Saturday, March 1, 2025

Peruvian Ethnocacerism

Peru has some of the most interesting and idiosyncratic politics I have ever seen.

On the one hand you have the Fujimorist’s who have lost the last 3 presidential elections by a point or so. These people fit nicely into what we in the west would call “right wing populism” essentially, token opposition to the establishment on social issues, but failing to challenge the economic order which renders them politically impotent. They also have close connections to the LDP in Japan. They ruled from 1990 to 2000 until their president fled to Japan amid mounting corruption charges, but saw a resurgence in 2017 following the introduction of gender studies in the country.

On the other hand we have an ideology unique to Peru known as Ethnocacerism, which is what you could call Peru’s third positionist movement. They are similar to Nazi-Maoist’s or perhaps some Arab Baathists in that they lie on the furthest left section of Fascism, even seeking to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. This group is currently on the rise in Peru attracting some supporters among the officer core in the Peruvian military. It is also on the verge of achieving tangible political power, organizing its first serious political party in 2023.

The Ethnocacerist third positionist party is called the National Alliance of Workers, Farmers, University Students, and Reservists and is in 2nd place in some polls for the 2026 election. The party is led by army major Antauro Humala who led a failed coup in 2005 and spent his years in prison crafting his political manifesto, publishing his book “Etnonacionalismo: Izquierda y Globalidad (Visión Etnocacerista)”,_Farmers,_University_Students,_and_Reservists


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