Monday, July 29, 2019

Newell Convers Wyeth 1882-1945

[caption id="attachment_9153" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Self Portrait by Newell Convers Wyeth Self Portrait by Newell Convers Wyeth[/caption]

One of the most successful illustrators of all time, Newell Convers Wyeth studied under Howard Pyle between 1902-1904 in Chadds Ford. Perhaps more than any other student, he took Pyle’s dictates completely to heart. He is the preeminent example of the results of Pyle’s teachings, following every precept, religiously. During his career, Wyeth painted nearly 4,000 magazine illustrations for many magazines and books. An early aficionado of Pyle’s, Wyeth became his greatest advocate even settling his family in the Brandywine area, where many of them still live today.

Much of NC Wyeth’s art embraced an American Western theme, filled with cowboys and Indians, gun fighters and gold miners. He also illustrated popular kid's books topped off with pirates, knights, and brigands, and novels entitled Treasure Island and Tom Sawyer - which established visual images of the characters in young readers minds eyes, for generations. Amongst all his illustration plaudits, NC Wyeth is famous for being the father of artist Andrew Wyeth and the grandfather of artist Jamie Wyeth–a patrimony of major consequence in American art history.

N.C. sold his first illustration to the Post in 1903, at 21 years of age, and his first book commission was accepted in 1911, illustrating Treasure Island for the noted publisher, Charles Scribner. So well received was his first book, that he illustrated a whole range of ‘boys adventure books’ which came to be known as Scribner’s Classics, including KidnappedRobin HoodRobinson CrusoeThe Boy’s King Arthur, and The Last of the Mohicans, and twenty other titles. The Scribner’s Classics have never waned in popularity and are still in print. Wyeth’s valiant and heroic-type characters, created prototypes of our American heroes, which have lasted and set the standard for movie, television, and computer game heroes. Many of our real life heroes are modeled on those first envisaged by NC Wyeth as most boys see themselves in roles of an heroic nature and act accordingly when the occasion arises.

[gallery ids="9155,9156,9157" type="rectangular"]

Born in Needham, Massachusetts, in 1882, Newell Convers Wyeth showed an early passion for drawing and was encouraged by his family. From 1903, until his tragic death in a 1945 car accident at a railroad crossing, N.C. Wyeth set new standards for illustrators, in styles, technique, and imagination. He had an extraordinary ability to create living characters from an author’s imaginary story. Because of his fantastical imagination, he envisaged all aspects of a story, often times identifying crucial elements simply overlooked by the author himself. Cooper, DeFoe, Irving, Stevenson, and Verne were some of the authors whose works he illustrated.

As a youth, his parents enrolled him in the Massachusetts Normal Arts School with further study at the Eric Pape School of Art. In 1901, N.C. was in Annisquam, Gloucester, Massachusetts, attending private classes instructed by George L. Noyes, a landscape artist.

N.C. Wyeth arrived in Wilmington on his twentieth birthday and met Howard Pyle for the first time. Some have said that Pyle’s greatest contribution to his students other than teaching and providing inspiration, were his many contacts with publishers and art directors. He quite often secured commissions and staff positions for his students.

Pyle exhorted his students to “jump into their paintings to know the place” they were depicting. To go and experience the environments, and Wyeth took him literally, and went out West and lived with the Utes and Navahos. For three months he punched cattle, herded, was a mail-carrier, and documented his experiences in meticulous drawings. When he returned his incredible artwork was sought after and published at an astonishing rate.

[gallery ids="9167,9166,9165" type="rectangular"]

As a youth, his parents enrolled him in the Massachusetts Normal Arts School with further study at the Eric Pape School of Art. In 1901, N.C. was in Annisquam, Gloucester, Massachusetts, attending private classes instructed by George L. Noyes, a landscape artist.

N.C. Wyeth arrived in Wilmington on his twentieth birthday and met Howard Pyle for the first time. Some have said that Pyle’s greatest contribution to his students other than teaching and providing inspiration, were his many contacts with publishers and art directors. He quite often secured commissions and staff positions for his students.

Pyle exhorted his students to “jump into their paintings to know the place” they were depicting. To go and experience the environments, and Wyeth took him literally, and went out West and lived with the Utes and Navahos. For three months he punched cattle, herded, was a mail-carrier, and documented his experiences in meticulous drawings. When he returned his incredible artwork was sought after and published at an astonishing rate.

N.C. Wyeth married in 1906, moved to Chadds Ford and continued to illustrate books and magazines, advertisements, and mural commissions, and that which he cherished most, the rural American scene. Wyeth also illustrated a number of books for Cosmopolitan Book Corporation, Houghton Mifflin Company, Little Brown and Company, David McKay Company, and Harper and Brothers. Notable among them were the Mysterious Stranger (1916), Robin Hood (1917), Robinson Crusoe (1920), Rip Van Winkle (1921) and The White Company (1922).

[gallery ids="9158,9159,9160" type="rectangular"]

Wyeth found it financially lucrative to accept commercial work in the form of advertisements, calendars and posters. The range and the quality of these advertisements vary from the elementary Lucky Strike and Coca-Cola series to the beautiful paintings of Beethoven, Wagner and Liszt for Steinway & Sons.

For years, Wyeth had looked upon illustration as a financial means of support for his family but wanted most of all to be recognized as a fine artist. In the 1930's, N.C. Wyeth was accepting fewer illustration and advertising commissions and devoted more time to easel painting of landscapes.


[gallery ids="9164,9162,9161" type="rectangular"]

By 1914, Wyeth loathed the commercialism upon which he became dependent, and for the rest of his life, he battled internally over his capitulation, accusing himself of having "bitched myself with the accursed success in skin-deep pictures and illustrations." He complained of money men "who want to buy me piecemeal" and that "an illustration must be made practical, not only in its dramatic statement, but it must be a thing that will adapt itself to the engravers' and printers' limitations. This fact alone kills that underlying inspiration to create thought. Instead of expressing that inner feeling, you express the outward thought… or imitation of that feeling." (An American Vision, p. 18)

An online catalogue raisonné from the Brandywine River Museum

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Demoniac Man


‘German man is the supreme example of demoniac man. Demoniac indeed seems the abyss which cannot be filled, the yearning which cannot be assuaged, the thirst which cannot be slaked..’

