Saturday, July 13, 2024

My body is covered with scars

 “… You are now satraps, you are generals, you are captains. What have I held back for myself apart from this purple cloak and diadem? NOTHING! 

No man can point to my riches, except from these possessions of yours which I am guarding on YOUR behalf. And what would I do with them anyway? I eat what you eat, I get no more rest than you; many times, I have stayed on watch so you could sleep soundly!

Who among you believes that has worked harder for me that I have worked for him? COME ON! If you got scars, STRIP and show them to me; I WILL SHOW YOU MINE! 

There isn’t one part of the front of my body without a wound; my body is covered with scars by any weapon you can think of – swords, stones, arrows, clubs. All for the sake of YOUR lives, YOUR glory and YOUR wealth...”

God Emperor Alexander the Great 

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