Saturday, March 31, 2018

A heroic vision of life


"(We) believe that man lives not by  bread alone; that the development and affirmation of the human personality is possible only through a heroic vision of life; that the economic factor is important but not supreme and much less the exclusive factor in true history; and that the value of a State and a people rests not on their standard of living and level of economic production, but instead on their civic and political greatness."

Junio Valerio Borghese (The Black Prince) - Introduction to the Italian edition of Julius Evola's "Men Among Ruins"

Werewolf records news for the dying winter of 2018


Hark! Achtung! Kuunnelkaa!

Werewolf records news for the dying winter of 2018 are as follows:

WERWOLF "Devil Crisis" recording is complete, cover artwork has been completed, and we are still laying down some finishing touches for the mastering, and then will proceed to final graphic design and eventually the layout and release on vinyl/compact disk/c-cassette.

VARGRAV "Netherstorm" vinyl 2nd pressing will be available shortly. Purple vinyl will be widely available again.

MORGAL's self-titled 12" / mini-cd is ready for press, but due to the usual delays with pressing plants, it might still take a while. The same applies to WERWOLF / DRUADAN FOREST split LP, test presses of the LP should be here soon.

MORKETIDA lp/cd and HUNOK lp should be ready soon.

Also with the current co-operation with Hells Headbangers going really well, we will slowly start running the Finnish supreme throne Werewolf headquarters more actively for the conveniency of European customers with exclusive material available only from the supreme Satanic Metal Citadel in the Carelian battlegrounds. More details later.

Other projects still in the works are:

KYPRIAN'S CIRCLE "Noitatulen Vartija" reissue on vinyl and compact disk.

SATANIC WARMASTER "Opferblut" and "Carelian Satanist Madness" (now and for all time on Werewolf Records), as well as the "Reveleation... Of the Night" CD that compiles both EPs onto one compact disk.

LAMENTATION triple LP with all their recordings.

Mexican cults of HABORYM "The Sun Has Fallen" and AVZHIA "Dark Emperors" on vinyl.

AZAZEL albums on vinyl.

Demo compilation of RUTTOKOSMOS from Finland.

DRUADAN FOREST's first part of the "Dismal Spells" saga.

New FÖRGJORD album.

GOATMOON "Voitto Tai Valhalla" LP.

...and many more.

End of transmission.



Academy of Athens

"AESTHETICSAccording to its Greek etymology, ‘that which evokes a strong sensation’. Aesthetics is linked to notions of beauty, harmony, achievement of form.

Contemporary egalitarian ideology abhors and implicitly demonises aesthetics. It associates (rightly) the will to power with discipline, which it considers morally unacceptable, 'fascist’ in effect. This ideology opposes aesthetics to 'ethics’ and situates itself in ethics’ iconoclastic tradition.

With the plastic arts, architecture, cinema, literature, theatre, even fashion, the ugly, the unachieved, the unformed, the most far-fetched nonsense, the shady and the watered down are now preferred to the aesthetic, which is made synonymous with a menacing 'order’.

Since the mid-Twentieth century, contemporary arts, encouraged by the dominant ideology, have rejected any notion of aesthetics. Instead of harmony, the power of forms, the exaltation and elevation of sensation and beauty – notions of abstract 'conceptual art’ are preferred, which becomes a pretext for degeneracy, wilful ugliness, and subsidised incompetence. Abstraction accordingly reigns, just as a jargonising meaninglessness and obscurity enthrals the intellectuals. The genuine aesthete, the authentic artist, is ostracised or marginalised — as if he were politically incorrect. Hence, the paradox of a society that strives to be 'moral’ and humanistic, but ends up privileging barbarism, the inversion of values, and new forms of primitivism.

