to bring balance back to a world that had been made lop-sided with the inversion of Nature, and of instinct. Here it restores that healthy vitality - that physical exuberance and acceptance of our physical nature - which Christianity suppressed and distorted, to the detriment of the Aryan psyche. Through the manifestation of Aryanism, the race and German culture was given a new path, something which they had hidden inside themselves all the time. They only needed someone to show them this path and to lead them through.

Occultism, as Carl G. Jung understood, strives to represent our suppressed 'Dark' side, our instinctive unconscious. Jung tried to understand National Socialism as a modern re-birth of this suppressed 'Dark' or instinctive side: a re-birth, in Jung's words, of Wotanism or Odinism. The truth, however, is that National Socialism represents the wholeness itself - it does not represent just what has become described as the 'Dark', 'Shadow', instinctive, or unconscious aspect of our Aryan nature simply because this aspect does not, or rather should not, exist by itself. Real Aryanism is the path towards Wholeness. It is both the Light and the Dark, it reflects instinctive nature, both unconscious, and consciousness. It is rational and irrational similarly, both collective and individual. Any attempts to describe Aryanism as an opposite, as one sided, is simply wrong. As such it arose from the depth of the collective racial soul, as it is the answer to the search of that which is perfection.

'We cannot possibly get beyond our present level of culture unless we receive a powerful impetus from our primitive roots. But we shall receive it only if we go back beyond our cultural level, thus giving the suppressed primitive man in ourselves a chance to develop. ... We need some new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilised man and the Germanic barbarian will there come what we need: a new experience of god.'
- Carl G. Jung

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Fortress - Brothers of the Storm 2018


Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - In Memoriam


15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900

“For what purpose humanity is there should not even
concern us, why you are there. that you should ask
yourself: and if you have no ready answer. then
set for yourself goals. high and noble goal. and
perish in pursuit of them! I know of no better
life purpose than to perish in attempting the
great and the impossible.”


Ettore Muti - il Fascista Perfetto


Here is an excerpt taken from the manuscript, The Silent Victims: Forgotten Crimes of the Allies in WW2, Chapter Italy: Tragedy of the Roman Epurazione 

The First Victim

Ettore Muti was born on March 22nd 1902 in Ravenna. At the tender age of 14, he tried to enlist in the Italian army during the First World War with no luck, of course. Nonetheless, Muti joined the free-corps of the soldier-poet d’Annuzio who in 1919, planned a mini coup d'état at the Yugoslavian city of Fiume (today Rijeka) to annex it to Italy1. At the age of 17, Muti fought and fought well he was. After that, he was going to be one of the very first members of the new Fascist Party. Muti participated in the famous ‘March to Rome’ and when the fascists were in power, he entered the air force academy to realize his adolescent dream; to fly. Like his hero, d’Annunzio, Muti’s would be a highly-decorated pilot. Indeed, he was one of the best graduates from the academy. Muti was also a centurione of the Blackshirts and in the 30s; he would rise to the position of the general secretary of the Fascist Party which made him the second ranking fascist leader after Mussolini. But Muti’s soul will always be a warrior one who prefers soldier’s life to desk job or high society’s saloons, therefore he return to the Italian air force in time to participate in the Abyssinian campaign and also the Spanish Civil War where he earned the highest Spanish decoration for bravery.


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During the Second World War, Ettore Muti commands the elite air corps, 41th Autonomous Group of the aerosiluranti (torpedo aircraft) where it operates at the Aegean Sea in 1942 as a lieutenant colonel. The aerosiluranti pilots flew the Savoia-Marchetti SM79 and SM84 torpedo aircrafts sinking or damaging many Allied ships including Royal Navy capital ships such as HMS Kent, HMS Glasgow, HMS Liverpool, HMS Manchester, HMS Fearless, HMS Barham and HMS Nelson, earning them prestige as the best Italian air force unit. They launched many audacious raids at the British harbors of Gibraltar and Alexandria and after 1942, at the North African harbors of Oran, Algiers and Bougie. Ettore Muti was nicknamed the ‘most beautiful chest of Italy’ as he was the most decorated Italian soldier with one Golden Medal of Military Valor (equivalent to the German’s Knights Cross) ten Silver Medal of Military Valor, four Bronze Medal of Military Valor, five War Crosses, German Iron Cross 1st and 2nd class, Spanish decorations, the Sciarpa Littoria of the March to Rome and numerous campaign medals. Muti is the ace of the aces of the Italian air force, a living legend in fascist Italy, a soldier who had fought courageously with honor and loyalty for Italy and a man who does not shriek from his ideals and principles. Indeed, few days after the arrest of Mussolini, Muti declared in the presence of a lady companion that he would liberate Mussolini if nobody does.

