Thursday, November 30, 2017

Carpathian Wolf


There was suddenly a hush in the crowd. A tall, darkly handsome man dressed in the white costume of a Rumanian peasant rode into the yard on a white horse. He halted close to me, and I could see nothing monstrous or evil in him. On the contrary. His childlike, sincere smile radiated over the miserable crowd, and he seemed to be with it yet mysteriously apart from it. Charisma is an inadequate word to define the strange force that emanated from this man. He was more aptly simply part of the forests, of the mountains, of the storms on the snow-covered peaks of the Carpathians, and of the lakes and rivers. And so he stood amid the crowd, silently. He had no need to speak. His silence was eloquent; it seemed to be stronger than we, stronger than the order of the prefect who denied him speech. An old, whitehaired peasant woman made the sign of the cross on her breast and whispered to us, "The emissary of the Archangel Michael!" Then the sad little church bell began to toll, and the service which invariably preceded Legionary meetings began. Deep impressions created in the soul of a child die hard. In more than a quarter of a century I have never forgotten my meeting with Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.

-Nicholas Nagy-Talavera

The Martyrdom of Corneliu Zelea Codreanu


"On November 29, 1938, in the dead of night, Codreanu and 13 of his fellow Legionaries were removed from their cells in the prison at Ramnicul-Sarat. From there they were trucked into a forest. Then, hands bound behind their backs, they were strangled in accord with the Talmudic ritual. After they were dead, their killers shot them in the back of the head. The story was put out that they tried to escape.
Codreanu's murderers had little time to savor their triumph. Within two years, Calinescu was dead, assassinated by the Legionaries, and King Carol, whose vacillating foreign policy had resulted the dismemberment of Romania at the hands of Russia, Hungary, and Bulgaria, had been forced to abdicate. He and Magda Lupescu departed Romania forever."

“…fill your hearts with fire and stand firm in the difficult and righteous struggle in which you are engaged and out of which we all have the command to emerge either victorious or dead.”

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Embrace Death


Heritage, Struggle, Blood and Soil!


Christards often show these kind of idiots to "prove" that paganism is flawed, and even if they accept that there are christian cucks (those who follow very well their cuckish doctrine), this makes them to think that there are "pagan" cucks too".

I say no. There are no "pagan" cucks. There are only cucks who calls themselves as "pagans". How can be a "pagan" someone who stands for a Slave Morality instead a Master Morality?
How can be a "pagan" someone who would embarrass his own ancestors in this way?

And they still have the nerve to say "leave our sacred symbols" when it seems they don't know those sacred symbols represent Heritage, Struggle, Blood and Soil!

No. They are just a bunch of Cultural Christians who could not get rid of the same universalist christian teachings, and think that wearing a disguise somehow makes them a "pagan".

Call them as what they are, FAKE.

Smash Cultural Christianism


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Opposition to Bolshevism


“It is with grave anxiety that I see the possibility in Europe of some such development as this: democracy may continuously disintegrate the European States, may make them internally ever more uncertain in their judgment of the dangers which confront them, may above all cripple all power for resolute resistance. Democracy is the canal through which Bolshevism lets its poisons flow into the separate countries and lets them work there long enough for these infections to lead to a crippling of intelligence and of the force of resistance. I regard it as possible then that – in order to avoid something still worse – coalition governments, masked as Popular Fronts or the like, will be formed and that these will endeavor to destroy – and perhaps will successfully destroy – in these peoples the last forces which remain, either in organization or in mental outlook, which could offer opposition to Bolshevism.”

Adolf Hitler, speech at Nürnberg, September 14, 1936

The Study of Vedic Texts from a Traditionalist Perspective

[caption id="attachment_5353" align="aligncenter" width="540"]tumblr_inline_ouo8kid4CK1ummpvq_540 Kalki the Avenger[/caption]

Throughout various debates, I have often come across the question of: “why do you study the Vedic texts?”, alongside the usual accusation of: “you’re just Hindus!” The question and the statement often arise from a lack of coherent understanding of both the Vedic tradition and the history of the Aryan people (of who I shall make a separate blog post about).

One must recall that out of all the Aryan traditions, the Vedic period is the most well recorded period. The amount of works coming out of that period is immense – we have the four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda, of which the first three are the called the “triple science” and the Rigveda being dated to the arrival of the Aryan people), the Vedanta (the “last parts of the Veda) aka the Upanishads, and we have the epics of the Ramayana and Mahabharata (the latter containing the Bhagavad Gita). This is then followed by the Zoroastrian faith with its main text the Avesta and the Hellenic, with epics such as the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Metamorphoses. These traditions are hence well recorded simply due to their history of maintaining their spiritual views through prose and poetry, employing occurring symbolism throughout.

[caption id="attachment_5352" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Arjun-krishna-together Samriddhi Krishna and Arjuna on Chariot[/caption]

As for the Norse/Germanic tradition, we are severely lacking any contemporary material from the actual people themselves. Indeed, we have the Eddas, the various Sagas, the Landnámabók, Tacitus’ Germania, Caesar’s Gallic Wars, and a few other materials - we must recall that the European tradition, most notably for the northern peoples, was an oral tradition. Alongside it being an oral tradition, much of said materials have been written by outsiders: the Romans, the Arabs, or Christian Scandinavians themselves. As such it is easy to see that their myths and legends can be obscured by such an outside influence. A most notable event would be Ragnarok, which itself is often depicted akin to the Christian Armageddon rather than a continuation of the cycle of renewal like the other Aryan traditions possess, such as the end of the Kali Yuga in the Vedic tradition into the new Golden Age.  Evola himself made heavy criticism of neo-pagans who tried to revive the old faiths of Europe, because we simply lack the resources to make an authentic faith. Instead, one of his early works, Heathen Imperialism, states for a Nordic-Roman faith, the conjoining of the two eagles, to introduce the Nordic Solar spirit into a Hellenic-based faith (to note, he is therefore described as a ‘Catholic pagan’, because in the etymological sense it would be exoterically structured similarly).

[caption id="attachment_5354" align="aligncenter" width="540"]tumblr_inline_ouo8n2xKtl1ummpvq_540 Ragnarok[/caption]

As such, it is heavily critical in understanding the various Proto-Indo-European [Aryan] traditions and their metaphysical links. The more research we make - from scriptures, architecture etc - the clearer the picture we can make of the actual Aryans, those who originated from the steppe before their spirituality was diluted as it were by the populations they intermingled with in their conquests. The Vedas, quite simply, give the biggest picture and we can use that to not only help fill in the missing knowledge of our own Germanic traditions, but to help patch together the various branches of the original PIE faith and evenreconstruct the PIE faith, which is a project of Thomas Rowsell from Survive the Jive and various fellows who label themselves as Aryanists.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Conquer, Destroy, Create.

