"Music is like a Limitless Ocean, a Thread that Unites the Worlds, a sacrifice to the Father of Battles - this is the moral of deadly sounds extorted by the Soul. This Meaning has been lost and forgotten long ago. There is just a poor mimicry left that amuses the crowd. Music, like a magic tracery absorbing the Universe, gives the birth to new movements, new stellar flares, new raging Storms. All the Space is filled with it; you just need to hear it through your Feelings and Perception.
Music is a contact with the Ancient world through the Pureness of the Open Sphere of Spirit. Only the sounds of the Fire Movement live forever charming with its picture the Greedy Soul of Search. The sound traceries reflect the Sough of the Winds of Mortality, the Howl of Sea Storms, the Mysterious Atmosphere of Forest, Illimitable Spaces of Battles - they are all natural like all the primitive surrounding us. They bestow Birth and Death, Delight and Fear, Pleasure and Pain. Looking through your Perception of Reality at the Abyss of Worlds you can feel the intricacy of sounds around you. Music cannot be simple or complicated, good or bad, since it is exclusive and unchangeable by virtue of its Genuineness. Everyone feels music according to their perceptions. Everyone slopes over music according to their Epiphany of Spirit. Only the sounds of the Fire Movement can charm to the end of time uncovering the Vastitude of the Headlong Flight. This verity has been forgotten and distorted long ago in order to satisfy miserable self-indulgence and strengthen personal status. Music is Great Art, a Higher Magic of Inspiration…”
Ulv Gegner Irminsson, 2000
Rest in Valhalla! The spirit of Blazebirth Hall is immortal.