“When we speak of race, we mean the whole to which body and physicality is necessary, which however also extends into that great sphere of the life of the mind and the soul. If we deliberately conduct a racial policy, we are not thereby cultivating men as if they were cattle; rather we are taking care that healthy men grow, from whose healthy blood the great law of their kind speaks and which now for the first time in this world can structure what the German people has sought and longed for and striven after on an endlessly long, bitter path through centuries of its history: the Dominion of the Germans, about which we believe that it is not only a state but a dominion of the soul.”
“Infinitely many virtues of the character, infinitely great harmony of the spirit and of the body, and with that an immense quantity of human happiness, has been our loss due to mixture with alien blood. And whoever experiences our days with open eyes sees shocking examples every day of the frightening consequences that accompany such disloyalty toward one’s own blood. For, out of it arise men that wander anchorless and spiritually homeless between the peoples, that belong neither to the one nor to the other, and in psychic despair and often material distress must stand aloof from the great events of their age.”
Dr. Walter Gross, head of the Office of Racial Policy
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