The word demoniac [damonisch] is used in its Greek sense - as it was understood by Goethe and by Ziegler - 'pertaining to the nature of supernatural power’ ; it is not used in its usual English sense of 'diabolical’.

Leopold Ziegler from Das Heilige Reich Der Deutschen 1925.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Grand and Terrifying


"It was a sight equally grand and terrifying when they marched in step with the rhythm of the flute, without any gap in their line of battle, and with no confusion in their souls, but calmly and cheerfully moving with the strains of their hymn into the deadly fight. Neither fear nor excessive fury is likely to possess men so disposed, but rather a firm purpose full of hope and courage, believing as they do that Heaven is their ally."

Plutarch - The Parallel Lives - Chapter 22, section 3

Monday, July 22, 2019

An interview with Christos Beest


Published in The Heretic #8, April 1994

(1)   The origins of the ONA seem to be shrouded in mystery, which causes much speculation by both the ONA’s friends and foes. Could you tell us about the origins of the Order, something of its history, and of previous Grand Masters/Mistresses?

1) According to Tradition, the ONA originated in Albion during the Hyperborian Aeon (some 6,000 years before present) where there existed a cult surrounding a dark, violent goddess – to be known later in the 10th century as ‘Baphomet’ – and whose rites made use of crystals and sound vibration (later Esoteric Chant –identical in sound and method to Gregorian Chant but with obviously different texts!). Some of the rites – many unnamed (one of which was the sacrificial form of the ‘Ceremony of Recalling’) – were known to be concerned with the rising of certain stars – hence ‘henges’ etc. Other later aspects of this Tradition concerned the real ‘Arthur’ and the origins of ‘Camelot’ – now just beginning to be recognised by archaeologists and historians.

The Order was of course, not known as the ONA then,  nor was it even an ‘order’, but a way of living, of the folk – of a community. Nor was it, in essence, what is understood today as ‘religion’ but instead a partaking of life (‘mystery’ as the Ancient Greeks understood the word – qv. the ‘mystery’ plays of Aristophanes) and not a flight from it; the way of Empathy.

[caption id="attachment_9126" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Mousa of Swords – Dark Goddess Baphomet holding the head of the traitor Claus von Stauffenberg Mousa of Swords – Dark Goddess Baphomet holding the head of the traitor Claus von Stauffenberg[/caption]

Gradually the Tradition declined to something much more clandestine as the Nazarene tyranny took hold, until only a few folk per century preserved its teachings and ways of living – mostly on an oral basis. This survival continued in the place of its birth – Shropshire on the Welsh border.

It must be remembered that all this occurred quite separately from the development of magick via people like Crowley and those of the Golden Dawn, who were essentially romantic individuals who promoted the traditions of other countries and strengthened (usually unconsciously) the Nazarene hold via such forms as the qabala. In contradistinction to these latter Magian forms, the Tradition has been preserved throughout the ages mostly by women – at one stage sinister Temples consisted solely of women. It should also be realised that the Satanic aspect was just one later manifestation of the Tradition (an aspect that could be described as ‘militant paganism’) something that was, and is still strategically necessary but one that is not the beginning nor the end of the Sinister.

Around the sixth decade of this present century, the Grand Mistress who represented the Tradition (nothing is known of previous Grand Masters/Mistresses), aware that the next stage of Sinister strategy was imminent, named the few temples that existed (such as ‘Camelot’, ‘The Noctulians’, ‘Temple of the Sun’) collectively the Order of Nine Angles. She passed on what remained of the original teachings to her heir, who in turn codified and extended those teachings, making them more accessible to others, thus spreading Sinister energies to hasten the end of this current Aeon and to create the next – Satanic Aeon. Central to this strategy was the return of those entities known as the Dark Gods and that which was greater than the power of Satan Himself (which Lovecraft fearfully had intimations of). This decision was not taken on a mere whim – it was known that the cosmic tides were aligning and that the time was right for such tactics. This strategy was intensified during the eighties by the succeeding Grand Master with the (underground) publication of books such as ‘Naos’ and the founding of a magazine, ‘Fenrir’.

There are really only a handful of individuals associated with the ONA, and most of these are hidden and have nothing to do with the Occult scene, working real magick in secret. Nor does one individual have authority over another, simply because the Seven-Fold Way is the way of the individual; a structure/guide as it always was, for that individual to discover his/her own unique Destiny. It is the Way of the lone Magickian.

Thus, the ONA is not really an ‘order’ – at least not as all other occult organizations are ‘orders’. There are no members for the sake of numbers; no meetings for cosy chats; no grades awarded; no hierarchical power structure; no rules, regulations, proscriptions etc. Only a few hard working individuals creating History.

(2)  The life of the previous Grand Master, Stephen Brown, sounds fascinating, judging by the annoyingly few titbits he’s released here and there. This has also led to speculation by both friends and foes, and conjecture on his possible academic background. Would to be able to tell us something of the backgrounds of both prior Grand Master, and yourself?

2) Stephen Brown spent his early life in the Far East and Africa. His experiences of witchcraft and LHP Taoism led him to pursue Darker forms of magick in Europe until he found/was found by the Grand Mistress of the Tradition. He was initiated into this Tradition (at the time, the first to be initiated for five years) and went on to become Heir. He implemented the next stage of Sinister Strategy – to make the teachings known on a large scale. In the meantime he trained as a Physicist and Classical Scholar. His exploits are too numerous to mention here – those interested will have to wait some ten or so years until his memoirs are publicly available (an excerpt has been published in ‘Hostia’).

