Sunday, October 14, 2018

Be brave! Be noble! Die proudly!

[caption id="attachment_7350" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Found in Castle Wewelsburg Found in Castle Wewelsburg, unknown artist.[/caption]

The warrior teaches:

Be brave!
That means: overcoming the fear that drives you to fearful preservation of your own life. Remember that your folk's future rests in your deed. Remember that your life, your struggle and your death are examples of the strong life. Do not forget for a moment that the young people of your folk follow your steps with keen eyes. Being brave does not mean playing with life, rather to systematically employ it for the achievement of the future and the foundation of the eternal folk.

Be noble!
That means: remember that you are not a murderer and do not engage in senseless destruction. Remember that your deed is the nation’s honour. But your struggle is all the more difficult and more pitiless. Magnanimity gives the enemy honour, but not weak empathy with him. The noble man also expects no pity from the enemy, he just expects the same honour that he gives them.

Die proudly!
That means: Remember that death is the fulfilment of the law and that death is the crowning of duty. Remember that your proud death helps the lads to over-come the horror. Whoever dies proudly, robs death of its terror.

Kurt Eggers "The Warrior Poet"

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