We’re witnessing the simultaneous cohabitation of (1) abstruse 'contemporary’ art subsidised by the system, (2) a cult which turns the 'past’ into museum pieces, and (3) a commercial and consumerist subculture. Contemporary art has become the very opposite of avant-garde art. Its sad impostures haven’t budged for a century. It combines a dull academism, imposture, an absence of talent, and financial speculation. Instead of aesthetics, the system prefers pessimistic or suicidal values of representation, those that come from chaos and deformity, nonsense, pathological abstraction, regression, infantilism, scatology, a psychotic pornography: the exaltation of primitive forms (what the visionary Céline called 'the tom-tom cult’ or what Chirac calls 'primitive art’). Accompanying this wretchedness, this impotence of old men, there’s the vulgar, artificial boom of costume-culture, which is to culture what costume jewellery is to jewellery.

The rejection of aesthetics is crucial to the dominant ideology. For aesthetics, at root, is aristocratic, opposed to massification and fake elites."

Guillaume Faye, Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Haunting of Count Banffy


Banffy Castle is considered to be the most haunted place in Romania. It is the largest castle in Transylvania, one of the major Baroque attractions of Romania. Banffy Castle in Bontida, also known as the Versailles of Transylvania or Electric Castle has a background history going back seven centuries and is attested from the early fourteenth century. The great architectural monument is situated in Bontida village, less than 30 kilometers from the city Cluj-Napoca, on the road leading to Baia Mare. The castle is on of the scariest in the world, next to Bodelwyddan Castle (Wales), Predjama (Slovenia), Flossenburg (Germany) or Miranda (Belgium), according to Adevarul.


Between 1437 and 1543, the Banffy family built the castle near Somesul Mic River, a castle with four towers, where its members lived until 1944, when they were evacuated by the Germans, who wanted to turn the castle into a military hospital. The palace operated as a military hospital until after the war. The castle and its grounds are said to be haunted by the restless spirits of those who died there while it functioned as a hospital. Nazi ghostly silhouettes have also been seen wandering around the place.

Between 1740 and 1750 by an order of Denes Banffy the castle has changed, being rebuilt in Baroque style adding a gallery of statues, mandatory for an aristocratic residence at the time. Among the new buildings are numbered in the manege, some stables and dwellings for servants.


A number of legends appeared over the time, some saying the castle is haunted by ghosts. They say all started with a young girl who lived in the castle and got together secretly with someone outside the palace. Because the stableman saw her sneaking out the castle, the young girl plotted the killing. She seduced him and stabbed him with a knife. No one can know for sure if this ever happened, but a team of specialists in detecting ghosts came to the castle. They also found secret passages.

When they were ten years old, two local girls came across a secret underground tunnel. One end of the tunnel was at the castle, while the other was at the Greek-Roman Church, and the place was provided with some sort of transportation. Children played in the tunnel until locals decided to have it blocked. Children once encountered many bats flying in the tunnel, although there had never been any other bats in the area.

In 1990 the castle was declared a historical monument, and in 1999 the revamping began with the support of several institutions, Romanian and foreign organizations, under the patronage of Prince Charles of Wales, who visited the castle several times. For the past 13 years of renovation, the expenses exceeded EUR 3 million and only a small part of the castle was brought to light, namely the kitchen’s building, turned into a coffee house, some of the accommodation places and the stables.


Info taken from:


[gallery ids="5952,5953,5954,5955,5956,5957,5958,5960,5961,5962,5963,5964,5951" type="slideshow"]

Note: All pictures are taken by me, March 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Altar of Perversion - Intra Naos

The second song from the 'Intra Naos' 3LP or 2CD set by Italy's ALTAR OF PERVERSION.

Herein are 6 songs of profound introspection and honesty, unbridled by norms or trends, adhering to tenents of belief that should resonate with the seeker, the curious, the outsider. ALTAR OF PERVERSION emerges from the void after twelve years of searching, reflecting, shattering the known and invoking the unattainable in the quest for the numinous. Rather than scratching the surface, these songs reveal what lies beneath the surface and unravel the illustrious blackness within. This is the vision of Pan-European Satanism. This is timeless Black Metal as it was understood from it’s nascent core.

