Sunday, April 29, 2018

To live without belief is more terrible than dying

[caption id="attachment_6109" align="aligncenter" width="400"]John Everett Millais - Joan of Arc (1865) John Everett Millais - Joan of Arc (1865)[/caption]

“Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing. One life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it…and then it’s gone.
But to surrender who you are and to live without belief is more terrible than dying – even more terrible than dying young.”

Joan of Arc

Saturday, April 28, 2018

The traditionalist foundations of the Left Hand Path in Odinism


The term “The Left Hand Path” is used today so often, and sometimes without any excuse and regarding to disputable exoteric doctrines, that its meaning and core are clouded from view and understanding. It is even more difficult to talk about the Left Hand Path in Odinism, because this manifestation of the German-Scandinavian Tradition is extremely young and therefore it is under all kinds of influences and infiltrations of the many extravagant ideas. A detailed analysis of the phenomenon of the Left Hand Path was conducted in the second volume of our fundamental work “Polemos”[1], below we will try briefly to summarize the main points in the light of the pagan traditionalism.

It is known that in antiquity the Germanic-Scandinavian Culture and Tradition did not know the division into the Right Path and the Left Path, as there were no special cults and practices of veneration of the Fury and Dark hypostases of the Gods, akin to Vedanta and Tantrism in Hindu traditions. The focus of Sacredness, which only later became possible to “divide” into the solar-martial (the Right) and twilight-ecstatic (the Left), is the figure of ás Odin and the Odinic cult. The cult of Odin embodies the holism of the World of Tradition. The axis of tension lies between the Gods (Aesir) and the Titans (Thurses and Jotuns), which is perfectly described by F. G. Jünger on the example of Greek mythology.

The discourse of the Left Hand Path in Odinism (more broadly in Asatru or the German-Scandinavian tradition as a whole) appears in the 20th century and most likely it is rooted in Western esotericism and hermeticism, the alchemical doctrine of the three stages of Magnum Opus and also influenced by the eastern darshans under the common name Vamachara (literally: the Left Hand Path in the Hindu). To date, Odinism clearly we can identify several mainstream currents, which are called the Left Hand Path. But first of all, it is necessary to name the main provisions of the Left Hand Path through the prism of traditionalism and highlight the structural theses that make this way distinctive and distinct from others, and also allows us to distinguish LHP in other traditions. In many aspects this structure is based on advaita-darshanas, as the most ancient and developed teachings of the Left Hand Path in the bosom of the Indo-European peoples. Also we especially want to emphasize the role of the traditionalist philosophy of J. Evola (“Ride the Tiger”, “The Metaphysics of Sex”, “The Hermetic Tradition: Symbols and Teachings of the Royal Art”, etc.) and F.G. Jünger (“Griechische Mythen”), etc., which gives us methods and values in the work on the development of the Left Hand Path in the era of Ragnarok.

The structural provisions of the LHP are as follows:

  • Recognition that mankind and the universe is in a state of decline: Kali-Yuga, Ragnarok or Iron Age. Cosmos and mankind are a dying hearth and a decaying corpse.

  • Nonconformity of behavior, ritual practice and aesthetics. Simultaneously with reliance on the meaning and essence of past forms, but in the light of radical rethinking of them or denial.

  • Transgression as a spiritual imperative to overcome any duality and in spite of the alienating and dying of the universe. If “God is dead” (Nietzsche), then the adept of the Left Hand Path puts the practice of imitatio Dei at the center of attention and focuses his attention and mind on the practice of dying, the existential experience of one’s own death (death of the false-Self as social person; Nigredo) and the death of the surrounding universe, leading to harmony and integrity of the internal and external experience of Death.

  • The non-duality between God and man in “death” (because death is an illusion) of the world, man and God.

From the last point begins one of the definitions of the Left Hand Path in Odinism in the West (Europe and the USA). The millennial of Christian culture and several centuries of Cartesianism of the Enlightenment laid the deep subject-object distinction in the consciousness of the European man. A typical definition of the Right Hand Path in the West is the practice of “worshiping and praying to God” on behalf of a person who is different in nature and status than God. Therefore, the characteristic of the LHP is the formula “do not bow before God, but become God”. But the problem is that this is not a primordial problem in paganism, but a problem imposed by the difference between the Gods and man in Christianity and the later difference between the subject and the object of Descartes, which underlies modern thinking. For the pagan worldview the difference between man and society, between man and Gods, man and the world is absent, everything is interconnected and built into the hierarchy of emanations. The world is a space of wonder and metamorphosis, permeated with the rays of the Divine Light. Therefore, when the Western school of the Left Hand Path in Odinism begins with the thesis that “they will not worship God but become God”, as S. Flowers or S.A. McNallen says, this is not yet the Path of the Left Hand, but only the restoration of the essential pagan position of things. Of course, for a modern post-Christian situation in the West, such a slogan is a bold nonconformism, but this is only the first step to improving the situation and thinking.

The other root of the the Left Hand Path in Odinism is Vamachara through the prism of traditionalism and structuralism. Vamachara’s influence on Western Odinism is less noticeable. More clearly seen in some Europe and our own teachings of the Left Hand Path, which we previously stated in the book “Gap. The Left Hand Path to Odinism” (Fall of Man, 2017). In this regard, you can hear a logical objection that with the use of Asian doctrines, the European – the Northern one – essence of Odinism is lost. On this score, we would like to quote another text in which we give a concise answer to this claim:

«I see the situation in the following way. You do not need to borrow the external forms from Tantra as invocations, names and images of the Gods. You do not need to borrow the structure of rituals and ceremonies, it’s a achievements and the manifestations of a purely Indian culture. More benefits can come from comparing the mythology and the gods, but it is not the deepest way.

It is enough to take from the Tantras the most fundamental and basic provisions; they often fit into one sentence or two or three words. For example, the “idea of non-duality” (Advaita) or “divine monism”. There is no need to take anything, but the ideas. The next step should be to search for the roots and the possibility of the disclosure of this idea in the space of European thinking and traditions. This is hugely aided by Plato, neo-Platonism, and some Christian mystics. For example, having plunged into the study of Meister Eckhart and Johannes Tauler, I found a great similarity in their teachings about finding the God within and the hierarchy of the people in the Tantras (Pasha-Vira-Divya). All we need is already within Hellenic and Germanic ideas, their philosophy and traditions. Our task is to free it from the accretions of Christianity, secular modern science, humanism, the idea of progress and so on. Then it should be brought into harmony and learned as language, and in this space of Hellenic-Germanic philosophical language we can express similar ideas to those of the Tantras that are absolutely complimentary to the European way of thinking, its culture and external forms»[2].