My background is in the Arts – most notably musick and painting; I have had several exhibitions – including one of the Sinister Tarot. Before and since my Sinister education, my experiences of magick have been practical and diverse – including an interesting time spent in the IOT. I subsequently became heir to the Tradition (passed on by Stephen) and have since added my own creativity to the teachings, finding new expressions of the Sinister.

[caption id="attachment_9128" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Bean Na Bainnse Richard Moult (Christos Beest) - Bean Na Bainnse[/caption]

I have, as Stephen had, a limited public role – a focal point for the Order. This is not solely for the benefit of my ego – I would prefer for the most part to remain reclusive – but it is necessary at this stage that some individuals are prepared to make Sinister teachings available to the public, thus to: a) undermine the influence of pseudo-Satanic groups such as the Temple of Set, and restore the real Darkness of Satanism; b)undermine (and destroy) the qabbalistic hold over the Occult in general; c) create works-of Musick, Art, Politics et. – that by a psychic contagion create change on a large scale (presencing the ‘New Aeon ’via a nexion). It is a case of either standing on the sidelines and watching, or playing a part in aiding the greater Destiny of a civilization: for Satanists, the only real option is the latter.

(3)  The ONA is distinguished in part for its creation of a new pantheon of archetypes or Dark Gods for a new Aeon, and the rejection of Old Aeon pantheon and esoterica. However, in books such as NAOS seemingly Old Aeon archetypes such as Satan/Shaitan are referred to. Please explain this seeming paradox. Are there archetypes that are trans-Aeonic?

3) It is important that the terms “Old Aeon” and “New Aeon” are clearly defined since there seems to be a general confusion with regard to their specific meanings.

Very generally, “New Aeon” is the triumph of a creative elite who will lead the creation of a (‘Satanic’) civilization to fulfil-amongst other things – the challenge of Space as implied by the Wyrd of the West. The creation of a New Aeon implies the founding of an Imperium – all this evolves over a determined period of causal time.


“Old Aeon” is a much misused term of occult speak. Most occultists take this term to meaning anything that has existed in the past; that which has ceased to be in a casual sense, and by virtue of this alone, is not longer of relevance – indeed the use of past forms in magick is generally considered a hindrance. This viewpoint has become a rule propounded by the less discerning, and this, with regard to certain matters, is a grave mistake. It is a mistake because it is true of somethings – such as the attempted resurrection of dead Ancient Egyptian forms (ie. ‘Set’) – but not of others. The term “Old Aeon” as used in the correct sense by the ONA means those energies which have, and are, distorting the development of Western civilization, and which have their genesis in “old” forms such as the qabala. The “Old Aeon” is thus comprised of forms that work counter to the evolution of the West – and, importantly, just because these particular forms are “old” does not make their influence irrelevant. Essentially, the age of something is not important in an acausal sense (for obvious reasons).

Hence the use of ‘Satan’, which, as discussed in several ONA MSS does not originate from the Hebrew, but from Greek aitia – an ‘accusation’ (qv. Aristotle: ai aitioii ex auagkhj ); the Hebrew is a corrupt derivation of the Greek. Thus ‘Satan’ is not an Old Aeon archetype, but one directly relevant and vital to the Western psyche.

Just because some things have formed the basis of some understandings does not make them “outmoded”: a tradition is made great not be destroying its foundation but by adding to it (some traditions anyway!). Thus, in one sense, the significance of a ‘Temple’ and the rites in the Black Books of Satan – they structure the acausal in a specific way to achieve specific goals; they bring about the change from what we describe as ‘External Adept’ to ‘Internal Adept’ and will continue to do so for every Initiate(for the next few centuries at least). The ‘Internal’ is when creative energy assumes temporal manifestations, vectoring changes on a level fundamental for the Adept: beyond the Abyss is when those forms-or other ones – cause large scale changes via a nexion, such a nexion often “invading the unconscious of non-Initiates… thus to see some forms and techniques as “out-moded” is to mis-understand them – just as to dismiss them as “dogmatic” is to mis-understand their form and significance for each individual.

[caption id="attachment_9131" align="aligncenter" width="400"]04c95c033aca16748f7d32f8c89024dc The Devil (Deofel) Noctulius - Sinister Tarot by Christos Beest[/caption]

The Dark Gods are not really “new” creations – eg. The word ‘Azanigin’ is comprised of the Babylonian for ’Mother of Demons’ (‘Aza’) and the Gnostic for ’Earth’s interior’ (‘Nigin’); the symbol for ‘Noctulius’ is a fifteenth century alchemical symbol for the Moon, and so on.

(4)  The ONA talks in terms of centuries before the emergence of a New Aeon, yet the present Western Civilization seems to be NOW in a state of collapse. Do you see the current Aeon being prolonged over the course of several more centuries, perhaps in a state of perpetual chaos?

4) It is indeed centuries before the emergence of a New Aeon – that is, that which could be identified as a new civilization. At present, we are entering the ‘winter’ stage of this current (Western) Aeon – a stage only in its beginnings, a ‘Time of Troubles’ that does not actually precede ‘collapse’, but a Universal State, or Imperium – predicted to occur between 1997 and 2020 eh. The Western Aeon runs from c. 500eh to 2000eh, but the civilization itself dates from 1000eh to 2500 eh: this is so because, as with all Aeons, its outward manifestation lags 500 years behind. This means that the New Aeon will not become manifest on the practical level until at least 2390eh.

Essentially, the model for a civilization (as proposed by Toynbee) can be briefly stated as:

  1. a) Civilizations arise from a challenge. This challenge may be either social or physical. In responding to a challenge, a society must possess a certain “élan” if its response is to lead to further growth.

  2. b) Growth originates with small numbers of creative individuals who by either “mimesis” (as individuals) or as creative minorities transform (revitalize) the civilization from within.

  3. c) Growth of a civilization achieves differentiation of the society.

  4. d) Disintegration of a civilization occurs with the schism of the society into dominant minority, internal proletariat and external proletariat.

  5. e) Disintegration also produces a schism in the ‘soul’ – ie. ‘decadence’.

  6. f) The last form of disintegration is the Universal State- founded by a creative individual (‘Vindex’).

