Leon Degrelle, combat hero of the Second World War, political leader, author and friend of the Institute for Historical Review, died March 31 [1994] in the southern Spanish city of Malaga. He was 87.
Degrelle was born on June 15, 1906, into a prosperous Catholic family in Bouillon, Belgium. As a young man, he was strongly influenced by the ideas of French writer Charles Marraus.
After study of philosophy, literature and law at the University of Louvain, this gifted publicist and charismatic public speaker turned to journalism and politics. In eloquent addresses to large rallies, several books and numerous booklets, and through his newspaper, Le Pays réel, he quickly made a mark on his country’s political life. At the age of 29, his Catholic “Rex” movement – which demanded radical political reform and the establishment of an authoritative “corporative” state of social justice and national unity – captured 11.5 percent of the vote, and 21 parliamentary seats, in Belgium’s 1936 elections.
Although his party’s share of the vote fell to 4.4 percent in the 1939 election, Degrelle himself was reelected to the parliament with the largest majority of any deputy.
In the wake of Germany’s June 1941 attack against the Soviet Union, Degrelle enthusiastically joined what he regarded as a pan-European crusade to crush Communism. His proposal to raise a volunteer battalion of fellow French-speaking Walloons to ensure a place of honor for Belgium in Hitler’s new Europe was quickly accepted by the Germans.
Turning down an invitation to begin as a officer in the newly formed combat unit, he instead chose to start as a private, sharing all the burdens of his comrades. When he left his homeland in August 1941 to begin military service at the age of 35, he had never fired a gun. Nevertheless, he rose through the ranks to become commander of the unit that finally came to be known as the 28th SS Division “Wallonia.”
As a result of the extraordinary courage and leadership he showed on the Narva front in Estonia, he became the first non-German to be awarded the coveted Oak Leaves to the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. Hitler personally bestowed the honor on August 27, 1944.
Of the first 800 Walloon volunteers who left for the Eastern Front, only three survived the war, one of them Degrelle, who was wounded seven times during the course of his three and a half years of combat. All told, some 2,500 Walloons fell against the Soviets.
Degrelle’s gripping account of duty, death and fierce combat on the eastern Front against numerically superior Soviet forces has won enthusiastic acclaim from readers around the world. The English-language edition, entitled Campaign in Russia, was first published by the IHR in 1985. It earned praise from US Army Brigadier General John C. Bahnsen in a review appearing in an official US Army Department magazine: “.. The pace of the writing is fast; the action is graphic, and a warrior can learn things from reading this book. I recommend its reading by students of the art of war. It is well worth the price.”
To escape death at the hands of the victorious Allies at the end of the war, he made a daring 1,500-mile flight in a small plane from Norway across Europe to Spain, crash landing on the beach at San Sebastian. Critically wounded, he somehow survived, and then built a new and successful life in exile in Spain, which granted him refuge.
Over the years, numerous lies have been told about Degrelle. For example, a Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) report on his death that appeared recently in American Jewish community papers, while mentioning nothing of his remarkable wartime combat record, told readers that Degrelle “was responsible for the deportations and deaths of about 35,000 Jews in Belgium between 1941 and 1944.” This claim has absolutely no basis in fact.
In spite of the catastrophic military defeat of the cause to which he had been so devoted, until his death Degrelle remained defiantly unrepentant. He made this clear in numerous interviews, essays and in a 300-page autobiography, which appeared (in German) in 1992.
During the final years of his life, Degrelle was working on a multi-volume series of books for the IHR detailing the personality, policies, impact and legacy of Adolf Hitler. Hitler: Born at Versailles,the first volume in this projected 13-volume series, was published by the IHR in 1987. In this 535-page book Degrelle traces the origins, course and impact of the First World War. A German edition was published in 1992. A portion of volume two appeared as an essay, “How Hitler Consolidated Power in Germany and Launched a Social Revolution,” in the Fall 1992 Journal of Historical Review.
Unfortunately, Degrelle had been able to complete only a small part of this massive project by the time of his death. The IHR is now considering how best to put the completed portion into publishable form.
"My dearest friend and comrade Léon Degrelle had great doubts at the end of his life, I must tell you. And by special disposition asked to be cremated like Baldur was. This was an Aryan decision, not a Christian one."
"Death by violence, death by cold, death by starvation - these are the normal endings of the stately and beautiful creatures of the wilderness. The sentimentalists who prattle about the peaceful life of nature do not realize its utter mercilessness."
- ‘African Game Trails’ (1910), Theodore Roosevelt.
Aethyrick is a mysterious band from Finland. Their debut album 'Praxis' was released on CD by The Sinister Flame last year and recently the vinyl version came out by the same label. Aethyric offer a kind of Black Metal that is not very common nowadays, musically and lyrically. They create an atmosphere that reminisces the mid-90s melodic Black Metal that goes very well together with their concept that revolves around folk traditions/magic and the dark forces of nature - a solid whole that manages to capture the unique feeling that the mystery of the woodland, the majesty of the nightsky and the perpetual flow of the river can create. Their promo pictures depict everything very successfully as well. If I would try to compare them with other bands, listening to 'Praxis' the 'Ode to the Nightsky' EP of Mudanus Imperium came to my mind, as well as Tiamat and Circle of Dawn.
[caption id="attachment_8680" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Fritz Wetzelberger (1898 - 1989) - Auf dem Gipfel 1928[/caption]
"Whatever the dimensions of the space with which he is familiar and in which he regards himself as situated - his country, his city, his village, his house - religious man feels the need always to exist in a total and organized world, in a cosmos."
“I feel as though I have lived many lives, experienced the heights and depths of each and like the waves of the ocean, never known rest. Throughout the years, I looked always for the unusual, for the wonderful, for the mysteries at the heart of life.”
One of the saddest duties of any company commander was the letter home to the wives or parents of a fallen soldier under his command. I thought some of you might be interested in the contents of such letters, so I will post and translate a few in the coming weeks. This one is for a 19-year old Kanonier in the Waffen-SS from Berlin, named Heinz Kintzel.
[caption id="attachment_8672" align="aligncenter" width="400"]This is the only picture of Heinz in Uniform.[/caption]
The letter from his company commander to his parents reads:
„After weeks of intense combat, which was crowned by some proud victories, your son Heinz on March 21. 1942, gave his life for his beloved Führer and a better future for Großdeutschland.
During heroic action against the Bolshevic attackers in the area south of Lake Ilmen on March 19, he was so gravely wounded that he died two days later at the main dressing station.
The battle group - to which your son had belonged since January - is today still engaged in the most bitter fighting.
Because of those circumstances, we have so far been unable to obtain greater details about either your son‘s death or the location of his hero‘s grave. We ask for your understanding in light of current conditions.
With your son we have lost a valorous and beloved Kamerad, one who will serve as a shining example in our coming battles. In recognition of his heroic conduct, he had been awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class just a few days prior. We will keep most honored memories of our Kamerad.
We extend our sincere sympathies to you, the cruelly tested parents. Your son died courageously fulfilling his duty, he gave his life for the eternal existence of the Fatherland. May this knowledge be a source of pride as well as solace in this time of heartbreak.
The Tuatha Dé Danann as depicted in John Duncan's Riders of the Sidhe (1911)
By David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri)
This article shows how the early Indo-European language speakers in Europe like the Celts, Germans, Greeks and Scythians, were possibly based upon a Vedic people called the Danavas or Sudanavas (good Danavas) connected to Vedic kings, sages and yogis.
