Friday, March 31, 2017

Crossing the Rubicon by David Lane

[caption id="attachment_1389" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Yvon_Medium Adolphe Yvon - Caesar, 1875[/caption]

Over two thousand years ago Julius Caesar led his army across the Rubicon River into Italy to wage war with rival forces loyal to Pompeii. Once across the river there was no turning back. It was war to the death, winner take all. So for over two millennia the phrase "crossing the Rubicon" has signified a dangerous commitment from which there was no turning back.

Now, as these words are being penned on the historically significant days of April 19 and 20, another Rubicon is crossed. It has long been my policy not to name names when discussing the treachery of so-called "leaders" of the alleged resistance to the forced mixing and murder of the White Aryan race. It is counter-productive to get in the middle of the never-ending bickering. Furthermore, who is to know what is in the hearts of others?

But, now as our race slides into the abyss of extinction at breakneck and exponentially increasing pace, some lines must be drawn, some rules must be set and every aware Aryan must cross his or her personal Rubicon. The fence-sitters, the lukewarm, the hobbyists and the C.R.A.P. (Christian Right-wing American Patriots) either do nothing or they continue the exact same losing and genocidal tactics as their predecessors over the last century or more. Those who speak and act with the eloquence of emergency and the fanaticism of desperation, with their focus on racial survival as elucidated in the 14 Words are friends. All others, at best, are blobs of inconsequential proto-plasm, and more likely, mortal enemies.

The cowardice and treason of sports figures, judges, lawyers, politicians and preachers is as nothing compared to the treachery of Right-wingers and Conservatives who use duplicity to mislead potential opposition to genocidal tyranny. When the deceivers are called to task they reply that they are "sneaking up" on the Jew by attacking his front men and the tentacles of the Hydra. Of course their bogeymen like Masons, Trilateralists, Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations (C.F.R.), etc., are precisely the devices by which the Zionist insulates himself from attack, as are his puppet politicians like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. One cannot fight an enemy if one does not even have the courage to identify him!

That the vast majority of White wing and Right wing "leaders" are paid government agents, hired to identify and mislead the disaffected is now a conclusion that is difficult to deny. But then, such deception by those in power is a practice as old as governments, so why would any sane person think today would be an exception?

Before tearing into the deceivers of the C.R.A.P. with an anger that has been repressed for decades, it is vital to remember: religious, political and economic systems can be destroyed and rebuilt, but the death of our race will be eternal. The race of Edison, Bell, Shakespeare, Marconi, Galileo, Kipling, Tesla, Rockwell and Mathews now goes the way of the dinosaurs, because the C.R.A.P. loved the empty words of constitutions, the lies of politicians, both past and present, and unholy holy books more than the reality of the flesh and blood of their own kind. The beauty of the White Aryan woman perishes from the earth forever because egotistical cowards found it safer to tilt with windmills, to discuss economics or anything but identify the Zionist colossus that rules the world and has sentenced the White race to death.

A bane upon them! May all the vile curses ever sworn in every language ever spoken befall them. May they be buried beneath outhouses, wrapped in their constitutions and flags, that they receive fitting tribute for ages to come. Bob Mathews did not sacrifice his life, and others and I do not rot forever in prisons so that the unjustified egos of cowards and deceivers can be molly-coddled. Be they Knights of the Ink Pot or agents of ZOG, they deserve no honor.

Leaders? How about Mark Thomas, Identity preacher from Pennsylvania, who turned over and testified against his own recruits? How about Glenn Miller, who testified under oath that he received hundreds of thousands of dollars from The Order Bruders Schweigen? He was an Identity teacher and White patriot. He testified against his own recruits and against The Order.

How about Tom Martinez? He was a leader of a National Alliance group. He claimed he accepted money from the Bruder, then testified against us after betraying Bob Mathews. How about Pastor Dan Gayman? He is an Identity pastor who gave the government thousands of dollars he said he received from The Order, then testified against us, yet he remains a major C.R.A.P leader. How about the top three leaders of an Identity community called C.S.A. (Covenant, Sword and Arm of the Lord)? Their names are James Ellison, Kerry Noble and Randall Radar. All three testified against their own recruits and against the Bruder. Ellison testified against his own recruit Richard Snell, who was subsequently executed by the Arkansas State ZOG.

How about Pastor Millar, leader of an Identity community called Elohim City? Pastor Millar now harbors the vile traitor James Ellison, and even had him married into his family. Pastor Millar, who has been identified in sworn testimony as a paid FBI asset, is another major C.R.A.P. leader.

How about certain other "leaders" of the White wing who were identified in testimony to have received large sums of money from the Bruder, but refuse to support them, who have never sent money for stamps or necessities, who do not even send their publications to the POW's, who will not give the Bruder a voice? Is it fear or are they ZOG agents? You wonder who they are? Well, the Bruder do not talk, but we do remember, and we have lots of time to reflect on the concept of justice.

How about Bo Gritz, self-proclaimed assassin on behalf of the CIA? Why were his assassinations not against those who deliberately and maliciously exterminate our race? Could it be because he has a Negro godson, or because his first wife was Oriental, as are his sons, or because he is a member of the Jewish Defense League (JDL)? Are you surprised that he declares his "Covenant Community" is open to all races? Are you surprised that he wore an FBI bug as he attempted to set up the Weavers at Ruby Ridge? There is no better-known or influential C.R.A.P. leader than the arch race traitor, Bo Gritz.

How about the leader who promotes a "new and different" 14 Words? In 1836 would he have changed "Remember the Alamo" to "We must change the thinking of Texans?" Should one dilute a sacred motto?

How about all those "leaders" (who shall remain unnamed) who spend the majority of their time attacking other alleged "leaders," or whose issues are, at best, peripheral to racial survival? While the known, proven traitors must never be forgotten, there is no use for endless gossip, bickering and personality conflicts to become public debate.

How about the "Militia?" It smelled fishy when it sprang up overnight. Only governments can organize such "instantaneous" events. The three best-publicized Militia leaders testified before Congress a couple years ago in a carefully orchestrated, ZOG television farce. Two of the three leaders have admitted being on the Federal payroll, according to published reports. Whether that is true or not is of no consequence because the third "leader" was a Negro with a White wife. So the three comrades sent two clear messages to our folk. First, of course, they were sanctioning marriage between colored males and what are becoming the last White women. Secondly, they were declaring to the White man that he shall have no exclusively White organizations for the preservation of his race. So all suicidal, White lemmings rush to join the Militia. It is safe. It is approved. It is genocide for Aryans.

It is often suggested not to tackle the C.R.A.P., particularly "Don't discuss Christianity or the bible." Well, there are still people to reach. Nothing is gained by preaching to the choir, not even a Wotanist choir. I do not wish to rehash the same old litany of despair that the right wing has done for decades. The folk need ammunition with which to counter the "C" in C.R.A.P. A wise man knows his enemies' rule book. So, it is imperative to understand what the bible, and particularly the English language King James (KJV) bible really is.

There are some things that Identity adherents of good heart and bible believers in general must understand.

First, when the religion from Rome was imposed on Northern and Western Europe, it was done by torture, murder, bribery and deceit. So, Adepts or Priests in the old, Aryan Mystery or Pagan religions simply infiltrated the Church. In particular during the Dark Ages as monks or lesser clergy they kept alive the art of reading and writing as well as science and philosophy. The Church began by killing scientists and philosophers, and burning libraries, thus engendering the Dark Ages of disease, superstition, slavery, inquisitions and misery.

Second, bible scholars recognize that throughout the ages the great nature philosophers developed coding devices to both preserve and conceal their wisdom, so it would not be misused by tyrants. Examples of their coding devices include (but are far from limited to) the architecture of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, including the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, gematria, cryptograms and hermetic number pyramids. The KJV is a supreme example of their art of coding.

Third, the bible is comprised of many writings, from many ages and many authors, which are then divided into conflicting Testaments or philosophies. The Adepts who constructed it were, of course, under the scrutiny of higher ecclesiastic authorities and therefore had to be extremely careful regarding what to write, what to translate and how to do so. So, apologists for the bible's thousands of direct contradictions should quit wasting their time studying dead languages and attempting to turn the last generation of young White men into monkish, love-thine-enemies, turn-the-other-cheek scholars. Monks are the last thing we need right now. Many bible errors, especially those of a mathematical nature, are deliberate constructions designed to call attention to the coding system, for example, the difference in the number and names of patriarchs in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 with 14 more in Luke.