  7. g) The Universal State is founded after a series of false starts and is preceded by a ‘Time of Troubles’.

However, because we possess this Aeonic understanding, it is possible for this organic trend to be altered – that is, Western civilization may be prolonged, extended into a new expression of itself; this would imply the creation of an Imperium of the NS variety. [The Western civilization is the first to approach the ninth stage in the metamorphosis of a culture (Adept (Adept)) – that is, the stage beyond the Universal State.] Or this Aeon could be allowed to die out in four hundred years time, to be replaced by something entirely new… It is up to each Adept to decide which way the future lies.

(5)   Some associates of the ONA have been promoting National Socialism as part of a sinister dialectic. Couldn’t N.S. be considered a dead form; a part of the Old Aeon in its end phase?

5) Again, it is important to clearly define the term “Old Aeon”. It is unfortunate that a trend has emerged amongst various Occult bodies to denounce National-Socialism as an “Old Aeon” form, a “distortion”, and so on. Such people do not have a clue about what is actually happening in the world – their thinking (if it can be called ‘thinking’) derives mainly from sentiment influenced by the present day constrictions of thought: this awareness is in no way ‘Aeonic’ (and thus not magickal). Rather, it is temporal, temporary – and manipulated. National-Socialism was and is a healthy expression of the Western psyche – a direct attack on Old Aeon forces; most certainly not an Old Aeon form.

[caption id="attachment_9132" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Sinister tarot - Warrior of Pentacles Sinister tarot - Warrior of Pentacles[/caption]

National-Socialism is a fundamental expression of the Wyrd of the Western Soul. It is a real practical form enshrining real spiritual feelings in a way that most Occult bodies will never achieve. For the most part, all Occultism does (like most Art) is reflect, usually unconsciously, a societal consensus. Because society is soft, Occultism is soft, based as most of it is on wishful thinking and hedonistic behaviour. Since Medieval times, Occultism has continually upheld the distortion of the West – via the qabala, Grimoires, Crowley – and now this manipulation continues with the denouncement of something so vital to our survival as National-Socialism. It is interesting that this trend should emerge now considering the political climate…

It is an inescapable fact that one is part of the greater Destiny (wyrd) of one’s own folk. How one aids this Wyrd is of course dependant upon the Destiny of the Individual – but it is important for individual to at least intellectually understand what is happening; this understanding then being diffused in unique and varied ways – all in accord with the wyrd of the West.

It is true to say that National-Socialism is an expression of Satanism (and vice-versa) – both seek to create a ‘new’ type of Individual (esoterically ‘Adept’) and this type can only emerge from the foundations of evolution. Only then can evolution continue, because this growth is in harmony with Nature. But National-Socialism is also separate from Satanism, as ‘Satanism’ is separate from the Essence of which it is an expression. This separateness lies in the form (or appearance) and this is an apprehension vital to those who wish to work practical magick (ie. In the ‘real world’).

National-Socialism is exoteric – that is, its form was created to speak directly to the ‘people’/folk/’public’, to express in a direct way what a society really feels about life on a practical day to day basis, and to provide basic, realistic solutions to what are viewed (usually secretly) as fundamental problems.

[caption id="attachment_9134" align="aligncenter" width="500"]svastika-no-remorse-2 White Aryan Resistance (Vitt Ariskt Motstånd, VAM) - Sweden[/caption]

Satanism too is a form designed to fulfil a specific purpose, the outcome of which is beyond the form itself. But Satanism is esoteric and can never be made respectable – this is something the Temple of Set in particular has failed to grasp: in trying to make Satanism an ‘ethical religion’ they are in essence doing the work of the opposition. Because Satanism is concerned with individual alchemy, the Satanist is, in one sense, beyond external forms; that is, s/he judges a form to be useful or not via a rational, detached approach – not by an opinion swayed by emotive social prejudices. Thus forms are judged by their capacity to produce practical change in accord with the Aeonic goals of the Adept. Thus the promotion by some Satanists of National-Socialism – a form that needs to be understood as it is now, but also as it will be understood in the future, and this understanding will be quite different to what it is today.

For the Satanic Adept, if there has been active NS support (perhaps initially as an ‘Insight Role’), this separateness between Satanism and National-Socialism often produced an internal conflict that must eventually be resolved via a difficult choice. One either goes on to publicly support or create and lead further expressions of National-Socialism, where it is detrimental to be known to be associated with certain things, or continues along the Seven Fold Way. If the choice is the latter, the Adept does not go on to denounce National-Socialism as a “distortion” etc, just because s/he has decided to withdraw from overt support – there remains an understanding that enough has been achieved for individual Destiny; the esoteric understanding of National-Socialism continues. Unlike most other Occultists, the Satanist is beyond solipsism.

(6) Mastery of the Star Game and other techniques such as Physis as a martial art, are said to raise the consciousness of the practitioner – a kind of mental alchemy – by unfolding what is latent within “everyone”. Does this imply that everyone has the same potentialities just waiting to be unlocked? Are the differing genetic qualities and potentialities among individuals taken into account?

6) All humans are possessed with the faculty of thought – which marks us out as unique from other animals. We possess not only ‘life’ (symbolised as 0) but also that from which consciousness arises (symbolised as T). These qualities may be designated ‘modes of Being’ – the T mode is the apprehension of Being; the formative processes underlying all Nature (ref. D.W. Myatt, ‘The Logic of History’). Being may be apprehended in three distinct stages: “in time”; “above time”; “against time”. The first is the “ego” or “feeling” stage; the second the “intuitive”; the third the “thinking”. This third stage is characterised by two models: the Philosopher (introvert mode) and the person of ‘action’ (extrovert mode) whose actions are orientated toward creating change – or ‘redeeming’ – the world.

The potential for this process of growth is inherent within all humans (mirroring the growth, change and decay of civilization to which a people  belong). However, it is the creative minority of a civilization who are most Aeonically significant in fulfilling this individual process, since they, through a natural “mimesis” affect the civilization to which they belong [there is a greater connectedness between such individuals and the archetype of the civilization].

