Friday, February 28, 2020

Miguel Serrano (10 September 1917 – 28 February 2009)


Reality is an illusion: Forward by Lowell

This is another treasure in that string of pearls that are Serrano’s books - a jewel full of metaphysical, mystical and magical mysteries.
The Mystery of the Archetype, that Idea that seizes a Man until it manifests itself in the Collective Unconscious. The Man speaks of himself as “We” – He awakens the “Memory of The Blood” and the Idea transforms itself into the Collective Consciousness.

And the Man, the Avatar burns himself as he resists the dominance, the onslaught of “The Enemy of Mankind”. He is short lived but the Idea is projected into Myth and Legend, the future of his Race. And the torch is picked up by his Adherent, the new predestined Avatar. For the true Master, with the eyes of a dragon, recognizes the worthy adept. Hence the double murder of Hess and his perfect double at Spandau – the futile attempt by the Enemy to stop the Idea.

The Avatar comes at the last moment, when everything seems lost – “If you are doing the right work, unknown friends will suddenly appear. And although you find yourself alone in your room, your thoughts will be heard a thousand miles away”.

Finding one’s soul, as Socrates did in his last few hours before death. The liberation of the soul from the body, outside the bonds of the flesh, finding her own space - this power of the Life Force, enables the Sonnenmenchen to save his Race. Yes, this is a Spiritual struggle.

And modern politics is the rule against The Spirit, against the Heroic, where promising Leaders and Warriors are destroyed at childhood. Where Sacred Sites, Temples of Old are razed, memories erased. Where modern man has lost the heka, the attunement, the vibrations, the right language even, to capture the Astrological propitious moment to act. Lost that Lightning Bolt that strikes with Cosmic Synchronicity and energizes, creates anew.

The Supreme Feminine, The Lady of The Castle, the Domna “gazes” profoundly at the Chosen One. He is smitten and retreats to the forest – and she visits him. Gods and heroes love in secret. For it is the woman that initiates the investiture, empowers the King. The Supreme Feminine gives the Male King the Power to pursue his Ideal. Without her, He is shorn of his strength – The Queen on the chessboard.

The woman Maga hands the Grail to the Hero. He lives in this Iron Age, this age of involution, deconstruction and degeneracy. He senses he does not belong here, but elsewhere – he awakens from this demonic illusion of this world in which we are all trapped. The Hero begins to reverse this misery and death – starts the journey back to Hyperborea, to the semi-divine.

The scientists of the Third Reich wanted to unlock the secrets of the Vril, the Life Force that pulsates throughout our living planet. A “spiritual science” beyond mere mechanism and combustion. Most of these scientists disappeared at the end of the war – did they continue their work in Neu Schwabenland the vast lands in Antarctica? Quoting Doenitz, Serrano continues: “The German submarine fleet is proud to have established a secret earthly paradise, an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer somewhere in lone location of the world”.

Finally, Serrano appeals to the Heroes fighting the Anglo-Zionist system with its constant, unending bombardment of lies through TV, radio, newspapers - a Demiurgic world of Lies by those “Masters of the Lie”, turning Aryans into “good Democrats, Humanitarians”. The Heroes must shed all this and lead the Great Rebellion until the Matrix, that Tribe of Rodents in Human Form, is extirpated.

And this will soon happen because their Dark Age, Kalyuga is past. Since Dec. 2012 this is our Age: Kritayuga – and Victory awaits us!

Norman Lowell
The Sacred Island of Melita
June 2015


“To die is like passing to the other side of the mirror, into an upside-down sky; like falling out of one’s skin, into the soul. Whoever has experienced mystic death during his life, is already the lord of the two worlds.”

― Miguel Serrano, Nos, Book of the Resurrection

Mikis Mantakas: Martyr for Europe

mikis mantakas kp 5

"No Ideal is realized without Sacrifice"

Read also:

Mikis Mantakas – Presente!

You killed the man, not the Idea

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blow, wind! Come, ruin!


“I’m starting to grow tired of living, and I’d like to see the world plunged into chaos. Ring the alarms! Blow, wind! Come, ruin! At least we’ll die with our armor on”


Monday, February 24, 2020

Thelema: A Traditionalist Religion for the Kali Yuga


 NOVEMBER 30, 2019

It might surprise some people to see Thelema and Tradition in the same sentence. They’re typically thought to be quite contrary and many Traditionalists are prejudiced against Thelema, considering it a syncretic, modern system that is in fact counter-Traditional. In this article, I will make the case for Thelema being a type of Tantra, the Tantras themselves developed within a Traditionalist framework but devised specifically for the Kali Yuga. (RELATED: Neotantra vs. Tantra: 6 Key Differences

In the Indo-European doctrine of the yugas, we are currently in the Kali Yuga or dark age. Unlike the Golden Age, our current epoch is when mankind is furthest away from the divine and the world is no longer functioning along divine guidelines. Thus a new method of seeking the Ultimate was created—the Tantras—as a way of working with the darkness of our current age rather than trying to swim against it. In The Yoga of Power, Julius Evola relates the teaching that the Traditional ways from the Golden Age are not even efficacious in the Kali Yuga:

It is claimed that the teachings, rites, and disciplines that would have been viable in the first age (the Krita or Satya Yuga, the equivalent of Hesiod’s “golden age”) are no longer fit for people living in the following ages, especially in the last age, the “dark age” (Kali Yuga, the “Iron Age,” the “Age of the Wolf” in the Edda). Mankind in these later ages may find knowledge, a worldview, rituals, and adequate practices for elevating humans over and beyond their condition and for overcoming death (mrityun javate), not in the Vedas and in other strictly traditional texts, but rather in the Tantras and in the Agamas. It is stated therefore that only Tantric practices based on shakti (shakti-sadhana) are suitable and efficacious in our contemporary age: all the others are considered to be as powerless as a snake deprived of its poison.

Aleister Crowley was a seeker using Tantric practices, a fact that led to him being misunderstood. (RELATED: Was Aleister Crowley a Satanist?And while he didn’t set out to create Thelema—it kind of happened to him—with the A∴A∴, he specifically created a system for a modern person who is balancing the demands of work and family while also seeking spiritual liberation. In addition, the tenets of Thelema are essentially Tantric—such as seeing the divine in everything, not shunning anything as not-God, embracing left-hand practices and morality, and not believing in sin in the Christian sense.

Like most religions, Tantra has the goal of union with the divine and spiritual liberation. But unlike their traditional counterparts, which some say have now become hollow and impotent ritualism, the Tantras incorporate unorthodox spiritual practices. So too, Thelema, and it also encourages the aspirant to experiment with a variety of religious practices to figure out what works for him.


Unlike Traditionalism and Tantra, Thelema doesn’t espouse the doctrine of the yugas. At first glance, congruity may seem impossible, since Crowley says last century we entered into the New Aeon, the era of the crowned and conquering child and this New Aeon is usually seen as something positive. But if we read Crowley’s descriptions of the New Aeon, much is similar to the Kali Yuga; in true Tantrik fashion, however, the “dark” forces are celebrated rather than eschewed. And similar to Tantric philosophy, Thelema teaches that the ways of the Old Aeon are no longer as efficacious. (RELATED: Aleister Crowley on the Aeon of the Horus as the Era of Childishness

Why is a new religious system even needed today? Evola describes the situation in The Yoga of Power:

During the Kali Yuga, the bull of dharma stands on only one foot (it lost the other three during the previous three ages). This means that the traditional law (dharma) is wavering, is reduced to a shadow of its former self, and seems to be almost succumbing. During [the] Kali Yuga, however, the goddess Kali, who was asleep in the previous ages, is now fully awake. I will write at greater length about Kali, a prominent Tantric goddess, in the following pages; for now, let us say that this symbolism implies that during the last age elementary, infernal, and even abyssal forces are untrammeled. The immediate task consists in facing and absorbing these forces, in taking the risk of “riding the tiger,” to use a Chinese expression that may best describe this situation, or “to transform the poison into medicine,” according to a Tantric expression.

There are other parallels between Tantrism and Thelema, the latter which certainly can be modified to one’s preferences and predilections to fit paths as diverse as Shaktism in Tantra to traditional Catholicism. (RELATED: What Is True Will in Aleister Crowley’s Thelema?) Like Tantra, Thelema could be described as a left-hand path given the individualistic, yet divinely inspired, nature of its practices:
He who travels along this path is dvandvatita: superior to all opposites (good and evil, shame and honor, merit and demerit, etc.), not only as a detached being but also as svecchacari, as a man for whom his own will is the only law, for whom all the laws, rules, and rites of the ordinary “bound” man, pasu, have fallen away. This may, of course, lead to dangerous deviations. The path—as the texts state—may be compared to walking on a razor’s edge or to riding a tiger. However, as for the corresponding spiritual atmosphere, there can be no doubt about an absolutely “virile” attitude. (Evola, East and West)

We’ve seen that in the Kali Yuga, Evola claimed that Traditional paths were no longer efficacious, that the Tantras were developed as a way to work with the current of the modern world rather than try to swim against it. And that Crowley’s philosophical system, Thelema, is essentially a modern-day Tantric path, and that he created the A∴A∴ as a means for modern man to achieve liberation even with the confines of a 9-5 job and family. The main difference between Tantra and Thelema is that Crowley’s system was developed for Westerners. Regardless of whether you want to follow Crowley’s system, it provides a valuable outline for how to go about seeking spiritual enlightenment in the modern world.


Sunday, February 23, 2020


Raise the Flag!

[caption id="attachment_9957" align="aligncenter" width="400"]tumblr_ob9ihiK5381sm9y4po1_400 Horst Ludwig Wessel (October 9, 1907 – February 23, 1930)[/caption]

Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed! The Sturmabteilung marches with calm, steady step. Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries March in spirit within our ranks

Clear the streets for the brown battalions, Clear the streets for the storm division! Millions are looking upon the swastika full of hope, The day of freedom and of bread dawns!

For the last time, the call to arms is sounded! For the fight, we all stand prepared! Already Hitler's banners fly over all streets. The time of bondage will last but a little while now!

Raise the flag! The ranks tightly closed! The SA march with quiet, steady step. Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries, March in spirit within our ranks.

Horst Wessel - Die Fahne Hoch!

Read also:

Thou shalt live on with us

The Spirit of Horst Wessel

Saturday, February 22, 2020

I am beyond you humans


“I confess! I am not human. People have cried that derisively, tried to sear me with that stinging brand, and they are too lost to know how right they are. I am beyond you humans.”

Charles Manson


Friday, February 21, 2020

Legions Arise!

Long have we slumbered, but now we awake.
We dreamt of your souls, whom now we shall take.
Our legions of chaos have swollen in size.
The long wait is over, to gather our prize.
During our langour, much time has passed
The Kings have returned, to lead you at last.
So rise like the chosen you all have become.
We march forth in battle, together as one.

The stars have aligned, the spheres coincide,
We lead you from darkness, to stand by our side.

Legions arise, Legions arise

You never lost hope, you never have strayed.
Arise now my children, arise from the grave.
We lead not the weak, they won't answer the call.
As chaos descends, false metal will fall!

