Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Way to Victory

 The way to victory is to be found in the triumph of quality, and not in the indiscriminate pursuit and use of quantity. - Colin Jordan

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Ο αρχαίος Ελληνικός πολιτισμός υπήρξε ο γενεσιουργός πολιτισμός της Ευρώπης και η συνδετική κονία των συγγενών λαών της Ευρώπης για τον Αδ. Χίτλερ. Σύμφωνα με τα ημερολόγια του Γκέμπελς η Αθήνα και η Ρώμη αποτελούσαν την ιερή Μέκκα για αυτόν. Στους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες του 1936 έγινε για πρώτη φορά η αφή της ιερής φλόγας της Ολυμπίας καθώς και λαμπαδηδρομία με 3422 δρομείς από τον ιερό τόπο της αφής στην αρχαία Ολυμπία μέχρι το Βερολίνο. Όλα τα παραπάνω ήταν μια ιδέα του Γερμανού Ολυμπιονίκη Κάρλ Ντίμ και αναπαριστούσαν τους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες της αρχαίας Αθήνας το 80π.χ. 

Ο Καγκελάριος Χίτλερ χρηματοδότησε τα έργα των ανασκαφών στον χώρο του σταδίου στην αρχαία Ολυμπία, την διαμόρφωση του χώρου αφής και την κατασκευή του μουσείου ενώ η πρώτη αφή της ιερής φλόγας στους σύγχρονους Ολυμπιακούς αγώνες έμεινε στην ιστορία μέσα από την σκηνοθετική αρτιότητα της Λένι Ρίφενσταλ με το ντοκιμαντερ «Olympia»

Τεκμήρια Ιστορίας

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Nationalist Socialism

 "I will never be in peace with a nationalism that is an enemy of socialism, and I will never be in peace with a socialism that is an enemy of nationalism.

I will always oppose anti-nationalist socialism and anti-socialist nationalism."

- Ferenc Szálasi

Saturday, July 13, 2024

My body is covered with scars

 “… You are now satraps, you are generals, you are captains. What have I held back for myself apart from this purple cloak and diadem? NOTHING! 

No man can point to my riches, except from these possessions of yours which I am guarding on YOUR behalf. And what would I do with them anyway? I eat what you eat, I get no more rest than you; many times, I have stayed on watch so you could sleep soundly!

Who among you believes that has worked harder for me that I have worked for him? COME ON! If you got scars, STRIP and show them to me; I WILL SHOW YOU MINE! 

There isn’t one part of the front of my body without a wound; my body is covered with scars by any weapon you can think of – swords, stones, arrows, clubs. All for the sake of YOUR lives, YOUR glory and YOUR wealth...”

God Emperor Alexander the Great 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Ready for War

 "If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War."

— George Washington

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Of Nature and the Spirit

 “A pure socialist system would be free of any democratic element, it would submit to the rules of the hierarchy inscribed in the constitution of nature and the spirit.”

Charles Maurras

Avid to achieve Greatness

 “Nazism seemed to many just an extreme version of what [most Germans] had always believed in or taken for granted. It was nationalistic, respectful of the armed forces, socially conservative, disdainful of laziness, hostile to eccentric or incomprehensive ideas that came from cities, disapproving of homosexuals and other unconventional human types, and avid to achieve ‘greatness’ for Germany. They welcomed parts of the Nazi political and social smorgasbord and told themselves that the rest was less important or was not meant seriously.”

Walter Rinderle and Bernard Norling, historians

the Independent State of Croatia

 "It was clear to me that we cannot fight against bandits with a prayer book in our hands. And that's why I led the movement with the decision to add bitter grass to the bitter wound." 

Ante Pavelić

 On 10th of April, 1941, the Independent State of Croatia was established and the criminal state of Yugoslavia was falling apart. Axis forces, recognizing what Yugoslavia truly is, dismantled the agonizing multi-ethnic state and freed not only the Croatian people, but also other people, from the prison operated by Serbian freemasons and Jews.

Monday, July 1, 2024

29th Waffen Grenadier Division

Sketches featuring the 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the ϟϟ (1st Italian)

The 29th SS presented the fasces under their sleeve eagle instead of the hakenkreuz.

War against usury

 «My friend Ezra Pound is right. The revolution is a war against usury. It is a war against public usury and private usury. Take down the tactics of stock market battles. "Destroy the basic parasitism on which moderates build their fortresses." —Benito Mussolini.

The hedonistic ideology

 "Fascism has ended (and therefore anti-fascism is useless) because something worse has replaced it: the power of consumption and its hedonistic ideology."

Pier Paolo Pasolini

I cannot write...


"I have tried for a long time to find words to express what the Führer is to me. Words expressing one’s deepest feelings can sound so thin and empty. The Führer towers so high that words cannot reach him. To me and all other honest Germans, he has become fate itself. Can a man put his fate in words? I do not think it possible. All I can say is about what the Führer means to me is this: I want to love him because he is Germany."

— Erich F., Münster

This material comes from a quite remarkable book that can only be compared to religious devotional literature. The editor wrote to a range of people asking them to say what Adolf Hitler meant to them. The result is language one would ordinarily apply to God.

Source: Das ist der Sieg! Briefe des Glaubens in Aufbruch und Krieg