Many ancient European peoples, particularly the Celts and Germans, regarded themselves as children of Danu, with Danu meaning the Mother Goddess, who was also, like Sarasvati in the Rig Veda, a river Goddess. The Celts called themselves “Tuatha De Danaan”, while the Germans had a similar name. Ancient European river names like the Danube and various rivers called Don in Russia, Scotland, England and France reflect this. The Danube which flows to the Black Sea is their most important river and could reflect their eastern origins.
In fact, the term Danu or Danava (the plural of Danu) appears to form the substratum of Indo-European identity at the base of the Hellenic, Illyro-Venetic, Italo-Celtic, Germanic and Balto-Slavic elements. The northern Greeks were also called Danuni. Therefore, the European Aryans could probably all be called Danavas.
According to Roman sources, Tacitus in his Annals and Histories, the Germans claimed to be descendants of the Mannus, the son of Tuisto. Tuisto relates to Vedic Tvasthar, the Vedic father-creator Sky God, who is also a name for the father of Manu (RV X.17.1-2). This makes the Rig Vedic people also descendants of Manu, the son of Tvashtar.
In the Rig Veda, Tvashtar appears as the father of Indra, who fashions his thunderbolt (vajra) for him (RV X.48.3). Yet Indra is sometimes at odds with Tvashtar because is compelled to surpass him (RV III.48.3-4). Elsewhere Tvashtar’s son is Vishvarupa or Vritra, whom Indra kills, cutting off his three heads (RV X.8.8-9), (TS II.4.12, II.5.1). Indra slays the dragon, Vritra, who lays at the foot of the mountain withholding the waters, and releases the seven rivers to flow into the sea. In several instances, Vritra is called Danava, the son of the Goddess Danu who is connected to the sea (RV I.32.9; II.11.10; III.30.8; V.30.4; V.32).
In the Brahmanas Vishvarupa/Vritra is the son of Danu and Danayu, the names of his mother and father (SB I.6.3.1, 8, 9). Clearly Vritra is Vishvarupa, the son of the God Tvashtar and the Goddess Danu. Danava also means a serpent or a dragon (RV V.32.1-2), which is not only a symbol of wisdom but of power and both Vedic and ancient European lore have their good and bad dragons or serpents.
In this curious story both Indra and Vritra appear ultimately as brothers because both are sons of Tvashtar. We must also note that Tvashtar fashions the thunderbolt for Indra to slay Vritra (RV I.88.5). Indra and Vritra represent the forces of expansion and contraction or the dualities inherent in each one of us. They are both inherent in Tvashtar and represent the two sides of the Creator or of creation as knowledge and ignorance. As Vritra is also the son of Tvashtar and Danu, Indra must ultimately be a son of Danu as well. Both the Vedic Aryans and the Proto-European Aryans are sons of Tvashtar, who was sometimes not the supreme God but a demiurge that they must go beyond.
The Danavas in the Puranas (VaP II.7) are the sons of the Rishi Kashyapa, who there assumes the role of Tvashtar as the main father creator. Kashyapa is a great rishi connected to the Himalayas. He is the eighth or central Aditya (Sun God) that does not leave Mount Meru (Taittiriya Aranyaka I.7.20), the fabled world mountain. Kashyapa is associated with Kashmir (Kashyapa Mira or Kashyapa’s lake) and other Himalayan regions (the Vedic lands of Sharyanavat and Arjika, RV IX.113.1-2), which connects the Danavas to the northwest. The Caspian Sea may be named after him as well. The Proto-Europeans, therefore, are the sons of Tvashtar or Kashyapa and Danu, through their son Manu. They are both Manavas and Danavas, as also Aryas.
In the Rig Veda, Danu like Dasyu refers to inimical people and is generally a term of denigration (RV I.32.9; III.30.8; V.30.4; V.32.1, 4, 7; X.120.6). The Danavas or descendants of Danu are generally enemies of the Vedic people and their Gods. Therefore, just as the Deva-Asura or Arya-Dasyu split is reflected in the split between the Vedic Hindus and the Persians, one can propose that the Deva-Danava split reflects another division in the Vedic people, including that between the Proto-Indian Aryans and the Proto-European Aryans. In this process the term Danu was adopted by the Proto-Europeans and became denigrated by later Vedic people.
We should also remember that in the Puranas (VaP II.7), as in the Vedas the term Danavas refer to a broad group of peoples, many inimical, but others friendly, as well as various mythical demons. In the Rig Veda, the Danavas are called amanusha or unhuman (RV II.11.10) as opposed to human, Manusha. The Europeans had similar negative beings like the Greek Titans or Celtic Formorii who correspond more to the mythical side of the Danavas as powers of darkness, the underworld or the undersea region like the Vedic Asuras and Rakshasas. Such mythical Danavas can hardly be reduced to the Proto-European Aryans or to any single group of people.
The Celtic scholar Peter Ellis notes, “Irish epic contains many episodes of the struggle between the Children of Domnu, representing darkness and evil, and the Children of Danu, representing light and good. Moreover, the Children of Domnu are never completely overcome or eradicated from the world. Symbolically, they are the world. The conflict is between the ‘waters of heaven’ and the ‘world.'” The same thing could be said of the Vedic wars of Devas and Danavas or the Puranic/Brahmana wars of Devas and Asuras.
The Good Danavas (Sudanavas)
Kuvalayavaswa slew the Danavas
The Maruts in the Puranas (VaP II.6.90-135) are called the sons of Diti, a wife of Kashyapa, who is sometimes equated with Danu. Her children are called the Daityas which term we have found also connected to the Persians, as the name of the river in their original homeland (Vendidad Fargard I.3). While meant to be enemies of Indra, the Maruts came to be his companions and were great Gods in their own right, often referring to the Vedic rishis and yogis. As wind Gods they had control of Prana and other siddhis (occult powers). They are also the sons of Rudra-Shiva called Rudras, much like the Shaivite Yogis of later times. They were great sages (RV VI.49.11), men (manava) with tongues of fire and eyes of the Sun (RV I.89.7). They were free to travel all over the world and were not obstructed by mountains, rivers or seas (RV V.54.9; V.55.9).
The Rig Veda contains many instances where Danu has a positive meaning indicating abundance or even standing for divine in general. Danucitra, meaning the richness of light, occurs a few times (RV I.174.7; V.59.8). The Maruts are called Jira-danu or plural Jira-danava or quick to give or perhaps fast Danus or fast Gods (RV V.54.9). This term Jiradanu occurs elsewhere as the gift of the Maruts in the last line of most of the hymns of Agastya (RV I.165-169, 171-178, 180-186, 189, 190). Mitra and Varuna are said to be Sripra-danu or easy to give and their many gifts, danuni, are praised (RV VIII.25.5-6). The Ashvins are called lords of Danuna, Danunaspati (RV VIII.8.16). Soma is also called Danuda and Danupinva, giving Danu or overflowing with Danu (RV IX.97.23), connecting Danu with water or with rivers.
The Maruts are typically called Sudanavas, good to give or good (Su) Danus (RV I.85.10; I.172.1-3; II.34.8; V.41.16; V.52.5; V.53.6; VI.66.5; VIII.20.18, 23). Similarly, the Vishvedevas or universal gods are called Sudanavas (RV VIII.83.6, 8, 9), as are the Adityas (RV VIII.67.16), the Ashvins (RV I.117.10, 24) and Vishnu (RV VIII.24.12). The term also occurs in a hymn to Sarasavati (RV VII.96.4), where Sarasvati is called the friend or companion of the Maruts (Marutsakha; RV 96.2). Most importantly, there is a Goddess called Sudanu Devi (RV V.41.18), which is probably another name for the mother of the Maruts. The Maruts in particular or the Gods in general would therefore be the sons of Sudanu or Sudanavas. This suggests that perhaps Danu, like Asura, was earlier a positive word and meant divine. There was not only a bad Danu but a good or Sudanu. In the Rig Veda the references to the Sudanavas are much more than those to Danava as an inimical term.
