Monday, September 25, 2023

Fascism and Egoism

The idea of the State in Italian Fascism comes from a sense of perception, the state is how you perceive it existing, ultimately to your benefit at the end of the day. Even if you are in a sort of collective, it is a mutually reassuring collective for your own self-benefit at the end of the day. This collective is your own of Egoists, created from mutual interest for benefit of the group. The Fascist Party, for an example the PNF, was a great Union of Egoists looking to benefit their property of Italy, their ego only suppressed by the King and the Conservatives. The state is your property as much as any other, as much as you can build that is yours.

The Egoist, might on first glance to the uneducated viewer that merely knows of the jokes of spooks and the like, might seem ultimately opposed to the state. But drawing on close comparisons with Stirner’s own philosophy with Giovanni Gentile’s concept of the state shows their true similarities. They both work off their perception of the state, the Egoist wishes to use the state to his own benefit, the Fascist Party and Society is his Union of Egoists in which to benefit himself through the enriching of himself and his property (the state). So as long as this state does not rebel against his Sophistic desires he does not have to look up to abolish it, and if it does, he is free to rebel against it and renew once more.

The key praxis of this sort of implication would be the Regency of Carnaro, in which Gabriele D’Annunzio and his band of Bohemians, Veterans of WW1, Homosexuals, Artists, and Creatives the world over would gather. The state was whatever he desired, a personal endeavor driven by his own vision for what the state should be for however long as he could get away with it.

The party never stopped. Every morning D’Annunzio read poetry and manifestos from his balcony; every evening a concert, then fireworks. This made up the entire activity of the government. It was his state, a state of celebration and joyous wonder, something which he desired to display himself as free as Caesar and show the world his new way of being, dedicated to the Overman as a concept. And even while put down, the legacy of Fiume, the manifestation of D’Annunzio’s vision, his geist, lived in both leftist circles in Italy such as the Arditi Del Populo and the emerging third position such as the PNF, which took much of their attitude from D’Annunzio’s supremacy of the ego and his revolutionary unionism

Quite simply, Geist = State = Your Eizgine = The State


Sunday, September 24, 2023

The perversion of normality

 "Cultural Marxism is the ideological buttressing of anything that subverts traditional values and cultures, such as globalism, open borders, transgenderism, formlessness in arts, music, architecture, and a general sense of hellish formlessness. 

The purpose is to deconstruct any remnants of tradition in the name of 'progress', with the goal being to establish a nebulous mass of humanity devoid of identity in regards to ethnos, land, and even gender, ironically termed 'identity politics'. 

Dialectically, this push toward universal homogenization is promoted under the guise of being 'different'. 

Society becomes so fractured, to the point where there's a 'sliding scale of gender' and individuals can change their identity on a whim, that any genuine organic identity requiring a sense of permanence is obliterated. 

The Left and its globalist sponsors aim to deconstruct in order to reconstruct."

An excerpt from Dr. Kerry Bolton's The Perversion of Normality: From the Marquis de Sade to Cyborgs

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

A profound connection to the Macabre

In German folklore, an unsettling mosaic of tales emerges, revealing the haunting depths of the Germanic imagination. Consider the harrowing tales of the Nixies, those water spirits with their siren songs that draw the unsuspecting into the abyss, or the eerie legends of the Schwarzwald (Black Forest), where the Erlking (king of the fairies), with ghostly intent, seizes wandering children who lose their way. These chilling narratives, woven into the very fabric of Germanic culture, linger in the mind, hinting at the profound connection the Germans seem to have to the macabre.


Race is the Living Nation

 “Racialism presents itself as greater than nationalism, because to feel of the same race, even when this expression is meant to be more of a myth than a reality, is greater than to feel as being of the same nation. As a political myth, race is the living nation, which is not enclosed in abstract, judicial or territorial limits, or exhausting itself within a simple unity of civilization, language or history. The concept of race goes deeper than this, reaches the origins, inseparable from a sentiment of continuity, and touches the deepest chords of the human being.”

