Thursday, May 30, 2019
Georgios Kastriotis (Skanderbeg)
Georgios Kastriotis: He was also known as Skenterbeis. Greek Epirotan prince son of Ioannis Kastriotis, medieval feudal lord of Krugia, in North Epirus. Georgios Kastriotis was born on 1405 in the citadel of Krugia. He became legendary for its tries to unify the population of Epirus and eliberate the region from the Ottoman invaders. He fought against the Turks for 50 years and he did not lost any battle. He was concerned also about sociological and political issues of its era, and he was accepting as prime values the teachings of the major medieval Greek philosopher Georgios Plithon Gemistos, who was arguing for a necessity of a definition of the medieval state and the diversification between the warrior and the farmer. Georgios Kastriotis became a legend for the suppressed by the Muslim invaders Epirotans, and all Greeks.
His figure was until the 19th Century, considered as National Hero of resistance and military success. With the illegal creation of the Albanian state in 1914, the unorganized and savage till then Albanian tribes tried to invent a medieval history in order to justify the existence of their illegal state. So during the communist era, the stalinist regime of Enver Xoxha adopted the legend of Kastriotis forging the true history, and his origin. It was a clear example of newly created state which in the lack of proper history is usurping the legends of other nations.
[caption id="attachment_8911" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Coat of arms of the Castriot family[/caption]
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
David Lane, the founder and prophet of revived racialist Wotanism
I looked for a religious creed that might appeal to the genetic memory of the largest body of our folk. Also a creed that would stir the warrior soul. The logical answer was Wotanism, although at the time I found only one small organization headed by an elderly lady named Elsie Christienson which embraced a form of the doctrine. And they called it Odinism. However, in the 1980’s some other small publishers showed up, also calling themselves either Odinist or Asatru. Asatru meaning true to the old Gods called the Aesir.
Unfortunately, or perhaps in some cases by malicious design most of these publishers denied the natural law of racial self preservation and separation in an attempt to be politically correct and respectable.
So, I first chose the name Wotanism over Odinism. First because W.O.T.A.N. makes a perfect acronym for Will Of The Aryan Nation. Secondly because he was called Wotan on the European continent and only called Odin in Scandinavia.
Therefore Wotan appeals to the genetic memory of more of our ancestors. And finally because a split had to be made with the game players, deceivers and universalists who had usurped the name Odin.
My next step was to form a doctrine or creed for modern Wotanism. Of course the whole reason for the project was to stop the forced mixing and murder of the White race. So it had to be true to natural law, the highest law of nature being the preservation of one’s own kind. It had to accommodate not only my own ‘God sense’ but that of others. And it had to totally destroy the New Age kind of suicidal deception being spread by the `”respectable” Odinists.
Perhaps the greatest and most dangerous or suicidal deception of the New Agers is that the force and intelligence we call God is made up of, or infused with an emotion called “love.” The fact is, the Creator made lions to eat lambs, wolves to eat fawns, hawks to eat sparrows, and the races of men to fight for life, women, food, territory and power. There is no love love love!! There is just law law law!! Harsh, sometimes cruel, but still divine law!!
Divine law demands exclusive territorial imperatives and exclusive hegemony, i.e. control, if a race is to survive. That is a truth no other religion but Wotanism will teach.
It is not my purpose in this dissertation to discuss the meanings of the Gods, Goddesses, myths or runes of Wotanism. By studying the philosophical concepts attached to each rune a person can develop a complete and natural personality. We have more Gothi learning and teaching natural law through the myths every month.
So let me leave you for now with one of my own proverbs, perhaps my favorite, to wit:
“Nature and nature’s laws are the work of the Creator. Therefore nature’s laws are God’s laws. And the first and highest law of nature is the preservation of one’s own kind.”
David Lane
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The idiots are in a majority
"Ι have never voted in my life. I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it's certain they will win."
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Friday, May 24, 2019
Volk Consciousness
By J. Anthony Picollo
Knowledge of oneself is the beginning of knowing the Infinite essence which some call "God". Everything has its origin and being in spirit, "the seed of all seeds". Everything in the world is a manifestation of spirit. There is nothing in the world which is not infinite, everlasting spirit. Hence, it can be observed that this spirit, this infinite essence, also, manifests itself in the collective body and consciousness of our race.
The living man who finds spirit within himself and his people finds truth. The fool will claim that he can describe "God", the great infinite essence of the universe. Still there remains the need to put this all high concept in the perspective of human thought. We do this through the comprehensive archetypes of our folk gods, each representative of the forces of nature, man and the universe. The ancestral gods and legendary folk heroes of our race are prototypes and examples which provide us direction and purpose. Our noble, heroic deeds, valour, strength, passion, wisdom, both independent and collective, are expressions of our biological determinant. All of these elements are necessary ingredients for our racial survival and ongoing quest in the upright path of higher being of Aryan man. Ignorance of this is the root of our suffering and, ultimately, death to our folk. Whoever remains ignorant is a creature of oblivion and cannot experience fulfillment. Such people will ever dwell in deficiency. Like living dead, they will go through life with eyes that cannot see, incapable of understanding it. The higher Wotan consciousness we possess inside will always be our greatest strength. Ignore it and we will be destroyed by our own weakness.
Hear some wisdom: "The mind is the guide, but reason is the teacher. Live according to the mind, acquiring strength, for the mind is strong. Enlighten yourself thus igniting the lamp of wisdom within yourself open the door for yourself that you may know what exists beyond." Walk with a full awareness of your own biological being and purpose as you would a straight road, if you walk only on that road it is impossible to go astray. All who gain knowledge in this manner know who they are and where they come from; they know the Allfather, W O.T.A.N., Will Of The Aryan Nation. Original, creative invention is the mark of one who is spiritually alive. Those people among us are the discoverers, inventors and motivators. They are the declaration of folkish evolution and growth, They are like spiritual torchbearers; their rays of folkish growth shine on our entire people. There are those who profess to know the secrets of God. Although they do not understand the great mystery, they proclaim that the mystery of truth belongs to them alone. It is wise to ignore such individuals. They are the enemies of folkish unity, striving through lies and deceit to obtain control over us. This is truth: "NO ONE POSSESSES THE SECRETS OF THE ALLFATHER. THE TRUTH IS MANIFESTED TO, AND IS IN ALL, OR IT IS NOT A TRUTH."
It is wise not to be sheep, followers of whoever comes along saying, "I am the Shepherd." Such people are led unknowingly to their death, shorn of all their dignity. Instead, be as the wolves, for they know unity and neither need nor follow a shepherd.
"Countless Gods are awaiting to become men. Countless Gods have already been men. Man is partaker of the essence of the Gods; He comes from the Gods and goes to God." C.G. Jung From the 4th Sermon to the Dead.