By declaring so, Muti has signed his own death warrant. The lady companion, a famous actress, was also an informer for the Italian military intelligence service. Informed by it, Badoglio sent the following note3 to Senise, the chief of police in Rome;

“August 20th 1943

Marshal of Italy
Pietro Badoglio del Sabatino
Duke of Addis Ababa

For YOU, Senise,

Muti is always a threat. The success will be possible only after meticulous work of preparation. YOU had understood me perfectly.

Pietro Badoglio.”

The word YOU in capital letters indicate clearly the criminal responsibility that Badoglio delegates to Senise. To arrest Muti directly would provoke the anger of the Italian air force. Therefore it is decided that Muti had to be murdered in the most discrete way. By August 8th, Muti felt something was not right. Some of his friends told him to beware and watch out and there are rumors which mentioned him. Therefore Muti telephoned Senise, telling him that he expected he was going to be arrested and that he wanted to come to Rome to sort things out. Senise was afraid as it clearly shows the suspicions of Muti even before there are any formal order from Badoglio and it has to be muffled. What if Muti had the idea of seeking the protection from the soldiers of the air force? Or would he storm the police headquarters at Rome as a preventive strike? In fact, when Muti was on leave and were in his home out from Rome, Badoglio disrupted the Italian Air Force because of the armistice. Subsequently, Senise denied Muti his request and acted surprise as though nothing were wrong and assured Muti that it was only rumors. The following description of the crime of Muti’s murder had been told and published in the newspaper II Corriere della Sera of Thursday, 6th July 1944 after an interview with Antonio Contieri, a carabinieri4 who had witnessed the crime.

During the night of 23rd to 24th August 1943 at 3.00 in the morning, three men in plainclothes presented themselves at the carabinieri’s post in Maccarese. One of them showed an identification card purportedly as Lieutenant Taddei of the carabinieri (may be a false name). Together with him were a sergeant-major of the carabinieri and a civilian wearing a khaki suit armed with submachine guns. They asked the commander of the post whether he knew the road to Fregene where Muti lives. The commander knew and he asked two carabinieri from his unit, Antonio Contieri and Salvatore Frau to accompany them. At the road, they found a group of 15 carabinieri men obviously waiting for Lieutenant Taddei. Contieri recognized among them a carabinieri corporal from the local unit, Baralot. As this group of armed men reaches Muti’s house, they knocked at the door and Muti in pyjamas, answered the call. Showing his card, Taddei ordered Muti to follow him. Muti wanted to dress and was accompanied by Taddei to wear his uniform. Taddei objected that since Muti was going to be arrested, it would better to not to wear uniform but civilian clothing but Muti insisted for his uniform.

Contieri heard Taddei spoke;

“Better wear a civilian suit, because now your medals are worth nothing,’

“Lieutenant, I remind you that I am a colonel!” answered Muti.

They went outside in the middle of the night and started walking. At the head was Muti accompanied by the sergeant-major, the civilians in khaki suit and carabinieri Salvatore Frau of the Maccarese post. The rest followed including Taddei, Contieri and Barolat some 20 meters back. At about 100 meters in front there was a turning to the left and the head of the column stopped. Taddei yelled as to enquire what was happening and the sergeant answered that it was ok. Then Taddei emitted a flash from his torchlight and a flash were returned from ahead. Suddenly, there were three short burst of submachine gun. Back at the end, Taddei went to the ground as if protecting himself and everyone in the group follow suit. Then Taddei threw two hand grenades as if he was fighting back against somebody. During this moment, Contieri was convinced that they were under attack till he saw Taddei threw the hand grenades to the right whereas the shots came from the left. Contieri begin to think that something is wrong as they stood up and went ahead. Muti’s body lay lifeless as the sergeant major declared that they were under attack and his Excellency Muti was killed. Preposterously Taddei asked for a minute of silence to honor the corpse of Muti, the hero. After the minute of silence, the civilian in khaki suit kicked the corpse of Muti and Taddei glanced at him coldly.