– Julius Evola, Synthesis of a Doctrine of Race (1941)

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Greek view of life was so superior to the Christian one

"The Roman religious ideas were peculiar to all Aryan peoples. The Jew, on the other hand, knew and knows nothing but the golden calf, which he worships. The Jew lacks any metaphysical conception of religion, his religion is crass materialism, and it is significant that he imagines an afterlife in the lap of Abraham. As a religious community the Jew appears only after Paul; before that the Jew knew only the racial community. Only Paul recognized the expediency of the Jewish propaganda method under the cloak of a religion. By making a supranational Christian religion out of the Aryan protest movement against Judaism in Palestine, the Jew shattered the Roman Empire. With his Christianity, Paul contrasted the Roman state idea with the idea of a supranational empire. Paul proclaimed the equality of all men and one God, and by asserting this, the Roman state power had to fade away

It is significant that Paul could not gain any ground in Athens with his Christian teaching. The Greek view of life was so superior to the Christian one that the Athenians burst out laughing at Paul's teachings. In Rome, however, Paul encountered a mass of millions of uprooted people whom he could win over with his teachings on equality and make them useful for his purposes and goals."

— Adolf Hitler

Monday, September 18, 2023

The New Type of Man

 "Jünger pointed to the need for developing a new human type capable of actively facing destruction: capable, that is, of being the perpetrator rather than the victim of destruction. 

Destruction, according to Jünger, would thus have to be accepted as a means to overcome what is merely human: as the means to attain a new ‘heroic sense of reality’ which would replace hedonism and the pursuit of happiness as the chief driving force of life. 

This heroic sense of reality and impersonality would contribute to differentiate humanity once more, while transcending the antitheses and problems of the bourgeois world and its degenerate features. 

The new type of man destined to stand out physically from the rest as a new ‘figure’ in world history—a figure destined to act as the centre, foundation and ruler of the technical age..."

An excerpt from Julius Evola's The Path of Cinnabar

Please consider purchasing The Path of Cinnabar here:


Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Prussian Instinct

"The German Revolution, however, emerged from a theory. The German, or more precisely Prussian, instinct was: power belongs to the whole.

The individual serves it. The whole is sovereign. The king is only the first servant of his state (Frederick the Great). Everyone is given his place. It is commanded and obeyed."

- Oswald Spengler, Prussianism and Socialism

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Freedom by the force of greater men

 "The man who holds nothing in such lofty regard as to be willing to fight for it can scarcely be called a man. 

On the opposite side, the man who regards nothing so sacred as his own comfort, seeking peace at all costs, is a truly pathetic creature, Takashi thought after having seen the acts of heroism undertaken by those around him; those fighting for the enemy he saw as equally heroic. 

Any man either unable or simply unwilling to recognize this bravery is incapable of knowing freedom unless he is kept free by the force of greater men than he."

Chōkōdō Shujin, Finding Takashi

Monday, September 11, 2023

Granted by Zeus

 “Evil it is when many rule. Let there be one lord, One king, to whom it is granted by Zeus.”

- Odysseus

The Unbroken

 “When all institutions become disreputable, and when prayers are heard even in churches not for the persecuted but for the persecutors, moral responsibility passes into the hands of individuals, or, better said, the unbroken individuals." ~ Ernst Jünger

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Alone and Detached

 “One who is still an "Aryan" spirit in a large European or American city, with its skyscrapers, with its crowds who dance and shout and so on--among all this he may feel himself more alone and detached than he would have done in the time of the Buddha"

Julius Evola

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Never abandon your Shield

 "To abandon your shield is the basest of crimes [of Germanic society]; nor may a man thus disgraced be present at the sacred rites, or enter their council; many, indeed, after escaping from battle, have ended their infamy with the halter." 

Tacitus, Chapter 6 of Germania