Sunday, April 30, 2017

Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown (2008)

A chronicle of the life, work and mind that created the Cthulhu mythos.


Nordic Hellas

[caption id="attachment_1589" align="aligncenter" width="528"]486b88607db760c2a7b95525c80b5aea Dying Achilles (Achilleas thniskon) in the gardens of the Achilleion, Corfu[/caption]

During the course of my investigations into Nordic racial history, I have gathered together some rather interesting material on the presence of the Nordic race in the Classical World. Of particular value, are the researches of J. L. Angel, who performed an extensive survey of all ancient Greek crania. Angel analysed these skulls from a typological perspective, and because of the position he took on the reality of race, he was subsequently much criticised by his contemporaries.

We may note that Angel (1944), calculated that during the Classical period of Greek history (650—150 BC), 27% of the Greek population had been predominantly Nordic in type. He observed that prior to the Classical period, the Nordic element had been larger, and that after it, the element in question had declined. [Angel (1943; 1944; 1945; 1946a, b, c.] Angel (1971), also noted that the immigrant Indo-Europeans, were of Nordic subrace.

Peterson (1974), studied portrait busts of famous ancient Greek personages, and concluded that the aristocracies of Hellas were a product of closely interbreeding, Eupatrid clans. These clans were mostly Nordic in type, being largely descended from the Indo-European invaders. The demos, or common people however, as well as most slaves, were of Mediterranean, Pelasgian descent.

The study of Greek literature which Sieglin (1935) performed, has demonstrated that many individuals in the elites of ancient Greece, had blond or red hair. For instance, Alcibiades, Alexander the Great, Critias, Demetrius of Phalerum, King Lysimachus, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and King Pyrrhus, were all fair-haired individuals. Dionysius I, the ruler of Syracuse, had blond hair and freckles, whilst the Athenian playwright Euripides, also had a fair and freckled complexion. [Günther (1956).] Some critics have attempted to claim that the Greek word “ksanthos” (xanthos), means “brown-haired”, rather than “blond-haired”. However, a recent article by Moonwomon (1994), on colour-meaning in ancient Greek, reveals that the word did in fact mean blond.

There are also numerous interesting examples from Greek literature which can be cited. For instance, in Homer’s Iliad, and Odyssey, whilst the aristocrats such as Achilles and Menelaus have blond hair, the slaves Eurybates and Thersites are brunet. Indeed, the Greek orator Dio of Prusa noted that the Greek ideal of beauty was a Nordic one. The Greeks, he said, admired the blond Achilles, but thought that the barbarian Trojan Hector, was black-haired. [Günther (1956).] In his Argonautica, the Greek poet Apollonius Rhodius, describes the hero Jason, and all fifty of the Argonauts, as blond-haired. [Sieglin (1935).] When the heroine Electra, in Euripides’ play of that name, finds a lock of her brother Orestes’ hair, on the grave of their father Agamemnon, she can tell that it is his hair, because of its distinctive blond colour. It would appear that the nobility of ancient Greece was distinguished from the dark masses, by its many blond members. [Ridgeway (1909).] The poet Bacchylides said that the women of Sparta were blonde, and Dicaearchus said much the same thing about the women of Thebes. [Günther (1956).] For the Greeks, the most beautiful woman who ever lived, Helen, was a blonde, as were those mythical men such as Adonis, who were famed for their handsomeness. [Sieglin (1935).]

For more literary descriptions of pigmentation in ancient Greek poetry and prose, as well as craniological evidence, I can recommend the following works: De Lapouge (1899), Jax (1933), Myres (1930), Reche (1936) and Ridgeway (1901).

Günther’s works on the subject of Greek racial history (1927; 1928; 1929a, b; 1956; 1961), are particularly valuable. Günther performed a detailed analysis of Greek history, from a biological perspective. Utilising craniological, literary, and pictorial evidence, he reconstructed the racial structure of ancient Greece. He concluded that the Nordic subrace formed something of an ideal for the Greeks, and that the Nordic element was more influential than any other. At the summit of its achievements, Greece possessed a large Nordic element, but as this element declined, so did Greek culture and civilisation.

Finally, we may observe that in the fourth-century AD, the Jewish physician and sophist Adamantios, described the “true Greek” thus:

“Wherever the Hellenic and Ionic race has been kept pure, we see proper tall men of fairly broad and straight build, neatly made, of fairly light skin and blond; the flesh is rather firm, the limbs straight, the extremities well made. The head is of middling size, and moves very easily; the neck is strong, the hair somewhat fair, and soft, and a little curly; the face is rectangular, the lips narrow, the nose straight, and the eyes bright, piercing, and full of light; for of all nations the Greek has the fairest eyes.” [Günther (1927) 157.]

I do not personally believe that the Nordic racial element in ancient Greece was ever predominant, but I do think that it was concentrated in the elites, and that it therefore probably had a disproportionately large influence. It is easiest to study and trace the impact of this particular element, because of its distinctive pigmentation.



Angel, J. L. (1971) Lerna: A Preclassical Site in the Argolid, Volume II — The People (Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press).

De Lapouge, G. V. (1899) L’Aryen: Son Rôle Social (Paris: Albert Fontemoing).

Günther, H. F. K. [G. C. Wheeler, trans.] (1927) The Racial Elements of European History (London: Methuen).

Günther, H. F. K. (1928) Platon als Hüter des Lebens: Platons Zucht- und Erziehungsgedanken und deren Bedeutung für die Gegenwart (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag).

Günther, H. F. K. (1929a) Rassengeschichte des hellenischen und des römischen Volkes: Mit einem Anhang — Hellenische und römische Köpfe nordischer Rasse (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag).

Günther, H. F. K. (1929b) Rassenkunde Europas: Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rassengeschichte der Hauptvölker indogermanischer Sprache (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag).

Günther, H. F. K. (1956) Lebensgeschichte des hellenischen Volkes (Pähl: Verlag Hohe Warte).

Jax, K. (1933) Die weibliche Schönheit in der griechischen Dichtung (Innsbruck: Universitäts-Verlag Wagner).

Myres, J. L. (1930) Who Were the Greeks? (Berkeley: University of California Press).

Reche, O. (1936) Rasse und Heimat der Indogermanen (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag).

Ridgeway, W. (1901) The Early Age of Greece, Volume I (London: Cambridge University Press).

Sieglin, W. (1935) Die blonden Haare der indogermanischen Völker des Altertums (Munich: J. F. Lehmanns Verlag).


Angel, J. L. (1943) “Ancient Cephallenians: The Population of a Mediterranean Island.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, I, 229—260.

Angel, J. L. (1944) “A Racial Analysis of the Ancient Greeks: An Essay on the Use of Morphological Types.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, II, 329—376.

Angel, J. L. (1945) “Skeletal Material From Attica.” Hesperia, XIV, 279—363.

Angel, J. L. (1946a) “Race, Type, and Ethnic Group in Ancient Greece.” Human Biology, XVIII, 1—32.

Angel, J. L. (1946b) “Skeletal Change in Ancient Greece.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, IV, 69—97.

Angel, J. L. (1946c) “Social Biology of Greek Culture Growth.” American Anthropologist, XLVIII, 493—533.

Günther, H. F. K. (1961) “Like a Greek God.... Translated by Vivian Bird from Professor Hans F. K. Guenther’s Rassenkunde des Hellenischen Volkes.” Northern World, VI (1), 5—16.

Moonwomon, B. (1994) “Color Categorization in Early Greek.” Journal of Indo-European Studies, XXII, 37—65.

Peterson, R. (1974) “The Greek Face.” Journal of Indo-European Studies, II, 385—406.

Ridgeway, W. (1909) “The Relation of Anthropology to Classical Studies.” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, XXXIX, 10—25.