Hans Gabriel Jentzsch (1862-1930), “Der Wehre Jacob”, #434, 1903

Most people are sick- in the head. Why? Because they lack the desire to translate into reality and because they lack the character to break the psychic chains of the modern world forged from ideas.

And I am not writing about mediocre vision, either – but about grandiose vision: vision which makes one aspire to greatness, to make real what others may sometimes dream about perhaps once in their puny, pathetic lives. I am writing about that inner vision which drives some individuals and which makes them great: makes them aspire to fulfil at least part of their god-like potential. That inner demon which compels, which makes one strive again and again and never admit defeat, even when faced with death.

Conquerors have vision: so do Artists and Explorers and Warriors. Today, there is an excess of petty individuals trying to make real their petty and cowardly concerns; an excess of petty officials and petty rules and petty governments trying to restrain the individual spirit and psyche; an excess of petty ideas trying to level down all individuals to the lowest level and SO breed a plastic bastard race equal in all things who no longer aspire to real greatness.

What is needed are individuals who dream large – who strive to make those dreams real, regardless of the consequences. In short, a return of the conquering attitude. All that is great and worthwhile is built from the blueprint of inner vision, the greatest vision is conquest – of ourselves, of others, of what is still unknown. There are no limits unless we in weakness set our limits. We, today, need to rediscover the delight of discovery and conquest: of going where no one has been before, of being masters of our own Destiny by following our visions and instincts. This is not easy. Let the weak, the scum, the majority huddle together in their quest for happiness and material well-being. Let them seek comfort in each other and ideas. Individuals are born from hardship – from the hardship of questing after a dream. Conquest and exploration bring a joy, and create a uniqueness, like no other – the joy and individuality of a god.

Seek to be like a god – that is the answer to the misery that is bred from morbid self-pity and smallness and a wallowing in abstract ideas – from the seeking after illusions like happiness and comfort and stupid ideas like ‘freedom’ and ‘justice’. The only freedom is the freedom to dream and the freedom to make that dream real, just as the only justice is that which is within each individual: what they feel. Of course, the weak and the cowardly feel a different sense of justice than the strong – they call this ‘law’ and enshrine it within a church to their gods of ‘democracy’ and ‘equality’, whereas the strong call their justice vengeance and honour, words which the majority fear or do not understand.

So what dreams are, today, fit enough for those who aspire to be like gods? There are only two, as this century ends. And they are connected.

The first is to destroy those edifices which the cowards, the weak, the huddling majority have erected to defend themselves from the natural elite – those few who dare, who defy, who despise and are fearless and conquering in their defiance. To destroy those government forms, Institutions or whatever as a prelude to renewed creation: as prelude to the conquest of the supine masses and their world. To destroy all that has and does enervate – all that makes individuals slaves and seeks to stop their dreams. For the world and its peoples exist for the benefit of the natural elite – to be subjects, to aid them, to use the resources so that in time there is an evolution upwards, rather than downwards: an evolution toward still higher forms. But this has been and only can be achieved by the majority aspiring to emulate the deeds and daring of the few, of the natural elite – by the morality and vision of the few becoming the morality and vision of the many, not the other way round. This, naturally, means suffering – perhaps wars, perhaps great sorrows. But all that is great arises from suffering not softness. Once the vision of the few is defeated by the many, once their energies are redirected – once the dreaming stops and the aspiring ceases – then there is decline and sickness, of the spirit and the psyche. This can be put very simply: war and conquest and exploration are needed; when they stop, decay sets in, the scum come to the surface.

Thus, goals of destruction, re-construction and creation must be set – and striven for. This requires a new breed, a new elite nurtured by naturalness and instinct and visions. An elite which others see, and are afraid of. Such an elite may not be political – but if it was, so what? So what if it became labelled as extreme, if the vision behind it became to be called by some name or other! Labels, names – and indeed analysis of the political, social and intellectual kind – are games played by the weak, the cowardly, the sick and the scum. What matters is action, the desire to achieve, to become again fierce, tough, forbidding and thus real individuals who have broken the psychic chains of the majority. What is important is inner resolve.

These goals would naturally lead to that second dream, fit for a god: the exploration of Space – to break away from the smallness of this world and find new ones: to explore, to conquer, to challenge us to even greater heights of being, to reach the limits of our potential and thus become god-like in our unique individuality – a new species that spreads ever onwards and upwards, toward even more, for evolution is never done. The planets, the stars, the galaxies – with their visions, their richness, their splendours, await us: and it is up to us, each and every one of us, whether we reach them, We can begin that quest – or we can remain trapped in our own pettiness with our petty, pathetic concerns and outlook, on this small insignificant planet. Or we can take up the challenge of ourselves and our future and seek to be like gods, and thus fulfil the potential latent within us.

The first step is to change ourselves – within, where it matters, and become strong in spirit and psyche: a warrior in outlook and intent. The second is to spread that change outward – to others and external forms, destroying and then creating. The third is to strive further – toward the fulfilment of our inner vision, on this world and on others.

Those who choose not to act have condemned themselves as failures.

Anton Long

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Conception of Immortality

[caption id="attachment_5343" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Picou,_Henri_Pierre_-_La_naissance_de_Pindare_-_1848 Henri-Pierre Picou - The birth of Pindar[/caption]

"The most beautiful conception of immortality of which I know, and certainly one that by contrast shows the utter vulgarity of Christian ideas, is set forth in Pindar's second Olympian: after three or six lives in which a man has lived with strict justice and perfect integrity, he passes beyond the tower of Cronus to the fair realm that cannot be reached by land or sea, where gentle breezes from a placid ocean blow forever on the fields of asphodel. For a description, see Pindar. If the beauty of great poetry can commend a religion, here you have it."

Revilo P. Oliver
"Then whosoever have been of good courage to the abiding steadfast thrice on either side of death and have refrained their souls from all iniquity, travel the road of Zeus unto the tower of Kronos: there round the islands of the blest the Ocean-breezes blow, and golden flowers are glowing, some from the land on trees of splendour, and some the water feedeth, with wreaths whereof they entwine their hands: so ordereth Rhadamanthos' just decree, whom at his own right hand hath ever the father Kronos, husband of Rhea, throned above all worlds"

Pindar's Olympian Ode 2

Pindar dedicates two Olympian odes, 2 & 3, to Theron, both for the same victory in the chariot race at the Olympic Games of 476 B.C. The poet Simonides of Ceos was also active at Theron's court. Theron (Greek: Θήρων, gen.: Θήρωνος; died 473 BC), son of Aenesidamus, was a Greek tyrant of the town of Acragas in Sicily from 488 BC.