Another unobvious division among all the modern teachings of the Left Hand Path in Odinism and those who pretend to be such. We can conditionally divide the Path of the Left Hand into two levels: High (aristocratic) and operational (magical).

The first way is focused on spiritual realization or Divine Self-realization beyond all forms, names and descriptions of this state (apophatic Sacred or Plotinus ἕν). This is the path of inner doing, for which the shamanistic and transgressive, Odin’s night practices, associated with the death and non-duality of his figure as a warrior-king and supreme goði-shaman, act as a guide.

The second way is focused on the horizontal realization of magical skills and on the achievement of goals and benefits in this world, using the transgressive and dark practices of magic, invocations and sacrifices. This path includes any magic, and especially the magic of chaos, sexual magic, necromancy, etc. These aspects are very attractive to esoteric people and people whose spirit is not too strong for the High Path of the Left Hand in Odinism. And also it is attractive for all sorts of rascals, unfortunately. Still below this path, but as its component part, there is a pure worship of the titans – thursathru, rökkatru, etc. Teachings, which can be called “Satanism in Odinism.” These exoteric teachings are very common in the West (R. Caldera as a vivid example) and often connect with pseudo-initiating occult organizations like Thelema, the cult of Set and the same way simulacres. W. Grimsson emphasized the great influence of this degenerate esotericism in strengthening the subject-object dichotomy in the Left Hand Path, contrasting this with the holism and advaita of the East or pagan antiquity[3]. The path of worshipping of the titanic forces is the opposite of the way of Deification, but in the aesthetic and transgressive aspects it can be in some way close to the Path of the Left Hand.

[caption id="attachment_6104" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Loki and the Rhine Maidens, by Arthur Rackham Loki and the Rhine Maidens, by Arthur Rackham[/caption]

A separate case is the phenomenon of Loki’s figure in the German-Scandinavian Tradition. It is known that in ancient times there were no cults of this titan. Complexity begins with the definition of whether he was an ás or an jotun? Or he, like Prometheus among the Greeks, until some point stands on the side of the Gods, but then rebels against the Divine order and betrays them? The common features of myths allow us to affirm the second position. Firstly, Loki is a trickster, God of cheating, but later he discloses as a titan of lies and deceit. For the Left Hand Path in Odinism, in the center of which stands the Odinn-the-Allfather, Loki appears as his Shadow or a titanic double (in the myth they are twinned). Today there are attempts to build a cult of Loki, but almost all of them are cheap imitations and simulacra, inspired more by the waste of film production based on comics and wiccans, than serious insights into the essence of this most complex figure in the German-Scandinavian tradition.

Finally, the Left Hand Path has prospects to reach new horizons connected with not only traditionalism, but the philosophy of language, as C. Cleary and S. Flowers do, mastering the poetry as M. Heidegger saw it. This, in particular, will be devoted to our upcoming book “Forthcoming and Encirclement”, which will be published in Russian in the autumn.

Askr Svarte

06.2017 era vulgaris

[1] Askr Svarte “Polemos. Языческий Традиционализм”, в двух томах, “Велигор”, 2016г. (In Russian language)

[2] An interview for Fall of Man, 2017.

[3] W. Grimssons article “Some Preliminary Comments on the Difference between the Left Hand Path in the West and Pre Christian and Heathen Models”.

Friday, April 27, 2018

We were divided and we are conquered


“We were divided and we are conquered. That is the tragic epitaph of two war generations. Those words alone should adorn the grave of the youth of Europe. That was the fate of my generation in 1914, and that was the doom of a new generation of young soldiers in 1939. The youth of Europe shed the blood of their own family, and the jackals of the world grew fat. Those who fought are in the position of the conquered, whatever their country. Those who did not fight, but merely profited, alone are victorious.”

Sir Oswald Mosley

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Battle of Vaslui 1475: Epic Slaughter of the Ottomans


The Battle of Vaslui (also referred to as the Battle of Podul Înalt or the Battle of Racova) (January 10, 1475) was fought between the Moldavian (Romanian) Prince, Stephen the Great and the Ottoman Beylerbeyi of Rumelia, Hadân Suleiman Pasha. The battle took place at Podul Înalt (the High Bridge), near the town of Vaslui, in Moldavia (now part of eastern Romania) between Barnaba and Racovica. The Ottoman troops numbered between 60,000 and 120,000, facing about 40,000 Moldavian troops, plus smaller numbers of allied and mercenary troops on both sides (Kingdom of Poland and Kingdom of Hungary on the side of Moldavia)

Stephen inflicted a decisive defeat on the Ottomans which has been said to be "the greatest ever secured by the Cross against Islam," with casualties, according to Venetian and Polish records, reaching beyond 40,000 on the Ottoman side. As witnessed by Maraym Khanum (Mara Brankovic), former younger wife of Murad II, to a Venetian envoy, the invasion was the worst defeat for the Ottomans at that time. Stephen was later awarded the title "Athleta Christi" (Champion of Christ) by Pope Sixtus IV. The Polish chronicler, Jan Długosz, hailed Stephen after his victory in the battle:

"Praiseworthy hero, in no respect inferior to other hero soldiers we admire. He was the first contemporary among the rulers of the world to score a decisive victory against the Turks. To my mind, he is the worthiest to lead a coalition of the Christian Europe against the Turks."

[caption id="attachment_6093" align="aligncenter" width="300"]stefan_cel_mare1-300x400 Stephen III of Moldavia, known as Stephen the Great[/caption]

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The gifts of the Gods

“Heimdallr brings forth the gifts of the gods to the humans”, wall painting from 1907 by Nils Asplund

“Heimdallr brings forth the gifts of the gods to the humans”, wall painting from 1907 by Nils Asplund in the auditorium of the University of Gothenburg.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Ides of March

[caption id="attachment_6086" align="alignnone" width="920"]deathofcaesar.0.0 Vincenzo Camuccini's depiction of the death of Julius Caesar.[/caption]

Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I have yet heard,
It seems to me most strange that men should fear,
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.

- Caesar in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, II.ii.34-39

On the steps of the Parthenon

The lone figure of a soldier from the Leibstandarte sitting on the steps of the Parthenon on the Acropolis, Greece, 1941.

