Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Tom Metzger - One of the last of the great White Men passed away

From the W.A.R. website:

Thomas Linton Metzger, born April 9th, 1938 in Warsaw Indiana, passed away in Hemet, California on November 4th, 2020.
He is survived by Mary Arnold, six children – Carolyn, Dorraine, John, Lynn, Rebecca, Laurie along with nine grandchildren and one great- grandchild. Tom served in the U.S. Army as a PFC-E1 from 1956 to 1959 and then moved to Southern California to work in the electronics industry.
Tom lived in Fallbrook, California for over 40 years working as the local TV repairman until he retired and moved to his hometown in Indiana before returning to California. The family will be having a private gathering. 

The Metzger family at Klan picnic, 1979. "The majority of our family’s time was with the movement, or the Klan."

Tom Metzger and son John. 

A part from a 2016 Tom Metzger interview for

Do you support Donal Trump?
No. I support the chaos that he’s spreading. We need chaos. We need upheaval. We need people marching in the streets. We need people going crazy. He’s done a good job with that.

Why is chaos a good thing?
Because it eats away at the empire. It takes chaos to deteriorate the empire.

Will you vote for him?
No. I don’t vote anymore. I have no confidence in the federal government. I would feel immoral by voting. I agree with some of the things that he says, but I don’t trust any of these people. White Aryan Resistance Special Issue – White Worker Beware!

Why do you think white supremacists like him so much?
They’re trying to ride on his coattails. The smart ones aren’t that excited about him. But they will use his image to gain something. They love his style. He’s a showman.

Is there anything about him that you like personally?
I like his positions on trade. We have to put up the trade barriers. We’ve got to put terrorists out. He can stop that.

What about the border?
He’s a little too late on the border.

So, you don’t think putting up a wall on the border with Mexico is a good idea?
I don’t. They’re already here. How do we get them out? You’ve got a wall up there. I don’t want a wall there because you need an opening to get them out of here.

Well, I’m assuming Trump is planning some sort of a gate, no?
I’m sure he is. But it’s too late. The problem is, when you try to cram too many religions and races into one country, is that it’s going to explode. We’re going to become like the Middle East. 

"The 21st century will bring far more surprises than the 20th did. It will feature warlords equipped with modern technology but at the same time, low tech will trump high tech, in many cases. The 21st century will truly be the age of the fanatic. Chaos will be normal, as Nature herself rebels against overpopulation. Lack of water, lack of living space, and untreatable viruses are all tied to overpopulation, especially in the Third World. In the middle of all this, we will see a window of opportunity. It is the coming generation that will finally see the light. Our generations now are too tainted with false compassion; they are not nearly ruthless enough to see the job done."- Tom Metzger - Resistance Mag #23

"My desire and energy to take on the status quo comes directly from a sense of being inquisitive. In fact, as a boy growing up, when I was told that I could not or should not do something, that was precisely what I wanted to do. Most kids stop being that way after they get a little older. They get snivel-ized, as I call it. But I never stopped. I’ve always challenged authority. When I see something that doesn’t make sense or doesn’t seem right, I challenge it. And the big boys don’t like that." - Tom Metzger

"As long as you keep your nose clean and play the system’s game, they don’t hassle you very much,” I said. “You can go around saying you’re as free as a bird. But once you start challenging the system, as I do, then you find out just how crooked and un-democratic things really are."


  1. The left had Che, we had Tom, a true revolutionary icon of the Volk.

    Rest in white working class pride Metzger.......
