Thursday, December 31, 2020

Death is the purpose of life

“An invisible guidance, that shows itself only in a doubtful form, accompanies us to our death, to that real result, and, to this extent, the purpose of life. At the hour of death, all the mysterious forces (although really rooted in ourselves) which determine man’s eternal fate, crowd together and come into action. The result of their conflict is the path now to be followed by him; thus his palingenesis is prepared together with all the weal and woe that are included therein and are ever afterwards irrevocably determined. To this is due the extremely serious, important, solemn, and fearful character of the hour of death. It is a crisis in the strongest sense of the word - a day of judgement.”

- Arthur Schopenhauer, “Transcendent Speculation on the Apparent Deliberateness in the Fate of the Individual” from Parerga and Paralipomena (1851); translated by E. F. J. Payne

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