Saturday, September 30, 2017

“Hammer” Joe Rowan 1972 - 1994


THE FACTS: On Saturday, October 1st, 1994, at approx. 2:15 am, Joe entered a convenience store to purchase beer and food on his way to a gathering after the concert, which ended just 30 minutes earlier. In the store, an argument broke out between Skinheads and 3 blacks, who left the store unharmed. Moments later, one of the blacks re-entered the store with a weapon that he had apparently gotten from the car, and began shooting at the Skinheads inside. Joe was hit in the left side of the mid-section during the ensuing chaos and the bullet passed right through him. He died almost immediately.

The police arrested the suspected gunman, Naseer Ghani, age 19, who was positively identified by several Skinheads. Racine County District Attorney Robert Flancher has stated that “We are convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Ghani did the shooting.” Despite the eyewitness testimonies and detailed statements provided at the scene, Ghani was released from custody on Tuesday, October 4th without formal charges having been laid. At press time, charges still have not been laid. Ghani’s attorney, Racine lawyer Mark Richards, argued that the arrest of Ghani was based on “the unreliable claims of White supremacist witnesses who picked out the first black man they saw.”

In the early morning hours of October 1st, 1994, Joe Rowan was murdered by the enemies of our people on his 22nd birthday. Joe was such a loved brother, father, husband, and son. He was always a soothing presence in such a tulmutuous time. Of the five years I knew Joe I never saw a frown on his face or a negative word exit his lips. He forced us to laugh through our tears and smile through adversity. Who ever could forget his warm smile and reassuring words? As a spokesman for the Hammerskin Nation, he conveyed our message in the most passionate way. He proved we are a proud group but not feeling above other comrades. “Hammer Joe” is a name we shall revere forever.

As a warrior, Joe was without equal. He never backed down verbally or physically no matter how great the odds. When others ran, Joe dug in and fought. Like a rock in the sea, Joe stood firm and unmovable. Joe’s last deed on this earth was fighting the enemy and he died protecting his brothers and sisters who were in harms way. As a man of strong ideals, Joe fought this system that seeks to destroy our Race, always putting the 14 Words above his own comfort and safety. As could be expected, he ran afoul of the system several times, yet he never begged for mercy or turned on his people or his ideals. He fought this system that values gold over blood, the mass over the best, filth over purity, and guilt over pride – to the end.

All of us will forever carry our loss of such a dear comrade. The blood of Joe’s murderer and a million of his kind could never quench the burning pain we feel. But we must realize that Joe paid a price we all must be willing to pay. Joe gave his life so that our people might live. His thoughts were always with the martyrs of our Cause and now he sits in Valhalla waiting for us. Silently or to a member of our kin, let us all renew our oath to fight to the death the system and the people that took our brother from us. To do less would be an insult to Joe’s memory.

Joe is still with us in spirit. Until final victory, he stands with us. Every time we hear his music or we look into the faces of the 2 beautiful WHITE children he helped bring into this world, he is there. Until we take our seats with the gods, remember the words of Bob Mathews: "Defeat never, victory forever!” The true virtues of every devout National Socialist: Honor, Loyalty, and Bravery were Joe’s watchwords. Let us strive in the same. We love you Joe and you will live in our hearts and minds forever. – Richard R.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Gods have not disappeared

[caption id="attachment_4425" align="aligncenter" width="476"]Illustration from Satan, his Origin, Work, and Destiny by Carlyle Boynton Haynes, 1920 Illustration from Satan, his Origin, Work, and Destiny by Carlyle Boynton Haynes, 1920[/caption]

"Contemporary man is blind to the fact that, with all his rationality and efficiency, he is possessed by ‘powers’ that are normally beyond his control. His ghosts and gods have not disappeared at all; they merely have new names."

Carl G. Jung

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Not caring


"Similarly, only people as misanthropic as myself can be counted on not to have to lie to others, since we have the unique luxury of not caring what sort of opinions others formulate about us."

Boyd Rice.

My people you'll awake to accomplish new acts of youth...

[caption id="attachment_4412" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Hanna_Pauli_-_Verner_von_Heidenstam_or_Hans_Alienus_-_1896 Hanna Pauli - Verner von Heidenstam 1896[/caption]

"And so shouted your three neighbours "forget the greatness that you have embedded in the ground!" I answered: Rise now our dream of dominion over the north! This great dream draws us to play in new exploits. Rise from our graves, no, give us men of science, arts and literature ...

It's better to get an enemy than to for nothing see the years pass, it's better for our people to be lost, and our farms and cities burn. It's prouder to bravely cast the dice, than to die out as a expiring flame, it's better to have in desire strung a string that burst than to never have used a bow

I awake in the night but around me there's peace, yet still the waters are storming and seething. I could in longing cast myself down as a praying warrior of Judah, I will not beg for sunny years and endless golden harvests. O merciful fate, kindle the lightning that hits a people with years of suffering!

Yes, unite us with the hits of torment, and the most blue spring will blossom. You're smiling, my people, but with a rigid expression, you're singing but without hoping. You'd rather dance in silken clothes than to solve your own riddle. My people you'll awake to accomplish new acts of youth, the night you once again learn to suffer"

- Verner Von Heidenstam

Nations create cultures


"The state serves the self-preservation of the race, which is infinitely more precious than the mere self-preservation of the state. Because states create nothing, they merely maintain and assist, but nations create cultures and civilizations and empires."

Ion Dragoumis

Der Stürmer / Malsaint / Blutkult - SplitCD


Superjewelbox CD. Different layout than LP

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Jew is contrary to our being

[caption id="attachment_4396" align="aligncenter" width="426"]The Wandering Jew by Gustave Doré The Wandering Jew by Gustave Doré (detail)[/caption]

"The Jew is contrary to our being. ... He desecrated our people, spit on our ideals, paralyzed the strength of the nation, made our customs rotten, and polluted the morale"

Joseph Goebbels

Lost City of Alexander the Great is Found in Iraq

[caption id="attachment_4389" align="aligncenter" width="500"]44B38B0F00000578-4916678-A_graphic_of_what_the_lost_city_would_have_looked_like_with_a_te-a-1_1506350325768 A graphic of what the ‘lost city’ would have looked like[/caption]

Archaeologists say they have found a lost city that was founded more than two millennia ago following the conquests of Alexander the Great in modern day Iraq.