Legions Arise

The wait is finally over! After nearly 30 years, Cirith Ungol announce "Forever Black", a full-length album of brand new material, on April 24th!


Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Force Of The Righteous


The Force of The Righteous
A review of My Commando Operations by Otto Skorzeny
(Edition Albin Michel, 1975; reprint by Schiffer Publishing Limited, Atglen, Penn., 1995)
By William Ventvogel
3 April 2004

It is a shame that so many publications of interest to Whites continue to be shoddy, despite the increasing demand and the rising intelligence of the market. Again and again there is the "market syndrome," filling the need without regard to quality. This edition of Colonel Otto Skorzeny's wartime biography leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth. The omissions of text from the original, the misspellings, the misplaced italics, parens and quotes, all grate on you. The idea occurs to you that perhaps the shoddiness is intentional. I nearly sent it back, but I know from experience that the folks at Schiffer don't respond. With this criticism out of the way I turn now to the content, which is even more disappointing. Skorzeny was a complex man. He says what he means in a civilized and intelligent way, and he shows a diamond hardness. But where he really should deliver, he doesn't. One would hope he'd be as assiduous here, in what is essentially his testament, as hard as he did in the war. I don't know what held him back, or what editorialists excised, if anything. More on this later.

White men in their frustration want to smash and burn the Jew and capitalist regime. But only proper timing and leadership can bring this about. The timing is a force outside our control and will come of itself. Leadership is another animal. The demographic trends in Euro areas are discouraging, and one is thrown back upon these eternal questions: how much do numbers matter? Why do some men believe in a thing unto death, and others would perish to achieve the opposing vision? What can serve White men if this is essentially a matter of will? How can the right men emerge from this perpetual equivocation? Part of the answer is, of course, the control of the magnavox, the great voice. Man hungers for the larger view. He needs orators. The voice which becomes greatest will prevail. I'm referring of course to the media monster, control of which means, literally, survival or destruction for the Euro man. Leadership is, then, about breaking the enemy's voice and offering an alternative magnavox. It is competition amongst competing great voices that controls and ultimately holds the fate of peoples. The winner gets the people. Thus our Jew parasites can tolerate no media competition. Thus they, by many means, suppress our gifted communicators -- by reputation terror, even incarceration and murder.

The Euro man opposes the ingress of Jews and darks because these people threaten the material bases of survival. Behold our cities and our ecology. Behold our women and wealth, our governments, schools and security apparatus. A jungle rot, a cancer is pulling it all down as it feeds on us. The Euro man is righteous in his homeland. His homeland is anyplace there is a civilization made by him. It is his natural law. Thus our leaders will come when the collective Euro sense of justice is ready for them. The cry for order will call them forth. Strong men defend civilization. The Austrian Otto Skorzeny was such a man.

We "Americans" would read a book by the Fuehrer's top commando to learn "tips" about operations. This is natural, but Euro man everywhere should be seeking information to help him prepare in a more profound way for what is coming. This would be, above all, guidance in conduct and attitude. Without a core psychology of justice and righteousness Euro man cannot prevail. The arch enemy has legions of mercenaries and the death-dealing dark hordes at his disposal. It must be quality over quantity, spirit over beastliness, as it was in the first great war of liberation, as the Fuehrer understood.

Thus the greatest value of My Commando Operations is the message of attitude and righteousness, which are rooted in identity. As the cycles of civilization wash over us, it is frightening to realize that what has informed the mind and blood of Euro man for millennia could be submerged. One can be fatalistic -- Christian and minded-minded -- and wail and accept it as the Spenglerians do. Or one can "wrestle down the inner schweinhund," as the Fuehrer used to say. I personally see no other way out. The hard way is the only way and hardness only will push through. The people know the man called forth by time and justice. And Otto Skorzeny, too, knew what needed to be done and stepped forward. In his story one senses this above all: the convergence of energies which select and lift a man to eminence and give him the opportunity to solve terrific problems.

Thereafter the forces carried Skorzeny along. He became a "legend" and this book is, I think, his attempt to demolish that legend. It is in legend that the masses of men may see visions. Yet Skorzeny in action always kept himself down to earth. He was, after all, an infantryman and combat engineer. At his trial by ZOG he was the most heavily guarded of all. Half a dozen ZOG army goons covered him with Thompson submachine guns as he stood naked before a kike inquisition. The ZOG press couldn't get enough of him. Here was the man Hitler had called upon for the delicate, but nasty, jobs. Skorzeny, the ZOG believed, had lifted Hitler out of Berlin at the final moment, just as he had rescued Mussolini from his mountain prison. Where is Hitler, Oberst Skorzeny? Where did you hide him? You planned to kidnap General Eisenhower. You are not a soldier, Skorzeny, you are a criminal like all SS men... And so forth. The ZOG was, we will see, inept, vindictive, unsoldier-like, malicious, a big dumb beast with lots of fangs and armored scales and fire but a far undersized brain. This is most obvious today. Skorzeny basically outclassed the kikes and their lackeys. He outdid them as a prisoner. He had them beat as a soldier and a man. These emissaries of the Federal Reserve, Procter & Gamble, Standard Oil, the banks and Jews and arms makers, all of them were no match for this man of his volk and their righteous struggle for identity. AmeriKwans haven't known since 1861 what real threat is. They soon will again.

Three years after Skorzeny surrendered himself it was obvious that ZOG occupying Germany was stupid and corrupt. The ZOG had no moral case against the struggle of the German people and other European peoples against the Jew Bolshevik beast. And the ZOG knew it, and knows it now. That's why the Jew’s filthy, lying media machine cannot let up on the Nazi-demon myth. And three years in the ZOG's gulags had shown Skorzeny what a bunch of mongrel chimps AmeriKwans are. So Skorzeny climbed into the trunk of a car and by this means left the ZOG camp. This was after the Jew lynch court had tried him repeatedly. They couldn't pin him down. And after he had gone under the wire the ZOG didn't try hard to get him back.

One gets the sense that Skorzeny wrote this reluctantly. It is long (468 pages) and reportorial in tone. It is somewhat of an air-clearer, but not in the way we would like. He does not reveal much about his philosophies and musings nor minded infiltration. The arch-enemy is "Bolshevism." Again, this might have been prudence on his part, or editorial interdiction, or both. When he wrote this Jew power was stronger than it is now. The Holocaust myth was young. Although world Jewry has since infiltrated governments and media deeper, their psychwar operations against Euros are faltering. The kikes are growing desperate. The shocking detonations in Madrid recently were probably the work of mistaravim - Israeli terror agents. The anti-Shi'a bombings in Iraq certainly are Mossad/US-ZOG operations to maintain the divisions in Iraqi society. Colonel Skorzeny would discern this but I doubt if he would write it out and sign his name. He was modest and a gentleman and rarely speaks harshly of anyone except certain high National Socialist officials, especially Admiral Canaris the arch-traitor. We should understand, however, that he was a special operations man, and deception, however much he might have disliked practicing it, was necessary. I did not detect anything "between the lines." He writes straightforwardly. Again, this might have been editorial effect. But it is difficult to believe that he accepted the notion that "Stalin had crushed the jews" in the USSR. A man so astute could not really believe that. The question then becomes why he asserts such things when they are easily disproved. Eventually Skorzeny became a successful construction executive with interests in several European countries. No doubt he had moved on -- he had a family to care for -- and the time was not right to tell all. He probably remained a believer in National Socialism because that ideology and system was the only one, and still is, which could defeat any form of Jewish supremacy. He did not apparently think in racial terms of Euro versus Jew. But he did hold Bolshevism the greatest evil, as did most intelligent Europeans. Thus he went to war against the beast in the east, and it is best I think that I quote him. It is appropriate also that the title of the first chapter is "On The Right Of Self-Determination Of Peoples." In the following excerpt he is speaking of the general situation in Austria and Germany after the Armistice of 1918 and the Versailles Treaty of the following year:

"I was ten years old at the time. The Hapsburg Empire had just collapsed. Austria was now a country of six million inhabitants (of which nearly 2 million lived in Vienna), 83,000 square kilometers in area. They had taken away the industries of Bohemia and the agricultural land of Hungary and left it no access to the sea. It was therefore forced to live in misery or unite with Germany."

The son of an engineer-architect, born in Vienna in 1908, came into his majority when the world economy was deteriorating. But another menace overshadowed even economics. Bolshevism.

"In 1931 I passed my final exams for a diploma in engineering. However, the future was very dark for young Austrians, no matter what class they belonged to. Like many other middle-class Austrian families, we had come to know want, sometimes even distress, during and after the war and during the period of inflation, when food, coal and raw materials were in short supply. For too long unemployment had become a career for half a million Austrians...

... An economic catastrophe befell Austria just as I was about to begin working... As was usual in the building trade, some of my employees and workers were socialist-Marxists, some communist, which did not prevent us from working closely together...

In the meantime, the economic situation grew increasingly worse. Living on loans, the nation was dependent on greedy foreign creditors who were ever more demanding and from whom the Christian-Democratic government couldn't or wasn't willing to free itself. It is impossible to understand the tremendous tragedy of the Second World War without considering my homeland. The division of Austria at Versailles created a dangerous vacuum in Central Europe. The communist threat was not imagination. I was nineteen years old when the Arbeitzung, the organ of the socialist-Marxists, published its order for general mobilization in Vienna. That was July 1927, and I can still see the demonstrations deteriorating into a bloody mutiny after two days. I still see how the communists charged police headquarters and set ablaze the Palace of Justice, which was soon one huge pillar of fire. All the land registry entries, which were kept there, were burned. That was without a doubt one of the objectives of the Marxist mobilization. These violent street battles appeared to me to be extremely stupid. One thing was for certain: the citizens had been terrified."

Here we see the outlines of what is coming in the U.S.: increasing disorder, bankruptcy, weak government, economic displacement, and finally banditry and anarchy. White identity will continue to deteriorate and with it White security. This is the inevitable outcome of rule by Jews and unbridled capitalism. We saw the first fires of the bush war 30 years ago. Our great cities, so carefully built up by our ancestors over centuries, are now destroyed, and are now dens where our black and brown enemies feed and breed. But we have yet to see what Skorzeny saw: all-out machines of destruction, led by Jews and Marxist agitators, in open warfare against the material bases of life. Skorzeny's reaction is a study for us:

"...the Marxists were the first to organize an armed militia, which was called the Republikanischen Shutzbund. Opposing them was the Heimwehr, led by the fanatical Prince Stahremberg, and Major Fey's Heimatschutz. Both formations, which were supposed to be all-party, were in fact themselves political, revolutionary groups..."

That is, they did not seek to unify the productive elements with the intellectual and property-holding elements of Austrian society. What was needed was unity of all the so-called classes involved in producing and maintaining the material bases of life. Division is, of course, the chief strategy of minded warfare."