The lone figure of a soldier from the Leibstandarte sitting on the steps of the Parthenon on the Acropolis, Greece, 1941.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Greater holy war


"The [“el-jihadul-akbar” or the] “greater holy war” is man’s struggle against the enemies he carries within. More exactly, it is the struggle of man’s higher principle against everything that is merely human in him, against his inferior nature and against chaotic impulses and all sorts of material attachments. This is expressly outlined in a text of Aryan warrior wisdom: “Know Him therefore who is above reason; and let his peace give thee peace. Be a warrior and kill desire, the powerful enemy of the soul.” [The Bhagavadgita 3.43]
The “enemy” who resists us and the “infidel” within ourselves must be subdued and put in chains. This enemy is the animalistic yearning and instinct, the disorganized multiplicity of impulses, the limitations imposed on us by a ficticious self, and thus also fear, weakness, and uncertainty; this subduing of the enemy is the only way to achieve inner liberation or the rebirth in a state of a deeper inner unity and “peace” in the esoteric and triumphal sense if the word."

Julius Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World

Saturday, April 21, 2018

English translations of Wilhelm Müller's poems

[caption id="attachment_6074" align="aligncenter" width="400"]800px-Wilhelm_Müller_by_Schröter Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Müller 1794-1827[/caption]

Wilhelm Müller was born in Dessau and began writing poetry at age 14 upon the death of his mother. Later, with the financial aid of his stepmother, he was able to enter Berlin University to study history, literature and philology. His studies were interrupted by his volunteering for the Prussian army, however, in order to participate in the last battles against Napoleon but he recommenced his studies in 1815.

As well as poetry, his work included translations and theatrical works and literary criticism as well as editorial work on several 17th century poetry collections. He travelled to Egypt in 1817 and returned to Dessau via a prolonged stay in Italy. He was appointed public librarian which was an appointment he retained for the remainder of his working life.

His first major poetry collection Papieren eines Reisenden Waldhornisten contained the cycle later set by Schubert as Die Schöne Müllerin. He married in 1821 and published Lieder der Griechen in that year as well as Die Winterreise to which he added further poems in 1822-1824. His poetry devoted to the Greek struggle for freedom from Ottoman rule brought him public support that assisted him in his protests at the repressions of the Prussian government. 

Over the next few years, he published extensively works that were highly regarded by publisher and readers. He contracted whooping cough in 1826, however, which was the probable cause of a swift decline in health leading to his death from a heart attack at age 32 years.

His works were highly regarded by Heine and were influential on Tennyson. They express life in a sensitivity of language that attracted criticism in later decades as being mere convention. Despite the critics confusing simplicity with naivety, his works remain honoured today largely assisted by Schubert's achievements in his great song cycles.

[caption id="attachment_6075" align="aligncenter" width="400"]Exif_JPEG_PICTURE Monument in Dessauer city park.[/caption]

The Signpost
Wilhelm Müller 

Why do I avoid the roads then
Where the other walkers go,
Seeking out the hidden pathways
Through the snowed up rocky heights? 

Have I ever that committed,
That would make me shun the crowd?
Such a foolishness and craving
Drives me onto wasteland paths. 

Signposts standing at the roadside
Pointing all towards the towns
And I walk without a purpose
With no rest and seek for rest. 

There a signpost I see standing
There before me firmly set;
I must tread the path I've chosen
By which no one has returned. 

More English translations of his poems:

Panem et circenses


"Such is the trend of Nihilism. It occurs to no one to educate the masses to the level of true culture - that would be too much trouble, and possibly certain postulates for it are absent. On the contrary, the structure of society is to be levelled down to the standard of the populace. General equality is to reign, everything is to be equally vulgar. The same way of getting money and the same pleasures to spend it on: panem et circenses - no more is wanted, no more would be understood. Superiority, manners, taste, and every description of inward rank are crimes. Ethical, religious, national ideas, marriage for the sake of children, the family, State authority: all these are old-fashioned and reactionary."

Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision: Germany and World-Historical Evolution

DER STÜRMER - Hail to Finland


Live album of the Hellenic National Socialist Metal Warriors third visit to Finland! 14 songs of bigotry and hatred. Features guest vocals by Antichrist Kramer.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Oath to the Führer


‘We often heard Your voice and listened silently and folded our hands, as each word reached our soul. We all know that one day, we will be free of poverty and oppression. What is a year? Can a law hinder the pure faith that You have given us, and that pulses through our young lives? My Führer, You alone are the path and the goal!’

From ‘The song of Loyalty,’ by Baldur von Schirach.” (#17, 19 - 25 April 1942)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Nietzsche and the Duce


"The Führer's gift was the only pleasant surprise for Mussolini - an admirable edition of the works of Nietzsche - twenty-four tomes - that had a dedication by the hands of Hitler. True jewel of the German publishing art. Accompanying the gift was a letter from Marshal Kesselring, which read:

"Duce: on behalf of the Führer I refer you, with the blessing of S.E. Marshal of Italy Pietro Badoglio, the gift of the Führer on the day of your birthday. The Führer will be happy if this great work of German literature gives you, Duce, a little joy, and if you have to consider it as an expression of personal affection that the Führer professes to you. One to it my particular greeting." Feldmariscal Kesselring - General Headquarters, August 7, 1943. 

Mussolini had time to read the first four volumes containing the youthful poems of Nietzsche - most beautiful - and the first works of philology on Latin and Greek, languages that the German thinker possessed with the same perfection as his own.

Mussolini had time to read the first four volumes containing the youthful poems of Nietzsche - most beautiful - and the first works of philology on Latin and Greek, languages that the German thinker possessed with the same perfection as his own."

Benito Mussolini. My last year.
Pages: 100 - 101.

Creation - Destruction


Japan's astonishing strength


"I felt, that in the mind of Hitler there was much of spiritual matters, transcending material plans. When I met the Führer he said that since boyhood he had been attracted by Japan. He read carefully reports of Japan's victory over Russia when he was only 17 years old and was impressed by Japan's astonishing strength."

General Tomoyuki Yamashita. "World: Is Hitler Running Japan?". TIME 2 March 1942

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Long live Bashar al-Assad!