Fourth, there is great significance in the meaning of "God Said." These two words are the tools of priestcrafters and can be used for either good or evil. The oldest book of the KJV, Job, is probably a Persian book, circa 400 BCE and the protagonists were likely called Ahura-Mazda and Ahriman in the original, rather than God and Satan. In Job 12:7-9 there is advice to look in nature for truth, because nature is God's work. That is the essence of Wotanism and all ancient, Aryan, pagan religions. The great nature philosophers, then, after meticulous study of nature determined that the first, the primal, the absolute and highest law is preservation of one's own kind. Now, the masses, being too lazy to study nature and demanding always that an authority figure give them moral codes, the nature philosophers created religious mythologies in which "God Said" what nature declared.

In the case of the Israelite scenario, where they are commanded to drive out or exterminate all other races from the lands they conquer, it is simply an honest interpretation of the territorial imperative necessary for racial preservation with nature's declaration metamorphosized into "God Said."

It makes no difference who claims to be Israelites today. It is mythology combined with many ancient stories of both Aryan design and, as in the case of Esther, Jewish design; the point is the philosophy. Jews followed the philosophy of the Old Testament and conquered the world. It teaches taking power, plunder and taking women. Its rewards and punishments are for the whole tribe and within the reality of this world. See Deuteronomy 28. In accord with natural law its moral absolute is preservation of one's own kind, as demonstrated by all living things. Genesis 19 (especially v. 32) makes it clear that all secondary laws, be they about sex, money, government or anything else, must conform to the first or primal law, the preservation of the seed line. Secondary laws are the invention of men and may change as fits the age or the circumstances, but reproduction and preservation of one's own kind supersedes all else.

Fifth, it is time to face reality. To demand literal belief in the supernatural and impossible religious myths of antiquity is to remain dismally ignorant of the truths of science and nature. Religious mythologies have a purpose, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but only the credulous and simple-minded take them literally. The credulous will never conquer the cunning minions of ZOG.

Sixth, the New Testament, lock, stock and barrel, is racial suicide. The overt content was invented by degenerate Romans and Jews to emasculate the Aryan race. While the Old Testament has picked up traces of Jewish poison over the ages, its core has many similarities to other ancient, Aryan religions. For example, heroic battle deeds, the seizing of women, the slaying of giants and tricking of enemies are typical of Greco-Roman and Norse religions.

But almost nothing of the New Testament philosophy is remotely Aryan. John 18:36, "My kingdom is not of this world" is its major poison. The few verses, transparent frauds used to tie the two testaments together, cannot reconcile diametrically opposing philosophies. The New is saturated with suicidal, anti-nature and anti-sex concepts designed to propagate the insane idea of "original sin," this, so that priestcrafters could have both a carrot and a stick, i.e. heaven and hell (I Corinthians 7, Revelation 14). All Aryan religions were fertility religions because lust, sex and reproduction are nature's plan for the survival of each race and species.

Seventh, the coding system of the KJV is undeniable under the mathematical laws of probability. It conceals two basic precepts of the ancient Mystery schools and religions. By meticulous study of nature and its geometry, cycles, spacings, etc., the philosophers postulated a force and intelligence which they called the grand mathematician-geometrician of the universe. The second precept teaches that the words of men can forever be twisted, interpreted and translated, but the relationship of number is constant forever. These are the reasons why the KJV is a number code.

To reiterate the seemingly obvious, there is no time for self-delusion or escapism, or for attacking each other without absolute proof and undeniable necessity. All men are defenseless against character assassination, so why pay attention to it, regardless of the source? It is the law that we obey, not other men. The law, the primal law, the moral absolute, the divine command is the preservation of one's own kind. Each and every aware White Aryan must cross the Rubicon, each must help to make the concept underlying and permeating the 14 Words into a sacred battle cry. It is God's will and command, no matter what name you use for the Absolute.


Monday, March 27, 2017

The Unknown Leader of Japan Baron Hiroshi Oshima and the Swastika Samurai Clans

Hiroshi Oshima

Hiroshi Oshima was born on 19th April 1886. As a military attaché, he stayed in Germany from 1934 and deepened the friendship with NSDAP. He contributed greatly to the conclusion of the Anti-Communist Treaty between Germany and Japan in 1936. He became Japanese Ambassador to Germany in 1938 and made efforts to establish the Axis Alliance. His nick name was "German Ambassador to Germany", and the USA described him as "more Nazi than the Nazis" or "more German than the Germans."

Oshima was also a close personal friend of Adolf Hitler and was a frequent guest at Hitler's social and private gatherings. Hitler had an extremely high opinion of Oshima, saying, "Oshima has an excellent brain." Having complete trust in Oshima, Hitler confided to him in advance that he was going to attack the Soviet Union. Oshima presented Hitler a Japanese sword "Katana" for his birthday. Oshima stayed in Berlin with Hitler right up to the end.

[caption id="attachment_1361" align="aligncenter" width="500"]0000 Berlin, Germany, 1939, Hitler greeting the Japanese ambassador Oshima on the opening of the Japanese art exhibition[/caption]

On 13 Apr 1945, Oshima met with Ribbentrop for the last time. He never thought that Germany would actually lose the war despite the rapidly approaching Allied forces. He promised Ribbentrop that he would make the last stand along with the leaders of Germany. It was one of many examples of him being an ardent supporter of Nazi Germany; he was so much so that in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich author William Shirer said Oshima was "more Nazi than the Nazis". Nevertheless, like all diplomats present in Berlin, he was ordered to evacuate later on that same day he met with Ribbentrop. The Japanese diplomatic staff evacuated to Bad Gastein, Austria, a mountain resort on 14 Apr. The staff was detained by the Americans after the German surrender and was interrogated in a resort hotel in Pennsylvania, United States.

Hiroshi Oshima was arrested in Japan on 16 Dec 1945 for "war crimes". He was found guilty by the International Military Tribunal for conspiring to wage aggressive war on 12 Nov 1948. He served his life sentence until late 1955 when he was paroled, and in 1958 he was granted clemency. He passed away in 1975 in Tokyo, Japan.

He believed that the noble castes in Japan, the Daimyo and the Samurai, were descended from gods of celestial origin, which was similar to Himmler’s own belief that “the Nordic race did not evolve, but came directly down from heaven to settle on the Atlantic continent.”




A swastika (卐) crossed by two arrows, within a shield and surmounted by a royal crown on an orange background was used as the coat of arms of the Samurai Hasekura Tsunenaga in the early 17th century.


A nice artwork made by the military illustrator Richard Hook showing tree Daimyo (feudal lords) of the 16th-17th century Japan, they were used as a symbol of Japanese military power, mostly during the showa period (1926-1989)

[caption id="attachment_1364" align="aligncenter" width="800"]Swastika Samurai Clans Swastika Samurai Clans[/caption]

The Ainu in Japan

[caption id="attachment_1320" align="aligncenter" width="893"]Group of Ainu people, 1902 photograph Group of Ainu people, 1902 photograph[/caption]

The Ainu are most commonly called an aboriginal people of Japan, occupying parts of the Japanese island of Hokkaido and the Russian islands of the Kurils and Sakhalin (which used to be Japanese territory).
The most striking thing about the Ainu is that they differ still to this day physically and linguistically from the rest of the Japanese population.
Although full blooded Ainu are scarce due to a large amount of intermarriage, the Ainu display in fact distinct traces of White ancestry - typical Ainu have a long skull, a light complexion, a heavy beard (facial hair is virtually unknown amongst the pure Mongolian races) and thick, wavy hair. The Ainu are famous amongst the Japanese for having body hair as well - so that they are derogatively called the "hairy Ainu". Only one other race on earth possesses body hair to this extent - the White Race.

Below: The Ainu - or White - racial influence is very evident in the Japanese upper classes: Below is a comparison of Ainu descended Japanese nobles with a "pure" Japanese Yayoi racial type which makes the distinction obvious.

Ainu ancestry......................... Ainu Ancestry.................... Ainu Ancestry......................Yayoi (Mongol)

Ancestry From left to right: Count Katsuka, Prime Minister of Japan from 1901-1905; Count Hayahsi, Japanese Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, 1908; Prince Arisugawa, one of the Imperial Princes of Japan, 1908; and lastly Count Komuka, Japanese ambassador to Britain in 1908.

The first three have obvious Ainu/White ancestry, while the last is predominantly Yayoi, or of more pure Mongoloid stock. This racial distinction in Japanese society is visible to this day - lasting evidence of yet another lost White migration to lands usually thought of as having no prior contact with Whites.