At this time, Skorzeny belong to a dueling society. His contacts with war veterans while attending Vienna Technical College edged him toward National Socialism. He discusses the effects of the dueling floor:

"In my opinion it was a place to teach courage, coolness and will. I myself fought fourteen times, which is where I got my dueling scars... The members of the student military societies and student corps were neither snobs nor drunkards, they worked for the fatherland... The matter was close to my heart. During a conversation with Hitler at the end of 1943, I explained that the student fraternities had sprung up all over the Reich in 1848, at the moment therefore when German youth manifested its will for change, and that this tradition had been kept alive in a good sense in Austria. While on their holidays the students forged links with the workers and farmers, forming a volunteer labor force which demonstrated a real socialist and nationalist spirit. The vast majority had fought against the Red Front in the streets, and they never understood that they were treated like snobs."


The Third Reich instituted leadership programs which molded men and women to see the folk as an organic whole. This was imbued in them by an obligatory term in the Reich labor service, where they performed manual labor. We can see in this the critical importance of organization, especially with a military influence. There is no substitute for it. Only military virtues can fortify a man to stand and defeat the forces of chaos and death coming for Euros everywhere. For those Euros in America who don't like the idea of living in a totalitarian state, they should remember that liberty as we know it is based on wide spaces. As North America fills up with third worlders, competition for resources will bring on increasing control. Then it will be seen that the freedom of the frontier spaces is what an American thinks of as "freedom." In crowded Europe, chaos can be averted only by unanimity, or nearly so, and this is possible in a homogenous population only. More control is inevitable. We have the choices of control by the Jew Marxists or the national socialist model. Under an NS government we will survive as a people. Otherwise the Jews will destroy us. Skorzeny continues his narration of his university days:

"After the unrest of 1927 the Marxists tried to take over the university. But we wanted to work in peace, and so the Academic Legion was formed. I was the legion's standard-bearer at the usual demonstration at Heroes' Square in September 1927. But the Legion was soon infiltrated politically, was swallowed up by Stahrenberg's Heimwehr, and finally became the Heimatblock. Then I left the movement... The decisive event was in September 1932, when Dr. Goebbels came to Vienna to deliver a speech. The party was not yet banned, and the assembled crowd in the Engelmann Skating Palace was tremendously responsive. While the Austrian police kept order outside, it was the uniformed SA who maintained order inside... Goebbels spoke for two hours, as he did when he was in his prime. His analysis of the international situation, the lamentable state of Europe since Versailles, the fruitless struggles of the parties, and Austria's position relative to Germany, were all sound, completely reasonable and based on facts and the will toward constructive work in a finally-unified people. The speaker was a tremendous success."

After hearing Dr. Goebbels speak, Skorzeny joined the National Socialist German Workers Party. Here was the answer at last, the unifying ideology and the party with the personalities to convince the people of it.

[caption id="attachment_9938" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Major-Waffen-SS-and-Otto-Skorzeny-salutes-the-Reich-propaganda-minister-Joseph-Goebbels-640x454 Otto Skorzeny salutes Joseph Goebbels[/caption]

Skorzeny describes the continuing breakdown of Austria under the minded assault. The Marxists understood that the NSDAP was their antithesis. There was killing. February 1934 alone saw 400 deaths and 1,000 injured in street brawls. This is serious violence and if it occurred in AmeriKwa today people would think a civil war was underway, which in fact it would be. This will not happen, however, as long as Euros continue to yield to the Jew and his dark tools. But in Skorzeny's Austria, Chancellor Dolfuss did what our ZOG does: he banned the party of Euro survival. That is, the leaders who could organize for White survival were persecuted. Of this move by Dolfuss Skorzeny wrote, "That was his first mistake." This Christian mentality of keeping the peace by feeding problem-solving White people to parasites is ingrained in law, habit and culture here in the Kwa, and in all Euro states. With the NSDAP illegal, its members went underground, if they escaped jail. Skorzeny and his comrades next turned to aiding imprisoned and fugitive NSDAP operatives. Dolfuss was assassinated in 1934, probably by NSDAP operatives, but the circumstances remain unclear. The hit might have been false flag. The Austrian press, controlled by Jews, blamed the NSDAP of course.

The anti-Bolshevik organizations in Austria faltered because they carried class prejudices. Prince Stahremberg and Major Fey faded out. They had failed to see the importance of the chain of contributors to life-sustaining productivity: workers and farmers, managers, owners. These economic elements, like the folk, were an organic whole. Stahrenberg and Fey were hewing to the old organization, which represented the nobility and the middle class from which they came. Thus they failed. I must point out the hard fact, however, that the Euro masses, no matter how you think of them, will follow the propaganda. Need I add then that Whites must compete first in the propaganda sphere, and smash the Jew monolith? The Jew assault on Euro identity is the heart of Jew strategy. This cannot be countered in any way but better propaganda.

Skorzeny married in 1934. He took his bride in a motorcycle sidecar to their honeymoon in Italy. This turned out to be another political awakening for Skorzeny. It was here he became a pan-Europeanist. In this time the apparent contradiction of state interests and identity, facing the need to form a common defense against Bolshevism, was a difficult issue. But Skorzeny heard Mussolini speak, and came to a balance in his own terms. He wrote:

"... The Duce made a good impression on me, and I suddenly found that, here among the Italians, my prejudices against Italy disappeared. In general I made similar discoveries on my trips through the various nations of Europe and I realized: we are one big family and we could easily get along with everyone, as long as we respect each other and each of us guards that which makes him special. Europe is like a rainbow of nations, whose colors must remain clear and separate..."

The NSDAP of Germany and its leader Adolf Hitler were placed in power by popular majority vote on several issues, one being the unification of areas with substantial German populations. From his assumption of the office of Chancellor on January 30, 1933, Hitler made anschluss with Austria a principal aim. Security impelled this; the Bolshevik beast was coiling and the Fatherland needed to extend itself toward the east.

Skorzeny continued his membership in various clubs and associations which were pro-anschluss. It is to be noted that the politics of vigorous people tend to be territorial. A man or woman of action is protective and alert. The opposite behavior is to be seen in the consumerist, the "bourgeois," such as we call "yuppies" here in the Kwa. A man diverted by lusts tends to be "tolerant." Tolerance is death. When the NSDAP was made legal in Austria again their operatives went right back at the Bolsheviks.

"We were very aware that the communists and social democrats had become masters of camouflaging their troops. Above all we knew that Moscow had given the Austrian leaders specific instructions to prepare a people's front under communist direction..."

Skorzeny does not name the Jew, perhaps because he was a business man and would have been ruined. The kikes chastised even Henry Ford; how can the little man stand against them? But Skorzeny was a superbly fair man, which can be a liability. He had seen theories in practice, and their collapse under the carborundum of war. On the Russian front polar energies collided and chaos resulted. Did theory justify this calamity? He also saw that the deadliest German traitors were White, and saw Jews in Budapest aiding the German forces retreating before the Red Army. He knew that Jews were in Soviet gulags. To a man like Skorzeny, who had seen the best and worst, a Manichean view is not tenable. Bolshevism was mere theory (which time and Nature proved only a fantasy) and the people who advocate it can be of any race. It is the allegory of "hate the sin, not the sinner." Still, the reader must wonder what he would say of the West today, thirty years after his death. How could he fail to see the Jew role in the assault? And how would he cull the "good" Jews from the "bad"?

The assassination of Dolfuss in July 1934 accelerated the time of the great confrontation between pro-anschluss and "internationalist" Austrians. Hitler had now neutralized communists in Germany, but they remained strong in Austria. Hitler was needed in Austria to neutralize them. In the anschluss crisis Skorzeny made a name for himself under circumstances not important here. This started him down the path which ultimately made of him a special operations man even within the elite Waffen SS. Austria by popular vote annexed herself to Germany March 12, 1938. We, reflecting on this, will see an abyss: without a popular majority here in the Kwa, how can Euros elect the politicians best for their survival? The fact is, the system is busted for Euros in the Kwa. No matter what Euros do, embargo or support, the system will continue to go against them. Latin American-style disorganization and corruption are on the political horizon for Euros. Unless ZOG security forces suppress all groups a Hobbesian situation will follow. The Austrian quarrel was German-on-German and ideological. Here it will be between White, brown, black, yellow and Jew, with control of

Euro productivity the grand prize. The atomized, deracinated Euro must coalesce and stand, or be driven out, his property, legacy, identity and women taken. This has already happened in the White-flight phenomenon of cities. You need read only one text, Germany Must Perish, written by the kike Kaufmann in 1940, to see what the Jewish Supremacists have in mind for us. This will be Euro man's fate unless he kills the Jew first.

Skorzeny wanted to be a pilot. At age 31, however, the Luftwaffe deemed him too old for flight training. Then he applied for transfer to the Waffen SS. "I was only ten out of a hundred applicants to be accepted, after a series of extremely demanding physical tests and examinations." Skorzeny explains the origins and nature of the SS, which every member seems obligated to do, so much did the ZOG satanize the organization. The SS was, he says, "a completely new concept of military-political fighters," an idea of Hitler's in 1928. The SS was a higher security, which guarded NS leaders from thugs and assassins deployed against them by Jews.

"We were without a doubt political soldiers; however we defended an ideology which superseded politics and parties... The motto engraved on our belt buckles read 'My Honor Is My Loyalty'. And so it remained."

The SS was also the Reich's seed for perpetuating its ideology of defense of blood and soil. This incorporated not only supreme military skills but also political and cultural prophylaxis, and eugenics. This of course terrified the Jews because such an organization would cut them from the host upon which they feed. If NS Germany had endured two or three generations, a counter-Jew inoculation would have been created against which the Jew has no defense. And the SS was pan-European. It meant to defend the West against Bolshevism.

"One unique feature of the Waffen SS was that it was a volunteer army, in which from 1942 European soldiers from many lands and peoples could be found."

Hitler did not avoid the two-front war. Germany never has. However, the demand for "unconditional surrender" by the ZOGs thrust the war into another dimension which is not well known to most of us. Skorzeny discusses this demand several times in different contexts. Facing overwhelming enemy resources and ruthless Jews and capitalists directing policy, the Reich was forced to improvise.

Skorzeny was an artillery officer with the SS Division Liebstandardte Adolf Hitler in the invasion of France. In April 1941 he fought in Serbia with the SS Division Das Reich. The following June he was sent to the east to prepare for Operation Barbarossa, the incredible and momentous invasion of the Soviet Union. After seeing heavy combat he was evacuated in November of that year for treatment of wounds, dysentery and biliary colic. He was, as he admits, "in very bad shape." For six months he "languished" in administrative duty in Berlin. This was not, however, a waste, because he saw how the higher offices work. And he had time to think. Though he wanted to rejoin his comrades at the front, his mind began working in new ways. He had read Colonel T.E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars Of Wisdom, of his guerilla warfare against the Turks in Mesopotamia. Skorzeny admits he was not by nature a soldier. And it is remarkable that neither were some of the most remarkable special operations men in history. I have in mind Colonel John Singleton Mosby, Mao Tse Tung, Colonel Lawrence, and others. Skorzeny writes of his Berlin reflections:

"I had the distinct feeling that we were no longer employing a revolutionary style of warfare but were fighting a conventional war of attrition... For my part, I was convinced that if we wanted to achieve a decision as in the years 1939/40, we must turn to daring methods and the tactics of surprise as we had in those years. We had to consider the entire nature of the war and discover and produce new weapons; weapons which were especially useful for specific purposes.