A co-release between The Ajna Offensive and Norma Evangelium Diaboli

Release date:14 April 2018


ALTAR OF PERVERSION interview in Bardo Methodology

Attuned to the heavenly spheres and infused with the sinister – after thirteen years in the making, Italian black metal duo Altar of Perversion have invoked “Intra Naos”. Founding member Calus discusses the Numinous Way of art as well as life.

[caption id="attachment_5943" align="alignnone" width="577"]22370_artist Calus[/caption]

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Jonathan Bowden: Never Apologise

The impacts of a decadent civilization

[caption id="attachment_5936" align="alignnone" width="900"]romans-during-the-decadence-thomas-couture Thomas Couture, Romans of the Decadence, 1847 (Musée d'Orsay, Paris)[/caption]

“Anthropologists have often described what happens to a primitive society when it’s spiritual values are exposed to the impact of modern civilization. Its people lose the meaning of their lives, their social organization disintegrates, and they themselves morally decay. We are now in the same condition.“

Carl Gustav Jung

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Prepare for War


“Dear predatory birds, prepare for war, prepare your children and all that you can reach, for how can a nation or a kindred without war become that ‘bright particular star’ of Shakespeare, that lit the roads in boyhood? Test art, morality, custom, thought, by Thermopylae; make rich and poor act so to one another that they can stand together there. Love war because of its horror, that belief may be changed, civilisation renewed. We desire belief and lack it. Belief comes from shock and is not desired. Belief is renewed continually in the ordeal of death.”

- W.B. Yeats, “A Vision”.

The Awakening of Wotan - Wolf Age

A Messianic Sect of Judaism


Reminder that in the early days of the Church, Christians were known as Nazarenes, and Nazarenes were literally just a Messianic Sect of Judaism, alongside Mainstream Judaism, no different than how Sunnis exist alongside Shiites under the Islamic Umbrella today.

Reminder that after Emperor Hadrian built his Temple to Jupiter in Jerusalem 117 A.D (following the destruction of the second temple 70 A.D) that mainstream Judaism started looking for their own Messiah to save them from Rome.

Reminder that in 132 A.D (((Simon Bar Kochba))) was endorsed by (((Rabbi Akiba))) to be this Messiah, and he led a Jewish revolt against Rome. (Bar Kokhba" meaning "Son of the Star" in Aramaic, from the Star Prophecy verse from Numbers 24:17: "There shall come a star out of Jacob".) (Of which the Nazarenes refused join because they would not recognize anyone but Christ as the Messiah, thus leading to the Jewish-Christian hard split into two separate faiths.

Reminder that due to (((Saint Paul))) preaching to Gentiles, that the Nazarene Sect soon became flooded with (the lowest kind of) Gentiles. Rome at the time was full of Non-Aryan slaves and full of disdainful peasants, who resented the strong, the noble, and the victorious above them; leading to attraction to the egalitarian Christian Transvaluation of Morals, which demonized the Masters and glorified the Meek, Poor, and Oppressed. This resentment was so strong that they abandoned the Ancient Religion of their Forefathers for a fucking Jewish Cult.

Reminder that Rome persecuted the Nazarene Jews and converts with disgust due to their unwillingness to submit to the Imperial Cult (thus the Emperor/The Empire), otherwise they'd be free to worship freely. The Nazarenes went as far as to reject their own families, their new brothers and sisters were now in Christ not in blood.

Reminder that Constantine saw a political opportunity to subvert the rising spiritual revolt by adopting it.

Reminder that the Roman Elite then began to fuse Jewish Theology with Greek Philosophy (Reason) and Roman Institution (Hierarchical Church Structure) because Pure Christianity was unpalatable for Gentiles.

Reminder that Saint Augustine (A Berber from North Africa and an Early Church Father) said this:

"The true image of the Hebrew is Judas Iscariot, who sells the Lord for silver. The Jew can never understand the Scriptures and forever will bear the guilt for the death of Jesus."