The city is called Qalatga Darband, first discovered using now declassified spy satellite photographs taken by the US military in the 1960s, and made public in 1996. Follow-up studies have further revealed the origins of the city.

It was discovered by the Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme, set up to mitigate the damage caused by Islamic State. The team is being trained by the British Museum in London.

After making the discovery in the declassified photos, the team sent a drone over the site to confirm its existence. They were able to spot statues of Greco-Roman deities and terracotta roof tiles, while major buildings are thought to be buried at the site.

Read the full article: HERE

Monday, September 25, 2017

Serrano regarding Julius Evola and “Traditionalism”


Miguel Serrano met Julius Evola in person and he both praised and criticized him. Here are the entire quotes from Serrano regarding Julius Evola and “Traditionalism” :

From El Cordon Dorado:

Julius Evola tried to create the Fascist esotericism; but Mussolini was not Hitler, nor was he initiated. Rome would have been in agitation and revolt from above and below through the Christian Semitism. Unfortunately, the founder of the “Ur Group” did not meet personally with Hitler, nor did he discover the key to His esotericism. Only close to that Center of maximum energy could he have come to understand His visions, even after the end of the war; because nothing is over for good. We believe it is necessary to say: Julius Evola, the deepest, most important Italian thinker of our time, could not manage to break free from the limits imposed upon him by his Roman birth and his admiration for Rene Guenón —over whom he was far superior—. Baron Julius Evola could not understand Hitler nor could he penetrate Esoteric Hitlerism. In the fundamental metaphysical conflict between the Germanic Weltanschauung and the Roman, Latin conception, the fault remains with the latter, in my opinion, even when there would exist those polar, Hyperborean nexuses that would agglutinate into that “Boreal Column linking earth and heaven”. Just changing the names of the Roman gods would be enough, returning to the Greek ones: Apollo is Abraxas and he is also Lucifer. In his pathos and his formal style, Evola is Germanic; but he has fallen short because he fails to join the Männerbund, the origin of the Calvary of the Teutonic Order and of the Divisions of the SS. He has not abdicated once and for all from his aspirations to revive the Roman world as opposed to the Germanic. For Mussolini, the Germans were the “barbarians of Tacitus”. Julius Evola told me that Mussolini made the call to him because he wanted him to be the “Latin Rosenberg, to oppose the Germanic Rosenberg”. He later explained to me that his political ideal was “neither Fascist nor Nazi, but conservative and in the style of Metternich”. These are words of Evola thirty years after having been paralyzed by an American bombing raid upon Vienna. Nonetheless, for the youth of the world, including the Italians, for the youths of the present and of the little future that is still left for them, there are no possibilities to continue the authentic combat other than in Esoteric Hitlerism. Because it is there and nowhere else that the Hyperborean tradition of El Cordon Dorado continues, in the race and the polar Weltanschauung, spiritual, of the Leftward Swastika and in the material presence of Hitler, as the incarnation of the Myth, in his return and forthcoming reincarnation.

It is clear that the position of Evola has nothing to do, in this case, with Esoteric Hitlerism nor with the grand Luciferian attempt of the SS to create the Superman, a Being totally distinct, via a Nietzschean mutation of all values, a transfiguration of the Vira, the hero, into Divya, into Sonnenmann, a divine immortal. It has nothing to do with the supreme effort, never before attempted so thoroughly, so definitively, by a mythic collective, by a “philosophical people”, or by an Aryan Collective Unconscious as Jung would say, by an Initiatic Warrior Order, in order to put an end to the Kali Yuga and return to the Golden Age. We cannot see where this connection with Metternich can be made, and not even with the Evolian monarchical Ghibellinism, or with that type of traditionalism and verbalist Guenonian neo-traditionalism, which has appropriated magical and sacred terms that belong to the Aurea Catena, such as “Hyperborean”, “Solar”, “Tantric”, etc. and which they begin to bring into disrepute, vulgarizing them by their repeated use. The same byname of “Traditionalist” and “Traditionalism” is repellent to me for in and of itself it is ambiguous and confusing. The Spanish Catholic Carlists, for example, are called “traditionalists” and also the conservative politicians of my country are dubbed thusly, the Hispanists, etc. This is not El Cordon Dorado, it is not essentially related to Esoteric Hitlerism, with that grand attempt of mutation of men and of this earth, the recovery of the Solar Age, the world of the Giants, of the God-Man, the Total-Man, the Sonnenmenschen—the Sun-Men—. Neither does it have anything to do with Italian Fascism, nor even with German Nazism in its external and gregarious manifestation. (It can be seen here that the term Nazism is hardly used). It only has anything to do with Esoteric Hitlerism in the highest exclusive levels of this Hyperborean initiation and in the hidden grades of the SS, which today have been submerged in wait for the precise moment of their resurrection at all the levels of internal and external manifestation, in a definitive explosion.

Miguel Serrano on “Integral/Radical Traditionalists” and Julius Evola

(Excerpts from Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar)

The “Integral Traditionalists” ask themselves: How could traditional society fall, being perfect from its origins, with the Golden Age of Hyperborea, that Terrestial Paradise,lacking internal contradictions? Julius Evola resorts to a metaphysical circumstance that could be decided from without, a sort of entelechy or fate.

It is a mystery, Claudio Mutti assures us, and therefore incomprehensible. In all this,from some side, the Christian Jew dialectic is infiltrating with its concept of original sin and temptation. And the traditionalists end by exonerating the Jew from part of his guilt, saying the conspiracy and subversion is much more vast; the Jew comes to constitute only a portion of it, spending his dissociative mission on ending the “Third State” and beginning the “Fourth,” or what is now approaching, “when the Bolshevism of the East exceeds even Judaism itself.”