Naturally, I had too much imagination; I was only an unknown Obersturmfuhrer. If I had an opportunity to present my unorthodox ideas to one of the staff officers wearing the red stripes of the general staff he would most likely have smiled."

Few ideas in this matter would seem "radical" to us, we being well matured to the practices of covert and guerrilla-style warfare by the conflict in Vietnam and subsequent bush wars. But Skorzeny's time was still influenced by a whisper of chivalry, of "clean and honorable" combat, and so his ideas would have bothered the traditionalist-minded. Skorzeny's ideas included using enemy vehicles, uniforms and weapons; kidnapping key personnel; and the "usual" commando work such as raids, blowing bridges, communications centers, etc. by stealth. Skorzeny did manage to speak with influential staffers, and so impressed them that he was offered a job: Would the Obersturmfuhrer care to form, train and lead a new, very special unit? Skorzeny accepted on the spot. What he did was take over an existing secret battalion of special operatives and train it further and harder. This was renamed the Sonderbund z.b.V. Friedenthal, located in that town north of Berlin. Skorzeny also had charge of a sabotage school located in the Hague, the Seehof. The Special Duties Battalion Friedenthal was on call to the highest commanders for critical missions. It was the Delta Force of the Reich. Skorzeny took his orders from the Fuhrer personally. Friedenthal was composed only of volunteers, from all branches of the Reich and foreign states. Of the Friedenthal personnel Skorzeny writes:

"Like me, these volunteers wanted to fight Bolshevism and prevent Europe from being taken over by it. It is said today that we made a mistake. That is possible. But if we hadn't fought in 1941-45 there would be no free Europe today... We wanted to defend the soil of Europe and Germany -- not as "Nazis" but as patriots and soldiers."

After the war Skorzeny met David Stirling, founder of the British SAS.

"I found Colonel David Stirling was a man of exemplary sincerity, extraordinarily sympathetic and very intelligent. When one speaks with a former enemy, who experienced the same dangerous situations, one realizes that the Second World War was madness for Europe."

Of course, Skorzeny's book will please the afficionado of combat history. There is plenty of that sort of information. But one understands that it was apparent even before the fighting that psychologically disarming your enemy was more effective. Thus Skorzeny titles the chapter which begins his Friedenthal period "Don't Shoot!" He had seen too much already and the butchery and destruction bothered him tremendously. Thus his comment on the Russian front:

"They suffered fearful losses. The enemy came at us in wave after wave, only to allow themselves to be massacred, always at the same spot where our artillery had the exact range. It was impossible to fathom, heart-breaking and sickening to watch. Why were thousands of brave soldiers stupidly sent to their deaths in this way"

The answer is: Soviet military and secret police (NKVD) machine gun units were set up behind the conventional army units and would kill any retreating Soviet soldiers. The answer is: jews and animal communists controlled Mother Russia and did not, contrary to their declarations, care a fig about the ordinary Russian. The psychological conditioning of the simple soldier by political officers might have enhanced, or distorted, the Russian's natural desire to repel invaders. But henceforth Skorzeny always looked to avoid bloodshed.

The purpose of taking the enemy's ground is to establish control over food and energy, and establish a propaganda monopoly. As technology grows more powerful the critical junction of these systems grow correspondingly more potent -- and vulnerable too. And as technology grows, the destructive power of weapons does also. Thus we see today more destruction being accomplished with less. Computer-guided weapons can take out a block and spare the peripherals. One strike can cut off the life mechanism of millions of enemy personnel. But once the enemy regime has capitulated, troops must occupy his land to prevent the reestablishment of sustenance and propaganda streams outside the victor's control. This new situation brought on by ever increasing technology potential calls for specialists to neutralize critical junctions:

"Like it or not, a new type of soldier has arisen: an organized adventurer. He must have some of the qualities of a guerrilla, a man of science and an inventor, of a scholar and psychologist.

He can emerge from the water or fall from the sky, can walk peaceably along the streets of the enemy's capital or issue him false orders. In reality war is for him an anachronism. In vain the "traditional" generals view him with understandable suspicion. He exists and can no longer disappear from the battlefield; he is the authentic secret weapon of his fatherland."

Long after the war ZOG intelligence services continued to monitor Skorzeny. And the press periodically tossed his name up, National Enquirer-style, as a malefactor. This of course is one form of Jew terror. The chief charge against him, and the ZOG's fear, was that he headed a secret National Socialist organization (ODESSA) of former SS members.

The Friedenthal Special Duties Battalion specialized in key actions where force, applied to critical nodes, could make a large difference. But despite its superior human quality the forces of the Reich could not withstand the material superiority of the ZOG. The Reich shrank and retreated, hammered by the Bolshevik beast and its twin Capitalist ZOG, directed by Jews east and west. The final plan of survival was "the Alpine Fortress," in which Hitler and Reich leaders would hold out. Skorzeny would command this Praetorian Guard. But as huge ZOG armies closed in, and ZOG bombers continued to pound the Reich into dust, Skorzeny realized there could be no last stand. How could ZOG heavy bombers miss it? The war was over.

Already he was legendary amongst the ZOG military and political establishment, considered thug, magician, con man and murderer. His name had come up most prominently in the Ardennes Counteroffensive (the "Battle of the Bulge"), which nearly succeeded. SS operatives in ZOG uniforms and vehicles penetrated deeply into ZOG lines, and conducted disorienting actions in the rear areas. They created a gratifying chaos in which it was thought generals Eisenhower and Bradley had been kidnapped, or were being impersonated by Germans. Skorzeny was the "mastermind." At his trial this deception would be used against him as "espionage," although the kike army had tried the same thing earlier in North Africa.

Adolf Hitler committed suicide, and Grossadmiral Doenitz, the new leader of the Reich, ordered all military units to lay down their weapons at midnight, May 8. Skorzeny continued to wait and watch in the Alps with his troops. He describes this time:

“I could have committed suicide; many of our comrades sought death in the final battles or freely took their own lives. I could also have quite easily flown to a neutral country in a Ju 88. But I refused to abandon my country, my family and my comrades in an hour of need. I had nothing to hide, hadn't attempted anything and had done or ordered nothing that would shame a true soldier. I decided to surrender voluntarily and sent two messages to the American division headquarters in Salzburg... I proposed that the soldiers of the Alpine Guard Corps should go into captivity together. I received no answer. I later learned that U.S. headquarters had decided that this was a new trick on my part...

What I didn't know was that I was being eagerly sought and that the allied press and radios were calling me "the most devilishly intelligent man in Germany". I really had no idea of the legend that already surrounded my name."

The "surrender" turned out to be an absurdity of the sort one expects from a huge army of draftees in a war based entirely on propaganda. AmZOG intelligence members were nervous and ignorant. When Skorzeny came down he was driven here and there by the MPs. None were sure where to take him or what to do. His first shakedown was this scene: he was stripped naked. Someone stole the watch Mussolini had given him. The MPs covered him with machine guns while intelligence officers questioned him. Already news reporters were everywhere, waiting like hyenas. The reader will see how the "press" and ZOG are a symbiosis.

Skorzeny had contempt for his captors, with a few exceptions. He praises several of his defense lawyers as fair men, and describes the kindness of his black guards. Many of the top administrators at Nuremberg were kikes, of course. He saw racial vengeance (although he does not state it), and the political nature of the appointees there. They were not soldiers, but commissars. One gets also the sense of how deeply the Jews had penetrated the U.S. government and military establishment even 60 years ago. (Now it is hopelessly theirs, and we could not possibly flush them out peacefully.) The head of the prison was one Colonel Andrus, a "Lithuanian" by birth, a devious and cruel man, probably a Jew or communist.

"He saw to it that the food was bland and also of very poor quality... We were guarded by large numbers of black soldiers... Colonel Andrus thought to degrade us in this way. But I always got along well with the blacks, who proved to be much more humane than the Whites. One huge young man, a black sergeant, who was extremely friendly, became my friend and more than once slipped me a few cigarettes and chocolate."

Skorzeny refused to salute Andrus, who in retaliation threatened Skorzeny with solitary confinement. "I believe that the American officers under Andrus hated him more than he did us." But Andrus' pressures were effective.

"Some couldn't take it. Besides Dr. Ley, the good and brave Dr. Conti, Reich Health Leader who was unjustly accused, hanged himself in the next cell. Generaloberst Blaskowitz jumped to his death from the fourth floor catwalk."

And Air Marshall Goering committed suicide in his cell with poison smuggled to him.

[caption id="attachment_9935" align="aligncenter" width="400"]p5zk9lMaHR0cDovL29jZG4uZXUvaW1hZ2VzL3B1bHNjbXMvWVdNN01EQV8vM2RhNWZiODEyMzgxN2YwNmVlZjVlNGNkMzhjY2M2YTguanBlZ5GTAs0EsACBAAE Otto Skorzeny in prison, Nuremberg, Germany, 24 Nov 1945[/caption]

"There were surprise inspections of the cells day and night. We had to sleep with the lights on, were not allowed to cover our heads and had to face the light bulbs. If we covered our eyes with the blanket while we slept, we were brutally awakened by the guard... The worst, however, at least for me, was the prison's oppressive atmosphere. The constant spying, the deals they tried to make with the weakest, the use of informants, the denunciations, the false accusations, the servile behavior of certain of the accused and witnesses who hoped to come out of the entire affair with enhanced reputations -- they made promises, which they kept, if they proved cooperative -- all this had affected my morale badly. I came close to reacting in a way that would have given Colonel Andrus an excuse to punish me hard. There was nothing that he couldn't or wouldn't use against us. We were "tested" by the so-called psychologists... We had to take an IQ test... The Americans were extremely surprised when they found that, by their own criteria, our intelligence quotas proved to be "very above average"... The main job of these "psychologists" was to report to the prosecutors and create disunity among the prisoners..."

These Soviet techniques were well known to German officers. It is another thing, however, to escape them. If one cannot one suffers. They are still with us, much more sophisticated and penetrating, milking us as they kill us. Double win for the Jew. We see in Skorzeny's situation the union of commercial sales psychology with academic research. A condition of "freedom" must be carefully analyzed. The Jew, being by nature a parasite, can skillfully construct an illusion of freedom in his media. He does it with the instinct of cunning, imbued in his genes over millennia, which ingenious White people can discern only with difficulty, and by training. This is the case in the Kwa. At Nuremberg prison the ZOG press roamed at will amongst the prisoners. Their cells were open during the day and the prisoners could visit each other and talk to whomever they chose. Was this "freedom"?

"The journalists were hungry for sensational news, and it is not surprising that the international press published such "sensational bulletins" at that time, for the more fantastic a story, the higher the price paid for it. Publishing agreements were concluded by way of middlemen. They asked me for "ready to print" text. I refused. Many prisoners, however, spent the whole day typing, whether for the press or the prosecution -- which came to the same thing..."

"The autograph trade was in full swing. Without embarrassing myself, I demanded a pack of cigarettes for each autograph. But the more "dangerous" one was, the higher the fee..."

"The "confessions" made at Nuremberg and quite generally the statements made by prisoners under interrogations by the enemy's military-political police must be read by the historian with a great deal of skepticism. Many prisoners gave false testimony in order to be acquitted. I therefore denounce them..."

