Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Nietzschean Sense

 "[Long] rejects the quasi-religious organization and ceremonial antics of the Church of Satan, the Temple of Set and other satanic groups. He believes that traditional satanism goes far beyond the gratification of the pleasure-principle and involves the arduous achievement of self-mastery, self-overcoming in a Nietzschean sense, and ultimately cosmic wisdom. His conception of satanism is practical, with an emphasis on individual growth into realms of darkness and danger through practical acts of prowess, endurance and the risk of life."

— Scholar of esotericism Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

As a boy and young man, I often wished for the occasion to prove that my national enthusiasm was no mere empty whim.  Cheering sometimes seemed to me to be a kind of sinful indulgence, though I couldn’t give any justification for that feeling.

After all, who has the right to shout out a triumphant word if he hasn’t won the right to do so in a place where there is no play-acting, and where the Goddess of Destiny’s inexorable hand tests the truth and sincerity of nations and men?

Just as millions of others, I felt a proud joy in being permitted to go through this test.  I had so often sung Deutschland Über Alles, and so often roared ‘Heil’, that I now saw it as a kind of belated grace that I was allowed to appear before the Court of Eternal Justice, and to testify to the truth of those feelings.”

— from Mein Kampf (1925) by Adolf Hitler, the Dual English-German translation of Dr. Thomas Dalton, Clemens & Blair Edition, 2017, Vol. I, Chap. 5, p. 323

Continuity of Race

 “Your life is not of this day, and not of tomorrow. It is of the thousand years which came before you, and the thousand years to come after you.

During the thousand years before you, your Blood was purely preserved, so that you would be who you are. Now you must preserve your Blood, so that all of the generations of the next thousand years will honour you and thank you.”

— from The Voice of the Ancestors (1933) by Frithjof Fischer

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Hyperborean Archetype

The SS were conforming to their own racial vehicles so that the Hyperborean Archetype of the Aryan Collective Unconscious would express itself. 

Giving these vehicles a renewed life, the Archetype could incarnate here below. 

They were Sonnenmenschen, Sun-Men,Supermen, Man-Gods, Total-Man, Magician-Man. The new aristocracy of the Aryan race and not that traditional degenerate aristocracy that Evola made his own and defended. (He told me he was not a fascist or Hitlerist and his ideal was Metternich). 

Forming here the vehicle of pure blood, the next step would consist in a pact of white magic with the Hyperborean Archetype, an evocation or invocation that would make possible his “incarnation” in the totality of the Aryan Folk,the truly chosen. 

Once having reached this stage, the dichotomy of a “race of the body” without a “race of the spirit,” or without “race of soul” is not possible. 

This can only come to pass in the actual state of things, in this racial chaos, where the comparison given by Evola of the Dutch or Danish “race of body,” lacking horizon or destiny because it does not possess a “race of soul” or “race of spirit.” That example has no relevance in Hitlerist society where the Archetype of the Aryan-Hyperborean”Collective Unconscious” was incarnating itself (and had reached Holland and Denmark).

My suspicion is that Esoteric Hitlerism lacked time to realize the Pact of White Magic to renew that Ancient Pact with the Hyperborean Archetype God, the authentic Lord of Hosts. 

Understanding things in that way one understands furthermore that all that “traditionalist” argumentation is against a non-existent biologist or materialist “pagan” understanding. The matter is profoundly spiritual, metaphysical, relating to the incarnation of a Hyperborean Archetype on earth, among us. Jung psychologicized, already forced as we have said by an ancient Mystery: that of Tulku, Boddhisatva, Avatar. 

But Jung helped us to understand and penetrate the Mystery. And he has been the only one in our time who has referred to Hitler in this way, even though, after the war that he also lost, he wanted to unsay it, to forget what he had said with contradictory unhappy declarations. Silence would have been better. 

There is no way to understand the Great War without rising towards these positions, reaching these distances by means of analysis. From there one can furthermore know on which side we stand. And whether we choose good or bad, here lies the possibility of a conscious choice. 

