Monday, February 17, 2020

American "diversity"


"...The average white person can no longer look on America as his family. He no longer feels part of it. It's just the place in which he happened to have been born and happens to be living. He no longer feels a kinship with all other Americans. The reason he doesn't is primarily the result of the enormous increase in what liberals and the media fondly call "diversity": that is, the great increase in the number of people with whom we feel nothing in common--people with different roots, people who look different, think differently, behave differently, and have different values--people whom we cannot even imagine being part of our family. When we look at America, and see a great many people like that, when we see all this "diversity", then we longer feel ourselves part of America. We no longer feel a sense of loyalty to America..."

William Pierce from 'Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds'

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