The Ainu language is unique, and not related to Japanese or any other Asian language. The origins of the Ainu are obscure. They appear to have entered Japan through the Hokkaido Island in the Yayoi Period (300 BC to 250 AD) of Japanese history, and migrated also into the northern and eastern parts of Japan's main island Honshu.
As the rulers of Yamato Japan started to expand their territory eastwards around 500 AD, the Ainu were constantly displaced to the north or mixed with the Japanese. In the Meiji Period (1868-1912) they received the status of Former Aboriginals but were strongly discriminated against. The Ainu were first mentioned in a Japanese account in 642 AD, and they were first reported in Europe in 1586.
The American anthropologist C. Loring Brace, University of Michigan, (Science Frontiers #65, Sep-Oct 1989) reported that "pure-blooded Ainu are easy to spot: they have lighter skin, more body hair, and higher-bridged noses than most Japanese." Brace studied the skeletons of about 1100 Japanese, Ainu, and other Asian ethnic groups and has concluded that the revered samurai of Japan are actually descendants of the Ainu, not of the Yayoi (original Mongolian) from whom most modern Japanese are descended. Brace said further that "...this explains why the facial features of the Japanese ruling class are so often unlike those of typical modern Japanese. The Ainu-related samurai achieved such power and prestige in medieval Japan that they intermarried with royalty and nobility, passing on Ainu blood in the upper classes, while other Japanese were primarily descended from the Yayoi."


[caption id="attachment_1328" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Ainu bear sacrifice. Japanese scroll painting, c. 1870 Ainu bear sacrifice. Japanese scroll painting, c. 1870[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1324" align="aligncenter" width="394"]The elder of Ainu The elder of Ainu[/caption]

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Long live Death!

[caption id="attachment_1292" align="aligncenter" width="522"]333 Furor Teutonicus - Sculpture by Vig Scholma[/caption]

Long live Death!

By Peter Georgacarakos

Among the European pantheons, there are two fairly well known mythological tales of destruction and renewal. In the Norse myth of Ragnarök, a conflict ensues between the “light” and “dark’ gods. All is destroyed, including the gods on both sides, and Baldur, the Son of Odin, re-emerges to lead in the rebuilding of a new world. There is also the Greek myth of the Phoenix, a great bird which lives for a certain period of time, then builds its own funeral pyre and flaps its wings to ignite the flames. With its great wings, the Phoenix purposefully fans the fires of its own destruction. When the fire has burned out, a new Phoenix, mightier than the old, emerges from the ashes.

It seems the biggest difference in these similar myths is the agent of destruction. Baldur is slain, essentially, by the trickster god Loki, while the Phoenix destroys itself. Ragnarök can be seen to represent the workings of polarized forces in the eternal cycle of life-death-renewal. This cycle governs civilizations. The Phoenix, however, with its lack of interacting forces, seems to encompass the self-generation of the forces of life-death-renewal in ourselves. These are the forces of self-overcoming.

This aspect of life is very important to our movement. Self-overcoming is a painful yet necessary experience. We have all endured many trying events in our lives – lost love, lost lives, failure, even the transition from childhood to adolescence, and adolescence to adulthood. These are everyday human manifestations of the rise of the Phoenix – in each endeavor, part of us is lost, yet we emerge stronger than before. The greatest significance of the Phoenix is that its life-death-renewal process is eternal, and therefore its greatness infinite.

What does the Phoenix represent to us now, as members of a revolutionary movement? If we take an honest moment to consider the movement, we will recognize many “Phoenixes” which plainly refuse to overcome, to build the funeral pyre of their unsuccessful paths, their once good but now stale stances, their outdated regalia. The flames of that fire are indeed difficult to bear, especially when they consume, by our own will, the work of years, sometimes of a lifetime. Yet the Phoenix, true to its cause, dutifully builds its pyre, ignites the flame, and fans the fire of self-destruction with an eye to the future – to the re-emergence of something more noble than what is lost. The newborn greatness is worth the painful fire. When this natural process is forsaken, stagnation and decay settle in. We see this in our society; we must now see this in our movement.

It seems obvious that when the duty to carry on the eternal saga of the Phoenix is disregarded, the destruction necessary to allow the renewal process to continue will come eventually, via Ragnarök, and inevitable destruction from without.

How many of us have looked forward with eager eyes for the advent of Ragnarök, while we did not even deal adequately with the cycles of our own existence? Can one who refuses to accept the fires of his own self-overcoming, due to vanity or weakness, really hope to survive the destructive fires of an entire civilization?

Many pagans have known and taught the significance of Ragnarök for a long time. It is now time to fully understand the numinous meaning of the Phoenix. How can we demand that civilizations in decay must be destroyed in order that a new, brighter civilization may arise, when we do not adhere to the same cyclical necessities in the lives of men, and of the movement as an organism? The barbarians who crash the gates of the city thereafter crash our front doors!

Mythology, it has been said, is something that never was, but always is. Let us heed the wise messages of our great progenitors. We will never forget the majesty of the Acropolis, the enchantment of Homer, the wisdom of Socrates, or the might of the Spartan warrior. Let us likewise never forget the fires of the Phoenix.

There is much that is new in our movement, much that is fresh and invigorating. Why does the old, stagnant, proven-ineffective, stand beside it—crowd it—like a vulture beside the shining new Phoenix? We must collectively contemplate our philosophies, our thoughts, our actions, and ensure that each is not fit to be hurled upon the funeral pyre. If we see things that are, let us build the pyre with perseverance and a sense of duty, never forgetting that new heights shall be reached when the fires have died. Let us be willing to sacrifice parts of ourselves, even parts we have come to love and admire, so that greatness, and not custom, carries the torch of the moment.

Only thus can we, as a movement, continue to evolve as our environment evolves, and play a principal role in the events of the future. The many temporary deaths we will suffer as the fires of the Phoenix are ablaze are nothing compared to the eternal death, with no possible re-emergence, that our people win suffer if we are not always new, always strong, always prepared to defend.

Was Skeleton Unearthed in Greece a Human Sacrifice to Zeus?


Archaeologists excavating a site atop Mount Lykaion in southern Greece have made a chilling discovery—the skeleton of a teenage boy. The find could confirm ancient legends that a sacrificial altar to the Greek god Zeus on the mountain was the scene of not only animal offerings, but human ones as well.

In the 2nd century A.D., the ancient traveler Pausanias scaled Mount Lykaion in the Peloponnese region of southern Greece and found a mound of earth fronted by a pair of Doric columns that were once topped by golden eagles. “On this altar they sacrifice in secret to Lykaion Zeus,” he wrote. “I was reluctant to pry into the details of the sacrifice; let them be as they are and were from the beginning.”

In spite of his reluctance, however, Pausanias did record a gruesome story passed down from antiquity in which a king sacrificed a human baby upon the altar and transformed into a wolf after pouring the slain child’s blood on the shrine. Other ancient Greeks, including Plato, also wrote that Mount Lykaion was the scene of human sacrifices to honor Zeus, who according to Greek mythology was born atop the remote mountaintop.

[caption id="attachment_1260" align="aligncenter" width="640"]hith-ancient-greece-zeus-l_18661 General view of the lower sanctuary with the administrative building, the gallery, the hippodrome, the stadium and baths. (Credit: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)[/caption]

Most scholars have considered the stories of human sacrifice at Mount Lykaion to be legends. However, the announcement by Greece’s Ministry of Culture and Sports that a human skeleton has been unearthed amid the ashes of sacrificial animals offered to honor Zeus might shatter that thinking. Prior to the discovery, nearly all of the bones that had been found at the altar had belonged to sheep and goats, which suggests the selection of animals offered up for slaughter remained constant over the course of centuries. Nearly every one of the patellas, femurs and other bones unearthed had been burnt.

The human skeleton, which had the upper part of its skull missing and stone slabs covering its pelvis, was discovered amid a 100-foot broad ash altar adjacent to a man-made stone platform. The bones were found in a supine position and aligned on an east-west axis parallel to two lines of stones. Pottery found near the skeleton that date to the 11th century B.C. at the end of the Mycenaean era place the age of the bones at 3,100 years old. Archaeologists believe the skeleton is likely that of a male teenager.

[caption id="attachment_1268" align="aligncenter" width="640"]list-ancient-greece-zeus-l_18660 Human buried in the middle of the ash altar with covering plates in the pelvic area. (Credit: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)[/caption]

The discovery was made by archaeologists participating in the Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project, a collaboration between the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the University of Arizona. The team of Greek and American archaeologists, which is seeking to learn more about the origins of the Greek cult of Zeus, excavated the site between 2007 and 2010 and resumed work again earlier this summer.