The Maruts are called Sumaya (RV I.88.1), having a good (Su) or divine power of Maya, which stands for magical power, or Mayina (RV V.58.2), possessed of Maya power. Danu is probably, in some respects, a synonym of Maya, a power of abundance but also of illusion. Like the root Ma, the root Da means “to divide” or “to measure”. Maya is the power of the Danavas (RV II.11.10). The Danavas, particularly Ahi-Vritra, are portrayed as serpents (RV V.32.8), particularly the serpent who dwells at the foot of the mountain holding back the heavenly waters, whom Indra must slay in order to release the waters. Maya itself is the serpent power.
The Maruts as wind gods are powers of lightning, which in Vedic as in most ancient thought was considered to be a serpent or a dragon. The Maruts are the good serpents, shining bright like serpents (RV I.171.2). The Maruts help Indra in slaying Vritra and are his main friends and companions. Indra is called Marutvan, or possessed of the Maruts. Their leader is Vishnu (RV V.87), who is called Evaya-Marut. With Rudra (Shiva) as their father and Prishni (Shakti) as their mother, they reflect all the Gods of later Hinduism. As Shiva’s sons they are connected with Skanda, Ganesha and Hanuman.
Perhaps these Sudanavas or good Danus are the Maruts, who in their travels guided and led many peoples including the Celts and other European followers of Danu. As the sons of Rudra, we note various Rudra like figures such as Cernunos among the Celts, who like Rudra is the lord of the animals and is portrayed in a yoga posture, as on the Gundestrop Cauldron. If the Maruts were responsible for spreading Vedic culture, as I have proposed, they could have called their children, the children of Danu, in a positive sense. We could also argue that the Sudanavas were the Maruts, Druids and other Rishi classes, while the peoples they ruled over, particularly the unruly Kshatriyas or warrior classes could become Danavas in the negative sense when they refused to accept spiritual guidance.
We know from both Celtic and Vedic texts that the early Aryans, like other ancient people, fought each other in various local conflicts, particularly for supremacy in their particular regions. This led to various divisions and migrations through the centuries, which we cannot always take in a major way, just as the warring princes of India or Ireland remained part of the same culture and continued to intermarry with one another. Therefore, whatever early conflict might have existed between the Proto-European Aryans and those in the interior of India, was just part of various clashes between the different princely families that occurred within these same groups as well. It was forgotten over time.
The European Aryans had Gods like Zeus, Thor and Jupiter that serve as the counterparts of Indra as the God of heaven, the God of the rains, the thunderbolt and the lightning. Therefore, we cannot read the divide between the Rig Vedic Aryans and the Danavas as a rejection of the God Indra by the Proto-Europeans. In addition, the Proto-European Aryans continue to use the term Deva as divine as in Latin Deus and Greek Theos, unlike the Persians who make Asura mean divine and Deva mean demon. They also know Manu, which the Persians seem to have forgotten and only mention Yima (Yama). Unlike the Persians, who developed an aniconic (anti-image) and almost monotheistic tradition, the Proto-European Aryans maintained a pluralistic tradition, using images, and worshipping many Gods and Goddesses, like the Vedic. This suggests that their division from the Rigvedic people occurred long before that of the Persians or Iranians, and that they took a larger and older form of the Vedic religion with them.
Migrations Out of India or Central Asia
Wandering of Aryan Tribes
We have noted Danu or Danava as a term for an inimical people or even an anti-god, like Deva and Asura, probably reflects some split in the Aryan peoples. This could be the conflict the Purus, the main Rigvedic people located on the Sarasvati river near Delhi, and the Druhyus, who were located in the northwest by Afganistan, who fought quite early in the Rigvedic period.
Certainly we can only equate the Proto-Europeans with the northwest of India or greater India that extends into Afghanistan and Central Asia. If they can be connected to any group among the five Vedic peoples it must be the Druhyus, though would extend by cultural diffusion to different peoples of Europe, Central and West Asia..
However, we do find Druhyu kingdoms continuing for some time in India and giving names to regions like Gandhara (Afghanistan) and Aratta (Panjab) connected more with Iranian or Scythian people. Yet, we do note a connection between the Scythians and the Celts, whose Druid priests connect themselves with the Scythians at an early period. The Scythians also maintained a trade from India to Europe that continued for many centuries. In this regard the Proto-Europeans could have been a derivation of Aryan India by migration, cultural diffusion, or what is more likely, a combination of both. Even Scythian related Iranian tribes like the Alans (also originally Aryan) moved along with the German Goths throughout western Europe to Spain and North Africa.
Though the Druhyus and Proto-Europeans may be connected, it is difficult to confirm, particularly as the Europeans were a very different ethnic type (Nordic and Alpine) than most of the Indians and Iranians, who were of the Mediterranean branch of the Caucasian race.
However, it is possible that European ethnic types were living in ancient Afghanistan or Central Asia, even Kashmir, where we do find some of these types even today. The evidence of the Tokharians suggests this. The Tokharians (Tusharas) were a people speaking an Indo-European language closer to the European (a kentum-based language), and also demonstrate Nordic or Alpine, blond and red-haired ethnic traits. They lived in the Tarim Basin of western China that dominated the region to the Muslim invasion up to the eighth century AD, by which time they had become Buddhists. They may be related to the European featured mummies found in that area dating back to 1500 BCE. They were also present in Western China around Langchou in the early centuries BCE. The Tokharian language is possibly related to the Celtic and Italic branches, just as their physical features resemble northern Europeans. The Tarim Basin region was later regarded as the land of the Uttara Kurus and as a land of the gods. So such groups were not always censured as barbarians at the borders but were sometimes honored as highly advanced and spiritual.
The evidence does not show an Aryan invasion/migration into India in ancient times, certainly not after the Harappan era (c. 3000 BCE) and probably not before. No genetic or skeletal or other hard evidence has been found to prove this. Similarly, we do not find evidence of migration of interior Indic peoples West, the dark-skinned people that were prominent on the subcontinent to the northwest. But if the same ethnic types as the Europeans were present in Western China, Afghanistan or in northwest Iran, like the Fergana Valley (Sogdia), such a migration west would be possible, particularly given their familiarity with horses. In this case the commonality of Indo-European languages would not rest upon a common ethnicity with the interior Indo-Aryans but on a common ethnicity with peripheral Aryans on the northwest of India.
It is also possible that the European people derived their Aryan culture from the influence of Vedic peoples, probably mainly Druhyus but also Scythians (who might themselves be Druhyus), who migrated to Central Asia and brought their culture to larger groups of Europeans already living in Europe and Central Asia. The Europeans could have picked up an Aryan influence indirectly from the contact with various rishis, princes or merchants, without any significant genetic or familial linkage with Indic peoples. Or some combination may have existed. Such peoples with more Vedic cultures like the Celts could derive mainly from migration, while those others like the Germans might derive mainly from cultural diffusion. In any case, various means of Aryanization existed that can explain the spread of Vedic culture from the Himalayas to Europe, of which actual migration of people from the interior of India need not be the only or even primary factor.
We do note the names of rivers like the Don, Dneiper, Dneister, Donets and Danube to the north of the Black are largely cognate with Danu. This could reflect such a movement of peoples from West or Central Asia, including migrants originally from regions of greater India and Iran. At the end of the Ice Age, as Europe became warmer, it became a suitable land for agriculture. This would have made it a desirable place of migration for people from the east and the south, which were flooded or became jungles.
