Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Proclamation of Adolf Hitler: 30 January 1933


National Socialists! My Party Comrades!

A fourteen-year-long struggle, unparalleled in German history, has now culminated in a great political triumph. The Reich President von Hindenburg has appointed me, the Führer of the National Socialist Movement, as Chancellor of the German Reich. National leagues and parties have united in a joint fight for the resurrection of Germany. The honor witnessed by German history of now being able to take a leading part in fulfilling this task I owe, next to the generous resolve of the Field Marshal, to your loyalty and devotion, my party comrades. You followed me on cloudy days as unerringly as in the days of good fortune and remained true even after the most crushing defeats, and it is to that fact alone we owe this success. Enormous is the task which lies before us. We must accomplish it, and we shall accomplish it. Of you, my party comrades, I have only one major request: give me your confidence and your devotion in this new and great struggle, just as in the past, then the Almighty as well will not deny us His blessings toward reestablishing a German Reich of honor, freedom and domestic peace.

Berlin, January 30, 1933
​Adolf Hitler

RetrieveAsset (1)



The Day of the Aryan Awakening


Monday, January 29, 2018

Safeguard your Blood


“You are not today and not tomorrow. You are a thousand years before you and are a thousand years after you. Thousands of years before you, they safeguarded their blood, so that you would become as you are. Safeguard your blood, so that the succession of generations of the thousands of years after you are thankful to you.”

- SS Culture Volume Four: SS Woman

Sunday, January 28, 2018

No ordinary patriot, No limited nationalist


"Yes, I am a traitor. Yes, I worked with the enemy…Yes, I am no ordinary patriot, no limited nationalist: I am an internationalist. I am not only a Frenchman, I am a European. You are Europeans too, whether you know it or not. But we played, and I lost. I demand the death penalty."

Pierre Drieu La Rochelle

Acausal Energies of the Culture


"Within the organism of a culture, ‘Artists’ are a part of the creative minority who ‘earth’ the flow of acausal energies into that culture. They are thus as individuals, ‘channels’ for the force that creates the civilisation to which they belong – and thus have a real responsibility to that civilisation (and in some cases, the successive civilisation). Obviously, most such creative individuals – and I use the term ‘creative’ in the broadest sense – are not aware of earthing acausal forces; those few who are aware are the ‘Magickians’ of this world."

Christos Beest

The Jews: The Whole Truth


Quotes from the book of Konstantinos Plevris: The Jews: The Whole Truth. Plevris, a Greek lawyer, old Fascist leader and author of many ideological and historical books, was on trial because of this book, sued by Jews and anti-nazis on charges of breaking the anti-racism law. And he won. 

Adolf Hitler: The tragic leader of the German Third Reich is certainly the most impressive leadership figure of the modern age… Human history will blame Adolf Hitler for the following: 1. He could have rid Europe of the Jews, but did not; 2. He did not use the special chemical weapons, which only Germany possessed, to gain a victory... Because of the defeat of Germany then, the White Race and Europe are at risk now… The day will come when Europeans will either dominate or be destroyed. Either way they will acknowledge that Hitler was right... (p. 881)
Heinrich Himmler: Chief in Command of the SS… facts and arguments verify the high moral standing of the Man who, despite the fact that in one day he could have issued the order for all Jews to be put to death, chose to expel them from Europe so as to rid the continent of the White Race of the non-European Semites …. The SS, in particular the combatant SS (Waffen SS,) were the knights in armor of the modern age, indomitable fighting men from every country in Europe, who sacrificed their lives for the ideal of a New Order for civilized peoples. Unfortunately for the human race, they were defeated… They were all fine examples of faith, discipline and fighting skill, serving the ideals of National Socialism. Their bearing reflected the greatness of their character so only the very best of the Aryan Race were included in the ranks of the SS…. (p. 869)
Joseph Goebbels: One of the brightest minds of the century. A philosopher and fighter with a deep understanding of mass psychology, on every battlefield he vanquished Jewish Bolshevism and headed his country's all out war. (p. 885)
Hitler was blamed for something that did not actually take place. Later the history of humanity will blame him for not ridding Europe of the Jews, though he could have … My dear Jews, I do not ask you to suffer all the things that your holy books tell you that we should suffer from you… You are criminals because that is what your religion has taught you to be. You are murderers because crime is instilled in you from an early age. Therefore we others have the right to deal with you. And that is what we will do. (p. 852)
ZYKLON B, so extensively publicized as the gas used to put Jews to death in the special gas chambers (which have not been found) was merely a poisonous gas used to fumigate the concentration camps…everything else [said about it] is fiction produced for the purposes ofpropaganda. (p. 1008)
The SS divisions fought with unparalleled heroism. (p. 853)
In 1945 the White Race suffered the greatest catastrophe in its history. Hitlerian Germany's epic struggle for dominance by Aryans ended without a victory. (p. 869)


Saturday, January 27, 2018

Larry Thorne - Lauri Allan Törni - The Soldier of 3 Armies

[caption id="attachment_5717" align="aligncenter" width="610"]Törni (in the middle) as Finnish lieutenant Törni (in the middle) as Finnish lieutenant[/caption]

Lauri Allan Törni was born in Viipuri, Finland on the 28th may 1919. As he didn’t like school much, he volunteered for the Army in September 1938, a year before his national service. He made it through Basic and was sent to the NCO-school and further to veterinary NCO-school. He was promoted to corporal on 1st March 1939. He served as a supply corporal in Jääkäripataljoona 4 (Jaeger meaning basically light infantry) until November 1939, by which time his national service period was over. However, due to the threat of Soviet Union, he was immediately recalled to active service. He had one evening/night to enjoy civilian life.

On 30th of November 1939, Soviet Union invaded Finland and the Winter War began. Törni served in the 13. Division as JP 4 had been assigned to it, north of Lake Ladoga. The area was heavily wooded but the Red Army pressed ahead with overwhelming numbers. The battles were extreme heavy and by the end of January 1940, supply corporal Törni volunteered (and was accepted) to perform scouting patrols. He performed so well that he was temporarily made an acting sergeant and a squad leader. As casualties mounted and Törni continued to survive and perform well, his commanding officers decided to send him to RUK - the Reserve Officer School - but before he could depart, Major Aarnio, the CO of his battalion, ordered him to take command of one of the companies in Er.P 18 (Independent Battalion 18) because all the officers in that company had been killed or wounded. To avoid prestige issues, Törni was promoted to Officer-Candidate, so that the older sergeants could not pull seniority over him. He first became noticed by the public at this time, as the Finnish forces desperately fought to destroy the encircled Soviet 168. Division before the Red Army could rescue it.

On 5th February, Törni was finally sent to RUK, to receive the formal training to become an officer. He was assigned to the machine gun platoon. Though Winter War ended on 13th March, Törni’s schooling did not. He was promoted to Vänrikki (a special rank in the Finnish Army not present in US/UK military but a step below 2nd Lieutenant, basically a platoon leader) on 9th May.

As Germany ramped up plans for Operation Barbarossa, Finland allowed the SS to recruit few hundred volunteers to serve with other Nordics in the 5. SS-Division “Wiking”. Törni joined on 6th June 1941. He did not speak German and did not appreciate the Prussian military decorum, which called “mindless and pointless worship of rank and discipline”. As there were no free officer vacancies, Törni returned to Finland on 30th July.

However, by that time, Finland had found herself again at war with the Soviet Union - the Continuation War had begun. He applied to join the notorious Kevyt Osasto 8 (Light Squadron 8), led by Cavalry Captain Lars Rönnquist. Törni was accepted and appointed as a MG-platoon leader and later promoted to a tank platoon leader. The Squadron was part of 1. Division, attacking at Aunus.

Törni’s T-26 tank platoon could not follow the rest of the squadron as it continuously bypassed Soviet strong points over cross-country, so he was attached to JR 29 (Infantry Regiment) instead. His platoon performed well but not exceptionally. As Finns achieved their objectives, Törni had to give up his tanks for the forming of the Finnish Armoured Brigade. Instead, he was transferred to JR 56 to become a rifle platoon leader. He promoted active patrolling and scouting of enemy lines, and thus was wounded during one of such trips as he skied into a mine. Mine fragments were dug out of body and he was partially paralyzed for several months but at least got a promotion to Lieutenant. Best part? This recon trip was unauthorized and Törni undertook it just to capture some prisoners, as any soldier bringing back a prisoner would receive leave and Törni had his eye on a certain supply lady working behind the lines - Ilona Oesch.

When the hospital released him, Törni was ordered to go home for two months to recover. When the two months were up, he did not show up in the hospital for a check-up. The chief doctor reported to JR 56 that lieutenant Törni had gone AWOL. The regiment CO replied that lieutenant Törni had been serving on the front line for over a month already. The incident made news both at the front and back home.


In January 1943, 1. Division decided to establish two Sissi (Ranger) companies. Törni was assigned as the commanding officer of the second one. During the spring, he actively trained his company and performed multiple small scouting missions behind enemy lines. As the front line was literally in the middle of nowhere, his company often patrolled behind the Finnish front lines, hunting down Soviet scouts and saboteurs.

On 3rd December 1943, Törni had so impressed his superiors, that he was commanded to establish a reinforced jaeger company called Detachment Törni (Osasto Törni). His detachment continuously dueled with the Soviet 33. Ski Brigade. His fame had grown to such levels that the Soviet propaganda radio promised a reward of 3 million Finnish marks for his head.