“Several ancient literary sources mention rumors that human sacrifice took place at the altar, but up until a few weeks ago there has been no trace whatsoever of human bones discovered at the site,” David Gilman Romano, professor of Greek archaeology at the University of Arizona and part of the research team, told the Associated Press. “Whether it’s a sacrifice or not, this is a sacrificial altar … so it’s not a place where you would bury an individual. It’s not a cemetery.”

[caption id="attachment_1273" align="alignnone" width="640"]hith-ancient-greece-zeus-l_18662 View of staircase at top of corridor where athletes at the games at Lykaion descended into stadium. (Credit: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)[/caption]

The archaeologists have found fragments of animal and human figurines, vases, cups and coins on Mount Lykaion, but the discovery of the human skeleton has the potential to be the most important find yet. As the Associated Press reported, human sacrifice has never been confirmed on mainland Greece. While archaeologists caution that it’s too early to draw conclusions about the circumstances surrounding the teenager’s death, the prominent place of the skeleton in the middle of the altar and its orientation suggest a special significance.

According to scholars, Mount Lykaion is the earliest known site where the ancient Greeks worshipped Zeus. For more than 1,000 years starting in the 16th century B.C., the cult of Zeus sacrificed tens of thousands of animals in honor of the omnipotent Greek god of sky and thunder.

[caption id="attachment_1278" align="aligncenter" width="640"]list-ancient-greece-zeus-l_18663 South hill of Mount Lykaion with the ash altar of Zeus at its top. (Credit: Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports)[/caption]

The Mt. Lykaion Excavation and Survey Project is also studying the Lykaia, an athletic and religious festival to honor Zeus that was staged every four years in a lower meadow of Mount Lykaion. The Roman author Pliny wrote that the athletic competitions at Mount Lykaion—which featured nude athletes squaring off in events including wrestling, boxing, horse racing and running—predated the ancient games held 22 miles away at Olympia. In that lower meadow, the archaeologists have unearthed the floor of the hippodrome’s race course as well as a stone staircase leading to a large stone archway dating to the 4th century B.C. in which the athletes descended into the stadium.

Much archaeological work remains to be done at Mount Lykaion. According to the Associated Press, only seven percent of the altar has been excavated. Work is expected to continue through at least 2020.

Saturday, March 25, 2017



Grunt / Bizarre Uproar / Deathkey / Caligula031 ‎– Beyond LP (2017)

Kerry Bolton - Dualism and the Cycles of Time


"The general imprecise way of observing sees everywhere in nature opposites where there are, not opposites, but differences of degree. This bad habit has led us into wanting to comprehend and analyse the inner world, too, the spiritual-moral world, in terms of such opposites. An unspeakable amount of painfulness, arrogance, harshness, estrangement, frigidity has entered into human feelings because we think we see opposites instead of transitions." - Nietzsche

The moral dogma that has infected Civilisation since its beginning is a Judaic DUALISM inherited from Zoroastrianism and brought in by the virus of Christianity. Dualism states that there is a battle being fought in both the spiritual and earthly realms (and even within every individual) between two opposites: "good & evil." Not only has this Dualism subverted our Culture, it has turned the individual into a split personality: This is the result of repressing what is considered "evil" about one's nature by moral and religious dogmas.

Before this Dualism was implanted, pagan societies didn't label natural forces with such absolute moral attributes. There were creative and destructive forces in Nature, often symbolized as gods. But even the destructive aspects has creative purposes, and were part of a transcendent cosmic unity. For e.g. in what moral context can we place Indo-Aryan deities such as Shiva & Kali? To the Western dualized mind they would be considered "evil" because of their primal destructiveness. But to the Hindus, retaining the ancient Aryan wisdom, they are "beyond good & evil." They comprise both the creative & destructive aspects of Nature in their various forms and roles. Even their destructive roles are a vital part of a cosmic CYCLIC process of creation-destruction-renewal: Shiva in his Cosmic Dance of Destruction clears the way for another round of history's endless Cycles.

The Germanics & Norse, like their Indo-Aryan kinsfolk, also had this cyclic cosmology. The destruction brought by Ragnarok is the prelude to a new earth, new humanity, new heaven & even a new pantheon of gods. The Gods themselves cannot avoid their Fate, for without the destruction by Ragnarok there would be stagnation and decay. The Dark forces of Loki, Fenrir, Surt, Garm and Iormungandr are Catalysts for Change; thus the Cycle continues: creation-destruction-renewal. This is the inexorable process that can be observed in both History & Nature. The Aryan Persians before Zoroastrianism had a conception of this interplay between the Light & Dark forces which were seen as two aspects of Zervan, Lord of Time. The Light of Ahura Mazda & the Dark of Ahriman were both emanation of Zervan. Zoroastrianism divided these two into moral opposites separated from the Time Lord. It is from here that Judaism & ultimately Christianity got their DUALISM, which has afflicted the West. Some of the Gnostic sects rejected Dualism and restored the ancient wisdom in the deity Abraxas, who united all polarities within himself. The psychologist Carl Jung turned to Abraxas when considering the inter-relationship that exists between polarities in Nature.

Jung revived the ancient wisdom with modern scientific methods and terms, but drawing from pre- and non-Christian cultures and Medieval Alchemy. He sought to unify the polarities within the individual to create the whole person (called "Individuation") no longer cut off from his repressed so-called "evil" SHADOW SELF. This "Individuation" of Jungian psychology is also akin to the occultist's quest for Adeptship. Jung was concerned with how a neurotic christian civilization could be brought back to the completeness of pagan times. He saw the need to allow the repressed barbarian lurking within modern man to resurface and find a modern expression. Thus his support for National Socialist Germany as an expression of the repressed Shadow Self of the Germans, symbolized as Wotan.

Judaeo-Christian moral dualism is now so deep-seated within the Western psyche that even those pagans who think they are outside the Christian context are as dualized as any Christling. These "neo-pagans" (sic) have made internationalists & pacifists out of tribal war gods! Where warrior attributes cannot be ignored, they have been transformed into "the way of the peaceful warrior" (puke!). Tyr, Thor & Odin have been castrated. The neo-pagans have simply made the Old Gods reflections of their own dualized, half-selves. They have repressed as "evil" the Dark aspects. These neo-pagans are worse than useless; they are another aspect of the dualism that is driving the European folk to self-destruction. Even many (most?) of the harder-line "Odinists", have a cosmology that is essentially Christian. They have dualized the Aesir & the Jotuns into contending moral forces of "good vs. evil" - ODIN (OR BALDER) IS THEIR JESUS. LOKI IS THEIR SATAN. RAGNAROK IS THEIR ARMAGEDDON. The whole significance of Indo-European cyclic cosmology has been rendered null and void. The pagan heritage has been Dualized.......... Christianized!

There are some pagans, however, who continue to honour the ancient wisdom. They see the cosmos as an interplay of polarities, not as a battlefield of moral dualities. It is this that is the basis of EVOLUTION. Without this catalyst mankind slips back into the nebulous mass from which he evolved. It is just such a degraded state that the religions and moralities of decay are dragging us towards. Let our path be starbound. HAIL ODIN! HAIL LOKI!

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

The Invocation of the Black Sun


As appears in the Third book of the Trilogy of Esoteric Hitlerism “Manu: Por el Hombre que Vendra”- Miguel Serrano and the Martial Thulean Order of A-MOR. All words in brackets

“{-}” are extra words for clarification by the translator.


Very early, when the Morning Star, Oyeihue {Venus}, calmly gives its message of light to you, extend your arms towards Her:

I pronounce my Oration to Lucifer:

Oh, Luci-Bel, Oh Morning Star
May your deep light fall upon me
Cover me in your petals
Of light
Like in the skies of Autumn.

Permit me to pass
Through your Window
Towards the Black Sun
That waits behind you

Oh, Black Sun!
Absorb me in your light
Faster than the light
Of the Golden Sun

And give me shelter
In the nonexistence
Of the Green Ray
Where the Master Dwells
Even the Masters of my Master
And dwell the high Secret Guides
Of Esoteric Hitlerism

Oh, Green Ray!
Engulf me in your nonexistence
But more real than any existence
Help me to realize
Impossible Dreams
The Resurrection of the Beloved

The return of the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler
The re-creation of Esoteric Hitlerism
And the possession of the Archetype
Until the consummation of its Myth
And it’s Legend
In the Resurrection of the Flesh
The Immortal Vajra.
Permit me to return to the Black Sun

Oh, Black Sun!
Reabsorb me in your rotating light

And carry me to your home
The Morning and Evening Star

Oh, Morning and Evening Star!
Together with the Beloved
Now that She may fight
Within me

In my Impenetrable body of Red Light
The Immortal Vajra
The Incorruptible Power of Odil
It Resides in NOS

The Vision and the Voice
And quickly we come to realize the Legend and the Myth
Until the consummation
And Transfiguration
Into the Absolute Man and Woman

Oh, Evening Star, Yepun!
Allow me to pass
Through your Window
To the Golden Sun

And with Chastity
There in Order to continue fighting
The power in dawn
I reclaim.