It is said that the road to paved with good intentions. Yet, these same good intentions move many to entrust their destiny to those who are in positions of power. History has proven, time and again, that our trust is quite often dangerously misplaced. One thing has not changed since our Folk permitted alien culture to reside and rule amongst us: "NOT ONCE HAVE OUR GUESTS NOT TRIED TO MANIPULATE US INTO SUBMASSIVE POSITIONS."
The methods of such manipulations are unlimited in modern times. No aspect of life escapes harm; economy, religion, social morality, media, science, arts and medicine, political and social activities are all affected.
In nature we shall never find the weak creatures ruling over the strong. We shall never observe the rabbit lording over the wolf. We shall never see the lion bow to the mouse. We shall never see the day when the snake serves the fish. Although they reside in the same world, they live by the highest Law of nature: THE PRESERVATION 0F 0NE'S 0WN KIND.
MIGHT IS RIGHT is the order of the universe. For our Folk, the highest Law of nature comes down to one thing, our leaders and chieftains should be permitted to rule for only one reason, that they have proven to be great by way of ability and great deeds. When they prove unworthy of ruling a noble Volk, it is vital that they be replaced. A Volk unwilling and/or unable to defend itself against its enemies - internal and external - is Unworthy of being called a "noble nation". They deserve the destiny which befalls them. This is true for the individual as well as the whole. Needless to say, keeping all this in mind, we, as individuals and as Wotansvolk, should never allow our destiny to be determined by an alien culture. This is because our welfare can only be determined by the Wotan Consciousness within us.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Europa Erwache!
DW News slanderous report about the 'Dritte Weg' and its participation in the upcoming European elections: "A minor far-right radical party in Germany called the 'Dritte Weg', or 'Third Path' is trying to boost its draw with marches evoking the country's Nazi past and openly aligns itself with National Socialism, unapologetically pushing its “Germans only” platform. The group is running candidates for the European parliamentary elections. In the town of Plauen the extremist group has found followers, amidst calls that they should be banned."
DW News slanderous report about the 'Dritte Weg' and its participation in the upcoming European elections: "A minor far-right radical party in Germany called the 'Dritte Weg', or 'Third Path' is trying to boost its draw with marches evoking the country's Nazi past and openly aligns itself with National Socialism, unapologetically pushing its “Germans only” platform. The group is running candidates for the European parliamentary elections. In the town of Plauen the extremist group has found followers, amidst calls that they should be banned."
Good luck to the 'Dritte Weg' (and to the local elections too) - for the Fortress Europe of the Fatherlands!
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Strong do what they have to do...
[caption id="attachment_8885" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Achilles in the Rain[/caption]
“The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.”
— Thucydides
“The strong do what they have to do and the weak accept what they have to accept.”
— Thucydides
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Burning Of Marxist Books In Athens In 1936
GREECE - MARCH 09: On a public square in Athens, Greek students organizing a burning of books considered to be Marxist, following the measures of the Hitlerian government, on August 8, 1936. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Sinistra Vivendi
The conceptions of the Left Hand and Right Hand paths within Western occultism are based on misunderstanding. This arises from the West’s incorporation into its collective unconscious of the Zoroastrian/Judaeo-Christian belief in moral dualism : two opposing forces of good and evil.
This dualism has created a split not only in the collective unconscious of the West, but within the individual. The pagan cultures were not encumbered with this dualism: they lived attuned to nature as totality.
Western occultists have dualized the Left Hand and Right Hand paths, making the former representative of evil (in the moral sense) and the latter representative of humanity as "good and spiritual." The original meanings of the two paths are:
Left Hand Path: Anima/Yin, the feminine principle in the universe, intuitive, receptive, dark.
Right Hand Path: Animus/Yang, the male principle, logic, active, light.
As they are symbolic of how nature operates they are not moral dualities, but interacting polarities. When nature, the individual, or the collective unconscious of a culture incorporate both the anima and animus as a totality rather than as conflicting opposites, there is balance.
In the East, Taoism illustrated this interaction by the Yin/Yang symbol [which shows each containing the seed of its polarity. Jung adopted this concept of anima and animus into his analytical psychology. The aim is to unite the polarities within the individual rather than repressing one, to create a whole being, a balanced person: this is called individuation and is comparable to the occultist’s aim of Adeptship.
The Gnostics had a deity which unified the polarities within itself. Jung wrote of this deity Abraxas, thus:
"Abraxas is the sun, and at the same time the eternally sucking gorge of the void... The power of Abraxas is two-fold; but ye see it not, because for your eyes the warring opposites of this power are extinguished.
What the sun-god speaketh is life. What the devil speaketh is death. But Abraxas speaketh that hallowed and accursed word which is life and death at the same time.
Abraxas begetteth truth and lying, good and evil, light and darkness, in the same word and in the same act. Wherefore Abraxas is terrible. It is splendid as the lion in the same instant it striketh down its victim. It is beautiful as a day in spring. It is the abundance which seeks a union with emptiness. It is love and love’s murder. It is the saint and his betrayer. It is the brightest light of day, and the darkest of madness.
God dwelleth behind the sun, the devil behind the night. What god bringeth forth out of the light the devil sucketh into the night. But Abraxas is the world, its becoming and its passing. Upon every gift that cometh from the sun-god the devil layeth his curse. Everything that yea entreat from the sun-god begetteth a deed from the devil. Everything that ye create with the sun-god, giveth effective power to the devil.
That is terrible Abraxas. It is the delight of the earth, and the cruelty of the heavens. Before it there is no question and no reply."
[caption id="attachment_8872" align="alignleft" width="328"] Satan Summoning His Legions - Painted by Richard Westall. Engraved by J.P. Simon[/caption]
The Sinister Way recognises the need to restore balance through opposition (heresy); to create through destruction.
The archetype of opposition to stasis and conformity best known in the West is Satan. It is from Hebrew word meaning "adversary and accuser." It is an archetype that exists probably in all cultures as a reflection of the universe itself.
The universe is in a constant state of flux. So far from it being an orderly, predictable ‘cosmos’, it functions chaotically. This is the basis of evolution; what physics calls entropy. It is symbolized in many cultures throughout the world by the world serpent eating its own tail. It is the All-Creator and the All-Destroyer.
The Tantrics in the East express this entropic idea in the goddess Kali. She is the energizing force of the universe. The god Shiva represents the cosmos. Tantra states: "Shiva without Shakti (Kali) is a corpse."
In the Germanic cosmology Loki, Fenrir, Surt, Garm and the World Serpent are the entropic forces which destroy the old order at the battle of Ragnarok. The cataclysm results in a new pantheon, a new earth and a new humanity. Thus the sinister forces are the catalyst for change, without which there would be stasis and death.
The poet William Blake wrote:
"Without contraries there would be no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence. From these contraries spring what the religious call good and evil. Good is the passive that obeys reason. Evil is the active springing from energy."[1]
The philosopher Paul Carus stated it this way:
"Satan produces unrest in society, which in spite of many inconveniences, makes the world move onward and forward. He is the patron of progress, investigation and invention.