The Cosmic concepts of the Indo-Europeans


[caption id="attachment_1576" align="aligncenter" width="700"]4 T Fyodor Bronnikov, Pythagoreans' Hymn to the Rising Sun, 1869[/caption]

“In the recorded cosmic or Midgard concepts of the Indo-Europeans, man has his proper place in the great scheme of ordered life, but he is not enchained to it as are the oriental religions, with their star worship and priestly prophesies of the future — the study of entrails and the flight of birds, practised by the Babylonians, Etruscans and others. He appears in a trusting relationship with his God, whose nature itself is connected with the world order, and he joins with this God on a national scale in the struggle against all powers hostile to man and God, against chaos, against Utgard. The Indo-European recognises Midgard, the earth-space, as the field in which he may fulfil his destiny, cherishing life as a cultivator or farmer, where plants, animals and men are each called to grow and ripen into powerful forces asserting themselves within the timeless order. Guilt in man — not sin — arises wherever an individual defies or threatens this order and attempts through short-sighted obstinacy to oppose the divine universal order in life. For such a crime an individual incurs guilt. By such a crime, his people are threatened with the danger of decline and degeneration, and the world order with confusion and distortion.“

~   Hans F. K. Guenther,  The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kali Yuga


“The syndrome of Kali Yuga is marked by the fact that it is the only age in which property alone confers social rank; wealth becomes the only motive of virtues, passion and lust the only bonds between the married, falsehood and deception the first condition of success in life, sexuality the sole means of enjoyment, while external, merely ritualistic religion is confused with spirituality.”

—Mircea Eliade

Monday, April 24, 2017


Picture 073


Ο βίος του "αγίου"και ο μεσαίωνας στις Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις

Τον "άγιο" Γεώργιο είχε κάνει κομματάκια βασανίζοντάς τον ο «σατανόπληκτος» Διοκλητιανός, αλλά άγγελος Κυρίου τον ξανασυναρμολόγησε. Στη συνέχεια ο άγιος ανάστησε έναν προ πολλού πεθαμένο, ο οποίος oμολόγησε πως καιγόταν στις φωτιές, επειδή δεν ήταν χριστιανός, καθώς και ένα νεκρό βόδι, για να οργώνει ένας πρώην ειδωλολάτρης. Τέλος, αφού συνομίλησε με άγαλμα του Απόλλωνα, το γκρέμισε, όπως και πολλά άλλα Ελληνικά αγάλματα.

Τις παραπάνω περιγραφές δεν τις διαβάζουμε σε κάποιο χριστιανικό φυλλάδιο, αλλά στην επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του Γενικού Επιτελείου Στρατού (Γ.Ε.Σ.) που έχει ανακηρύξει τον άγιο Γεώργιο προστάτη του Ελληνικού Στρατού (πλην Πυροβολικού.)

Ο" άγιος" Γεώργιος υμνείται στις εκκλησίες ως ο «καθαιρέτης των Ελλήνων».

Το Συναξάρι του καλού στρατιώτη
Από την ιστοσελίδα του Γ.Ε.Σ. διαβάζουμε: «Εκείνους τους χρόνους ο σατανόπληκτος βασιλιάς Διοκλητιανός, γεμάτος από θαυμασμό προς τους θεούς των ειδώλων, είχε βγάλει αυστηρές διαταγές προς τους υπηκόους του... Ο "άγιος" Γεώργιος μπροστά στον αυτοκράτορα και τους αξιωματούχους του γκρεμίζει τα πλανεμένα κι αδύναμα είδωλα των θεών περιγελώντας όλους τους ειδωλολάτρες, που πιστεύουν στα άψυχα αγάλματα των ψεύτικων αυτών θεών...

» Τον δένουν γυμνό σε έναν τροχό, ο οποίος είχε γύρω του μπηγμένα μαχαίρια κοφτερά, και τον κατρακυλούν σ'; έναν κατήφορο. Κι ενώ το σώμα του αγίου καταματώθηκε και κατατεμαχίστηκε, άγγελος Κυρίου στη στιγμή συναρμολόγησε τα κομμάτια του, και παρουσιάστηκε πάλι ο άγιος γερός, όπως πρώτα... Τον βάζουν μέσα σε ασβέστη που έβραζε, κι εκείνος μένει ανέπαφος... Παραγγέλνουν ένα ζευγάρι σιδερένια υποδήματα με καρφιά από μέσα, κοκκινισμένα στην φωτιά... (σ.σ. κ.τλ. κ.τ.λ.).

Ο "άγιος" Γεώργιος σκότωσε ένα δράκο, που φώλιαζε στα νερά της λίμνης μιας πόλης της Μικράς Ασίας και θα κατασπάραζε την βασιλοπούλα. Αυτά τα μεσαιωνικού τύπου παραμύθια αναγράφονται στο Συναξάρι με τον βίο του "αγίου" Γεωργίου, αξιωματικού του Ρωμαϊκού Στρατού, που δεν υπάκουε στις διαταγές, γιατί είχε προσηλυτισθεί στο Χριστιανισμό. Ο υπ'; όψη άγιος, που επί πλέον φημιζόταν για τις καταστροφές ελληνικών αγαλμάτων και υμνείται στις εκκλησίες ως ο «καθαιρέτης των Ελλήνων», έχει ανακηρυχθεί προστάτης του σύγχρονου Ελληνικού Στρατού.

» Λέγει λοιπόν στον "άγιο" Γεώργιο (κάποιος Μαγνέντιος) ν' αναστήσει, αν είναι αληθινός ο θεός του, ένα νεκρό, που κείτονταν εκεί κοντά τους από τα παμπάλαια χρόνια πεθαμένος. Ο άγιος γίνεται μία φωτεινή λαμπάδα τώρα, έτοιμος να καεί, για να φωτίσει τους ειδωλολάτρες να πιστέψουν. Γονατίζει πάνω στον τάφο, σηκώνει το νου και τα χέρια του και προσεύχεται στον Θεό. Ω θεία, ω αγία πίστη του αγίου Γεωργίου! Ο νεκρός ανοίγει τον τάφο του, ανασταίνεται, προσκυνάει τον άγιο και δοξάζει τη δύναμη και τη θεότητα του Χριστού. Ο βασιλιάς και η σπείρα του τα 'χουν χαμένα. Ρωτούν τον αναστημένο νεκρό, ποιός είναι, κι αυτός τους αποκρίνεται πως ζούσε, πριν ακόμη έρθει ο Χριστός στον κόσμο. Κι επειδή ήταν ειδωλολάτρης, καιγόταν μέσα σε φωτιές, τόσα χρόνια που ήταν πεθαμένος...

» Μαζί του κι ένας άλλος πρώην ειδωλολάτρης που ο άγιος του ανάστησε το νεκρό βόδι του, για να οργώνει το χωράφι του, μαρτύρησε κάτω από τα σπαθιά των απίστων.

» Εκείνο, όμως, που έδωσε τη χαριστική βολή στον ειδωλολάτρη αυτοκράτορα και τράβηξε τους περισσότερους ειδωλολάτρες στη θρησκεία του Χριστού, ήταν η επίσκεψη του αγίου στο ναό των ειδώλων, με την κρυφή ελπίδα του Μαγνεντίου, πως θα τον γυρίσει στη λατρεία των ειδώλων.

» Μπαίνοντας στο ναό ο άγιος στάθηκε μπρος στο άγαλμα του Απόλλωνα και το ρώτησε, αν ο Χριστός είναι Θεός, κι αν πρέπει να Τον προσκυνούμε. Τότε ο δαίμονας, που ήταν μέσα στο είδωλο, κλαίγοντας σχεδόν και θρηνώντας, αποκρίθηκε, πως ο Χριστός είναι ο μόνος αληθινός Θεός! Και με το λόγο τούτο, σα να έγινε σεισμός, κι ευθύς όλα τα είδωλα έπεσαν κάτω και συντρίφτηκαν. Και γέμισε ο τόπος από μαρμάρινα συντρίμματα των θεών, που δεν μπόρεσαν να σώσουν τον εαυτό τους από τον αφανισμό!»