[caption id="attachment_5344" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Theron_tomb The so-called "Tomb of Theron" near the Porta Aurea, Agrigento[/caption]


Out now on Wotansblut Records


Saturday, November 25, 2017

James Mason on Charles Manson

[caption id="attachment_5335" align="aligncenter" width="392"]tumblr_nyy1dbrZ7q1ugx58ao2_500 Charles Manson as "The Hierophant" Tarot Card style. Artwork by Antichrist Kramer.[/caption]

Charles Manson

They'll say that you can't have anything to do with such a criminal, such a defective, such a pervert, such a monster. The lesson of history is clear and the method of the Jew is exposed for those with the understanding, the intelligence and the courage that it takes to put it to use. For the rest, they write themselves off right away, as easily as that. The Revolution is going to call for people who will think, "To hell with all that other! What has he to say?" For when they exclaim to hell with the other, they mean the whole System, everything it says and everything it stands for. They then stand at the beginning. (Adolf Hitler was unable to do this because at his time he was able to work within that system but, in so doing, may have engendered his own ultimate end.)

Those who cannot, under any circumstances, accept or even try to accept Manson are unconscious of the fact that, in reality, this means they cannot accept their own reflections. They are then severely crippled– just like the Jews say they are– and not only useless to themselves or anyone else but that same kind of liability to anything they may get into as I have attempted in many various ways to outline and illustrate in SIEGE over the years.

(Even in the hostile, Jewish-System accounts of the Manson Family, you'll find no dregs or cripples such as abound in the Right Wing. Only the best from among the best– racially and otherwise, profoundly alienated by a Jew System– just as it was with the NSDAP in Germany .)

There is the immediate rise of, "What about all those drugs?" Part of the legend and lore of the Kosher myth-building machine. First, speaking for myself only, I have never used drugs and never plan to. Not only do I not feel I require them for any reason, I feel they are detrimental to the faculties both mental and physical. Second, I have had explained to me by people who are "drug wise" that there is a differentiation between natural substances such as "grass" and certain hallucinogens, and the rest of the broad drug spectrum. It was that spectrum of addictive, manufactured drugs that Manson specifically forbade among his circle. But, just from a practical point ofview, you tell a young White kid he must get his hair cut and give up grass, etc., and you are going to lose him to the other side who will be thinking to themselves– rightfully– just what a jerk you are. We will interior decorate only AFTER we have extinguished the house fire. (Same goes for sex practices as long as it is kept WHITE, just as Manson insisted.)

Last of all, as could easily be deduced from my shotgun blast against any form of "religiosity" earlier in SIEGE, I go for nothing, indeed have no tolerance for anything remotely "spooky". All of this is real, it is solid, it is as "American as apple pie", and it only may seem strange on the surface because it is so new. Manson, like Hitler, is as human as you or I. He is just special by virtue of a one-in-a hundred-million shot of gene combinations which gives him his ideas, his personality and his physical presence.

Vol. XI, #11– Nov., 1982

The Meaning of Manson

He is a product of the American heartland and was subject to the worst conditions that prevailed. But racially, psychically, and culturally he is perhaps the MOST American. Personally gifted, selfless, fearless– both morally and physically– and absolutely dedicated to Life, to Earth and to Truth. What he did– in spite of a life full of the worst adversity– rather than drown in a sea of bitterness as most would have done, he established a racial-socialist colony in Death Valley, in California, in the midst of the push-shove of the 1960's, which was neither hippie nor Right Wing.

As far as those of us today who remain active in the struggle against Death, in favor of Life, Manson's meaning is of the highest importance. His ideas can be readily accepted by racially sound, intelligent, honest Leftists as they can be by Rightists. Without Manson's input, neither side will unravel the problem nor find an answer in time. His is to date the most supreme example of defiance, action and survival.

Little more can be added here except that the verse from Mein Kampf in which Hitler cautioned against turning one's back to the immortal hands which occasionally are outstretched to us in times of great stress, has its most potent meaning at this time– "...woe to the people that is ashamed to grasp them."

[Vol. XII, #3– March, 1983]

The Attack On Manson

Last month's issue of SIEGE had gone to press at about the same time the news of the prison attack against Charles Manson reached us here. Personally, I hadn't experienced such a shock since I received the word of the assassination of Commander Rockwell. Neither had the implications for the Movement been as great as that day in 1967. It was probably better that things worked out as they did, time-wise, as there was little or nothing more that could have been added in these pages to the news reports which, I'm certain, everyone saw at that time. I dislike trying to comment in an intelligent way on a grave topic about which few facts have come in.

Speculations now aside, Manson's injuries are not severe and will produce nothing of a lasting nature. One friend reported that,"It was all over with inside of four minutes." Those with any combat experience, or experience at being wounded, will be aware that four minutes can be an eternity. But there are at least as many friends of Manson inside as there are enemies and this plus their fast action made the difference. We thank these from the bottom of our heart.

I never recalled any questions or worries during the Sixties about what would happen should someone kill the Commander or even whether anyone might seriously try. He was eminently well qualified to take care of himself and, as he would say, his very audacity helped keep him alive. But with Manson it has been different. We have worried– deeply– about the very real risk of just such an attack. If the world outside is a jungle then the world of prison is an insane asylum. It turns out that it was a "nut" that finally got to Manson after all these years but it certainly didn't have to be. Among dangerous punks of all types– inmates and guards alike it is known and accepted that a hit against Charles Manson would place one at the top of the pecking order. And it's an odd coincidence that both Rockwell and Manson were forty-nine years of age at the time of their most deadly personal attacks.

People are dying and getting killed all the time. It'll happen to each one of us sooner or later. In prison, those with "names" have been targeted traditionally since these institutions first existed. Though maybe prison, with all its risks, is and has been Manson'sworld, we still view his life as something of extreme value, something to be preserved at all cost. We have been lucky this time. I'm a believerin luck. Maybe nothing like this will happen again, or at least not for a very long time. It was as though, with the elevation of years with no significant attack, the probability of one happening was becoming critical. Now, in more ways than one, the pressure is off, for awhile.

The press, as always, treated Manson as hot property, not as an individual. That he had been seriously attacked was sensational. That he's going to be all-right is not. And it is this view– that of the Jewish press– that the majority of those in the Movement seem content to be left with concerning Manson. Not too surprising really when you match this view and this attitude with the state the Movement finds itself in.