Taddei left four of his men to watch the corpse and return to Rome straight away with his accomplices. Meanwhile, back at the Maccarese, Contieri answered a phone call from a captain at the carabinieri headquarters, purportedly asking to speak to Lieutenant Taddei. Contieri said that Taddei was on his way to Rome. The captain asked him if everything was ok and puzzled, Contieri answered back that nothing has happened. “How could that be, nothing has happen?!!” yelled the captain. Stunned, Contieri replied that they had been attacked but they are no casualties. The captain did not ask about Muti and straight away slams the phone. On the second day, there was nothing about Muti on the newspaper and the carabinieri Frau told Contieri that he had been unable to sleep as it was the sergeant-major that answered with the flashlight. Then the civilians in khaki suit shot Muti with a burst at the neck. Both of them started to shoot everywhere to simulate the attack. The four carabinieri who stayed to watch over Muti’s body mutilated it and left it at around the pinewood forests of Fregene. The corpse will be discovered some months later and buried in Ravenna on February 19th, 1944 during a huge ceremony organized by the RSI authorities. The Roman epurazione had begun and Ettore Muti was the first victim.

tumblr_ms1ew1nYFG1s36inzo1_500Ettore Muti 24 agosto 1943



Thursday, August 23, 2018

Adagio in G minor

Albinoni's piece that portrays the Height of Neo-Baroque Music. This Beautiful piece has become a synonym for sorrow and sadness. This version is probably the best interpretation of this Immortal Piece. By The Prague Baroque Orchestra Conducted By Trevor Pinnock

"The composition is often referred to as "Albinoni's Adagio" or "Adagio in G minor by Albinoni, arranged by Giazotto", but the attribution is incorrect. The ascription to Albinoni rests upon Giazotto's purported discovery of a manuscript fragment (consisting of a few opening measures of the melody line and basso continuo portion) from a slow second movement of an otherwise unknown Albinoni trio sonata.

According to Giazotto, he obtained the document shortly after the end of World War II from the Saxon State Library in Dresden which had preserved most of its collection, though its buildings were destroyed in the bombing raids of February and March 1945 by the British and American Air Forces. Giazotto concluded that the manuscript fragment was a portion of a church sonata (sonata da chiesa, one of two standard forms of the trio sonata) in G minor composed by Albinoni, possibly as part of his Op. 4 set, around 1708."

source: wikipedia 


Nicht Christus folgen, sondern Horst Wessel!


We are the joyous Hitler youth,
We do not need any Christian virtue,
Because our leader Adolf Hitler
Is always our Mediator.

No evil priest can ever stop us
We feel we are Hitler's children.
Not Christ we follow, but Horst Wessel,
Away with incense and holy water!

We sing as we follow our flags
As worthy sons of our ancestors,
I am not a Christian, not a Catholic,
I'll go with SA through thin and thick.

The church can be lost,
The swastika is salvation on earth,
I will follow him at every turn,
Baldur von Schirach, take me with you!

Wir sind die fröhliche Hitlerjugend,

Wir brauchen keine christliche Tugend,
Denn unser Führer Adolf Hitler
Ist stets unser Mittler.

Kein Pfaffe, kein böser, kann uns je hindern,
Uns zu fühlen als Hitlers Kinder.
Nicht Christus folgen wir, sondern Horst Wessel,
Fort mit Weihrauch und Weihwasserkessel!

Wir folgen singend unseren Fahnen
Als würdige Söhne unserer Ahnen,
Ich bin kein Christ, kein Katholik,
Ich geh mit SA durch dünn und dick.

Die Kirche kann mir gestohlen werden,
Das Hakenkreuz ist Erlösung auf Erden,
Ihm will ich folgen auf Schritt und Tritt,
Baldur von Schirach, nimm mich mit!



The High Destiny of Europe."


"The SS saw the new Europe formed of three great components: central Europe as the power house of Europe, western Europe as the cultural heart of Europe, and eastern Europe as the potential of Europe. Thus the Europe envisioned by the SS was alive and real. Its six hundred million inhabitants would live from the North Sea to Vladivostok. It was in this span of 8,000 miles that Europe could achieve its destiny. It would be a space for young people to start new lives. This Europe would be the beacon of the world. It would be a remarkable racial ensemble. An ancient civilization, a spiritual force, and the most advanced technological and scientific complex. The SS prepared for the high destiny of Europe."

