Friday, December 16, 2016

The similarities between the Hellenic and the Nordic mythology (The Pan-Aryan Religion)

The similarities between the Hellenic and the Nordic mythology and religion are impressive indeed, as if these people were worshiping exactly the same deities with the same rites and ritual means (with a sole, and logical, difference in the names, that is the language).

Although there are many deities, in fact, the Nordic mythology accepts also a sort of "twelve Gods", a pantheon of leading Gods, exactly in the Hellenic standards. The Gods of the Nordic mythology, as well as in the Hellenic, are of human form and intervene in the lives of men. It is an undeniable fact, for sure, both the similarity between the Hellenic archetypes and the traditions of the Hyperborea, as the equal influence between Ancient Hellas and Thule. Of course, by paralleling the Nordic deities with the respectively Hellenic ones, we find some differences which naturally, for many reasons, occur. But the point is that the nucleus remains the same.

Let's see each of these similarities.

Zeus is the Father of the Gods and men exactly like Odin. As happens and with Odin, none of the rest of the Gods dares to confront Him. His reign is absolute. His decisions are respected by all, unaltered, irrevocable. Men, whose upon this almighty God exercises His authority, but also the rest of the Gods, fear His wrath and submit to the will and power of His Thunder (something which is strongly refers to Thor). He possesses the names "Cloud Gatherer" and "Raining One" because he rules over the clouds and rain; "Thunderer" because He is the Lord of Thunder, just like Thor. Zeus lives eternally, together with the rest of the Gods on the highest peak of Olympus, the Eternal Mountain, remaining intact for ages from snow or storm. Up there, there are His divine places (just like the golden palaces of Asgard), where the gatherings of the Gods are held and the decisions for the fate of the world are taken.

The palaces of the Gods were forged by the God of Fire and Craft, Hephaestus, the Forger of the Gods. This reminds us the decision of the Gods of Asgard, to set a forgery, where all their weapons and the tools needed for the structure of the magnificent Halls of Asgard made from precious metals, were forged by the Dwarfs.

Zeus sitting on his Throne was watching - both Olympus and Earth - over everything, just like Odin sitting on Hlidskjalf.

Also in the same manner of Zeus, Odin appears materially on the world of them, to test them. He appears as a wise old man or in the shape of a young, strong man.

Instead of Spear, Zeus possesses a precious scepter, which upon it was resting an Eagle (one of His main symbols, together with the Thunder and the Oak). It is remarkable the fact that when Odin prepared for battle wore a helm in the shape of an Eagle!

Odin has also many common characteristics with Hermes, both being swift, with wits and craftful.

The God of War, Ares, has many common aspects with Thor, appearing as a towering, fearless man, crossing the battlefields on his fearful chariot, carried by four fierce stallions, breathing fire from their nostrils, in the same manner as the two goats of Thor, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr (Old Norse "teeth grinder") , who carried his bronze chariot, spited flames from their mouths. Ares was also regarded as the personification of the War-Storm, stiring the world with its terrible disasters. Ares has many striking resemblances as the God of War and also in his appearance, with Tyr.

Apollo, God of the Sun and music is connected with the fair Baldr. Apollo was for the Ancient Hellenes one with the Light, the Sun, illuminating the world. He is the protector of music, poetry and of the good arts, just like Baldr.

Aphrodite, sweet-laughing Goddess of Beauty and Love, who could take away the wits of the wise is connected with Freja. She's also the most loved deity of the Ancient Hellenes, rising from the foam of the sea, in the manner of Freja (Freja was daughter of Njord, the Sea God!).

Poseidon was the sole ruler of the Waters and he is connected with Njord and Aegir.

Hera, the wife of Zeus and protectress of marriage and family is the respectively Goddess to Frigga, with the difference that Frigga was not characterized by envy. As Zeus' wife, she is considered as the Queen of the Heavens, strong and majestic like Him, and respected from all the Gods.

Frigga has also similarities with Hestia in many aspects.

Demeter, sovereign Goddess of fertility and agriculture, is relevant with one of Thor's wives, the Goddess Sif, protectress of harvest. Demeter is considered as a beneficent and kind Goddess, personification of the Earth and mother of all beings, something which connects her with Nerthus.

The goat-legged God Pan reminds Frey (except his outer appearance) also being the protector of fauna and flora, of forests and mountains. He is also connected with the fairy-kingdom, another aspect of the Elf-ruler Frey.

The three Fates of the Hellenic mythology are completely reflecting the Nordic Nornes.

All the above, being just some indicative examples and not a further research, something that would take more pages and it cannot be covered in just one article (it can easily be a theme for a book), is the proof of what is the foundation of our National Socialist Ideology: the fact of the common Racial and Cultural Origin of all the nations of Mother Europe, be it Hellenic/Roman, Germanic, Slavic or Celtic, who consist the Great Aryan Family and whose Racial Soul is expressed in the Eternal Ancestral Creed which is either called Odinism or Zeusism etc., and whose fountain remains the same in Eternity.


Jarl von Hagall 2000 a.y.p.s.

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