Reminder that this is essentially using the lens of Christianity to show a religious explanation of an ethnic problem. In other words, he has a confused understanding of the Jewish Question. (As do all Christians, who see a converted Jew or Negro as a "Brother" and non-Christian Aryans as Pagans/Infidels)

Reminder that this debate about the Messiah is the original focal point of hatred between Jews and Christians (denominatal debate on doctrine), it was never a true understanding of the Jewish Question.

>inb4: "Rejecting Christianity is the most Jewish thing you can do"

-"Rejecting Shia Islam is the most Sunni thing you can do"

Reminder that the Conservative Rural Folk were flabbergasted at this, and actively resisted conversion.

Reminder that the Christians deemed these people "Pagan", which roughly translates to "Unlearned person from outside of the City/of the Countryside".

Reminder that 15 years after Theodosius enacted laws aimed at completely purging the Empire of Paganism the Germanic Pagan Visigoths sacked Rome. (Theodosius extinguished the Eternal Flame in the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum, banned conversion of Christians to Paganism, banned worship of Pagan Gods (punishment varied on death, loss of property, and heafty fine in gold, ex 25 pounds of gold for sacrificing at a shrine), destroyed Temples, Altars, and Statues to include allowing Christian mobs to destroy the Serapeum of Alexandria (which had the last remaining texts of the old Library of Alexandria), refused to restore the Altar of Victory in the Senate, disbanded the College of the Vestal Virgins, ended the Olympic Games, various massacres etc).

Reminder that after the Sacking, many Romans (converted by the State, not out of genuine belief) thought that the abandonment of their Ancient Gods was the cause of the chaos.

Reminder that Saint Augustine then (again, a Berber) literally had to write a book called "The City of God: Against the Pagans", in which he blamed the unrecognized 'Original Sin' of the Pagans for the chaos that Christianity had brought to the Empire. It was the Pagans fault. The only way forward was total submission to the Church.

Reminder that this universalizing monotheism created the Faustian Soul in Europe.

Reminder that whereas the ethnic Romans and Persians survived the collapse of the Roman and Persian empires, Faustian man’s dying civilization threatens to physically eliminate him, while also spreading the contagion of Faustian liberalism to non-Western cultures. The Faustian tendency to break down barriers has transmogrified into the toxic global homogenization of cultures and peoples in the waning stages of Western civilization, that enables foreign and internal threats to multiply.

Reminder that the fruits of the Faustian mind — rationalism, universalism, liberalism, industrialism, and globalization — threaten identity and heritage on a global scale.

Reminder that the Faustian mindset, and thus Christianity, must be discarded if Europeans and their descendants ever hope to create another great civilization in the ruins of this one.

Reminder that:

≈26% of the Global Christian Population lives in Africa.

≈25% of the Global Christian Population lives in Latin America/The Caribbean

≈24% of the Global Christian Population lives in Europe

≈13% of the Global Christian Population lives in Asia/Pacific Islands

≈12% of the Global Christian Population lives in North America

>1% of the Global Christian Population lives in the Middle East/North Africa

Reminder that by 2060

≈ 42% of the Global Christian Population will live in Africa

≈22% of the Global Christian Population will live in Latin America/The Caribbean

≈14% of the Global Christian Population will live in Europe

≈ 13% of the Global Christian Population will live in Asia/Pacific Islands

≈9% of the Global Christian Population will live in North America

>1% of the Global Christian Population will live in the Middle East/North Africa

Reminder that "Europe is the Church and the Church is Europe" is a heaping pile of bullshit.

Reminder that Christendom has only ever cared about 'The Church'. And as the European people drift further away from the Church (due to it's own failing and incompatiblity with the European People), the Church will import non-Europeans to help fill their pews.

Reminder that the Church has always allowed inter-racial marriage between Jews and Europeans, and even between Europeans and Indians in Latin America, creating the Mestizo Menace.

Reminder that Charles Martel stopped pursuing the Muslims after Tours in order to go kill European Pagans in the North.