Léon Degrelle. Epic: The Story of the Waffen SS

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

‘Prologue’ to the Orphic Hymns

[caption id="attachment_6858" align="aligncenter" width="400"]An Assembly of the Gods on Mount Olympus. 1829. illustration from Virgil_s Aeneid. Anne Louis Girodet de Roussy Trioson. French 1767-1824. engraving. An Assembly of the Gods on Mount Olympus. 1829. illustration from Virgil’s Aeneid. Anne Louis Girodet de Roussy Trioson. French 1767-1824. engraving.[/caption]

“Orpheus to Museus
use it happily, my friend

Learn, o Museus, the venerable rite,
the very best prayer.
Zeus the soveraign and the Earth and the sacred celestial flames
of the Sun, and the holy splendour of Mene and of all the Stars;
and You, Poseidon, who supports the earth, deep-blue haired,
and sacred Persephone and Demeter of marvelous fruits
and Artemis who hurls the arrow, maiden, and Phoebus invoked with cries,
You who inhabit the sacred soil of Delphi; and You who have great privileges
among the Blessed ones, dancing Dionysus;
and Ares of valiant soul and the holy force of Hephaistos
and the Goddess born from the foam of the sea, to whom are assigned glorious gifts;
and You, king below the earth, very extraordinary Daimon,
and Youthfulness and Eileithyia and the noble power of Heracles;
and the great benefit of Justice and Piety
I invoke, and the illustrious Nymphs and Pan the greatest
and Hera, flourishing bride of Zeus who holds the aegis,
and amiable Memory and the sacred nine Muses
I call, and the Charites and the Seasons and the Year
and Leto, fair-haired, Thea and venerable Dione
and the armed Curetes and the Korybantes and the Kabeiroi
and together the great Saviour Gods, immortal sons of Zeus,
and the Gods of mount Ida and the Messenger of the Celestials,
Hermes the herald, and Themis, who vaticinates in the behalf of men,
and the most ancient Night I call and the Day bringer of light,
and Faith and Righteousness and the faultless Lawgiver Goddess,
and Rhea and Kronos and Tethis of dark peplos
and the great Oceanus, and together the daughters of Oceanus
and the overwhelming force of Atlas and Aion
and Time who always flows and the beaming water of Styx
and the mild Gods and among them the good Providence
and the good Daimon and the Daimon ruinos for the mortals,
and the Spirits of the sky and of the air and of the water
and of the earth and of the underworld and of those who dwell in the fire,
and Semele and all those taking part in the feasts of Bacchus,
and white Ino Leucotea and Palemon who makes all happy
and Victory of sweet sound and mistress Adrasteia
and the great king Asclepius who gives soothings
and Pallas the maiden who kindles the battle, and all the Winds
and the Thunders and the portions of the ducts of the Cosmos of four pillars;
and the Mother of the Immortals, Attis and Men I invoke
and the Goddess Ourania and together the deathless, sacred Adonis
and Beginning and End - indeed this is for all the greatest -
so that They come, gracious and with a delighted heart
to this sacred rite and to the holy libation.”

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


From the debut demo tape released by HYPGNOSIS RECORDS. All instruments and vocals written and performed by KVASIR RAVENWING in Summer 2018.


Heretics and Thought Criminals


"The masses today still do not know what the terms “Nazis” and “Fascists” mean in their original sense. These words are now used as epithets against anyone with whom they don’t agree. Most frequently they are employed by “Politically Correct” intellectuals in the same manner that McCarthy used the word “Communist” and the Christian Inquisitors used the word “witch” -to discredit the validity of the accused’s point of view and brand them a “heretic” or “thought criminal.”
Because of the continuing declining in the level of education, even amongst universities, we can expect there will be no broad understanding what those terms “Nazi” and “Fascist” really mean now and for some time to come. These will simply remain vague derogatory designations used against those perceived as “ the bad guys.”"

Peter H. Gilmore. The Satanic Scriptures 



Monday, August 20, 2018

Testimony of Randy Weaver


"On August 21, 1992, Federal marshals shot my son Samuel in the back and killed him. He was running home to me. His last words were, “I’m coming, Dad.” They shot his little arm almost off and they killed him by shooting him in the back with a 9-millimeter submachine gun. The gun had a silencer on it. He was not wanted for any crime. He did not commit any crime. The marshals killed his dog right at his feet. He only tried to defend himself and his dog.

