Friday, April 21, 2017



The leader must project to his following a personal kind heart that never gets cold or paralyzed, is always fresh and sunny. In objective decisions hard and straightforward, in personal contact happy and kind, that is our leader ideal. The leader must acquire a deep understanding for all the distresses, suffering and contacts of his following, a fine tactfulness for all weaknesses and delicate things, and honest empathy for all the joys. Only a few are born leaders. Most are officer cadets and must first learn, fight for and work for leadership, and experience it deeply and joyfully. The leader from whose eyes a personal kind heart shines and from whose nature it radiates can demand from his following sacrifice, work and performance. He no longer needs to use major pressure. Based on his inner bearing, he introduces his following with hearty comradeship to the purpose of their work, of their sacrifice, of their struggle. He treats them like full-valued comrades, not like servants, not like machines, but also not condescendingly or with pity. Not pushy, not like a school master, not like a professor, not like a pastor - he gives to his subordinates, who are for him coworkers, winks, tips, explanations, encouragements, clarifications in speech and conversation that is not forced. He shows them the work, helps to shape the work himself, is the first foreman. He is the man who stands at the front in leadership, work and performance.

The leader does not exploit his following, he does not pump them empty, he does not weight on them like a nightmare. He gives his people energy and strength, shows them in their work and in their life ever new possibilities, new opportunities, visions. He enriches his following inwardly with ideas, new joys, energies and sources of strength.

The leader is not a guard. He does not lurk for offenses. He is not happy when he catches a coworker at a mistake or ineptitude. He is not dissatisfied if he cannot find fault. Serious and kind, comradely and straightforward, he discusses everything that is not in order, he praises what has been made good.

Individuals may exploit this personal kind heart. The totality is forged together by this bearing.

Whoever has acquired this kind of leadership, does not have to intensively study long recipes and rules of behavior, he never has to fear for his reputation, he will always do the right thing. Whoever still discovers within himself traces of egoistical, heartless tyranny or slavish servitude, knows that he is not yet free of alien oriental bearing.

Who ever is such a genuine leader, has taken on responsibility for his following before God and represents them before God in the community’s festive hours as well. In these festive hours, the whole community then grows together anew and at the same time grows into the infinite connections of God’s great order of creation.

by Anton Holzner, Eternal Front

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