«Χόρευε νυν και αγάλλου, Σιών»
Από τη λειτουργία του "αγίου Γεωργίου" («Μηναίον» Απριλίου), η οποία ψάλλεται στις 23 Απριλίου στις εκκλησίες και στα στρατόπεδα με την υποχρεωτική παρουσία όλου του προσωπικού, διαβάζουμε:

" «Οι μισούντες Σιών αισχύνθητε από του Κυρίου, ως χόρτος γαρ, πυρί έσεσθε απεξηραμμένοι.» (Οι «Αναβαθμοί», αντίφωνον Α .)

" «Φωτίζου, φωτίζου η νέα Ιερουσαλήμ, η γαρ δόξα Κυρίου επί σε ανέτειλε. Χόρευε νυν και αγάλλου, Σιών.» («Καταβασία».)

" «Ούτω λέγει Κύριος ο Θεός, ο λυτρούμενος ημάς, ο Άγιος Ισραήλ.» («Προφητείας Ησαΐου το ανάγνωσμα», κεφ. 43, 14.)

Sunday, April 23, 2017


The antifa feminist dreams of equality in practice! :-D



Saturday, April 22, 2017

We are not dead... We have never lived

"I think black metal is just a expression and (for fans) appreciation of the despair most men feel from living in a world that is not built for them."

—  Varg Vikernes


Friday, April 21, 2017

Eternal Are We Only as a State under Arms

Eternal are we only as a State under arms.

Germanic swords, 3500 years old; German lance tip, 2000 years old.



The leader must project to his following a personal kind heart that never gets cold or paralyzed, is always fresh and sunny. In objective decisions hard and straightforward, in personal contact happy and kind, that is our leader ideal. The leader must acquire a deep understanding for all the distresses, suffering and contacts of his following, a fine tactfulness for all weaknesses and delicate things, and honest empathy for all the joys. Only a few are born leaders. Most are officer cadets and must first learn, fight for and work for leadership, and experience it deeply and joyfully. The leader from whose eyes a personal kind heart shines and from whose nature it radiates can demand from his following sacrifice, work and performance. He no longer needs to use major pressure. Based on his inner bearing, he introduces his following with hearty comradeship to the purpose of their work, of their sacrifice, of their struggle. He treats them like full-valued comrades, not like servants, not like machines, but also not condescendingly or with pity. Not pushy, not like a school master, not like a professor, not like a pastor - he gives to his subordinates, who are for him coworkers, winks, tips, explanations, encouragements, clarifications in speech and conversation that is not forced. He shows them the work, helps to shape the work himself, is the first foreman. He is the man who stands at the front in leadership, work and performance.

The leader does not exploit his following, he does not pump them empty, he does not weight on them like a nightmare. He gives his people energy and strength, shows them in their work and in their life ever new possibilities, new opportunities, visions. He enriches his following inwardly with ideas, new joys, energies and sources of strength.

The leader is not a guard. He does not lurk for offenses. He is not happy when he catches a coworker at a mistake or ineptitude. He is not dissatisfied if he cannot find fault. Serious and kind, comradely and straightforward, he discusses everything that is not in order, he praises what has been made good.

Individuals may exploit this personal kind heart. The totality is forged together by this bearing.

Whoever has acquired this kind of leadership, does not have to intensively study long recipes and rules of behavior, he never has to fear for his reputation, he will always do the right thing. Whoever still discovers within himself traces of egoistical, heartless tyranny or slavish servitude, knows that he is not yet free of alien oriental bearing.

Who ever is such a genuine leader, has taken on responsibility for his following before God and represents them before God in the community’s festive hours as well. In these festive hours, the whole community then grows together anew and at the same time grows into the infinite connections of God’s great order of creation.

by Anton Holzner, Eternal Front

The essence of National Socialism


tumblr_ohl3c77qIL1uwlr7qo1_1280In its essence the National Socialist Idea exceeds not only Germany and our times, but the Aryan race and mankind itself… It ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing Wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal Wisdom of the primaeval forest and of the ocean-depth, and of the spheres in the dark fields of space.

~ Savitri Devi, ‘The Lightning and the Sun’, 1958

The Eternal Myth


A few notes on aesthetics


Everyone has heard the saying “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and philosophically, I believe this is true. What is ugly to one person may be beautiful to another and although certain aesthetics have far more popular appeal than others, it makes little sense to judge the inherent quality of something by its popularity. Furthermore, trends in fashion dictate that what is popular in one era will be unpopular in another. Democratic aesthetics will always tend toward the lowest common denominator because most people are unable to appreciate very much subtlety or nuance. Aesthetic beauty among human beings may be philosophically subjective but there are strong and fairly consistent biological triggers of aesthetic beauty. Indicators of youth, fertility and femininity in women are more attractive to the overwhelming majority of heterosexual men than their opposites.

There are two major types of aesthetics; democratic and elitist. Democratic aesthetics are accessible to pretty much anyone, while elitist aesthetics take a certain degree of intelligence and education to appreciate. Elitist aesthetics often require a high degree of skill and are accessible to a relatively small number of people. Traditionally, the purpose of art was to depict beauty and the divine, to create images and performances that raised us up, rather than pulling us down. Part of this task was to affirm truth rather than falsehood or nihilism. The aesthetics of a nation reflect its biological capital and crucially, its cultural values. Art, architecture, dance, music and beauty standards reflect the soul of a nation. If these aesthetics are democratic, ugly and degenerate, it is a near-certainty that the nation will be democratic, ugly and degenerate.

Art and aesthetics are inherently elitist in a healthy society. We wish to see the best that humans can achieve, rather than something that we could achieve ourselves without practice. What is the point of aesthetics if they are not the product of long-term, meticulous cultivation? The point of postmodern “art” is to destroy the standards of beauty in society, to promote ugliness over beauty and falsehood over truth as leftism promotes inferiority over superiority in all areas. The purpose and effect of democratic art is fundamentally destructive, it serves no positive function in a society that aspires to be healthy. To healthy people in a healthy society, aesthetic beauty and exceptional skill is pleasing to us, almost a good in itself. Beauty, especially feminine beauty, motives men to achieve great things. Is is hardly surprising then that the left is in revolt against traditional standards of beauty and instead promotes “fat acceptance”, drug use, degenerate postmodern “art”, soulless modernist architecture, music and dance from the African ghetto and race-destroying miscegenation, particularly between European women and African men. Egalitarianism or leftism is anti-European, so it is only logical that it seeks to tear down beauty and promote degeneracy. The left has always been disproportionately composed of native freaks and parasitic, tribal aliens in revolt against the host society. They wish to tear down the good and elevate the destructive to destroy what they cannot achieve themselves and weaken the foundations of the nation. It is hard to imagine how our European nations can be healthy again until we have rooted out aesthetic degeneracy and its promoters.

Remember Death


Remember Death”.  WWI fighter pilots had short life expectancy; to cope many of them developed a reputation for fast living, hard drinking, and dark humor.  This is a memento mori of a German fighter squadron.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


DEVILRY (fin) “Treuelied” CD (BOP088)

Devilry_CDWEB (1)

The second DEVILRY album finally out!
National Socialist Death Metal.
CD-version available now, vinyl to follow in late 2017.

WARFIRE (fra) “Heralds of Eternal Order” CD (BOP041)


Supremacist war Death Metal with neckbreaking riffs. CD limited to 300 copies.
-finnish underground distribution & productions-

✠ Adolf Hitler ✠ Ünser Führer (Landser)

[archiveorg EndlosungAdolfHitlerUnserFuhrerEngDESubs width=640 height=140 frameborder=0 webkitallowfullscreen=true mozallowfullscreen=true]


Er war der Retter unsrer Nation,
des deutschen Volkes größter Sohn.
Er beseitigte die Schranken der Klasse
und brachte uns die Botschaft der Rasse.

Adolf Hitler - unser Führer,
Adolf Hitler - unser Held.
Adolf Hitler war der größte
Revolutionär der Welt.