Sammy was just 14 years old. He did not yet weigh 80 pounds. He was not yet 5 feet tall. The marshals who killed Sammy were grown men. They were in combat gear. They had their faces painted with camouflage. They were wearing full camouflage suits with black ninja-type hoods. They were carrying machineguns and large caliber semiautomatic pistols. They were trained to kill. Two of them were hiding behind trees and rocks in the woods where they could not be seen. The third was around a bend in the trail in thick forest. They were under direct orders from Washington to do nothing to injure the children. They were to have no contact or confrontation with me or my family. They killed him anyway in violation of their orders.

On August 22, 1992, completely without warning of any kind, an FBI sniper shot and killed my wife, Vicki. He was using a .308 caliber sniper rifle with a specially weighted barrel and a 10-power scope. He was using match grade ammunition. He had years of training to kill. I heard him testify at the trial that he wanted to kill. He shot my wife in the head and killed her. She was not wanted for any crime. There were no warrants for her arrest. At the time she was gunned down, she was helpless. She was standing in the doorway of her home. She was holding the door open for me and Sara and for Kevin Harris. She was holding Elishe a our 10-month-old baby girl, in her arms. As the bullet crashed through her head, she slumped to her knees, holding Elisheba tightly so she would not drop her. We took the baby from her as she lay dead and bleeding on our kitchen floor."


When I was young I did not understand
The politics that rule this land
Liberty and Justice didn't seem to exist to me
When my family fell victim to hate
The guilty were protected by the state
Stopped on the wrist, then let loose to run free
The love for my family and the love for my kin
To me it's not a sin
I'm tired of the talk and the conservative walk
And the corrupt system we live in
Criminal agitators, liberal legislators
You'll feel my rage from within
You'll hear my cry, tell me no more lies
I'm ready for the war to begin 

You insolent fools, I'll break all your rules
From your faces I'll wipe that grin
My thoughts they are strong, to my folk I belong
My family, Racial brothers and kin
I'm ready to fight with a gun or a knife
And anything it takes to win
With the open hand salute, I'll show you the truth
I'm ready for the war to begin 

400 men surrounding a cabin
In the land of the free tell me how can this happen?
Murdering women and children in the name of humanity
Tell me who's the true masters of hate
A separist family or a police state?
Tell me who would you brand the public enemy?
They took your son, they took your wife
Without ever giving them a chance
They held you inside, yet your bullets still cried
You made those bastards dance
A battle hardened vet, to the foreign lands you were sent
To lay your ass on the line
Now a renegade man in your own homeland
The will to be separate your only crime... 

This means war, you federal whore
I'll make you wish you never lived
Your morals are weak, your standards, they reek
You always take but never give
I'll hunt you, I'll stalk you, kill you one-by-one
The tide will turn to the other way
Hunter becomes the hunted, sentence will be passed
When it comes - Judgment Day!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Nordic Revolution! Without Pardon!

nordic_resistance_movement_by_ironpiedmont1996-db7h326Resistance_NWODK94352UEAAZ29-download (3)DkvMGufWsAAEba0

Simon Lindberg's speech in Finland 6 Dec 2017:

"A light for Dresden": Speech by Simon Lindberg (Nordic Resistance Movement) in Würzburg:

The Andrew “Stinko” Lewis Memorial - 16-06-1970 /18-08-1998


On Tuesday 18th of August at 9.50am the world, Blood & Honour and his family lost one of its most dedicated and talented musicians and fathers. Andrew 'Stinko' Lewis the highly respected bass player of Celtic Warrior. Stinko had fought a three and a half year battle against cancer, and despite suffering great pain and discomfort he continued gigging and producing music almost until the bitter end.

Although he was best known for his work with Celtic Warrior, he also played for English Rose, Brutal Attack and his first own band which he had re-formed before his death - Blackout. During late 1996 and most of 1997 Stinko often played gigs where he played for one, two and even three bands in one night. This would be very demanding for most able bodied people. But despite having an advanced tumour in his bowel this true Celtic Warrior took on the challenge, never once complaining.