During the spring of ‘44, the future president of Finland, Mauno Koivisto, joined the detachment. He later commented that Törni was a good, careful leader but one who did not care about discipline or appearances. Törni’s unit was used as a “firebrigade” and performed many counter-attacks, as the Red Army intensified actions along the front. Most famous of which was the battle of the Seesjärvi base, where a battalion of Soviets managed to encircle a Finnish base. Though outnumbered 2-1, Törni led his company to an aggressive counter-attack to relieve the base and succeeded beyond all expectations. 82 dead Soviets were later counter, while his unit only lost eight dead.

During the summer, as the Soviet offensive along the Karelian Isthmus intensified, many Finnish formations were pulled there, leaving Törni’s detachment responsible for a growing part of the front line. During June and July of '44, his company lost over third of its strength but had inflicted at least quadruple casualties to the enemy. He was awarded the Mannerheim-cross, the most coveted award in Finland. He became the 144th recipient of the medal. In the award text, the final line reads that “his myth-like luck in combat cannot last, so hopefully this award reaches him soon”. He had already received the Iron Cross from Germans in 1943.

In August 1944, he was promoted to captain. The Continuation War ended on 5th September 1944. Finland had remained  independent, albeit through a heavy cost.

But Lauri wasn’t content even though he had been honorably discharged. He was certain that Soviet Union was preparing for a surprise invasion and occupation of Finland. He became entangled in an illegal operation for hiding arms and supplies on the countryside, so that a guerilla movement could fight against the inevitable Soviet occupation.

In December '44/January '45, Törni’s old friend Solmu Korpela contacted him and pleaded him to switch over to the German side. The Germans would train and equip him as part of the resistance movement. Unfortunately, Finland was that point at war with Germany and actively fighting Germans in Lappland, meaning that Törni committed treason when he accepted. He, however, rationalized the move as necessary because Finland only fought Germany because the Soviet Union insisted this as part of the truce.

By late January, Törni found himself at Heringsdorf, Germany. The training was hard and included guerilla fighting, demolitions, staff officer work and leadership. He, along with other Finns, was sent to Neu-Stretzel, to participate in the SS-Jagd Verband course that lasted another week. They were told that they would soon return to their future areas of operation in Sweden and Finland.

However, the situation worsened for the Germans and the training centre had to be evacuated close to the Danish border. The train journey took five days. Fortunately for the Finns and unfortunately for the Germans, they were situated in the same carriage with all the alcohol that the headquarters unit was bringing along. All the Finns were utterly drunk for the whole five days.

From Flensburg the group was ordered to travel to Norway. However, at this point the British troops had occupied parts of north-west Germany and Denmark and the group was arrested. They managed to convince the Brits that they were merely factory workers and were trying to return home, so the British turned them over to the Danish authorities. With the help of the Finnish consulate in Copenhagen, the men got into Sweden and then to Oslo, Norway. Törni had been promoted to Hauptsturmführer by now. In Norway, Törni got separated from the group and ended up at another British POW camp, from which he escaped and travelled to Finland.

However, there are multiple alternative accounts of what Törni did during those last chaotic months of WW2. One claims he was fighting with German Marine-Infanterie-Batallion in northern Norway. Another claims he fought the Americans and British in southern Norway. Third claims he returned to German and fought the Red Army there. There is no absolute evidence, aside from the facts that he was in Germany, Denmark, Norway and eventually back in Finland.

He was arrested for treason in Finland by the now-communist led State Police. He was sentenced for six years. He escaped in 1947 but was caught soon after, trying to cross the border into Sweden. He was later amnestied by president Paasikivi in 1948. After release, he moved over to Sweden, afraid that either the communist State Police or the Russians were going to assassinate him. In January 1950 he engaged Marja Kops but, soon after their wedding, became convinced that the Reds were again after him. He took a job on a cargo ship to Venezuela. He met colonel Aarnio at Caracas, who told him of the possibilities in USA and especially the need for experienced anti-communist officers in the military. Törni decided to get to USA. He was hired as a sailor on a Norwegian freighter and when the ship was sailing past Mobile, Alabama, Törni jumped overboard and swam ashore. Without any money or speaking any English, he made it to New York, where other Finnish emigrants helped him. He worked as a cleaner and a carpenter, which allowed him to survive until get temporary alien residence, which enabled him to join the US Army, which he did in January 1954.

He was a 35-year old, “green”, recruit. He finished Basic at Fort Dixie, special training at Fort Carson and parachute training at Fort Benning. He was then assigned to special forces at Fort Bragg. Törni was promoted to Corporal in april 1955 and in June, he became US citizen and changed his name to Larry Thorne.

In 1956, his old friend Major Aarnio had finally convinced the army that Thorne was being wasted as a just another grunt and he was promoted to Lieutenant and became an officer in the 11th Airborne in Germany, though quickly moved over to the 10th Special Forces Group. He became the leader for one of the A-platoons.

In 1962, Thorne became famous in the SF community, as his team managed to recover the sensitive recon equipment from a crashed American spy plane, at the mountains of Iran, over 4300 meters above sea level, after an Iranian and German teams had failed. So it wasn’t a big surprise when he was commanded to Vietnam.

In Vietnam, Thorne served at Chau Lang, Tinh Bien, Phuoc Vinh, Phu Quoc and Nha Trang. He trained the Montagnard tribes to serve as anti-VC/NVA irregulars, in which he was very successful. During operation Shining Brass, his CH-34 Kingbee helicopter vanished on 18th October 1965.

In 1998 and 1999, American search parties in Vietnam finally located the helicopter and DNA testing confirmed that one of the bodies was Thorne. His helicopter had struck a mountain in extremely bad weather. In 2003, with full military honours, Thorne was buried at Arlington. In 2004, the Finnish Memorial Guild traveled to Vietnam and placed a steel memorial plate on the mountain side next to the crash site.

Törni / Thorne was remember as a quiet, unassuming and liked, though he often became violent when drunk. His subordinates remember him as an superior who did not demand anything that he wasn’t willing to personally perform, that never cared about military discipline or regulations. His superior officers - both in Finland and USA - evaluated him as very intelligent and a natural-born leader. 

He was used as reference and as the example for a few movies and books.

[caption id="attachment_5718" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Soldier+of+three+armies+big1lauri+allan+torni+later+known+as_44e7dc_6301375 In all his wars he fought against Communism.[/caption]

A list of all his military achievements/Details of his service

  • The Finnish Army

  • 3 September 1938, military (reserve)

  • 1 March 1939, Reserve Corporal

  • 9 May 1940, reserve second lieutenant

  • 5 March 1942, reserve lieutenant

  • 27 August 1944, reserve captain

  • 6 October 1950, removed from officers list

  • Finnish decorations:

  • 2 class medal of freedom 26 July 1940

  • 1 class medal of freedom 24 August 1940

  • 3rd class Cross of Liberty 9 October 1941

  • 4th class Cross of Liberty 23 May 1942

  • Mannerheim Cross 9 July 1944

  • 1st Div. memorial cross

  • Defence Forces bronze medal

  • German army, the Waffen-SS

  • 18 May 1941, Untersturmführer ( Nordost )

  • 15 April 1945, Hauptsturmführer ( Sonderkommando Nord )

  • German decorations:

  • 2 class Iron Cross 11 December 1943

  • United States Army

  • 28 January 1954, enlisted

  • 20 December 1954, Private First Class

  • 28 April 1955, Corporal

  • 17 November 1955, Sergeant

  • 9 January 1957, Lieutenant (res.)

  • 30 November 1960, Captain (res.)

  • 16 December 1965, Major (res., posthumously)

  • United States Army decorations:

  • Bronze Star

  • Army Commendation Medal

  • Purple Heart (twice)

  • The Legion of Merit

  • Good Conduct Medal

  • National Defense Service Medal

  • Vietnam Campaign Medal

  • Vietnam Service Medal

  • Air Medal

  • Combat Infantry Badge

  • Parachute Badge (Master)

  • Distinguished Flying Cross


Heroism against economy


"Fascism, now and always, believes in holiness and heroism; that is to say, actions influenced by no economic motive... Fascism denies the [socialist] equation that well-being equals happiness, and thus reducing men to the level of animals - caring for one thing only - to be fat and well-fed."

- Benito Mussolini, Doctrines of Fascism

Thursday, January 25, 2018

An Epic Generation


“This shall be the epic generation whose struggle and whose sacrifice shall decide whether man again shall know the dust or whether man at last shall grasp the stars.”

-Oswald Mosley

To love Death: Treuelied der SS


The Holocaust As A Mechanism For Suppressing The Truth

[caption id="attachment_5699" align="aligncenter" width="600"]burning-hamburg Buildings on fire in Hamburg following the RAF Bomber Command raids in July 1943.[/caption]

By Louis Beam

Because of the incessant talk about a holocaust, that for the most part did not occur, the truth about a holocaust that did occur has been successfully suppressed since the end of World War II. Now suddenly, with the assumption of a new, democratically elected government in Austria, the horrible truth of the aftermath of World War II has finally broken into the front pages of newspapers throughout the world, with the call by the Austrian Freedom Party for compensation to those ethnic Germans who were expelled and murdered by Czechoslovakia at the end of WW II. For the very first time since 1945, a period encompassing the entire lives of most of those reading these words, the murder, expulsion, enslavement, and destruction of millions of ethnic Germans after the war ended is coming to light- with a vengeance (1).