Magick – of the Sinister sort – aims to speed up within individuals this process of growth, producing an advanced awareness that most, do not possess until old age. The Septenary System is designed to unfold what is latent within everyone, latent by virtue of being human. Everyone has the capacity to fulfil the potential of their existence – some may achieve things more historically notable than others (i.e. become ‘famous’ for their creativity), but that is not, with regard to the individual and their unique potential, magickally important.

[caption id="attachment_9136" align="aligncenter" width="400"]7cc6b08d56675415dca417b4eb62be0c Septenary Tree of Wyrd[/caption]

However, the term “everyone” applies to those people of Western civilization – the Septenary System is a Western Tradition: as stated, the magickal growth of a people can only be achieved via a system indigenous to, and reflective of, those people. So: the Septenary System is available to “everyone”, but requires a great effort (to say the least) – who can be bothered when it is easier to submerge one’s life in the comforts of material possessions? Traditional Satanism creates a few genuine Adepts and perhaps two genuine Masters/Mistresses per century, and these numbers are unlikely to change – at least not for the next century or so – simply because of laziness as opposed to ‘genetic deficiencies’.

(7) Which world leader would be a most suitable candidate as an ONA opfer?

7) The problem with ‘world leaders’ is that if one is removed, another pops up – essentially, the only role such people fulfil is as focal point for the ‘power behind the scenes’. Most usually the assassination of a President or Prime Minister will be turned to Party/Government advantage – the assassin (probably not the real one) being dubbed as a “madman”, etc.

The best candidates are key members of covert political organizations, groups which actually rely on membership structure – in terms of numbers and personalities – and also whose presence actually has some effect on the higher political echelons.

(8) Which “Satanic” leader would be a most suitable opfer?

8) I don’t think it takes much imagination to work that one out!

(9) Returning to the subject of Aeonics, if each Civilization has its own specific ethos, élan, etc. and the influence of a prior civilization on it could be viewed as a “distortion”, how does this accord with the ONA’s admiration for Classical culture, which is presumably that of an Old Aeon.

9) The influence of a prior Aeonic civilization is not, and should not, be viewed as a “distortion”. ‘Aeonic civilization’ I take to mean those higher civilizations associated with the five Aeons that have so far defined human evolution, those five Aeons being: the Primal, Hyperborian; Sumerian; Hellenic; Western. The sixth, or “New” Aeon is called, by Sinister Tradition, the “Galactic”. [Each Aeonic stage is symbolised by the spheres of the Septenary Tree of Wyrd.] There is no influence from the prior civilizations in their genesis that is a distortion” on the West. This is so because all previous Aeons have led up to, indeed created, this present one, and the subsequent achievements (all going according to plan) of the Galactic – and the stage(s) beyond that. This is to say (abstractly) that each Aeon has been a stage in the growth of ‘one thing’, thus there is a magickal connectedness between each Aeon (symbolized by the pathways on the Tree of Wyrd).

[caption id="attachment_9137" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Nelly’s, Ionic capital and the northeast corner of the Parthenon, 1925-37 Nelly’s, Ionic capital and the northeast corner of the Parthenon, 1925-37[/caption]

One of these stages, the Hellenic, is of great importance simply because it allows us to see, through what remains of its culture, what we have lost thanks to the sickness of the Nazarene. The Hellenic was not an “Old Aeon” civilization, but one which was a vital stage I the evolution of Western paganism; it was a continuation of the Hyperborian culture of Albion (qv. ‘Kabeiroi’), Albion being the original home of Apollo. Its influence – as with aspects of the other Aeons – well, as long as there is a Western civilization, always be of some relevance.

This is not to say that we should start building Henges or create Oracles – but simply to open ourselves to that which previous Aeons have attempted to express (mostly in their early stages); in other words, develop the Empathy that other outside influences have tried, for their own ends, to obfuscate.

(10) The concept of “Vindex” as avenger of the New Aeon seems akin to the Hindu Kalki mentioned by the Hindu N.S. Philosopher Savitri Devi. Did Devi ever have an input on the ONA’s conception of Aeonics?

10) Yes, “Vindex” is akin to “Kalki”. Savitri Devi (“Lightning and the Sun”) has been one of those – as has most notably Toynbee and Spengler – whose labours have contributed to the leaps in the understanding of Aeonics.

(11) “Vindex” seems to be a mortal of Caesarian stature akin to that type whom Spengler predicted would re-emerge. Yet Vindex is named as one of the Dark Gods in such texts as The Black Book of Satan II. Would you explain the nature of Vindex?

11) The Dark Gods exist in an acausal space-time – in a region of the acausal. The psyche of the individual is that place where the causal and acausal intersect – a “nexion”. Thus the Dark Gods, being aspects or ‘entities’ of the acausal, are latent within us: a racial memory. This latency does not always evolve to confrontation; that experience requires provocation. This either happens to appropriate individuals and is not consciously understood, producing sometimes destructive consequences without the benefit of insights (and thus ‘wisdom’), or it is the result of deliberate contact via Sinister magick, hermetic and ceremonial [the former individuals are non-Initiates, the latter Initiates]. Sinister magick, by its nature, is disruptive (sometimes devastatingly so) but there exists in the Initiate at the very least the intellectual capacity to learn and develop from the experience. The genuine Initiates succeed, while the failures become casualties of themselves. Thus when an individual commences the Seven Fold Way, they will be progressively expanding their consciousness into the acausal (the Master/Mistress is more acausal than causal) – opening the seven gates within that creates Adeptship and beyond.


