Saturday, March 1, 2025

The christian concept of sin is foreign to racial purity

"The doctrine of original sin would have been incomprehensible to a people whose racial identity was unadulterated. In such a people, there dwells a secure confidence in itself and in its will, which it regards as destiny. The concept of sin was as alien to the Homeric heroes as it was to the ancient Indians, the Germans of Tacitus, or the epics and sagas of Dietrich von Bern [ca. 500s AD], An oppressive sense of sin is a sure symptom of racial bastardy. Race pollution shows itself in a number of ways: in an absence of clear direction in thought and action; in an inner self-doubt; in the feeling that existence is simply the wages of sin, rather than the necessary and mysterious imperative of self-development. The sense of personal depravity leads to a yearning for grace, and this is the only hope for the products of miscegenation." 

— Alfred Rosenberg 

Source: The Myth of the 20th Century p.72

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