Though I expressed the sincere feeling that I do not identify with these times, I do take pride in the fact that and the realization that I am not, in spite, stricken by contemporary blindness. Jesus of Nazareth in robes and sandals in 1934 would be a sensation. But in the year 30 A.D., he was just another guy, a shit-disturber whom they allowed to be strung up in the manner of the most common criminals. Adolf Hitler with his flashy uniform, his para-military party and his histrionic oratory today seems most out of place. In 1933, he was little different than a dozen other European dictators. They say familiarity breeds contempt while the dreamer in all of us longs for the exotic. Maybe that's why the Christs among us in the present are so often overlooked or scorned. The Movement with its weird way of looking at things can't see in Manson anything more than what the Jewish press puts in its deliberately distorted, sensationalized coverages.

What did it in the end for Jesus, Hitler and Manson is found in what they SAID and in what they DID... and not in whatever way they might have tried to attract the attention of any potential fan club. If Manson is still with us in the living, you can thank a couple of nameless prison inmates. What do you now do about that which you nearly left until it was too late?

[Vol. XIII, #11– Nov., 1984]

Siege: The Collected Writings of James Mason

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Opus Nocturne


"The night is my best friend. It calms the storm in my soul and it lets the guiding stars rise."

Joseph Goebbels

Night sprout up through the pale weakness of the day
Choked is the warmth and it's feeble loving light
Why my heart it pounds? Is it you my dark mistress say?
Worship you I do and you me never fail oh delightful night

Foolish and weak is any human love, but my bride not this
in life and so in death I for you shall fight
Your cold breath caresses me of my mind and into my wish
You I can love for you are as me oh precious night

[caption id="attachment_5332" align="aligncenter" width="564"]0960c614bd4939f51877b27373f3e5e2 Willy Kriegel “Nacht” (1943)[/caption]

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A Nation of homogeneous people


"Our republican system was meant for a homogeneous people; as long as the Negroes continued to live with the whites they would constitute a threat to the national life. Family life might also collapse and the increase of "the mixed breed bastards," might some day challenge the supremacy of the white man."

Abraham Lincoln



"Courage, however, is the best slayer - courage which attacks: which slays even death itself, for it says, “Was that life? Well then! Once more!"

Friedrich Nietzsche

Monday, November 20, 2017

Free! As he always was

‘In my mind’s eye my thoughts light fires in your cities.’


"Where the eagle flies
We will lie under the Sun
Where the eagle flies
We will die
Die to be one"

"Nights are so dark and the winds so cold

love's fire is burning and you can't grow old

Just a flame with the poison one

Sun in yourself with the Devil's Sons"


Sunday, November 19, 2017

David Lane: Hess, Rockwell, Mathews and Others - You're Not Forgotten


The significance, importance and effects of martyrs on religious or secular power systems and on revolutionary movements has always been known and exploited by the tyrants of Church and State.

Indeed, when the tyrants had no true martyrs they created them. A Roman general on his way to crush a revolt in Palestine nearly 2,000 years ago remarked that it was strange, since Jews wrote the laws of Rome. As Bob Miles used to say, "Thieves have power struggles amongst themselves." In the end, however, the victims are made into martyrs for the greater conspiracy.

The Judeo-Christians, ever eager to emulate their Jewish masters, perfected the art of creative and false martyrdom. With the possible exception of America, the religion from Rome has been the greatest mass murder and torture machine ever inflicted on the White Aryan race. The numbers killed, tortured and enslaved in religious wars, inquisitions and power struggles boggles the mind. Bodies torn apart on the rack, tongues torn out, molten lead poured down throats, eyes gouged out, boys castrated in Vatican choirs, and on and on. The Protestant offspring of the Roman whore, with their burning at the stake of witches, heretics and non-conformists, were no better. Yet in monstrous hypocrisy the Christians sing the praises of their fictitious martyrs.

Robert Jay Mathews, of whom we shall speak more, was a real, flesh and blood man who sacrificed his life in the pain of being burned alive in Federal flames, because he loved his people. Even if the motive force of the universe had turned itself into a mortal man(Jesus) in order to have himself killed by mortal men, in order to keep himself from turning men into hot dogs at a divine and eternal weenie roast(hell), the sacrifice would not exceed that of Bob Mathews's. And to equate allegory with reality is suicidal. But the point I am making is that wise men understand the power of martyrdom. It is the blood of martyrs that stirs an oppressed people. We must honor above all things those who have given their lives or freedom for the preservation of the folk. If we fail to honor the memory of our heroes, then we are miserable ingrates who rightfully perish in the Zionist New World Order.

It is, of course, impossible to know the names of even a small percentage of our honorable ancestors. The 4,500 unarmed Wotanists murdered on the banks of the Elbe by Charlemagne's insane Christian army, for example, the millions who died on the Eastern Front, the million starved to death in Eisenhower's POW death camps, the children fighting to the last in the rubble of Berlin, the soldiers of the Southern States in Confederate Grey, the women and children burned alive in Dresden and Hamburg are among the unnamed. They must not be forgotten. Still the folk are moved by the exploits of individuals with whom they can identify or whose deeds were exceptionally heroic. So here we shall pay homage to a few we all know.


First and foremost in America, in my opinion, we must remember Commander George Lincoln Rockwell and Bruders Schweigen leader Robert Jay Mathews. Overseas, no man ever symbolized better the qualities of loyalty, honor and eternal courage than the martyr for peace, Rudolf Hess.

Among billions of mortals who have inhabited the earth the last few thousand years, providence has seen fit to send among us only a very few of those divinely inspired and selfless individuals who stand resolutely against the tide of decay, decadence and death. Such men are identified by their courage, by uncompromising integrity, by ability, by willingness to sacrifice and by perseverance.

All these qualities we see in Commander Rockwell. Although blessed with talents as an artist, writer and speaker who could have prospered mightily within the system, he sacrificed all for integrity and the preservation of his people. He came to us at one of those junctures in history when a last chance was evidenced, the last small chance that a man of tremendous charisma, determination and talent might establish a political movement for the preservation of the White Aryan race. Commander Rockwell's dreams and his life were snuffed out by a vile and treasonous assassin named John Patler in August of 1967. May the name Rockwell be reverenced as long as the Aryan race lives!

Some 16 years after the murder of Commander Rockwell another true hero of the folk rose up to keep the flame of resistance to genocide burning. His name was Robert Jay Mathews. By this time in America and in most of the once White nations it was self evident to all White men of integrity that there were no possible peaceful solutions available to stop the Judeo-American, Judeo-Christian murder of the White race. A guerrilla army in conjunction with migration, plunder and destruction of the Zionist Occupation Government's various organs of power were the only remaining options in the struggle for our racial survival. Of course, that is even more true today, although the cowards of the C.R.A.P.(Christian Rightwing American Patriots) continue to deny reality and to honor the institutions of our executioners. Robert Mathews was the absolute epitome of purity of purpose, integrity, courage and determination. When he formed the Bruders Schweigen on the Pagan holiday of the Autumnal Equinox in 1983, he estimated he would live a year before dying in battle with Zionist Federal murderers of his race. Yet he marched to his fate with unwavering courage. On December 8, 1984 Bob was murdered, burned alive by Federal cowards and traitors. May the name Mathews be reverenced as long as the Aryan race lives!