Juden und Freimaurerorden wollten
ihn immer wieder ermorden.
Am 20. Juli hamm sie es versucht,
auf ewig seien ihre Namen verflucht.

Adolf Hitler - unser Führer,
Adolf Hitler - unser Held.
Adolf Hitler war der größte
Revolutionär der Welt.

Die Juden mit ihrer Unmenge Geld
hetzten gegen Deutschland die Armeen der Welt.
Doch wir glauben nicht an des Führers Selbstmord,
in unseren Herzen lebt er ewig fort.

Adolf Hitler - unser Führer,
Adolf Hitler - unser Held.
Adolf Hitler war der größte
Revolutionär der Welt...

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

128 Years from His Earthly Incarnation - Heil Hitler!


"For me Esoteric Hitlerism is being possessed by the archetypes of the collective unconscious which the Greeks used to call Gods – among them Appollo, which really is Wotan for the Germans and Vishnu or Shiva for the Hindus -and its development in the individual and collective souls of the actual Hitlerist warriors. That means a new/old religion, with all of its rituals and myths which are necessary to discover or rediscover. Its central Drama is the aparition on this earth of the Person of Adolf Hitler, the last Avatara who came to produce this enormous storm or catastrophe in order to awake all those who are asleep and to open the New Age which will come after the Deluge. That is the reason why we have started to count the beginning of the New Age after the birth of Hitler."

Miguel Serrano

Monday, April 17, 2017

Wilhelm Dohme

Scenes from the life of Heinrich der Löwe and the German expansion to the east.1

Scenes from the life of Heinrich der Löwe and the German expansion to the east.2

Scenes from the life of Heinrich der Löwe and the German expansion to the east.3

Scenes from the life of Heinrich der Löwe and the German expansion to the east.4

Scenes from the life of Heinrich der Löwe and the German expansion to the east.

Artist: Wilhelm Dohme

Sex and Women


It is the first necessity for reproduction and preservation of a species. It is a preoccupation of men and women alike. It is the driving instinct of males. Sex is used to sell everything from automobiles to zircons. It is a woman's power and a man's curse. It is the catalyst in the "Battle of the Sexes." It both unites and divides, bringing both pleasure and pain. It unleashes emotion too powerful for logic or reason to control, yet it is vital to life. It is a misused tool of merchants, priestcrafters and statecrafters. Without a natural outlet a misdirected sex drive can lead to all manner of neurosis and conflict. Sex is perhaps the single most important subject that those who struggle for the life of our people should understand. Yet, due to centuries of mind-poisoning from alien religions, most are unable to discuss sex with total frankness. But the taboo must be broken. The question begs to be asked, "Is the natural way and the upward path even possible in the modern, industrialized world?" Self-evidently the natural way and the upward path are impossible within nation-states ruled by those dedicated to the mixing and extermination of the race which created so-called "Western Civilization."

In olden times a woman taught her daughters, "Tis far better to be mistress of a king than wife of a servant." Of course, in those days, kingship was determined by valor and other valuable genetic traits, like cunning and determination. So, a woman knew that if her children were sired by a king, or other nobility, the chances were greater that her offspring would develop into exceptional individuals. In this foul age, when the kings of the earth are usurers, word-twisters and degenerates, the olden ways do not apply. The systems under which we live are craftily constructed so that the White folk who obey the instincts given them by nature find that obedience to authority, to law, to religious precepts or to sociably acceptable mores is racial suicide. And by nature, most Aryans are not anarchists. In the cold climes of the North, social cooperation was necessary for survival. When living exclusively among our own kind with benevolent leaders, acceptance of higher authority was then our greatest strength. Conversely, however, in a multi-racial society, ruled by Zionists, acceptance of authority is the Achilles heel of our race. It leads us to fraternal wars, acceptance of genocidal practices like forced bussing and the insanity of a statement like, "My country, right or wrong!"

Because we are by nature an open and honest people, we assume that others are like us. And this makes us the most gullible race on the earth. The minds of the masses are almost exactly analogous to blank computer disks which can be programmed however the operator desires. Years ago I was with Bob Mathews in a large city. We saw a White girl get off a bus; she was flirting with two Negro boys. While we felt great anger surge through us, our anger should not be directed at her. For that little girl, feel sadness. From the time she was a toddler she had been programmed by teachers, preachers, TV, radio, magazines, movies, songs and every influence in her life that race-mixing was noble. Could she be expected to make a judgment contrary to her entire perceived world? Anger should be directed at the programmers. The programming carries into every aspect of the lives of the masses, both male and female. If young girls are taught that being cheerleaders, wives and mothers is a praise-worthy life, then this is what will make them happy and fulfilled. But if they are programmed to believe such lives are demeaning, and that careers as soldiers, construction workers, police, firemen, lawyers and the like are fulfilling, then they will demand and follow the Feminist agenda. Men are equally susceptible to programming. So we see them fixated on multi-racial athletics, on artificial political systems and so on. It was in recognition that minds are programmable that our ancestors built fertility rites into our organic and indigenous religions, realizing that reproduction is Nature's divine command for the preservation of our race.

All of the above serves as a necessary preface to what follows, because while we have precious few women dedicated to our cause, the few we do have are so extremely valuable that they must not be alienated. Nevertheless, it is, always has been and forever will be male testosterone that decides all things. The male sex drive of a race that would survive must never be diminished, thwarted, misdirected or slandered. History shows that from the dawn of time, those out of power raised armies with promises of plunder and the seizing of women. Those exceptional women who already share our cause do not need to react in horror at the word "seize" with visions of rape and mistreatment. It is the duty of the Aryan male to treat women with chivalry, whether they come voluntarily or are captured. When this discourse speaks of the masses of either women or men, the exception should not take umbrage. The mind of the exceptional man or woman is as different from that of the masses as night is from day. The unenlightened masses are asses -- dangerous asses, but nonetheless asses. So do not judge yourselves by them. Bearing this in mind, let us plunge into the "Battle of the Sexes" with total frankness and brutal honesty.

The great hermetic (or nature) philosophers have taught throughout history that the creative force and intelligence (whatever that means to you) formed all we perceive as duality, light and dark, hot and cold, positive and negative, male and female. Existence, as we know it, requires polarity and by extrapolation the tension or struggle that results. Indeed, life would be true Hell, or a living death, without competition. Be it war, a golf tournament or the Battle of the Sexes, the joy is in the struggle. On a false intellectual level we can speak of the equilibrium of "peace," but it is sugar-coated deception, whether in the realms of religion, politics, sex or anything else. An eternity of sitting on a cloud singing, "Jesus loves me" would be a torture just a step behind the Christian alternative lifestyle called hell. True pleasure comes from struggle, from achieving, from accomplishments which require time, effort and sacrifice. So why would anyone think the Battle of the Sexes would be different? The word "battle" is absolutely appropriate and those who would abstain from the contest deserve neither life nor pleasure. In a primitive and natural society the strongest or otherwise most successful male captures the most females and the most desirable females. Thus, the greater share of the best genes are passed along for the strength, beauty and preservation of the race. In species with social structures, the female then attempts to "tame" the male who has captured her. This she must do in order that the hunting and providing skill of the male will aid her offspring.

Few of us today would want to return to a society as rugged as in ages past. Although we have reached the ridiculous in pursuit of plastic gadgets, not many would give up flush toilets, anesthesia, electricity, housing and other things that require cooperation in a social structure. However, the basic instincts given by nature do not change. The tension between male and female does not end with a ceremony, a pronouncement of marriage or a sanction by artificial entities like Church and State. May the Gods forbid it -- for the absence of tension and struggle is found only in death! Scientists have been telling us for years that the sperm count of White males is dropping. And why not? The brain is the largest sex organ, even though symbolically it is common to judge a man with the hoary phrase, "he has a lot of balls." The White male has been effectively castrated by subtle feminist and zionist poison that has infected all of our people -- of both sexes.