This bloodthirsty and ruthless extermination of ethnic Germans is surpassed in magnitude and horror only by crimes of mass murder in the Soviet Union committed by Joseph Stalin against the people of the USSR. It was there, in the horrible gulags of Stalin and in the towns and villages of the Kulaks, that the single, largest mass murders of the twentieth century occurred. Not in Nazi Germany under Hitler, as so many of us have been falsely led to believe, but rather, under communism in the Soviet Union did blood flow so freely that it came to count for naught. Under the rulership of idealistic socialists, some 30 million human beings were put to death by Communist, homicidal butchers. Lest one think only communists and socialists are capable of such horrendous crimes against other human beings, let it be stated here, now, and forever, that the next greatest massacre of helpless humans occurred during that same period by the so called "democracies" of the United States, England, and France.

Indeed, it is now, and only now, that we find out that this second largest mass extermination of human beings in the 20th century did occur in what was formally the greater German Reich. But, the victims were not Jewish concentration camp inmates, and there were not six million murdered during a war, but rather the victims were 9.3 million German civilians and prisoners of war murdered by the Allies after Hitler was dead and after "peace" was declared (2). Such absolute shame and utter disgrace as this heaps upon the heads of the governments of the United States, England, and France-and were it still in existence-the Soviet Union, can scarcely be comprehended. This real holocaust cannot be denied. For, unlike the holocaust we all grew up hearing about, the numbers are not inflated. There were no soap bars made, nor lamp shades produced, only murder, more murder, and then the cover up of the twentieth century ensued.

Suppressing the knowledge of this post war genocide of over nine million defenseless, helpless, and prostate people for so long was no easy task. Those in government and the news media who did so knew that only by creating a lie so horrible that it would shake the very souls of decent men everywhere could the real terror story of mass murder and genocide by the Allies after the war be cleverly covered up. Thus, in the hearts of evil men, with blood dripping from their hands, were born the stories of Jews being made into soap and lamp shades, gas chambers disguised as showers for millions, (3) and the black smoke of furnaces reaching toward the heavens from crematoria. In sum, a holocaust of lies was born...the one we all "know" about, but not one that actually occurred.

It needs to be pointed out that it is true that innocent Jews died by the thousands at the hands of Nazis, just as other innocent people died by the thousands at the hands of the Allies at Dresden, Hiroshima, and elsewhere - DURING THE WAR. However, the massive lies with intent to cover up crimes against humanity committed by the Allies begins with the fabrication of the magnitude of Jewish deaths as well as the method of death. The number of Jews killed during the war were inflated not by thousands, but by millions. The fiendish descriptions of German soap factories, lamp shades, and "death camps" during the war were for the purpose of covering up the real holocaust going on after the war ended, creating such enmity and hatred toward the German people that their murder by the millions would go unnoticed, unreported, and unlamented by the world (4). And thus it has been till this day. The lampshades, the soap, the gas chambers were all to cover up the real holocaust: After the unconditional surrender of Germany, 9.3 million people were killed by the victors...deliberately (5). Dwight D. Eisenhower ran prisoner of war camps where well over one million German men who had laid down their arms were starved to death (6). Then to crown this horrific crime by the allies, another 15 million Germans were expelled from their homes in East Prussia, Pomerania, Sudetenland, Silesia, and elsewhere. The most massive ethnic cleansing of the century- led by the United States.

The deaths of millions in the years after the German surrender can no longer be covered up, nor hidden by distractions. This must be called by what it is: The Real Holocaust.

With the election of the Freedom Party in Austria the truth will become a topic for discussion for the first time in fifty-five years. And this is what terrifies the Western governments of the world. This is the reason for the frenetic opposition to the new government of Austria. The morality, the veracity, the very legitimacy of all those who helped promote the post war lies are now being brought into question. The assumption of power in Austria of those not committed to lies, cover-up, corruption, and historical falsehoods will shake the very foundations of post World War II history, as well as the view of the modern, democratic states toward themselves. The time for truth has finally arrived and let no honest man fear its words.

Let those harboring hatred or ignorance not rejoice or dismiss the deaths of any helpless and innocent people. For all of history shows that human cruelty toward one’s fellow man is a sharp, two edge sword that will cut both ways. Today it may be one’s enemies who are unmercifully persecuted or murdered, but tomorrow it may be your own loved ones. The genocide of human beings is the product of sick minds (7). Healthy men must meet this act head on with absolute repulsion and join together in exposing those guilty of such crimes. It must be remembered that only by insuring the safety of all men do we insure our own. Finally, those of us living in the United States, England, and France must come to terms with and recognize that those in government and media whose ghoulish acts of fabrication and malicious lying hid the truth about the real holocaust for fifty years in order to cover crimes too horrible to reveal are the promoters of "humanitarian" wars today, and have no moral authority over decent men. Their cries for troops mean broken hearts, their guns mean death, and their bombs for "peace and stability" mean destruction of innocent lives, so they must be soundly rejected and their perfidious lying laced with self-righteous hypocrisy shunned.

The election in Austria signals the end for lies of the "holocaust." Conversely, it signals the beginning of truth and knowledge about the real holocaust of 9.3 million women, children, and men of German decent. There must be no more holocaust denial. Only by forthrightly facing this tremendous crime committed by the so called "democratic" nations and their communist allies against the defeated German survivors of World War II can we even begin to compensate for the lives destroyed as well as to insure such an event never happens again. Let us now begin discussion about The Holocaust- and by doing so, build a better future for all of us.

[gallery ids="5701,5700" type="rectangular"]

A new and unforeseen weapon came into play at Hamburg--the firestorm. Martin Middlebrook describes one in The Battle of Hamburg. A thermal column of wind generated heat in excess of 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit, melting trolley windows and the asphalt in streets, the wind uprooting trees. When people crossed a street, their feet stuck in the melted asphalt; they tried to extricate themselves with their hands, only to find them stuck as well. They remained on all fours screaming. Small children lay like "fried eels" on the pavement. The firestorm sucked all the oxygen out of the city; a 15 year-old girl said that the brains of people in shelters "tumbled from their burst temples and their insides [extruded] from the soft parts under the ribs."

1 Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950. By James Bacque.

2 Senator Kenneth Wherry, statement of January 1946: "The American people should know once and for all that as a result of this government’s official policy they are being made...accomplices in the crime of mass starvation...Germany is the only nation subjected to a deliberate starvation policy..."

3 Auschwitz: The Final Count. The Barnes Review, September/October 1999. www.barnesreview.org

4 Bury My Heart At Wounded Berlin. By Michael A. Hoffman II. Revisionist History, No.3 1997. www.hoffman-info.com/

5 A Terrible Revenge. By Alfred de Zayas

6 Other Loses. By James Basque. 1989.

7 An Eye for an Eye. John Sack. 1995.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

'Out of the Dungeon' shirts!


[gallery ids="5687,5686,5685,5684,5683,5682,5681" type="slideshow"]


"...And Ravens Sing Our Glorious Past"
Gildan Ultra Cotton
Sizes: M-XXL
20 EUR

Previously there has been one Ravenbanner shirt featuring the brilliant art of Antichrist Kramer. Unfortunately this shirt was such subpar quality that neither Kramer or the band was happy with it. Now we can present a proper presentation that RAVENBANNER deserves! Silver and white printing on black shirt.


ARYAN BLOOD (Deutschland)
"Strength, Pride, Nobility"
Gildan Ultra Cotton
Sizes: M-XXL
15 EUR

New logo shirt for the German Black Metal cult!


"Rape Afica"
Gildan Ultra Cotton
Sizes: S-XXL
15 EUR

Orders etc: outofthedungeon at hotmail dot com


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Wewelsburg - Paradigm of Dark Visions


From the debut mini-album "Into The Ritual Chamber", to be released in 2018. Tape version by HYPGNOSIS RECORDS & VINLANDIC WERWOLF DISTRIBUTION, 12" mLP version by DARKER THAN BLACK RECORDS.


A Zionist program for the extermination of the White Race


“We must realise that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By pounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mould them to our program. The terms ‘colonialism’ and ‘imperialism’ must be featured in our propaganda. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will endeavour to instill in the Whites a guilt complex for exploiting the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sport and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”

Israel Cohen writing about the communist party’s objectives in "A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century", published in 1912.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

'A Heroes Hymn' by Tors Vrede & Ferox


Sleep silent, sleep, Romanian’s fallen son
Rest your soul in peace, your task has just began
Bury all your pain, it was not in vain
All for us to gain your spirit lives through us

Whispers from beyond, voice of a rule with Pride
Urging us to keep fighting, the fallen will revive

Son of Romania, father of the Iron Guard
The one who gave it all, eternal pride you caught
Showed us through the lies, so you lived, so you died
All your spiritual pride, we’ll always remember you.

