Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Against the Church


In October 1937, Konrad von Preysing [Bishop of Berlin] prepared a private memorandum for the episcopate, specifying the SS's supervision: 

"The SS leads the sharpest and most ruthless battle AGAINST THE CHURCH The Reichsführer-SS [Himmler] views 99% of ministers as swine, as he expressed it to one of his adjutants…. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the most radical wing of the party, under the leadership of the SS, will take every opportunity to drive the battle of annihilation [Vernichtungskampf] against the Church to its finish."


Friday, May 17, 2024

The Stronger must Dominate

 "The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind; for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all."

~ Adolf Hitler 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Inside Arno Breker’s studio, 1940

A rare video of few plaster casts and statues inside the studio. Unfortunately not many did survive WWII. 90% of his monumental statues was destroyed by the Allies.

The Sacred Names of our Dead

 “One day the sacred names of our dead would be repeated with pride […] Certainly we had been beaten. We had been dispersed and pursued to the four corners of the world.

But we could look to the future with heads held high. History weighs the merit of men. Above worldly baseness, we had offered our youth against total immolation.

We had fought for Europe, its faith, its civilization. We had reached the very height of sincerity and sacrifice.

Sooner or later Europe and the world would have to recognize the justice of our cause and the purity of our gift.

For hate dies, dies suffocated by its own stupidity and mediocrity, but grandeur is eternal.

And we lived in grandeur.”

Léon Degrelle, Campaign in Russia: The Waffen
SS on the Eastern Front

Day 1 work in progress…A pencil drawing of Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle 

The Red God

f you enjoy this article, we’d appreciate if you shared it on any social media platforms you use, or with friends- our reach has been limited by the powers-that-be, and we appreciate your help.

Written for Operation Werewolf by Paul Waggener

I’ve written before about the Odinic path.

It is arcane, esoteric, tortuous, and often deceptive.

This is why Odin was never seen as a god of the people, and the title “Allfather” that is used by liberals to refer to him as some kind of multicultural “Father Abraham” is just another disgusting infection of a once powerful mythology.

Odin was a name that inspired more fear and mistrust than love- he was a father of conflict and dying, a chieftain of unknown principles and untrustworthy dealings.

The people loved Thor.

He was loved because he is not subtle- he does not represent the hidden or unseen things in this life, or in nature.

A champion of the tribal enclosure, the border between what is “us” and what is “them,” Thor is a representative of military might and the fighting man.

A wrestler and a warlord- the very weapon in his hands is a holy symbol to him and to his people, and with that agent of protection and destruction, the people hallowed their sacred places.

Where Odin is the intoxication in sex and death, the ecstasy found in the act of creation or killing- Thor is the feeling of being drunk on strength itself.

He is the red blood surging in the veins, and the heart thundering as it pumps through the flesh during moments of physical conquest.

He is direct and known by all who are engaged in Militant Strength Culture because Red Thor is militant strength.

He is power exerted externally, a crusher of enemies, and a keeper of boundaries.

The awful might of the crashing thunder and the sheer devastation of the lightning bolt, and the sensation of one’s power overcoming obstacle and obstruction in feats of strength or of combat. 

Nowadays, like most things, both Red Thor and his symbols are something of a joke, in much the same way as Christians have seen Jesus and the cross become a joke.

Something without meaning, worn as a trinket or adornment with no real commitment.

This is because they have been made into a joke, both by those who disrespect our roots and culture, as well as those who claim some kind of ownership over them by blood or religion instead of by action.

Because, just like Odin, we cannot worship Thor with prayers and adornment- we can only join his gang.

We can only worship through emulation.

A weak person or an obese one wearing a Thor’s hammer are commiting an act of flagrant disrespect and dishonor- unless actively transforming themselves into an appropriate representative of the god and lifestyle that hammer is a sign of.

To worship Thor is to engage in the Cult of Strength, and the Cult of the Fighter.

In our day and age, this might look like military or mercenary training- strongman, powerlifting, MMA, wrestling, jiu jitsu and so on.

To even wear the hammer is a commitment to a life of rigorous training and readiness to engage in conflict against those who threaten your family, your tribe, your way of life.

The Thor’s Hammer originally began to be worn as a sign of defiance against external religion and foreign invasion from those looking to subjugate and convert the North.

It was a middle finger and a clenched fist to the desert religion that sought to supplant it in its own home. 

In our time, the Thor’s Hammer should be seen as a symbol of rejection of a culture that glorifies weakness and victimhood, exalts mental illness and infirmity, and has inverted the concept of “heroism” to a parody.

It should be worn as a contract, a symbol of entry into the Gang of Thor, the Cult of Strength, the Way of the Gun, the Path of the Grappler or Fighter. 

Our traditions and cultural expression is only dead if we let it die by becoming invalid or desacralized, no longer relevant or vital.

But they are relevant, and they are vital, now perhaps more than ever.

It is time to reclaim these symbols and invest in them new meaning and belief, by those who are strong of heart and ready to engage fully in a life of conviction and truth and power.

Our god is the red blood in our veins, and the thunder in our hearts.

We give homage and worship to Red Thor in the holy places of strength and war.

Red blood. Red thunder. Red god.

The Dharma is utter purity

"The Dharma in terms of the truth of the path is utter purity, being free from the mental poisons along with their remaining imprints. It is clarity, since it is endowed with the brilliant light rays of the direct knowledge of all aspects. This is primordial wisdom, which is free from the veil of the hindrances to knowledge. With regard to the objects of perception, it fully overcomes desire and attachment towards agreeable objects, aversion and anger towards disagreeable objects, and the darkness of dull indifference, which is ignorance and delusion, when facing neutral objects. For this reason it acts as a remedy. I faithfully bow down to this sacred Dharma, which in these three aspects is similar to the sun."

Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The enemy of Bolshevism

 "That I am regarded in the eyes of the international Bolshevist oppressors of the world as one of their greatest enemies is for me a great honor and a justification for my actions in the eyes of posterity "

~ Adolf Hitler

Speech of 7th of March 1936

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Music is related to pure Spirit

"Music is one of the most sublime expressions of this initiate truth. Mozart seems to have known, in the way great Aryan musicians know these things, with blood memory and without reaching their waking consciousness. It has been said music lacks the ability to transmute because it dissolves into diffuse feelings like the sea. But those who hear music know that in deepest concentration, or ecstasy, an involuntary sigh exhales involuntarily. In German Geist is wind, sigh and also Spirit. That is, Spirit is a wind, a sigh.

And music alone has the ability to cause such a profound sigh because music is essentially related to pure Spirit. And to Wotan, God of Wind. So Music in some imperceptible way becomes spiritual. Germans are the great creators and lovers of Music because they are spiritual."

Miguel Serrano

Unpraised valiant deeds

 “Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.”

J. R. R. Tolkien

The Hero than the saint

 "What could have grown out of the barbarity, out of the infinite excess of the Germanic soul but a boundless cult of the hero as such? Germany has never been Christian in the proper sense of the word. The hero has always meant more to them than the saint."

— Cioran

Thursday, May 2, 2024

The Power of Myth

 Without myth, however, every culture loses its healthy creative natural power: it is only a horizon encompassed with myth that rounds off to unity a social movement.

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy