Friday, August 31, 2018

Adrien Arcand on Jews


"The Jew comes uninvited and declines to go when dismissed. He spreads and yet holds together. He penetrates the bodies of the nations. He invisibly organizes his own nation among alien peoples. He creates laws beyond the law. He denies the conception of << partie >> but has a << partie >> of his own which wanders and settles with him. He scoffs at other people's conception of God and yet builds churches of his own everywhere. He laments the fallen walls of Jerusalem and drags the ruins invisibly with him. He complains of his isolation but builds secret ways as arteries of the boundless city which has by new spread practically throughout the world. His connections and communications reach everywhere. Otherwise how can it be possible that his finances and his press should, wherever they may be centered, strive for the same goal all over the world ? How is it that his racial interests are identical in a Ruthenian village and in the heart of New York ? He praises one individual, and the praise rings over the globe. He condemns another, and that man's ruin begins wherever he be. Orders are given in mysterious secrecy. What the Jew finds ridiculous in other people he keeps fanatically alive in himself. He teaches anarchy and rebellion only to the Gentiles, he himself obeys blindly the directions of his invisible leaders."

***Adrien Arcand (October 3, 1899 – August 1, 1967) was a Montreal journalist who led a series of fascist political movements between 1929 and his death in 1967. During his political career, he proclaimed himself the Canadian Führer.

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