Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Lex Talionis - The Law of Retribution

Now that the socio-economic system is under stress and the Government has been forced to take steps to reduce the Welfare State, a certain type has been unleashed.

This type, seen throughout history, comes to the surface in conditions of societal breakdown. In now way related to the plundering warrior, the freebooting highwayman or pirate, this is the untermensch - the Underman - the chandala outcaste written of in terms of foreboding by Nietzsche and Lothrop Stoddard (The Revolt Against Civilization - The Menace of the Under-Man, London 1922). It finds its political expression in Bolshevism and other revolts of the sewer (in Rome it was christianity). The Chandala is an atavism which cannot feel at ease amidst culture. In aristocratic societies this out-case was kept in check by force; today it has been bribed to a relatively passive state by welfare cheques, with the paradox that the State has actually subsidized it to breed.

Now that the State purse is empty, that the social diversion of full employment has also gone, the chandala emerge to prey on those who are likely to be the easiest mark, such as the elderly. For the criminality of 
the type is in no way daring or heroic.

Lex Talionis is the defence mechanism of healthy society since time immemorial. It was the "eye for an eye" of the Mosaic code and of pagan justice.

Today we have liberalism and christianity to preserve the untermensch; a travesty of the law of our forefathers which drove such to extinction. Despite the Fundamentalists, christian concepts of justice are NOT based on the Mosaic code of Israelite tribalism, they are a product of Israelite decadence, which sought to reverse the Israelite code, just as it reversed the code of the pagan Romans, Norse, et al. The difference is that Israel has never accepted its false Messiah; he was instead foisted onto our pagan ancestors. Whatever else one may think of the State of Israel, it is the only one that continues to execute Lex Talionis both domestically and in its foreign relations: an enemy of Israel is not safe anywhere in the world.

The attitude of liberalism and christianity is the same: "resist not evil", "judge not", "turn the other cheek", "he who is without sin....". Our society, sapped by the weakness, cannot adequately respond to the danger within. The social organism is too sickly to excrete its waste products.

It is time to return to the two laws of our forefathers: Eugenics, of which we have spoken in the past, and Lex Talionis, lest everything of value (and everyone) be engulfed by a sea of inferiority. Hear now the Law:

"Hate for hate and ruth for ruth, 
        Eye for eye and tooth for tooth. 
        Scorn for scorn and smite for smite, 
        Love for love and guile for guile. 
        War for war and woe for woe, 
        Blood for blood and blow for blow." 
        - Ragnar Redbeard, Might Is Right, 1895

The Watcher Issue # 11

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