Note this: the Soviets offered Skorzeny a job. He turned them down.

The White and Jew elements in the ZOG cooperated only so far as their perceived common interests. But the Jew could not be satisfied. His vengeance was insatiable. You all know of the Morganthau Plan. This was not put through because General Marshall blocked it -- not so much out of a sense of honor but because he knew the American public would not accept it. You may be sure General Patton opposed it also. In fact, you know General Patton realized after the guns were silent who the enemy was. Shortly thereafter he suffered a "Princess Diana." Skorzeny was in and out of Nuremberg prison from 1945-48, under indictment and not, incarcerated in various lesser security camps while the kikes invented new charges against him. Each round fell apart. Skorzeny had fought cleanly. He was a soldier, and the better man.

He went on hunger strikes to protest the treatment of prisoners. The ZOG prosecution was trying hard to prove that the Reich had been a criminal regime, heretical and contemptuous of the common laws and standard mores of civilization. But the fact is that the Reich's armed forces observed the points of the Geneva Articles of War more strictly than did the ZOG forces -- damned far better than the Soviets did. With the prosecution dominated by Jews and Marxists the ZOG was zealous to stamp out this Aryan ideology of concordance with Nature (the fact of inequality), and the formation of a natural aristocracy. It was an ideology of overcoming, and lives still, because it is the truth. The ZOG kangaroo tribunals at Nuremberg hung Reich leaders but it did not, and could not, eradicate National Socialism as an ideology. The ZOG murdered or broke these "men above time" but National Socialism will return, because it is the law.

One day Skorzeny climbed into the trunk of a car and by this means left the claw of the ZOG. Apparently the ZOG did not try to recapture him.

"After two years in Germany and two in France I found in Spain, a chivalrous land, the opportunity to pursue anew my career as an engineer."

He opened an office in Madrid with a small loan and a few years later won a large contract for railroad materials and machine tools. American and British intelligence stayed on him. Having failed to destroy him at Nuremberg the ZOG thought to bust him for secret Nazi activities. There were rumors of "SS treasure" and secret training camps, coups, mercenary operations, plots to kidnap world leaders, to storm Spandau Prison and free Rudolph Hess. The press accused him of planning the Great Train Robbery in England in 1963. And so on. This was his world as he got on with his life and recovered his family, friends and dignity.

Ending his story out, Skorzeny hews to the technological threat of his day, nuclear war. This was the juggernaut of progress, or anti-progress, from which the Euro man has not yet extricated himself. Or rather, Euro man has not figured out what strands of his instinct could pull him into destruction. For Skorzeny this was nuclear weapons, and his discussion of them will sound dated to us. But he does say that technology can never supplant the human factor. And how could it?

"There is nothing that proves that an atomic war would render the use of special commando units superfluous, as many maintain. The commandos could play a decisive role, while a conventional mass attack would be doomed... Those general staffs that rely solely on the accuracy and destructive power of their guided weapons would regret it."

We see in Iraq and Afghanistan that he is correct. Fedayeen and Talibani with low technology weapons but righteous hearts are more than mere thorns in ZOG's side. They will prevent ZOG from controlling territory, and that, in the end, is what counts. Those lands are theirs by right of blood and history.

"No human community accepts its own destruction without defending itself. It was this very feeling that motivated the German people in 1944 and 1945, when the enemy was trying to force them to accept an "unconditional surrender." The world powers that today possess atomic weapons...are all aware that a war fought with all the modern means of destruction would be outright suicide."

Thus we should expect White Revolution to be low technology. Would the ZOG deploy the worst against those who refuse to be exterminated? It would lose its own case for self-determination it has ostensibly championed for decades -- for blacks and browns. It would become obvious to all peoples everywhere that extermination had been the goal all along. Nor could it keep secret its use of horror weapons. The ZOG indeed has dug its own grave with the spade of lies. And we have reason to regret that Otto Skorzeny is not alive to comment today. We would like to hear his frank analyses of the situation of Euro peoples and the solutions. For there is no "Euro elite" from which to expect help. We, such as we are, are on our own. Thus we can be sure that the next Leader will be an extraordinary man from the bottom, as it happened in Skorzeny's day.

Colonel Otto Skorzeny died in Madrid in 1975.


Monday, February 17, 2020

American "diversity"


"...The average white person can no longer look on America as his family. He no longer feels part of it. It's just the place in which he happened to have been born and happens to be living. He no longer feels a kinship with all other Americans. The reason he doesn't is primarily the result of the enormous increase in what liberals and the media fondly call "diversity": that is, the great increase in the number of people with whom we feel nothing in common--people with different roots, people who look different, think differently, behave differently, and have different values--people whom we cannot even imagine being part of our family. When we look at America, and see a great many people like that, when we see all this "diversity", then we longer feel ourselves part of America. We no longer feel a sense of loyalty to America..."

William Pierce from 'Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds'

Sunday, February 16, 2020

By the Eye of Reverence


“The Northmen do not think it in keeping with the divine majesty to confine gods within walls or portray them in the likeness of any human countenance. Their holy places are woods and groves, and they apply the names of deities to that hidden presence which is seen only by the eye of reverence.”

— Tacitus, 1st century AD 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Bear worship in ancient Finland and Siberia


Bears had extremely important role in daily lives of ancient Finns in pre-christian world.

Bear was one of the first animal gods worshiped.

There is different types of myths how bear came to the earth.

Some of these myths are heavily influenced by Christianity and the older ones are with more pagan origins.

Siberian ostjak tribe's bear myth is also known in Finland. According to myth bear lived in the sky in the constellation of the big bear and small bear. He lived with his father sky god Num Torum. His son the bear wanted to move to earth and live among people. His father agreed and so bear was landed to the earth from the skies. Bear lived sinful life in the earth. Father god got in rage and let people to kill his son.

Myth where bear's home is originally in the skies and he was landed to earth is common in all Eurasian area. Especially among those people who's ancestor's originally wondered from Siberia (such as Finns). Siberian Vogul tribe has a similar myth but their bear is a female not male.

Second myth tells that bear was born in Tapiola (old Finnish word for forest). Bears parents were sky god Ilmarinen and tree goddess Hongatar. Forest goddess Mielikki who took care of the bear once he was born. She also gave bear it's name and it's purpose. Creature that is both loved, feared and respected. Mielikki named bear KARHU (Finnish word for bear).

Karhu comes from the word karhea meaning rough fur.

Bear was respected god so when people entered to the forest they weren't allowed to say the word bear/ speak god's name loud. It was believed to jinx bear to appear.

In Finnish language there is over 1000 nicknames for bear.

Omena, Omenainen, Metsän omena, hunajatassu, Tapion poika, Tapiolan poika, Metsän kuningas

(Apple, forest Apple, honeypaw, son of Tapio, son of Tapiola, king of the forest ect.)

Bear was a god figure and it was believed that as god in flesh bear could read your mind, bear was a witch, wise one, shaman and a holy creature.

Human shamans could meet bear spirits during their shamanistic journeys and get answers to their questions.

There is archeological researchses made in Finland and findings support interesting theory that some time in ancient Finland there has been two clans living together, clan of the bear and clan of the moose. This theory is supported by statue findings made in Finland representing moose's heads and bear heads.

Idea of clans comes from mythology that some tribes have animal ancestors and people were related to animals.

When bear is standing it is about same size as human being and their paws are similar to human hand.

Bear is a strong animal, powerful and extremely fast.

People who were part of the bear clan without no doubt identified them selves to the bear and bear became their holy animal because of it's great qualities.

Same goes with moose and the moose clan.

Bear hunting was important ritual. There was two bear hunts in a year.

Bear hunting was a spiritual process. Men had to live in celibacy for a while before hunting, wash themselves and wear white clothes. First hunt took place in the spring time. Hunters went to the bear's cave while it was still a sleep they sang to the bear to wake it up and killed it.

Bear funeral was big festival as well. It included drinking, dancing, prays for the bear spirit and bear plays. Dead bear was burred in a ceremony that was very similar to human burial.

People believed that spirit of the bear returns back to the skies to it's original home when it was buried properly.

Bear skulls were used to decorate altars or they were put to the top of pine tree to keep the bear spirit near.

This position as a god in Finland's history has been very beneficial for bears in Finland.

They are not that much hunted in Finland what they are in many other countries in Europe and other parts of the world. Back in 2013 I was in volunteer work in Bear refuge in Croatia.

We had lot's of talk there about the bear situation in Europe. It was quite shocking. I think there was 5 bears in France, 2 in Switzerland, about 200 in Croatia and there is app. 1450 - 1590 bears in Finland (in 2015) it is difficult to give exact number since bears move between borders of Russia and Sweden. Still number is way larger compared to many other countries.

Roles between Finnish forest god Tapio, forest goddess Mielikki and bear god were often mixed because both Tapio and Mielikki could shape-sift themselves to bears. Tapio is also one name for a bear. (Tapio/ Tapiola old Finnish word for a forest).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Dresden Bombing: An eyewitness account


by Edda West

"My grandmother would always begin the story of Dresden by describing the clusters of red candle flares dropped by the first bombers, which like hundreds of Christmas trees, lit up the night sky - a sure sign it would be a big air raid. Then came the first wave of hundreds of British bombers that hit a little after 10 p.m. the night of February 13-14, 1945, followed by two more intense bombing raids by the British and Americans over the next 14 hours. History records it as the deadliest air attack of all time, delivering a death toll that exceeded the atomic blasts on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 20 minutes of intense bombing, the city became an inferno. The second bombing raid came three hours after the first and was “intended to catch rescue workers, firefighters and fleeing inhabitants at their fullest exposure.

Altogether, the British dropped nearly 3,000 tons of explosives that shattered roofs, walls, windows, whole buildings, and included hundreds of thousands of phosphorous incendiaries, which were small firebombs that sprinkled unquenchable fire into every crevasse they rolled into, igniting the inferno that turned Dresden into a “hurricane of flames.” By the time the Americans flew in for the third and last air raid, smoke from the burning city nearly obliterated visibility. One American pilot recollects, “We bombed from 26,000 feet and could barely see the ground because of clouds and long columns of black smoke. Not a single enemy gun was fired at either the American or British bombers.

The Americans dropped 800 tons of explosives and fire bombs in 11 minutes. Then, according to British historian David Irving in his book, The Destruction of Dresden, American P-51 fighter escorts dived to treetop level and strafed the city's fleeing refugees. My grandmother described the horrific firestorm that raged like a hurricane and consumed the city. It seemed as if the very air was on fire. Thousands were killed by bomb blasts, but enormous, untold numbers were incinerated by the firestorm, an artificial tornado with winds of more than 100 miles an hour that “sucked up its victims and debris into its vortex and consumed oxygen with temperatures of 1,000 degrees centigrade.

Many days later, after the fires had died down, my grandmother walked through the city. What she saw was indescribable in any human language. But the suffering etched on her face and the depths of anguish reflecting in her eyes as she told the story bore witness to the ultimate horror of man's inhumanity to man and the stark obscenity of war. Dresden, the capital of Saxony, a centre of art, theatre, music, museums and university life, resplendent with graceful architecture -- a place of beauty with lakes and gardens -- was now completely destroyed. The city burned for seven days and smoldered for weeks.