Stinko first appeared in the Blood & Honour scene in the early 1990's with his band Blackout. They played gigs with Squadron, No Remorse, Celtic Dawn from Ireland and local band Violent Storm. The line up then was Stinko on bass, Miffy on guitar, Acky on drums and Roger on vocals. After the tragic loss of Violent Storm in March 1992 Stinko folded Blackout and along with Miffy joined Celtic Warrior. Despite all the success he had with Celtic Warrior, Blackout always remained in Stinko's heart, and along with Brad of Celtic Warrior and our good friend Fatty Freeman Blackout was reformed once again in early 1998. Two songs were recorded 'Hey Racial Brother and 'Kill Me Before I Die' (which was sung by Stinko). These 2 songs now appear on the 'Voice Of Britain' compilation CD. The lads already had enough material written for a full length Blackout CD and during these recording sessions, the idea of recording a full length CD was discussed but, due to the deterioration in Stinko's health, the project was not done. Prior to his death, Brad and Freeman discussed at length with Stinko, the recording of the full length CD which was to incorporate music and lyrics Stinko had previously worked on. It was promised that the songs would be recorded in his honour, with all the royalties going into a trust fund for Stinko's children.


Stinko had planned to get married on 13th September 1998 but when he was told he only had days to live he brought his wedding forward as it meant so much to him, and he married his sweetheart Sarah from his bed, just five day's before his death. He was a very proud and happy man that day. He knew he only had a short time to live so he bravely planned his own funeral arrangements, choosing the music to be played and requesting that a Welsh flag be draped over his coffin. Hundreds of mourners packed both the church and the crematorium to pay their last respects to this Celtic Warrior. He also requested that his close friends scatter his ashes from the top of Pen-Y-Fan. The highest mountain in the Brecon Beacons in South Wales. On Tuesday the 1st September, 18 comrades gathered and carried his ashes to the peak of Pen-Y-Fan. A minute's silence was held while a Welsh flag was held aloft as his ashes were cast to the wind as requested. See you in Valhalla mate.

Every year this concert is held and all monies made are donated to Stinko’s children trust fund. Blood and Honour Wales also hold an annual pilgrimage to the top of Pen–Y-Fan where on the 1st September 1998 eighteen members of Blood and Honour were true to his last wishes and laid his ashes.

You Were the One - This song is dedicated to the memory of a fallen warrior, Andrew Stinko Lewis, our friend, our comrade, you fought a heroic battle mate, but your mortal soul has been taken from us, words cannot express the sorrow we feel, things will never quite be the same without you, you will always belong in our hearts and through your music, a real Celtic warrior, you truly were the one.....

A song sung by Stinko himself:

Friday, August 17, 2018

A signal of weakness


"Denials of racism on the part of White advocates, or Whites in general, are never taken seriously. On the contrary, they signal weakness and serve only further to stimulate the anti-racists blood thirst.

The moment someone says 'I am not racist, but..' my eyes glaze over: like antagonists, observers, and sympathizers alike, I know that I have before me someone who allows his enemies to define him; who lacks the courage of his convictions; who will crumple under pressure; who will apologize on demand; who will appease, and grovel, and stammer, and beg on his knees to retain his perks; whose self-worth, in sum, depends on the system that hates him."

-- Alex Kurtagic

R.I.V. Rudolf Walter Richard Hess


26 April 1894 - 17 August 1987

"Woe to the people that fails to honor its heroes! It will cease producing them, cease knowing them. Heroes spring from the essence of their people. A people without heroes is a people without leaders, for only a heroic leader is a true leader able to withstand the challenge of difficult times."

Heil Rudolf Hess!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

The New Fascist Rome

[gallery ids="6761,6762,6763" type="rectangular"]

The famous model of Rome commissioned by Mussolini in 1935, taking 38 years to complete. It's dimensions are 16m X 16m (1:250) and is currently housed at the National Museum in Rome. It appears for a few frames in the movie Gladiator from 2000 and is a monumental testament to both Rome and the artist. It was restored and painted and put on display this year.

~ Asclepius


Jesus was the first communist


Cultural marxism and communism would not exist with out Christianity. Christianity is by far the most destructive philosophy the European man could ever adopt. I say that because without Christianity other philosophies that on the exterior seem much more damaging wouldn't be possible without Christianity first destroying everything natural and honorable. Look what it has done to natural law. Like its counter part communism.... it speaks directly to the plebs and the rabble only in a spiritual aspect. It empowers people that should have no power what so ever. All of (((their))) swindles work in the same way.....empowering people that are to stupid to see they are actually propagating the very people they think they are resisting. What good does it to be of Europa when spiritually your semetic.......the soul of the man is what's important. The true racial soul of our people will not be found in the Christian heart.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Homage To Martin Eric "Ain" Stricker

