Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A National Socialist can never be a Christian

Gentlemen," and the school leader (HitlerYouth) raised his voice, "We all shall have to be clear about one thing: A National Socialist can never be a Christian! Christianity is treason against the German state! The church is a plague boil on the body of our people!" I tried to look up from my plate. I felt how the school leader's eyes moved away from me and swept over the others. For a few seconds there was absolute quiet. Seemingly out of nowhere, a Bible verse shot up in my mind: "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." The words that my grandfather had given my parents at their wedding as a guide for their lives and that they, in turn, had selected for me at my confirmation."

Source: Requiem for a German past : a boyhood among the Nazis by Jurgen Herbst p.169

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