Monday, May 28, 2018


The True Right has always believed in strong leadership and the ability, as Thomas Carlyle wrote, of 'great men' to shape history. In his collection of lectures On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History, Carlyle identifies six types of hero: the Hero as Divintity, as Prophet, as Poet, as Priest, as Man of Letters and as King. This is not limited to the Right, for the Left also has its heroes: its revolutionaries and men of theory. What we have seen since the 1960s is a new breed of hero that has emerged, firstly on the Left, but now increasingly on the Right: the Hero as Activist. The activist's name on everyone's lips at the moment, especially since his recent arrest and imprisonment, is Tommy Morrison, but is he a hero and will he shape history?


As you will no doubt have realised from the photo above, I do not think he is a hero for our times. In fact, I do not think he is in control of much of what he says. From the very beginning, Robinson has had a dubious relationship with organised Jewry in Britain and this has meant toeing the line of "diversity and inclusion" (see picture above). While his identification of Islam as a problem and direct confrontation of Muslims has been admirable and shows real bravery, divorcing the problem from the subject of race has not just been deliberate, but a conscious dishonest and political choice to align himself with Jewish interests.

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The English Defence League, after all, was formed in the image of the Jewish Defence League, a terrorist group that aligned itself to militant Negro groups in America. From the very beginning, despite doing good work in exposing Muslim paedophile gangs, it also promoted multi-racialism and attacked genuine nationalists in Britain who had been exposing the same as "racists". The EDL under Robinson had various groups within it, including a Jewish section and an LGBT one. In other words, the EDL promoted the same agenda as the government. This is not to say there were not any good people in the EDL. There certainly were, but they were coerced into toeing the PC line, with Robinson being convicted of headbutting someone he referred to as a "neo-Nazi" in 2011.


Indeed, when Robinson left the EDL in 2013, he cited "extremism" as being the reason and suddenly started working with the Leftist/Muslim think tank Quilliam and appearing on the BBC, no longer as an antagonist, but as one of the fold. In 2016, he was invited for a trip to Israel by Jewish Youtuber "Brian of London" (but obviously rather more of Tel Aviv), where he became a mouthpiece for Israeli propaganda. He has since worked for Ezra Levant's Rebel Media, a Jewish Canadian internet media outlet that has promoted Israeli intersts in the Middle East and Jewish interests in the West, including the usual Jewish hypocracy of advocating a Jewish ethnostate while undermining ethno-nationalism in other countries. Let us be clear: Robinson has always undermined ethno-nationalism for Whites. Just last year during the Charlottesville march, he tweeted this:


Read more: here

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