Illusion, vain hope, sleight of the magician to relieve the Jew of his main role, even though, as we have been able to see, the Marxist system of the Soviets belongs to him from birth and continues firmly controlled by him. The whole problem of the “division of evil” must be seen in the continuous light we have thrown in dealing with the incarnation of the Hyperborean Archetype of the Fuhrer, the Avatar, the Tulku: even when not incarnated in one alone, a center is required by which to radiate their greatest power, whether this be an individual, a people, a race. In the case of the Archetype of the Lord of Darkness he requires an anti-race.

I can not fail to consider that, in this attitude of eminent Latin writers, since no German National Socialist is to be found among the Integral Traditionalists, beneath the appearance of wishing to show broad criticism, magnanimity, objectivity and “Olympic”detachment, to use their words, one only finds the desire to somehow ingratiate the all-powerful Jew, to be pleasing to him at the same time that they declare him their enemy.

Evola dares to write “in Hitler there was an element of unhealthy fanaticism in his opposition without concessions to the Jew.” Despite my admiration for the Italian writer,I must distance myself from this position. Hitler, as always, had reason. In my interview with Julius Evola, in his apartment on the Via Corso Vittorio Emmanuele, he told me Mussolini had asked him to write a new racial theory in order to counter that of Rosenberg. It would be the “Fascist racism,” different from “Nazi racism.” (As if there could be more than one racialism).

And thus that entire brilliant Evolian concept of the “race of the body,” the “race of the soul” and the “race of the spirit” was born that he labeled with the antipathetic term of “traditional.” Something churned within me when I heard this word, as if before the presence of an intellectual social-climbing, a literary vulgarity.

This concept has been taken by Evola from Guenon, attributing it to Aryan Hinduism that mentions other bodies distinct from the physical that could be components of man, because if they only exist potentially they are virtual, being developed through the practice of yoga.

They are bodies that are astral, mental, spiritual, etc. Being German, Clauss, the creator of psychoanthropology, never called his theory “traditional” or “traditionalist.” He was married to a Semite which explains his attitude towards biological racism that he tried to outflank with his psychic racism, his “race of the soul.” The “traditionalist” Rene Guenon also ended his days converting to Semitic Mohammedanism. The brave and clear Claudio Mutti does something similar. Nevertheless he could still return to the Hyperborean Wotanism of his Lombard ancestors. Because he, thank the Gods, is still alive.

If the theory of Evola and Clauss on the races of soul and spirit can be accepted as a comfortable element of exposition, in the end they are not necessary, only complicating things, serving only to speak of racism among hybrid and mestizo people without hurting their feelings, since a mulatto or an Indian among us could always think that even though his body is coloured, his soul might not be.

There is the suspicion that Evola has just invented everything to speak about race to the Southern Italians and Mussolini. Yet, although their pride remains standing, reality does not change. The truth goes another way, as has been seen primarily by the Jews and Esoteric Hitlerists, too late for the latter, unfortunately.

In Vienna it was possible for me to read an internal communication among several SS centers in which they recommended Julius Evola not be given facilities to expound “his esotericism.”

I understand this was just since Evola would have generated confusion. In Italy herself he was not given better facilities. Those were times of struggle and they had to simplify. Yet the beautiful “race of the body” of the Italy of today is a result of the racial selection that was then done in the last years of Fascism, carried out under the influence of Hitlerism. I wish that something like that would have happened in Spain.

Evola tells us in his philosophical memoirs “Il Camino del Cinabro (The Path of Cinnabar), that shortly before the end of the war he was in Vienna investigating (of course in the SS archives and it may be in those of the Convent of Lambach and the Heilingenkreus) global subversion. And it was then that he was caught in a bombing, leaving him an invalid for the rest of his life. I met him in a wheelchair. Evola tried to penetrate the occult cause of his fundamental accident, intending to find it “in a decision taken before this physical incarnation.” He tried to remember it and could not. With the accident the possibility for further research was likely to end.

Sometimes he would refer to “this World-wide Conspiracy surpassing even Judaism”, within which the Jew is only another element, even though important. And he returned to his “traditionalist” concept of the eras of Hinduism and the inevitable fatal road towards the nadir of the Kali Yuga. Accordingly subversion would be directed from outside this world by a Prince of Darkness. The idea, by its fatalism, would become something like a “spiritual Spenglerianism.”


Evola speaks of a global conspiracy that will overcome Judaism and would include non-human elements. He mentions a Prince of Darkness. And in this he is right. After all,what are the Jungian Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious?

They are inhuman entities. The ancients called them Gods and Demons. And what is the Collective Unconscious? It is the “Memory of the Blood,” or rather, a “memory that goes through the blood,” that acts on earth by means of the blood.

There is nothing more mysterious than blood. Paracelsus saw it as a condensation of light. I believe the Aryan, Hyperborean blood is not the light of the Golden Sun, of a galactic sun, but of the light of the Black Sun, of the Green Ray.

It is not the “light of the Akashic Archives,” but of another universe. The Akashic Archives belong to the Enemy. If the Hyperborean Memory of the Blood can be penetrated, then the Voice would awake and recover the Vril, thus breaking the Eternal Return. For this Shastriya, Brahmanic and Esoteric Hitlerist India aims to conserve the purity of the blood, to be able to “remember” more effectively and win the Great War. The Jews do something altogether different, in the opposite extreme with their “anti-blood.”

So it is understandable there is no way to fight freely against the Dark Lord if we do not conserve the purity of the blood, by means of “pagan biological racism,” that Evola and the traditionalists, through ignorance of the real terms of the conflict, even if they want to say the same thing, would refute. The true esoteric racism of Gunther, Rosenberg and the SS initiates. In a word, GERMANIC racism.

As we have seen, by saying “Aryan race” we say it all. Because this term is esoteric, referring to an initiation that permits men to be born anew, for the second time. The name “Aryan race” was chosen and adopted by Hitler. And by ancient Hinduism.