Rudolf Hess must rightfully be honored as a martyr among martyrs. He was a greater influence in the Third Reich than most know. Some say he was even the major writer of Mein Kampf, although graciously allowing all credit to go to Adolf Hitler. Over nearly a half century of unjustified imprisonment, much of it in solitary confinement, Hess never betrayed his race, or his leader or his comrades. His attempt to bring peace between the then Aryan countries of Germany and Britain ran counter to the Zionist aim of genocide through fratricidal war. So, he was hated with passion by the world's talmudic rulers. Finally, as an old man he was severely beaten and hanged in his solitary prison, as a final act of cruelty. May the name Hess be reverenced as long as the Aryan race lives!

Certainly those of us who have long been active in resistance to the Zionist murder of the White race cannot forget the saga of Gordon Kahl and his family. Gordon was a World War 2 veteran who, like so many others, once thought he served a noble cause. When he later became aware that America was a Zionist conspiracy to destroy the White race he began to teach against the income tax, evidently realizing that we are ruled and destroyed by the tax money extorted from our folk. One thing led to another and eventually there was an armed confrontation, as several Feds shot and wounded Gordon's son Yorie, Gordon shot back, killing two of the treacherous ambushers. Yorie, for the crime of being a Federal assassination target and surviving, spends his life in prison, while Gordon was hunted down and murdered by the Federals. Ever since, Gordon's courageous widow, Joan, has been attempting to secure justice and the release of her son. The Kahl saga is one that should sadden and infuriate us all. May the name Kahl be reverenced as long as the Aryan race lives!

The best known, and deservedly so, woman martyr in America is Vicki Weaver. Even the FBI psychological profile reportedly stated that she was the pillar of strength in the Weaver family. Recent events would seem to indicate the profile was correct, since her widower has not avenged her death. Even worse, he appears to have adopted the defeatist and suicidal party line of the C.R.A.P., that there are peaceful solutions. At any rate, the Weavers were White separatists who wished to live in the wilderness of North Idaho, as far as possible from the Federal race mixing programs, so they were picked as easy targets by the Federal integration police. The Federal assassins first murdered Vicki's 14 year old son by shooting him in the back. Then, they blew Vicki's head off while she held her infant daughter in her arms. In case any of you still think there is mercy or justice in the hearts of Federals, this should be the final step necessary to disabuse you; it is a foolish notion. Police are mercenaries and they serve for paychecks. They are always the enemy of freedom-lovers under oppressive governments.

Regrettably it is impossible to list all the martyrs of recent years, but there are a few names more which must not gounmentioned. Joe Tommassi, founder of the National Socialist Liberation Front, was assassinated in 1975. Joe was among the first to face the reality that there was no peaceful solution. Kathy Ainsworth, a pregnant, White activist was assassinated by the FBI. John Singer, Arthur Kirk, Joe Rowan and Eric Hanson must not be forgotten.

Remember always, these are not fictitious or artificially created martyrs. These were real people, true heroes of your race, who gave their all for a future for your children. They should be held in reverence and awe. Their names should be on the lips and in the minds of our children. They provide strength in death, just as they did in life. They valued freedom and Nature's highest law, the preservation of one's own kind, more than life itself. We must collectively follow their example or our race, not unlike the dinosaur, will find extinction an inescapable reality.

Α river of Blood through the times...

This video reveals the racial types of Ancient times and the racial continuity between Ancient and Modern Hellenes.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Motörhead - Iron Fist - Trailer 1982

Manager at the time, Douglas Smith, though he would become a film maker, and did this little trailer. Along with other gimmicks, like the band decending from the ceiling of the venue on a mobile stage, this film was to have been shown at the beginning of the gigs on the Iron Fist tour. Theses things took place on the first 1 or 2 gigs, along with a huge Iron Fist opening up, (see Iron Fist video), but then the machinery broke down and the band simply went back to playing the gigs as normal.


Jean Hérold-Paquis: The voice of Paris


Jean Auguste Hérold, better known as Jean Hérold-Paquis (4 February 1912 Arches, Vosges – 11 October 1945), was a French journalist who fought for the Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War - sent as a reporter in Spain in 1937, he gave up his pen for weapons and he joined the Francoist side in the Tercio (foreign legion). After being wounded by a bullet on the Turuel front, he was responsible for French-language broadcasts at Radio Zaragoza. He also founded the Association of Friends of Radio Zaragoza, which has up to 18,000 members. In 1939, he had the opportunity to meet Marshal Pétain, appointed Ambassador of France to Spain, accredited to General Franco.

In 1940 he was appointed as Delegate for Propaganda in the Hautes-Alpes department by the Vichy authorities. From 1942, he broadcasts daily news reports on Radio Paris, in which he regularly called for the destruction of the United Kingdom. His catch phrase was "England, like Carthage, shall be destroyed !". It's broadcasts were pitched directly against the BBC broadcasts of Radio Londres by French figures like Pierre Dac, who sang the taunting refrain "Radio Paris ment, Radio Paris ment, Radio Paris est allemand." That roughly translates to "Radio Paris lies, Radio Paris lies, Radio Paris is German.") He set it to the theme of 'La Cucaracha'. (The song dates back to the 1700s).


He was a member of the French Popular Party, better known as the PPF, one of the two main Fascist parties under the Occupation. In his editorial of 20 November 1943, Herold-Paquis publicly announces that he symbolically commits himself to the Waffen-SS and became a member of the Waffen SS Honorary Committee. He remained very critical of the Vichy regime, considered "too soft" in its policy. After the battle of Paris, in August 1944, he fled to Germany. He continues his chronicles on the antenna of Radio Patrie which emits from German territory. Having yielded to Minister Abel Bonnard's brother his place on the plane taking Pierre Laval to Spain, he went to Switzerland on May 15, 1945. He was handed over to the French authorities on July 8, 1945, and then imprisoned in the Fresnes prison.

In prison he wrote a book of memories, edited by his lawyer and published after his death, in 1948, under the title "Des illusions... Désillusions !.. Mémoires de Jean Herold-Paquis 15 Août 1944-15 Août 1945" which remains one of the best testimonies on the atmosphere of the last days of the Parisian collaboration. He was put on trial and sentenced to death on September 17, 1945. The prosecution did not use any witnesses, merely having the court record of the accused's chronicles and that was enough to sentence to death an innocent man. He was executed for "treason" on 11 October 1945 at the Fort de Châtillon.