Your remaining soul, save it from the fall
'Cause you rhymes were true, I shed my tears no more
For the love you gave, the sacrifice you've made
Now rest your soul, we live under your shade
Whispers from beyond, voice of a rule with Pride
Urging us to keep fighting, the fallen will revive

Son of Romania, father of the Iron Guard
The one who gave it all, eternal pride you caught
Showed us through the lies, so you lived, so you died
All your spiritual pride, we’ll always remember you.

The legion stands united
Even if they choose the wrong path
If the Legion will end up in Hell
It still would stand united
After the successful conquest of hell
The Legion will return, victoriously
Unity of steel

Son of Romania, father of the Iron Guard
The one who gave it all, eternal pride you caught
Showed us through the lies, so you lived, so you died
All your spiritual pride, we’ll always remember you.


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Trained in the hard school of danger and war

[caption id="attachment_5668" align="aligncenter" width="600"]alexander_and_bucephalus_-_battle_of_issus_mosaic_-_museo_archeologico_nazionale_-_naples_bw-e1506416690158-1024x576 Alexander Mosaic (Battle of Issus) at Pompeii (National Archaeological Museum of Naples) - detail[/caption]

"Our enemies are Medes and Persians, men who for centuries have lived soft and luxurious lives; we of Macedon for generations past have been trained in the hard school of danger and war. Above all, we are free men, and they are slaves. There are Greek troops, to be sure, in Persian service — but how different is their cause from ours! They will be fighting for pay — and not much of at that; we, on the contrary, shall fight for Greece, and our hearts will be in it. As for our foreign troops — Thracians, Paeonians, Illyrians, Agrianes — they are the best and stoutest soldiers in Europe, and they will find as their opponents the slackest and softest of the tribes of Asia. And what, finally, of the two men in supreme command? You have Alexander, they — Darius!"

- Alexander the Great Addressing his troops prior to the Battle of Issus, as quoted in Anabasis Alexandri by Arrian Book II, 7

The Religiosity of the Indo-Europeans


By Hans Friedrich Karl Günther

"Freedom is where you can live, as pleases a brave heart; where you can live according to the customs and laws of your fathers; where you are made happy by that which made your most distant ancestors happy.

E. M. Arndt, Catechism for the Teutonic Soldier and Warrior, 1813."

In this work I want to advance some reflections on the religiosity of the Indo-Europeans — that is to say, the Indo-European speaking peoples originating from a common Bronze Age nucleus — who have always exerted a significant influence on the government and spirit of predominantly Nordic races (1). Just as by comparing the structure of the Indian, Persian, Sacaean, Armenian, Slavic and Baltic languages, and of the Greek, Italian, Celtic and Teutonic dialects, we can reach a conclusion as to a common or primal Indo-European language, approximating to the latter part of the early Stone Age, in the same way, an examination of the laws and legal customs of the different peoples of Indo-European language reveals a primal Indo-European feeling for law (2). Similarly, from a comparison of the religious forms of these peoples we can identify a particular religious attitude emanating from the Indo-European nature — a distinctive behaviour of Indo-European men and people towards the divine powers.

So it is that certain common religious attitudes, which originally were peculiar to all peoples of Indo-European language, reveal the identity of an Indo-European religiosity. But since in fact all Indo-European nations represented different types moulded on the spiritual pattern of the Nordic race, the origin of these common religious attitudes may be identified in a religiosity which is characteristically Nordic, emanating from the spiritual nature of the Nordic race (3).

It is fortunate that for our knowledge of this Nordic religiosity, we do not have to rely solely upon Teutonic religious forms (4), for the information we possess about the Teutonic forms of belief is regrettably inadequate. It is all the more incomplete as it is derived from a late period in the development of these forms, which had already been influenced by religious ideas from Hither-Asia, from the Mediterranean basin and from the Celtic west of Europe, where the Druids had begun to distort the ancient Indo-European religiosity of the Celts so that they no longer bore a purely Nordic stamp. The Teutonic Gods, the Aesir (cf. Oslo, Osnabruck, in High German: Ansen, cf. Anshelm, Ansbach), had already absorbed the Vanir who had spread from south-east Europe (F. R. Schröder: Germanentum und Alteuropa, Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, XXII, 1934, p. 187), without thoroughly re-interpreting them in a purely Teutonic spirit. Likewise, from south-east Europe and Hither-Asia, the God Dionysos had been accepted among the Olympian Gods without being fully re-interpreted, even being found in Homer, and only later becoming a native blond God instead of an alien, dark-haired one. The pre-Christian Teutons have with justice been compared with the Achaeans, who were their nearest relatives, and it can be shown that much that the Hellenes incorporated into their belief and religiosity in post-Homeric times was more or less alien to the Indo-European spirit, as for example the Orphic mysteries. Thus late on in their period of pagan development the Teutons had accepted much that was contradictory to the Indo-European nature. What non-Indo-European or non-Teutonic characteristics have been imparted to the Teutonic God Odin (Wodan, Wuotan)? Odin, with his strange blend of “loftiness and deception” (5), is undoubtedly no longer the ideal example of an Indo-European or Teutonic God, and his worship is no longer characteristic of the Indo-European or the original Teutonic religion. Already one perceives in him the voice of an alien, non-Nordic race.

One must ask how much of Odin’s character can be explained from Teutonic folk belief, how much is later poetical embellishment, and how much reaches back, as with Zeus or Jupiter, into antiquity and the Indo-European conception of the “Father of the Heavens”. We must not overlook the fact, stressed by Andreas Heusler in Germanentum (1934, pp. 95-106 and cf. also Erik Therman: Eddan och dess Ödestragik, 1938, pp. 65, 105, 106) that “the Edda mythology is largely a Norwegian-Icelandic poetical creation of the Viking era”, elaborated by the poets who dwelt at the courts of local Norwegian princes during the late pagan and early Christian era, at a time when many Teutons were uprooted from their native soil and exposed to alien ideas. According to Heusler, Odin is a “new creation of Teutonic religious phantasy”, and above all, a God of war and of the Viking princes, warriors and skalds. However, as a war God, Odin is an incalculable force to reckon with, “capable of deceit”, as R. L. M. Derolez informs us (De Godsdienst der Germanen, 1959, p. 79).

[caption id="attachment_5657" align="alignnone" width="640"]Statue of Wotan (aka Óðinn, Woden or Odin) in Hanover, Germany. Statue of Wotan (aka Óðinn, Woden or Odin) in Hanover, Germany.[/caption]

The worship of Odin (Wotan or Wuotan in the High German form) spread from west Scandinavia during the warlike Folk Wandering and Viking era to the Vandals and Langobards, and to the Saxons in Lower Saxony and in England, but it always predominantly appealed to the local princes and their retinue and to the skalds of the princes’ courts, to whom the war God was also the God of poetry. Perhaps it is the name which is the unique feature of Odin that reaches back into Indo-European antiquity, for its root is derived from the Indo-European word vat meaning “to be spiritually excited”, and as such it is still preserved in Sanskrit, in old Iranian and in Latin, where it corresponds to the word vates, meaning a seer or a poet.

The concept of Odin-Wodan appears at its highest form in the grandiose Edda mythology of the twilight of the Gods, the end of the world, Ragnarök, but it is an expression more of poetry than belief. The yeoman freeholders on their hereditary farms, who formed the majority of the Teutonic peoples, were never at ease with the cult of Odin or Wodan (Karl Helm: Wodan; Ausbreitung und Wanderung seines Kults, Giessener Beiträge zur deutschen Philologie, Vol. LXXXV, 1946; R. L. M. Derolez: De Godsdienst der Germanen, 1959, pp. 79 et seq.). According to Erik Therman (op. cit., pp. 23, 77, 106), many sagas of the Gods of the Edda and also of Odin do not belong to the folk belief of the Teutons, but instead are an expression of the ideals and concepts of the Viking nobility and of the local North Teutonic princes.

One must above all bear in mind, when dealing with the figure of Odin, what Jan de Vries has written in The Present Position of Teutonic Religious Research (Germanische Monatsschrift, Vol. XXIII, 1951, pp. 1 et seq.):
“Proceeding solely from the sources of Teutonic religious history, research will never arrive at conclusive results concerning the nature of Teutonic religion: for illumination of Teutonic belief and religious attitudes, it will be necessary to return again and again to Indo-European religion and mythology”.

Georges Dumézil has also expressed the same warning.

The figure of Odin-Wodan does not belong to Indo-European religious history. He is the special God of the loosely-rooted expanding Viking Folk, and his composite personality stems from the late period of Teutonic paganism, and as such does not help to throw light on Indo-European religious attitudes.

Again, in one’s search for material to clarify this religiosity, there is little of value to be found in the descriptions of the religions of the Celts and the Slavs. Throughout the broad areas under their rule — and the Galatians penetrated as far as Asia Minor — the Celts formed only a thin upper layer holding sway over pre-Indo-European peoples governed by matriarchal family systems, whose linguistic forms deeply influenced the Celtic dialects, and whose spiritual beliefs transformed the original religious attitudes of the Celts.

The religious customs and moral attitudes of matriarchal origin emanating from the lower, non-Celtic strata, which penetrated the religion of the Celts (Wolfgang Krause: Die Kelten, Religionsgeschichtliches Lesebuch, Vol. XXIII, 1929), have been compared by both Marie Sjöstedt, in Dieux et Héros des Celtes (1940, p. 126) and by Jan de Vries, in Keltische Religion (1961, p. 224), with those of primitive non-European tribes, and from the Indo-European point of view, the latter must be described as repellent.


