In these days of uncertainty, and political control of western mind by the Zionist media, what have the European - and, closer to home, the British - people got to give them a glimmer of the hope for the future? As you look around and see the hold that the three party dictatorships has got on Britain, you could be forgiven for sitting back and letting this tide of depression and no-hope flow over you. "Three party dictatorship?" you may ask. It has become a three party dictatorship since the men who control the purse-strings decided that the 'Gang of four' and their Liberal allies were just chips off the same old corrupt block as the already controlled Tory and Labour parties.
Any Political party that constitutes a threat whatsoever to this monstrous set up will be viciously slandered by the puppet media, as well as being limited politically by hypocritical means (Race relations acts etc.) and finally criminalized, to attempt to draw public support away from the particular party's cause.
In a normal society the public would question why it was that their own people were being oppressed and jailed for wanting to put their own country and culture first. They would also want to know why other races and cultures were constantly promoted and feted, while their own infinitely superior history, and way of life, were severely neglected and, indeed, belittled. But this, as we know, is no ordinary society. The corridors of power, of this once great nation, have been hijacked by creatures of the worst kind. In some circumstances some of these creatures are actually British people. These traitors, even more than the aliens who control their every move, must be dealt with more severely than anybody else, when the final reckoning finally comes. These people have sold out their race and nation for personal gain.
We, as Nationalists, must overcome the most massive obstacles ever put before a political movement, before we can hope to grasp the reigns of political power. The first and most important thing we must posses is faith. Faith in the greatness of our race. Faith in the ideology of our movement, and finally faith in the inevitability of our final victory. This faith will sustain us through dark periods of oppression, captivity and even death. Faith is not something that dies with the individual, but an everlasting flame which will not be extinguished until the end of time. It is this, and this alone, which our enemies cannot destroy.
We will face increasing media slander, which we will not be allowed to reply to. We will face increased harassment by the politically-controlled police force, which, against maybe their own consciences, will nevertheless obey orders, and set us up for prison sentences that are totally unfounded. We must expect this, and be mentally and physically prepared to forms of opposition will we have the strength to survive, and carry on our struggle throughout our lives. If we here in Britain are to win through to our goal, our key members, and indeed as many as possible of our total membership, must be spiritually and politically committed to our belief in race and history.
We must continue to create, and cement ties with out kindred organizations in Europe, to make sure that none of the great achievements of European culture and history are forgotten or neglected. Only by greater European co-operation can we eventually hope to offer a viable alternative to the fear-ridden Bolshevik empire, or the vulgar, drug-sodden, multiracial mess that American capitalism has become.
In the new Europe which will be created, peace would reign because of the mutual respect, for the peoples and cultures, of this once great are of world concern. No more would alien criminality, and imported vice, be rife in our cities, where a return to the old community spirit would be achieved by decent housing for all, and end to the monstrous 'tower block' existence. No longer would our rural villages and farm lands be neglected and run-down. A spirit of self-sufficiency, and pride in working on British soil for the good of Britain and the British people, could prevail. Due to a policy of armed neutrality, Europe would no longer be in an arena for U.S and Soviet war games, and their disgusting ideologies could be kept far from Europe's shores.
To achieve all of this we, and our European comrades, must above all have faith. Our enemies are strong, and presently we are relatively weak in numbers, but unbeatable in spirit. We must realize that we, and our enemies, are engaged in a struggle for the survival of the European races. If we fail we will be destroyed along with European civilization; and we must accept in our hearts, that if victory is eventually ours we must deal with our enemies in the most ruthless fashion. If we do not destroy their cancer at the root we will have to face up to its reincarnation at a later stage.
We must have faith in this, our battle to the death.
Ian Stuart Donaldson 1986
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Rest in Valhalla Ian Stuart Donaldson!