The SS were conforming to their own racial vehicles so that the Hyperborean Archetype of the Aryan Collective Unconscious would express itself. Giving these vehicles a renewed life, the Archetype could incarnate here below. They were Sonnenmenschen, Sun-Men,Supermen, Man-Gods, Total-Man, Magician-Man. The new aristocracy of the Aryan race and not that traditional degenerate aristocracy that Evola made his own and defended. (He told me he was not a fascist or Hitlerist and his ideal was Metternich). Forming here the vehicle of pure blood, the next step would consist in a pact of white magic with the Hyperborean Archetype, an evocation or invocation that would make possible his “incarnation” in the totality of the Aryan Folk,the truly chosen. Once having reached this stage, the dichotomy of a “race of the body”without a “race of the spirit,” or without “race of soul” is not possible.

This can only come to pass in the actual state of things, in this racial chaos, where the comparison given by Evola of the Dutch or Danish “race of body,” lacking horizon or destiny because it does not possess a “race of soul” or “race of spirit.” That example has no relevance in Hitlerist society where the Archetype of the Aryan-Hyperborean”Collective Unconscious” was incarnating itself (and had reached Holland and Denmark).My suspicion is that Esoteric Hitlerism lacked time to realize the Pact of White Magic to renew that Ancient Pact with the Hyperborean Archetype God, the authentic Lord of Hosts.


Understanding things in that way one understands furthermore that all that “traditionalist” argumentation is against a non-existent biologist or materialist “pagan” understanding. The matter is profoundly spiritual, metaphysical, relating to the incarnation of a Hyperborean Archetype on earth, among us. Jung psychologicized, already forced as we have said by an ancient Mystery: that of TulkuBoddhisatvaAvatar.

But Jung helped us to understand and penetrate the Mystery. And he has been the only one in our time who has referred to Hitler in this way, even though, after the war that he also lost, he wanted to unsay it, to forget what he had said with contradictory unhappy declarations. Silence would have been better.

There is no way to understand the Great War without rising towards these positions, reaching these distances by means of analysis. From there one can furthermore know on which side we stand. And whether we choose good or bad, here lies the possibility of a conscious choice.

When Hitler said “the race of the spirit (‘racial breeding’) was more solid and enduring than a purely biological race,” taking as example the Jew himself, “the farthest from the animal on earth,” perhaps he was referring to this very thing, to this “Pact” he would not himself come to achieve fully: “Because the lack of time did not permit us to realize our dreams fully and, therefore, the results of this war will be in consequence.” (See”The Golden Band“). He could not do more than win by losing, for now.

We repeat, unfortunately Julius Evola did not understand the enormous favor Jung gave to Aryan man with his idea of the two Collective Unconsciousnesses, the most valuable tool given to Esoteric Hitlerism. He also did not understand Esoteric Hitlerism. Perhaps he was too close to the Avatar in space as well as in time.

So great was the energy that emanated from his vortex that only adoration or rejection were possible, never indifference. Humility and voluntary detachment are necessary from the self to be able to be an unconditional partisan of the Fuhrer Prinzip, essential Aryan idea that only emerges from the greatest depths of the “blood memory.”

Evola ended taking refuge in the distance of “Integral Traditionalism” and an aristocracy more of class than of race.


The real winners of the German elections


AfD members proudly showing for whom they stand for. These are the National principles and values?? Antifa and far right have the same bosses.

Der Stürmer/Capricornus split LP re-release



Out by Deathrune Records

Thursday, September 14, 2017

This is Corneliu Codreanu


"Through a group of Legionaries who part comes towards us a young, tall, slender man, with an uncommon expression of nobleness, frankness and energy imprinted on his face: azure grey eyes, open forehead, genuine Roman-Aryan type : and, mixed with virile traits, something contemplative, mystical in the expression. This is Corneliu Codreanu, the leader and founder of the Romanian 'Iron Guard', the one who is called 'assassin', 'Hitler's henchman', 'anarchist conspirator', by the world press, because, since 1919, he has been challenging Israel, and the forces which are more or less in cahoots with it, at work in the Romanian national life."

- Julius Evola (From "The Tragedy of the Romanian 'Iron Guard'")

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu: September 13, 1899 – November 30, 1938.

With Honor and Loyalty to the End

[caption id="attachment_4334" align="alignnone" width="700"]SS-Division Totenkopf SS-Division Totenkopf[/caption]

"It doesn’t matter if a battle has been lost. It is a dance, a game. For our Myth of A-Mor, it is only important to fight it properly, with honor and loyalty to the end. This has always been the way to win."

Nos, Book of the Resurrection, Miguel Serrano 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Death before Dishonour


This is a photography depicting three Austrian woman moments after their suicides in 1945, in fear of the ever-approaching Red Army from the northeast. They had been told through word-of-mouth and possibly also by the authorities that the Soviet Forces raped, pillaged and murdered with contemptuous disrespect anything that got in their way. Cases of mass suicides could be observed through-out German-speaking Europe as the war took its last breaths. 

Fascist Empire


"The Fascist state is a will to power and empire. The Roman tradition is here a powerful force. According to the Doctrine of Fascism, empire is not only territorial or military or mercantile concept, but a spiritual and moral one. One can think of an empire, that is, a nation, which directly or indirectly guides other nations, without the need to conquer a single square kilometre of territory."

Benito Mussolini, Giovanni Gentile, Doctrine of Fascism (1932).

Those who live in the darkness

[caption id="attachment_4312" align="alignnone" width="1120"]Hercules (Labores Solis) Hercules by Glyn Smyth[/caption]

“In a time like ours there are four kinds of people. There are those who consciously wish to sink further and deeper into chaos and darkness. There are those who willingly or unwillingly, are always ready to endure anything. Then there are also right-wing dinosaurs around who live the present situation by way of lamenting. From whining to commemorations, they imagine they can bring back the old order, which explains why they constantly score defeats.

But there are also those who yearn for a new beginning. Those who live in the darkness, but are not of the darkness; i.e. those who strive to resurrect the light. Those who know that beyond the real, there is also the possible. They like to quote George Orwell: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

Alain de Benoist

Where lives the dominating hero?