Oh, my Guide Lucifer!
Oh, Sun of Gold!
Let us pass in the Nostalgia
Of the Green Ray

So that She and I
We leave here
Towards something never heard
Towards It!
Beyond the Green Ray
And of its Nonexistence

Heil! Sieg Heil!


Oyeihue is the esoteric feminine name of Venus as the Morning Star, ELLA-SHE-LUCIBEL, when rising in the East at Dawn. It is the name given to the Mornning Star by the native tribes of Chile, the Araucanas.

Yepun is the esoteric masculine name of Venus as the Evening Star, EL-HE-LUCIFER, when setting in the West at Evening. It is the name given to the Evening Star by the native tribes of Chile, the Araucanas. Thus the MIDNIGHT SUN or BLACK SUN being the culmination of “NOS” when EL and ELLA are one during the course of a 24 Hour Day.

For those not familiar with the writings of Don Miguel Serrano you may find the word and term ‘Lucifer’ in the wrong context. In the Martial Order of A-MOR 'Lucifer’ is the supreme Guide for the Walkers of the Dawn. He is the God of Light and Beauty. 'Lucifer’ is also known by other names in his Archetype such as Wuotan-Wotan-Odin, Shiva, Apollo and Abraxas. LUCIFER must not be confused with any sort of “Christian Devil” or “Satan”. If anything Lucifer is more closer to the Kristos than any sort of 'boogeyman’ with a pitchfork since Christ said “I am the LIGHT of the world”. LUCIFER is the Supreme Guide in the Kali Yuga and God of the utmost Beauty and Light. Light in the sense of “Gnosis” or Knowledge, light in the sense of Inspiration and Wisdom and also Light in the sense of Spectral Light.


The Emanations Tarot

[caption id="attachment_1216" align="aligncenter" width="446"]70fb8ce038f37f2d78ab71b00e3f1c8b Mousa of Swords - Dark Goddess Baphomet holding the head of the traitor Claus von Stauffenberg[/caption]

The Emanations Tarot is a rare deck by “Christos Beest”, a pseudonym used by the Shropshire based composer and artist Richard Moult. The deck includes his 21 major arcana of the original Sinister Tarot, the published court cards and alternate versions of some cards. A selection of Richard Moults newer paintings created almost two decades later, such as his Sappho series, are also part of the deck.

Beest/Moult created this deck while in the Order of Nine Angles (or ONA). Moult was involved with the ONA for about a decade, from 1989 to the late 90s. At some point during this decade, he created a tarot deck reflecting the ONA’s philosophy and worldview. Part of this deck was published in 2007 as “The Sinister Tarot,” in a limited edition of 40.

Unlike most occult tarot decks, this one is not connected with the Golden Dawn. Its major arcana, and court cards, differ from tradition. A few cards, such as the Lovers, are traditional, though the imagery is not.

According to an accompanying document, this deck is not for telling fortunes, but for “visualisation, and attracting cosmos energies, called ‘Dark Gods,’ according to the Tree of Wyrd.” Each tarot trump represents a Dark God, as well as a pathway in the Tree of Wyrd. These correspondences don’t follow the Golden Dawn’s interpretations––neither do the images themselves.

Only 24 sets of Emanations using the white ONA Sigil on a black velvet tarot bag were issued, another 24 sets were supplied with red tarot bags adorned with the newer golden sigil designed by Moult.

[caption id="attachment_1220" align="aligncenter" width="452"]Mousa Of Wands Mousa Of Wands[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1224" align="aligncenter" width="451"]Warrior of Swords Warrior of Swords[/caption]


Sunday, March 19, 2017

BEHOLD BARBARITY : Releases and News

DER STÜRMER "A Spartan Reborn" Official Tank Top


High Quality Gildan Ultra 100% Cotton Black Shirts, with gold printing on the front only. No back print.

Available in SIZES S - 2XL

WEST WALL "On My Shield" Pro-Tape


WEST WALL's third full length album, for the first time on Pro-Tape

A portion of the proceeds will be going to Bill's family. Bill, who played bass and did vocals on this album, was welcomed by Death in 2013.


MOHAREBEH Official Black Patch


MOHAREBEH Official White Patch


ORDER OF THE DEATH'S HEAD "Jewicide" Official Black Patch




Friday, March 17, 2017

Theodore Roosevelt

[caption id="attachment_1174" align="aligncenter" width="500"]GTY_theodore_roosevelt_sk_141229 Theodore Roosevelt - Environmental Activist, Warrior, Governor, Military Leader, U.S. President (1858–1919)[/caption]

"The curse of every ancient civilization was that its men in the end became unable to fight. Materialism, luxury, safety, even sometimes an almost modern sentimentality, weakened the fibre of each civilized race in turn; each became in the end a nation of pacifists, and then each was trodden under foot by some ruder people that had kept that virile fighting power the lack of which makes all other virtues useless and sometimes even harmful."Theodore Roosevelt

He was a devout follower of eugenics, the belief that there are superior and inferior strains of humankind, and that it is best to filter out the inferior brand in order to foster the development of mankind. “Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind.... Some day, we will realize that the prime duty, the inescapable duty, of the good citizen of the right type, is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world; and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type,” he said.

In 1914 Teddy Roosevelt said that, “criminals should be sterilized and feeble-minded persons forbidden to leave offspring behind them.” Roosevelt once referred to Africans as, “ape-like naked savages, who…prey on creatures not much wilder or lower than themselves.” In a 1905 statement he asserted that Caucasians were “the forward race” destined to raise “the backward race[s]” through “industrial efficiency, political capacity and domestic morality.” Whites, he felt, needed to reproduce in abundance or else risk “race suicide.” Blacks were not his only targets. He had this to say about American Indians: “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of 10 are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the 10th.”

[caption id="attachment_1165" align="aligncenter" width="410"]d33209f3557ccbf87790d3a36d7bc1a5 A young theodore roosevelt in hunting gear[/caption]

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Racial Soul


"However, the values of the racial soul, which stand as driving forces behind this new image of the world, have not yet become a living consciousness. Soul means race seen from within. And, conversely, race is the external side of a soul. To awaken the racial soul to life means to recognize its highest value, and, under its dominance, to allot to other values their organic position in the State, in art, and in religion. That is the task of our century; to create a new human type out of a new view of life. And for this, courage is needed; courage of each single individual, courage of the entire generation growing up, indeed of many following generations. For chaos has never been mastered by those without courage, and a world has never been built by cowards. Whoever wishes to go forward, must therefore also burn bridges behind him. Whoever sets out on a great journey, must leave old household goods behind. Whoever strives for what is highest, must turn his back on what is lesser. And to all doubts and questions the new man of the coming great German Reich knows only one answer: But I have the will!"

Alfred Rosenberg - The Myth of the Twentieth Century


Monday, March 13, 2017


[caption id="attachment_1142" align="aligncenter" width="745"]Justice & Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime, by Pierre Paul Prud'hon (1759-1823), French Neoclassical painter Justice & Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime, by Pierre Paul Prud'hon (1759-1823), French Neoclassical painter[/caption]

Central to any civilization and society which is civilized, is the notion of revenge - and central to revenge is the blood fued. When the "State" - of whatever political hue or any large organized governmental structure, reserves for itself the means and control and dispensation of "Justice" then true freedom does not exist: the individual has become controlled and enslaved, if not physically, then mentally.

Any healthy flourishing society not only allows revenge, but encourages it, and any society which does not is already a form of tyranny, however much clever, vapid, intellectual and political words may be used to try and obscure this reality. A healthy society is one that tends to respect the individual right to justice and thus revenge: the two are linked and cannot be separated without destroying both, leaving an empty shell. A healthy society seeks to respect the individual, and extend their responsibilities and duties, and one of the most important responsibilities and duties of any individual is to avenge.

This view is not upheld by many today - and certainly by none who form those cliques of legal and social 'professionalism' which infest society today. Instead, the present System seeks to convince us all, from childhood, that only the State has the "right" to deal with "Justice" - and that only this is "civilised". But if you believe that, you really are ill - one of those pale specimens inebriated by the clever words and ideas of the half-men (and half-women) who unfortunately proliferate today in our comfortable and monied societies.

