Saturday, July 25, 2020
The creeping, insidious disease of communism
Friday, July 24, 2020
The Outstanding Achievements of Fascism
Monolithic obelisk at the Foro Mussolini. The Codex Fori Mussolini was hidden at its base, and only recently recovered.
"It stands at the very entrance of the Foro Mussolini and it will immortalize for eternity the fortunes of the fatherland, restored by the Leader, the excellent and unconquered spirit of the Leader regarding the fatherland, the immovable loyalty of the citizens to the Leader, and the outstanding achievements of Fascism."
- Codex Fori Mussolini, last lines, 27 Oct. 1932, inscribed in Latin by Aurelio Giuseppe Amatucci
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Christians are useless in any effort to preserve our Race
"I emphatically call your attention to the obvious fact that the primitive Christian doctrine is a specific demand for the suicide of our race, which survived from the end of the Roman Empire to the present only because our ancestors, of fresh barbarian stock, simply ignored in practice a large part of the pernicious doctrine, especially in northern Europe under essentially aristocratic régimes. Until the disintegration of Protestantism made it possible for any ambitious tailor, clever confidence man, or disgruntled housewife to have “revelations” and pitch the woo at lower classes to make themselves important or fleece the suckers, the professional holy men either contented themselves with telling our people they were “sinful” or used the common devices of theologians to conceal the import of the holy book. (Even so, however, the Catholic dervishes are obviously responsible for the eventual dominance of mestizos in “Latin” America, and many similar misfortunes).
For the deplorable acceptance of Christianity by the ignorant barbarians of our race, I have tried to account in my book, Christianity and the Survival of the West. I would now change nothing in that discussion except to make it more emphatic, for in the years since I wrote it, I have come to the conclusion that, with only numerically insignificant exceptions, the Christians are useless in any effort to preserve our race, and that our domestic enemies are, from their standpoint, well advised to subsidize, as they are now doing, the ranting of evangelical shamans and the revival of menticidal superstitions by every means, including the hiring of technicians who can pose as “scientists” and “prove,” by subtle or impudent tricks, the “truth” of the flimsiest hoaxes and the most preposterous notions. The development of Christianity in all the sects of the Western world during the past two centuries has been the progressive elimination from all of them of the elements of our natively Aryan morality that were superimposed on the doctrine before and during the Middle Ages to make it acceptable to our race and so a religion that could not be exported as a whole to other races. With the progressive weakening of our racial instincts, all the cults have been restored to conformity with the “primitive” Christianity of the holy book, i.e., to the undiluted poison of the Jewish originals. I should, perhaps, have made it more explicit in my little book that the effective power of the alien cult is by no means confined to sects that affirm a belief in supernatural beings. As I have stressed in other writings, when the Christian myths became unbelievable, they left in the minds of even intelligent and educated men a residue, the detritus of the rejected mythology, in the form of superstitions about “all mankind,” “human rights,” and similar figments of the imagination that had gained currency only on the assumption that they had been decreed by an omnipotent deity, so that in practical terms we must regard as basically Christian and religious such irrational cults as Communism and the tangle of fancies that is called “Liberalism” and is the most widely accepted faith among our people today. I am a little encouraged that today some of the more intelligent “Liberals” are at last perceiving that their supposedly rational creed is simply based on the Christian myths they have consciously rejected. I note, for example, that Mary Kenny, who describes herself as “a former radical” (The Sunday Telegraph, 27 January 1980, pp. 8-9), has come to the realization that:
‘so many of the [“Liberals’”] political ideas... are religious at root. The search for equality in the secular sense is a replacement of the Judaeo-Christian idea that God loves every individual equally... The feelings of guilt or, indeed, pity, which once went into the religious drive, are being transferred to secular ideas to the ultimate destruction of our civilisation.’
So far as there is hope for us, it lies, I think, in this belated tendency take account of biological realities."
