Saturday, July 1, 2017

Lovecraft about Hitler

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"No impartial friend of civilisation can help seeing, as Hitler does, that contemporary culture is in a state of vast rottenness—with weak, unhealthy concepts flourishing like weeds & constantly imperiling our survival against external foes & internal dissension. All the loudest aesthetic & philosophic voices of the hour are howling & whining doctrines & values which can lead to nothing save disintegration, chaos, & the death of all the background-factors which give life the illusion of being worth living. It is a pitiful epidemic, & requires treatment like any other disease—hence one cannot but sympathise with any man courageous enough to attempt its cure."

from a letter written September 25, 1933


  1. Ha, ha, what are they to say all those multi-kulti, far too late pseudo-admirers of H.P.L. now?
    Long Live H.P.L. and 88!

  2. They know the truth and it hurts hahaha!!