Reminder that the Middle East and North Africa used to be White but the Church lost the entire region to goat herders from Saudi.

Reminder that Christians allowed Jews to live among us and to infiltrate our institutions and governments.

Reminder that the Christians literally waged entire Crusades against your Pagan ancestors (instead of liberating Spain from Moors).

Reminder that the best of Christianity (Holy Roman Empire Ghibbilinism), beautiful Churches, great Music, Knightly Orders, Chivalry, etc are all directly descended from the pre-existing European Culture and has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity other than superficially. (They are like clothes which the Christian body was wearing)

Reminder that Europe has engaged in disgusting fratricidal wars over FUCKING DENOMINATIONS, causing millions of Europeans their lives. *rubs hands*

Reminder that the Church hated National Socialism, and only used Mussolini and Franco to re-secure its own power over the European People. As soon as racial nationalism began emerging, the Church protested.

Reminder that Christian Dualism sees the Earth as perverse and subject to our command, which has led to our blindness to sacredness, and our abuse of the Earth.

Reminder that Secular Christian Ethics are equal to Liberalism and Marxism.

Reminder that Christianity is now all but dead in Europe (though what remains is virulently anti-Europe) and has left the European people void of its own Authentic Religions to fall back to.

Reminder that today: Saint Patrick's Day, is just a day to remember the Irish Pagans being forcibly converted to Christianity. The "Snakes"...that Saint Patrick banished...yea, that means to kill or convert the 'Druids'.

Why are you loyal to these traitors and semitic conquerors?

Why do you grovel before their Altars, which they built on the ashes of our Sacred sites?

Are you so easily fooled by the European clothing that you cannot see the Foreign body underneath?

It is our ancestral duty to Cast these Semitic Vipers from our European Temple and reclaim our Aryan Identity.


"What we strive to restore and re-animate will never come from the promises of the middle class politicians, but will come instead from the spirit of the last Delphic prophecy, which foresaw that, ‘One day Apollo will return and it will be forever’." -

Guillaume Faye



"Mankind is aweary, aweary of its sham prophets, its demagogues and its statesmen. It crieth out for kings and heroes.

It demands a nobility — a nobility that cannot be hired with money, like slaves or beasts of burden.

The world awaits the coming of mighty men of valor, great destroyers; destroyers of all that is vile, angels of death.

We are sick unto nausea of the “good Lord Jesus,” terror-stricken under the executive of priest, mob and proconsul.

We are tired to death of “Equality.”

Gods are at a discount, devils are in demand.

He who would rule the coming age must be hard, cruel, and deliberately intrepid, for softness assails not successfully the idols of the multitude.

Those idols must be smashed into fragments, burnt into ashes, and that cannot be done by the gospel of love."

Ragnar Redbeard



"We call for a decisive, unconditional, integral return to the Nordic pagan tradition.

We are finished with every compromise, with every weakness, and with every indulgence toward everything that, derived from its Semitic-Christian root, has infected our blood and our mind.

Without the return to such a tradition there is no liberation, there is no true restoration, and the conversion to the true values of spirit, power, hierarchy, and Empire is not possible.

This is a truth which allows no doubt."

Julius Evola



"God was not assassinated by surprise. He deliberately put himself in a position to be killed.

Christianity is by itself, his own failing; far from being the antithesis of nihilism, nihilism is, on the contrary, it's logical end result.

The death of God, as Nietzsche has shown perfectly, is the inevitable consequence of the 'death of the real' for which Judeo-Christian discourse is responsible.

Nihilism results from the gradual unveiling of a doctrine that places the center of life's gravity outside of 'real' life, and which is gradually and precisely unmasked as such.

"If one shifts the center of gravity of life into the 'Beyond' - into nothingness - one has deprived life as such of its center of gravity".

Just as the logical analysis of language, pushed to the final extreme, leads to the abandonment of all forms of language, so too "the belief", as said by Nietzsche again, "in the categories of reason is the cause of nihilism".

This is a two step process.