[caption id="attachment_6751" align="aligncenter" width="400"]1987-March-Hanover-001-Fred-Baumgart-978x1353 During the recording for the second studio album "Into the Pandemonium", in front of the bombed Aegidienkirche in Hanover. March 1987, Fred Baumgart[/caption]

To mark the occasion of Martin Eric Ain receiving a posthumous Tribute Award by the pitiable Swiss Music Awards on February 9, 2018, Noisey/Vice Switzerland commissioned me to draft a very personal commemoration of my friend, Hellhammer's last bassist, and Celtic Frost's co-founder. The following, with kind permission by Noisey/Vice, is an adapted English translation of the original German-language article as posted on the date of the event.

The assignment to write this article arrives at night, as I am on my way home after a concert in Zurich, Switzerland, in a tram of the line number 2. A coincidence. Since Martin's death, I have lived through uncounted moments that illustrated the unbearable finality of his absence. And on this tram line, at this hour of the day, such moments accumulate most profoundly.

It's not just that the nightly city had become Martin's domain in the course of the past twenty years, and that I always knew that he was active somewhere, in one of the bars and clubs he managed together with his partners. And that the end of such omnipresence now serves to make the city seem dismal and empty, in spite of the pulsating nightlife all around me. It's also that tram no. 2 passes so many locations that once played a role in one way or another for Martin and me.

The beginning of Langstrasse, for example, where some of Martin's bars are located and which thus became one of the hubs of his life. The building in which we watched, in 2006, Celtic Frost's first video clip in 16 years, following the band's reunion. The district court, whose entrance served as the setting for a Celtic Frost photo shoot in 1986. Martin's former apartment at Badenerstrasse, where he had created his infamous "black room" without doors and windows, and where both important and desolate events took place. The notary's office, where we sealed the reunited Celtic Frost's business affairs in early 2006.

The tree, where Martin abandoned his bicycle during a fit of rage in 1986; the bicycle remained leaning against the tree for years afterwards and became a running gag within the band. Stauffacherplatz square, where we used to meet for coffee, to discuss band affairs. Bäckerstrasse, where Martin opened his Laserzone DVD store. The Volkshaus venue, where we witnessed uncounted metal and new wave concerts in the 1980s. And the vast Sihlfeld cemetery, the gate of which served as a backdrop for a major Celtic Frost photo session in February of 2006.

It is also the cemetery where Martin's ashes were laid to rest, eleven years later.

None of these locations would be of any such significance had Martin and I never met. With the exception of his family, I was likely the one person within his universe with whom he traversed the longest path; a friendship of 34 years. Our affiliation couldn't have been any more life-changing.


We first ran into each other in 1983, when we both attended the infrequent Quo Vadis disco in a basement hall of the reformed church of Wallisellen, the town where Martin lived. This event had been created in light of the Zurich youth riots, in order to distract the adolescents of the village from venturing into the evil city. Quo Vadis mainly featured charts music, but out of pity, the DJ also played some Heavy Metal for the handful conspicuously black attired teenagers who would invariably arrive from the surrounding, godforsaken villages. We were these teenagers, and these few precious minutes of our music were exactly the reason why we went there.

My band Hellhammer had already existed for over a year, and we had recorded two demos. Martin and his friends immediately caught our eye. It was mutual; in our own individual manner, we all radiated an aura that was one part radical and one part wounded soul. Martin's clique soon appeared at our rehearsals, in a bunker two villages down the road. They would come on their bicycles, across steep hills, during the heat of the summer, on coldest winter days, and at night, through pitch-black forests.

Martin was 15 years old, I was 19. In many ways, he seemed as fanatical as I was, and we soon became each other's most important friends. His intelligence and thirst for knowledge were utterly impressive. We spent uncounted nights dissecting any topics that occupied our impassioned minds: parents, music, history, society, religion, art, band strategy, and so on. And we both learned immensely from each other due to this intense intellectual and emotional discourse.

Hellhammer's existence emboldened Martin to also form a band. We helped and made our instruments and rehearsal room accessible to them. In autumn of 1983, Hellhammer needed a new bassist, and it was quite obvious that Martin was destined to fill this position. But he didn't have the confidence. Instead, he supplied Hellhammer behind the scenes with a constant flow of sophisticated ideas, designed to improve our image, lyrics, and professionalism. Martin submitted his thoughts not simply in the course of conversations, but also by means of detailed memoranda, signed with "Mart Jeckyl", a reference to the two personalities Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.