Other books he wrote:

- "Paroles en l'air ?" (Words in the air?) Ed. Documents Contemporains 1943.
- "L'Angleterre comme Carthage.." (England as Carthage) Ed. Inter France 1944.
- Disque 33t de "discours de Herold-Paquis" " (Herold-Paquis speech) collection Hommes et Faits du XXe siècle.
- Journal L'Appel, dir. Pierre Constantini,n°175 du 06 Juillet 1944 : Editorial prononcé par Jean Herold-Paquis, au soir de l’assassinat de Philippe Henriot, au poste de Radio-Paris (Editorial pronounced by Jean Herold-Paquis, on the evening of the assassination of Philippe Henriot).

Books on him:

- "Les Procès de la Radio : Ferdonnet et J.H.Paquis" (The Trials of the Radio) A.Michel 1947.
- "Les Procès de Trahisons ,Paquis, Bucard, Luchaire, Brasillach" (The Trials of Betrayal, Paquis, Bucard, Luchaire, Brasillach) Edition de Paris 1947.

He is buried in the Parisian cemetery Thiais (thanks to XdK for the photo of the tomb of Jean Herold-Paquis). The epitaph written on his tombstone:

It's only a goodbye my brothers ...

tombe-herold-paquis (1)

Anti Bolshevik meeting at Vel 'd'hiv'

At the Vel 'd'Hiv, a large crowd attends the meeting. There is a banner in the public: "Europe united against Bolshevism". At the microphone: -Joseph Darnand: "We have troops all over France who are ready to fight ... We prefer, as for us to die than to suffer the triumph of Israel". -Jean Hérold-Paquis: "There is no lame solution French and French, you are asked to be brave enough, enough decided, enough French to say anything, to take sides.We must be with the legionnaires of the Eastern Front, against the assassins of the French front, or else, you have to come in and say it, to enter the camp of terrorism against your homeland, but it is not possible to to be hesitant between the two or France will be exiled without liberation, or it will be released from the Muscovite killers. - Marcel Déat: "It will be necessary in both areas, the people who for three years fighting in the forefront are not just targets offered to the killers ... It is not possible, the day the Anglo Americans will try to set foot on the continent, it is not possible that does not stand before them a compact nation, gathered, armed ... "- -Philippe Henriot:" The men without honor who went away in London to excite you to murder, vengeance, hatred between the French, are the fighters of the civil war ... So you did not understand that this English radio in French is a company built by rogues at the Program of BBC"


Friday, November 17, 2017

The Aryan Sun Gods: A Forgotten Memory of White Origins


In the January/February edition of The Barnes Review history magazine, the mythological and archaeological evidence of white influence upon the rise of global civilization was analyzed in an article entitled “Ancient Caucasians: The Legacy of the Fallen Race.” This article took a look at the huge number of global civilizations that credit “white gods” with bringing their peoples the basics of civilization, including religion, astronomy, medicine, farming, advanced building techniques and more. Among the people often believed to have evolved independently from the Western World were the Chinese. In the early 1990s, however, the solidity of the theory of isolated Asian origins was forever challenged.

Already, in 1974, the vast tomb of China’s first emperor had been unearthed, featuring an entire army of terracotta soldiers individually cast and ornamented as if poised to follow the emperor into the afterlife. While the terracotta soldiers merely affirmed Chinese assumptions about their own origins, another discovery dating back to the first years of the 20th century, and eventually rediscovered nearly 100 years later, would prove damaging to the Chinese world view. In 1988, in a back room of an old museum, Professor Victor H. Mair of Pennsylvania University stumbled upon one of the greatest Chinese archeological discoveries of all time: Caucasian mummies.

Scattered across the desert sands of the Tarim Basin in present-day Xinjiang were mummies so different from the standard East Asian population that they indicated a history spurred on by visitors from the West.  Indeed, an ancient legend regarding the birth of the world said that a giant being, Pan’Ku, who was described as having long blond hair which covered most of his body, created the world and its people from his own body and hair. This legend mirrors ancient European myths such as that of both Germanic and Keltic tribes.

The fact that it was ancient Aryans who brought the Chinese the wheel, the domesticated horse, even iron weapons, has been preserved in their mythology as a racial memory of past events. According to Chinese myth, some of their most ancient pyramids, including those near Mongolia and the Tarim Basin where the Caucasian mummies were found, were built by the Sun gods. These Chinese Sun gods were depicted as being tall, blond and blue-eyed, with a light, ruddy complexion.  The word Aryan means noble, and in Hindu myth Aryans are described as the shining ones given their birthright from the power of the Sun.

Also, in Tibetan myth, Agni, the god of fire and creation, used the symbol of the Sun, a swastika, as the tool of creation, known as the fire-whisk. The swastika is the eternal symbol of the Aryans, of the Sun and creation and is also the symbol of the Chinese Sun gods.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Southern Elite Circe

Support the Stronghold of Resistance in the South!

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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

German Cemetery of Buenos Aires


[gallery ids="5231,5232,5233" type="square"]

The German Memorial in the German Cemetery, Buenos Aires, Argentina dedicated to German soldiers who died in both World Wars.


[gallery ids="5243,5240,5241,5242" type="square"]

Graves of German crew members from the ship Graf Spee. Among the graves is the grave of Commander Hans Langsdorff who committed suicide on 20 December 1939 after he had sunk the Graf Spee on 17 December 1939 because of the low amount of amunition after the Battle of Rio de la Plata on 13 December 1939.

[caption id="attachment_5248" align="alignnone" width="743"]langsdorff_funeral_b_peter_feuerstein December 21, 1939: The coffin of Kapitän zur See Hans W. Langsdorff at the German Cemetery in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Standing next to the coffin Korvettenkapitän (ing.) Carl Klepp (left) and Korvettenkapitän Jürgen Wattenberg (right).[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_5247" align="alignnone" width="744"]langsdorff_funeral_a_peter_feuerstein December 21, 1939: The funeral procession for Kapitän zur See Hans W. Langsdorff, in the front row from left to right are; Korvettenkapitän (ing.) Carl Klepp, Fregattenkapitän Paul Ascher and Korvettenkapitän Jürgen Wattenberg. (Note, Fregattenkapitän Paul Ascher escaped and returned to Germany, he was assigned to the Bismarck and was killed when Bismarck was sunk May 27, 1941.)[/caption]

(From the collection of Kapitän zur See (ing.) Carl Klepp (1900-1974) Admiral Graf Spee)
Courtesy of Dr. Peter Feuerstein


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Inside the cemetery there is also a Memorial for all the Hungarian martyrs and heroes, including those of the anti-communist revolution of October 1956.