My grandmother saw the remains of masses of people who had desperately tried to escape the incinerating firestorm by jumping head first into the lakes and ponds. The parts of their bodies that were submerged in the water were still intact, while the parts that protruded above water were charred beyond human recognition. What she witnessed was a hell beyond human imagination; a holocaust of destruction that defies description.
It took more than three months just to bury the dead, with scores of thousands buried in mass graves. Irving wrote, “an air raid had wrecked a target so disastrously that there were not enough able-bodied survivors left to bury the dead

Confusion and disorientation were so great from the mass deaths and the terror, that it was months before the real degree of devastation was understood and authorities, fearful of a typhus epidemic, cremated thousands of bodies in hastily erected pyres fueled by straw and wood. German estimates of the dead ranged up to 220,000, but the completion of identification of the dead was halted by the Russian occupation of Dresden in May.

Elisabeth, who was a young woman of around 20 at the time of the Dresden bombing, has written memoirs for her children in which she describes what happened to her in Dresden. Seeking shelter in the basement of the house she lived in she writes, “Then the detonation of bombs started rocking the earth and in a great panic, everybody came rushing down. The attack lasted about half an hour. Our building and the immediate surrounding area had not been hit. Almost everybody went upstairs, thinking it was over but it was not. The worst was yet to come and when it did, it was pure hell.

During the brief reprieve, the basement had filled with people seeking shelter, some of whom were wounded from bomb shrapnel. One soldier had a leg torn off. He was accompanied by a medic, who attended to him but he was screaming in pain and there was a lot of blood. There also was a wounded woman, her arm severed just below her shoulder and hanging by a piece of skin. A military medic was looking after her, but the bleeding was severe and the screams very frightening.

Then the bombing began again. This time there was no pause between detonations and the rocking was so severe, we lost our balance, and were tossed around in the basement like a bunch of ragdolls. At times the basement walls were separated and lifted up. We could see the flashes of the fiery explosions outside. There were a lot of fire bombs and canisters of phosphorous being dumped everywhere. The phosphorus was a thick liquid that burned upon exposure to air and as it penetrated cracks in buildings, it burned wherever it leaked through. The fumes from it were poisonous. When it came leaking down the basement steps somebody yelled to grab a beer (there was some stored where we were), soak a cloth, a piece of your clothing, and press it over your mouth and nose. The panic was horrible. Everybody pushed, shoved and clawed to get a bottle. I had pulled off my underwear and soaked the cloth with the beer and pressed it over my nose and mouth. The heat in that basement was so severe it only took a few minutes to make that cloth bone dry. I was like a wild animal, protecting my supply of wetness. I don't like to remember that.

The bombing continued. I tried bracing myself against a wall. That took the skin off my hands -- the wall was so hot. The last I remember of that night is losing my balance, holding onto somebody but falling and taking them too, with them falling on top of me. I felt something crack inside. While I lay there I had only one thought -- to keep thinking. As long as I know I'm thinking, I am alive, but at some point I lost consciousness. The next thing I remember is feeling terribly cold. I then realized I was lying on the ground, looking into the burning trees. It was daylight. There were animals screeching in some of them. Monkeys from the burning zoo. I started moving my legs and arms. It hurt a lot but I could move them. Feeling the pain told me that I was alive. I guess my movements were noticed by a soldier from the rescue and medical corps. The corps had been put into action all over the city and it was they who had opened the basement door from the outside. Taking all the bodies out of the burning building. Now they were looking for signs of life from any of us. I learned later that there had been over a hundred and seventy bodies taken out of that basement and twenty seven came back to life. I was one of them -- miraculously!

They then attempted to take us out of the burning city to a hospital. The attempt was a gruesome experience. Not only were the buildings and the trees burning but so was the asphalt on the streets. For hours, the truck had to make a number of detours before getting beyond the chaos. But before the rescue vehicles could get the wounded to the hospitals, enemy planes bore down on us once more. We were hurriedly pulled off the trucks and placed under them. The planes dived at us with machine guns firing and dropped more fire bombs.

The memory that has remained so vividly in my mind was seeing and hearing humans trapped, standing in the molten, burning asphalt like living torches, screaming for help which was impossible to give. At the time I was too numb to fully realize the atrocity of this scene but after I was 'safe' in the hospital, the impact of this and everything else threw me into a complete nervous breakdown. I had to be tied to my bed to prevent me from severely hurting myself physically. There I screamed for hours and hours behind a closed door while a nurse stayed at my bedside.

I am amazed at how vivid all of this remains in my memory. (Elizabeth is in her late 70s at the time of this writing). It is like opening a floodgate. This horror stayed with me in my dreams for many years. I am grateful that I no longer have a feeling of fury and rage about any of these experiences any more -- just great compassion for everybody's pain, including my own. The Dresden experience has stayed with me very vividly through my entire life."

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The media later released that the number of people who died during the bombing was estimated in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand -- over a quarter of a million people. This was due to all the refugees who came fleeing from the Russians, and Dresden's reputation as a safe city. There were no air raid shelters there because of the Red Cross agreement. What happened with all the dead bodies? Most were left buried in the rubble. I think Dresden became one mass grave. It was not possible for the majority of these bodies to be identified. And therefore next of kin were never notified. Countless families were left with mothers, fathers, wives, children and siblings unaccounted for to this day.”

According to some historians, the question of who ordered the attack and why, has never been answered. To this day, no one has shed light on these two critical questions. Some think the answers may lie in unpublished papers of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, Winston Churchill and perhaps others. History reports that the British and American attack on Dresden left more than 2-1/2 times as many civilians dead as Britain suffered in all of World War II, and that one in every 5 Germans killed in the war died in the Dresden holocaust.

Some say the motive was to deliver the final blow to the German spirit -- that the psychological impact of the utter destruction of the heart centre of German history and culture would bring Germany to its knees once and for all. Some say it was to test new weapons of mass destruction, the phosphorous incendiary bomb technology. Undoubtedly the need for control and power was at the root. The insatiable need of the dominators to exert control and power over a captive and fearful humanity is what drives acts of mass murder like the Dresden firebombing and Hiroshima.
I think there was also an additional hidden and cynical motive which may be why full disclosure of the Dresden bombing has been suppressed.

The Allies knew full well that hundreds of thousands of refugees had migrated to Dresden in the belief that this was a safe destination and the Red Cross had been assured Dresden was not a target. The end of the war was clearly in sight at that point in time and an enormous mass of displaced humanity would have to be dealt with. What to do with all these people once the war ended? What better solution than the final solution? Why not kill three birds with one stone? By incinerating the city, along with a large percentage of its residents and refugees, the effectiveness of their new firebombs was successfully demonstrated. Awe and terror was struck in the German people, thereby accelerating the end of the war. And finally, the Dresden firebombing ensured the substantial reduction of a massive sea of unwanted humanity, thereby greatly lessening the looming burden and problem of postwar resettlement and restructuring.

We may never know what was in the psyche of those in power or all the motives that unleashed such horrific destruction of civilian life - the mass murder of a defenseless humanity who constituted no military threat whatsoever and whose only crime was to try to find relief and shelter from the ravages of war. Without the existence of any military justification for such an onslaught on helpless people, the Dresden firebombing can only be viewed as a hideous crime against humanity, waiting silently and invisibly for justice, for resolution and for healing in the collective psyches of the victims and the perpetrators.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

German Socialism as an Alternative to Marxism

In the seventh article in our series on figures of the German Conservative Revolution Alexander Jacob examines the political thought of the “cultural pessimist” Oswald Spengler and the socialist writer Werner Sombart

[caption id="attachment_9910" align="aligncenter" width="700"]Adolph Menzel – Eisenwalzwerk, Iron Rolling Mill, 1872–75 Adolph Menzel – Eisenwalzwerk, Iron Rolling Mill, 1872–75[/caption]

Today, when Marxism has become accepted as a reputable political system, it would be salutary to revive the conservative reaction to this messianic doctrine that is evidenced in the writings of German intellectuals at the turn of the century. While Marxism made steady inroads into the social structure of the German population through its high-sounding Hegelian dialectic and stirring slogans addressed to the working class, genuinely German minds were indeed horrified by the economic desiccation of social life that Marxism implied, and some of the German economists and social philosophers proposed social reforms of their own that were more naturally suited to the ethical and social constitution of the German people. Of these German alternatives to Marxism, I shall present here two versions, those of Werner Sombart, and Oswald Spengler. Of these, the former called his system German Socialism and the latter Prussian Socialism. What is common to both these alternatives to Marxism is that they consider Marxism as coincidental with the question of the Jewish involvement in European society. Hence my paper will necessarily deal with the sociology of the Jews as much as with that of the Germans.

[caption id="attachment_9906" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Karl-Marx Karl Marx[/caption]

I may briefly recall that Karl Marx (1818-1883) was born in an orthodox Jewish family in the Rhineland and studied law, philosophy and history at the Universities of Bonn and Berlin. Marx began his career as a political economist in Paris through his association with the German, Friedrich Engels. His earliest economic work was the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 which reflected his absorption of Hegelianism, French socialism and English economics. Expelled from France in 1845, Marx moved to Brussels, where he was brought into contact with the workers' movement, for which he drafted in 1848 the influential Communist Manifesto which contained a critique of capitalism and a call for revolutionary socialism. During the Revolutions of 1848, Marx was extradited from Brussels and the remainder of his years were spent mostly in London where he was financially supported by Engels, who had by now become an affluent industrialist. His major work produced in England was Das Kapital (1867) which remains the Bible of Communism among left-wing thinkers.


The complete rejection of philosophical discussion in Das Kapital crystallises the innate defect of the Jewish mind as much as Marx's exclusive focus on economic issues in his projects for the future society of man. Believing that capitalism was a transient stage in the evolution of society since it was based on the exploitation of labour by the capitalist minority which must sooner or later be swept aside by the masses, Marx outlined a coming anarchic utopia which would be entirely free of money, social classes and even state-government. It may be noted that Marx himself was a professed anti-Semite since he considered the Jews as predominantly capitalistic in spirit, but the social system that he propounded instead was no less significative of the Jewish mentality than that of the capitalists he attacked. The cultural limitations of Marx's materialistic view of life conditioned by what he called "the mode of production of the material means of life" were, therefore, most clearly exposed by the more genuinely philosophical German sociologists such as Sombart and Spengler.