Πόλεμος πατὴρ πάντων


"First let me dispel the delusion that "class strife" is identical with civil war, with petroleum, dynamite, the stiletto, and the barricades. The forms of class strife are many. Every trade union, every social-democratic election, every strike, is a manifestation of this strife. And it seems to me that such internal struggle, such conflict of different interests and ideas, is not only without danger to our civilisation, but on the contrary will be the source of much that is desirable. I think that the old proverb is true as applied even to social strife, "Πόλεμος πατὴρ πάντων." It is only through struggle that the most beautiful flowers of human existence bloom. It is only struggle that raises the great masses of the common people to a higher level of humanity. Whatever of culture is now forced upon the masses comes to them through struggle; the only warrant for the hope that they can be developed into new and higher forms of culture lies in the fact that they must rise through their efforts, that step by step they must fight for their rights. It is struggle alone that builds character and arouses enthusiasm, for nations as for classes. Let me remind you of a beautiful saying of Kant's, that expresses the same thought: "Thanks to nature for intolerance, for envious and emulous self-seeking, for the insatiable desire to have and to rule! Without this, all the desirable qualities of humanity would lie eternally undeveloped. Man wants peace, but Nature knows better what is necessary for him; she wants strife"."

Werner Sombart  - Socialism and the Social Movement in the 19th Century

Thursday, April 12, 2018



"Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence– whether much that is glorious– whether all that is profound– does not spring from disease of thought– from moods of mind exalted at the expense of the general intellect."

Edgar Allan Poe

Monday, April 9, 2018

Nordic Iron Age

From the mTORR 7" Ep, titled "Nordic Iron Age". Out now on THE NEW SLAVERY & Nordic Iron Age Records. Epic/True Viking Metal from the North.


Orbán the Victor


Viktor Orbán: "Mass migration is like a slow and steady current of water which washes away the shore. It appears in the guise of humanitarian action, but its true nature is the occupation of territory; and their gain in territory is our loss of territory."


Sunday, April 8, 2018

Martin Heidegger: In His Own Words


Newly revealed letters from Heidegger confirm his belief in National Socialism.

Below, translated excerpts of Heidegger’s letters, first published by Die Zeit’s Adam Soboczynski and Alexander Cammann:

"It would appear that Germany is finally awakening, understanding and seizing its destiny.

I hope that you will read Hitler’s book; (...) This man has a remarkable and sure political instinct, and he had it even while all of us were still in a haze, there is no way of denying that. The National Socialist movement will soon gain a wholly different force. It is not about mere party politics—it’s about the redemption or fall of Europe and western civilization. Anyone who does not get it deserves to be crushed by the chaos."

18th of December, 1931

"With each day that passes we see Hitler growing as a statesman. The world of our Volk and Reich is about to be transformed and everyone who has eyes with which to watch, ears with which to listen, and a heart to spur him into action will find himself captivated by genuine, deep excitement—once again, we are met with a great reality and with the pressure of having to build this reality into the spirit of the Reich and the secret mission of the German being […]"

13th of April, 1933

"[…] It is not Russianism that will bring about the destruction of the earth but Americanism, not just the English but all of Europe has fallen prey to it as it represents modernity in its monstrosity."

18th of August, 1941

Translated from the German by Luisa Zielinski.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Eugene Terre’Blanche: 31.01.1941 – 03.04.2010

Many parts of this article are from the book “Victory or violence: The Story of the AWB of South Africa”, by Arthur Kemp.


Eugene Ney Terre’Blanche was born on 31 January 1944 in the dry western Transvaal, and was killed the 3rd April 2010 in Ventersdorp, at his farm, by two of his black workers.
Terre’Blanche was raised in a deeply devout traditional Boer Protestant household. His grandfather was one of the “Cape rebels” - those Afrikaners who took up arms for the Boer cause during the Second Boer War of Liberation (1899 - 1902), although they lived in the British controlled Cape Province and not in the independent Boer Republics - and settled in the Transvaal after the conclusion of the war. Terre’Blanche still runs the family farm in Ventersdorp, which he inherited from his father who died in 1985.
The family is originally French, and their name, loosely translated, means “White Earth” - a play on words that has often been used by Terre’Blanche himself. His wife, Martie, originally from South West Africa (now Namibia), ran a number of modelling schools in the Western Transvaal. Their only child, Bea, was adopted.
Terre’Blanche’s great drawing power came virtually exclusively from his oratorical abilities, which have on more than occasion been compared to Hitler’s. There is certainly no doubt that Terre’Blanche's oratory was unsurpassed by any of his contemporaries, left or right.
Despite the establishment media having given him as little publicity as possible, his speaking abilities and the rumour thereof alone managed to draw huge audiences across the country, even in traditionally liberal areas. More than once unhappy National Party organisers were heard to complain that “many people who go out of curiosity to a Terre’Blanche meeting end up being converted to his cause just after hearing him speak.”
Terre'Blanche’s voice was part of the secret - it was deep, rich and overpowering. His normal delivery was loud and deep, building to a screaming crescendo with rhythmic repetitious and long sentences. A favourite tactic was to suddenly drop his voice to a whisper so that the audience literally held its breath so as not to miss a word, and then to suddenly launch into a loud crescendo. It is true what many a journalist has written of Terre’Blanche - he could hold an audience spellbound even if he were reciting a telephone directory.
Terre’Blanche never searched for a word when making a speech - this despite the fact that many of his speeches were not written out in full before delivery. In fact more than once the basic speech was jotted down on the back of a cigarette pack during the introductory part of a meeting.
Terre’Blanche also used his undoubted talent for drama and poetry, in his speeches to great effect. It is not well known that, before he became well known politically, he received three awards from the respected Afrikaans establishment Afrikaanse Taal en Kultuurvereniging (Afrikaans Language and Cultural Union) for best writer, actor and director of his play “Iewers Langs die Pad” (“Somewhere Along the Road”). Other works of his have been studied at University level, while a drama in three acts which he wrote in the middle 1970’s about Boer history (Sybrand die Watermaker - Sybrand the Water Maker) was widely acclaimed and was for a long time a prescribed set work book in schools in South Africa - even though most people reading the book did not know who the author “E.N. Terre’Blanche” really was.
His interest in politics started at school in Ventersdorp where he was chairman of the debating society and captain of the school's first rugby team, achieving Western Transvaal rugby colours. It was also at school that he started his own Afrikaner cultural organization, Jong Afrikanerharte (Young Afrikaner Hearts).


After school Terre’Blanche served in the South African Police where he reached the rank of warrant officer. For a time he was assigned to the Special Guard Unit, which protects all members of the cabinet.
While in the police he was also chairman of the Police’s Cultural Group, and took part in many of that group’s drama performances.
Terre’Blanche was a supporter of the NP (Nasionale Party - National Party) until was Prime Minister of the RSA Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd (1966). In 1969, in disagreement with the first radical change in the policy of this party, he was among the founding members of the HNP (Herstigte Nasionale Party - Reconstituted National Party).
Terre'Blanche subsequently resigned from the police, and worked for a while at Rondalia, an Afrikaner run holiday resort association.
In the RSA’s general election of the 22nd April 1970, Terre’Blanche stood for the HNP in the eastern Transvaal seat of Heidelberg.
The 7th July 1973, in Heidelberg, Eugene Terre’Blanche and six other men, Jan Groenewald, the two brothers JJ and DJ Jordaan, Piet Preller, Renier Oosthuizen and Kobus Strydom, founded the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), a nationalist extra-parliamentary Boer movement, independentist and Christian, opposed to the communist forces and to international capitalism, then subsequently will equip itself with paramilitary structures.


