The idea of the State in Italian Fascism comes from a sense of perception, the state is how you perceive it existing, ultimately to your benefit at the end of the day. Even if you are in a sort of collective, it is a mutually reassuring collective for your own self-benefit at the end of the day. This collective is your own of Egoists, created from mutual interest for benefit of the group. The Fascist Party, for an example the PNF, was a great Union of Egoists looking to benefit their property of Italy, their ego only suppressed by the King and the Conservatives. The state is your property as much as any other, as much as you can build that is yours.
The Egoist, might on first glance to the uneducated viewer that merely knows of the jokes of spooks and the like, might seem ultimately opposed to the state. But drawing on close comparisons with Stirner’s own philosophy with Giovanni Gentile’s concept of the state shows their true similarities. They both work off their perception of the state, the Egoist wishes to use the state to his own benefit, the Fascist Party and Society is his Union of Egoists in which to benefit himself through the enriching of himself and his property (the state). So as long as this state does not rebel against his Sophistic desires he does not have to look up to abolish it, and if it does, he is free to rebel against it and renew once more.
The key praxis of this sort of implication would be the Regency of Carnaro, in which Gabriele D’Annunzio and his band of Bohemians, Veterans of WW1, Homosexuals, Artists, and Creatives the world over would gather. The state was whatever he desired, a personal endeavor driven by his own vision for what the state should be for however long as he could get away with it.
The party never stopped. Every morning D’Annunzio read poetry and manifestos from his balcony; every evening a concert, then fireworks. This made up the entire activity of the government. It was his state, a state of celebration and joyous wonder, something which he desired to display himself as free as Caesar and show the world his new way of being, dedicated to the Overman as a concept. And even while put down, the legacy of Fiume, the manifestation of D’Annunzio’s vision, his geist, lived in both leftist circles in Italy such as the Arditi Del Populo and the emerging third position such as the PNF, which took much of their attitude from D’Annunzio’s supremacy of the ego and his revolutionary unionism
Quite simply, Geist = State = Your Eizgine = The State