The male is meant to capture females, not beg for their favor like some whipped spaniel. In our now alien-occupied countries a man "woos" a woman with promises of material goods, with $60 or $100 bouquets of flowers; he is an emasculated idiot. Jewish movie producers, magazine editors, television network owners, stock brokers, bankers, lawyers and assorted billionaires offer the most beautiful of our young women the world on a platter. Sports cars, penthouses, roles as movie starlets, as centerfolds, buckets of money, jewelry, glitter and adulation awaits any pretty White girl. We who are racially aware and active can offer them poverty and the chance to share in the abuse heaped upon our heads. We can attempt to reason with our beautiful women until blue in the face and they will reply with the buzzwords "racist" and "sexist." Neither human nature nor female nature have changed. As long as the destroyer owns the media, the money, the military and the minds of the masses our slide to extinction will continue and accelerate.

Until our males realize that death in battle is far better than the slow death of racial extinction, or the mental torture of watching our women be defiled, there is no hope. Until thousands emulate Bob Mathews, the enemy will laugh at our own feeble efforts. Until White men show the courage of our ancestors and do whatever it takes -- welcoming what awaits on the other side -- there is no chance of victory. Only a people whose males accept and welcome death over slavery can be free. Again, males are designed to capture females, not beg for their favors. Males of the same species put aside their rivalries over females when necessary for hunting or defense of the tribe or race. But once external threats are over, the competition must resume, for nature declares "the best should reproduce the most."

Whether that means polygamy is decreed by nature is a subject for legitimate debate. That strong and lasting bonds are often formed in monogamous pairing is evident. Equally evident is that social systems of the last two centuries and the last two millennia have been disastrous for the Aryan race. In the final analysis we must remember that allowing the meddlers of Church or State to dictate sexual relationships or marital affairs opens doors to endless tyranny. Decisions must be made by individuals, based on personal circumstances, folkish needs, common sense and the conditions imposed by external factors of the age. True Aryan men, of course, recognize their duty to provide for and protect their wives and children.

By conditioning and false intellectualization the modern woman convinces herself she should "own" one man, rather than be the possession of a superior man. But the fire fades. The spark dies. Her orgasms are weak and faked. Because once a man is "tamed," the natural attraction is gone. He is now her working drone, she no longer needs to compete with other women. In her heart of hearts she despises "her man," while her innermost being longs to be taken by a dominant male. Her sexual nature is sublimated and she adopts any false and destructive doctrine that captures her attention. Preachers and anti-nature religion become her substitute masters. Jewelry, make-up, possessions, universalist social causes become obsessions. Mindless sophistries turned to slogans become her code of life. Cats and dogs substitute for children. Her instincts are denied. One only has to look at the groupies who flock around rock stars, movie stars and sports figures to see that the instincts given by nature never change. These groupies know full well they are but one of many in the virtual harem of such public figures. Degenerate though these figures may be, they are perceived as extraordinary by the groupies who desire them.

Part of the Battle of the Sexes is a woman's need to be recognized as valuable. In the natural world, that means first of all sex appeal, especially for young women. A woman is in competition with other women. The book "Might is Right" proclaims that women dislike and distrust each other intensely. Women authors have written the same thing. Whether true or not, the competition is real. Men lust for women. Women in turn can meet the competition of other women by sharpening their "weapons of war" or by attempting to "tame" a man. The former is good, the latter she will inevitably try in this unnatural age, to her material benefit but sexual frustration. A man cherishes what he desires and for which he has labored or struggled to attain. While there are exceptions to most rules, a man does not mistreat that which he cherishes. So a wise woman keeps herself desirable.

Virtually all White women are blessed with natural beauty and attraction. Aryan women keep their beauty until late in life if they keep fit. Inevitably youthful beauty fades with age, no one can change that, but there is no greater treasure to a man than a woman old enough to be a companion, yet with the discipline to keep herself attractive. Hopefully men having such a woman will appreciate her. Women should not be deceived that jew-elry makes them attractive, neither does nail polish, pancake make-up, fancy hair styling or gaudy clothes. These artificial devices serve to enrich Jewish coffers, and as an ill-conceived attempt to impress or depress other women.

Nature made sex enjoyable to ensure propagation and preservation of the species. Men without the courage to fight for women, either as individuals or as a race, do not deserve the pleasure of sex. Because of the long time it takes to rear and nurture our offspring, nature made sex a pleasure even when not specifically for conception, so enjoy! The alien religions made "sex is sin" a major part of their doctrine. They made it the insane idea of "original sin," because sex is unavoidable for survival of the race. Priestcrafters needed an unavoidable "sin" from which to "save" the sheeple. It is all a lie. Sex is both duty and pleasure. In our indigenous religions sex was elevated to the status of a sacrament. The marital or sexual affairs or arrangements of the folk are not the business of government or guilt-laying priests. Bear in mind that the primal law and moral absolute is preservation of one's own kind and it will provide a guide to proper sexual mores. Then enter the Battle of the Sexes with all the joy that competition is meant to bring!

David Lane



Heroism means to totally devote oneself to a great idea, to consume oneself like a torch in the flame of a mighty ideal, to see only one great ideal in sight and in mind and in marching step. Heroism is being stirred, obsessed, fulfilled with a very great task.

His own personality no longer plays a role for the hero. Desire and suffering, life and death, step back for him behind the tremendous obligation toward the work for which Providence has called him. Heroic deeds are done not out of ambition and egoism, rather out of ultimate selflessness, unselfishness and personal devotion. Infinite faith in work, calling and idea fill and give wings to the deeds and the bearing of the hero.

Heroism differentiates Itself from insanity, fantasy and senseless self-sacrifice.

In every age there have been people who, misled by false doctrines or driven by a hysterical disposition, were devoted to senseless and ineffective idols and fantasies and became pitiful, poor martyrs of life-alien religious teachings.

And there have been people who, above all, under the influence of the most diverse religions, viewed self-mutilation, unnatural castigations of the body and deadening of all natural forces as heroism.

Genuine heroism lives in reality and reckons with reality. Genuine heroism is supported by the natural laws of life and grows from the infinitely deep soil of folk, homeland and family. Only in the framework of this divine order of creation can a genuine heroism exist. Only in the service of real life - created and wanted by God - can a person become a hero. And only this earthly reality connects the hero to the divine.

Man’s heroic, ultimate effort for life often takes place in a brand framework visible from afar.

But often heroism grows in all quietness and seclusion. Heroic women and mothers, heroic soldiers and heroic workers are at work by the thousands in large cities and small villages, on all life’s battlegrounds and in all the folk’s workplaces.

The great heroes often awaken hundreds of thousands, yes, millions of people within a folk and pull them along to victorious charges and ultimate effort. Like shining torches, they often being life, movement and glow into a dark night. Fortune is the folk for whom in every age, but above all in difficult hours, heroes arise.

Not everyone is selected by Providence for this radiant heroism.

But everyone can brighten and encourage his small surroundings as a quiet hero of daily life, save them from exhaustion numbness, and lead them to a victorious life.

In a folk’s hours of decision and in the peaceful periods of confirmation, these quiet heroes are no less important than the great heroic figures. These quiet heroes hold the front together, always give new strength, again and again bring light and joy. They create calm where agitation threatens to cause damage and bring motion where a stoppage could mean danger. Hundreds of thousands of people owe it to the silent working of an unknown hero that they have preserved their faith and their idealism, that they have remained decent people or become ones again, that they hold their position soldierly at the place where Providence has put them.

If among a thousand people one quiet hero, man or woman, walks and works, then this heroic example will radiate onto them all, then our whole folk will grow together into a great, eternal front.

Each of us can be this quiet hero, at whom others looks, to whom they turn, even if no command calls for it.

But there can also come hours in life in which we face the choice either to be heroes or cowards, either to be men or traitors.

There are events in which a middle line between heroism and baseness is not longer possible.

Whoever proves heroic bearing in the quiet life struggle, will in these fateful hours all by himself grow to great heroism.

Heroism is the dream of all youth.

Heroes are the shapers of all events.