Finally, the hierarchy of the Celtic Druids, a power-seeking priestly order, was non-Indo-European in character, and resembled in structure the recent Brahmin system of caste-rule in India.

The records of the pre-Christian religions of Slavic tribes (A. Brückner: The Slavs, in Religionsgeschichtliches Lesebuch, Vol. III, 1926, and Karl H. Meyer: Die Slavische Religion, in Carl Clemen’s Die Religionen der Erde, 1927 pp. 237 et seq.) handed down to us by the Christian historians of the sixth century, Procopius and Jordanes, have been distorted by mistaken interpretation, or by writers who were hostile to the pagan Slavs, and they have little material of any value to offer. Arabic and Teutonic records are equally deficient, but something may be deduced from the morals and customs, and the sagas and songs which have been preserved and re-interpreted by Christianity. From
them we receive an impression that the early Indo-Europeans worshipped their ancestors and believed that the houses they inhabited and the lands and animals that belonged to them were possessed of guardian spirits, features that were characteristic of early Latin beliefs.

Fortunately, however, the religious forms of the other Indo-European speaking peoples bear many details which guide us back to a more profound study of primary Indo-European religiosity, and in the beliefs of the early Indians, the early Persians (6) and the early Hellenes, one can, in my opinion, trace essentially Indo-European elements and the basic factors vital to grasping and understanding them. Only by comparing all these forms of belief — and those of the Italici must not be omitted — with the Teutons’ can we obtain a clearer picture of Nordic-Teutonic religiosity.

If I thus attempt to express here in words individual features of this picture, I do so in an endeavour to ascertain, subject to the limitations of my own knowledge (for I am not a scholar of religious science), not only what is primary in all the religious forms of Indo-European speaking peoples known to us, but also what is their purest and richest unfolding. My concern is not with any search for the so-called primitive in these religious forms, nor whether this or that higher idea is deduced from some lower stage of old Stone Age magical belief or middle Stone Age spirit belief (animism). I am solely interested in determining the pinnacles of Indo-European religion. My concern is to identify Indo-European religion at its most perfect and characteristic form, and in its richest and purest assertion — that completely spontaneous expression of the spirit in which primary Indo-European nature expresses itself with the greatest degree of purity.

But when I speak of the richest unfolding of religious forms, I do not mean those eras characterised by a confusing multitude of ideas, which sometimes intrude upon the Indo-European peoples, for at these periods the primal Nordic has become permeated with ideas alien to his nature. On the contrary, I believe that Indo-European religious life had already attained heights of great richness amongst the individual Indo-European tribes in the Bronze Age, so that the Bronze Age Nordic experienced much of the flowering of the religiosity of his race. Each time this religiosity unfolded it flourished for a succession of centuries, indeed often up to a millenia, until a spirit alien in nature — and usually corresponding to a general weakening of the Nordic racial strain — permeated the original religious ideas of the Indo-Europeans, and then expressed in their language religious ideas which were no longer purely or even predominantly European.

My aim, therefore, is to comprehend Indo-European religion in its richest and purest unfolding. It can be traced, for example, in Hellenic poetry from Homer to Pindar and Aeschylus — though strictly speaking, perhaps only up to Pindar, or, in more general terms, up to the fifth century before our time of reckoning (7) — and later, with Sophocles and Plato, who looked back in many aspects, Indo-European religiosity again predominates, but now as the religiosity of individual men and not of an entire circle of their aristocracy.

I shall confine myself to describing primary or essential attitudes of the Indo-Europeans, omitting all that they have expressed in their various languages, in their arts, and in the customs of their daily life in the early and middle periods of their development; for were one to include in a description of Indo-European religious attitudes every form to which they have given expression throughout their history, one would find features amongst them of nearly every religion. It would be easy, therefore, to quote examples of those forms of religion which I describe below as non-Indo-European, from the religious life of Indo-European peoples, especially in later times, or, in ethnological terms, in the de-Nordicised period. Indeed, people have even spoken in an erroneous way of a “Christian Antiquity” (8). What I described as Indo-European religiosity thus pertains to those periods in the history of the Indo-European peoples when the soul of the Nordic race could still express itself with sufficient vigour.


However, I do not overlook the fact that in many instances the rich and pure unfolding of Indo-European religiosity was preserved and carried forward into later periods. Examples of this, which I will consider later, are the noble art of the Panathenaea festival procession on the frieze in the Parthenon of the Acropolis of Athens (Maxime Collignon: Le Parthénon, Vol. III, 1912, Table 78 et seq.; Ernst Langlotz: Phidias Probleme, 1947, pp. 27 et seq.; and his Schönheit und Hoheit, 1948; Reinhard Lullies: Griechische Plastik, 1956, p. 22, Table 147 et seq.), or the noble art of the ara pacis Augustae — the altar of peace dedicated in the year 9 B.C. under Octavianus Augustus in Rome (Giuseppe Moretti: L’Ara Pacis Augustae, 1948; Robert Heidenreich: Die Bilder der ara pacis Augustae, Neue Jahrbücher für Antike und Deutsche Bildung, Year 1, 1938, pp. 31 et seq.) — and likewise the carmen saeculare of the Roman poet Horace (Horatius, Carmina, III, 25).

I would not regard as Indo-European every religious idea which has been found amongst individual Indo-European speaking peoples, but many of them were divided into racial strata in such a way that the rulers were predominantly men of Nordic race. Therefore, probably much of the preoccupation with magic and the haunting of the spirit which is described to us as Indo-European religious thought is in reality an expression of the religiosity of the lower racial stratas, the non-Nordic linguistically Indo-Europeanised subject people. Different peoples are often said to have a lower mythology in contrast to the higher mythology of the same people, and it is often the case that the lower mythology had no relation whatever with the higher, and that the lower stratum of the people found expression in one mythology and the leading stratum in another. Where Indo-European society consists in such racial layers of predominantly Nordic farmers, aristocracy and patriarchs, super-imposed on  non-Nordic peoples, Indo-European religiosity can only be sought in the religious ideas of the upper strata. This is also proved by the fact that Indo-European religiosity is always directly linked with the conviction of the value of birth and pride in heredity, and that man has an unalterable hereditary nature and an inborn nobility which it is his duty to society to maintain — as is particularly apparent, for example, in the truly Hellenic religiosity of Pindar (9).

It is thus important to realise, when studying the religious history of all Indo-European speaking peoples, that the upper stratum represented more closely the traditional ideas of belief. Therefore, for example, Carl Clemen’s chapter on the ancient Indo-European Religion in his Religionsgeschichte Europas (Vol. I, 1926, pp. 162 et seq.) makes almost no contribution to our knowledge of Indo-European religiosity. One cannot assume uncritically that all the prehistoric and historic information collected from all the regions where the Indo-European tongue was spoken constitutes evidence of roughly equivalent value. More than half of what Clemen cites as Indo-European religious thought, I regard as the ideas of the underlayer of Indo-Europeanised peoples of non-Nordic race. Similarly, the descriptions of the Hellenic world of belief by the outstanding Swedish scholar, P. Nilsson, in his Griechischer Glaube (1950), contains much which originates from the non-Nordic substrata, and does not correspond to the form of belief and religiosity of the ancient Hellenes of early Stone Age and Bronze Age central Europe. The same observation holds true for the majority of descriptions of the religious world of Rome.

On the other hand, much which has asserted itself in Islamic Persia and in Christian Europe in religious life can be valued as a resurgence of Nordic Indo-European religiosity, as would be expected, for inherited nature will always stir against alien forms of belief. Thus the mysticism of the Islamised Persians, Sufism, is to be understood as a breakthrough by Indo-European religiosity into an alien and compulsive faith, as an expression of the disposition of the race-soul or “racial endowment” as described by R. A. Nicholson (10). A large part of the mysticism of the Christianised West may also be regarded as a similar breakthrough. Among great church leaders of both Christian faiths, religiosity of Indo-European kind is expressed whenever they allow the innermost essence of their religiosity to assert itself within them completely undogmatically. I would also be able to describe many a feature of Indo-European religiosity in the words of recent German poets. Examples of Indo-European religiosity can be found in , Shakespeare, Winckelmann, Goethe, Schiller, Hölderlin, in Shelley and Keats, in Hebbel, Gottfried Keller and Storm, and there are many others in the literature, philosophy and plastic arts of the Western peoples (11).

[caption id="attachment_5661" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Georg Gunther; Rest During the Harvest Georg Günther, Rest During the Harvest[/caption]

In his work Der Glaube der Nordmark (1936), which has passed through many editions, and which has also been translated into Danish and Swedish, Gustav Frenssen described the religiosity of the country people he knew in North Germany, having gained a deep insight into their minds and hearts as their pastor. Without it being the intention of the author, the work became a description of Indo-European religion in the rural environment of a North German people. H. A. Korff, in his Faustischer Glaube (1938), has attempted to describe the belief to which Goethe confessed in his poem Faust:
“It is belief in life in spite of all: in spite of the knowledge of the fundamentally tragic character of life” (op. cit., 1938, p. 155).

Such a belief in life is characteristic of Indo-European religion.