Note: all the pictures of the cemetery are taken by me - November 2017 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Folk & Land

[caption id="attachment_5212" align="aligncenter" width="499"]tumblr_mmaanknVEK1qd42nao1_540 Winslow Homer (February 24, 1836 – September 29, 1910) - Song of the Lark, 1876[/caption]

The soil is the foundation of our European Culture, both in terms of practical sustenance and spiritually; The land has a mystical quality to which the Folk is rooted by ties of Family - of Blood - for generation upon generation. This is the meaning of that misunderstood and slandered concept Blood & Soil. The Village emerges to fill the social and economic needs of an expanding rural population to both sell produce and facilitate social communication. This is the beginning of a culture. As the Culture gives way to Civilization, the symbols are no longer the land and its Family/Blood rootedness, nor the Village; but the Town becoming City, and ultimately (at the last, 'Winter' phase of a Civilization) the Megalopolis, drawing the rural population into its embrace, submerging the city- dweller into a nebulous, alienated mass of proletarians and merchants without ties of land or blood and with at most a precarious notion of family. Above it all stand the new lords and masters: the Bankers, with their democratic political demagogues.

The philosopher-historian Oswald Spengler, writes of this disintegration in ‘The Decline of The West’:

"The Megalopolis - skeptical,practical, artificial - alone. Represents Civilization today. The soil-peasantry before its gates does not count. The 'People' means the city-people, an inorganic mass, something fluctuating.”

Blood & Soil - A Heathen Manifesto 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Knowledge-a form of asceticism

[caption id="attachment_5199" align="aligncenter" width="540"]James Arthur O_Connor. James Arthur O'Connor (1792-1841) A Moonlit Landscape[/caption]

The most spiritual men, as the strongest, find their happiness where others would find their destruction: in the labyrinth, in hardness against themselves and others, in experiments. Their joy is self-conquest: asceticism becomes in them nature, need, and instinct. Difficult tasks are a privilege to them; to play with burdens that crush others, a recreation. Knowledge-a form of asceticism. They are the most venerable kind of man: that does not preclude their being the most cheerful and the kindliest.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Serrano: My Comrade


“In this turn of the wheel, I have dedicated myself to explaining a Myth and a Legend, embodying them in my life. I have gone through life singing a certain obsessive melody, whose key was given me in the land of my birth. I don’t remember if it was here, or in another place which is even farther away, in a remote, polar region. It seems to me that none of this is new, but that I have repeated it thousands of times.

I was orphaned as a child and was brought up by a widow called Fresia or Freyja, my paternal grandmother. I grew up in the forests of this southern land like a ‘pure madman’. Nothing more. Very soon I rebelled against the Great Widow, entering upon this combat with no other weapons than the memory of the face in the flower in the garden of my childhood. Without God, because I also lost him very early on.

As I narrate this ‘hermetic biography’ which is not accessible to everyone, this legend, and as I sing my melody softly, I thought to describe - with difficulty, enveloped in the mists of passing years and turns of the wheel - my meeting with and loss of a companion of my youth, whom I believe I called Jason, although his name was really Hector. Together we lived solar times, in a midday which was a midnight, dreaming of and searching for the City of Dawn.

Jason died young, He wanted to remain pure and upright so as to continue the search in a new turn of the wheel, in times which would be more propitious for him. He would continue his search through all the turns of the wheel, in those to come and those that came before.

At his graveside, I sang the Song of the Comrade:

‘If you doubt,
I laugh joyfully. 
If you sleep,
I keep watch for you.
If you leave, 
I shall fight for both of us.
Because to each warrior 
The Gods have
Given a comrade.’

And if I return to life, you will also return to life in me. And if you have a dog, I will look after it. And I will enter the city with it. Thus there will be a dog in the sky with us.”

Nos, Book of Resurrection, page 54

Free Ursula Haverbeck!

Free Ursula.

Fascist mysticism


"In this sense "mystical fascism" means belief in the absolute truth of the doctrine established by the Duce and the same belief in the necessity of this doctrine, as a way of greatness and power of the nation (...). With this fascist mysticism is called the preparation for more energetic action and more on which the ideals of Fascist statements tend to translate into reality ... The mystical fascism ... can best be described as the Fascist action determined by a stronger faith in the absolute truth of Fascist propositions. In this sense we can understand how one can speak of a mystical part of the Fascist doctrine or the best of the doctrine of Fascism, and how to prepare a school that is appropriate and addresses the best part of the Italian youth towards this mysticism, that is, towards this "more fascist" action."
— From the Dictionary of Politics, edited by the National Fascist Party, Vol III, p. 185 to 186, Rome 1940

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Greece by by J.A. McClymont (Introductory)

[caption id="attachment_5156" align="alignnone" width="1000"]INTERIOR OF THE TEMPLE OF APOLLO AT BASSÆ IN ARCADIA INTERIOR OF THE TEMPLE OF APOLLO AT BASSÆ IN ARCADIA. On the left of the picture are shown some of the columns of the eastern side of the Temple, together with the attached columns of the cella, a peculiar architectural feature of this Temple. The front (north) part of the cella was hypæthral, so the floor below the opening in the roof was slightly hollowed out—as shown in the drawing—to collect the rain-water. Mount Ithome appears between the columns of the southern end of the Temple.[/caption]

Paintings by John Fulleylove

MORE perhaps than any other country in Europe, Greece owes its charm to the traditions of a remote past. It has no lack of fine scenery, and there is much that is interesting in its modern life; but what chiefly distinguishes it from other countries is the rich and beautiful mythology which is reflected in its poetry, its art, and its philosophy, and was to a large extent the inspiration of its glorious history.

It will not be expected that any attempt should be made in these pages to give an adequate account of the artistic and architectural creations which, even in their ruins, form the chief attraction of the country. For detailed information on these matters, the reader must be left to consult such guide-books as Baedeker and Murray, or works specially devoted to archæology or art. The object of the present writer will be attained if he succeed in providing a congenial intellectual atmosphere for the scenes and objects to be presented by the artist. For this purpose it will be necessary, among other things, to recall many of the ancient legends, as well as the historical events associated with the places referred to. The history cannot be understood apart from the mythology, for the latter is a key to the religious faith as well as to the patriotic sentiment of the nation.