A few months later, I finally managed to convince Martin to join Hellhammer, but he still felt he wasn't good enough. After two weeks of playing with the band, he appeared at our rehearsal room and declared: "As a member of Hellhammer, I have determined that I am slowing the band's progress. I am therefore firing myself for the benefit of the band!" And that's what he did.

In December of 1983, we recorded our third demo, the tape that would eventually lead to an international record deal. Martin assisted us in a mere advisory role, as he had done before. But everybody involved knew beyond any doubt by now that he really was a part of the band and finally needed to join permanently. He became a permanent member right after the demo recording sessions. We immediately shot photos of the new line-up and included them when we sent the demo to the record company in West Berlin. Events were thus set in motion that had an enormous effect on our lives and eventually resulted in an international career. The naive teenager years spent in our utterly backward farm villages was definitely coming to an end.

A mere five months later, we sensed that our collaboration required a more unconstrained platform than Hellhammer could provide it. Martin followed my example and left his apprenticeship too, and we began our new project literally with an empty sheet of paper. This was the birth of Celtic Frost, during the night of May 31 to June 1, 1984.

Unlike many others who simply excelled in hollow talk, Martin was one of the few people who were prepared to embark on this difficult journey with me, uncompromisingly and against substantial opposition. He was self-thought and became an extraordinary bassist. He hardly wrote any music, but his contributions on other levels were of similar importance for the band. To a large extent, Celtic Frost's uniqueness depended on our creative collaboration. We had begun as an underground band in a mildewed bunker, widely ridiculed in our native country of Switzerland. And now, Celtic Frost travelled around the world as a headliner, and our albums made a substantial impact, from Tokyo to New York, in the eyes of media, audiences, and peers.


It is difficult to identify Martin's true deeper motivation to join me in this quest. It was likely primarily an act of rebellion against the rigid, religious environment that had dominated his youth. Once this purpose was sufficiently fulfilled, the musical path increasingly lost its importance to him. He had already disassociated himself from Celtic Frost before the band succumbed to its inevitable disintegration in 1993. Martin subsequently became an intuitive entrepreneur and involved himself with activities that often represented a glaring contradiction to the values he defended so fervently in his youth.

It was much the same after we reformed Celtic Frost in 2001, released the colossal Monotheist album after years of work in 2006, and toured around the world again in 2006 and 2007. In spite of first agreeing with me that the reunion would be a long-term undertaking, Martin confided to me towards the end of the tour that he thought we had "proven ourselves sufficiently", and that a further album was thus unnecessary. Compared to the comfortable and lucrative life he led running his clubs in Zurich, he felt drained by the strains of touring and operating a band often utterly untamed on the personal level, in musical surroundings that had changed substantially since the 1980s. Martin's focus was already elsewhere, and I realized that the reunion served a different purpose for him than it did for me. The absolute nadir was reached when he revealed to me that it all had been "an act" for him at any rate. Although that disclosure was symptomatic for him, the reunion had run its course for me too, after this.


Martin was a complex and often contradictory person, and there existed moments when I found myself wondering if I actually knew him at all – but I am certain he would write the exact same about me as well. We were very similar and very different at the same time. Martin could be generous and cordial, but also pedantic, cold, and stubborn. In the course of our long affiliation, both of us at some point managed to destroy what was most important in the other person's life, thus leaving each other deeply wounded. And yet, at the same time we owed each other the course of our existence and the fulfilment of our teenage dreams that once had seemed so unrealistic.

We were always aware of all of this, even during the years we did not collaborate and saw each other only rarely. Martin was a constant part of my consciousness, and when I formed a new group after the final termination of Celtic Frost in 2008, I still wrote every single song for his ears. And wherever I am playing in this world, I inevitably find myself thinking of him – and I frequently took care to let him know about this when he was still alive.

Our friendship was often a symbiosis of intrinsically incompatible contradictions. Nonetheless, and in spite of at times fervent disputes, we always eventually managed to overcome such tension and convert it into something deeply creative and unique. Something that rendered redundant both perceived and real boundaries, something that will last far longer than our mortal shells.

Tom Gabriel Fischer


Take my soul away into the dark
Dreaming a thousand morbid dreams
No tomorrow when the wind caress my mind
Could I ever return, it would be my doom