Over the years the AWB came to be the more involved Boer movement, and was the only Boer movement to actively oppose the creation of a single regime in southern Africa, till to take up arms and to carry out guerrilla warfare.


In 1994, while all leaders, on the Boer independist front same as on the Zulu and other black nations, surrendered, or even betrayed, to ensure a future for themselves on the skin of their people, Eugene Terre’Blanche and AWB continued to fight for freedom, as they had promised. A very difficult road, full of smear campaigns, mass arrests, judicial persecution and death.


In 2000 Terre’Blanche was sentenced to serve one year in prison on charges of assaulting a black man. On the 30th March he appeared in black suit (like the Ystergarde - Iron Guard - the paramilitary elite force of the AWB), in the saddle of Attila, his black horse, in front of the gates of the Potchefstroom prison. And there, he promised that the prison would not have weaken him, and said to wait him because he would be back, back in the saddle to lead the struggle. And so he did, greeted by AWB’s men, but only on 11th June 2004 on parole. In 2001, in fact, after having been temporarily put in freedom, was sentenced to others 5 years in prison (after having lost yet another appeal on matter), on charges of attempted murder of a his black worker. All these accusations were always rejected by Terre’Blanche and the AWB, which at that time stated that: “[Terre’Blanche] is not guilty of this crime and was jailed because he is regarded as a threat to the new ‘democracy’ in South Africa; the new suppressing communist regime had to find a way to isolate him.” These allegations were also used to support and propagate the idea that Terre’Blanche and the AWB were motivated by racial hate. When, in contrast, Terre’Blanche and the AWB had always expressed and fought for a southern Africa that would guarantee freedom and independence to all nations who historically inhabit it. Suffice it to think to the mission of the AWB in Bophuthatswana (in 1994) to support its independence, or to the alliance of the AWB with the Inkatha of Zulu (officially stipulated in 1993).
Terre’Blanche spent his detention mainly in the Rooigrond prison, near Mafeking, after spending a few days in that of Potchefstroom, during his first period of detention.
In 2003, while he was in prison, was sentenced for terrorism, for actions performed by the AWB in the 1994. For these acts was sentenced to six years, suspended on parole. So the regime imprisoned him, but officially: for common crimes, not for the battle that he had conducted and led, seeking to free his people.


Terre’Blanche in 2008 began to hold meetings and the AWB announced that it has restarted. Among other initiatives, the AWB was willing to submit documents to the International Court of Justice of The Hague, to claim the right of the Boer nation on some lands in southern Africa.
Terre’Blanche gave everything for the Boer nation, and for this has been the target of smear campaigns, he was imprisoned, and at the end he was killed.
He was a true patriot and a true Christian, a born leader, brave (and not just with words), used to being at the forefront, able to speak to people, and to rise his nation. And probably: he was assassinated for that.


[caption id="attachment_6023" align="aligncenter" width="620"]Terre´Blanche_funeral Supporters of Terre'Blanche salute him at his funeral[/caption]


Spiritual Hierarchy And The Three Modes of Being

[caption id="attachment_6011" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Accolade_by_Edmund_Blair_Leighton The accolade. Canvas by Edwar Blair Leighton (1853-1922)[/caption]

Traditionalism, in its proper meaning, cannot be understood if its hierarchical aspect is neglected. Unfortunately, this is more often than not the case with modern conservatives who pretend to be proponents of traditionalism while in fact lacking any knowledge of its principles. It is by understanding true hierarchy that we can make the distinction between those who are merely concerned about preserving an empty shell in the form of traditional customs and rituals, and those who wish to revitalize the Essence that provides those forms with true meaning.

Religious rituals, “the nuclear family”, civilization itself, all of these forms mean very little when detached from their Essence. Mere sentimentalism is not enough to give human life any more value and meaning than it could give to a war that is fought for nothing but materialistic benefits of a certain social class.

To understand hierarchy, one must have the ability to dissect the false value attributed to everyday life and materialistic notions of superiority and inferiority, which are in constant flux and therefore lack any real sense of objective hierarchy. The hierarchy we are concerned with goes beyond the mere rat race imposed by society. That is not to say that the direct results of our activities are of no importance, but rather that the hierarchy we wish to revitalize is one that is first and foremost rooted in objective (and therefore Transcendent) Principles, which can be observed and lived by only after a certain superior disposition has been internalized. Once this inner change occurs, the purely materialistic outlook of cause and effect is replaced with a superior Duty towards the Divine, the Transcendent Principle, that takes precedence over “facts and figures” which cannot hold any value in-and-of themselves.

The conservatives who cannot imagine life without the idea of social progress and hold dearly to technology and modern science, have lost sight of Transcendence, and have replaced it with a sentimental worship of Matter, which is why they are the staunchest proponents of pragmatism, rationalism, status quo, and so on. They wish to cling unto the empty shell of Tradition only due to their personal interests, often as a convenient escape from nihilism. Unfortunately for them, this attempt at preservation cannot be long-lasting, as it’s bound to produce a rebellion with the next generation, as young people find this meek stance to be utterly hypocritical.

And so it seems that it is harder to feel disdain towards the absurdist who rebels against the worship of this falsified Tradition, for he is at least some of the time concerned with Truth.

All in all, there are three recognizable ways of responding to this problem:

  1. Worship or empty respect of some traditional form(s)

  2. A complete break from Tradition into Absurdism

  3. A revitalization of Tradition with the focus on its Essence, without the misplaced sentimentalism of modern conservativism.

If we are to follow the third option, a hierarchical, vertical form of thinking which goes beyond materialism is of utmost importance. It is the difference between an exciting, virile and flourishing Tradition, and a stale conservatism for which utilitarianism is the highest (and perhaps only) ideal.

We cannot share the unsubstantiated belief in the profundity of utilitarianism, because it has shown itself to be useless in spiritually replacing Tradition. Utilitarianism is Transcendence debased of actual Transcendence, a worship of productivity based on a debased form of morality. Conservatives propose that relieving suffering is a good enough reason to “seize the day”. What they fail to realize is that without consciousness there is no suffering, and therefore it is much simpler and more intelligent to not have children and commit suicide than it is to work towards a future Utopia, or to protect the decadent status quo from the unknown, which is even more preposterous.