Galileo and other men of science were regarded as his offspring and persecuted on his account by the Church.
The devil is the father of all misunderstood geniuses. It is he who begets originality of thought and deed. He is the spirit of discontent that embitters our hearts, but in the end often leads to a better arrangement of affairs."[2]
Sinister from Latin translates as "on the left". It was regarded as symbolizing that which goes against the norm, the conventional. The O.L.H.P. uses the expression "on the left" to indicate the recognition of entropy as the energizing factor in the universe, as opposed to stasis, while incorporating both the Left and Right Hand path - anima and animus - within that context.
The Sinister way is that which sets itself in opposition to the stagnant, and the decay that results. It favours that which renews and revitalizes. It is the accuser of that which stifles evolution through moral, religious and political dogma. In a word, it is : heresy.
The symbol of the O.S.V. is the two-points up pentagram containing the head of a goat, surrounded by the self-devouring world serpent.
This pentagram containing the goat represents the carnality of humankind: Man as animal, as a part of nature, subject to its laws, rather than separated from nature as the spiritual religions believe.
The goat itself is an apt symbol, a creature which is individualistic rather than herd-like. Even the Christians use it to symbolize the parting of humanity with the flock of Christian sheep separated on the right, and the non-conformist goats on the left. It is also symbolic of the Greek god Pan, the All-Destroyer, All-Creator, half-man, half-goat god.
Anti-nature dogmas such as Judaeo-Christianity state that man is separate from nature. Satanism holds that man is part of nature, an animal whose motivations are genetically based as are all animals. This, the modern sciences of genetics, ethology and sociobiology verify. The instinct is still paramount, whatever level of man’s rationality and however hard he may try to over-ride his instinctual drives through religion, etc. The intellect is a subordinate tool of the instinct, which is inherited and primal. At the base of human nature is still the limbic brain, the most primitive part of the cerebral organ, which may be called the ‘serpent brain’. It is the limbic which modern science affirms is responsible for the choices an individual makes. Thus the Satanic conception of human behaviour are predominantly genetically-based. Therefore the individual can be no more than what he is genetically-endowed with. However, he can be less than his genetic potential if repressed by influences which are not in accord with his true nature (True Will or Higher Self), by religious dogmas for example. The result is neurosis or worse.
Satanism unfolds the real nature - Will - of the individual; what the ancient Greeks called physis, and what the satanic philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche called Self-Overcoming.
The Satanist frees himself from the bondage of dogma; he unfolds that which he IS. Man the animal, with the Life-force flowing freely through him, is the antithesis of the self-destructive nihilist pseudo-satanists claim themselves to be, as rationalization for their own inherent weaknesses.
What animal consumes drugs and alcohol to the point of self-destruction? What animal deliberately poisons itself? Only man does this, with his so-called 'higher consciousness', over-riding the healthy instinct of his animal self.
What is evil? That which weakens. What is good? That which strengthens, the individual, to paraphrase Nietzsche.
What of the Satanist’s code of conduct? To hear the pseudo-satanists one would say, the Satanist has no code of conduct other than to do whatever one likes, regardless of consequences; i.e. sociopathology. We say, on the contrary, the Satanist has a personal code of honour, arising from inward conviction. Again, at the base is the instinct - genetics. A recidivist will always remain criminal no matter what ‘rehabilitation’ efforts are made to change his inner nature. The dullard will always remain unintelligent despite the money that could be lavished on his ‘education’. An inwardly honourable person will react to a situation on the basis of his instinct. The Satanist does not need the fear of God, the worry of rewards and punishments dispensed by a deity to act honourably; his conduct is governed from within, not from without.
* * *
- Blake, W. The Marriage of Heaven & Hell.
- Carus, P. The History of the Devil & the Idea of Evil. Open Court Publishing, USA, 1974.
Order of the Left Hand Path
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Revolt against Judeochristianity
"Bible, the most read book in the world, more filthy, more racist, more sadistic than twenty centuries of gladiators and Byzantium mixed together! Our worst and biggest wild escapades seem pale and pinkish when compared to its racism, massacres, genocide, and butchering of the conquered."
All 'baby Jesus' religions, Catholic, Protestant, or Jewish, all in the sack together! I throw 'em all out! Whether put on the cross or eaten in wafers, it's the same flour! Same impostor! Liars! Swindle!
~Rigodon, 1961 (year of his death)
"I am revolting against Jewish racism."
~ Bagatelles pour un massacre, 1937
"To spread among the virile races, among the hated Aryan races, the religion of ‘Peter and Paul’ admirably fulfilled its work, transforming the subjugated peoples into decrepit beggars, into sub-men from the cradle onwards, throwing themselves distraught and stupid to the conquest of the Holy Shroud, abandoning forever their Gods, their exalting religions, their Gods of blood, their Gods of race. This is the sad truth, European has only known how to love and adulate the god of others, has never had his own religion, a white religion. What he worships, his heart, his faith, was provided to him ready-made by his worst enemies!"
~Les Beaux Draps, 1941
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Albion - The Sword of Light and Darkness
[caption id="attachment_8856" align="aligncenter" width="524"] Herne the Hunter[/caption]
'In the days of the Lion, spawned of the Evil Brood, The Hooded Man shall come to the forest. There he will meet with Herne the Hunter - Lord of the Trees - to be his Son and do his bidding. The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness shall be strong within him. And the guilty shall tremble!'
The Hooded Man Prophecy - October 31st 1993, Horam, East Sussex, England.
'A healthy mind in a healthy body' - this is one of the truest sayings, and one which is hated in this modern world of degenerates, of the meek and weak, of the sickly, of the decaying and dying species known as the 'Ultimate Man'. How many people today rejoice in their sickness, rejoice in being ill, having some form of illness or other? We cannot help being ill? Well, since our society is full of weakness and sickness then maybe, just maybe, this is due to the negative attitude prevalent in this rotten and falling world. Propping up the weak and sickly does not make them any better; it does make them more dependant. One should overcome weakness and sickness and not wallow in it. Talking to people who are constantly moaning about their health, or bragging about this or that illness that they have, or someone else has, has the effect of making one 'down'; it can have no other effect. Talk to someone who rejoices in life, not in sickness and death.
A healthy, forceful spirit will be found in a healthy and forceful body. The aim is not only to create a haeldom within the Folk-Community but to create the haeldomwithin ourselves. Being negative only produces negativity in others around us. Positive thoughts and actions encourage positivity within others around us.
Thus, rather than going with the negative energies around those who wallow in their sickness and ill-health we should generate positive 'vibrations' and 'energy-waves' around us that would act as a protective barrier for us, and maybe even help others through sending out such energies. To be sure, not every Greek citizen looked as healthy and perfect as the statues of the gods carved in stone. But these statues were not sculpted to show how things were, but to show how things could be with the striving for perfection through self-overcoming.