European and Iranian Peoples of Central Asia and Europe: Sycthians and Turanians
Scythians. Illustration by Angus McBride.
The northern Iranian peoples, called Turanians or Scythians, dominated the steppes of Central Asia from Mongolia to Eastern Europe. By the early centuries BC they had set up kingdoms from the Danube in the West to the Altai Mountains in the East. They were the main enemies of the Persians. Unlike the Persians, their religions had more Devic elements and affinities to the Vedic with a greater emphasis on Devas, Sun worship, drinking of Soma and a greater variety of deities like the Vedic. We could call these Turanians or Scythians the main Proto-European Aryans. Some would identify them with the original Slavic peoples as well, who were likely always the largest and dominant Indo-European group in Europe.
Curiously in the early centuries AD we find the Scythians entering into north India and creating some kingdoms there, with both Hindu and Buddhist influence. It is possible that such contacts with India were transmitted to Central Asia and West, much as from previous Vedic eras.
It is probable that the Danavas, Scythians and Turanians were largely the same group of people with Vedic affinities and connections to Vedic culture through various kings, rishis, traders and movements of both people and cultures. Later the Turks came into Central Asia and displaced the Scythian peoples driving them south and west. Note that the Scythians names their rivers extending to the Danube with names like Danu, though they called the Volga, the Rasa, another famous river name. Indo-Scythian and related Kushana groups ruled Northwest India two thousand years ago when Scythian groups, including the Sarmatians, were powerful in Europe and the steppe region.
Western Indo-European scholarship is aware of these eastern Scythian and other possible European elements. Some like Parpola even see the Vedic peoples of the Rigveda as a migration of the Scythians into India. However, these Central Asian Vedic people were just one branch of a greater Vedic people that included several branches within India itself.
Much of the search for a Proto-Indo-European language or PIE by western scyholars could be more correctly regarded as a search for the proto-European people. What has been reconstructed through it is more the homeland of the Danava-Druhyu branch of the Vedic people after their dispersal from India rather than all the Indo-European speakers. It is at best only a reconstruction of the western branch of the Vedic peoples and even that in a limited and distorted manner. The greater power behind the Indo-European family of languages was the powerful civilization of Vedic India.
Therefore, we need not stop short with reconstructing Scythian and Central Asian Aryan culture, we must take it into India itself, where other Vedic branches existed using many of the same cultural forms like Fire worship, Sun worship, the sacred plant or Soma cult, the cult of the sacred cow and horse, symbols like the sacred tree and swastika, worship of rivers as Goddesses. The philosophical, medical and astronomical knowledge that we find in European peoples like the Celts and the Greeks also mirrors that of India such as we find in the Upanishads, Ayurvedic medicine and Vedic astrology.
25 March 1943 - Monument of the Unknown Soldier in Athens. German National Socialists Honour the Anniversary of the Greek War of Independence (25 March 1821).
The Siege of Tripolitsa or the Fall of Tripolitsa to revolutionary Greek forces in the summer of 1821 marked an early victory in the Greek War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire, which had begun earlier in that year. It is known for the massacre mainly of its Muslim plus Jewish population, which occurred after the city's fall to the Greek revolutionary forces. As historian of the war W. Alison Phillips noted, "the other atrocities of Greeks paled before the awful scenes which followed the storming of Tripolitza".
The siege and the fall of Tripolitsa was an idea earlier conceived by the great chieftain Theodoros Kolokotronis, because he calculated that this would be a heavy blow for the Turks and would certainly give a major advantage to the Greeks, since Tripolitsa was the administrative hub of the Ottoman Empire in Morias (the Peloponnese) and home to probably half of the Turkish population of the district. The siege of Tripolitsa was decided on April 1821 and began the following month.
Life for the Turks gradually became more and more difficult, as food stocks ran out and the population reached its limits. A Turkish attack during August failed and a month later the Greeks managed to invade the city and, after suffering significant losses, to take it over.
The statue of Theodoros Kolokotronis in Tripolitsa
"Inside the town they had begun to massacre. ... I rushed to the palace ... If you wish to hurt these Albanians, I cried, "kill me rather; for, while I am a living man, whoever first makes the attempt, him will I kill the first." ... I was faithful to my word of honor ... Tripolitsa was three miles in circumference. The [Greek] host which entered it, cut down and were slaying men, women, and children from Friday till Sunday. Thirty-two thousand were reported to have been slain. One Hydriote [boasted that he had] killed ninety. About a hundred Greeks were killed; but the end came [thus]: a proclamation was issued that the slaughter must cease. ... When I entered Tripolitsa, they showed me a plane tree in the market-place where the Greeks had always been hung. I sighed. "Alas!" I said, "how many of my own clan — of my own race — have been hung there!" And I ordered it to be cut down. I felt some consolation then from the slaughter of the Turks. ... [Before the fall] we had formed a plan of proposing to the Turks that they should deliver Tripolitsa into our hands, and that we should, in that case, send persons into it to gather the spoils together, which were then to be apportioned and divided among the different districts for the benefit of the nation; but who would listen?
General Theodoros Kolokotronis memoirs
"For three days the miserable inhabitants were given over to lust and cruelty of a mob of savages. Neither sex nor age was spared. Women and children were tortured before being put to death. So great was the slaughter that Kolokotronis himself says that, from the gate to the citadel his horse's hoofs never touched the ground. His path of triumph was carpeted with corpses. At the end of two days, the wretched remnant of the Mussulmans were deliberately collected, to the number of some two thousand souls, of every age and sex, but principally women and children, were led out to a ravine in the neighboring mountains and there butchered like cattle."
Walter Alison Phillips
"Commander Panagiotis Kephalas plants the flag of liberty upon the walls of Tripolizza" by Peter von Hess
"Upwards of ten thousand Turks were put to death. Prisoners who were suspected of having concealed their money were tortured. Their arms and legs were cut off and they were slowly roasted over fires. Pregnant women were cut open, their heads cut off, and dogs' heads stuck between their legs. From Friday to Sunday the air was filled with the sound of screams… One Greek boasted that he personally killed ninety people. The Jewish colony was systematically tortured… For weeks afterwards starving Turkish children running helplessly about the ruins were being cut down and shot at by exultant Greeks… The wells were poisoned by the bodies that had been thrown in…
The Turks of Greece left few traces. They disappeared suddenly and finally in the spring of 1821 unmourned and unnoticed by the rest of the world….It was hard to believe then that Greece once contained a large population of Turkish descent, living in small communities all over the country, prosperous farmers, merchants, and officials, whose families had known no other home for hundreds of years…They were killed deliberately, without qualm or scruple, and there was no regrets either then or later."
In the Western countries (Western Europe, the USA, Canada, and Australia) an account of history called “The Holocaust” is repeatedly taught in the schools and depicted over and over again on the television. Most of the people in these countries are made to think that the jews endured unbelievably cruel suffering and intentional extermination to an extent unprecedented in human history. But the actual historic events and their interpretation have been become grossly distorted for political and social reasons. There were several other mass killings, quite similar to what the jews experienced, which happened at around the same time period, and with similar magnitudes of death. Yet those in the West are only told about the Jews, and know nothing about the history of the other mass killings. Unfortunately, accounts of history, even those that are not accurate, are made to have political significance in the present. American soldiers committed all sorts of atrocities against German prisoners during the occupation after the war, including against women, children, and civilians. http://www.rense.com/general46/germ.htm http://www.whale.to/b/starvation_of_germans.html
One former American soldier, Martin Brech, now a Unitarian-Universalist minister, described what he witnessed during the American occupation of Germany:
In Andernach about 50,000 prisoners of all ages were held in an open field surrounded by barbed wire. The women were kept in a separate enclosure that I did not see until later. The men I guarded had no shelter and no blankets. Many had no coats. They slept in the mud, wet and cold, with inadequate slit trenches for excrement. It was a cold, wet spring, and their misery from exposure alone was evident. Even more shocking was to see the prisoners throwing grass and weeds into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this to help ease their hunger pains. Quickly they grew emaciated. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded to reach the slit trenches. Many were begging for food, sickening and dying before our eyes. We had ample food and supplies, but did nothing to help them, including no medical assistance. German civilians were not allowed to feed, nor even come near the prisoners.
