Monday, July 10, 2017

Revilo P. Oliver quote about the Middle Ages

[caption id="attachment_3019" align="alignnone" width="641"]Urwick, Walter Chamberlain, 1864-1943; Henry Urwick (1859-1931), as Shylock Henry Urwick (1859–1931), as Shylock[/caption]

"Another great hoax is the endless whining by the Jews that they were “persecuted” during the Middle Ages, when the Church gave them a virtual monopoly of usury, sorcery, and international trade; when they spun financial webs about kings and noblemen and most rulers were attended by skilled Jewish physicians, always spies and potentially executioners; when the Jews exercised such political, intellectual, and economic power that, as Bernard S. Bachrach has shown in his Early Medieval Jewish Policy in Western Europe (University of Minnesota, 1977), out of the 98 rulers whose policies he examines in detail, 88 (including Charlemagne) had to pursue pro-Jewish policies, while the ten who attempted to oppose the aliens in their domains went down to failure in one way or another; when the Jews could usually count on royal or ecclesiastical protection whenever their depredations excited local resentment so strong that it became violent; when even the famous and belated expulsion of Jews from England and Spain overlooked those who thought it worth while to have themselves sprinkled with holy water; and when the Church itself was a great ladder by which marranos climbed to power and wealth."


1 comment:

  1. Those "traditional" European regimes /societies were/are the very ones idolized by reactionary "philosophers", like the much celebrated, anti-racialist and anti-NationalSocialist Evola. For the power wielded by organized jewry in those "traditional" societies (European and not European ones) : "A People that shall dwell Alone", by Kevin MacDonald, 2002
