Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Racialist and Proud

Our supreme law lies not in the decrees of Democracy in pursuit of its foul purposes against our folk, but instead in the high ordinances implied in the vital requirements for the protection and welfare of that folk. This understanding initiates the whole salutary process of evicting the enemy from the moral high ground it has usurped, and relegating it to the depths as vile and vicious, perverted and hateful. 

The above renunciation as an expression of the will to win should mean an end to being hesitant, diffident and defensive about your beliefs. Henceforth you have to be on the offensive. No more, for example, can it be permissible to fight shy of the label “racialist,” trying to talk round and away from this loaded hate-word of the enemy. Yes, yes you are indeed a racialist as a defender of our race from ruin, and proud to say so.

- The National Vanguard
The Way Forward
By Colin Jordan

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