“Where breathes the human being to whom the whole day, from dawn to dusk, is a festival, consecrated by a new conquest? Where lives the dominating hero, crowned with the crown of laughter, that crown of smiling roses of which Zarathustra spoke?”

Gabriele D'Annunzio, Il Trionfa della Morte

Cave museum in Egypt dedicated to General Rommel reopens after 7 years



“Barbarism is that which I call strong race*,  the eternal warlike in the type of the beast-of-prey man. It often seems to have ceased to exist, but it is crouching in the soul ready to spring. Given a big challenge—and it is on top of the enemy. It is dead only when Late urban pacifism, with its weary desire for peace at any price, short of that of its own life, has rolled its mud over the generations. That is the spiritual self-disarmament, following on the physical, which comes of unfruitfulness.”

*I repeat: race that one has, not a race to which one belongs. The one is ethos, the other—zoology.

Oswald Spengler

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Beginning of the Aryan Calendar


"20th of April 1889, the end of a cosmic month (2160 years): the end of the organic cycle of life of the dying Christian civilization and the beginning of a new cosmic month that marked the birth of the Aryan civilization. The Fuhrer brought with His birth the meta-Christian age. Fuhrer was not born in the 1st degree of Taurus, as it’s believed, but in the 1st degree of Ram, that according with the Aryan Tradition is always the dawn of a new year.

Authentic civilization is the civilization that creates its own calendar (like the Christian civilization). The Aryan civilization is authentic foremost because replaces the Christian with the Aryan calendar. The cosmic event that characterizes the birth of the Aryan civilization and subsequence appoints the point of beginning of the Aryan calendar, is the earthly incarnation of Adolf Hitler. The birth of the last Aryan Mystic constitutes a Cosmic Event, because it’s contributed under a perfect incident of the stars and the universal will.

With the birth of the Fuhrer we entered to the 6th cosmic month (of the Scorpion). The last cosmic month of the Aryan Year will be the month of Taurus that will be completed after about 15.000 years (and then ends the Aryan cultural cycle, last cycle of the earthly unreeling form of life). During the 6th cosmic month (6 x 2160 years) the Fight of the Aryans for cultural domination against the Judaism goes on, and will be completed at the 7th cosmic month!"

Ion Filippou - Aryan Civilization 

Monday, September 11, 2017

His spirit must triumph


Men were too stupid and too vulgar to feel the beauty of that dream.

The world—the Aryan race itself, at large—refused the gift of Hitler’s love and genius, and
repaid him with the darkest ingratitude.

Few of the great Ones have been so mercilessly vilified as he, by their worthless contemporaries.

Not one has been so utterly misunderstood, so systematically betrayed, and, above all, so widely hated.

Now—outwardly at least—the agents of disintegration have had their way.

Proud and beautiful National Socialist Germany lies in ruins; hundreds of Hitler’s most active collaborators are dead; thousands are living, in captivity, a life worse than death.

And the millions who acclaimed him only a few years ago with an enthusiasm amounting to adoration, are now silent.

“Es ist das Land der Angst”—“this is the land of fear”—were the words addressed to me in
Saarbrücken, in 1948, as the summary of the whole situation in occupied Germany.

And no one knows where Hitler is, if still alive.

Yet, the National Socialist creed, based upon truths as old as the Sun, can never be blotted out. Living or dead, Adolf Hitler can never die.

And sooner or later, his spirit must triumph.

Savitri Devi

Elders Of The Black Sun

Apprehending Satan


After a long and necessary period of gestation, work has commenced upon Deverills Nexion's second Long Player, entitled "Apprehending Satan".
Here revealed is the front cover, a photograph by Liesmaic.

MMP Temple

Remembering the Defenders of Europe

Austrians recall the Battle of Vienna over three centuries past where the Holy Roman Empire defeated the attack of the Turkish Ottoman Empire, a significant turning point in Ottoman domination of central Europe.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Song for David Eden Lane by John Baumgardner


I know a man who risked it all
And laid life on the line,
Not for greed or profit
But to awaken his own kind.

He asked for nothing in return,
Save a willing ear;
And when but few would listen,
He shed a mournful tear.

The partisans are few it seems,
And in the shadows lay
In wait for those whose evil deeds
They must in time repay.

While few are willing to embark
On such a journey bold,
Fewer still have the heart
To make the story told.

Of Race and Faith and Kin and Blood
And time that's running out,
From a dungeon cell alone
Through darkness, fear and doubt.

This man I know is one of those
Whose courage can't be measured,
His Fourteen Words wrought of the heart
Are tempered, timeless treasures.

And in the end if all his songs
Upon a deaf ear lay,
The beauty of our people
Could surely fade away.

I know this man who gave his life
For Race and Kith and Kin;
Our duty for his sacrifice
To rally, fight and win!

Allied Army of the Orient, Athens 1917

Athens 1917. 3D photos created by Christos Megarchiotis for the exhibition "Athens 1917: Army of the Orient" (Benaki Museum Sept. 15 - Nov. 12, 2017). Video directed by Konstantinos Arvanitakis. Copyright: École française d'Athènes, Acropolis Museum.

The Golden Thread - Esoteric Hitlerism


This first translation of The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism, where innumerable were the communica­tions between Chile and the United Kingdom in the effort finally to make it a whole con­sistent with the spirit with which its author con­ceived it.

What responsibility it is to dedicate oneself to the trans­lation of Miguel Serrano’s work!

Because his prose possesses an ingredient that makes it unique: he wrote from soul to another, helping to feel, to apperceive in his precise words their pro­found meaning. And thus causing to resonate the greatest and most recon­dite profundities of Man. It was his peculiar method of sharing his own adven­ture, his tireless search, inside and outside of him­self. And with each of the discoveries with which at each step he surprised himself and of the attain­ments he gradually reached.

Thus was, thus lived, thus wrote Miguel Serrano from the time of his youth. And never pretending to be more than a man, but a total one—yes, it’s true—an absolute one, maximally developing the potenti­alities and attributes of his own incarnation.