God is with the heroes.

by Anton Holzner, Eternal Front

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Greeks from C.S. Coon, The Races of Europe, Chapter XII, section 14


The title of this section is The Greeks, and not Greece, since from the mythical days of the Argonauts to the present, neither the peninsula of Hellas nor Ionia and the Aegean Islands have been large enough to hold the far-wandering Hellenes. Greek is a language and a civilization, the Greeks a people; the Greeks are the descendants of all the peoples who have adopted and retained that language and that civilization from classical times to the present. Some of these converts to Hellenicism were inhabitants of Asia Minor, others of Thrace and Byzantium, others of the lands bordering the Black Sea, especially the Crimea.

Into the peninsula of Greece itself, many thousands of Slavs wandered as immigrants during the maximum South Slavic expansion; the Turks brought colonists, including many Albanians, and whole districts of Boeotia and Attica and of other parts of Greece are today Albanian speaking. Romance-speaking shepherds, the Vlachs, have also made the slopes of the Pindus their seasonal pastures. Since the World War many of the Greeks living in Thrace and Asia Minor have been sent to Greek soil to live, while Turks and other Moslems have been in turn repatriated. Despite these attempts at producing ethnic order, much Greek territory, especially in Macedonia, remains ethnically heterogeneous. Furthermore, the number of Greeks who live abroad, be it in Egypt, East Africa, or in the New World, is so great that the Greeks are still almost an international people. Many of the Greeks leave home to make their fortunes on less stony soil, but many of them also return.

It is inaccurate to say that the modern Greeks are different physically from the ancient Greeks; such a statement is based on an ignorance of the Greek ethnic character. In classical times the Greeks included many kinds of people living in different places, as they do today. If one refers to the inhabitants of Attica during the sixth century, or to the Spartans of Leonidas, then the changes in these localities have probably not been nearly as great as that between the Germans of Tacitus and the living South Germans, to cite but a single example.


Within the peninsula of Hellas, despite the mobility of the Greeks to and from their country, the internal mobility has not been sufficient to break down strong local differentiations in head form. The Epirotes, like their neighbors the Toscs, have an extremely high cephalic index mean, 88, and there seems to be a strongly brachycephalic zone running down the western slopes of the mountain core from Albania to the Gulf of Corinth, and perhaps beyond. [130] It is an extension of the same zone which extends all the way from the Alpine racial center in France, and more specifically, of the population studied in the region of Gjinokaster in southernmost Albania. The Greeks of Macedonia, again, who live in settlements interspersed with those of Bulgars and of Turks, possess the usual West Balkan brachycephaly, with mean cephalic indices of 86 for Christians, and 84.6 for Moslems. Greeks from the northern shore of Asia Minor have a mean of 87, while those from the Black Sea coast in Rumania, and members of the colony in the Crimea, are low brachycephals, with a mean of 82.

In Greece itself, most of the Peloponnesus, Attica, Euboea, and the Ionian Isles are characterized by a mean cephalic index of 81 to 82; this is also true of the Greeks who are found abroad, as in America. Aside from local groups in regions which, in classical times, were not truly Greece, the modern Greeks are for the most part low brachycephals. In Thessaly a provincial mean of 77 has been reported; and Greeks from the shore of the Sea of Marmora have a mean of 79. There are still, therefore, local groups of Greeks who are largely long-headed.

The stature mean for Greeks in general runs about 167 cm., and there seems to be little regional variation; those in Asia Minor and in the Crimea are a millimeter shorter, those measured in Boston a millimeter taller. The Greeks are as tall as most South Germans or northern Frenchmen; their stature is too elevated for the prevalence, in partial brachycephalization, of a strong, small Mediterranean strain. About half of them have brunet-white or light brown skin color, the rest the usual pinkish-white of central and northern Europe; over 80 per cent have dark brown hair, the rest have hair evenly divided between black and the lighter shades of brown. Pronounced blondism, although rare, is not unknown. The beard is rarely lighter than the head hair, in contrast to the condition found among Ghegs and Montenegrins; the implication is that the dark brown hair of the majority of Greeks is a pure brunet condition. Over 65 pa-cent of Greeks have pure brown eyes, and most of these are dark brown: pure lights are sporadic, but there is a 15 per cent incidence of light-mixed iris forms.

The pigment ratios given above apply to Greeks as a whole; there is evidence, however, of considerable regional variation. The Macedonian Greeks are much lighter, especially those that are Moslem, while the Greeks of the lonian islands are darker, as are, in all probability, most Peloponnesians.

For a more detailed study of the Greeks, we may examine the series measured in Boston, which, although without doubt subjected to selective forces, does not seem too much at variance from native Greek sample for our purposes. The men measured came from all parts of Greece, and from Asia Minor. Their mean stature, 168 cm., is moderately tall; their bodily proportions are for the most part intermediate; the shoulders arc broad, the trunk length moderate, as shown by a relative sitting height of 52.9; the relative span is 104.

Their heads, with a mean cephalic index of 82, are long for brachycephals (189 mm.), and of moderate breadth (154 mm.); the head height of 127 mm. is moderately high. The occiput protrudes but little in most of the group; 40 per cent have lambdoidal flattening, while some degree of occipital flattening occurs in over 50 per cent. It is pronounced, however. in only about 20 per cent. Their facial breadths are: minimum frontal, 107 mm., bizygomatic, 142 mm., and bigonial, 111 mm.; the great breadth of the jaw, as compared with that of the forehead, is a Greek specialty, and is strongly contrasted with the inverted triangle face form of Albanian Dinarics. The face height is 124.4 mm., the upper face height 75.6 mm.; the facial index, 87, is mesoprosopic, the upper facial index, 53, a little high in comparison with the foregoing. The noses are both long (58.8 mm.) and moderately broad (37 mm.); the nasal index of 63.2, leptorrhine.

The dimensions given above are for the most part quite variable; a number of distinct types are included, but the metrical character of the group as a whole indicates a blending of Dinarics and Alpines with Atlanto-Mediterraneans, which is confirmed by the observational data to follow.

The head hair is straight in slightly more than half the group, wavy in most of the rest, but curly hair is not unusual. It is usually medium to fine in texture. With at least half of adult male Greeks, it is thin on the head, and about one out of five of any adult group is bald. In old age baldness affects the majority. The beard development is as a rule thicker than in most European groups, and the body hair is often abundant. The eyebrows are often thick, and are concurrent in 75 per cent of the group; the browridges are usually of moderate development. The foreheads give, in most cases, an appearance of great width, and are seldom more than very slightly sloping. The nasal characters of the Greeks are variable, but there are definite trends which pervade the whole group. The root is, as a rule, moderately high, and medium to broad; narrow roots, usual among most northern Europeans and among Dinarics, are rare. The bridge is of medium to great height, almost never low; the breadth is as a rule medium to broad. The nasal profile is straight in about 45 per cent of the group, convex in about 30 per cent, and concave in but 10 per cent, while the rest are wavy or concavo-convex. The tip is as a rule thick, and elevated more often than it is depressed. The nasal wings, as a rule medium, are flaring more often than compressed. On the whole few Greek noses can qualify as Dinaric in the strict sense; more are typically Alpine, while a straight-profiled, consistently wide form is the commonest.

There is nothing remarkable about the lips and mouth region of the Greeks; both membranous and integumental lips thicknesses, are of usual European dimensions, and eversion is as a rule slight to medium. The lip seam, however, is usually visible, and is sometimes prominently elevated. A slight degree of facial prognathism is found in nearly half the group; alveolar prognathism is rare. Typically Greek features are full, curved temples, full cheeks, a laterally prominent malar region, and strongly everted gonial angles. In these facial characters well over half show an extreme development for Europeans.