Revenge is natural and necessary. An illustration here might be instructive. A young motorist, high on drink and drugs, deliberately runs down and kills someone: the classic 'innocent passerby'. After some trouble, the police find this driver and he is charged. When his case comes to court, he manages to wriggle out of the murder charge('lack of sufficient evidence'/some legal problem) and is instead convicted of manslaughter. He shows no remorse. He is sentenced to 3 years in prison. After a little over 2 years he is released, and some months later is arrested for drink driving and driving while disqualified. A few more months in prison. Then he is free. Now, in this instance (and many like it) the relatives of the victim have a duty to kill this piece of scum - and should be ashamed of themselves if they did not. Naturally, they would give all sorts of reasons as to why they would do nothing - but basically they are, if they do nothing, (a) spineless cowards; (b) degenerate bastards who do not care; (c) so ground down by the System, by the lies and propaganda, that their natural instincts have been destroyed. They - one or some of them - should have killed the offender. Naturally, in the feeble societies of the Western tyrannies, had they done so they would - if caught - have faced "Justice" and the legal system themselves: and probably spent longer in prison than the bastard who deserved to die (such is the sickness of the "West"). But, until this whole rotten System is destroyed, they should have used the rules of the System against itself - why not, for instance, run the bastard himself down? You would, if caught, only get a few years. But at least you would be able to live with yourself - still have your honour.

Of course, an impartial assessment (like a Judge) is still necessary - but once judged, relatives are honour bound to act. Anything less is gutless.

ONA, From Hostia II, 1992.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Colin Jordan 'Justice & Liberty' interview


COLIN JORDAN (19 June 1923 – 9 April 2009) An example for many peopIe!

An interview with the Portuguese magazine ‘Justica & Liberdade’ (Justice & Freedom)

Whether or not you support the National Socialist ideology that Colin Jordan defends, the fact is that no-one can stay indifferent to the courage and will of this man, a man who has fought tirelessly for many years for what he believes in.Not even the arrests and attacks, his advanced age or the fact that he has some physical limitations has made him regret the actions taken by him in the past. These have made Colin Jordan an example to follow for many National Socialists and others around the world.

It is interesting to remember that several people from the left and many Jews describe Jordan as the biggest authority on National Socialism alive today in Britain. That’s another reason for our readers to carefully read this interview and to discover what the true ideals of this genuine and well known British National Socialist, who was born in Birmingham in 1923, are.

At a time when it is rare for him to give interviews, Mr Jordan decided to answer some of our questions. So, without the usual deturpation and censorship that the media of today have made us grow accustomed to when they deal with National Socialists, you have this interview.

WEBMASTER: This article is taken from an English translation of the original text which was in
Portuguese. The translation was made by the Portuguese editor of Justica & Liberdade and added to copies of the magazine distributed outside Portugal. Mr Jordan’s answers are exactly as he wrote them but some corrections have been made to the spelling and grammar in the questions themselvesJ&L: When and why did your interest in politics begin?

Colin Jordan: My political interest emerged during the war from my reading, becoming active in form in 1942, when I joined a nationalist party. That interest had developed out of a love for the countryside and a zeal for life in accord with Nature. At the end of the war I came in contact with Arnold Leese, Britain’s pioneer of National-Socialism, who had a very powerful influence on the development of my views to the point of distinct National-Socialism.

J&L: Since you’re NS, how did you regard the Second World War that brought conflict between your Country and Germany?

Colin Jordan: By 1944 I had come to favour a negotiated peace between Britain and Germany, seeing at least partially by then the attractive features of National-Socialist Germany, and deploring the fratricidal conflict contrary to Britain’s true interests.

J&L: Is it true that there were many British political prisoners in England both during and after the War?

Colin Jordan: In 1940 around a thousand active members of the British Union of Fascists led by Sir Oswald Mosley and the Imperial Fascist League of Arnold Leese, along with other opponents of the war, were intemed without trial under wartime Regulation 18B. WIlliam Joyce and John Amery were executed for “treason” held to have been committed by them in broadcasting on the German radio, and, in Amery’s case, trying to recruit British prisoners-of-war for the German-sponsored British Free Corps.

J&L: How old were you when Rudolf Hess, during the II War, went to Scotland trying to bring peace between the two Countries? How do you remember that period?

Colin Jordan: I was 17 and still at school when my father came into my bedroom one morning in 1941 with news from the radio of Rudolf Hess’s arrival in Britain in the cause of peace. My parents and I hoped his mission would be successful, and we were subsequently disgusted at his conviction at Nuremberg and imprisonment for life. I started campaigning for Hess’s release in 1960 with a poster calling in a number of languages for his release. In 1963 on the day on which I was released from my first imprisonment I went immediately to the Foreign Office in London to deliver a written demand for the release of Rudolf Hess. Over the subsequent years till Hess’s murder, probably by the British SAS, I continually produced literature calling for his release, and repeatedly sent letters to the Foreign Office urging this.

J&L: In 1993 a stone was erected in Scotland to honour that “messenger of peace”, right? Can you tell us who build it and what happened later?

Colin Jordan: The Hess memorial stone was the idea of veteran National-Socialist Tom Graham who financed it, negotiated the landowner’s permission for its erection, and who, despite being a great age, personally erected it with the help of another supporter on the exact spot where Hess landed in 1941. It was attacked and destroyed by the organiser (an Asian) of the local Anti-Nazi League, helped by other members of this vicious communistic organisation. When the police failed to prosecute these people, I pursued long and persistent efforts to persuade the Scottish legal authorities to prosecute, but they refused both to do so publicly and to allow me to do so privately.

J&L: One of the organizations that you founded was the “National Socialist Movement” on the 20th April 1962. Tell us a little about the activity held in July!

Colin Jordan: Within 3 months of the foundation of the National Socialist Movement we managed to secure the necessary permission to hold an open-air meeting in central London’s Trafalgar Square in July 1962. Police estimated the audience at 5.000. A huge placard on the platform proclaimed “Free Britain from Jewish Control”. A large body of Jews and Communists stationed themselves at the very front of the crowd before the meeting began, and, when it began, hurled missiles and attempted to break through the police cordon. Repeatedly the police required the speeches to be halted while they strove to regain control. Finally, within 5 minutes of the end of the final speech, when I was telling the crowd that “Hitler was Right”, the police had to close the meeting because of the furious reaction of the Jews and communists to my words. Massive UK and intemational publicity resulted, every London daily newspaper featuring it frontpage. It was undoubtedly the biggest and most publicized anti-jewish public meeting in British history. Two of the speakers, John Tyndall (then my second-in-command and now head of the British National Party) and myself, were afterwards prosecuted for our speeches. John Tyndall was fined and I was given a months’s imprisonment, this taking effect while I was shortly afterwards serving 9 months imprisonment for the-organisation of the Spearhead, the N.S.M. defence corps.

J&L: Was there such a big Jewish influence? And now?

Colin Jordan: Then and now Jews have a dominant influence in Britain, and that influence works in a multitude of ways against the true interests multiracial world order. Top Jews include such as the Home Secretary Michael Howard and the Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind in the government of John Major who is married to a Jewess. They include moguls of the media such as newspapers and television owner Rupert Murdoch, the British Broadcasting Corporation’s Director of Programmes Alan Yentob, Channel 4 television chief Michael Grade, Grenada television chairman Alex Bernstein, and Carlton broadcasting boss Michael Green. They include supermarket owners such as the Cohen family (Tesco supermarket) and the Sainsbury family (Sainsbury supermarket), and property emperors such as the owners of Benzion Freshwater and Chelsfield and the 400 companies of the Berger family. They include the controllers of commerce ranging from Betterware (household equipment), Reebok (footwear), Tabatznik (pharmaceuti cals) and Dixons (electrical goods) to the Marks & Spencer clothing and food chain, the giant department stores of the David Lewis family, and the huge mail-order firm Great Universal Stores founded by Isaac Wolfson. They include bankers such as Lord Rothschild and financial speculators like George Soros.

S&L: What did you mean in the meeting when you said Hitler was right?

Colin Jordan: In proclaiming “Hitler was Right” I believe I was right in making race the basis of politics and in perceiving that democracy is death; right in standing for the unity of the folk community above class division, and in opposing race mixture and advocating race betterment (eugenics); right in fighting Communism; right in overthrowing the restrictive shackles of International Finance; right in treating agriculture as of basic importance for the nation and thus in assuring security and welfare to the peasantry; and right in effectively caring for the health and social welfare and economic justice of the people. There is no reliable evidence whatsoever that 6 million Jews were exterminated on Hitler’s orders or with his knowledge, or that millions of Jews were gassed by Nazis; and the huge number of “survivors” testifies to this. Further indicative of this is the fact that not only has any proper objective examination of the propaganda been evaded, but the most intensive efforts have been and are being made to prevent free discussion of the subject. It has been possible to lie to the world for 50 years because of Jewish power over the world media and the subservience of the politicians of democracy to that power, and the zeal of the Jews in propagating what they regard as a master method to deter people from any critical appraisal of the Jews, and so to prevent any revival of the Aryan liberation force which is NationalSocialism.