Opinions may differ as to the right interpretation of many of the myths, but whatever explanation we may be disposed to give of them, whether we regard them as allegorical, semi-historical, or purely poetical, they are generally full of human interest, and they were very dear to the Greeks as the embodiment of their earliest thoughts and cherished memories. Embalmed in their poetry, consecrated by their temples, and signalised by many other monuments, the Greek mythology formed for centuries the chief intellectual wealth of the nation. Even when history and philosophy had begun to make their influence felt, the old stories, dramatised by the tragic poets, still continued to fill the imagination and to occupy the attention of all classes of the people. Though Plato had a good deal to say against some of them from an ethical point of view, he did not propose in his ideal Republic to do away with them altogether, he only wished them to be so corrected and purified as to promote the interests of a sound morality and a reasonable theology.

[caption id="attachment_5160" align="alignnone" width="1000"]THE WESTERN END OF THE ACROPOLIS SEEN FROM BELOW THE PNYX THE WESTERN END OF THE ACROPOLIS SEEN FROM BELOW THE PNYX. The position of the Propylæa, the magnificent gatehouse of Pentelic marble designed by the architect Mnesicles, is admirably shown in this drawing. All the five doorways, which were closed by doors of bronze, are seen against the sky. Immediately to the left is the north wing (the Pinacotheca); to the right the bastion surmounted by the little Niké Temple. High above all rises the Parthenon. Coming down to the foreground, we may note, on the right, the great supporting wall of the Theatre of Herodes Atticus with the blue Hymettos behind it; and, to the left, the pinkish coloured rock of the Areopagus, with Lycabettos above.[/caption]

An important feature of Greek mythology was its close connection with the received genealogies. These nearly always terminated, at the upper end, in a god or a hero, after whom a family or a group of families was named, with the curious result, to our modern mind, that the shorter the pedigree the more honour it conferred upon its living representative. The public genealogies were thus an incentive both to the piety and the pride of the more influential classes, and they help to account for the reverence in which the ancient mythology was so long held by such an enlightened nation as the Greeks.

With the exception of Palestine, there is probably no country that can compare with Greece for the influence it has exerted on the life and thought of the world, in proportion to its size and population. In area it was never so large as Scotland, and its population, which is now under two millions and a half, was probably never much greater.

How far the influence of ancient Greece was due to the racial characteristics of its inhabitants, which they brought with them from other parts of the world, and how far to the peculiarities of the country itself, is a question which it is not easy to determine. To some extent, no doubt, both causes operated. The inhabitants belonged to a good stock, the Indo-Germanic, while their geographical position and surroundings were well fitted to develop a high type of manhood. The beauty of the scenery, the purity of the atmosphere, the geniality of the climate, the fertility of the plains and valleys, the grandeur of the mountains,—more numerous and widespread than in any other part of Europe of similar extent except Montenegro,—the bracing influence of the sea, and the commercial advantages afforded by its coasts, which are more extensive than those of any other country in proportion to its size, looking in the direction of Europe, Asia, and Africa—all these things no doubt helped to make the ancient Greeks the great nation that they were, though their comparative obscurity in modern times shows that something more is needed to produce a similar effect.

[caption id="attachment_5165" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]THE TEMPLE OF THESEUS FROM THE SOUTH-WEST THE TEMPLE OF THESEUS FROM THE SOUTH-WEST. The mountain dominating the Temple, to the right (east), is Lycabettos; the distant mountain to the left is Pentelikon.[/caption]

If we would form an adequate conception of the nation’s influence, we must take into account the numerous Greek colonies which were planted in Asia Minor and on the southern shore of the Black Sea, on the coast of Macedonia, along the Hellespont and Bosporus, and also in Sicily and Italy, where a new Greek world sprang up, which received the name of Magna Græcia. Hundreds of years before Athens reached the height of its glory, there was a Greek city in Italy, Cumæ (founded by colonists from Chalcis and Cymæ in Asia Minor), which held the first place in the peninsula for wealth and civilisation; while another Greek settlement was to be found as far west as Marseilles, which had been colonised from Phocæa in Asia Minor about 600 B.C.

The inhabitants of Greece in this wider sense not only spoke the same language (whose preservation was largely due to the influence of Homer), but were also bound together by fellowship in blood, in religion, and in manners. They were hardly more distinguishable from the rude and ignorant tribes of Europe than from the more civilised Orientals who practised human sacrifice, polygamy, and the mutilation of enemies. But perhaps the most marked characteristic of the Greeks was their love of local autonomy, and their rooted aversion to anything like imperial rule, such as prevailed so widely in Asia. Their attachment to an individual city, as the capital of a small district, was doubtless due in great measure to the divided nature of the country, which is broken up by mountains and rivers and arms of the sea into numberless plains and valleys only a few miles in extent. While this had the effect of fostering a spirit of independence, combined with a sense of civic obligation, which helped to develop the energies and capacities of the individual, the proximity to each other of so many rival states bred a great amount of jealousy and strife, which frequently led to bloody and destructive wars. Such disintegrating tendencies were too much even for the consolidating force of a common language and literature, or of voluntary confederations for the purpose of worship or amusement. Occasionally a great national emergency, such as the Persian invasion, might force the Greeks to join together for the resistance of a common foe, but it was almost inevitable that sooner or later they should fall into the hands of a great military power, such as Macedonia, and lose the civic liberties of which they were so proud. The political decay of Greece, however, only widened the scope of its influence. As the dissolution of the Jewish polity was followed by the rapid spread of a religion which had its roots in the Jewish Scriptures, so the national degradation of the Greeks led to a still wider diffusion of their language, their literature, and their civilisation.

[caption id="attachment_5169" align="alignnone" width="1000"]THE STREET OF TOMBS OUTSIDE THE DIPYLON (GATE) AT ATHENS THE STREET OF TOMBS OUTSIDE THE DIPYLON (GATE) AT ATHENS. One of the most remarkable tombs is that surmounted by a colossal bull in the act of charging. This statue has undergone a good deal of restoration, but it is a singularly effective piece of work when seen relieved against the sky in such a climate as that of Athens. Between this tomb and the tall shaft (stelé) surmounted by an acroterion we get a view of the Parthenon, with a storm approaching from the East.[/caption]

From the book: Greece: Painted by John Fulleylove; described by J.A. McClymont 1906

Read the whole book and see the illustrations here: here

Note: this blog doesn’t necessarily agree with everything written in this article.

Men cannot exist without Roots

[caption id="attachment_5125" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Franz Stassen (1869-1949) “Der Ring Des Nibelungen- Das Rheingold” Franz Stassen (1869-1949) “Der Ring Des Nibelungen- Das Rheingold”[/caption]

"Men exist only by what distinguishes them: clan, lineage, history, culture, tradition. There are no universal answers to the questions of existence and behavior. Every civilization has its truths and its gods . . . . Every civilization creates its own answers, without which the individual, man or woman, lacking identity and archetypes, is thrown into a world of chaos. Like plants, men cannot exist without roots. Every individual must discover his own."

Dominique Venner