Thursday, March 28, 2019

Death Note - Letter of Condolence for a Fallen ϟϟ-Kanonier

One of the saddest duties of any company commander was the letter home to the wives or parents of a fallen soldier under his command. I thought some of you might be interested in the contents of such letters, so I will post and translate a few in the coming weeks. This one is for a 19-year old Kanonier in the Waffen-SS from Berlin, named Heinz Kintzel.

[caption id="attachment_8672" align="aligncenter" width="400"]This is the only picture of Heinz in Uniform. This is the only picture of Heinz in Uniform.[/caption]

The letter from his company commander to his parents reads:

„After weeks of intense combat, which was crowned by some proud victories, your son Heinz on March 21. 1942, gave his life for his beloved Führer and a better future for Großdeutschland.

During heroic action against the Bolshevic attackers in the area south of Lake Ilmen on March 19, he was so gravely wounded that he died two days later at the main dressing station.

The battle group - to which your son had belonged since January - is today still engaged in the most bitter fighting.

Because of those circumstances, we have so far been unable to obtain greater details about either your son‘s death or the location of his hero‘s grave. We ask for your understanding in light of current conditions.

With your son we have lost a valorous and beloved Kamerad, one who will serve as a shining example in our coming battles. In recognition of his heroic conduct, he had been awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class just a few days prior. We will keep most honored memories of our Kamerad.

We extend our sincere sympathies to you, the cruelly tested parents. Your son died courageously fulfilling his duty, he gave his life for the eternal existence of the Fatherland. May this knowledge be a source of pride as well as solace in this time of heartbreak.

Heil Hitler!

Your obedient ϟϟ-Obersturmführer




  1. This article proves how Allied propaganda has endeavored to portray the Germans as inhumane and callous. Complete lies. If the ⚡️⚡️ had been victorious we would not be now faced with global
    catastrophe on so many fronts including that plastic floating island in the Pacific. I’m based in Dublin Ireland and salute my NS brothers.
    HH88 Joe

  2. Spot on. The world would be a better place with the ideologies of the Germans. The globalist Jews with all their usury have created a world of greed and degeneration and that’s factual and not singling out a race although I couldn’t give a damn.