To the point! Self-overcoming and the increase of the Will-to-Power means recreating the 'whole' man; this means that a balance of opposites has to exist within the whole. Good and Evil - Light and Darkness - within the Sword of Albion there exists the 'balance of Light and Darkness' this forming the essence of The Hooded Man Prophecy. This is not just a prophecy, it is a complete teaching into Folkish Wodenism - it is the will to re-create The Hooded Man.
The first thing we notice is that The Hooded Man must 'come to the forest'; he must do so because he is of the wild woodlands, of the wilderness of Nature, of the wild-wood. He returns to the home of the Barbarian; outside the realms of 'civilisation', outside the safe boundaries of the urban dwelling. He is the Wolf's Head, the 'outlaw', because his aim is survival and where survival is at stake man-made 'laws' have no place. He is outside the laws of the Old Order. Every law made today will be designed to halt the coming of The Hooded Man; his coming will bring to an end the Old Order.
The guide to The Hooded Man will be Herne the Hunter, the One-Eyed Hunter-God we know as Woden. In this respect he is the Horned One ('Herne') who bears theHorns of Power - obvious by the symbolism of the Horns of the Stag. Herne the Hunter is his guide, and yet he is The Hooded Man, since Woden is 'The Hooded One'. The 'Son' here is indeed, the 'Father'. He does the 'Will of Woden' which works through him as his Will. Herne is a guide just as a god guides us, but it is down to our own strength and will that we overcome and struggle against all odds.
Herne the Hunter is 'Lord of the Trees'; he is the 'Spirit of the Forest', the 'Spirit of the Woodland'. He is like Wid-Ar who is the Woodland God - the 'God of the Woodland', Wid-Ar the Mighty One. Herne is the 'Spirit of Nature', and The Hooded Man is the 'Spirit of Nature'. His power comes from the trees, from the wildness of the woodlands, the strength of the forests - that is our strength. Yet Herne the Hunter is not only the 'Lord of the Trees' for he is also the 'Lord of the Animals'. He is the 'Lord of the Wild'. He is Rudra-Shiva, he is Igg the Terrible, he is the 'Wild One'. Our power comes from the trees and animals, from the woodlands and forests of our land. The Hooded Man is arising in the Folk-Soul of the Saxon Nation.
Within The Hooded Man, as within the Sword of Albion, lie the balance of the Power of Light and the Power of Darkness. Within him is the union of Apollo and Dionysus in terms of Nietzsche. We know that the balance of these opposites lies with one of our gods - Woden. Woden is a god of the wild, the storm, the fury, the divine madness (woda); he is also the god of calm, of meditation, of stillness, of poetry and prophecy. Here lies the will-to-create and the will-to-destroy - that which creates also destroys. This world is a web of forces, of creative-destructive forces; it is energy, fiery energy that creates, builds, sustains and then destroys itself. The Hooded Man is the Creator and Destroyer of worlds - 'the beginning and the end', 'the first and the last'. Strong are these powers within The Hooded Man.
The Hooded Man is the 'Divine Fool' acting through his intuitive will; he is 'The Fool' of the Tarot, numbered 0 - the Void. He appears as a hooded figure, inside whose hood there is a total darkness, not 'blackness' but a Void! His eye appears from the Void; he can be an Agent of Chaos, laughing at the (s)laughter of battle, of the breaking down of structures, of 'law-tables', of that which is decaying, degenerate and dying. Ho! Ho! Ho! He laughs as he mounts Sleipnir and rushes through the Nine Worlds at a furious pace, leading the Wild Army of the Dead. That which is falling only needs a push!
[caption id="attachment_8858" align="aligncenter" width="400"] Tempête (1925), by Zdzisław Piotr Jasiński.[/caption]
'The guilty shall tremble!' Controlling powers need authority, they need to make laws to stop any form of opposition to their agenda. Anarchists do not want authority, and they do not want laws. Nihilism and anarchy are necessary in that they break the power of the authority that oppresses. Left-Wing Anarchy, however, in the form of such organisations as ANTIFA, are based upon the upholding of the 'multi-cultural society' and the 'sword-arm' of the agenda of the Global bankers - Marxist Socialism and Communism. ANTIFA opposes the forces that seek not to 'integrate', not to become a mongrel 'Race of Tan' and to lose their identity, to lose their only hope for the evolution of Man. Thus ANTIFA is alright so long as it is contained and takes this path, for it does not oppose the agenda of Global Capitalism, it protects by violent force that agenda. But it is controlled - and it is contained. Should these forces be transformed into a real opposition, through the creation of a new Barbarian and the creation of new Tribes of Barbarians separated out from this society, raw and surging with energy and power, like the Germanic Tribes that swept down upon Rome, this new 'Roman Empire' will fall just as surely as the Roman Empire fell before yesteryear's Barb-Aryans.
There need be no barbarians from 'without' this time, since it is the world that is today enslaved, not just a part of the world; this time the barbarians will arise from within, separated out from the 'mob', from the 'herd', from the mass-consumers, raw and strong, healthy and virile, opposed to the weakness and sickness of this 'Modern World' - they will be the 'Men Above the Ruins' who 'Revolt Against the Modern World'. Each will be a form of The Hooded Man, each will hold within himself the 'Powers of Light and Darkness', each will wield the Sword of Victory holding within itself the 'balance of Light and Darkness'. And then, only then - 'The guilty shall tremble!'
There are 58 Words in this prophecy, and there are 58 Letters in 'The Power of Light and the Power of Darkness are strong within him'. 58 is the number of ROBIN. 'Robin' comes from 'Robert', a word meaning Fame-Bright which is 'Light': as 'Robin Hood' this become 'Fame-Bright Hood' which is a way of saying 'Light-Darkness'. In the name 'Robin Hood' we have the archetype of the Folk-Hero that holds within him the Balance of Light and Darkness - the whole Man. In Jungian terms the 'whole man' who has re-integrated the Shadow side of his nature - the Dark Side. This is the bit that Judaeo-Christianity, Socialism, Liberalism and Humanitarianism cut out! In this prophecy lies the way back to right, the way back to wholeness and the recreation of the Whole Man.
The Hooded Man Prophecy had need of reform; rather than a 'hope' for our Folk it had need to be reforged into something to be emulated, something to be strived for, something to struggle for, something that would become a self-overcoming, that which will inspire people into action. Inspired by the Prophet Nietzsche (Zarathustra), this prophecy will no longer be looked at as a 'hope' that is awaited for, but as a means to ensure the Final Victory of this epic struggle. Perhaps too long have people sat back in the 'hope' that a hero will arise to get them out of this mess - now it is down to the individual to become that hero, to make himself or herself into that Folk-Hero needed to awaken our Folk and to lead our Folk to victory. The Hooded Man is a complete teaching program for the 'Warrior-Thinker'; it is the Way of the Cultic-Warrior'.