Within the Greek group, heavy beards, heavy browridges, and concurrent eyebrows tend to associate themselves with an Alpine type; there is also a linkage between tall stature, in the 170 cm. class, cephalic indices of about 80, straight noses, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes. This last set of associations clearly denotes the presence of a strong Atlanto-Mediterranean element. There are also strong connections between black hair, occipital flattening, and narrow facial features, which means Dinaric or Armenoid. That the small amount of blondism among the Greeks is mostly Nordic in origin is indicated by its linkage with external eyefolds, relative thinness of beard, and absence of eyebrow concurrency.

The Greeks, in short, are a blend of racial types, of which two are most important; the Atlanto-Mediterranean and the Alpine. Dinaricisrn here is present, but not all pervading; true Alpines are commoner than complete Dinarics. The Nordic element is weak, as it probably has been since the days of Homer. The racial type to which Socrates belonged is today the most important, while the Atlanto-Mediterranean, prominent in Greece since the Bronze Age, is still a major factor, it is my personal reaction to the living Greeks that their continuity with their ancestors of the ancient world is remarkable, rather than the opposite.

The living inhabitants of Crete differ considerably from the mainland Greeks. [131] They are taller, with a mean stature of 169 cm., and mesocephalic, with a mean cephalic index of 79. In some districts, as at Pedhiádha, the mean is actually on the upper border of dolichocephaly, at 77. The heads of the mesocephalic Cretans are as large as those of Nordics or Atlanto-Mediterraneans; a mean length of 193 mm., and a breadth of 149 mm., characterizes the group with an index mean of 77.

In facial and nasal dimensions, the Cretans resemble the Greeks. They are, however, somewhat blonder; only 35 per cent have pure brown eyes, while about 7 per cent have eyes that are light or predominantly light; the rest are mixed, with dark mixture in the great majority. About 25 per cent have black hair, and about 50 per cent dark brown; 10 per cent are light brown or blond, the rest medium brown. As among Albanians and not among most mainland Greeks, the beards are much lighter; 40 per cent have blond or light brown mustaches, with an equal number black or dark brown. About one-sixth have light brown to very brunet-white skin color.

One special group, the Sphakiots, living near the western end of the south side of the island, differ from the other Cretans in a number of characters; they are very tall, with a mean stature of 175 cm., and meso- to sub-brachycephalic, with a mean cephalic index of 81.6. They have especially large heads, with a mean length of 191 mm. and breadth ci 155 mm.; their faces are longer than the others, and equally broad or broader. Morphologically Dinaric types are common among them; they may be compared with Montenegrins and the northernmost Ghegs. According to the general assumption of authorities on Crete, the Sphakioti are the partial descendants of the Dorians who invaded the island at the end of the Minoan period. That some of them do resemble the traditional Spartan type is very likely. One can only derive them from the north, from the region in which the larger branch of the Dinaric race was formed.

The living Cretans are for the most part Atlanto-Mediterraneans, and there has been no post-Dorian migration into the island which could have brought such a type in large numbers. The only logical explanation of its presence in Crete, formed on the basis of available data, is that some this element existed in Crete in Minoan, probably for the most part Middle and Late Minoan, times; that migrations from the Greek mainland at the time of the Minoan collapse may have brought more.

The fact that a larger number of Cretans are blond than is the case with Greeks is a matter that requires ample data and some analysis to explain. One may attribute much of the blondism, perhaps, to the invasion that brought the Sphakiots, while some of it must be inherent in the Atlanto-Mediterranean race. But the arrival of the early Greek-speakers may have brought blondism other than that borne by the brachycephals, and Crete is an island; it is a principle of insular anthropology, well borne out by the British Isles, that when a numerous group invades an island it has a better chance for survival than in a continental area where there is a nearby mountainous or forest-covered hinterland, to which earlier types may retreat and from which they may reëmerge.

The important discovery about Crete, however, is the fact that its population is mostly Atlanto-Mediterranean; this race seems to be almost equally important in most of Greece. It has also appeared in the Dinaric area, and in Serbia; we shall see more of it in the eastern Balkans.

130 A bibliography of works on the physical anthropology of the modern Greeks would include:

Apostolidès, BSAP, ser. 3, vol. 6, 1883, pp. 614-616.
Cucukala, G. J., AnthPr, vol. 8, 1930, pp. 12-136.
Hasluck, M. M., and Morant, G. M., Biometrika, vol. 21, 1929, pp. 325-334.
Hrdlicka, A., The Old Americans.
Koumaris,J., ACAP, 1931. Paris, 1931, pp. 218-221.
Neophytos, A. C., Anth, vol. 1, 1890, pp. 679-711; vol. 2, 1891, pp. 25-35.
Ornstein, ZFE, vol. 9, 1877, pp. (39)-(41); vol. 11, 1879, pp. (305)-(306).
Pittard, E., ASAG, vol. 1, 1914, pp. 7-36; BDAIP, vol. 25, 1915, pp. 447-454.
Schiff, F., ZFE, vol. 46, 1914, pp. 14-40.
Stephanos, C., DESM, ser. 4, 10, 1884, Article Grèce, p. 432.
Weisbach, A., MAGW, vol. 11, 1882, pp. 72-97.

Besides these published works reference has been made to a series of 113 Greeks measured in Boston in 1932, by Drs. B. Gardner, S. Kimball, M. Titiev, and Mr. E. Muller, as part of a graduate course in field methods, under the direction of the author.

131 Hawes, C. H., ARBS, vol. 14, 1909-10, pp. 258-280; RBAA, supplement, 1910.
Luschan, F. von, ZFE, vol. 45, 1913, pp. 21-393.
Rosinski, B., Kosmos, vol. 50, 1925, pp. 584-637.
Schiff, F., ZFE, vol. 46, 1914, pp. 8-13.

Saturday, April 8, 2017


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"Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. You cannot make an Aryan of Jesus; that's nonsense." - Adolf Hitler

"Christianity, growing from Jewish roots & comprehensible only as a product of this soil, is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence: Christianity, the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of Outcaste values." - Nietzsche.

The very religion which subverted and destroyed the ethos of the Aryan, of the Vikings, the Romans... replacing it with an alien, Hebrew ethos, has become the creed of many of those who claim to be defending the Aryan! These are the "Identity Christians", who are preaching to today's whites like the Pharisee Paul preached to the Romans. The result is again the Judaization of our folk. Nietzsche wrote that "One should not embellish or dress up Christianity: it has waged war to the death against higher man." Yet this is precisely what the Idenitity preachers are doing in selling a Hebrew creed to their folk.

Whatever advances Western Civilization has made have been despite Christianity. However much Christianity has dominated our folk, it still hasn't extinguished our Faustian soul. The persecution of scientists such as Galileo, banning of books, The Inquisition, the religious wars amongst Europeans... How much greater would our Civilization have been today if not for this Hebrew swindle? Wouldn't we now be colonizing space as the destiny of our _Faustian soul_?

_Identity relies much on the Old Testament in claiming Christianity as an Aryan folk religion_. The Old Testament was written to keep intact a nomadic tribe driven from Egypt, in its journeying amongst many races and cultures higher than itself. The myth of "God's Chosen People" was invented to weld this mixed multitude of many races into an ethnic group. But never was it a racial religion. The Hebrews were not, and are not, a biological race. They're a mixture of many races held together by Mosaic Law. One of the favourite references of the Identity preachers is the story of Phineas killing an Israelite and Midianite copulating. (_Numbers 25: 7-13_). However, it can be seen by reading Ch. 25 in entirety that this was done on religious, not racial, grounds. The women of Moab were turning the Israelite men from their religion. "And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: & the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. And Moses said unto the judges of Israel: slay ye every one of his men that were joined unto Baalpeor." This was a religious conflict, not a racial one. Indeed, Moses himself had married a Midianite.