When Hitler said “the race of the spirit (‘racial breeding’) was more solid and enduring than a purely biological race,” taking as example the Jew himself, “the farthest from the animal on earth,” perhaps he was referring to this very thing, to this “Pact” he would not himself come to achieve fully: “Because the lack of time did not permit us to realize our dreams fully and, therefore, the results of this war will be in consequence.” (See’The Golden Band “). He could not do more than win by losing, for now. 

We repeat, unfortunately Julius Evola did not understand the enormous favor Jung gave to Aryan man with his idea of the two Collective Unconsciousnesses, the most valuable tool given to Esoteric Hitlerism. He also did not understand Esoteric Hitlerism. Perhaps he was too close to the Avatar in space as well as in time. 

So great was the energy that emanated from his vortex that only adoration or rejection were possible, never indifference. 

Humility and voluntary detachment are necessary from the self to be able to be an unconditional partisan of the Fuhrer Prinzip, essential Aryan idea that only emerges from the greatest depths of the “blood memory.” 

Evola ended taking refuge in the distance of “Integral Traditionalism” and an aristocracy more of class than of race. 

Miguel Serrano 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Religious War against Bolshevism

Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg (Jean Mabire’s ‘The God of War’):

“The Bolshevik partisans will wonder what we are preparing for them. Simply, another Revolution, a little more terrible than theirs. They love the red star. We celebrate the yellow sun. Religious war.”

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


"He who cannot obey himself will be commanded. That is the nature of living creatures."


What is Essential

 “As long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, then we are not even close to what is essential.“

Julius Evola 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The West's Decline

 "Christianity is at the root of the evil that has corrupted the West. This is the truth, and it does not admit uncertainty. In its frenetic subversion of every hierarchy, in its exaltation of the weak, the disinherited, those without lineage and without tradition; in its call to “love”, to “believe”, and to yield; in its rancor toward everything that is force, self-sufficiency, knowledge, and aristocracy; in its intolerant and proselytising fanaticism, Christianity poisoned the greatness of the Roman Empire. Enemy of itself and of the world, this dark and barbarous wave remains the principal cause of the West’s decline." 

- Julius Evola

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The disease is democracy

 "It is not that democracy is sick. The disease is democracy." 

Charles Maurras

Give us the Dream

 ”Science is incapable of repopulating the deserted heavens, of restoring happiness to those souls whose ingenuous peace has been destroyed….We no longer want truth, give us the dream.“

Gabriele D’Annunzio

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Faith and Action


"You should never give up in battle or work. Even if you fail a thousand times, you must make a thousand and first attempt. In the end it will succeed and you will be the victor, even if almost bled dry, even if almost faint, but filled with the triumphant knowledge of having overcome. You are a victor in your struggle and victor over yourself."

-Helmut Stellrecht, Faith and Action, page 14

The problem of Judaism

 "The science of anti-Semitism finally comes to explain this phenomenon, enlightening further the consciousness of people, fully satisfying their instinct and its violent eruptions thus legitimized by revealing their cause - the parasitism of the Jews. Thus it gives us the formula of the scientific solution for the problem of Judaism, which in order to realize we have only to apply."

— A. C. Cuza

Vera Oredsson

Vera Oredsson (1928- ) is a Swedish National Socialist. She’s still alive and still standing strong even in old age 93. Vera and her brother were blessed to have lived in the glory years of freedom in Germany. In the terrible days in April of 1945, when the world sank into the darkness of victorious international finance, the pitiful invisible tyranny that had cost the world over fifty million lives, the Swedish government began to extract Scandinavians and others from the war zone of Germany. Vera joined the Nordic Reich Party (NRP) in 1960, a National Socialist party founded in 1956 by Göran Assar Oredsson, originally called Sweden's National Socialist League of Struggle. In 1973 Vera was prosecuted for violating the law on political uniforms after she and other party members wore armbands with the swastika. Vera remained a defiant and fervent soldier of truth, and even became the party leader for a few years from 1975-1978.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

True Superiority

 "One must make one's own life as one would make a work of art. The life of an intelligent man must be created by himself. True superiority consists of nothing else."

Gabriele D'Annunzio