In the first, Judeo-Christian monotheism undertakes to "demythologize" and desacralize the world; and in second, by virtue of this very undertaking, it becomes the victim of the very desacralization process it unleashed.

A world from which the notion of the sacred has been voided can no longer be the support of any kind of faith.

The collapse of Christianity as a collective, real-life faith is an auto-collapse made inevitable by a reversal of values that today appears fully out in the open.

The history of metaphysics is only the history of the slow unmasking of a Christian asperation to nothingness."

Alain de Benoist



"When, for instance, the belief in the God Wotan vanished and nobody thought of him anymore, the phenomenon originally called Wotan remained; nothing changed but its name, as National Socialism has demonstrated on a grand scale.

A collective movement consists of millions of individuals, each of whom shows the symptoms of Wotanism and proves thereby that Wotan in reality never died, but has retained his original vitality and autonomy.

Our consciousness only imagines that it has lost its Gods; in reality they are still there and it only needs a certain general condition in order to bring them back in full force."

Carl Jung in a letter to Miguel Serrano

Elders of the Black Sun 3

The Strength of National Art

[caption id="attachment_5919" align="aligncenter" width="800"]William Strickland (1788-1854). William Strickland (1788-1854)[/caption]

"Now, however checked by lightness of temperament, the instinctive love of landscape in us has this deep root, which, in your minds, I will pray you to disencumber from whatever may oppress or mortify it, and to strive to feel with all the strength of your youth that a nation is only worthy of the soil and the scenes that it has inherited, when, by all its acts and arts, it is making them more lovely for its children."

John Ruskin - Lectures on Art 1870

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Purity of Blood


"A people will never die, if it remains eternally composed of the same national elements. If the empire of Darius had, at the battle of Arbela, been able to fill its ranks with Persians, that is to say with real Aryans; if the Romans of the later Empire had had a Senate and an army of the same stock as that which existed at the time of the Fabii, their dominion would never have come to an end. So long as they kept the same purity of blood, the Persians and Romans would have lived and reigned.

In the long run, it might be said, a conqueror, more irresistible than they, would have appeared on the scene; and they would have fallen under a well-directed attack, or a long siege, or simply by the fortune of a single battle. Yes, a State might be overthrown in this way, but not a civilization or a social organism. Invasion and defeat are but the dark clouds that for a time blot out the day, and then pass over.

... The hazard of war cannot destroy the life of a people. At most, it suspends its animation for a time, and in some ways shears it of its outward pomp. So long as the blood and institutions of a nation keep to a sufficient degree the impress of the original race, that nation exists."

- Arthur de Gobineau. An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1854)

The end of Kali Yuga through fire and bloodshed

The flames of Divine Purification are drawing near! Der Stürmer and Nordwind fight side by side Under the Wolf's Hook for the coming of Divinity of Destruction!


Out soon by Darker than Black.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018



"On one occasion, Himmler recited to other people the following passage from the Gita, in which Krishna says to Arjuna: Every time when man forgets the sense of justice and truth, and when injustice reigns in the world I become born anew, that is the law.
Having read these words, Himmler added: This passage is directly related to our Führer. He did arise during the time when the Germans were in the deepest distress and when they did not see any way out. He belongs to these great figures of light (Lichtgestalt). One of the greatest figures of light reincarnated himself in our Führer."

Heinrich Himmler: The Nazi Hindu


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Vapaudenristi - Ilta Ulkona

War is Life and Life is War


"Life is the result of war, and society is the instrument of war. To refuse war means to refuse an epic life."

Baron Ungern-Sternberg 

Worship our Soil


"Our soul must return and rest in the sense and worship of our soil"

Aggelos Sikelianos 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Folkish Honour


“The intangible idea of folkish honour has its roots in the strongest grounds of all, in the most material of all reality; in the farmland of a nation.” – Alfred Rosenberg

Friday, March 9, 2018

With Oak, Ash, and Thorn


'Of theirs which yet remain,
Were footed in Queen Mary’s days
On many a grassy plain.
But since of late Elizabeth,
And later James came in,
Are never seen on any heath
As when the time hath been.'