From one perspective, the Dark Gods are re-presentative of this deliberate evolution; re-presentative of, or rather are, the acausal counterparts of that which blossoms of the causal level. But to extend that perspective further: a Dark God, such as ‘Vindex’, if greatly presenced according to the Destiny of an Individual, is that quality which makes a mortal of Caesarian stature what s/he is in a practical, causal way (e.g. Leader of an NS Imperium – more than a conventional ‘world leader’: someone who creates a new expression of a revolutionary form). Vindex – realised in its ultimate sense (that is, beyond what is glimpsed when an Initiate undergoes a pathworking) – is the most overt of the acausal/causal manifestations known as the Dark Gods. Vindex is a specific existence and action of energy and (human) form – specific to the archetype of “folk-hero”, “Saviour” etc.

(12) The ONA is distinguished for its versatile creativity. What else can we expect from the ONA in both the near and not-so-near future?

12) New items recently produced include a volume of Sappho’s poetry (translated by D.W. Myatt) with five colour illustrations by myself; an audio tape entitled EORPE – a soundtrack for use in hermetic and ceremonial magick; a new booklet entitled ‘The Sinister Path: An Introduction to Traditional Satanism’. Future plans include the recording and performance of seven piano sonatas – each on depicting a Septenary Sphere; possible musickal collaboration with other Artists/Occultists – such as Ian Read’s group ‘Fire and Ice’; and the realization of a performance piece based in the Sinister Tarot, using multi-media.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Death is in Thy breath


“Dancing mad with joy,
Come, Mother, come!
For Terror is Thy name,
Death is in Thy breath,

And every shaking step
Destroys a world for e'er.
Thou ‘Time’, the All-Destroyer!
Come, O Mother, come!”

Swami Vivekenanda

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gustave Le Bon on French Revolution, Christianity and the illusion of equality

[caption id="attachment_9108" align="aligncenter" width="400"]thumbnail-by-url Le Bon in 1929, aged 88[/caption]

"Unless it is universal and excessive, discontent alone is not sufficient to bring about a revolution. It is easy to lead a handful of men to pillage, destroy, and massacre, but to raise a whole people, or any great portion of that people, calls for the continuous or repeated action of leaders. These exaggerate the discontent; they persuade the discontented that the government is the sole cause of all the trouble, especially of the prevailing dearth, and assure men that the new system proposed by them will engender an age of felicity. These ideas germinate, propagating themselves by suggestion and contagion, and the moment arrives when the revolution is ripe.

In this fashion the Christian Revolution and the French Revolution were prepared. That the latter was effected in a few years, while the first required many, was due to the fact that the French Revolution promptly had an armed force at its disposal, while Christianity was long in winning material power. In the beginning its only adepts were the lowly, the poor, and the slaves, filled with enthusiasm by the prospect of seeing their miserable life transformed into an eternity of delight. By a phenomenon of contagion from below, of which history affords us more than one example, the doctrine finally invaded the upper strata of the nation, but it was a long time before an emperor considered the new faith sufficiently widespread to be adopted as the official religion."

[caption id="attachment_9110" align="aligncenter" width="600"]40dac77f623916cea8cbda79d36e7d9d French Revolution[/caption]

"The enthusiasm of the founders of the Revolution equalled that of the apostles of the faith of Mohammed. And it was really a religion that the bourgeois of the first Assembly thought to found. They thought to have destroyed an old world, and to have built a new one upon its ruins. Never did illusion more seductive fire the hearts of men. Equality and fraternity, proclaimed by the new dogmas, were to bring the reign of eternal happiness to all the peoples. Man had broken for ever with a past of barbarity and darkness. The regenerated world would in future be illuminated by the lucid radiance of pure reason. On all hands the most brilliant oratorical formulas saluted the expected dawn."

"It was certainly not the (French) Revolution that introduced the idea of equality into the world. Without going back even to the Greek republics, we may remark that the theory of equality was taught in the clearest fashion by Christianity and Islamism. All men, subjects of the one God, were equal before Him, and judged solely according to their merits. The dogma of the equality of souls before God was an essential dogma with Mohammedans as well as with Christians."

"Given the silent power of reason over mystic beliefs, it is quite useless to seek to discuss, as is so often done, the rational value of revolutionary or political ideas. Only their influence can interest us. It matters little that the theories of the supposed equality of men, the original goodness of mankind, the possibility of re-making society by means of laws, have been given the lie by observation and experience. These empty illusions must be counted among the most potent motives of action that humanity has known."

[caption id="attachment_9109" align="aligncenter" width="600"]First Christians killed in catacombs, painting by Giuseppe Mancinelli (1813-1875) First Christians killed in catacombs, painting by Giuseppe Mancinelli (1813-1875)[/caption]

"As a matter of fact, Nature does not know such a thing as equality. She distributes unevenly genius, beauty, health, vigour, intelligence, and all the qualities which confer on their possessors a superiority over their fellows. No theory can alter these discrepancies, so that democratic doctrines will remain confined to words until the laws of heredity consent to unify the capacities of men."

"Asiatics, whose needs are small, and who can therefore produce manufactured articles at very low prices, and the Europeans, whose needs are many. For twenty-five years I have laid stress upon this point. General Hamilton, ex-military attache to the Japanese army, who foresaw the Japanese victories long before the outbreak of hostilities, writes as follows in an essay translated by General Langlois: - “The Chinaman, such as I have seen him in Manchuria, is capable of destroying the present type of worker of the white races. He will drive him off the face of the earth. The Socialists, who preach equality to the labourer, are far from thinking what would be the practical result of carrying out their theories. Is it, then, the destiny of the white races to disappear in the long run? In my humble opinion this destiny depends upon one single factor: Shall we or shall we not have the good sense to close our ears to speeches which present war and preparation for war as a useless evil?"

The Psychology of Revolution (1913)



Wednesday, July 17, 2019

One among a Thousand, a Few among Millions


“Among a thousand who seek me, one finds me. Among a thousand who find me, one follows me. And among a thousand who follow me, one is mine.”

Bhagavad Gita

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Our Task


"The recognition of the opponent was discussed as one great prerequisite of the struggle. We now know his goal, his changing methods and his new manifestations.

What necessities are required of us, the movement, in order to deal with these changes of the struggle?