J&L: Since people can only relate Hitler with. death and destruction, tell us what were the best things he did.

Colin Jordan: The best things Hitler did were to end mass unemployment and the malnutrition of the masses; to safeguard the German peasantry; to bring the Nation together in pride and zeal for service to it through the magnificient Hitler Youth and Labour Service; to combat decadent art and music; and to rebuild the German military capacity for self-defence while introducing unique measures of social and economic reform.

J&L: In your opinion, what are the main differences between Fascism and National Socialism?

Colin Jordan: Fascism is an ideology of the supremacy of the state, set above race. National-Socialism is an ideology of the supremacy of the race. Fascism is thus narrowly nationalistic whereas National-Socialism, because of its racial basis, has a global application. . Fascism goes hand-in-hand with Christianity whereas National-Socialism, because of its racial content, is essentially anti-Christian.

J&L: In 1967 you were arrested again. What was the motive?

Colin Jordan: In 1967, in the first sustained conviction under the new “racial hatred” law, I was honoured by being given, as my second period in gaol, 18 months imprisonment for 2 items of literature, one a pamphlet entitled “The Coloured Invasion”, the other a leaflet with an illustration of a Jew cracking a whip over the grovelling figures of representatives of the old parties. In my gaol experience the worst things were not the living conditions but the separation from friends and family, and the limitation of one’s use of time, although prison does give one ample time to read and to think.

J&L:  Were there any Nationalist activities to expose your situation?

Colin Jordan: Both times I was imprisoned, there were efforts both in this Country and abroad on my behalf. Such signs of solidarity, including letters from supporters, are very important indeed to a political prisoner in sustaining his morale.

S&L: Still about those pamphlets, how really big was the problem of the non-white immigration?

Colin Jordan: At the time of my second imprisonment (1967) the consequences of the Coloured Invasion of Britain were already very severe. Now, the situation in all cities and towns of size are appalling. Some schools in inner London and in other places also, like Wolverhampton and Leeds, Liverpool and Birmingham, do indeed now have only a tiny minority of White children. In such schools they place increasing emphasis on Coloured customs and religions and on all ways of elevating Coloured people in comparison to Whites; this by multiracialist teachers of Leftist outlook, concerned to stiffle natural feelings of White racial identity and pride. There will either be a successful revolt by our people during the next few decades or they will certainly become a downtrodden and degraded minority in what was once their Country.

S&L: Few years ago you wrote a book called “Merrie England 2000” which caused many repression, right?

Colin Jordan: When my book “Merrie England 2000” was published, the press reported that the Jewish community was demanding action to ban it. However, this came shortly after my successful action in High Court causing the abandonment of a new prosecution against me for possessing for distribution various other literature, and the authorities evidently felt that a renewed prosecution then would put them in a bad light as appearing to retaliate for my victory. So nothing has been done against the book so far, and it is available from me direct at one Pound plus another Pound for postage outside the U.K.

S&L: So what was the book about?

Colin Jordan: “Merrie England 2.000” foreshadows the state of England in a few years at the end of the present century going on present trends. My first book was “Fraudulent Conversion” on the Jewishness of Communist leadership worldwive, published in 1955 and now out-of print. A pamphlet of mine called “A Train of Thought”, published some years ago, is still available from me at 0.25 Pound plus 0.30 Pound for postage outside the UK. A collection of my writings, including that pamphlet, was published in Denmark in 1993, entitled “National Socialism: Vanguard of the Future”, and is still available from me at 5 Pounds plus one Pound more for postage outside the UK.

J&L: Lately you often say in your publications that “Freedom is in Peril, today as never before”. Is this really so?

Colin Jordan: Yes, I have personally experienced in recent years the extent to which “Freedom is in Peril” in Britain today; this in the failed attempt to prosecute me in 1991 at the instigation of the Jewish Member of Partiament Gerald Kaufman. The Criminal Justice & Public Order Act 1994 incorporates revised and extended action against either the distribution or the possession for distribution of literature which is held to be “insulting” or “threatening” or “abusive” to a racial element in the population of this Country, and held to be intended to or likely to cause racial hatred against that racial element. This is the furthest extent of the law at present, but Jews and their supporters are agitating for further extensions all the time, and quite likely such extensions will be made before long, particularly if the Labour Party is elected at the next General Election. Under existing law truth is not accepted as exoneration: this was made clear in the judge’s concluding summary in my 1967 trial.

S&L: Many people after spending 5, 10 or 20 years of their lives fighting for something they believe in, they stop working and say or that they’ve done many things already, let others do it now, or that it will be almost impossible to win. Why haven’t you done the same?

Colin Jordan: For the real National Socialist (which I hope I measure up to) the struggle is the great purpose of life. Even if it could be proved beyond the slightest doubt that we will not succeed and are doomed to failure, it would still be a necessity of life for the real National Socialist to fight for the cause to the utmost, and to inflict as such punishment as possible on the enemy.

J&L: Plans for the future?

Colin Jordan: My plans for the future are, because of my age and disabling arthritis, limited to my writings which I aim to continue as long as my life and my capacity allows.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017



“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.” — so declared Nietzsche to the world in his “Science of Joy,” a statement to be later popularized via “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”. Yet most people misunderstand the message Nietzsche conveyed and thus atheists and nihilists use that declaration as a message of triumph, when in reality it was a statement of despair.

Before we continue with this article, we’d like for the reader to understand what we will be talking about when referring to God in this article. In the previous articles published on NOOSE we have occasionally talked about the Ultimate Truth and the Cosmic Order – the central core of the Fascist Worldview. These same things can be understood and expressed in a number of ways, depending on the conceptual and symbolic language/narrative employed, thus they have also been referred to, for example, as the Absolute, or, more commonly, as God. What all these words have in common at their core, regardless of the narrative employed behind them (be it an abstract spiritual force, a host of pagan Gods, or the Christian God), is an understanding of a spiritual force that pervades and rules supreme over all. It governs all of life and gives it structure and order, from the physical laws of the universe to the intricate nature of the Human condition. Ultimate Truth / Cosmic Order / The Absolute / God(s) are expressions of that spiritual force by different means, which are not the subject of this article. Thus we aim to simplify the narrative presented in this article by referring to them all simply as God, not necessarily specifically the Christian or any other God, but nevertheless not excluding them either.

The deeper nature of these narratives and their correlation is something that will be explored in depth in a series of articles that will be published by IronMarch at a future date. This article, however, will be focusing on the issue of mankind losing its connection with that spiritual force, the consequences of that, and what it has to do with the Fascist Struggle. Thus, let us continue with the article proper.

God is dead” is a statement of fact, the fact being how mankind has lost its connection to the spiritual world (for if we can no longer perceive God, he might as well be dead to us), which ultimately leaves us stranded in the desacralized, material world without a guiding light towards which we could orient ourselves – with no objective, absolute law ordained from a higher source. Nietzsche did not, in fact, celebrate this state of affairs, but was horrified of it and thus sought a solution – Nietzsche was not a nihilist, but to the contrary, an anti-nihilist, seeking a solution to nihilism as a problem that mankind faced in the absence of God.

As much as he may have had his qualms with Christianity, it nevertheless presented such a guiding light to men, without which we are but rudderless ships lost in a storm. Where else could man turn to, in such a state of affairs, other than himself and his own strength? When men lose their connection with God they can do nothing else but rely on themselves – thus the man-centric conception of the world is born, which is exactly what Nietzsche had contributed to, by promoting Will to Power and the Übermensch, fine additions to what Oswald Spengler defined as Faustian culture, all things associated with the nature of Titans.

In many ways Nietzsche comes to mankind as an earthly counterpart of the Norse God Heimdallr, who blows the Gjallarhorn to signify the beginning of Ragnarök and the coming of a host of Chthonic/Elemental forces (e.g. Fenrir, Jörmungandr, the Jötunn giants, etc) that would wage war against the Gods. Whereas Heimdallr warns the Gods of the start of Ragnarök, Nietzsche comes to mankind with a message that the Twilight of the Gods has already arrived – we are living it. The world of man has been submerged into the “waters“. However, at the exact same time it is Nietzsche that promotes the coming of the Elemental Giants (Titans) via his concept of the Übermensch – man as a law onto himself.