‘It’s some time since I heard that sung, but there’s no good beating about the bush: it’s true. The People of the Hills have all left. I saw them come into Old England and I saw them go. Giants, trolls, kelpies, brownies, goblins, imps; wood, tree, mound, and water spirits; heath-people, hill-watchers, treasure-guards, good people, little people, pishogues, leprechauns, night-riders, pixies, nixies, gnomes and the rest—gone, all gone! I came into England with Oak, Ash, and Thorn, and when Oak, Ash, and Thorn are gone I shall go too.’

  • Rudyard Kipling, Weland's Sword - Puck of Pook’s Hill (1906)

Puck explains that apart from himself ("I came into England with Oak, Ash, and Thorn, and when Oak, Ash, and Thorn are gone I shall go too") all the magical people of myth and legend have left England.

[caption id="attachment_5896" align="aligncenter" width="650"]004 'Britain's Oldest Oak Tree'. Late 19th century image of the Bowthorpe Oak.[/caption]


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Where the old Gods never left

[caption id="attachment_5892" align="aligncenter" width="400"]SAM_4790 Varimpompi January 2014[/caption]

"I tell you, there are places where the old Gods never left, perhaps not of any apparent special quality to most people, too concerned as they are with all their petty daily troubles. But all the same, when I am there I can feel the presence of the Earth in all her great mystery, and everything beyond! They can be fearful spots to wander into unprepared. Terrifying even. At such times I couldn't care a jot if all of Man's so-called accomplishments were burnt to cinders..."

From the writings of ALGERNON BLACKWOOD.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Die proudly, if it is no longer possible to live proudly

[caption id="attachment_5885" align="aligncenter" width="400"]roman_gaul_suicide The Ludovisi Gaul Killing Himself and His Wife[/caption]

"The great ethical imperative of this age is individual-truth-to-self, both for the civilization and its leading persons. To this imperative, an unfortunate situation could never bring oneself to the demands of the outsider, merely to live in slavish peace. One asserts himself, determined on personal victory, against whatever odds exist. The promise of success is with the man who is determined to die proudly, if it is no longer possible to live proudly."

Francis Parker Yockey

They rule their way like Mighty Conquerors

AC 2

"Only those who fear shall fail. Those who have bent their backs to the yoke of slavery until they can no longer stand upright; them will I despise. But you who have defied the law; you who have conquered by subtlety or force; you will I take unto me, even I will take you unto me…  Only if ye are sorrowful, or weary, or angry, or discomforted; then ye may know that ye have lost the golden thread, the thread wherewith I guide you to the heart of the groves of Eleusis. My disciples are proud and beautiful; they are strong and swift; they rule their way like mighty conquerors. The weak, the timid, the imperfect, the cowardly, the poor, the tearful — these are mine enemies, and I am come to destroy them. This also is compassion: an end to the sickness of earth. A rooting-out of the weeds: a watering of the flowers."

Aleister Crowley - Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus sub figura XC

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Long live the Emperor!


“Japanese people today think of money, just money: Where is our national spirit today? The Jieitai must be the soul of Japan. … The nation has no spiritual foundation. That is why you don’t agree with me. You will just be American mercenaries. There you are in your tiny world. You do nothing for Japan. … I salute the Emperor. Long live the emperor!”

Yukio Mishima

We do not believe that progress and growth are inevitable


A letter from Theodore Kaczynski to one of his victims, Yale computer science professor David Gelernter.

Dr. Gelernter:

People with advanced degrees aren’t as smart as they think they are. If you’d had any brains you would have realized that there are a lot of people out there who resent bitterly the way techno-nerds like you are changing the world and you wouldn’t have been dumb enough to open an unexpected package from an unknown source.