First, we must realize that the state apparatus, the State Police in particular, can not wage this struggle alone. The police can only counter the external, juristically tangible form of the opponent’s anti-state attitude and it hence more an organ of defense. Worldview opponents can only be decisively defeated in the spiritual struggle by the worldview. After the first months of the revolutionary conquest of state power the standardizations were hence halted. When many comrades failed to realize the necessary change of the struggle, the expression "from revolution to evolution" was coined, from the externally conquered position of power to the spiritual and worldview winning of all.

What demand does this new chapter of struggle place on us, the SS?

We must work on ourselves. Through ceaseless self-discipline, we must anchor and secure in ourselves the eternal principles of the worldview given us by the Führer. We must first standardize ourselves spiritually, so each thinks the same about the opponent, equally rejects him without making personally egocentric and sympathetic exceptions. In order to preserve our folk, we must be very hard toward the opponent, even at the risk of sometimes hurting an individual opponent as a human of appearing to many certainly well meaning people to be undisciplined brutes. If we do not fulfill our historical task as National Socialists, because we too objective and humane, one will nonetheless not grant us moderating circumstances. It will only be said: They did not fulfill their task before history. If somebody is our conscious opponent, he must be defeated subjectively and without exception. If for example every German out of pity excludes even just "one decent" Jew or Freemason from the fight, that would mean 60 million exceptions.

[caption id="attachment_9100" align="aligncenter" width="450"]Reinhard Heydrich at a Fencing Competition with the Berlin SS Fencing Team (1939) Reinhard Heydrich at a Fencing Competition with the Berlin SS Fencing Team (1939)[/caption]

The work on ourselves must proceed in terms of character and performance. We must deepen the good elements of our German genes. Despite all hardness, we must be just, we must be the most loyal, and there must be no better comradeship than our own. We must purge the harmful and shortcomings within our own ranks with possibly even greater hardness. In order to prove the correctness of the principles of our community and our selection, we must gradually become the best in all areas. We must in connection with military service present the best recruits to the weapons bearer of the nation; in sports we must always be among the first. In the professions, too, it should become a rule that the consciously political SS-man is also the best expert, in tests as well as in practice. Through our accomplishment we must make the purely "non-political" expert (who is nothing more that) dispensable.

We must also expand our knowledge of our ancestors or even first acquire it. It is knowledge of all the values that God has given our folk: Our blood, our kind, our true historical past. That includes our ancient folk, which - contrary to the claims of many - has its roots far before the time of Christ and far before the - for Germandom so important - 8th century.

We must provide an exemplary living example of the eternal principles provided by the Führer and in positive form try to win over in terms of worldview the people who in the first months due to their character and attitude did want to go along with an external standardization. All those people who could not find the idea’s content due to a faux pas, we must try to win over, personally, man by man, through our accomplishments and the strength of faith that we as the National Socialist movement are allowed to be the smallest link between the high cultural past of our folk and future millennia of German-folkish history.

And we, the SS, want to thereby be the worldview assault troop and the guardian of the Führer’s idea, and at the same time, in the fulfillment of the State Police’s tasks, insofar as we serve in it, the inner-political protection corps of the National Socialist state."

Changes of the Forms of Struggle 

SS-Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Democracy is Ochlocracy


"The system of the Book of the Law is aristocratic; I am an aristocrat. A better word for democracy is ochlocracy - the rule of the mob." ⁠

— Aleister Crowley

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

We are an anti-parliamentarian Party


We are an anti-parliamentarian party that for good reasons rejects the Weimar constitution and its republican institutions. We oppose a fake democracy that treats the intelligent and the foolish, the industrious and the lazy, in the same way. We see in the present system of majorities and organized irresponsibility the main cause of our steadily increasing miseries.

So why do we want to be in the Reichstag?

We enter the Reichstag to arm ourselves with the weapons of democracy. If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem. It does not concern us. Any way of bringing about the revolution is fine by us.

If we succeed in getting sixty or seventy of our party’s agitators and organizers elected to the various parliaments, the state itself will pay for our fighting organization. That is amusing and entertaining enough to be worth trying.

Will we be corrupted by joining parliament? Not likely. Do you think us such miserable revolutionaries that you fear that the thick red carpets and the well-upholstered sleeping halls will make us forget our historical mission?

Is our entry into the Reichstag the beginning of a compromise? Do you really think that we who have stood before you a hundred or a thousand times preaching faith in a new Germany, who have smilingly faced death dozens of times from the red mob, who have joined you in battling every form of resistance whether of official or nonofficial nature, who have bent before no command or terror, do you really think that we would lay down our weapons in exchange for a railroad pass?

If we only wanted to become representatives, we would not be National Socialists, but German National Party members or Social Democrats. We do not beg for votes. We demand conviction, devotion, passion! A vote is only a tool for us as well as for you. We will march into the marble halls of parliament, bringing with us the revolutionary will of the broad masses from which we came, called by fate and forming fate. We do not want to join this pile of manure. We are coming to shovel it out.

Do not believe that parliament is our goal. We have shown the enemy our nature from the podiums of our mass meetings and in the enormous demonstrations of our brown army. We will show it as well in the leaden atmosphere of parliament. We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we. You are not among your friends any longer! You will not enjoy having us among you!”

An extract from an 1928 article by Joseph Goebbels on the Reichstag

Monday, July 8, 2019

Ivan Ilyin on National Socialism and Fascism

[caption id="attachment_9087" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Thinker (Portrait of philisopher Ivan Ilyin), 1921, Mikhail Nesterov Thinker (Portrait of philisopher Ivan Ilyin), 1921, Mikhail Nesterov[/caption]

Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin (March 28, 1883 – December 21, 1954) was a Russian religious and political philosopher, White emigre publicist and an ideologue of the Russian All-Military Union.

Germans were able to break the democratic deadlock…What is happening here is the great social intercalation; but not of the property, but of state-political and cultural-guidance nature…The stratum of those who guide is being renewed consequently and radically…In accordance with new mentality…Those who do not like the “New Spirit” are being pulled out…This spirit is the substance of this whole movement; it burns in the hearts of every true national-socialist, it flexes his muscles, rings in his words and shines in his eyes…The unjust blackening and slander impedes adequate comprehension of it, sins against the truth and hurts the entire humankind”.

