Friday, May 1, 2020

Hail the Workers' Day!

"Workers! Your institutions are sacred to us National Socialists. I myself am a poor peasant's son and understand poverty... I know the exploitation of anonymous capitalism. Workers! I swear to you, we will not only keep everything that exists, we will build up the protection and the rights of the workers still further."  - Robert Ley's proclamation to the German Labour Front (DAF)

"We demand from ourselves service to the end,

Even when no eyes are upon us. We know that we should love our Fatherland

More than our own life.

We vow that no one shall outdo us in loyalty,

That our life shall be one great labour-service for Germany.

So in this solemn hour we pray for blessing on the oath we take,

We thank thee, Führer, that we now have seen thee,

Do thou behold us as thine own creation?

May our hearts ever beat with thy heart's pulses,

Our lives find inspiration in thy love,

Behold us here! Thy Germany are we!"

Song sung by members of the Labour Front (c. 1936)

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