In the epilog of your book, “Mirror Worlds,” you tried to justify your research by claiming that the developments you describe are inevitable, and that any college person can learn enough about computers to compete in a computer-dominated world. Apparently, people without a college degree don’t count. In any case, being informed about computers won’t enable anyone to prevent invasion of privacy (through computers), genetic engineering (to which computers make an important contribution), environmental degradation through excessive economic growth (computers make an important contribution to economic growth) and so forth.

As for the inevitability argument, if the developments you describe are inevitable, they are not inevitable in the way that old age and bad weather are inevitable. They are inevitable only because techno-nerds like you make them inevitable. If there were no computer scientists there would be no progress in computer science. If you claim you are justified in pursuing your research because the developments involved are inevitable, then you may as well say that theft is inevitable, therefore we shouldn’t blame thieves.

But we do not believe that progress and growth are inevitable.

We’ll have more to say about that later.


P.S. Warren Hoge of the New York Times can confirm that this letter does come from FC.

Through old gardens and enchanted woods

[caption id="attachment_5870" align="aligncenter" width="3984"]SAM_6324 Cluj Napoca December 2014[/caption]

"In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly sought in life, and wandered through old gardens and enchanted woods."

H. P. Lovecraft

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Mikis Mantakas - Presente!


Mikis Mantakas was born in Athens and was son of Major Nikos Mantakas. When he was 18, he traveled to the sociopolitically troubled Italy, to study Medicine. During the 70's Italy saw many troubles. Violent confrontations in the Universities by rival political organizations, demonstrations were a daily phenomenon, strikes are all over the country, the government was useless and couldn't react, corruptions spread throughout the State mechanism, the Mafia is introduced in every economical activity, the Communist Party of Italy, leaded by Enrico Berlinguer reaches 35% and claims power, making Italy the first communist state of the West through elections. The only power resisting is the MSI (Italian Social Movement) in the Parliament, and its Youth on the universities.

In Apri 16, 1974 leftists and anarchists firebomb the house of the Secretary of the MSI, burning alive his two children, the 23 year old Stefano and 8 year old Virgilio. They are arrested and when the trial begins, the police surrounds the building and the communists are organized in strike teams. The leftist press with "Unita" and "Autonomia Operaia" organize demonstrations and demand the release of the murderers with the slogan "Lollo libero" (Lollo was the nickname of the perpetrator). Street brawls lasted many days, and on the 4th day of the trial, the MSI organizes a demonstration against the government's tolerance for the episodes. The leftists consider this a major provocation, and fights ensue. Shots are fired, outside the court a citizen and a journalist get injured by a bullet and a brick respectively. That day, Mikis Mantakas was inside the courtroom watching the trial with other members of the Social Movement. The trial stops at noon, and the nationalists are organized in order to return to their Party offices. Leftists reach the offices and try to invade them. The corridor behind the entrance catches fire from petrol bombs, so the comrades try to escape from a side exit. Once the anarchists spot them, they begin shooting them.

[caption id="attachment_5861" align="alignnone" width="682"]tumblr_m04hdwEsJj1r0t4kso1_1280 The blood that was shed will not be forgotten[/caption]

One of the bullets hits Mikis on the head. He isn't dead, but unconscious - they transport him again inside the offices and wait for backup. The Police, of course, does nothing. Mikis leaves his last breath while on surgery. He is dead and his murderer is Alavaro Lojacono, member of the Communists, and he is condemned for his crime to jail for 16 years.

So, Mikis Mantakas was killed in cold blood in Rome, on 9 Ottaviano street, while protesting against the leftists that burned alive the two children of the Italian nationalist politician few days ago. Those were Lollo, Clavo and Grillo. Lollo, after serving part of his sentence he fled to Brazil, Grillo went to Nicaragua and Marino Clavo is hiding...

Every year, Italians that do not want to forget the crimes, gather every 28 of February on the "Mikis Mantakas Square" and in absolute silence, they say his name. And we can hear from everyone a marvelous, proud scream:


[caption id="attachment_5862" align="aligncenter" width="446"]mant4 Mikis Mantakas - Martyr of European Civilization[/caption]