In his 1933 essay “National Socialism: ‘A New Spirit’”, Ilyin — the “spirit” of national-socialism — characterizes it as: “patriotism, faith in the uniqueness of the German peoples and the strength of the German genius, the feeling of honor, readiness for the sacrificial service (fascist “sacrificio”), discipline, social justice and non-class brethren – all-people’s unity”. Ilyin directly compares it with the White Russian émigré movement-“Basically this spirit is aligning the German national-socialism with Italian fascism. But not only with that but with the spirit of Russian White movement as well”. 

What did Hitler do? He has stopped the process of bolzevisation giving a huge favor to all the Europe…While Mussolini leads Italy and Hitler leads Germany – European culture is given a reprieve”.

In 1937 Ilyin claims: “By proposing the ideas of “soldato” and “sacrificio” as the main civic ideas the Italian fascism has spoken out in accordance to its own Roman tradition the very things that the Rus’ was originally based upon and built: ideas of Monomakh and Sergius of Radonezh, ideas of Russian missionaries and Russian colonization, ideas of Minin and Pozharsky, ideas of serfdom, ideas of Peter the Great and Suvorov, ideas of Russian Army and of the White movement”. 

"Fascism arose as a reaction to Bolshevism, as a concentration of power guarding sovereignty from the Right. As leftist chaos and totalitarianism advanced, this was a healthy phenomenon, as well as necessary and unavoidable. And such a concentration will come about henceforth, even in the most democratic states: in an hour of national danger the more vigorous forces of the people will always rally to the defense of sovereignty. Thus it was in ancient Rome and the new Europe, and so it shall be hereafter."

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Democracy is run by Jews


"Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews' "

"Wars in old times were made to get slaves. The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt."

"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff, or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects your politicians"

"O woe, woe.
People are born and die
We also shall be dead pretty soon.
Therefore let us act as if we were
dead already."

Ezra Pound 

[caption id="attachment_9084" align="aligncenter" width="278"]In 1945, Ezra Pound was arrested by the US Armed Forces Ezra Pound arrested by the US Armed Forces[/caption]


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Honour to the Corsica Antichrist

[caption id="attachment_9080" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Napoleon on Deathbed by Jean Baptiste Mauzaisse 1843 Napoleon on Deathbed by Jean Baptiste Mauzaisse 1843[/caption]

"Napoleon, who regarded modern ideas, and by immediate implication civilization itself, as something of a personal enemy, has proved to be one of the greatest successors to the Renaissance: he has unearthed an entire portion of the ancient character. The decisive one perhaps, the portion made of granite. And who knows whether this portion of ancient character will not in the end gain ascendancy again over the national movement, and will thus have to make itself the heir and successor to Napoleon in a positive sense."

Friedrich Nietzsche from the Joyous Science

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Story Behind a Nickname: Hugh William ‘Grecian’ Williams

[caption id="attachment_9070" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Hugh_William_Williams_by_Sir_Henry_Raeburn Hugh William Williams by Sir Henry Raeburn[/caption]

Hugh William Williams (1773-1829) was a Scottish painter known for his depictions of landscapes.  He began his artistic career training under David Allan and Alexander Nasmyth.  He later befriended J. M. W. Turner, who was an important influence as well as an admirer of Williams’ work

[caption id="attachment_9071" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Figures outside the Hephaestion, Athens, Greece Figures outside the Hephaestion, Athens, Greece[/caption]

He received the nickname ‘Grecian Williams’ after his extensive travels in Italy and Greece between 1816 and 1818, which greatly influenced his painting style and approach.  Upon his return he published Travels in Italy, Greece, and the Ionian Islands, which provides a detailed itinerary of his journey.  Williams held an exhibition of watercolours based on his tour throughout Europe in 1822 which was widely praised.  The following year, Williams was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

[caption id="attachment_9072" align="aligncenter" width="600"]The Temple of Concordia, Agrigento, Sicily The Temple of Concordia, Agrigento, Sicily[/caption]

Today Williams’ work is represented in museums at the National Gallery of Scotland, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the British Museum, the Victoria & Albert Museum, and many other notable public collections.

[caption id="attachment_9073" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Extensive view of Cape Sounion, Greece, with the Temple of Poseidon Extensive view of Cape Sounion, Greece, with the Temple of Poseidon[/caption]

We are delighted to have this watercolour by Williams in our collection.  It is signed ‘H.W.Williams’ in the lower right corner and attractively mounted and framed.  The watercolour depicts a bucolic landscape of Loch Kay with Kenmore Church and bridge.  An almost identical view painted by Williams was exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1800.


[caption id="attachment_9075" align="aligncenter" width="600"]An extensive view of the Acropolis, Athens, with the Herodeion Atticon below An extensive view of the Acropolis, Athens, with the Herodeion Atticon below[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_9074" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Athens from the Southwest, ca.1818-1822 Athens from the Southwest, ca.1818-1822[/caption]

Monday, July 1, 2019

July 1st, 1983 - Sound the charge, Into Glory Ride!


In the year 1982, the Gods sought to test our steel... Struck down by deceivers whilst our backs were turned, we were left for dead. But in the wake of confusion the fallen and the faithful did band together, to heal even stronger than before. This was seen by the Gods. For the prophecy of the Sacred King shall be fulfilled. We have risen up anew to drink the wine of vindication!

We fight to the death. To the last man. 
To the last breath 
Death to False Metal 
Into Glory Ride


MANOWAR performing "Gloves of Metal" live on TV (1983)

[caption id="attachment_9060" align="aligncenter" width="500"]tumblr_p0bnuzFUIG1qc5dpuo1_500 MANOWAR signing the contract for 'Into Glory Ride' with their own blood. Page from Kerrang! magazine 1983.[/caption]