In his work Weltfrömmigkeit (1941), Eduard Spranger has described the sublime religiosity of the great men in German spiritual life at the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century — a fundamentally Indo-European religiosity which Spranger, however, sought to link with a Christianity wrested from the dogmas of the Church. He noticed that religious motives resounded through great German poetry and German idealistic philosophy, but deceived himself, overlooking the increasing desolation of spiritual life in Europe and North America, into assuming that these motives still mean a great deal to present day Germans, Europeans and North Americans. In North America, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) was one of the last writers to reveal a strong Indo-European religiosity.

A scientific analysis of the Indo-European nature in religious life, similar to Walter F. Otto’s analysis of Hellenic religiosity (12) has still — as far as I am aware — to be accomplished. There are good and there are mediocre descriptions of the forms of belief of individual Indo-European speaking peoples. But there is no satisfactory exposition of Indo-European religiosity as such, and where such a description has been attempted, it is often either deliberately or unconsciously measured with yard-sticks derived from the Jewish-Christian world. We owe it to ourselves, however, as Teutons and as Indo-Europeans to seek out the true nature of Indo-European religiosity.

It would be presumptuous on my part to imagine that my observations constitute a decisive foundation for research into this subject. More than suggestions I cannot promise. But I shall indicate in what fields I hope it might be possible to find assertions of Indo-European religiosity in both its rich and pure form, and also where this is not possible. I will merely explain what I have observed in relation to questions which have occupied me from my youth onwards, and how I have done so. This work is therefore in the nature of an outline of the impressions influencing me, arising from my interest over many years in the Indo-European world.


1. HANS F. K. GÜNTHER, Rassenkunde Europas, 1929; Die Nordische Rasse bei den Indogermanen Asiens, 1934; Herkunft und Rassengeschichte der Germanen, 1935; Lebensgeschichte des hellenischen Volkes, 1956; Lebensgeschichte des römischen Volkes, 1957. FRANZ ROLF SCHRÖDER, Germanentum und Alteuropa, Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, XXII, 1934, pp. 157 ff. KARL J. NARR, Vorderasien, Nordafrika, Europa, Abriss der Vorgeschichte, 1957, pp. 60 ff.; Deutschland in vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit, Handbuch der Geschichte, Vol. I, 1957, Section I, pp. 41 ff.; GIACOMO DEVOTO, Origini Indeuropee, 1961.

2. BURKHARD WILHELM LEIST, Alt-arisches Jus gentium, 1889; Alt-arisches Jus civile, 1892-6; cf. Graeco-italische Rechtsgeschichte, 1884.

3. HANS F. K. GÜNTHER, Kleine Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes, 1933; Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes, 1934. WILHELM HAUER, Die vergleichende Religionsgeschichte und das Indogermanen-problem, Germanen und Indogermanen: Festschrift für Herman Hirt, edited by Helmut Arntz, Vol. I, 1936, pp. 177 ff.; Glaubensgeschichte der Indogermanen, Part I, 1937. F. HERTER, Die Götter der Griechen, Kriegsvorträge der Universität Bonn, No. 57, 1941. V. BASANOFF, Les Dieux des Romains, 1942. WALTHER WÜST, Indogermanisches Bekenntnis, 1942. GEORGES DUMÉZIL, Jupiter-Mars-Quirinus, 1948; Les Dieux des Indo-Européens à Rome, 1954; Déesses latines et mythes védiques, 1956; L’Ideologie tripartie des Indo-Européens, 1958; Les Dieux des Germains, 1959. FRANZ ALTHEIM, Römische Religionsgeschichte, 1951-53. HELMUTH VON GLASENAPP, Die Religionen Indiens, 1956.

4. ANDREAS HEUSLER, Germanische Religion, Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Vol. II, 1928, Sp. 1041 ff. FRANZ ROLF SCHRÖDER, Die Germanen, Religionsgeschichtliches Lesebuch, Vol. XII, 1929. BERNHARD KUMMER, Midgards Untergang, 1938. ANDREAS HEUSLER, Deutsche Literaturzeitung, Vol. XLIX, 1, 1928, Sp. 33 ff. FELIX GENZMER, Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde, Vol. XXVII, 1928, pp. 217 ff. VILHELM GRÖNBECH, Kultur und Religion der Germanen, 1937. HERMANN SCHNEIDER, Die Götter der Germanen, 1938. ERIK THERMAN, Eddan och dess Ödestragik, 1938. MÜLLER-TRATHNIGG, Religionen der Griechen, Römer und Germanen, 1954. JAN DE VRIES, Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte, 1956-7. R. L. M. DEROLEZ, De Godsdienst der Germanen, 1959. TURVILLE-PETRE, Myth and Religion of the North: The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia, 1964.

5. ANDREAS HEUSLER, as 4 supra.

6. K. F. GELDNER, Die Zoroastrische Religion, Religionsgeschichtliches Lesebuch, Vol. I, 1926. HERMANN LOMMEL, Zarathustra und seine Lehre, Universitas, XII, 1957, pp. 267 ff. Die Religion Zarathustras nach den Quellen dargestellt, 1930. Von arischer Religion, Geistige Arbeit, I, 1934, No. 23, pp. 5-6. Die Alten Arier: Von Art und Adel ihrer Götter, 1935. H. S. NYBERG, Die Religionen des Alten Irans, Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-ägyptischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 34, 1938. GEO. WIDENGREN, Iranische Geisteswelt, 1961. OTTO VON WESENDONK, Das Weltbild der Iraner, 1933.

7. WILHELM NESTLE, Griechische Religiosität von Homer bis Pindar und Aschylos, 1930, p. 113.

8. SIEGFRIED LAUFFER, Die Antike in der Geschichtsphilosophie, Die Welt als Geschichte, XVI, Vols. III-IV, 1958, pp. 175 ff. HANS F. K. GÜNTHER, Lebensgeschichte des römischen Volkes, 1957, p. 307.

9. HANS F. K. GÜNTHER, Lebensgeschichte des hellenischen Volkes, 1956, pp. 157, 195-96.

10. R. A. NICHOLSON, Studies in Islamic Mysticism, 1921, pp. 162, 180-181, 184; A Literary History of the Arabs, 1930, pp. 383 ff., 393-394. EDUARD MEYER, Geschichte des Altertums, Vol. I, 2, 1909, pp. 385-386.

11. WILHELM HAUER, Urkunden und Gestalten der Germanisch-Deutschen Glaubensgeschichte, 1940. FRITZ BURI, Gottfried Kellers Glaube, 1944.

12. WALTER F. OTTO, Die Götter Griechenlands, 1947; Theophania: Der Geist der altgriechischen Religion, 1956. ELLISWORTH BARNARD, Shelley’s Religion, 1936.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

In Solitary Detachment

[caption id="attachment_5651" align="aligncenter" width="2000"]hb_2008.7 Wanderer in the Storm - Julius von Leypold 1835[/caption]

"Only of an ascetic who dwells alone, without company, is it to be expected that he will possess pleasure in renunciation, pleasure in solitude, pleasure in clam, pleasure in awakening, that he will possess this pleasure easily, without difficulty, without pain." And again: "He who enjoys society cannot find joy in solitary detachment. If joy is not found in solitary detachment, one cannot concentrate firmly on the things of the spirit; if this power of concentration is lacking, one cannot perfectly achieve right knowledge — or the things that proceed from it. The detachment and the solitude implicit in pabbajja, the "departure", are naturally to be understood both under the physical and under the spiritual aspect; detachment from the world and detachment, above all, from thoughts of the world. Therefore, do not let people's talk affect you, do not pay too much attention to words. Do not dispute with the world, but judge it for what it is. That is to say, impermanent."

Julius Evola - The Doctrine of Awakening


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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Western freedom and the modern man


“Freedom in the West, in order to manifest itself, requires a void—and succumbs to it. The condition which determines it is the very one which annihilates it. This freedom lacks foundation; the more complete it is, the more it overhangs an abyss, for everything threatens it, down to the principles from which it derives. Man is so little made to endure or deserve it, that the very benefits he receives from it crush him, and freedom ultimately brings him to the point where he prefers, to its excesses, those of terror. To these disadvantages are added others: a liberal society, eliminating mystery, the absolute, order, and possessing the true metaphysic no more than a true police, cast the individual back upon himself, while dividing him from what he is, from his own depths… . Imagine a society overpopulated with doubt, in which, with the exception of a few strays, no one adheres utterly to anything; in which unscathed by superstition, certainties, everyone pays lip service to freedom and no one respects the form of government which defends and incarnates it… . You are disappointed after promises which could not be kept; we, by a lack of any promises at all… . ”

Emile M. Cioran

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Afrocentrist Claims to Minoan Civilization Destroyed by New Genetic Report


Afrocentrist claims that Africans originated Europe’s oldest civilization in Crete have been nixed by a new DNA study which has shown that the original population of that island were European.

The theory that Africans, not Europeans, created the Minoan civilization which flourished from around 2,700 BC to 1,420 BC, has been popularized by the Jewish Professor Emeritus of Government and Near Eastern Studies at Cornell University, Martin Bernal, in his book Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization.

In that book, now wildly quoted by Afrocentrists, Bernal claimed that Greece’s African and Asiatic neighbors, especially Ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians, had an influence on ancient Greece. Bernal proposes that a change in this Western perception took place from the 18th century onward and that this change fostered a subsequent denial by Western academia of any significant African and (western) Asiatic influences on ancient Greek culture.