Outraged, I protested to my officers and was met with hostility or bland indifference. When pressed, they explained they were under strict orders from “higher up”.
When I threw this food over the barbed wire to the prisoners, I was caught and threatened with imprisonment. I repeated the “offense”, and one officer angrily threatened to shoot me.
I encountered a captain on a hill above the Rhine shooting down at a group of German civilian women with his .45 caliber pistol. When I asked,”Why?” he mumbled, “Target practice,” and fired until his pistol was empty. I saw the women running for cover, but, at that distance, couldn’t tell if any had been hit. They considered the Germans subhuman and worthy of extermination.
These prisoners, I found out, were mostly farmers and workingmen, as simple and ignorant as many of our own troops. As time went on, more of them lapsed into a zombie-like state of listlessness, while others tried to escape in a demented or suicidal fashion, running through open fields in broad daylight towards the Rhine to quench their thirst. They were mowed down.
Some prisoners were as eager for cigarettes as for food, saying they took the edge off their hunger. Accordingly, enterprising “Yankee traders” were acquiring hordes of watches and rings in exchange for handfuls of cigarettes or less. When I began throwing cartons of cigarettes to the prisoners to ruin this trade, I was threatened by rank-and-file G.I.s too.
Some of our weak and sickly prisoners were marched off by French soldiers to their camp. We were riding on a truck behind this column. Whenever a German prisoner staggered or dropped back, he was hit on the head with a club and killed. The bodies were rolled to the side of the road to be picked up by another truck. For many, this quick death might have been preferable to slow starvation.
Famine began to spread among the German civilians also. It was a common sight to see German women up to their elbows in our garbage cans looking for something edible — that is, if they weren’t chased away.
When I interviewed mayors of small towns and villages, I was told that their supply of food had been taken away by “displaced persons” (foreigners who had worked in Germany), who packed the food on trucks and drove away. When I reported this, the response was a shrug. I never saw any Red Cross at the camp or helping civilians, although their coffee and doughnut stands were available everywhere else for us. In the meantime, the Germans had to rely on the sharing of hidden stores until the next harvest.
Hunger made German women more “available,” but despite this, rape was prevalent and often accompanied by additional violence. In particular I remember an eighteen-year old woman who had the side of her faced smashed with a rifle butt, and was then raped by two G.I.s. Even the French complained that the rapes, looting and drunken destructiveness on the part of our troops was excessive. In Le Havre, we had been given booklets warning us that the German soldiers had maintained a high standard of behavior with French civilians who were peaceful, and that we should do the same. In this we failed miserably.
I realize it is difficult for the average citizen to admit witnessing a crime of this magnitude, especially if implicated himself. Even G.I.s sympathetic to the victims were afraid to complain and get into trouble, they told me. And the danger has not ceased. Since I spoke out a few weeks ago, I have received threatening calls and had my mailbox smashed.
This essay was published in The Journal of Historical Review, Summer 1990 (Vol. 10, No. 2), pp. 161-166.
The Allied prison camps of Sinzig and Remagen, which stretched along the Rhine, would have made Auschwitz and Buchenwald seem like vacation resorts in comparison.few Americans are aware that such infamous camps as Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and Auschwitz stayed in business after the end of the war, only now packed with German captives, many of whom perished miserably. “After the Reich: The Brutal History of Allied Occupation”,Giles MacDonogh
Many German prisoners who died in American and British captivity, some in horrid holding camps along the Rhine river, with no shelter and very little food. (there were 116,000 held at one time in Sinzig alone) Others, more fortunate, toiled as slave labor in Allied countries, often for years.
James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 (Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1997)
Ralph Franklin Keeling, Gruesome Harvest: The Allies Postwar War Against the German People (IHR, 1992). Originally published in Chicago in 1947
Youthful members of Waffen-SS captured on the outskirts of Caen by the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division on June 1944. In many cases members of the Waffen-SS, whose courage and chivalry had often been acknowledged even by their military opponents, were brutally beaten and murdered after they surrendered their arms to Allied forces. Surrender by individuals or small groups was not nearly as common in the Waffen-SS as in the regular Wehrmacht. Individual SS-Grenadiers surrendered in some numbers early in the Normandy invasion, but this became less common as fear of mistreatment became widespread. Images: Public domain.
The Templar Order of the Middle Ages was a originally a Gnostic based order that maintained secrecy of the occult. Although misinformation is being told in regards to the strict Christian stance of the Knights Templar, their esoteric identity is hardly ever revealed nor fully uncovered by mainstream historians and scholars. The Templars weren’t your average Christians who obeyed and remained loyal the Church. Their involvement actually goes much further than what has been said.
It seems that the Templars of the Middle Ages kept their practices underground to avoid execution and interference from the Church. Nonetheless, the Catholic Church did manage to massacre some of the Templars during these times, due to their Occult practice and Gnostic identity being discovered. Not to mention the spiritual knowledge that the Templars contained which the Church considered a threat.
Most Templars were aware of their coming death sentence so they planned their escape from Christian prediction. The arrest of Grandmaster Jacques De Molay and other Templar members had occurred while others made their departure and became Masons. Unlike the present day Freemasonry/Illuminati, the original Masonry was a Gentile movement where spiritual education and practices were actually significant. Some of charges were false accusation against the Templars though many were proven to be accurate. Evidence had been revealed regarding gnostic performances and idol worship. Immediately the Knights were accused of worshipping the Devil and submitting to Christian denial.
Few listed charges against Jacques and other Templar leaders:
Worship of the Severe Head
One of the Many charges of the Knights was the containment of the severe head which appeared to be a skull. Other heads were also found, on which some idols had three faces, others had one. Note that the three faces appear on certain pagan goddesses such as the Greek Goddess Hekate, who is also said to be the dark aspect of Sophia. The three faces apply to the three moon faces and the trinity. The severe head was also referred to as the Baphomet which is coded with “Wisdom”, associating with the (Christian) Goddess Sophia, meaning “Wisdom” in Greek. For more info, see “Regarding the Baphomet” below.
Obscene Kiss:
Another performance during ceremonies was the obscene kiss that the Church regarded as homosexual activity. However this action was entirely misunderstood. Excerpts from the following article explain the kundalini and yogic relation to the kiss: Evidently, “the “heretical” practice of kissing strategic places on the body employed by the Templars during their initiation rite was based on an ancient yogic and alchemical rite that had been observed in the east for ages.