For this reason, despite knowing that his cultural bag­gage comprised both the West and the East, it would not be apposite to search for erudition in his works, or to analyse them rationally and solely from the intellect, given that all that he expresses in them is pervaded by the profound and symbolic sense that characterised his existence.

Diaphanous, clear, direct, and luminous is the work of Miguel Serrano; it does not require inter­preters for its res­onance. For this reason, it has no relation to the sectarian, subtle, and obscure appro­priations of those who use it, who knows with what twisted intentions, because it constitutes, in addi­tion, an independent œuvre, which has been spawned by a pure and free spirit, and which cannot be ex­ploited without denaturing and perverting the uniqueness of its creation. Such attitudes can be taken by those who, through being on its antipodes, know nothing about true National Socialism.

Thus remembering Miguel Serrano is the man­ner in which this first English edition of The Golden Thread: Eso­teric Hitlerism begins a new phase in the dissemination of his seminal work, paying him homage on the centennial of his birth.

The link between Hitlerism and a millenarian, necessarily esoteric, and in any case suggestive tradition is a thesis that Miguel Serrano enunciated in Chile well before The Morning of the Magicians.

After years of research, mystical experiences in India, and interviews with the most interesting personages of the 20th century—Hesse, Jung, Pound, Skorzeny, Degrelle—the author develops that primitive insight into a delirious exposition.

Gnostics, Cathars, Rosicrucians, Templar Knights, Knights of the Thule Order, hidden leaders of National Socialism parade through the pages of this book, to be found in unexpected castles and monasteries, fighting astral battles whose echoes are recorded in history and which are won or lost in accordance to the direction of the swastika, a symbol that appears inexplicably in epics and cultures apparently alien to one another.

Revelatory authors from the 1960s and 70s—Molnár, Bloch, Evola, Vögelin—have shown the nexus that links utopias, heresies, and secret societies to politics. Miguel Serrano, on the basis of documentation, abundant iconographic material, and unpublished testimonies applies the same methodology to National Socialism, with surprising and polemical results.

This authoritative English-language edition—authorised by Miguel Serrano's estate and produced with their full collaboration and support—comes with a full complement of endnotes, a comprehensive index, and the author’s corrections, none of which were present in the two Spanish-language editions.



We are pleased to release two books on David Lanes’ writings for his 10th memorial. All proceeds from the sale of these books will go towards keeping Davids website up and running as well as to his 4 remaining Bruders who are still locked away. 

Defiant Unto Death contains all of David Lanes political writings and can be purchased through our Lulu store 

Wotansvolk contains David Lanes writings on Wotanism & spirituality and can be obtained through our Lulu store 

A Hellenic SIlver Stater of Neapolis (Macedonia)


MACEDONIA, Neapolis. Circa 500-480 BC. AR Stater (9.94 g). Facing Gorgoneion with protruding tongue / Rough quadripartite incuse square of Swastika design.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

National Mysticism


"If Christian mysticism and its goal, ecstasy, is the contact of man with God through a leap from human nature to divine nature, national mysticism is nothing other than the contact of man and crowds with the soul of their race through the leap which these forces make from the world of personal and material interests into the outer world of race. Not through the mind, since this anyone can do, but by living with their soul."

Codreanu, For My Legionaries: The Iron Guard

Against "progressiveness"

There are eras in which you can only move forward by going in the opposite direction Mircea Iliade

"There are eras in which you can only move forward by going in the opposite direction"

Mircea Iliade

Against all odds


"This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be."

VADM James Stockdale USN.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Entering the Gates of Death...


Elders Of The Black Sun

Here's to you, glorious leader!


"For three years, the eastern Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor had been besieged by militants affiliated with the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) terror network. This week the Syrian army broke the stranglehold and liberated the city with crucial help from Russian air power.

The breaking of the siege represents another crucial victory for Syrian state forces and a turning point in the war. It looks like Syria and Assad have won."

Bashar al-Assad, with help from his allies Iran and Russia, has done something many great men have tried to and failed. He fought the globalists and won. The targets of Israel and their lapdogs the US Neocons fell like dominoes; Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria was the logical next step and the last target left before the inevitable crushing of Iran.

Syria's chances seemed next to impossible, having to face the might of the US imperial war machine, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, ISIS and an army of so called "moderate rebels" who were always a cover for Sunni Islamism.

Yet one man remained steadfast. Assad never cowered in fear, he never backed down and sought to negotiate with the parasitic elements destroying his country. He devoted himself to the saving of the state of Syria and the protection of its people. No threats, no bombings, no insurgencies were enough to shake this mans faith in the Syrian nation. None of this was a match for his sense of duty and the love of his country which kept him and his people strong in one of the bloodiest conflicts of our lifetime. At times his task seemed impossible, once the globalists brought the full force of their apparatus down on Syria I thought it was as good as finished. But Assad is a great man, and it will take great men like him to turn the tide against the onslaught of globalism. Assad can be the inspiration to any others who see the odds as insurmountable. While the globalists have the armies, the money, the drones, bombs and media on their side, that is still no match for a people committed to an idea. The idea of the nation, the idea of a sovereign people, the idea of something which is worth more than money, the only language the parasites understand.

Syria may be the globalists Stalingrad. But the war is far from over. Assad wasn't the first and he won't be the last. Until the rotten system we have is totally overhauled from the inside there won't be an end to these criminal foreign wars, fought in the interests of Israel and the prostitute politicians they control.

But for now, let's celebrate the hero that saved Syria, and defeated the globalists. Here's to you, glorious leader!



Thursday, September 7, 2017

European Brotherhood


"He [Himmler] then singled out those nations which he regarded as belonging to the German family of nations and they were: the Germans, the Dutch, the Flemish, the Anglo-Saxons, the Scandinavians and the Baltic people. ‘To combine all of these nations into one big family is the most important task at the present time’ [Himmler said]. ‘This unification has to take place on the principle of equality and at that same time has to secure the identity of each nation and its economical independence.

