National Socialists! My Party Comrades!
A fourteen-year-long struggle, unparalleled in German history, has now culminated in a great political triumph. The Reich President von Hindenburg has appointed me, the Führer of the National Socialist Movement, as Chancellor of the German Reich. National leagues and parties have united in a joint fight for the resurrection of Germany. The honor witnessed by German history of now being able to take a leading part in fulfilling this task I owe, next to the generous resolve of the Field Marshal, to your loyalty and devotion, my party comrades. You followed me on cloudy days as unerringly as in the days of good fortune and remained true even after the most crushing defeats, and it is to that fact alone we owe this success. Enormous is the task which lies before us. We must accomplish it, and we shall accomplish it. Of you, my party comrades, I have only one major request: give me your confidence and your devotion in this new and great struggle, just as in the past, then the Almighty as well will not deny us His blessings toward reestablishing a German Reich of honor, freedom and domestic peace.
Berlin, January 30, 1933
Adolf Hitler
The Day of the Aryan Awakening
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