Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Vera Oredsson

Vera Oredsson (1928- ) is a Swedish National Socialist. She’s still alive and still standing strong even in old age 93. Vera and her brother were blessed to have lived in the glory years of freedom in Germany. In the terrible days in April of 1945, when the world sank into the darkness of victorious international finance, the pitiful invisible tyranny that had cost the world over fifty million lives, the Swedish government began to extract Scandinavians and others from the war zone of Germany. Vera joined the Nordic Reich Party (NRP) in 1960, a National Socialist party founded in 1956 by Göran Assar Oredsson, originally called Sweden's National Socialist League of Struggle. In 1973 Vera was prosecuted for violating the law on political uniforms after she and other party members wore armbands with the swastika. Vera remained a defiant and fervent soldier of truth, and even became the party leader for a few years from 1975-1978.

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