The Bronze Age is also marked by the unleashing of the principle proper to the warriors’ caste, namely, pride, violence, war. The corresponding myth is the Titanic or Luciferian revolt, or the Promethean attempt to steal the Olympian fire. The age of “giants,” or of the Wolf, or of the “elemental beings;’ is an equivalent figuration found in various traditions and in their fragments preserved in legends and epics of various peoples. -Julius Evola, Mystery of the Grail

Twilight of the Gods” and “God is Dead” are one and the same notion. They are different narratives for the same event of mankind losing its connection with the spiritual world, ushering in materialism, nihilism, rationalism, atheism and other concepts that lie at the heart of modern degeneracy and decay, associated with Faustian, Titanic, Promethean and Luciferian themes, unified in a simple formula: Man must become his own God and take control of God’s creation. Such a man is an Übermensch  a Titan. 

The true message of the Norse myth, along with many other similar traditional narratives, warns mankind of its inevitable downfall into ignorance of the Higher Order of life as ordained by God. This ignorance would force man to find a new absolute law to orient himself towards, and he would inevitably place it in himself. Man becomes the end in of himself, thus his own desires are of the utmost importance, his own mind and ego are the ultimate judges of his own conduct.

Let us map out the timeline of the Death of God:

  • Mankind loses sight of God and is left bereft of a guiding light.

  • Mankind begins to look inwards and cultivates the man-centric worldview. This stage is best embodied by the Enlightenment Era. This is the Luciferian/Promethean aspect, where man begins to place value in himself above all else, including God. These processes are tantamount to Lucifer’s revolt against the Christian God and to Prometheus stealing the Fire of the Gods from Mount Olympus, bringing it down to man.

  • Once this self-obsession is cultivated, it is directed outwards against nature/God’s creation as man attempts to subjugate everything to himself. This stage is best embodied by the Industrialization Era.  This is the Faustian aspect, where man uses his own reason, will power, science and technology to manipulate the world around him. Here we witness the birth of Titans, the Nietzschean Übermensch, driven by his Will to Power.

At this stage man essentially becomes the “perfect animal“, the “king of earthly beasts” so to speak. Yet this state of affairs cannot last for two major reasons. First of all, when man places value and ultimate authority within himself he can negotiate with himself and thus compromise on anything. Man cannot negotiate with a Higher Order, but he can always negotiate with himself, which is what we can witness today as people rationalize their shortcomings and degeneracy. Secondly, man becomes a slave to his own mechanical creations by means of which he exerted his dominance against nature, which helps further degenerate mankind. Man grows lazy, complacent, compliant, and his Will to Power withers away, leaving something even less than animal, something subhuman. This is the era we find ourselves in now. The Fall of Titans.

However, just as Mankind was warned of its downfall, so it was likewise foretold of its restoration by means of coming to know the Higher Order of life once again. All traditional narratives talk of how in the last and darkest age after the Death of God there would come Heroes who would dispel the darkness and restore God’s Law on Earth.

The last age is the Iron Age, or, according to the corresponding Hindu term, the Dark Age (Kali Yuga). This age includes every de consecrated civilization, every civilization that knows and extols only what is human and earthly. Against these forms of decadence there emerged the idea of a possible cycle of restoration, which Hesiod called the heroic cycle or age of heroes. Here we must employ the term heroic in a special, technical sense distinct from the usual meaning. According to Hesiod, the “generation of heroes” was created by Zeus, that is to say, by the Olympian principle, with the possibility of reattaining the primordial state and thus to give life to a new “golden” cycle. -Julius Evola, Mystery of the Grail

Through the reconciliation of the Titan and Hero archetypes, who are cut from the same cloth, the titanic Will to Power would be directed towards the restoration of the Cosmic Order and thus it would be converted into a Will to Truth.

Heracles earns Olympian immortality after allying himself to Zeus, who is the Olympian principle, against the “giants”; according to one of the myths of this cycle, it is through Heracles that the “titanic” element (symbolized by Prometheus) is freed and reconciled with the Olympian element.


The titanic type – or, in another respect, the warrior type – is, after all, the prime matter of which heroes are made. -Julius Evola, Mystery of the Grail

It is the overcoming of the Nietzschean Übermensch, granting Nietzsche’s legacy a positive connotation.

Freeing the doctrine of Nietzsche from its naturalistic aspects, one sees that the “superman” and the “will-to-power” are not real except as supra-biological, and, we should say, supra-natural qualities. Then this doctrine, for many, can be a path by which the great ocean can be reached – the world of the solar universality of great Nordic-Aryan traditions – from whose summit the meaning of all the misery, irrelevance and insignificance of this world of prisoners and lunatics can at last be grasped. -Julius Evola, Heathen Imperialism

It is the appearance of what Savitri Devi called Men Against Time, those who fight for the Eternal in the world of change, counting Adolf Hitler as one in their number.

The saviours in the worldly sense of the word — those who set out to perfect not merely men’s souls but men’s collective life and government, and international relations — are what we call men “against Time.” And they are necessarily violent, although not always physically so. They may be, — in fact, they should be, — personally free from the bondage of Time, if they are to act with the maximum of foresight and efficiency. But they have to take into consideration the conditions of action “within Time” to live “in” Time, also, in a way.-Savitri Devi, Lightning and the Sun

It is the coming of the Wildes Heer – the Wild Hunt, heroes sacrificing themselves in battle to aid Odin in Ragnarök

First of all, as is well-known, Valhalla is the centre of celestial immortality, reserved mainly for heroes fallen on the battlefield. The lord of this place, Odin-Wotan, is presented to us in the Ynglingasaga as having shown to the heroes the path which leads to the place of the gods, where immortal life flourishes. According to this tradition no sacrifice or cult is more appreciated by the supreme god, and none produces richer fruits, than that sacrifice which one offers as one falls fighting on the battlefield. In addition to this, behind the confused popular representation of the Wildes Heer this meaning is hidden: through the warriors, who, falling, offer a sacrifice to Odin the power is increased which this god needs for the ultimate battle against the Ragna-rökkr, that is, the “darkening of the divine”, which has threatened the world since ancient times. This illustrates clearly the Aryan motif of the metaphysical struggle.-Julius Evola, The Metaphysics of War

It is, indeed, the coming of Fascists and National-Socialists – the last Heroes of the cycle, the last Titans who turned their Will to Power into a Will to Truth. We practice what is described in Buddhism as, negation of negation: in our opposition to the forces that denied God’s Law we reaffirm it once again, restoring the Cosmic Order in human affairs. It is the path of restoration on a civilizational and racial scale, rather than the path of individual salvation, yet the latter will follow suit with the former.

Such is the true essence of the Fascist struggle – to deny the forces of decay, involution and degeneracy and in that denial restore all the positive aspects of the human condition. It is nothing short of a Holy War, a spiritual and physical Crusade against the forces of materialism, secularism, atheism, rationalism, humanism, egalitarianism, hedonism, relativism, utilitarianism, nihilism, i.e. the powers of ruin that only seek “nothingness, nothingness without end“.

Thus, to Nietzsche’s desperate cry of “God is Dead!” we will give our roaring and triumphant battle cry: “God is Dead – LONG LIVE GOD!”

Monday, March 6, 2017

Forest Spirituality

[caption id="attachment_1094" align="aligncenter" width="500"]SAM_8536 Cluj Napoca, Transylvania - September 2015[/caption]

“All medieval literature, whether it be ‘Chansons de geste’ or the Arthurian Romances, both saturated with the Celtic spirituality, invariably explore the theme of the forest: a perilous world, refuge of spirits and fairies, hermits and dissidents, but also the place where the tormented soul of the knight, whether his name is Lancelot, Percival,or Ywain, is purified. I feel that very strongly. To me, going into the forest is far more than just a physical need, it is a spiritual necessity”

Dominique Venner

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Honourable End

[caption id="attachment_1083" align="alignnone" width="623"]tumblr_mvi17nkfdb1szwjcio1_1280 Edward Poynter’s Faithful unto death (1865)[/caption]

“We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honourable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.” - Oswald Spengler

Brotherhood, Knife & Fire

Track from the upcoming split DER STÜRMER / MALSAINT / BLUTKULT

Preview Tracklist :

Der Stürmer - Dessemitizer
Der Stürmer - Show No Mercy (Slayer cover)
Der Stürmer - Marching Of The Devil's Guard
Malsaint - Brotherhood, Knife & Fire
Malsaint - Odal Spirit
Blutkult - Heiliger Krieg
Blutkult - 72 Schweinefressen
Blutkult - Bombenhagel (Sodom cover)