Werner Sombart (1863-1941), the economist and social philosopher is noted today for his several pioneering works on the capitalistic ethos. Although Sombart began his sociological career as a socialist in the Marxist vein, he gradually dissociated himself from the economic-orientation of Marx's social theory in favour of a more voluntarist understanding of the springs of social evolution which supported the very patriarchal and aristocratic model of society which Marx had sought to destroy. In his Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im neunzehnten Jahrhundert (1903), Sombart turned his back on the socialist glorification of progress which he saw as destructive of the human spirit and revived the mediaeval ideal of the guild community which involved, as Mitzman summarises it, "the full absorption and development of the personality of the producer in his work; limited goals; and the shaping of the productive units on the model of the family community". The replacement of this original organic society by the artificial "Gesellschaft", to use Tönnies' terminology, was consolidated by the interference of the Jew in Germanic society since the Jew is marked by abstract thought which is "synonymous with indifference to all qualitative values, with the inability to appreciate the concrete, individual, personal, living". The symbolical expression of the Jewish capacity for abstraction is money which "dissolves all use-values into their quantitative equivalents". The proletariat, which is the typical social product of capitalism, is the element which suffers most in the replacement of the patriarchal social ethos by the commercial, for "every community of interest is dissolved, just as every community of labour" and "bare payment is the only bond which ties the contracting parties together". The traditional comfort of religion too has been destroyed by capitalism which typically bolstered the Liberal intellectual movement of the Enlightenment. A further crucial difference between Sombarts's developing German Socialism and Marxism is his distinction of the capitalist into the entrepreneur and the trader in such a way that, whereas Marx attempted to overcome the entrepreneur as a historically obsolete figure, Sombart championed the creative and organisational virtue of the entrepreneurial spirit against the merely rationalising and abstracting characteristics of the trader. The entrepreneur thus becomes in Sombart's view the economic representative of the typical Faustian spirit of the German hero while the calculating trader is increasingly identified with the foreigner, particularly the Jews and the English.

[caption id="attachment_9908" align="aligncenter" width="400"]markImage Werner Sombart[/caption]

In his war-time book, Händler und Helden (Munich, 1915), Sombart discusses the sociological significance of the war between the English and the Germans in terms of the radical difference between the "trader spirit" which aims at achieving mere "happiness" through the negative virtues of "temperance, contentedness, industry, sincerity, moderation ---, humility, patience and the like" which will facilitate a "peaceful concourse of traders", and the "heroic spirit" which aims at fulfilling the mission of life as a task of the higher self-realisation of humanity through the positive virtues of "the will to sacrifice, loyalty, inoffensiveness, reverence, valour, piety, obedience, goodness" and the "military virtues", since "all heroism was first fully developed in war and through war". War for the English was a chiefly commercial enterprise whereas for the German it was a defence of his soul from the deadening influence of this same commercial spirit.

However, already in his major works of 1911-1913, on Die Jüden und das Wirtschaftsleben (1911) and on the bourgeois spirit, Der Bourgeois, 1913, Sombart had shown that the modern system of commercial capitalism was due mainly not to English Protestantism, as Max Weber had proclaimed in his Protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus (1904-5), but to Judaism. In fact, Weber himself was forced, under the stimulus of Sombart's work, to distinguish between Protestant capitalism and the "pariah capitalism" of the Jews, a distinction which corresponds to Sombart's own historical division of the development of capitalism into early and high capitalism. While Catholicism, and particularly Thomism, had been partially influential in the development of the commercial spirit in its rationalistic, legalistic and essentially this-worldly philosophy, Sombart denied that Protestantism was synonymous with capitalism since, on the contrary, Lutheranism had at least encouraged a deepening of religious feeling. Even other forms of Protestantism were marked by a generally anti-capitalistic spirit of niggardliness and at most took over capitalistic forms from the existing economic life of the Catholics. The real source of the development of the high capitalistic stage of society is however, according to Sombart, the Jewish mind, which first introduced the chief characteristics of modern capitalism, namely the unrestricted play of the profit motive through free-trade, usurious dealings2 and ruthless business practices, especially with regard to non-Jews.

The identification of cheating in commercial transactions and exploitation of other peoples as the chief causes of the financial power of Jewry is most fully discussed by Sombart in Die Juden und das Wirtschaftsleben (Leipzig: Duncker und Humblot, 1911). The root of Jewish economics is located by Sombart in the hereditary religion itself which
“in all its reasonings appeals to us as a creation of the intellect, a thing of thought and purpose projected into the world of organisms, mechanically and artfully wrought, destined to destroy and to conquer Nature's realm and to reign itself in her stead. Just so does Capitalism appear on the scene; like the Jewish religion, an alien element in the midst of the natural, created world; like it too something schemed and planned in the midst of teeming life.”

Capitalism indeed derives directly from the sheer profit-oriented usurious economic tradition of the Jews:
“modern capitalism is the child of money-lending --- In money-lending all conception of quality vanishes and only the quantitative aspect matters --- In money-lending economic activity as such has no meaning; it is no longer a question of exercising body or mind; it is all a question of success. Success, therefore, is the only thing that has a meaning. In money-lending the possibility is for the first time illustrated that you can earn without sweating; that you may get others to work for you without recourse to force.

Sombart here points to the subtle form of commercial violence which constitutes the Jewish exploitative system. The Jews in general have disregarded the restraints to profit-making inherent in the traditional patterns of European economic life:
“[The Jew] paid no attention to the strict delimitation of one calling or of one handicraft from another, so universally insisted on by law and custom. Again and again we hear the cry that Jews did not content themselves with one kind of activity; they did whatever they could, and so disturbed the order of things which the guild system wished to see maintained.”

The alien status of the Jew vis-à-vis the host peoples among whom they lived served as a contributory factor to the success of their capitalistic endeavours, for their second-class status in society only spurred them on in their natural hatred and resentment of the host peoples whereby they took advantage of non-Jews under the sanction of their so-called religious laws:
“intercourse with strangers was bereft of all considerations, and commercial morality (if I may put it so) became elastic.”

The end result of the prevalence of the Jewish spirit in the West was the corruption of the very nature of Western man and society, for,
“Before capitalism could develop, the natural man had to be changed out of all recognition, and a rationalistically minded mechanism introduced in his stead. There had to be a transvaluation of all economic values.”

This ruinous transformation is effected basically through the resilient adaptation of the Jew to the society in which he is resident. But this process of adaptation is an intellectually determined one and lacks the organic quality of true sympathy:
“That Lord Beaconsfield was a Conservative was due to some accident or other, or some political conjuncture; but Stein and Bismarck and Carlyle were Conservatives because they could not help it; it was in their blood.”

Indeed, the Jews lack sympathy for
“every status where the nexus is a personal one. The Jew's whole being is opposed to all that is usually understood by chivalry, to all sentimentality, knight-errantry, feudalism, patriarchalism. Nor does he comprehend a social order based on relationships such as these. `Estates of the realm' and craft organisations are a loathing to him. Politically he is an individualist --- He is the born representative of the `liberal' view of life in which there are no living men and women of flesh and blood with distinct personalities, but only citizens with rights and duties.”

The result is that the Jews themselves often do not seem to understand the real significance of the Jewish question and appear to think that the Jewish question is only a political or religious one, believing that
“whatever can be neatly set down on paper and ordered aright by the aid of the intellect must of necessity be capable of proper settlement in actual life.”

With Sombart's understanding of the radical difference between the heroic Germanic spirit and the lowly Jewish commercial one it is not surprising that he identified himself with the National Socialist movement during the first years of its regime, even though he later withdrew from active participation in its programmes. In his Deutscher Sozialismus, written in 1934, Sombart reinforces this difference between the two ethoses, pointing once again to the desire of the Marxist proletariat socialism for "the greatest good of the greatest number". This utopian trait of the Marxists is evidenced especially in their championing of modern industrialism, even though it wishes for a substitution of private economic organisation with an economic-community organisation built on the social ownership of the means of production. The aim of social happiness is geared to the notion of "liberty and equality and fraternity" borrowed from the French Revolution and betrays the same resentments that impelled the first European revolution. The methods used for its realisation are the reduction of the amount of physical labour that the proletariat is subjected to through the use of machines and proper organisation involving the abolishment of the division of labour. The abolition of the centralisation of capital and the notion of private property will further enhance the prosperity of the masses. This dream of the communistic proletariat is bolstered by the idea of unending historical progress not towards a higher mankind but a "happier" one. Simultaneously all religious feelings of reverence before an other-worldly deity must be suppressed so that the people may rapidly achieve the dream of a this-worldly paradise which is, in fact, the real goal of the Jewish religion as well.

Unfortunately, this "fatal belief in progress which --- ruled the ideal world of the proletarian Socialism even more than the world of liberalism" is the chief cause of the inexorable decay of genuine human culture, for, as he says, "to perpetually renew, hinders all culture --- Only when in the course of history the traditions of belief, of morals, of education, and of organisation are dominant is it possible for a culture to unfold itself. For, in accordance with its very nature, culture is old, rooted, indigenous". The basis of all culture can be only the nation and not the state as such, for the nation is "the political association in its endeavour to attain an end --- The nation exists not because it lives in the consciousness of the individuals, but it exists as an idea in the realm of the spirit; it is `spiritual individuality". The people that constitute a nation are indeed an organism like the individual and possess the same origin, same historical destiny, and the same spiritual culture. It is on this cultural basis that one ought to distinguish the Jews as an alien nation. The Jews should be denied equal rights in holding leading and responsible positions, regardless of their spirit and character. He points with approval to the pre-Wilhelminian period when
"the military corps and nearly the entire internal and judicial administration, with approved exceptions, were closed against the Jews. Had this practice been retained, and had the Jews been assigned to other important fields, such as the universities, law and other activities, the German fatherland and, by no means least, the Jews themselves, would have been spared heavy afflictions".

The solution that Sombart suggests to the Jewish question is the transformation of the institutional culture in such a way that "it will no longer serve as a bulwark for the Jewish spirit", that is, the "spirit of this economic age" or of bourgeois society, so that Germans themselves no longer indulge in the alien ethos foisted on them by the Jews.

The economic policy of the modern states must also be one directed in a corporative manner based on a system of estates, which will be free of the potential for exploitation in the Jewish system,
“self-interests are to be overcome and articulated in the state as a whole; nor, in such an order, does the individual find his place according to his own estimate, but receives the place assigned to him. That means the recognition of the primacy of politics. In other words, an order according to estates is not reconcilable with the principle of free enterprise and free competition. In a community in which capitalistic economy still rules, an estate system is a contradiction. Not until the state rests fundamentally upon institutions, that is, upon a legal order which imposes duties, can an estate-system fulfil its tasks.”

The new legal order will be both hierarchical and embody a "super-individual reason" directed to the welfare of the whole; this order will be fully represented by the state. Henceforth the domain of economics will be ruled by that of politics, focused essentially in its military virtue, while in the realm of economics itself, agriculture will occupy the first rank and business the last. The leadership of a strong or authoritarian socialist state must rest in one "who receives his directions, not as an inferior from a superior leader, but only from God ... He is not required to listen to the "voice of the people", in so far as he does not recognise in it the voice of God, which can never speak from the accidental and changing totality of all citizens or indeed only from the majority19 of the citizens. The volonté générale which is to be realised is a metaphysical, not an empirical reality ... The statesman serves no popular interest, but only the national idea." Naturally the leader will be supported in his national tasks by an elite of capable officials and autonomous public bodies.

