Sunday, February 25, 2018

Christ is not Logos


“In defiance of the law of gravity, the religion founders walked on sea waves. Contrary to the law of procreation, religion founders were put into the womb of virgin girls along supernatural path. In defiance of the law of motion, the sun stopped in its “course” for the reason of the wishes of a Semitic tribe. In defiance of the law of substance, water was transformed into wine. In defiance of the law of death, corpses already in the process of decay had to be resurrected. One then called miracle! Violence was inflicted upon the law with club blows. In mockery of the great order began the revision under the cross measure of faith in miracles. To those who were poor enough in intellect to accept without contradiction the teachings of the religions of salvation, heaven and all heavenly joys were promised. But the strong, who remained in the law, were threatened amidst the howl of applause of the unleashed masses with eternal damnation and the torments of hells sprung from a perverse imagination. The heretical laughter of the strong at the fever delirium of the weak was viewed as heathen stubbornness.”

Kurt Eggers

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