Through kissing or touching the regions below the navel and at the base of the spine it was known by the yogis and gnostics that a teacher or guru could awaken the alchemical force of Kundalini at its bodily seat. The infamous kisses on the mouth ascribed to the Templar initiators were similarly designed to assist Kundalini activation. When an initiator placed his mouth over that of a prospective Templar he transmitted his Kundalini into the new brother via his own breath.” [2]
Relations with the Yezidi God:
It’s also said that the Templars were known to wear a black and red cord that was common amongst the Yezidis and tied with the Yezidi God (Melek Taus).“Upon being initiated into the Order of the Peacock Angel (Yezidis), “a holy thread, of intertwined black and red wool, is put around the neck. Like the sacred thread of the Parsis and other ancient Middle Eastern cults, this must never be removed; and it sounds like the cord that the Templars were accused of wearing when the Order was suppressed as heretic.” [3]
The Knights Templars studied various occult works of Ancient Egypt and the (Gentile) Kabbalah during their extended time in the Holy Land. Discoveries were made possibly related not only the holy grail, but evidence that were likely related to ancient material and information. These are either facts regarding the Ancient Hebrew Mysticism and the true purpose of ancient religions pre-dating Christianity. Regardless, Hidden knowledge of some sort was likely exposed which most obviously consisted of mysticism and the occult. The Templars returned to Europe with a vast amount of wealth and riches, which became a threat to King Phillip and the Church. Not surprising since any wealth that lies in the hands of Gentiles has always remained a threat to the elite. It’s assumed that the Templars became suddenly rich and rose in power was due their occult works and rituals.
On the Green Man:
Green Man at the Rossyln Chapel
“A major Templar foundation, the famed Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh, has a large number of Green Man (my note: Alias of Baphomet) carvings, which may further suggest that the Templars recognized the Green Man as an ancient source of their idiosyncratic beliefs.” [4]
“Commonly portrayed as a head with profuse foliage growing from his mouth, the Green Man (and Lady) represent fertility, growth, and the fecundity of nature. The many faces of the Green Man range from joyful to downright impish. Although many assume that the Green Man is mainly a “Celtic” motif, this is not the case. Green Man carvings are also found in ancient eastern temples, in the Apo Kayan area of Borneo, the chapels of Dhankar Gompa in the Himalayas, in the temples of Kathmandu and in the Jain temples of Ranakpur, and in Roman buildings. In short, the Green Man is a universal theme with very early roots.” [5]
“As the primal King of the World, the Green Man is known by many legendary faces and names world wide, including Murrugan, Dionysus, Osiris, Al-Khadir, Melchizedek, and Lucifer. He is the life force, so he can manifest at any time and in any form that is appropriate for that part of the world. Some of his manifestations have been benign, such as Melchizedek , and some, malevolent, like Lucifer, while others, like Dionysus, have been ascribed as personna that is a combination of both qualities.” [4]
More on the Notre Dame and Gothic Architecture:
Green Man (Baphomet) from Notre Dame
Templar sites were found on the same site where the Druids constructed their temples. One example is the popular cathedral as mentioned above, Notre Dame de Cartres of the Knights that was built on a sacred pagan ground.
“So venerated is the location of Chartres that it is the only cathedral not to have a single king, bishop, cardinal, canon, or anyone interred in the soil of its mound. It was a pagan site, dedicated to the traditional Mother Goddess – a site to which pilgrims traveled long before the time of Jesus. The original altar was built above the Grotte des Druides, which housed a sacred dolmen, and was identified with the ‘Womb of the Earth.
Many of the architectural drawings for the finer points of the Gothic cathedrals (including the pattern for the famous labyrinth at Chartres) were obtained from a 2nd century Greek alchemical manuscript and were dedicated to the patron goddess of France, Notre Dame de Lumiere (“Our Lady of Light”). This pattern is “reckoned to be one of the most sacred designs on Earth.” ” [6]
Other than the Green man, Gothic style Cathedrals were built with esoteric imagery and other similar Pagan structures. Inside the Cathedral also contained astronomical symbolism of Gods and the fable of cosmic creations. The Gods were deemed as representations of the planets and stars; hence the heavenly bodies of the universe.
“Other symbols found in the Gothic Cathedrals convey strong subliminal messages about the power of Feminine. Carved spiders’ webs—an image repeated in the doomed skylight of the church Notre Dame de France in London—represent Arachne, the spider goddess who rules Man’s fate, or Isis, in her role as weaver of destiny. Similarly, the great maze or labyrinth drawn on the floor of Chartres Cathedral refers to the female mysteries, through which the initiate can find his way only by following the thread for him by the goddess. Clearly this place is not intended for the praise of the Virgin Mary, particularly because it was also home to a Black Madonna—Notre Dame de Souterrain (our lady of the underworld).” [7]
Regarding the Baphomet:
Skull and Bones, Knights Templars antique from the late 1800’s
The Baphomet that was first brought up by the Templars further indicates the evidence that the Templar Knights were Gnostic Occultist. The idol was involved in many rituals and ceremonial practices that were done by the Order. It was used specifically for purpose of magic arts and to receive wisdom. While many may confuse the Templar Baphomet as a goat headed figure, there no evidence that was the case. Levi, a French Occultist, simply reconstructed a new form of Baphomet of a hybrid goat, consisting of male and female parts to fit with his occult ideals. While Levis depiction of the Baphomet contains spiritual and universal elements that reveals esoteric knowledge, the Knights Templars portrait of the Baphomet was entirely divergent. The idol of the Baphomet is said to have different portrayals from scholars, so we’ll never know exactly how the original figure is accurately described.
“Central to the accusations brought against the Knights Templar, was the accusation that, they worshipped an idol named Baphomet, which is said to have taken the form of a head or sometimes a Black Cat. The truth behind this mythos varies with various scholars.
The Baphomet is one aspect of the Templars mythos, could generate so many theories as to its true origins is amazing. The interest in the Baphomet has survived over 600 years and taken many forms. The opinions on the Baphomet vary greatly from scholar to scholar and mystic path to mystic path. The purpose of this section is to shed some light on some of the theories and the connection, if any, to the Knights Templar.
Mistakingly some describe the Templars as Devil worshipping Occultists, while historians of the twentieth century were of the belief that the Templars were party to the machinations of a corrupt government and church. It remains to be seen what the common consensus of this century will be regarding the order.
Twentieth century historians may have believed in innocence, the Baphomet mythos did survive as is indicated by the following dictionary definition: “Baphomet was the deity worshipped by the Knights Templar, and in Black Magic as the source and creator of evil; the Satanic goat of the witches’ Sabbath and one of the names adopted by Aleister Crowley.”
The image of the Baphomet is as varied as the explanations as to its etymology. A listing of some of the more common descriptions of it.
An idol with a human skull Ahead with two faces With a beard – Without a beard With the heads of a cockerel With the head of a man With the head of a goat and the body of a man Wings and cloven feet The upper body of a woman (maternity) A candle on its head – a symbol of revelation combining male sexual potency with the four elements and intelligence” [8]
"I don't want to see trend people respecting me, I want them to HATE and FEAR. If people don't accept our ideas as their own, they can fuck off because then they belong to a musical scene which has NOTHING to do with ours. They could just as well be Madonna fans. There is an ABYSS between us and the rest."
"Death Black Metal is something all ordinary mortals should fear, not make into a trend!"
Lev Bronstein aka Leon Trotsky set sail from New York in 1917 with 350 New York jews and around 20 million from jew Jacob Schiff and other New York jewish bankers, communism was actually sent from the US to Russia, thanks to jewish control of our politicians, especially Woodrow Wilson who was under the direct influence of Louis Brandeis and Bernard Baruch, both jews.