Now however, a new report published in the journal Nature Communications, has definitively rebuffed this Afrocentrist hijacking of ancient European civilization.

The report, “A European population in Minoan Bronze Age Crete,” analyzed and compared DNA extracted from 4,000-year-old Minoan skeletons with genetic material from people living throughout Europe and Africa in the past and today


“We now know that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European,” said study co-author George Stamatoyannopoulos, a human geneticist at the University of Washington. “They were very similar to Neolithic Europeans and very similar to present day-Cretans,” residents of the Mediterranean island of Crete.

Theories about why the Minoan civilization vanished have abounded, but the most likely cause is a combination of natural disasters (the volcanic eruption of Santorini) and the Indo-European Mycenaean invasion.

The research team analyzed DNA from ancient Minoan skeletons that were sealed in a cave in Crete’s Lassithi Plateau between 3,700 and 4,400 years ago. They then compared the skeletal mitochondrial DNA with that found in a sample of 135 modern and ancient populations from around Europe and Africa.

They found that the Minoan skeletons were genetically very similar to modern-day Europeans—and especially close to modern-day Cretans, particularly those from the Lassithi Plateau. They were also genetically similar to Neolithic Europeans, but distinct from Egyptian or Libyan populations.


The findings also confirmed that the ancient Minoans were descended from a branch of agriculturalists from the presumed Indo-European homeland around the Black Sea, who fanned out into Europe about 9,000 years ago.

The Minoans may have spoken a proto-Indo-European language derived from the one possibly spoken by those Anatolian farmers, the researchers speculate.

“The first Neolithic humans reached Crete about 9,000 years before present (YBP), coinciding with the development and adoption of the agricultural practices in the Near East and the extensive Neolithic population diffusion (8,000–9,500 YBP) that brought farming to Europe,” the report states.

“The most likely origins of these Neolithic settlers were the nearest coasts, either the Peloponnese or south-western Anatolia.

“Our calculations of genetic distances, haplotype sharing and principal component analysis (PCA) exclude a North African origin of the Minoans. Instead, we find that the highest genetic affinity of the Minoans is with Neolithic and modern European populations.

“We conclude that the most likely origin of the Minoans is the Neolithic population that migrated to Europe about 9,000 YBP. We propose that the Minoan civilization most likely was developed by the autochthonous population of the Bronze Age Crete.”


Adolf Hitler (22 - 28 February 1942)


“When this war is over, I will return as an even more fanatic National Socialist than I was before”

Knut Hamsun


The magazine 'Viking', published by the 'Sons of Norway' has in its Jan 1990 issue a small tract honoring the great Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun who died on February 19, 1952. The occasion, however, is not so much the date of his death as it is that 1990 marks the 100th anniversary of the publication of his famous book 'Hunger', written in the style of the 'social novel' so popular around the turn of the century.

Hamsun enjoyed great fame during the 50 years from about 1890 until he made the fatal faux pas of backing Hitler when Norway became occupied by Germany in 1940. This was of course not 'acceptable' to the literary world and the publishing houses, and after WW II Hamsun was tried for treason. The charges were dropped because of his age but heavy fines were imposed. Apologists tried to put his political 'mistake' down to his advanced age, but the grand old gentleman would hear nothing of the sort; at the age of 90 he wrote his last book "On Overgrown Paths', in which he made it perfectly clear that he had made his choice and he offered no excuses for his opinions.

Knut Hamsun (born Pedersen) made a great impact on the literary community in the early part of the century. He was compared to Dostoyevski and considered the equal of other famous Norwegian navelists such as Ibsen, Bjoernson and Jones Lie. The 'social' novel was in vogue at the time and 'Hunger' dealt with the problems of the day. His works were translated into several languages, French, German and Russian, to name a few; they have also been translated into English but did not enjoy the same popularity. Many of his writings (in English) have been out of print and only the most famous are available.

However, in honor of the anniversary, Gyldendal, the Scandinavian publishing house which has been printing most of Hamsun's works, has planned a special 'very attractive edition' of HUNGER which should be available later this year. Other similar anniversary editions are scheduled of 'Mysteries' in 1992 and of 'Pan' in 1994. Unfortunately we'll have to wait some years before getting a special edition of 'Growth of the Soil' which was written in 1920 and for which Knut Hamsun was awarded the Nobel Prize.

Hamsun had strong likes and dislikes, and he was not afraid to let them be known; maybe he even had a penchant for being controversial. He didn't like the English and did not think much of Americans either. He was opposed to the surge of emigration as thousands of Norwegians left the country during the economic slump in the late 1890s.

Nevertheless, as a young man he himself went to the US. He worked at odd jobs, spending most of the time in Chicago and Minneapolis. He only stayed a few years and returned to Norway in 1888.

Hamsun was hailed as a 'writers' writer which we take to mean that his style was exceptional and influenced other writers of the time. Hemmingway, for example, is said to have 'borrowed' the Hamsun style, and the famous Norwegian was highly esteemed by his fellow artists.

When considering a writer like Knut Hamsun - the quality of his writings, the influence he had on other writers - it's truly amazing that the literary establishment simply dumped him into the memory hole because of his political leanings.

It is about time this great kinsman of ours is restored and given his due, and that his books again be found on our shelves. We are pleased that a re-publishing of his most important books is taking place and it behooves us to push this wave of popularity of our famous kinsman by promoting his writings. This first of all means that we ourselves should read his books and give him the place of honor he deserves as one of the giants of Nordic literature. In the process we'll learn about life in Norway at the time, for much of Hamsun's writings dealt with the life of common people, their work, their problems, their fight to make a living under the harsh conditions of the Norwegian weather.

A biography of Knut Hamsun has been written by the Englishman Robert Ferguson. It's a paperback, published in 1987 and apparently it makes the life of the author sound so interesting that film rights have been secured by a Norwegian film company.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Charles Manson | Abraxas

[caption id="attachment_5615" align="aligncenter" width="584"]jsn_9923 Charles Manson painting by Gloucestershire Artist – Paul Bridgman on display at The Crime Through Time Collection at Littledean Jail[/caption]

Excerpt from Charles Manson recording from Vacaville State Prison, created spontaneously c.1985-


Oh Lucifer, my light
Your heart’s been pierced
And it bleeds in my night
6 4 6
Lucifer, rise in my mind
See all in splendor
Perfection on the wind
7 5 5 6
Down in the fires at night in my
Mountain man
Keep on brave
Coming from the grave
11 3 5
Oh children of darkness
Shadows on the wall
I keep seeing you
6 5 5
In the nights oh what I see that you
Could be
Within the days oh my darling
In the days of another dream
11 8 8

Was Nelly the Greek Leni Riefenstahl?


Nelly was the 4th of August regime’s favorite photographer, which earned her the epithet of ‘the Greek Leni Riefenstahl’. Her involvement with the Metaxas regime is obvious, but did she really believe in the regime’s ideology?

Nelly (whose real name was Elli Sougioultzoglou-Seraidari, in Greek Έλλη Σουγιουλτζόγλου-Σεραϊδάρη) was born in Aidini, near Smyrna, in Asia Minor. She went to study photography in Germany under Hugo Erfurth and Franz Fiedler, in 1920-1921, before the 1922 expulsion of the ethnic Greeks of Asia Minor by the Turks following the failed Greek invasion of Asia Minor. In 1924, she came to Greece, where she adopted a naive nationalist and conservative approach to her work.

Her style coincided with the Greek state’s need to produce an ideal view of the country and its people, for internal as well as external purposes (tourism). In this respect, Nelly can be seen as the first Greek “national” advertiser, especially after her appointment as official photographer of the newly established Under-Secretariat of Press and Tourism leaded by the regime’s chief propagandist, Theodoros Nikoloudis. In fact, her pictures of ancient Greek temples set against sea and sky backgrounds helped shaped the visual image of Greece in the Western mind.


Spurred by the nostalgic stories for the motherland narrated by her middle-class parents in Asia Minor at the time of the Great Idea, Nelly saw ‘ready pictures’ waiting to be captured everywhere: ‘When I met Greece and saw its many beauties, almost on every step I saw yet another painting in front of me. Wherever I turned, I would encounter pictures ready to be shot. Our Greece can make every man an artist’.

She considered the commission by the Under-Secretariat of Press and Tourism as an opportunity for her to showcase the beauty of Greece. In fact, as a Greek of the Diaspora, her view of Greece was “idyllic”, which matched the propaganda aims of the proto-fascist regime.

In 1936, she photographed the Berlin Olympic Games while seated two rows above Hitler. She reportedly donated photo albums of her work to both Goebbels and Hitler. In Nelly’s archive, donated to the Benaki, there survives the portrait she made of Hitler. During her visit with her husband to Goebbels’ mansion, Nelly recounts the impression her photos made on Goebbels’ wife. Seizing the opportunity, Nelly requested that Goebbels recommend her to UFA, the ‘Hollywood’ of Germany, to be trained in shooting documentaries, presumably due to her admiration for Riefenstahl’s recent work. Riefenstahl had received numerous awards for her technique in the notorious propaganda 1935 film “Triumph of the Will” (Triumph des Willens), which documented the 1934 Nazi Congress in Nuremberg.