After the unification of all the German nations into one family, this family has to take over the mission to include, in the family, all the Roman nations whose living space is favored by nature with a milder climate.  I am convinced that after the unification, the Roman nations will be able to persevere as well as the Germans.

This enlarged family of the White race will then have the mission to include the Slavic nations into the family also because they too are of the White race. It is only with such a unification of the White race that the Western culture could be saved from the Asiatic race.

At the present time, the Waffen-SS is leading in this respect because its organization is based on the principle of equality. The Waffen-SS comprises not only German, Roman and Slavic, but even Islamic units and at the same time has proven that every unit has maintained its national identity while fighting in close togetherness. I know quite well my Germans. The German always likes to think himself better but I would like to avert this. It is important that every Waffen-SS officer obeys the order of another officer of another nationality, as the officer of the other nationality obeys the order of the German officer."

Heinrich Himmler in a personal conversation with Latvian Artur Silgailis, chief of staff of Inspection General the Latvian Legion-SS

Latvian Legion by Arturs Silgailis, p. 348 & 349 (also cited in: Europe: A History by Norman Davies, p. 1017 and Hitler’s Gauls by Jonathan Trigg)

Wir sehen uns in Walhalla!


"Theo, I have run out of ammunition. I’m going to ram this one. Good bye. We’ll see each other in Valhalla"

Heinrich Ehrler’s last transmission before he rammed the B-24 bomber “Trouble in Mind,” destroying both aircraft and killing himself.

Pure consciousness (Truth) and Eternity


"We exist, as the stars exist, in the void of infinitely unsullied consciousness. Between each brilliant point lies space, sleep or death. Physical space is symbolic of the void in which our potential is concealed. This ‘inbetweenness’ state is the ‘pathway between ecstasies’. The stars shine by virtue of the dark void between manifestation; by virtue of sleep which separates waking from dreaming, and death which separates being from non-being. But between these shining points we exist as pure consciousness (Truth), even as we exist continuously, unfragmentedly, through sleep, death and absentmindedness. Were we always manifest, were day perpetual, we should know, be and feel nothing. By virtue of the Body alone is the Spirit realized. Similarly, it is by virtue of the Moment that Eternity is realized, and by Falsehood, Truth."

Kenneth Grant/Aleister Crowley & the Hidden God

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The eternal principles of a supreme wisdom


Man must not fall into the error of thinking that he was ever meant to become lord and master of Nature. A lopsided education has helped to encourage that illusion. Man must realize that a fundamental law of necessity reigns throughout the whole realm of Nature and that his existence is subject to the law of eternal struggle and strife. He will then feel that there cannot be a separate law for mankind in a world in which planets and suns follow their orbits, where moons and planets trace their destined paths, where the strong are always the masters of the weak and where those subject to such laws must obey them or be destroyed. Man must also submit to the eternal principles of this supreme wisdom. He may try to understand them but he can never free himself from their sway.“ 

~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 10

The Biological World View


“As opposed to today’s carefree relativism, where all ideas – in principle at least – are equally acceptable and valid, National Socialism represents the unremitting effort to find the absolute truth and to make this truth the foundation of human society.“

“… National Socialism is based on common sense, and it seeks its arguments in the real world, where the difference between truth and lie and between good and evil is determined by facts and not by wishful thinking and theoretical reveries.”

“Unlike all these other philosophies, National Socialism has never been invented – it has been derived from the eternal Laws of Nature, which have existed as long as the universe and which have governed all life since the first primitive organism came into existence.”

“National Socialism was not invented by Adolf Hitler, but is the conscious expression of the fundamental Laws of Nature governing our lives.”

“As National Socialists we follow no other voice than the voice of Nature and no other ethic than the ethic of Nature, and we know only one mortal sin: to try to revolt against this ethic.”

“If the world does not accept National Socialism as its only hope of a future, man will be facing destruction. This will be a logical consequence of his continuous violations of the Laws of Nature.”

Povl H. Riis-Knudsen, National Socialism - The Biological World View

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The basic doctrine of Fascism

[caption id="attachment_4149" align="aligncenter" width="500"]poster from the Norwegian fascist party Nasjonal Samling poster from the Norwegian fascist party Nasjonal Samling[/caption]

"The basic doctrine of Fascism is not the elimination of the individual, so much as the fusion of the individual in something far greater than himself."
Sir Oswald Mosley

How the Byzantine Empire dealt with the YKW problem


800px-Flag_of_Korkondeilas_Kladas.svgBy Eustace Mullins

In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D. degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was.

It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for twelve hundred years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world.

Throughout the history of Byzantium, as it was known, by imperial edict, no Jew was allowed to hold any post in the Empire, nor was he allowed to educate the young. The Byzantine Empire finally fell to the Turks after twelve centuries of prosperity, and the Jews have attempted to wipe out all traces of its history.

Yet its edicts against the Jews were not cruel; in fact, the Jews lived unmolested and prosperously in the empire throughout its history, but here alone the vicious cycle of host and parasite did not take place.

It was a Christian civilization, and the Jews were not able to exercise any influence. Nor did the Orthodox priests bewilder their congregations with any vicious lies about Christ being a Jew.

No wonder the Jews want to eradicate the memory of such a culture.

It was Ezra Pound who launched upon a study of Byzantine civilization, and who reminded the world of this happily non-Jewish land.

From the Byzantines, Pound derived his no-violent formula for controlling the Jews.

"The answer to the Jewish problem is simple," he said.

"Keep them out of banking, out of education, out of government."

And this is how simple it is.

There is no need to kill the Jews. In fact, every pogrom in history has played into their hands, and has in many instances been cleverly instigated by them.

Get the Jews out of banking and they cannot control the economic life of the community.

Get the Jews out of education and they can not pervert the minds of the young to their subversive doctrines.

Get the Jews out of government and they cannot betray the nation."

Monday, September 4, 2017

No Authority without Unity


"No happiness without order.
No order without authority.
No authority without unity."