With the first option debunked, we should now analyze the second option; the nihilist, the absurdist, the one who feels that life is cosmic joke and might even find a perverse pleasure in that thought. Nietzsche characterized this position as a potential stepping stone, towards a higher realization – passive nihilism turned into active nihilism. So it might be valuable to note that we are not criticizing this state if it’s transitory, which is almost a necessity for many today, but rather the acceptance of it as a necessary or even positive long term solution. The argument to be made against this position is that it can be held only by someone who was not introduced to Tradition in its proper form. Therefore the absurdists and nihilists are correct in their rebellion against false Tradition, but they should redirect their energies towards understanding real Tradition, instead of dwelling in darkness till the end of their days. Then they will realize that their conclusions are not a product of superior Intellect, but rather of healthy intuition that was lacking in knowledge.

For any person that suddenly discovers Tradition, it is crucial that a sense for hierarchy is developed, otherwise the result could be a fall into depressive, burgeoisie conservatism that is a product of weakness, lack of knowledge or both.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Gary Yarborough - In memoriam


After 30 years in prison Gary Yarborough died yesterday, april 1, 2018.

A true warrior, a true racial patriot.

In memoriam.

The Massacre of Chios

[caption id="attachment_6004" align="aligncenter" width="500"]tumblr_lprnjhebbd1qggdq1 The Massacre at Chios (1824) by Eugène Delacroix[/caption]

The Massacre of Chios remains a bloody and glorious event in the history of modern Greece. In March 1821, under about 4 centuries of occupation, Greece had revolted against the Ottoman Empire. Most Greek towns and islands had risen and were fighting for freedom. This didn't happen with Chios on the same degree.

For many centuries, the island was benefited by the Sultan because of the prospering mastic trade that would get many profits to the Empire. Most of the inhabitants, though, were pretty reluctant to set out a revolt, fearing that they would lose their prosperity.

However, in March 1822, a troop of revolutionaries from Samos island leaded by Lykourgos Logothetis landed on Chios and were attracting more and more inhabitants to join the Greek Revolution. The Sultan learned about it and heard some rumors about a conspiracy of the inhabitants against the Empire. This infuriated him and he was turned against this island, that had been so benefited by the Turksih government.

In April 1822, he sent a Turkish fleet to destroy Chios and kill all the inhabitants. Indeed, the fleet landed on the island on Holy Friday, April 13th 1822, and an incredible order of killing, rape and plunder followed. For two weeks, the Turkish army would kill and torture people, burn villages and set churches on fire. About 90,000 people were killed in the Massacre of Chios, mostly Greeks, 50,000 were enslaved and about 25,000 were exiled. Only 2,000 inhabitants managed to survive, hiding in caves for days or leaving the island by sea. The island was left all burnt.


This massacre shocked Europe and spread many protests. Famous artists dedicated works to this grief and the Westerns started to see the Greek Revolt in a more positive view. Eugene Delacroix, the famous French painter, got inspired a great painting from the Massacre of Chios depicting the horrors and atrocities of the Turks. Victor Hugo wrote a poem about it. Voluntary organizations collected money to support the Greek Revolution with arms and weapons, while many Westerners came to Greece to fight against the Ottomans.

The revenge to the Massacre came a couple of months later, in June 6th, 1822, when Konstantinos Kanaris, a native of Chios who had survived, set on fire the Turkish fleet that had landed in the port of Chios town, killing 2,000 Turks and destroying all the ships there. Source:

Richard Moult - Chamber Music



"Let us look at each other in the face We are Hyperboreans!"
.........Friedrich Nietzsche

The human body in its current state is hardly a fit vehicle for the forces of the vast and mighty mysteries of eternity. Man is ever becoming but very few are those who ever become in life’s all too fleeting physical experience. Our purpose on earth must be more than to merely exist as animals. Every human being born into the living world must at some point recognize that they have obligations to fulfill above their own personal existence. Both Man and the races of the world are equipped to transform the material world of gross matter to higher living standards and culture just as they are equipped to transcend it. There is plenty room on the planet for all the races to raise themselves and their own indigenous culture to the highest possible levels. Animals and insects even within the limits of their capacity and dimension follow the divine plan and Nature’s law in perfect accordance while man with all his advantages cannot. Animals and insects do not mix their species, do not pollute the planet, torture one another or kill each other for personal gain or travel half way around the world to destroy someone else’s nation. Nor would they ever fill their bodies with mind altering substances or partake in such sick perversions that mankind is prone to.

Today’s world is spiraling into chaos because man has turned his back on his Gods and the whole divine inheritance, turned his back on Nature and the will to be as a species which instills the essential building blocks that are the earmark of a healthy culture and society. Race is the foundation of all culture. A culture is the expression of an ideal and great ideals can change the world and known to have created golden ages in the course of history. Capitalist materialism and consumerism can never produce a culture or advance its people in fact it will ultimately ravage pollute and destroy all human kind and the planet as well, the results of which we are witnessing now before our very eyes. Culture is the key building block of a great race and civilization.

"If there is nothing of the divine in man what is he after all, but a more intelligent animal? He hath no fault nor vice which some beast hath not; and therefore in his vices he is but a beast of a higher order." ......................Albert Pike

It is nothing short of amazing that mankind has existed this far. Throughout the many ages and eons nature has thrown every natural obstacle into the path of the human species short of colliding head on with a comet of which nothing could possibly survive. We know now that mankind coexisted with the dinosaurs and yet those huge incredibly strong creatures died off from a catastrophe they could not withstand while man still survived. Mans most formidable enemy has always been himself which can largely be attributed to his ignorance mixed with just enough intelligence which makes him dangerous and prone to kill, torture and destroy that which he does not and perhaps will not ever understand unless he can improve upon himself as a species.

We live in a highly technological and conveniently automated age which fools one into believing they have advanced but when it comes to viewing the progress of man himself there is every indication that we are devolving instead of evolving. The greatest human beings to have walked the earth are found to have existed far more abundantly in ancient times than in the present. The further one goes back into history the quality level goes up not down. Most of the leaders of ancient times were the real article and there were many. Some were so much in advance of the average man they were thought to posses divine blood. Today’s leaders are a complete joke and the joke is on us as we ride humanities sinking ship into oblivion with no qualified captain at the helm. Democracy does not leave room for real leaders to come forth. A democracy will only ever bring forth a fruitless leadership of weak hollow men who have no integrity, vision or genius. A democracy with its controlled voting process continues to turn out puppet politicians which are about as effective to world progress as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. A politician is a strange mixture of both a prostitute and a high powered salesman who will say or do anything to please the masses in his effort to reach the top of the political heap and gain public favor.