[caption id="attachment_9912" align="aligncenter" width="400"]spengler6 Oswald Spengler[/caption]

Sombart's German Socialism is indeed very indistinguishable from that of the Neo-conservatives of the Weimar Republic, Oswald Spengler, Moeller van den Bruck, or Edgar Julius Jung. This should only confirm the much neglected fact that what the anti-democratic and anti-liberal Germans were fundamentally fighting for in the Weimar Republic was the European ethos as opposed to the Jewish, and that German Socialism (as distinct from and irreconcilable with Marxist Socialism) is as oriented to the development of true moral culture and as hierarchically and neo-mediaevally organised as German Conservatism. As representative of the neo-conservative position in the Weimar Republic we may consider here the political views of Oswald Spengler (1880-1936) whose social ideal is indeed termed `Prussian Socialism' in his essay, Preussentum und Sozialismus (1919), which was a sketch of the main themes of the second part of his two-volume magnum opus, Der Untergang des Abendlandes (1918 and 1922). The burden of Spengler's argument in this essay is the difference between the so-called Marxist socialism which is based on alien, English and Jewish, understandings of society and the genuine socialism of the Prussian state. The socialism of the English is demonstrated to be a Viking-like individualism which has encouraged the colonial rapacity of the British Empire and the mercantile ruthlessness of its leaders. The Norman conquest of England had put an end to the Anglo-Saxon way of life and introduced the `piracy principle' whereby "the barons exploited the land apportioned to them, and were in turn exploited by the duke". The modern English and American trade companies are enchained to the same motives of profiteering:
“Their aim is not to work steadily to raise the entire nation's standard of living, it is rather to produce private fortunes by the use of private capital, to overcome private competition, and to exploit the public through the use of advertising, price wars, control of the ratio of supply and demand.”

The French democratic notions, on the other hand, are ruled by an anarchic love of pleasure since what every individual in the French state wants is "an equality of pleasure, equal opportunity for life as a pensioner".

The Marxist doctrine, being a product of the Jewish mind, which is characterised by `resentment', is based on an envy of those who have wealth and privileges without work, and so it advocates revolt against those who possess these advantages. It is thus essentially a negative variant of the English ethos. It is not surprising, therefore, that the worker in the Marxist doctrine is encouraged to amass his own profits through private business, so that, as Spengler puts it, "Marxism is", indeed, "the capitalism of the working class". The Marxist system is indeed the "final chapter of a philosophy with roots in the English Revolution, whose biblical moods have remained dominant in English thought". In fact, as he goes on to say, "a biblical interpretation of questionable business dealings can ease the conscience and greatly increase ambition and initiative". While the industrialists engage in commerce with `money' as a commodity, the workers do the same with `work'. In the Prussian state, on the other hand, work is not a commodity but a "duty towards the common interest, and there is no gradation - this is Prussian style democratisation - of ethical values among the various kinds of work."

The Marxian solution to boundless private property is also a negative one: "expropriation of the expropriators, robbery of the robbers". This is based on the "English" view of capital wherein "the billionaire demands absolute freedom to arrange world affairs by his private decisions, with no other ethical standard in mind than success. He beats down his opponents with credit and speculation as his weapons." On the other hand, the Prussian sees property not as private booty but as part of a common weal, "not as a means of expression of personal power but as goods placed in trust, for the administration of which he, as a property owner, is responsible to the state". Prussian socialism is thus essentially
“not concerned with nominal property, but rather with techniques of administration --- The Old Prussian method was to legislate the formal structure of the total productive potential while guarding carefully the right to property and inheritance, and to allow so much freedom to personal talent, energy, initiative, and intellect as one might allow a skilled chess player who had mastered all the rules of the game. This is largely how it was done with the old cartels and syndicates, and there is no reason why it could not be systematically extended to work habits, work evaluation, profit distribution, and the internal relationship between planners and executive personnel. Socialisation means the slow, decades-long transformation of the worker into an economic civil-servant, of the employer into a responsible administrative official with extensive powers of authority, and of property into a kind of old-style hereditary fief to which a certain number of rights and privileges are attached.

The significance of the notion of the national state is completely ignored by Marx in his focus on `society'. On the other hand, the Prussian form of socialism is based entirely on the notion of the primacy of the state which is indeed the ideal of the Teutonic knight, diametrically opposed to the roving plunder of the Viking:
“The Teutonic knights that settled and colonised the eastern borderlands of Germany in the Middle Ages had a genuine feeling for the authority of the state in economic matters, and later Prussians have inherited that feeling. The individual is informed of his economic obligations by Destiny, by God, by the state, or by his own talent --- Rights and privileges of producing and consuming goods are equally distributed. The aim is not ever greater wealth of the individual or for every individual, but rather the flourishing of the totality.”

While English society is devoted to `success' and wealth, the Prussian is devoted to work for a common national goal:
“The Prussian style of living --- has produced a profound rank-consciousness, a feeling of unity based on an ethos of work, not of leisure. It unites the members of each professional group - military, civil service, and labour - by infusing them with a pride of vocation, and dedicates them to activity that benefits all others, the totality, the state.”

The individual subsumed in the totality is however marked most strikingly by "that glorious inner freedom, the libertas oboedientiae which has always distinguished the best exemplars of Prussian breeding". The administrative ideal that Spengler proposes for the Prussian state is, like Sombart's, corporative and hierarchical in structure:
“Let us envision a unified nation in which every one is assigned his place according to his socialistic rank, his talent for voluntary self-discipline based on inner conviction, his organisational abilities, his work potential, consciousness, and energy, his intelligent willingness to serve the common cause. Let us plan for general work conscription, resulting in occupational guilds that will administrate and at the same time be guided by an administrative council, and not by a parliament.”

Parliamentarianism is not only inappropriate in a monarchical state such as the Prussian, but it is a tired and outmoded system which has lost the glory lent it by the `gentlemen' and aristocrats who once ruled German and British politics. Now
the institutions, the sense of tact and cautious observance of the amenities, are dying out with the old-style people of good breeding --- The relationship between party leaders and party, between party and masses, will be tougher, more transparent, and more brazen. That is the beginning of Caesarism.

Selfish individuals employ democratic forms of parliamentarianism to make the "state" an executive organ of their own business interests, "i.e. by paying for election campaigns and newspapers and thus controlling the opinion of voters and readers". Thus, democracy, in general, is an unholy alliance of urban masses, cosmopolitan intellectuals, and finance capitalists. The masses themselves are manipulated by the latter two elements through their specific agencies, the press and the parties. The intelligentsia represent "abstract intelligence", not spiritual enlightenment, while the finance capitalists are supported by mobile fortunes distinct from the landed property of the true nobility. In fact, the League of Nations, the forerunner of our United Nations, is itself an instrument of big business, and is "in reality a system of provinces and protectorates whose populations are being exploited by a business oligarchy with the aid of bribed parliaments and purchased laws". As for the so-called `internationalism' of the modern Marxism, this is immediately recognised as a sham when one notes the diversity of races and of their responses to political movements. In fact, according to Spengler, the true `International' is
"only possible as the victory of the idea of a single race over all the others, and not as the mixture of all separate opinions into one colourless mass".

The significance of Spengler's critique of English and Jewish ethics cannot be exaggerated, for it serves as a reminder of the importance of distinguishing between the English piracy principle and the German state idea as well as between the false "socialism" of Marx and the genuine one of the Prussian. The real meaning of socialism, according to Spengler, is
“that life is dominated not by a contrast of rich and poor but by rank as determined by achievement and ability. That is our kind of freedom: freedom from the economic capriciousness of the individual.”

Spengler, thus like Sombart, believed in the Prussian ideal of rule, not by popular parliamentary methods, but by an elite who would, like the military officer or bureaucrat, be characterised by devotion to duty and to the common good. As he declares, "Authoritarian socialism is by definition monarchistic", for "The most responsible position in this gigantic organism ... must not be abandoned to ambitious privateers". Although Spengler welcomed Hitler's movement as indicative of the revival of the "disciplined will" of the Prussian spirit, he shied away from the question of the Jewry and criticised the National Socialists for being too materialistic in their discussions of race. Also, he believed that the National Socialists had betrayed the Prussian elitism which he favoured by turning the revolution into a mass movement
("the demagogue lives with the masses as one of themselves; the born ruler can use them, but he despises them")

However, Spengler seems rather unaware of the elitist character of Hitler's S.S. organisation and of its characterisation by precisely that "war-like" quality that Spengler looked for in the rulers of the future ("armies, and not parties, are the future form of power"). Indeed, Spengler's view of nationalism, "together with the monarchical idea latent in it" as a transition to the Caesarism which he envisaged as the final outcome of the degeneracy of the modern age is also confirmed by the history of the National Socialist movement, which, to this day, believes that Hitler's effort was only a start in a continuing battle for the establishment of the hegemony of the Germanic world-view against the Jewish one - whether capitalistic or communistic.

We will have noticed then that the German socialism of the two thinkers we have considered is essentially a moral Idea based on the strong-willed character of the Germanic race. Both thinkers, moreover, are united in their contempt of the Jew whose chief modern political representative, Marx, is responsible for the perversion of the German feeling for social justice based on mutual co-operation into an unnatural warfare between the different classes of the same nation, for the ultimate benefit of an international organisation. Sombart's anti-Semitism is more exclusively economic and, for that reason, considers institutional reorganisation as sufficient for the elimination of the Jewish economic influence on society. Spengler's recognition of the irreconciliability of the Jewish ethos with the German on a spiritual level at the same time as he rejects racialism of the blood is a contradiction which leads him to believe that once the Europeans and Americans have achieved a certain independent mastery of the new urban civilisation of the modern age the Jewish financial expertise will become superfluous and the Jews fade away as a force to reckon with:
To-day this Magian nation, with its ghetto and its religion, itself is in danger of disappearing - not because the metaphysics of the two Cultures come closer to one another (for that is impossible), but because the intellectualised upper stratum of each side is ceasing to be metaphysical at all --- The lead that this nation has enjoyed from its long habituation to thinking in business terms becomes ever less and less (vis-a-vis the American, it has already almost gone), and with the loss of it will go the last potent means of keeping up a Consensus that has fallen regionally into parts.

The social and political facts of the post-war world have proven Spengler tragically wrong in his underestimation of the pervasive and tenacious power of Jewry both among its host nations and in its new home in the Middle East. This power is due precisely to the success that the Jewish mentality has had in eroding the metaphysical finesse of the European mind to the materialistic and rationalistic level of the former. The danger of Marxism is that, like the Jewish race from which it arose, it is virulently opposed to national cultures and to the natural, hierarchical and autarchical ordering of European society. It is hardly surprising that these anti-nationalistic traits persist in European society today, if not under the guise of communism as in the earlier part of this century, still under that of liberal democracy, for the Jews are able through the latter system, even more freely than in communism, to continue to foster intellectual and cultural corruption, as well as the consequent social dissatisfaction, in such a way as to benefit and perpetuate their own sterile commercial existence as an international power. The remedy to this problem, it must be realised sooner or later, lies in the reversion to more authentic versions of European socialism than those presented today and in the countering of the atomising and fragmenting tendency of the Jewish materialistic rationalism which has seeped into virtually every pore of European society since the Jewish emancipation, with the moral integrity, conservatism and organic spiritual creativity that alone were responsible for the lasting cultural achievements of the Europeans and that alone can ensure their survival in the future.

The Scorpion Issue #21