Revilo P. Oliver - Chapter 12 of Oliver’s The Jewish Strategy, Palladian Books, 2002
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Terrorist, communist, murderer
And while the brainwashed celebrate his life and his so-called achievements , I remember that he pleaded guilty to 156 counts of public violence , including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns , which planted bombs in public places. Many innocent people including women and children died because of Mandela and his MK terrorists. For that he wasn’t hung by the neck until dead – instead he was given a life sentence in jail , the biggest mistake ever made by the South African judiciary. For it gave the ANC time to white-wash his history and remake Mandela into a freedom fighter. And with the help of Communists around the Western world , the reincarnation of Mandela the freedom fighter and Black activist was achieved.
I’ll remember too that he released thousands of criminals , murderers and rapists from jail every year to celebrate his birthday while president , unleashing even more violence , chaos and death on the people of South Africa. I’ll remember Mandela supporting some of the worst dictatorships and human rights abusers in the world: Fidel Castro , Ghaddafi in Libya , China , Suddam Hussein in Iraq , Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe….the list goes on. No one too evil to visit or welcome in South Africa by Mandela , yet he was celebrated as a human rights champion by the world.
I’ll remember that over 100 000 people were murdered under Mandela’s presidency – an average of 25 000 people each year. Up from 170 each year under Apartheid (1948-1989). I’ll remember that in the first four years of his presidency , the South African currency lost 80% of its value and a thousand working days were lost due to strikes. I’ll remember that the national debt doubled under Mandela.
Yes , I will remember the failure that the man Nelson Mandela was. Not the magical myth we’re supposed to believe in. The world may have repackaged and re-branded him , but underneath he’s still the same murdering terrorist and Communist he always was.”
If you don't like this or are "OFFENDED" by it, good! I hope a dose of reality wakes up your brain! Unlike us if you want. I couldn't give a shyte."
Stop Farm Attacks & Murders in South Africa
Thursday, July 9, 2020
The “last hour” of doomed Europa
—Wilhelm Marr, The Victory of Judaism over Germanism: Viewed from a Nonreligious Point of View, 1879
Friday, July 3, 2020
Paula Hitler speaks out in Defence of her Brother
The following is a statement made by Paula Hitler in 1957, repeating her conviction expressed 12 years earlier following the death of her beloved brother. In it she addresses a new generation of German politicians and critics of the Führer, as she compares his greatness with their contemptible insignificance and unworthiness.
Gentlemen! Remember this: Your names will long be forgotten even before your bodies have rotted away in the Earth. But the name Adolf Hitler will still be a light in the darkness. You cannot murder him by drowning his memory in your vomit-buckets, and you cannot strangle him with your filthy, ink-stained fingers. His name exists forever in hundreds of thousands of souls. You are entirely too insignificant to even touch him.
He loved Germany; he lived for Germany. When he fought for honor and respect, he fought for German honor, for respect for Germany; and when there was nothing left, he gave his life for Germany.
What have you given thus far? Which one of you would give his life for Germany? The only things you care about are riches, power and never-ending luxurious living. When you think of Germany, you think of indulging your senses without responsibility, without cares.
Trust me on this: The Führer's utter selflessness in word and deed alone guarantees his immortality. The fact that the bitter fight for Germany's greatness was not crowned with success like, for example, Cromwell's in Britain, has a lot to do with the mentality of the people involved. On the one hand, the Englishman¹s character is essentially unfair, ruled by jealousy, self-importance and a lack of consideration. But he never forgets that he is an Englishman, loyal to his people and to his crown. On the other hand, the German, with his need for recognition, is never first and foremost a German.
Therefore it doesn't matter to you, you insignificant creatures, if you destroy the entire nation. The only thought that guides you will always be: Me first__ Me second__ Me third. In your worthlessness you will never think of the welfare of the nation. And with such a pitiful philosophy you wish to prevent the immortality of a giant?
What I wrote down immediately after the war has proven to be correct. That my convictions are true is evident, even as late as 1957.
Berchtesgaden, 1st May 1957
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
The Warrior And The Priest: Initiation
"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign agains...
Son of a Samurai from an ancient and noble family, poet, translator of the first Japanese poems into Italian, great lover of Dante and the D...
“The age we find ourselves living in clearly suggest what our primary watchword should be: to rise again, to be inwardly reborn, to create...