The great god archetypes of the past were solar deities. The right eye of the Egyptian god Ra and also Horus represented the sun. Amon Ra also is known to have had a counterpart, Mon, who represented the designation for the hidden sun, known throughout initiated worlds as the Black Sun. Unbeknownst to Christians, when they end a prayer with "Amen" that is in fact a blessing to both gods Ra and Mon from which it originated. Mon is the secret name for the hidden god. Mon is the ruler of the unseen process of life, both positive and negative. Ra represents our sun and life as we know it and Mon the hidden sun and that of which man remains ignorant. The word Amon Ra really says it all which is no doubt why it still remains the most popular way to end a prayer.

Here on Earth (Midgard), the sun remains the foremost symbol of life because without it there is no life. The eye of the Teutonic god Wotan also represented the sun, his left eye the moon. We view god through our god archetypes but as our archetypes demonstrate, they too are fallible and therefore not the God Absolute but only high divinities in the eye of man. They serve as our immediate and respected guides because though far advanced to man they are akin to us in appearance and nature and
share many of our own emotions and we can understand them. The all high god of the extended universe is always an enigma inconceivable to man. As Man must always have an image to focus upon to define the godhead and since no man knows the face of god the Sun as giver of all life would become the most favored symbol for many thousands of years. The sun is male, the earth female. The sun impregnates and fertilizes the female earth with its life giving rays and Mother Earth nurtures and bears out her fruit, not all so different from the generation process between a man and a woman.

The sun dominates our world but behind the sun is an even greater sun known as the Black Sun. The Black Sun is thought to be the very center of the extended universe, the zero point of all that is. As the moon and earth revolve around the sun, so does our entire solar system orbit the Black Sun. The sun behind the sun is referred to as the Black Sun. Black represents the void of creation from which all things are derived. Black has always been used in religious practice and considered an ideal color for ceremonial garb as it represents the entire electromagnetic spectrum.


"In the Mithriac cult of the Light of a Lone Star, which announces the Black Sun, which lies behind the Golden Sun; and the Green Ray which is behind the Black Sun." ................Miguel Serrano

The Black Sun is the star Sirius which was long thought to be the brightest and most powerful of stars. Sirius is actually two stars, the gigantic Sirius A, and the much smaller Sirius B. We know now that there exists an even larger star Alcyone, which has eighty-three times the brilliance of Sirius and one thousand times greater than the brilliance of our own sun. As the moon reflects the sun so does the sun reflect Sirius. Since far distant times Sirius was believed to be the very cradle of all life throughout the extended universe. Sirius was known as the dog star Dog of course is god spelled backwards which may be more than just mere coincidence as we continue to unravel the mystery of The Black Sun.

"The great leap will be taken in the Iceland’s, at the "point of exit" towards the star of origin. The dog leads the way (The Dog of the Goths; the dog of god). Northwards as well as Southwards. 
..................Miguel Serrano

The ancient Aryan high priests of Egypt had a very keen interest in the dog star Sirius. The dog-headed god "Anubis" is believed to be representative of the star Sirius. In the book titled "The Sirius Mystery", by Robert Temple, the author points out a very significant connection between the dog star Sirius and the sphinx. First it must be pointed out that the sphinx is the oldest existing sculpture on the planet and far predates the very oldest of Egyptian pyramids. Egypt itself is older than history books would have you believe and coexisted with Atlantis. Egyptian papyrus and hieroglyphs have been discovered that illustrate land and sea battles between Egyptians and Atlanteans. In fact Atlanteans were in the process of a major battle with Egypt at the time the Atlantic ocean was struck by an asteroid which sank the entire civilization. Temple suggests that the Egyptian civilization cannot be less than 25,000 years old. The civilization of Troy would have been in its glory during the destruction of Atlantis.

The first day of the Egyptian year marks the rising of Sirius. The goddess Isis was known as the goddess of the star Sothis (Sirius) and Isis was often depicted riding a dog, underlining Her association with the Dog Star Sirius. The star Sirius was traditionally called the "HOME OF THE SOUL OF ISIS". The familiar guide of Isis was the dog headed god Anubis. Sumerian texts make it very clear that there was an affinity between Thoth (Hermes) and the dog star Sirius as well.

What Robert Temple has to say about the sphinx counters all popular theories that the body of the sphinx is that of a lion but quite the contrary as he makes clear with simple logic: "It is often said that the Egyptian sphinx is a large statue of a lion and head of a man. I can see no reason for this. People said with as much confidence a hundred years ago that the sphinx was a large man's head sticking out of the sand. Now that it has been cleared and we can see that the head is attached to the body of an animal, everyone assumes that the body is a lions body. There is no mane. There are no prominent muscles in the chest above the front legs as are often shown in statues of lions. The tail does not have the tuft at the end which lions have, and which statues of lions also have. But most telling of all, the rear haunches do not rise up above the level of the back, bulging and prominent. The back of the sphinx's body is straight. But if you look at an Egyptian hieroglyph of the letter 'r' you see a lions crouching body in profile and realize that lions were portrayed in Egypt with huge rear haunches rising well above the line of the back. We all say the sphinx is a lion because we have been told it is a lion. We see with the eyes of the unknown and anonymous people who 'say' it is a lion. We have all accepted secondhand information without checking its validity. If the sphinx's body is not a lion's body, what kind of body is it? It looks more like a dogs body! Representatives of the god Anubis, who was portrayed as a canine."

Robert Temples studies further lead him to believe that the original head of the sphinx was not a human head as it is now but originally that of a dog. We can all observe how the existing head of the sphinx is disproportionately small. There have been many suggestions by those who have made a thorough study of the sphinx that the head at some point in time had been re-carved, perhaps as Temple suggests by a Megalomaniac Pharaoh in his own likeness. It may well have been re-carved as Temple also points out as that of Anubis. It makes perfect sense that the original sphinx was the sculpture of the Anubis dog looming large over the Egyptian civilization as a guardian sentinel. And it makes as much sense that it served as a symbol of the Black Sun representing the very cradle of life in the universe. We may come to find in the not too distant future that the Aryan Atlanteans and their cousins the Egyptians did in fact migrate to this planet in far distant times from the dog star regions of space. It is also interesting to note that all the pyramids in Egypt including the sphinx are fixed to the alignment of the Black Sun.