That race mixing was encouraged to increased the population of Israel is made plain in _Deut. 20: 13-18:_ "And when the Lord hath delivered the city unto thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof... but the women and the little ones thou shalt take unto thyself." In _Deut. 21: 10-12_ the Lord commands the Hebrews to take the captive women as wives. What was to be guarded against was any influence that would undermine the Jehovah cult. Another cornerstone of Identity is the 7th Commandment, "thou shalt not commit adultery." The Identity preachers claim this is a law against "racial adultery." They say the 10th Commandment against coveting your neighbour's possessions would include that of his wife, and God wouldn't double up on commandments, since there's only ten. (Ref. _Verboten_, Thomas O'Brien). But there's a separate commandment against stealing which, using the same 'logic', could be considered 'doubling up.' Turning to the New Testament, the intent of the 7th Commandment is made clear in _Matt. 5: 27-28_: "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old times, thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, that whosover looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already."

Another fundamental of Identity is to identify the white race as God's Chosen "Adamite race" - the "true Israelites" - & the coloureds and/or Jews as the 'Satanic spawn' of Cain. Yet it was the Cainite line which, according to _Gen. 4_ created the first city, named after Cain's son Enoch. This might be a ref. to the Sumerian city Unuk, with Cain himself the Sumerian King Kan. (Dr L.A. Waddell, _The Makers of Civilization_). _Genesis_ also states that Cain's descendants were the fathers of music and metallurgy. The supposed "white Adamic line" was continued through Seth, but where did it create anything comparable to that of the Cainites who were the first civilization-builders, according to _Gen._ Since the Cainites are supposed to be the Satan-bred coloureds or Jews according to the Identity preachers, where does this leave their doctrine of the "superior white Adamic race"?

In contrast to the Judaization of our folk by Identity preachers, _The Black Order_ works for the revival of our pagan folkways. Reject the Hebrew God, under whatever label he's sold, for the Gods & Goddesses of our forefathers.


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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Our Doom - Oswald Spengler

[caption id="attachment_1412" align="aligncenter" width="542"]Ferdinand Knab ~ Lake landscape with the ruins of a Roman temple in 1891 Ferdinand Knab - Lake landscape with the ruins of a Roman temple in 1891[/caption]

To development belongs fulfillment -- every evolution has a beginning, and every fulfillment is an end. To youth belongs age; to arising, passing; to life, death. For the animal, tied in the nature of its thinking to the present, death is known or scented as something in the future, something that does not threaten it. It only knows the fear of death the moment of being killed. But man, whose thought is emancipated from the fetters of here and now, yesterday and tomorrow, boldly investigates the "once" of past and future, and it depends on the depth or shallowness of his nature whether he triumphs over the fear of the end or not. An old Greek legend -- without which the lliad could not have been -- tells how his mother put before Achilles the choice between a long life or a short life full of deeds and fame, and how he chose the second.

Man was, and is, too shallow and cowardly to endure the fact of the mortality of everything living. He wraps it up in rose-coloured progress-optimism, he heaps upon it the flowers of literature, he crawls behind the shelter of ideals so as not to see anything. But impermanence, the birth and the passing, is the form of all that is actual -- from the stars, whose destiny is for us incalculable, right down to the ephemeral concourses on our planet. The life of the individual -- whether this be animal or plant or man -- is as perishable as that of peoples of Cultures. Every creation is foredoomed to decay, every thought, every discovery, every deed to oblivion. Here, there, and everywhere we are sensible of grandly fated courses of history that have vanished. Ruins of the "have-been" works of dead Cultures lie all about us. The hybris of Prometheus, who thrust his hand into the heavens in order to make the divine powers subject to man, carries with it his fall. What, then, becomes of the chatter about "undying achievements"?


World-history bears a very different face from that of which even our age permits itself to dream. The history of man, in comparison with that of the plant and animal worlds on this planet -- not to mention the lifetimes prevailing in the star world -- is brief indeed. It is a steep ascent and fall, covering a few millennia, a period negligible in the history of the earth but, for us who are born with it, full of tragic grandeur and force. And we, human beings of the twentieth century, go downhill seeing. Our eye for history, our faculty of writing history, is a revealing sign that our path lies downward. At the peaks of the high Cultures, just as they are passing over into Civilizations, this gift of penetrating recognition comes to them for a moment, and only for a moment.

Intrinsically it is a matter of no importance what is the destiny, among the swarms of the "eternal" stars, of this small planet that pursues its course somewhere in infinite space for a little time; still less important, what moves for a couple of instants upon its surface. But each and every one of us, intrinsically a null, is for an unnamably brief moment a lifetime cast into that whirling universe. And for us therefore this world-in-little, this "world-history," is something of supreme importance. And, what is more, the destiny of each of these individuals consists in his being, by birth, not merely brought into this world-history, but brought into it in a particular century, a particular country, a particular people, a particular religion, a particular class. It is not within our power to choose whether we would like to be sons of an Egyptian peasant of 3000 B.C., of a Persian king, or of a present-day tramp. This destiny is something to which we have to adapt ourselves. It dooms us to certain situations, views, and actions. There are no "men-in-themselves" such as the philosophers talk about, but only men of a time, of a locality, of a race, of a personal cast, who contend in battle with a given world and win through or fail, while the universe around them moves slowly on with a godlike unconcern. This battle is life -- life, indeed, in the Nietzschean sense, a grim, pitiless, no-quarter battle of the Will-to-Power.

 Excerpted from Chapter II of Spengler's Man and Technics, trans. Charles Frances (London: Unwin, 1932), pp. 12-16. The title is editorial.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Khazarian Conspiracy, Part 1 of 12

-- This blog doesn't agree with everything said in this documentary (or in the book of Jack Bernstein), but for sure it contains many interesting facts and truths about Khazars and Zionism ---

From the book: The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel (Published in 1985)
By Jack Bernstein ::

At the First Zionist Congress which was held in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland, one of the goals set was to create a Jewish state in the land of Palestine. At that time, only a few Jews were living in Palestine and they were nearly all native Sephardic Jews who are blood-related to the Arabs. These Palestinian (Sephardic) Jews and the Palestinian Arabs were living in peace as they had for centuries.

After the Zionist Congress in 1897, European Ashkenazi Jews began migrating to Palestine and buying land wherever they could. Yet, by 1920 Jews owed only 2% of Palestine.

By 1948 when Israel declared itself a state, these invading Jews had increased their land ownership; but, it was still less than 6%.

To accommodate the increasing European Jewish migration, the Jews needed more lands but the Palestinian Arabs refused to sell. So, to get more land from the Palestinians, these communist oriented European (Ashkenazi) Jews resorted to the one thing at which they are adept — TERRORISM.

Their first major act of terrorism against the Palestinians was at the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. During the night of April 9, 1948, two Zionist terrorist gangs, the Irgun and the Stem Gang attacked and massacred over 250 men, women and children.

Menachem Begin, leader of the attack on Deir Yassin and later Prime Minister of Israel, has this to say, "The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the 'victory' at Deir Yassin'.

The massacre at Deir Yassin caused other Palestinians to flee their homes in fear. Zionist terrorists drove trucks with loudspeakers through the streets and over the roads of Palestine warning Palestinians that what happened at Dear Yassin would happen to them if they didn't leave.

These Zionist terrorists weren't bluffing: For Example:

They killed 60 Palestinians at Balad Esh Sheikh.
They blew up 20 homes in Sa'sa, killing 60 women and children.
They killed a number of women who were working in Saint Simon monastery in Jerusalem.
They massacred 250 at Lydda.
They killed 200, mostly old people, in the village mosque in Ed-Dawayimeh.
They killed 51 workers as they returned from their fields at Kafr Qasem.
Christian inhabitants of Kaba Bir'im were expelled from the village and the village destroyed. The village cemetery was desecrated, including the smashing of 73 crosses.
During the few months when these and other acts of terrorism were taking place, 300.000 Palestinian Christians and Moslems were forced to leave their homes or be killed by the terrorist groups which were made up of European, communist oriented Jews. It was these same Marxist oriented Jews who were soon to became the ruling elite of the State of Israel. From the beginning, and to the present, these terrorist Marxist oriented Zionists have ruled Israel.

After Israel declared itself a state on May 14, 1948, Israeli terrorism continued in an effort to push more Palestinians from their homes.