The jewish Communal Register of New York City of 1917-1918, edited and published by the jewish community, profiles Jacob Schiff, who at that time was one of the wealthiest men in the world as head of the huge banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company. In the article it states how the firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Company “floated the large Japanese War Loans of 1904-1905, thus making possible the Japanese victory over Russia.” It also goes on to say: “Mr. Schiff has always used his wealth and his influence in the best interests of his people. He financed the enemies of autocratic Russia and used his financial influence to keep Russia away from the money market of the United States.”(jewish Communal Register of New York City. (1918). p.1018-1019)
Jacob Schiff actually gave somewhere between $17 million and $24 million to finance the judeo communist revolutionaries in Russia, a sum that would be the equivalent of many hundreds of millions of dollars by today’s dollar value. Rabbi Marvin S. Andelman, in his book To Eliminate the Opiate, cites two sources documenting Schiff’s financial support of the Communist revolution and ultimate repayment by them:
“Jacob Schiff is credited with giving twenty million dollars to the bolshevik revolution. A year after his death the bolshevik’s deposited over six hundred million rubles to Schiff’s banking firm Kuhn & Loeb.” (New York Journal American (1949). February 3.) (Andelman, M.S. (1974). To Eliminate the Opiate.
A group of Italian soldiers raising their daggers in salute, Liguria, Italy, 1940. and a sign reading 'Duce, The forest salutes you', Liguria, 1940.
It was by way of such arguments that fascism arrived at that new man and new society so admirably characterized by Marcel Deat: ‘the total man in the total society, with no clashes, no prostration, no anarchy.’ There can be no doubt that fascism’s successes were in part due to man’s longing to be merged with the collective soul and his exaltation at feeling, living, and acting in harmony with the whole. Fascism was a vision of a coherent and reunited people, and it was for this reason that it placed such great emphasis on march-pasts, parades, and uniforms — on a whole communal liturgy, in fact — and that it waged an implacable war against anything tending to divide or differentiate, or which stood for diversity or pluralism: liberalism, democracy, parliamentarism, multi-party system. This unity finds its most perfect expression in the quasi -sacred figure of the leader. The cult of a leader who embodied the spirit, will, and virtues of the people, and who was identified with the nation, was the keystone of the fascist liturgy.
For this romantic and mystic conception of life, fascism is a great adventure, an adventure one lives with all his being, a ‘fever,’ Robert Brasillach used to say. But long before him, d’Annunzio had written about the heightening of the meaning of life attained through sacred objects, the symbols of a secular religion: instruments of a cult around which human thought and imagination revolve, and which lift these to idealistic heights . This new religion was a product of the change in the nature of politics which had taken place at the end of the nineteenth century.
Fascism A Reader’s Guide. Analyses, Interpretations, Bibliography by Walter Laqueur
Statue and bust of Alexander the Great found in Pergamon
"How highly should we honour the Macedonians, who for the greater part of their lives never cease from fighting with the barbarians for the sake of the security of Hellas? For who is not aware that Hellas would have constantly stood in the greater danger, had we not been fenced by the Macedonians and the honorable ambition of their kings?" (The Histories of Polybios, IX, 35, 2)
"Now that the men of this family are Hellenes, sprung from Perdiccas, as they themselves affirm, is a thing which I can declare on my own knowledge, and which I will hereafter make plainly evident. That they are so has been already adjudged by those who manage the Pan-Hellenic contest at Olympia" (Herodotus, The Histories 8.43)
"The country by the sea which is now called Macedonia... Alexander, the father of Perdiccas, and his forefathers, who were originally Temenidae from Argos" (Thucididis 99,3)
"....at the congress of the Lakedaimonian allies and the rest of the Hellenes, in which Amyntas, the father of Philip, being entitled to a seat, was represented by a delegate whose vote was absolutely under his control, he joined the rest of the Hellenes in voting..." (Aeschines, On the Embassy 32)
"When he (Alexander the Great) arrived at Ilion he sacrificed to Athena and offered libations to the Heroes." (Plutarchos, Alexander 15)
Arno Breker - Alexander the Great
"It is your privilege, as one who has been blessed with untrammeled freedom, to consider all Hellas your fatherland, as did the founder of your race." (Isokratis, To Philip 127)
"They say that these were the tribes collected by Amphiktyon himself in the Hellenic Assembly: ... the Macedonians joined and the entire Phocian race ... In my day there were thirty members: six each from Nikopolis, Macedonia and Thessaly ... " (Pausanias Phokis 8,2 & 4)
"The Phocians were deprived of their share in the Delphic sanctuary and in the Hellenic assembly, and their votes were given by the Amphictyons to the Macedonians." (Pausanias Description of Greece 10.3.3)
"Such was the end of Philip ... He had ruled 24 years. He is known to fame as one who with but the slenderest resources to support his claim to a throne won for himself the greatest empire among the Hellenes, while the growth of his position was not due so much to his prowess in arms as to his adroitness and cordiality in diplomacy." (Diodoros of Sicily 16.95.1-2)
A bust of Philip II, a 1st-century Roman copy of a Hellenistic Greek original
"Along with lavish display of every sort, Philip included in the procession statues of the twelve Gods wrought with great artistry and adorned with a dazzling show of wealth to strike awe to the beholder, and along with these was conducted a thirteenth statue, suitable for a god, that of Philip himself, so that the king exhibited himself enthroned among the twelve Gods. (Diodoros of Sicily 16.92.5)
Every seat in the theater was taken when Philip appeared wearing a white cloak and by his express orders his bodyguard held away from him and followed only at a distance, since he wanted to show publicly that he was protected by the goodwill of all the Hellenes, and had no need of a guard of spearmen." (Diodoros of Sicily 16.93.1)
"After this Alexandros left Dareios's mother, his daughters,and his son in Susa, providing them with persons to teach them the hellenic dialect,..." (Diodoros of Sicily 17.67.1)
Alexander The Great in front of the tomb of Achilles - Hubert Robert (1733 -1808)
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“If the German people lay down their weapons, the Soviets, according to the agreement between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, would occupy all of East and Southeast Europe along with the greater part of the Reich. An iron curtain would fall over this enormous territory controlled by the Soviet Union, behind which nations would be slaughtered.”
The moon shines white and silent On the mist, which, like a tide Of some enchanted ocean, O'er the wide marsh doth glide, Spreading its ghost-like billows Silently far and wide.
A vague and starry magic Makes all things mysteries, And lures the earth’s dumb spirit Up to the longing skies: I seem to hear dim whispers, And tremulous replies.
The fireflies o'er the meadow In pulses come and go; The elm-trees’ heavy shadow Weighs on the grass below; And faintly from the distance The dreaming cock doth crow.
All things look strange and mystic, The very bushes swell And take wild shapes and motions, As if beneath a spell; They seem not the same lilacs From childhood known so well.
The snow of deepest silence O'er everything doth fall, So beautiful and quiet, And yet so like a pall; As if all life were ended, And rest were come to all.
O wild and wondrous midnight, There is a might in thee To make the charmed body Almost like spirit be, And give it some faint glimpses Of immortality!
"There is nothing inherently wrong with fascism, given the nature and needs of the average citizen... Now it's not so much a case of avoiding fascism, but of replacing a screwed up, disjointed, fragmented and stupefying kind of fascism with one that is more sensible and truly progressive."
- Anton LaVey
The inanity of the Libertarianism at present being insinuated into American Satanism is itself nothing but a product of the inanity of American "culture". It is ironic that those Libertarians claiming to embrace "the deity of rebellion" should themselves be conditioned results of the U.S. mass education, entertainment and media System. Far from "rebelling", these Libertarian-Satanists are simply parts of the status quo.