Following that success, Hitler had commissioned Riefenstahl to film the 1936 Olympic Games. There Leni Riefenstahl and Nelly met. Nelly visited Olympia in 1932 and 1937, and quite possibly with Riefenstahl during her visit in 1936 for the filming of the Berlin Olympics. Coincidentally, a new round of German excavations in Olympia began in April 1937 and in early 1938 the Greek Minister of Education and German officials visited the site.

Nelly was closely involved with the Metaxas regime beyond professional commissions. Her brother-in-law, married to her sister Maro, was Spyros Malaspinas, voted into office in 1936 as a member of the Parliament for the Cyclades. He soon became the vice-president of PIKPA (Foundation for Social Providence) and the Red Cross, when the president was Konstantinos Georgakopoulos, his close friend, who became Minister of Education of the 4th of August State. Also, in the programme from her first exhibition at the O’Toole Gallery in New York, Nelly is listed as the official photographer of the royal family and of the Greek government. She was also very good friends of Kostas Kotzias, Metaxas’ Secretary of State for Athens capital.

Nelly was actively working within the dominant ideology of the Metaxas regime producing the images that nourished and propagated it. Nelly’s ‘parallelisms’ project derived its power through the objectification of everyday people, whom she turned into icons of the authorised official discourse on racial and cultural continuity. By doing so, Nelly legitimated and reinforced the very authority of the Metaxas regime she served.

The Metaxas regime similarly advocated cultural and racial continuity and the inherent superiority of the Greek race. In a 1936 lecture to university students in Athens, Ioannis Metaxas admonished his young audience to strive towards a national rebirth and return to selected moments of the glorious past. He asked them to close their ears to ‘songs of the Sirens’ and, as a modern Odysseus, return to the ‘springs of Hellenic civilisation.’

‘To move forward, we need to go back, as did Ulysses’ comrades’. Metaxas – and Nelly – was imbued with German values and culture. The ‘Third Hellenic Civilisation’ project was Metaxas’ ideological construct for his regime as the historical successor to ancient Greek culture and the Christian Byzantine Empire, in the mode of Hitler’s Third Reich.

[gallery ids="5602,5603" type="rectangular"]

Nelly’s prolific work for the 4th of August regime also included photographs and photomontages for the regime’s fascist youth organization EON. By 1941, EON numbered over 750,000 young members, indoctrinated in the regime’s nationalist charter myth through several propaganda tools like its magazine H Neolaia. Nelly’s photos for H Neolaia rarely bore her signature, though her aesthetic composition is indisputable.

In 1939, she was commissioned by Metaxas and Nikoloudis with the decoration of the interior of the Greek pavilion at the 1939 New York’s World Fair, which she did with gigantic collages expressing in an extremely selective manner the physical similarities between ancient and modern Greeks. Her work helped illustrate the ideology of the racial continuity of the Greeks since Antiquity, which was at the core of Metaxas’ agenda.

The war broke in 1939 and Nelly had to stay in the United States. There, Nelly’s friends were the editor of the royalist diaspora newspaper Atlantis, and not the Venizelist Ethnikos Kyrix, a curious allegiance for an Asia Minor refugee and Nikos Pattakos, brother of Stylianos, who later became one of the three 1967 junta dictators

[gallery ids="5604,5605" type="rectangular"]

Her influential friend, Kostas Kotzias, was also living in the United States after 1941, and helped her. Kotzias solicited Emma Russell’s assistance to organise a grand opening reception for Nelly’s new studio in New York. Emma Russell belonged to the elite ‘New York 400’ and invited all her high-society acquaintances. Incidentally, at both the opening reception of her studio in New York, and later at her fundraising exhibition for WWII at the Baltimore Museum in 1941, which showcased her photographs of antiquities, Nelly welcomed her eminent guests in a Queen Amalia 1837 romantic court folk-dress, fashioning herself as a Greek cultural ‘ambassador’.

Nelly, who was usually refered to as Nelly’s, died in 1998 in Athens without revealing the meaning of the apostrophe. The enigmatic apostrophe in her signature has not been addressed successfully in recent scholarship, though some authors argue that she intentionally adopted the signature ‘Nelly’s’ to replicate the standard of Byzantine icon-painters who signed with their name in the genitive case to indicate that the ‘writing’ of the icon was by their own hand.

[gallery ids="5606,5607" type="rectangular"]


Sunday, January 7, 2018

From “Les Beaux Draps”


(The third of Louis-Ferdinand Céline’s pamphlets, “Les Beaux Draps” (A Fine Mess), published in February 1941, is his analysis of the causes of France’s defeat at the hands of the Germans. The causes according to Céline? The Jews, the Freemasons, and the weak, stupid, French, their souls eaten away by drink, laziness, the Jews, the Freemasons and the Communists).

The German presence vexes them?

Well what about the Jewish presence?

More Jews than ever on the streets; more Jews than ever in the press; more Jews than ever in the courtrooms; more Jews than ever at the Sorbonne; more Jews than ever in medicine; more Jews than ever in the theater, the opera, at the Français, in industry, in the banks. Paris and France more than ever handed over to the Freemasons and the Jews, more insolent than ever. More Lodges working backstage and more actively than ever. All of them more determined than ever to never surrender an inch of their farms, of their privilege to white slavery through war and peace up until the final jolt of the last confused native. And the French are quite content, perfectly in agreement, enthusiastic.

Such stupidity is beyond man. So fantastic a stupor reveals a death instinct, a gravitational pull towards the mass grave, a mutilating perversion that nothing could explain if not that the time has arrived, that the devil has captured us, that  destiny has been fulfilled.


How is public opinion made? It’s simple: it’s made in Paris. And how is a Parisian made? It’s simple; he comes from the countryside. He arrives one fine morning with a little wagon and an apple cart. And there he is on the street. And the Jew is there waiting for him, with his newspapers, his radio. He’s going to make Bidasse a Parisian; confused Bidasse is ripe for it. Let loose the brilliant slogans! A cow’s asshole in his village, Bidasse is now promoted to someone on the asphalt of the City of Lights; he’s become the object of affection, of a constant passionate solicitude. It’s decreed that he has “taste”, flair, delicacy!

Innate personal genius! The jewel of the planet! They tell him this, they declare this to him in extra-special editions with immense headlines, in fireworks, in neon! To such an extent that he’s immediately shaken up, led astray, acrobatics and everything. After a week he no longer recognizes himself. A vertigo of the intelligence! The masterpiece of twenty-two centuries! He and no one else is unique! Everywhere else they’re savages! People who don’t exist.., countries full of the pitiful and the horrid with tails growing out of  their backs!…

Try to understand what they want? What is it they want?… They don’t know anything about it! The Radicals? The monarchy? The return to “the way things used to be? The Sociale? Phalansteries? The electoral civil war? Alexandre Dumas dictator? The Mascuraud committee? Leon Blum? Reynaud? The Jesuits? Proportional representation? The lottery? The grand Mogul? What is it they want? They don’t know themselves… They’ve fucked up everything, rotted it, puked all over the place, everything they touch will be the same, disgusting, shit in two days.

They want to remain swine, slobs, disorganized, baby-bottle-suckers, that’s all. They have no other program. They want to demand things everywhere, for everything and about everything and that’s it. They’re debris with rights. A country comes to an end in “rights”, in supreme rights, in rights to nothing, in rights to everything, in the rights of the jealous, the right to famine, the right to wind.


Communism is the hobbyhorse, the warhorse of the Jew.

There’s only one way to be done with him: take his horse from him, hop up on it, and we can.

The Jew bluffer, filthy asshole, lazy good for nothing won’t even know what to do with communism when he’ll finally have it. He’ll fuck up, wreck everything. He can’t help it, it’s his nature. Social justice for the Jew? He the pheasant, the pharaoh, the blower of powder, the born pimp of the universe, the hysterical satrap reject of the Orient, the bastard of all the mystics, the useless of all professions, the imposter of all traffics, the moron turned canaille! This is the new man? Excuse me! That would be funny, that would be a miracle, this would be the first time in the world that we’d see the Jew leave behind words, filthiness, plots in order to retreat to the common rank, to regular, correct work, to grumble like everyone else like equals. That’ll never happen! It doesn’t exist! It’s contrary to his nature! Shitted out by Moses he holds to his rank of super-luxurious turd, friends only with the other shitted in Moses and the Eternal! He’s nothing but rot that rots. There’s only one authentic thing in his shit substance, it’s his hatred for us, his contempt, his rage to make us fall deeper into the mass grave. What do he hope for from communism? To tie us up tighter, squeeze our garotte ever tighter in the Jew prison.

Everyone a worker, yes, but under him! And to do what? To act on his whims, his fantasies, his fake-nigger apotheosis. There is a bit of Louverture in every Jew. Me, I’d send them all there, to Saint-Domingue, Caribbean, it would be a good climate for them. In the islands they’d see what it is, communism among cousins since they no longer want Palestine.

If there were a little more marrow in the French carcass this would be the moment to try out, absolutely among us, right here, the famous communist gris-gris, the universal panacea before the Jews inflict it on us without asking our opinion, for their victory and our torture. It would be elementary prudence, the Jews excluded, otherwise it’s a catastrophe, it’s the somersault into the abyss, the kabalistic reptilarium, the chasm of ulterior motives.

(translated by Mitchell Abidor)