Victory or Valhalla!
End-Note: Those who have not, as yet, learned 'The Hooded Man Prophecy' off by heart would now do well to do so; it needs to be memorised (with the heart) and to be meditated upon, thus allowing its wisdom and teaching to become part of you, to be integrated into your whole being. This has always been the basis of Folkish Wodenism but it has now become even more important as being an active work rather than a 'hope' that someone else will do things for us. The time for 'hope' has gone, now is the time for action. The prophecy was given on October 31st which is 'Halloween' the time of the Ancestors; it was inspired by the Ancestral God, Woden, and by the Spirits of our Ancestors who guard us and guide us - we are the Ancestors, Blood of their Blood, Spirit of their Spirit - and our DNA proves that. These Ancestors live on in us; the time has come to awaken them in our Blood-Memory and to get them into action again in our times. He who does not hear the Call of the Ancestors from the distant past, and does not hold out his hand to embrace them - is lost forever! We who have heard the 'Call of the Blood' must now hear the 'Call to Action'.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Holy Destruction
[caption id="attachment_8852" align="aligncenter" width="573"] Wilhelm Emil „Elk“ Eber[/caption]
"Only in the enthusiasm of destroying is the sense of the divine creation revealed. Only in the middle of death does everlasting life shine."
Friedrich Schlegel
"Only in the enthusiasm of destroying is the sense of the divine creation revealed. Only in the middle of death does everlasting life shine."
Friedrich Schlegel
Monday, May 13, 2019
On the Frontiers between Life and Death
“What is really required to defend ‘the West’ against the sudden rise of these barbaric and elemental forces is the strengthening, to an extent perhaps still unknown to Western man, of a heroic vision of life. Apart from the military-technical apparatus, the world of the ‘Westerners’ has at its disposal only a limp and shapeless substance – and the cult of the skin, the myth of ‘safety’ and of ‘war on war’, and the ideal of the long, comfortable, guaranteed, ‘democratic’ existence, which is preferred to the ideal of the fulfilment which can be grasped only on the frontiers between life and death in the meeting of the essence of living with the extreme of danger.”
Julius Evola, Metaphysics of War
Sunday, May 12, 2019
A Shining Race of Demigods
[caption id="attachment_8844" align="alignnone" width="700"] The battle of Iconium, by Hermann Wislicenus (c.1890)[/caption]
“Like all Aryans, the Teutons are born to rule other peoples. Wherever they appear, they are the ruling and socially preferred classes, they are a people of fierce courage and indomitable energy, of devotion and fidelity, of pride and truthfulness, a shining race of demigods, the like of whom the world has seen but once before, in the Greeks, and will probably never see again.”
Ammon, Die natürliche Auslese beim Menschen, 1893
“Like all Aryans, the Teutons are born to rule other peoples. Wherever they appear, they are the ruling and socially preferred classes, they are a people of fierce courage and indomitable energy, of devotion and fidelity, of pride and truthfulness, a shining race of demigods, the like of whom the world has seen but once before, in the Greeks, and will probably never see again.”
Ammon, Die natürliche Auslese beim Menschen, 1893
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Clark Ashton Smith, the Lord of Averoigne
[caption id="attachment_8830" align="aligncenter" width="360"] Clark Ashton Smith 1941 cabin photo[/caption]
Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961), perhaps best known today for his association with H.P Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos, is in his own right a unique master of fantasy, horror and science-fiction. Highly imaginative, his genre-spanning visions of worlds beyond, combined with his profound understanding of the English language, have inspired an ever -increasing legion of fans and admirers.
For most of his life, he lived in physical and intellectual isolation in Auburn, California (USA). Predominantly self-educated with no formal education after grammar school, Smith wore out his local library and delved so deeply into the dictionary that his richly embellished, yet precise, prose leaves one with the sense that they are in the company of a true master of language.
Though Smith primarily considered himself a poet, having turned to prose for the meager financial sum it rewarded, his prose might best be appreciated as a "fleshed" out poetry. In this light, plot and characters are subservient to the milieu of work: a setting of cold quiet reality, which, mixed with the erotic and the exotic, places his work within its own unique, phantasmagoric genre. While he also experimented in painting, sculpture, and translation, it is in his written work that his legacy persists.
During his lifetime, Smith's work appeared commonly in the pulps alongside other masters such H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, August Derleth, and E. Hoffmann Price and like many great artists, recognition and appreciation have come posthumously. In recent decades though, a resurgence of interest in his works has lead to numerous reprintings as well as scholarly critiques.
[caption id="attachment_8833" align="aligncenter" width="448"] Hyperborea by Clark Ashton Smith [/caption]
"Tell me many tales, but let them be of things that are past the lore of legend and of which there are no myths in our world or any world adjoining. Tell me, if you will, of the years when the moon was young, with siren-rippled seas and mountains that were zoned with flowers from base to summit; tell me of the planets gray with eld, of the worlds whereon no mortal astronomer has ever looked, and whose mystic heavens and horizons have given pause to visionaries. Tell me of the vaster blossoms within whose cradling chalices a woman could sleep; of the seas of fire that beat on strands of ever-during ice; of perfumes that can give eternal slumber in a breath; of eyeless titans that dwell in Uranus, and beings that wander in the green light of the twin suns of azure and orange. Tell me tales of inconceivable fear and unimaginable love, in orbs whereto our sun is a nameless star, or unto which its rays have never reached."
“The skies are haunted by that which it were madness to know; and strange abominations pass evermore between earth and moon and athwart the galaxies. Unnamable things have come to us in alien horror and will come again.”
― Clark Ashton Smith, The Maze of the Enchanter
“There have been times when only a hair's-breadth has intervened betwixt myself and the seething devil-ridden world of madness; for the hideous knowledge, the horror- blackened memories which I have carried so long, were never meant to be borne by the human intellect.”
― Clark Ashton Smith
“Psychoanalysis and dianetics are, on the face of it, both absurd. People are what they are because of causes that go infinitely farther back than infancy of the mother's womb”
― Clark Ashton Smith, The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith
[caption id="attachment_8834" align="aligncenter" width="392"] Moonlight on Boulder Ridge by Clark Ashton Smith[/caption]
— Clark Ashton Smith, The Unremembered
[caption id="attachment_8832" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Lovecraft, Smith, Howard[/caption]
How hast thou wandered hence
On ways not found before,
Beyond the dawnward spires of Providence?
Hast thou gone forth to seek
Some older bourn than these—
Some Arkham of the prime and central wizardries?
Or, with familiar felidae,
Dost now some new and secret wood explore,
A little past the senses' farther wall—
Where spring and sunset charm the eternal path
From Earth to ether in dimensions nemoral?
Or has the Silver Key
Opened perchance for thee
Wonders and dreams and worlds ulterior?
Hast thou gone home to Ulthar or to Pnath?