The Libertarians have embarked on an anti-Fascist crusade. Their chief spokesman is Jeffrey Deboo, editor of DARK REFLECTIONS, whose principle articles so far dealing with what he sees as "the Fascist infiltration of Satanism" (sic) are the widely reprinted "Nazism, Racism and Satanism", and "Fascism and the Deity of Rebellion". The most notable thing about his position is that it is based entirely on empty rhetoric, without the wearisome need to resort to actual historic specifics. Erroneous Libertarian assumptions are considered sufficient, in his delusional state, for "Fascist Satanists" such as Michael Moynihan and myself to be awed by his intellectual acumen.
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Mr Deboo's main point is that since Satan is the archetype of rebellion, his individualism is antithetical to totalitarian ideologies such as Fascism. He contends that "Fascist Satanists" such as myself would not be tolerated by Fascist regimes. What Mr Deboo doesn't realize is that Fascism was founded by the "individualists and eccentrics" he thinks he's championing. The first fasci was established in Italy in 1918 by the Futurists led by Marinetti. The latter went on to found the Fascist Party with Mussolini in 1919. Marinetti became head of the Fascist Writer's Union, was elected to the Academy, and the influence of Futurism on Fascism was maintained for the duration of the regime. Marinetti and that other leading Italian eccentric and individualist D'Annunzio regarded themselves - and were regarded by the regime - as the precursors of Fascism.
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Other avant-garde writers and artists such as those around Ezra Pound, Wyndham Lewis and the Vorticist movement in England, supported Fascism as the defence against the stupefying effects of democracy on culture. Ezra Pound in particular saw Fascism as the opponent of plutocracy which he considered to be infecting all forms of human activity. He was granted radio facilities by the Italian Government to broadcast against plutocracy during the war. In contrast with the Allied victory the Americans incarcerated him in an animal cage, after which he was confined for years in a lunatic asylum, and denied literary awards solely due to his politics.
What Mr Deboo et al don't realize, because they have no political or historical knowledge, is that the American Revolutionary War against England was of precisely the same order as the War between the Axis and the Allies. Both were fought over the issue of plutocracy.
Ben Franklin wrote: "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction."
What Franklin was referring to was the "Colonial Scrip" the colonies had issued according to "the demands of trade and industry", without recourse to the usury of private banking. The Bank of England replied by putting through Parliament in 1764 an Act prohibiting the issue of Colonial Scrip. The Scrip was devalued by 50%, and Franklin stated that within a year the streets were filled with the unemployed. The American Founding Fathers in the Constitution provided the Government with the prerogative to issue its own credit. This right was undermined over the decades through various mechanations, culminating in the Reserve Bank Act of 1913.
Likewise, the Axis powers and Fascism generally, sought a system of "autarky", or national economic self-sufficiency. The Fascist states gained prosperity while the democracies under the thralldom of plutocracy suffered economic depression until the War. Compare Franklin's statement with Hitler's in 1937: "We have come to learn that the value of the currency lies in the capacity of the nation." Additionally Germany pulled out of the world trade system and instituted a system of bartering surplus products.
Mr Deboo, despite his imagined adherence to the "deity of rebellion", condemns one of the few epochal rebellions in history.
Another feature of Libertarian-Satanism is the misapplication of Darwinian evolutionary principles to economics in what is called "Social Darwinism". The latter was formulated by 19th C. Whig Liberalism to rationalize unrestrained capitalism without the need to consider the consequences to the nation as a whole. Contemporary Libertarian-Satanism is merely an attempt to revive the corpse of 19th C. Whig Liberalism. It is a doctrine that has latterly been tried without success in several countries including New Zealand.
The Libertarian's "Social Darwinism" rests on a contempt for the "mass" or "herd" as a supposed application of "Satanic misanthropy" and "rational self-interest". The belief is that, like a century ago, the superior will rise to the top while the rest can sink or swim. This "Social Darwinism" is the misapplication of "the survival of the fittest" to economics. This is held to be true eugenics in operation, as opposed to Fascist eugenics which necessitates State intervention. What the Libertarians do not recognize is that the social organism is itself a collective survival unit. Altruism, which would be considered most unSatanic, is in origin ultimately selfish, true "rational self-interest", based on the principle, "you scratch my back; I'll scratch yours." The individual organism enhances its own survival, and thus the perpetuation of its genes, by subordinating itself to an organic social order. This is precisely what Fascism implemented on a political level.
The tendency among some American Satanists to be pre-occupied with their position of superiority above "the herd", which they view with revulsion, is reflected in their indignation at the prospect of any form of commitment to anything wider than themselves. It is a view that prevailed among the petty shop keepers and bankers in 19th C. England.
The result was that an oligarchy grew prosperous while leaving the bulk of its fellow citizens to rot, misapplying the new-found Darwinian theory as an intellectual prop. Results of this Libertarian vision splendid included the relegation of the unemployed to the work houses where families were seperated, where mothers had to keep watch lest their babies' fingers were gnawed; where three year olds worked in the pits.
One "Satanist" writing in The Black Flame lauded the deportations to Australia as a "Satanic" measure to rid England of its "human locust" (sic). (Bradford de Rastrick, "Some Thoughts on Pentagonal Revisionism" TBF Vol.5 #1 & 2).
Yet those who were deported were the very individualists who had the courage and initiative to organize labour unions, for eg (which surely made THEM the rebels against the status quo) or those that stole some scrap in an effort to feed their families. So far from Australia being the Establishmentarian "Satanists eugenic dumping ground" for redundant humanity, the Australians, in a collective Nietzschean effort of self-overcoming, soon developed a strong sense of national identity (reflected at an early date in the Eureka rebellion, for eg) and a uniquely Australian culture formed by such geniuses as the writer Percy Stephenson (friend of Crowley's and a pro-Fascist) and the Nietzschean/pagan painter Norman Lindsay.
What Whig-Liberalism represented was a colossal waste of a nation's most valuable resource, its citizens, because it eschewed any form of social organization and national planning.
The Libertarian-Satanists claim to advocate "meritocracy" via their laissare faire sink-or-swim attitude. Yet because they are ignorant of political and economical realities, they do not understand that there cannot be even a semblence of meritocracy until such time as plutocracy is eliminated. And that is precisely what Fascism did.
There can be no meritocracy as long as the individual is constrained by the insecurity of usurious mortgages and other interest rates on compound debt; or the possibility of unemployment by unrestrained world trade, free credit movement and transnational company relocations, over which he can have absolutely no control, whatever his personal merits.
But any attempt by the state to establish any form of social order is decried by the Libertarians as tyranny and an intrusion on their delusionary "freedom".
Fascism sought to harness its citizens to creative tasks. It gave each individual the opportunity to fulfill their potential without recourse to egalitarian fantasies. It enabled every citizen to be elevated culturally through programmes such as "Strength Through Joy". The results were seen even by avid anti-Nazis such as William Shirer who admitted that:
Ein Deutscher Jungbauer photographed by Hanns Spudich
"The young in the Third Reich were growing up to have strong and healthy bodies, faith in the future of their country and in themselves and a sense of fellowship and comraderie that shattered all class and economic and social barriers. I thought of that later, in the May days of 1940, when along the road between Aachen and Brussels one saw the contrast between the German soldiers, bronzed and clean-cut from a youth spent in the sunshine on an adequate diet, and the first British war prisoners, with the hollow chests, round shoulders, pasty complexions and bad teeth - tragic examples of the youth that England had neglected so irresponsibly in the years between the wars."
It seems clear enough, from actual results, what regime implemented genuine evolutionary principles, true Social Darwinism.
In the final analysis the difference between the Libertarian-Satanist and the "Fascist-Satanists" are fundamental: the former see Satanism as nothing more than rampant individualism to the point of trivialising life itself; the latter see Satanism as a Nietzschean/Faustian imperative towards continuing human ascent - both biological and cultural.