In National Socialist Germany there was a secret society known as the "Order of the Black Sun" who were attempting to retrieve the Holy Grail, Known to be in actuality the emerald tablets of Hermes (Thoth) which therein contain all of Aryan knowledge and origins of mankind. With access to the Grail they believed they could work at balancing the forces of Good and Evil and create a trans-dimensional consciousness. The Order of the Black Sun was actually a secret society within the Thule Society created in 1918 Thule is the name of the capitol city of Hyperborea and long thought to be the first cradle of Aryan civilization. Even the great god Apollo was known to have hailed from Hyperborea before migrating south to found his Temple at Delphi. Pythagoras was taught the sacred geometry from Apollo as legend has it. In Pythagorean teachings, the Earth itself geometrically unfolds from a void in the center, this void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as The Black Sun.


Another secret society of the Black Sun was known as the Vril Society who are of a strong belief that the Aryan Race were the actual biological descendants from the Black Sun. Foremost they conclude that there is an infinite beam of light that radiates from the Black Sun invisible to the human eye which many mystics assure is real, and is also referred to as the Godheads Inner Light. This life force known as "Vril Energy" was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of "Prima Materia" which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Force of Vril was found under many names by the ancients such as:Chi, Ojas, Vril, Astral Light, Odin or Odic forces and Orgone. The secret societies conclude that the Vril force could create super human powers, the formidable mutation in the elect of the human race, The "Superman". Anyone who has seen the NS German promotional film, "Triumph of the Will" and listened and watched Germany's Fuhrer deliver his speeches can only wonder if Adolf Hitler himself possessed the Vril Energy of which he was very well aware of. Hitler once made a comment to one of his aids and it was clear that he was not talking about his own army when he said, "I have seen the Superman and he scares me."

Albert Pike the Sovereign Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Masonry once stated: "There is in nature one most potent force, by means where a single man, who could possess himself of it and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world".

The branch of the National Socialist German army known as the "SS" were given that name traditionally referring to a special guard attachment known as the "Schutzstaffel". In actual fact, the "SS" secretly stood for "Schwarze Sonne", which in German means "Black Sun". The Black Sun symbol of the "SS" consisted of three swastikas in a wheel formation within a double circle forming twelve jagged sun rays and was the design inlaid in the floor at Wewelsburg Castle, headquarters of the "SS". The design had been derived from an ancient Aryan emblem that represented the Round Table of Arthurian legend.

Hyperborea as a word literally means:"beyond the poles". Although thought to have been at one time a Physical civilization here on earth with Thule as its capitol city, most secret societies view it as not of this dimension as the name itself implies. Thule is thought to be a gateway or portal to another world outside of our own earthly dimension.

In Pythagorean teachings the earth unfolds from a void in the center. This void has been recognized by many ancient groups, including the Sumerians, as The Black Sun. Thule in this sense is synonymous with the Black Sun. It has been handed down that the time of Hyperborea was a time when the gods walked among men. The man of Hyperborea is described in the "Book of Henoch", (chapters CVI-CVII) "His flesh was
as white as snow and red as the rose petal; and the hair on his head and scalp were white as wool; and his eyes were beautiful." In Thule, lived "the scientists, high priests and the twelve members of the Supreme Rite."

The name Arthur of the King Arthur legend is derived from Arcturus or Arktos. Arktos literally means 'bear' and because Ursa Major (the constellation of the Bear which includes the Big Dipper) is in the northern sky, it also signifies that direction. 'Bear' derives from 'Bor' (father of Wotan) which is where the words Hyperborea or borealis derive. The word Arcturus itself means "bear guard". It represents the "watch over the poles", which pertains to vigilance over the morphogenetic grid.

"The sun that we see in the sky above us is but that reflection from the waters of time. It is our beacon to aspire to. But beyond our sun, moon, or this world itself is the sun glowing ever brighter, waiting for our return. Until that moment follow the golden path through the ripples, it shall lead us home."
..........(from the book) "The Legend of Altazar"

Sunday, April 1, 2018

1 April 1955 - With your shield or on it

[caption id="attachment_5990" align="aligncenter" width="400"]29791969_531460963921202_690322684916282953_n Georgios Grivas-Digenis[/caption]

EOKA (Εθνική Οργάνωσις Κυπρίων Αγωνιστών, National Organisation of Cypriot Fighters), under the leadership of Giorgos Grivas-Digenis, began its struggle to liberate Cyprus from British colonial rule and unite the island with Greece with a series of bomb attacks targeting government installations on 1 April 1955. The text below is from the leaflet disseminated in Cypriot villages and towns by the organisation to coincide with the beginning of the campaign:

With God’s help, with faith in our righteous struggle, the support of all Hellenism, and the help of Cypriots, WE START OUR FIGHT TO RID OURSELVES OF THE BRITISH YOKE, having as our motto that which our forefathers left as a sacred heritage, ‘WITH YOUR SHIELD OR ON IT’.

[caption id="attachment_5991" align="aligncenter" width="500"]t2p289__article Georgios Grivas-Digenis with EOKA guerrilla fighters[/caption]

From the depths of the centuries, looking down at us are all those who glorified Greek history in preservation of their freedom, the soldiers of Marathon and Salamis, Leonidas’ 300 and the fighters of the Albanian epos. Looking down at us are the fighters of 1821, who taught us that freedom is only won with BLOOD. All of Hellenism is watching us, anxiously and with national pride.

Let us show with our actions that we will surpass them.

The time has come to show to the world that, even if international diplomacy is UNJUST and COWARDLY, the Cypriot soul is brave. If the conquerors do not want to grant us our freedom, we will take it ourselves with our own HANDS and BLOOD.

Let us show to the world one more time that Greeks will not tolerate slavery. The struggle will be difficult. The tyrant has the means and numbers.

We have the SOUL. We have JUSTICE on our side. That is why we will WIN.

Wherever you are, listen to our voice.



1st of April 1939: The Victory of Spain


"Behind them stand the Freemasons, the socialists, the communists, the Azañistas, the anarchists, all the Jewish leaders of the dark Marxism that has Russia for its mother and the destruction of European civilization for its motto. Spain has before and is again the theater of an epic combat between Titans and apocalyptic monsters. The programme laid out in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion are beginning to become reality."

Ramón Serrano Súñer

[caption id="attachment_5987" align="aligncenter" width="350"]b477061d0ef8d2949c58386a59b6d592 Ramón Serrano Súñer[/caption]


Soon on Barbatos Productions