Has the high king who reigns in dim Kadath
Called back his courtly, sage ambassador?
Or darkling Cthulhu sent
The sign which makes thee now a councilor
Within that foundered fortress of the deep
Where the Old Ones stir in sleep
Till mighty temblors shake their slumbering continent?
Lo! in this little interim of days
How far thy feet are sped
Upon the fabulous and mooted ways
Where walk the mythic dead!
For us the grief, for us the mystery. . . .
And yet thou art not gone
Nor given wholly unto dream and dust:
For, even upon
This lonely western hill of Averoigne
Thy flesh had never visited,
I meet some wise and sentient wraith of thee,
Some undeparting presence, gracious and august.
More luminous for thee the vernal grass,
More magically dark the Druid stone,
And in the mind thou art forever shown
As in a magic glass;
And from the spirit's page thy runes can never pass.
Further great reading:
Clark Ashton Smith – The Last of the Great Romantics: here
The Sanctum of Clark Ashton Smith:
Clark Ashton Smith (1893-1961), perhaps best known today for his association with H.P Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos, is in his own right a unique master of fantasy, horror and science-fiction. Highly imaginative, his genre-spanning visions of worlds beyond, combined with his profound understanding of the English language, have inspired an ever -increasing legion of fans and admirers.
For most of his life, he lived in physical and intellectual isolation in Auburn, California (USA). Predominantly self-educated with no formal education after grammar school, Smith wore out his local library and delved so deeply into the dictionary that his richly embellished, yet precise, prose leaves one with the sense that they are in the company of a true master of language.
Though Smith primarily considered himself a poet, having turned to prose for the meager financial sum it rewarded, his prose might best be appreciated as a "fleshed" out poetry. In this light, plot and characters are subservient to the milieu of work: a setting of cold quiet reality, which, mixed with the erotic and the exotic, places his work within its own unique, phantasmagoric genre. While he also experimented in painting, sculpture, and translation, it is in his written work that his legacy persists.
During his lifetime, Smith's work appeared commonly in the pulps alongside other masters such H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, August Derleth, and E. Hoffmann Price and like many great artists, recognition and appreciation have come posthumously. In recent decades though, a resurgence of interest in his works has lead to numerous reprintings as well as scholarly critiques.
[caption id="attachment_8833" align="aligncenter" width="448"] Hyperborea by Clark Ashton Smith [/caption]
"Tell me many tales, but let them be of things that are past the lore of legend and of which there are no myths in our world or any world adjoining. Tell me, if you will, of the years when the moon was young, with siren-rippled seas and mountains that were zoned with flowers from base to summit; tell me of the planets gray with eld, of the worlds whereon no mortal astronomer has ever looked, and whose mystic heavens and horizons have given pause to visionaries. Tell me of the vaster blossoms within whose cradling chalices a woman could sleep; of the seas of fire that beat on strands of ever-during ice; of perfumes that can give eternal slumber in a breath; of eyeless titans that dwell in Uranus, and beings that wander in the green light of the twin suns of azure and orange. Tell me tales of inconceivable fear and unimaginable love, in orbs whereto our sun is a nameless star, or unto which its rays have never reached."
— Clark Ashton Smith, To the Daemon - December 16, 1929
“The skies are haunted by that which it were madness to know; and strange abominations pass evermore between earth and moon and athwart the galaxies. Unnamable things have come to us in alien horror and will come again.”
― Clark Ashton Smith, The Maze of the Enchanter
“There have been times when only a hair's-breadth has intervened betwixt myself and the seething devil-ridden world of madness; for the hideous knowledge, the horror- blackened memories which I have carried so long, were never meant to be borne by the human intellect.”
― Clark Ashton Smith
“Psychoanalysis and dianetics are, on the face of it, both absurd. People are what they are because of causes that go infinitely farther back than infancy of the mother's womb”
― Clark Ashton Smith, The Black Book of Clark Ashton Smith
[caption id="attachment_8834" align="aligncenter" width="392"] Moonlight on Boulder Ridge by Clark Ashton Smith[/caption]
“In his bleak mercy, Death forever strips
The soul of light and memory, rendering blind
Our vision, lest surmounted deeps appal,
As when on mountain-heights a glance behind
Betrays with knowledge, and the climber slips
Down gulfs of fear to some enormous fall.”
The soul of light and memory, rendering blind
Our vision, lest surmounted deeps appal,
As when on mountain-heights a glance behind
Betrays with knowledge, and the climber slips
Down gulfs of fear to some enormous fall.”
— Clark Ashton Smith, The Unremembered
[caption id="attachment_8832" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Lovecraft, Smith, Howard[/caption]
To Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Clark Ashton Smith
Lover of hills and fields and towns antique,
How hast thou wandered hence
On ways not found before,
Beyond the dawnward spires of Providence?
Hast thou gone forth to seek
Some older bourn than these—
Some Arkham of the prime and central wizardries?
Or, with familiar felidae,
Dost now some new and secret wood explore,
A little past the senses' farther wall—
Where spring and sunset charm the eternal path
From Earth to ether in dimensions nemoral?
Or has the Silver Key
Opened perchance for thee
Wonders and dreams and worlds ulterior?
Hast thou gone home to Ulthar or to Pnath?
Has the high king who reigns in dim Kadath
Called back his courtly, sage ambassador?
Or darkling Cthulhu sent
The sign which makes thee now a councilor
Within that foundered fortress of the deep
Where the Old Ones stir in sleep
Till mighty temblors shake their slumbering continent?
Lo! in this little interim of days
How far thy feet are sped
Upon the fabulous and mooted ways
Where walk the mythic dead!
For us the grief, for us the mystery. . . .
And yet thou art not gone
Nor given wholly unto dream and dust:
For, even upon
This lonely western hill of Averoigne
Thy flesh had never visited,
I meet some wise and sentient wraith of thee,
Some undeparting presence, gracious and august.
More luminous for thee the vernal grass,
More magically dark the Druid stone,
And in the mind thou art forever shown
As in a magic glass;
And from the spirit's page thy runes can never pass.
Further great reading:
Clark Ashton Smith – The Last of the Great Romantics: here
The Sanctum of Clark Ashton Smith:
Friday, May 10, 2019
Not with those of other Race
[caption id="attachment_8827" align="aligncenter" width="350"] Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus[/caption]
"For each nation has different customs and divergent laws and institutions, and should consolidate those things that are proper to it, and should form and develop out of the same nation the associations for the fusion of its life. For just as each animal mates with its own tribe, so it is right that each nation should marry and cohabit not with those of other race and tongue but of the same tribe and speech. For hence arise naturally harmony of thought and intercourse among one another and friendly converse and living together; but alien customs and divergent laws are likely on the contrary to engender enmities and quarrels and hatreds and broils, which tend to beget not friendship and association but spite and division."