-- Edward Bulwer-Lytton


Strength and Resolve 2

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Pacifism is an illusion

[caption id="attachment_4129" align="alignnone" width="736"]The Destroyer 1971 Frank Frazetta - The Destroyer 1971[/caption]

"Talk of world peace is heard today only among the white peoples, and not among the much more numerous coloured races. This is a perilous state of affairs. When individual thinkers and idealists talk of peace, as they have done since time immemorial, the effect is negligible. But when whole peoples become pacifistic it is a symptom of senility. Strong and unspent races are not pacifistic. To adopt such a position is to abandon the future, for the pacifist ideal is a terminal condition that is contrary to the basic facts of existence. As long as man continues to evolve, there will be wars..."

Oswald Spengler

Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae

Bassae (1964). 8:39 min | Short, Documentary.

This famous temple to the god of healing and the sun was built towards the middle of the 5th century B.C. in the lonely heights of the Arcadian mountains. The temple, which has the oldest Corinthian capital yet found, combines the Archaic style and the serenity of the Doric style with some daring architectural features.

The columned temple of Apollo Epicurius rises majestically within the sanctuary of Bassae in the mountains of Arkadia. It is one of the best-preserved monuments of classical antiquity and an evocative and poignant testament to classical Greek architecture. It is highly significant for its architectural features and influence.

The temple was built at the height of the Greek civilization in the second half of the 5th century BC (420-400 BC). It was dedicated to Apollo Epicurius by the Phigaleians, who believed the god of sun and healing had protected them from plague and invasion. In 174 AD the ancient traveller Pausanias admired the beauty and harmony of the temple and attributed it to Iktinos, the architect of the Parthenon.

The temple appears to have been forgotten for almost 1700 years until it was rediscovered in the 18th century and attracted intense interest from scholars and artists. The isolation of the site ensured many significant features survived largely intact. The temple is one of the earliest post-Parthenonian edifices and the earliest monument in which all three ancient Greek architectural orders – Doric, Ionic and Corinthian – are found together. It also included the earliest surviving Corinthian column capital.

The temple further exhibits a number of bold and innovative architectural designs that mark a turning point in the development of temple-building. Through a series of ingenious devices, the architect successfully balanced contrasting elements and blended the old with the new, contributing to the unique architectural and artistic value of the monument. The temple, as well as its sculptural decoration consist one of the best-preserved samples of the ancient Greek civilization, from the period of its heyday (5th century BC).


[gallery ids="4110,4111,4112,4113,4114,4115,4116" type="slideshow"]

All pictures taken by me 03/02/2013

Lamentation - Fullmoon Over Faerhaaven - T-SHIRT


National Socialism serves eternal laws


"National Socialism serves eternal laws. This requires acceptance of the eternal laws to unselfishly serve the community and the welfare of the German nation and to live according to the eternal laws of our blood as they are expressed in the National Socialist Worldview. This is where the party member seeks and finds the purpose of his existence ultimately expressed."

— The Responsibilities of Party Members (Official NSDAP Document)

Saturday, September 2, 2017

For before the Dawn must come the Night


Why not let it fall?

Why not burn it to the ground?

It is sick. It is decayed. It is perverted.

Smash it. Burn it. Dissect it.

A Cleansing Fire to Kill this Cancerous Monster.

In memory of our Ancestors and in service to our Posterity, we enthusiastically undertake the duty of reducing to ashes the Modern World.

Do not be a fool, for Optimism is indeed Cowardice.

There is no turning back.

Prepare yourself for the path ahead.

For before the Dawn must come the Night.

- Elder Zyklon

The Storm Breaks Out!

What is good?— Whatever augments the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself, in man.

What is evil?— Whatever springs from weakness.

What is happiness?— The feeling that power increases— that resistance is overcome.

Friedrich Nietzsche - The Antichrist

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Friday, September 1, 2017



The long awaited book has finally been released, SIEGECULTURE officially announces the print of THE THIRD EDITION OF SIEGE! After years of its only physical availability being hard to find or way too expensive to afford, we have released this beast in paperback AND hardback editions.
This includes SIEGE, as originally printed by Storm Books and Black Sun Publications, with its full illustrations and complete appendices not formerly available within any of the online PDFs. This also includes a new 2017 preface written by James Mason, as well as an additional appendix archiving some of the activities and accomplishments of and the Atomwaffen Division.
After much hard work and dedication from our end, we hope that our readers will enjoy this masterwork.





Christianity is our demise


"Once your heart is branded with the Swastika,
You hate any other cross!
If you identify yourself with your nation,
You laugh at redeemer cranks.
Beware anyone one who demands:
‘Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself ’
‘What the Nazarene demands is our demise…"

Robert Ley 

Francis Parker Yockey on materialism


"Materialism approached Life from its under side. In actuality, the Soul uses the material as the vehicle of its expression. Materialism, seeing only the results, and not the invisible Destiny which was bringing them about, said that the results were primary, the Soul a null. Failing to grasp the invisible Necessity which rules the organic and its relationship to the Cosmos, it reached the conclusion from a hundred different directions that Life is an accident. Not to catalogue these interesting reasons, take for example, the presence of dust in the air. The laboratory-thinkers discovered that if dust were not present in the air, all Life would be impossible. It never occurred to them that Life and all the other phenomena were connected by mystical necessity. By treating everything separately, by ever-finer analysis of ever-smaller things, they lost all connection with Reality, and were surprised when connections among things did appear. It could only be an accident, said these profound thinkers."

Francis Parker Yockey, Imperium

Hitlerist resurgence


“At this moment I cannot predict the prospect for a Hitlerist resurgence. The only thing I can say is that I am always surprised that in spite of the decades of brainwashing propaganda, young people are reborn again as National Socialists and admirers of Hitler, as if they were “reincarnated” in order to continue the struggle on this Earth. This gives me hope and new energies to continue with the fight. Hitler and the swastika are enduring and eternal symbols, certainly archetypes with “enduring powers of their own.” The Archetype will do the work by itself, even without our best knowledge and quite beyond our will and limited life span. This is our hope, our belief and the only thing that I know.”

~ Miguel Serrano