10th Century Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
"For each nation has different customs and divergent laws and institutions, and should consolidate those things that are proper to it, and should form and develop out of the same nation the associations for the fusion of its life. For just as each animal mates with its own tribe, so it is right that each nation should marry and cohabit not with those of other race and tongue but of the same tribe and speech. For hence arise naturally harmony of thought and intercourse among one another and friendly converse and living together; but alien customs and divergent laws are likely on the contrary to engender enmities and quarrels and hatreds and broils, which tend to beget not friendship and association but spite and division."
10th Century Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
8 May 1945: We Don't Celebrate!
“But as far as I personally am concerned I could not bear to live in Germany during the transition period that would follow the defeat of the Third Reich. The ignominies and the treachery we experienced in 1918 will be as nothing in comparison with what we may now expect. It is beyond comprehension that, after twelve years of National Socialism, such a thing could happen. My imagination boggles at the idea of a Germany, henceforth deprived of her elite which led her to the very pinnacles of heroism, wallowing for years and years in the mire.”
"..if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europe's Aryan peoples die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt"
The Political Testament Of Adolf Hitler
[caption id="attachment_8822" align="aligncenter" width="600"][/caption]
Monday, May 6, 2019
DER STÜRMER "Transcendental Racial Idealism" LP/CD (BOP027)
DER STÜRMER "Transcendental Racial Idealism" LP/CD (BOP027)
The 3rd DER STÜRMER full-length is made available again on CD and vinyl. The audio has been remastered to give this album a lot more sharper sound that first pressing was lacking! As the audio is now given new strength, also the noble cover artwork painted by Antichrist Kramer is used in its full glory.
A relentless bombardment of Hellenic NS Black Metal, glorifying the Traditions of Blood and War! Devoid of modernist manifestations, nine bloodstained cantos to the Folk-Psyche of Europa, heralding the impending downfall of the age of tolerance and liberalism!
Vinyl comes in regular LP-sleeve with a 4-page insert. CD in regular jewel case with 20-page booklet.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
The effete "men" of the Left
"Effete men turn to the Left because there they find fashionable and self-righteous justifications for their lack of manhood."
Wagner Clemente Soto
Friday, May 3, 2019
Adolf Hitler and Houston Stewart Chamberlain
[caption id="attachment_8805" align="aligncenter" width="600"] CHAMBERLAIN WITH COSIMA WAGNER[/caption]
"Hitler likely first encountered Chamberlain’s Foundations sometime between 1919 and 1921, when he read the work at the National Socialist Institute Library in Munich. He met the man himself shortly thereafter in Bayreuth. Chamberlain moved to Bayreuth after his marriage to Eva Wagner in 1909, and there he served to help reorganize the finances of the Festspiele and edit the Bayreuther Blätter, which carried articles on the art of the master interlaced with observations on the perfidy of Jews. As the leader of the growing German Workers Party, Hitler travel to Bayreuth in late September, 1923, to attend a political rally. While in the city, he was invited by the Wagner family to visit and worship at Wahnfried, the maestro’s home and shrine. Chamberlain spoke extensively with the man over two days and was so impressed that he wrote the lederhosed politician an amazingly fulsome letter, which Hitler never forgot.
[caption id="attachment_8804" align="aligncenter" width="600"] CHAMBERLAIN'S HOME IN BAYREUTH WHERE THE 1923 MEETING WITH HITLER TOOK PLACE[/caption]
The long letter of October 7, read in part:
You are certainly not as you have been described to me, namely as a fanatic [Fanatiker]; rather I would call you the very opposite of a fanatic. A fanatic overheats the head, while you warm the heart. The fanatic wishes to smoother you in words; you want to convince, only convince. . . My faith in Germanness [Deutschtum] has never wavered for a moment. But my hopes—I will confess—had ebbed. With one blow, you have transformed the core of my soul. That Germany in the hour of her greatest need has given birth to a Hitler, that shows her vital essence. (ed: Read the whole letter below)
On the occasion of Hitler’s thirty-fifth birthday, celebrated the next year in prison, Chamberlain published an open letter, in which he extolled this man, so different from other politicians, a man who “loves his German people with a burning passion.” “In this feeling,” he professed, “we have the central point of his whole politics, his economics, his opposition to the Jews, his battle against the corruption of values, etc.” After his release from jail, Hitler visited Chamberlain on several occasions and mourned him at his funeral. In the depths of the World War II, Hitler recalled with extreme gratitude visiting Bayreuth for the first time and meeting Chamberlain. In conversations stenographically recorded—his so-called “Table Talk”—he mentioned that “Chamberlain’s letter came while I was in jail. I was on familiar terms with them [Chamberlain and the Wagner family]; I love these people and Wahnfried.” It was while in jail, comforted as he was by Chamberlain’s recognition, that he composed the first volume of Mein Kampf."
Was Hitler a Darwinian? - Robert J. Richards
This is truly one of the most amazing letters in German history. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, one the leading nationalist philosophers in Germany and a key part of Richard Wagner's circle, hails Hitler as the new leader of Germany in 1923. It shows the depth of Hitler's support in German nationalist circles even in 1923.
Most respected and dear Herr Hitler:
You have every right to be surprised at this intrusion having seen with your own eyes how difficult it is for me to speak. But I cannot resist the urge to address a few words to you. I view this, however, as an entirely one-sided act, i.e. I do not expect an answer from you.
I have been wondering why it was you of all people, you who are so extraordinary in awakening people from sleep and humdrum routines, who recently gave me a longer and more refreshing sleep than I have experienced since that fateful day in August 1914 when I was first struck down by this insidious sickness. Now I believe I understand that it is precisely this that characterizes and defines your being: the true awakener is at the same time the bestower of peace.
You are not at all, as you have been described to me, a fanatic. In fact, I would call you the complete opposite of a fanatic. The fanatic inflames the mind, you warm the heart. The fanatic wants to overwhelm people with words, you wish to convince, only to convince them-and that is why you are successful. Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland. It was, I think, the misfortune of our great Bismarck that he became, as fate would have it (by no means through innate predisposition), a little too involved in politics. May you be spared this fate.
You have immense achievements ahead of you, but for all your strength of will I do not regard you as a violent man. You know Goethe's distinction between force and force. There is the force that stems from and in turn leads to chaos, and there is the force which shapes the universe.... It is this creative sense that I mean when I number you among the constructive men rather than those who are violent.
I constantly ask myself whether the poverty of political instinct for which Germans are so often blamed may not be symptomatic of a much deeper talent for state-building. In any case the German's organizational skills are unsurpassed and his scientific capacity is unequalled. In the essay Politische Ideale I pinned my hopes on this. The ideal kind of politics is to have none. But this non-politics must be frankly acknowledged and forced upon the world through the exercise of power. Nothing will be achieved so long as the parliamentary system dominates; for this the Germans have, God knows, not a spark of talent! I consider its prevalence to be the greatest misfortune; it can only drag us continually into the mire and ruin every plan for a healthy and revitalized fatherland.
But I am digressing, for I wanted only to speak of you. That you brought me peace is related very much to your eyes and hand gestures. Your eye works almost as a hand: it grips and holds a person; and you have the singular quality of being able to focus your words on one particular listener at any given moment. As for your hands, they are so expressive in their movement that they rival your eyes. Such a man brings rest to a poor suffering spirit! Especially when he is dedicated to the service of the fatherland.
My faith in Germandom has never wavered for a moment, though my hopes had, I confess, reached a low ebb. At one blow you have transformed the state of my soul. That Germany in its hour of greatest need has given birth to a Hitler is proof of vitality; your actions offer further evidence, for a man's personality and actions belong together. That the magnificent Ludendorff openly supports you and embraces your movement: what a wonderful combination!
I was able to sleep without a care. Nothing caused me to awaken again. May God protect you!
"Hitler likely first encountered Chamberlain’s Foundations sometime between 1919 and 1921, when he read the work at the National Socialist Institute Library in Munich. He met the man himself shortly thereafter in Bayreuth. Chamberlain moved to Bayreuth after his marriage to Eva Wagner in 1909, and there he served to help reorganize the finances of the Festspiele and edit the Bayreuther Blätter, which carried articles on the art of the master interlaced with observations on the perfidy of Jews. As the leader of the growing German Workers Party, Hitler travel to Bayreuth in late September, 1923, to attend a political rally. While in the city, he was invited by the Wagner family to visit and worship at Wahnfried, the maestro’s home and shrine. Chamberlain spoke extensively with the man over two days and was so impressed that he wrote the lederhosed politician an amazingly fulsome letter, which Hitler never forgot.
[caption id="attachment_8804" align="aligncenter" width="600"] CHAMBERLAIN'S HOME IN BAYREUTH WHERE THE 1923 MEETING WITH HITLER TOOK PLACE[/caption]
The long letter of October 7, read in part:
You are certainly not as you have been described to me, namely as a fanatic [Fanatiker]; rather I would call you the very opposite of a fanatic. A fanatic overheats the head, while you warm the heart. The fanatic wishes to smoother you in words; you want to convince, only convince. . . My faith in Germanness [Deutschtum] has never wavered for a moment. But my hopes—I will confess—had ebbed. With one blow, you have transformed the core of my soul. That Germany in the hour of her greatest need has given birth to a Hitler, that shows her vital essence. (ed: Read the whole letter below)
On the occasion of Hitler’s thirty-fifth birthday, celebrated the next year in prison, Chamberlain published an open letter, in which he extolled this man, so different from other politicians, a man who “loves his German people with a burning passion.” “In this feeling,” he professed, “we have the central point of his whole politics, his economics, his opposition to the Jews, his battle against the corruption of values, etc.” After his release from jail, Hitler visited Chamberlain on several occasions and mourned him at his funeral. In the depths of the World War II, Hitler recalled with extreme gratitude visiting Bayreuth for the first time and meeting Chamberlain. In conversations stenographically recorded—his so-called “Table Talk”—he mentioned that “Chamberlain’s letter came while I was in jail. I was on familiar terms with them [Chamberlain and the Wagner family]; I love these people and Wahnfried.” It was while in jail, comforted as he was by Chamberlain’s recognition, that he composed the first volume of Mein Kampf."
Was Hitler a Darwinian? - Robert J. Richards
Houston Stewart Chamberlain Letter to Hitler October 7, 1923
This is truly one of the most amazing letters in German history. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, one the leading nationalist philosophers in Germany and a key part of Richard Wagner's circle, hails Hitler as the new leader of Germany in 1923. It shows the depth of Hitler's support in German nationalist circles even in 1923.
Most respected and dear Herr Hitler:
You have every right to be surprised at this intrusion having seen with your own eyes how difficult it is for me to speak. But I cannot resist the urge to address a few words to you. I view this, however, as an entirely one-sided act, i.e. I do not expect an answer from you.
I have been wondering why it was you of all people, you who are so extraordinary in awakening people from sleep and humdrum routines, who recently gave me a longer and more refreshing sleep than I have experienced since that fateful day in August 1914 when I was first struck down by this insidious sickness. Now I believe I understand that it is precisely this that characterizes and defines your being: the true awakener is at the same time the bestower of peace.
You are not at all, as you have been described to me, a fanatic. In fact, I would call you the complete opposite of a fanatic. The fanatic inflames the mind, you warm the heart. The fanatic wants to overwhelm people with words, you wish to convince, only to convince them-and that is why you are successful. Indeed, I would also describe you as the opposite of a politician, in the commonly accepted sense of the word, for the essence of all politics is membership of a party, whereas with you all parties disappear, consumed by the heat of your love for the fatherland. It was, I think, the misfortune of our great Bismarck that he became, as fate would have it (by no means through innate predisposition), a little too involved in politics. May you be spared this fate.
You have immense achievements ahead of you, but for all your strength of will I do not regard you as a violent man. You know Goethe's distinction between force and force. There is the force that stems from and in turn leads to chaos, and there is the force which shapes the universe.... It is this creative sense that I mean when I number you among the constructive men rather than those who are violent.
I constantly ask myself whether the poverty of political instinct for which Germans are so often blamed may not be symptomatic of a much deeper talent for state-building. In any case the German's organizational skills are unsurpassed and his scientific capacity is unequalled. In the essay Politische Ideale I pinned my hopes on this. The ideal kind of politics is to have none. But this non-politics must be frankly acknowledged and forced upon the world through the exercise of power. Nothing will be achieved so long as the parliamentary system dominates; for this the Germans have, God knows, not a spark of talent! I consider its prevalence to be the greatest misfortune; it can only drag us continually into the mire and ruin every plan for a healthy and revitalized fatherland.
But I am digressing, for I wanted only to speak of you. That you brought me peace is related very much to your eyes and hand gestures. Your eye works almost as a hand: it grips and holds a person; and you have the singular quality of being able to focus your words on one particular listener at any given moment. As for your hands, they are so expressive in their movement that they rival your eyes. Such a man brings rest to a poor suffering spirit! Especially when he is dedicated to the service of the fatherland.
My faith in Germandom has never wavered for a moment, though my hopes had, I confess, reached a low ebb. At one blow you have transformed the state of my soul. That Germany in its hour of greatest need has given birth to a Hitler is proof of vitality; your actions offer further evidence, for a man's personality and actions belong together. That the magnificent Ludendorff openly supports you and embraces your movement: what a wonderful combination!
I was able to sleep without a care. Nothing caused me to awaken again. May God protect you!
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Pleading then death!
Running and hunting and slashing
And crushing and searching
And seeing and stabbing and shooting
And thrashing and smashing and
Burning destroying and killing
And bleeding and pleading then death!
January 31, 1964 – May 2, 2013
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